DynaPDF Manual - Page 54

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Content parsing & editing
Page 54 of 860
LBOOL psrDeleteOperator(
const IPSR* Ctx, // Parser instance pointer
UI32 Index)
// Operator index
The function deletes an operator from the array of operators returned by ParsePage().
Please note that there is no error checking. Deleting operators can lead to errors, e.g. an operator
like BeginText has the counterpart EndText, as well as additional operators inside this block
which might not be allowed to occur standalone.
Return values:
If the function succeeds the return value is 1. If the function fails the return value is 0.
LBOOL psrDeleteOperatorInObject(
const IPSR* Ctx, // Parser instance pointer
IPDFObj* ObjPtr, // Object pointer
UI32 Index)
// Operator index
The function deletes an operator of an object that has its own content stream like templates,
transparency groups, or patterns. The object pointer is provided in the structure of the
corresponding operator (see TDrawTemplateOP, TDrawGroupOP, or TSetPatternOP). This is
the member Template or Pattern of these structures.
For all other operators use DeleteOperator() instead.
Please note that there is no error checking. Deleting operators can lead to errors, e.g. an operator
like BeginText has the counterpart EndText, as well as additional operators inside this block
which might not be allowed to occur standalone.
Return values:
If the function succeeds the return value is 1. If the function fails the return value is 0.
void psrDeleteParserContext(
IPSR** Ctx) // Parser instance pointer
The function deletes a parser context that was created by CreateParserContext() and sets the
variable Ctx to NULL. If the parameter Ctx is NULL, the function returns immediately without

Previous topic: ClearSelection, CreateParserContext

Next topic: DeleteText, ExtractText