DynaPDF Manual - Page 166
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Function Reference
Page 166 of 860
SI32 pdfAddOutputIntent(
const PPDF* IPDF,
// Instance pointer
const char* ICCFile) // File path of the ICC profile
An Output Intent represents the destination color space for which a PDF file was created. Different
profiles for DeviceGray, DeviceRGB and DeviceCMYK can be attached but this is not recommendet.
Certain PDF standards like PDF/A or PDF/X prohibit the usage of multiple profiles since only one
destination color space can exist. So, although PDF supports multiple profiles, please attach only
one profile.
Depending on the application for which a PDF file was created the attached ICC profile is mostly a
RGB or CMYK profile. RGB refers mainly to PDF files created for the web and CMYK profiles for
BTW - You find a very detailed description about color management in PDF on our website...
ICC profiles are available for different input color spaces and for different output devices classes.
PDF viewer applications support the device classes mntr, prtr, scnr, and spac.
The input color space can be DeviceGray, DeviceRGB, DeviceCMYK, or Lab. Other input color
spaces are not supported. An ICC color profile is always required to create PDF/X compatible PDF
files. PDF/A-1 compatible files must contain a rendering intent too if the document uses device
dependent color spaces (DeviceGray, DeviceRGB, or DeviceCMYK).
ICC profiles are available in different versions. Which profile versions are allowed to use depends
on the output PDF version:
PDF Version
ICC Specification Version
ICC Profile Version Number
PDF 1.3
3.3 or earlier
PDF 1.4
ICC.1:1998-09 and its addendum
PDF 1.5
PDF 1.6
PDF 1.7
Please note that neither PDF/A-1 nor PDF/X-1 and PDF/X-3 support ICC profile major versions
higher than 2. The function checks the profile version only if the output version was set to a PDF/A
or PDF/X compatible version.
The function scans the document always for a suitable profile which is maybe already available in
an ICC-based color space. If a suitable profile can be found the function uses the already existing
one so that a profile must not be embedded twice.
Previous topic: AddObjectToLayer, AddOCGToAppEvent
Next topic: AddOutputIntentEx, AddPageLabel