DynaPDF Manual - Page 33
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Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0
The usage of DynaPDF with Visual Basic is essentially the same as with C or C++ except that the
exported DLL functions are encapsulated in the wrapper class CPDF to make the usage easier.
The instance pointer IPDF which is used by every DynaPDF function is hidden for the user in
Visual Basic. The instance pointer is controlled by the wrapper class so that you don't need to
create PDF instances manually.
To use DynaPDF with Visual Basic proceed as follows:
• Add the file /include/Visual_Basic/DynapPDFInt.bas to your project (menu Project/Add
• Add the file /include/Visual_Basic/DynapPDFInt2.bas to your project (menu
Project/Add Module/Existing…).
• Add the file /include/Visual_Basic/CPDF.cls to your project (menu Project/Add Class
• Add the file /include/Visual_Basic/IPDFCallback.cls to your project (menu Project/Add
Class Module/Existing…).
• If you want to use the table class then add also the file
/include/Visual_Basic/CPDFTable.cls to your project (menu Project/Add Class
• Finally, make sure that the dynapdf.dll can be found by Visual Basic in debug mode; just
copy the DLL into Windows/System32 or into Windows/SysWow64 on a 64 bit system,
Note that Visual Basic supports the 32 bit dynapdf.dll only. If you work on a 64 bit OS then
copy the library into Windows/SysWow64. Yes, this is the right folder for 32 bit DLLs!
All DynaPDF functions are encapsulated in the wrapper class CPDF. This class makes sure that
the library can be used without limitations and programming is more comfortable since you can
work with a native VB class. You don't need to consider specific return values of the DLL, the
class converts special data types automatically to VB data types.
Exception handling in Visual Basic
The standard exception handling of DynaPDF uses a callback function to pass error messages
and warnings to the client application. However, in Visual Basic we use events instead. The
usage of events is quite easy and frees you from dealing with DynaPDF API function calls.
To enable the event support of the wrapper class CPDF declare a local instance variable as
Option Explicit
Previous topic: Microsoft Visual C++
Next topic: The DoEvents problem