- Multi-depth 3D pie and donut charts, in which each sector has a different 3D depth.
- The pie chart has a gradient background, glass effect title bar and rounded corners. The donut chart uses semi-transparent colors and with metallic background effects.
- The sectors labels are configured using ChartDirector Mark Up Language (CDML), so they can contain icons.

- This is just 3 simple pie charts. Even simple designs can look impressive when drawn with ChartDirector.
- The sector labels are configured to overlap with the sectors to save space.

- A pie chart with all sectors exploded.
- The background, sectors and label box are all gradient colored. The background comes with a soft drop shadow. The sectors include thick inner borders.
- The sectors labels are configured using ChartDirector Mark Up Language (CDML).

- A pie chart with a legend box.
- The sectors are numbered to make it easy to correspond to the legend, and readable even if printed on black and white media.
- Both the background and the sectors are gradient colored. The background includes a soft drop shadow.