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Function Reference
Page 818 of 860
Default value = 0x00FFFFFF (RGB White)
void pdfSetTrapped(
const PPDF* IPDF, // Instance pointer
LBOOL Value)
// True or false
The function sets the trapped key of the document. Trapping is a technique to avoid unwanted
visual artifacts such as brightly colored gaps or bands around the edges of printed objects. In high-
quality reproduction of color documents, such artifacts are commonly avoided by creating an
overlap, called a trap, between areas of adjacent color.
The trapped key determines whether the document was trapped. The default value is unknown that
means no value is written to the file. The trapped key should be set if possible.
LBOOL pdfSetUseExactPwd(
const PPDF* IPDF, // Instance pointer
LBOOL Value)
// True or false
If the property UseExactPwd is false, an encrypted PDF file can always be decrypted, if either the
open or owner password in the file is an empty string. If true, the open or owner password must be
known to open the PDF file.
Default value = 1 (true)
If your application should allow the modification of encrypted PDF files, you may check the access
permissions to grant user rights, if the file was opened with the open password instead of the owner
password (see also GetUserRights()).
Due to the license agreement of Adobe, all manufacturers of applications which make the treatment
of encrypted PDF files possible, must respect the access permissions of a PDF file, if the file was
opened with the open password.
Only if the file was opened with the owner password, all rights should be granted. See PDF
Reference 1.5 for further information. This document is available at www.adobe.com.
The property UseExactPwd should be true, if the application is a commercial product.
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Next topic: SetUseGlobalImpFiles