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Function Reference
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or page break occurs before the terminating \EK# tag, the link annotation is created over
multiple text lines. This results maybe also in multiple link annotations if a page break
Parameters of type bool can be defined as integer value 0 = false, 1 = true, or as string (non-
case-sensitive). Unlike other command tags, whitespace between values are ignored and
does not result in an error. All character codes below 33 are considered as whitespace.
The parameter URL is passed to WebLink() if IsNamedDest is false. If IsNamedDest is true,
URL must be the name of a named destination. If IsExternalLink is false, URL is passed to
PageLink3(). If true, the function creates a link annotation and a Go To Remote Action with
CreateGoToRActionEx(). The Unicode version of WriteFText() calls
CreateGoToRActionExU() to preserve the Unicode file name.
\LK[false, TRUE, false, https://www.dynaforms.com]Test\EK# // Ok
\LK[0,1,0,https://www.dynaforms.com]Test\EK# // Same as above
\LK[true, true, true, NameOfADestination, test.pdf]Test\EK# // Ok
\LK[false, true, false, www.dyna forms.com
]Test\EK# // Invalid URL!
\LK[true, true, true, DestName, file name with spaces.pdf ]Test\EK# // Ok
The file name in the last example is treated as "file name with spaces.pdf". Leading and
trailing spaces are ignored.
The tag changes the current tabulator length. The value must be in the range 1 to 255. See
also SetTabLen().
The tag changes the current text rise. Text rise can be used to create superscript or subscript
text parts inside a text block. The value must be in the range -1000 to 1000 units.
The tag changes the current horizontal text scaling. The value must be greater zero. See also
Special characters
The following list defines special characters which can be used to insert new lines, tabulators and so
on. Bidirectional characters require enabled complex text layout. See SetGStateFlags() for further
Character code (Hex)
0x10 or 0x13 or
New line or end-of-line character code. The combination of a carriage return plus
0x13 + 0x10
a line feed will be treaded as single end-of-line character.
A tabulator is emulated by inserting a variable count of space characters. The
number of characters can be adjusted inside the text with the command tag
\TL[] or outside with the property SetTabLen().

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