
- A 3D multi-bar chart with a gradient background color and soft lighting effects.

- A multi-bar chart with a gradient background color and glass shading effects.

- ChartDirector supports bars of cylindrical and arbitrary polygonal shapes on the same chart. This chart demonstrates bars with various polygon shapes.

- A multi-color horizontal bar chart, using gradient colors for the bars as well as the background.
- ChartDirector allows the four corners of the chart to be independently rounded with different radii. In this chart, two of the corners are rounded for decoration purpose.

- A multi-stacked bar chart, which contains stacked bars clustered together.
- Note the axis labels. They are with icons! These are created using ChartDirector Mark Up Language (CDML).

- This is actually two bar charts, combined with the ChartDirector Multi-Chart object. ChartDirector allows arbitrary charts to be combined together.
- Note the x-axis directions of the two charts are opposite to each others. In ChartDirector, axis direction is configurable.