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Function Reference
Page 649 of 860
SI32 pdfPolyLineAnnot(
const PPDF* IPDF,
// Instance pointer
struct TFltPoint* Vertices, // At least two vertices must be provided
UI32 NumVertices,
// Number of vertices in the array
double LineWidth,
// Line width
TLineEndStyle Start,
// Line end style of the start point
TLineEndStyle End,
// Line end style of the end point
UI32 FillColor,
// Fill color or NO_COLOR = transparent
UI32 StrokeColor,
// Stroke color or NO_COLOR = transparent
TPDFColorSpace CS,
// Color space of the color values
const char* Author,
// Optional author
const char* Subject,
// Optional subject
const char* Content)
// Optional content or comment
typedef enum
The function creates a PolyLine Annotation. The vertices are connected by straight lines. At least
two vertices must be provided.
The coordinates of the vertices are interpreted in current user space. Any transformation that was
applied on the coordinate system will be taken into account.
The parameter FillColor is only used if the line end style of the start or end point has an interior that
can be filled. The special constant NO_COLOR represents a transparent interior.
The stroke color is required and must not be set to NO_COLOR.
This annotation type has an associated PopUp annotation that displays the string Content in a
floating window. The initial window state of the associated PopUp annotation is closed by default
but the state can be changed with SetAnnotOpenState() if necessary.
The parameter LineWidth must be in the range 0 through 12 units. Values outside the valid range
will be adjusted to the nearest allowed value. A zero line width produces a 1 pixel wide line.
The line end styles can be changed if necessary with SetAnnotLineEndStyle().
This function is implemented in an Ansi and Unicode compatible version.
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