MBS Xojo Developer Conference

auf Deutsch

Come to metropolitan Munich on 6th and 7th September 2018 to join us for our Xojo conference. Meet Xojo developers from all over Europe.

Monkeybread Software is pleased to organize the biggest European Xojo conference right here in Germany. People from all over Europe, Australia and North America plan to join us. This is your chance to the meet the Xojo Community and finally know the faces for all the forum members.

Join us the days before for our Xojo Training.

This year we got some videos by letting an action cam record the event. The quality is not as good as we hoped for, but better than nothing.

You can get the videos/slides with a video ticket here:

Price is 199 Euro + VAT and will help to fund future events.

Schedule Day 1, Thursday, 6th September 2018:

8:00RegistrationIn the lobby. Coffee, Tea & Croissants in the room.
9:15Keynote XojoAn Update on Xojo
Geoff will be bringing us up-to-date on the status of various important developments with Xojo and what the future holds.
with Geoff Perlman.
10:30Coffee break
11:00Keynote MBSNew features in MBS Plugins
What is new in MBS Plugins since last conference?
by Christian Schmitz
12:00GraphicsA very, very small AfterEffect
A way to use XojoScripts and 2D Objects to get animated pictures
von Vincent Mercey
14:00ERPRails 💚 Xojo
Rails and Xojo are 2 innovative and modern languages with increasing popularity. Both provide efficient programming for sophisticated apps. The strength of both systems are working supplementing. We present a solution with a Rails-API and Xojo-App as frontend.
by Christian Sedlmair
14:45SessionBest of xDev
with Marc Zeedar
15:30Coffee break
16:00WebServiceWordpress Web API
How to use the Wordpress and WooCommerce REST APIs from a Xojo application. We publish and alter articles and products on a webserver by using Xojo.Net.HTTPSocket.
by Oliver Osswald
16:45iOSiOS Tips
How quickly create better iOS apps with a few easy-to-use extensions.
by Antonio Rinaldi
18:00LobbyMeet in the lobby to walk to restaurant. 
18:30Evening EventBavarian evening in Augustiner Keller

Schedule Day 2, Friday, 7th September 2018:

8:00RegistrationIn the lobby. Coffee, Tea & Croissants in the room.
9:00Welcome back
9:10SessionXojo Session
Paul Lefebvre, Xojo Developer Evangelist, will do a walkthrough of the priority features Xojo is working on, including the latest on API 2.0, Web 2.0, and Android.
10:30Coffee break
11:00DeclareUsing external C code, with pre-emptive multi tasking
Expand your Xojo projects, using Declare to access your own libraries written in C. We show how to build them for Mac, Windows and Linux, and use all available CPUs for optimal performance using multi threading..
by Thomas Tempelmann
11:45HackingHacking a Xojo application
Live demonstration where we build a Xojo app and than use lldb to hack it to steal the secret password.
by Christian Schmitz
14:00WebAPI'Hello Xojo' - Adding voice to your Application
Voice control is rapidly becoming the standard, learn how to harness the Amazon Alexa APIs to give your system the human touch.
with Yousaf Shah
14:45iOSDesigning mobile apps with Xojo
Design an iOS app with Xojo for successful release on the Apple App Store.
by Jérémy Leroy
15:30Coffee break
16:00DatabaseDatabase-Savvy Controls
How to create your own plug and play database-aware controls and get rid of typing queries all over your project.
by Ulrich Bogun
16:45QuestionsAsk Xojo Inc.
All the Xojo Inc. staff comes to front and you can ask questions.
17:30Feedback / Q&A / RaffleAsk questions and give feedback.
18:30Evening EventOptional evening event: Park Café, beer garden or restaurant.

Schedule will change till conference and sessions will be added as speaker can confirm them. If speakers are unable to attend, we will schedule different sessions.

Special guests:

  • Geoff Perlman, CEO and Founder of Xojo, Inc.
  • Paul Lefebvre, product evangelist at Xojo, Inc.
  • Stéphane Pinel, build engineer at Xojo Inc.
  • Ulrich Bogun, German Xojo Evangelist at Xojo Inc.
  • Antonio Rinaldi, Italian Xojo Evangelist at Xojo Inc.
  • Javier Rodriguez Menéndez, Spanish Xojo Evangelist at Xojo Inc.
  • Jens Boschulte from DynaForms GmbH will be present to answer questions regarding DynaPDF library.
  • Jérémie Leroy, developing custom controls for Xojo
  • Thomas Tempelmann, creator of Arbed.
  • Marc Zeedar, publisher or the Xojo Developer Magazine

On the evening before we'd like to offer a get-together where we can have dinner together. Starting at 18 o'clock, you can find people gathering at the hotel bar. Later we visit a restaurant for dinner. Table is reserved.

Date6th and 7th September 2018
LocationMaritim München Hotel
Cost Regular 699 €
All prices plus VAT if needed for two days.
Prices for groups, pupils, students, job seekers and pensioner on request.

This event is organized by Christian Schmitz of Monkeybread Software.


Do you want to be a sponsor? Please contact us. You can include your flyer in our welcome bag, put a poster on a wall or have a table to present your products.

The money sponsored by companies is appreciated and used to pay for common costs and allows us to offer more or better hosting to the group. For example to pay the dinner on the evening before the conference.

One way to sponsor is to pay for an additional ticket. We can than assign it to a student or a member of the community who can't pay a ticket himself/herself, so more people have a chance to come to the conference.


The 4 star Maritim Hotel München is a modern business and conference hotel that welcomes you with unique ambiance and modern facilities.

hotel picture

For our event, we ordered free non alcoholic drinks, coffee breaks with little snacks and lunch as 3-course-menu or buffet. Free Wifi is included.

For our conference we blocked rooms: single (122 €/night) or double bed room (170 €/night). This includes breakfast and pool access, and free cancelation up to two weeks before. You can reserve yourself on the hotel website with keyword "Xojo" or include your room wish in the conference registration. You can later adjust the booking if needed. Our blocked rooms are available till three months before the conference.

Those prices include services charges and tax, breakfast and pool access. As rooms are limited, please include your room wish with your registration. Or contact the hotel directly: Book room here, reservierung.mun@maritim.de or info.mun@maritim.de or +49 (0) 6151 905-760.

Around our conference hotel, there are over 30 other hotels, so you may find cheaper rooms nearby if needed.


The hotel is located next to the main station in Munich and just a short walk away (100 meter).

See Hotel website

Special Train Offers

For our non European visitors (e.g. USA or Canada), we highly recommend to check the special offers from Bahn.de for you. For example within 30 days you can use a 3 day pass for just 188 Euro. You can start in Frankfurt/Main (most direct flights from there), take a direct train to Berlin, stay there for a visit, take another train to Munich, enjoy a few days there and take a final train back to the airport in Frankfurt. Of course you can stay in Frankfurt another night and enjoy visiting German's financial capital.


For cancellation of our training or conference days six months in advance, we offer 100% refund of the ticket prices.
Up to three months before 50%, one month before 25% and in September 2018 no more refunds. The hotel rooms need separate cancellation.

The whole event can be cancelled without giving reasons 6 months before and you will receive a full refund. e.g. when the minimum number of attendees is not reached. In case the event has to be cancelled later, we may refund you partially.

Register here

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