MBS Real Studio Plugins 12.4 - 3rd October 2012
See also the documentation on new items.- Added PHP plugin.
- Added classes for avahi library on Linux (like Apple's Bonjour)
- Added LinuxWebViewMBS and LinuxWebFrameMBS classes.
- Added CIFaceFeatureMBS, CIFeatureMBS and CIDetectorMBS classes.
- Added NSPageLayoutMBS, NSPrinterMBS, NSPrintInfoMBS, NSPrintOperationMBS and NSPrintPanelMBS classes.
- Added ABGroupMBS.searchElementForProperty and ABPersonMBS.searchElementForProperty.
- Added better Windows support for FolderItem functions AccessDateMBS, ModificationDateMBS and CreationDateMBS.
- Added CDBaseChartMBS.patternColor, CDDataSetMBS.setDataSymbol, CDPolarLayerMBS.setDataSymbol and CDThreeDScatterGroupMBS.setDataSymbol. They take a Real Studio picture.
- Added CustomNSSearchFieldMBS class.
- Added defaultPalette, transparentPalette and whiteOnBlackPalette to CDBaseChartMBS class.
- Added DirectShowAMCameraControlMBS and DirectShowAMVideoProcAmpMBS classes.
- Added DirectShowSampleGrabberMBS NewFrame event.
- Added draw methods to NSGraphicsMBS to draw NSAttributedStringMBS object.
- Added EndTotalSeconds, StartTotalSeconds, TotalDay and TotalSeconds to DateDifferenceMBS class.
- Added flag to HTMLViewer.IEReloadMBS to force reload.
- Added FlavorCount, FlavorFlags and FlavorType to CarbonEventsScrapMBS class.
- Added HTMLViewer.IEStopMBS.
- Added LargeBinaryStreamMBS.Lasterror and LargeBinaryStreamMBS.QueryDiskGeometry.
- Added LCMS2IT8MBS, LCMS2DictionaryEntryMBS and LCMS2DictionaryMBS classes.
- Added LevenshteinDistanceMBS and JaroWinklerDistanceMBS functions.
- Added MacQuarantinePropertiesMBS.Dic for debugging.
- Added more constructors to SQLBLobMBS, SQLBytesMBS, SQLCLobMBS, SQLLongBinaryMBS and SQLLongCharMBS.
- Added more nil object exception tests for memoryblocks passed to plugin.
- Added more NSTextViewMBS methods.
- Added MultiThreaded property to WindowsFileCopyMBS class.
- Added MySQLMBS class.
- Added new colors parameter to SetFillColor and SetStrokeColor events in DynaPDFParseInterfaceMBS class.
- Added new error parameter to CompressZLibMBS and DecompressZLibMBS to get the error code.
- Added new NSLayoutManagerMBS methods to show invisible characters. Use with NSTextViewMBS.
- Added NSEventMonitorMBS class.
- Added NSMutableParagraphStyleMBS, NSParagraphStyleMBS and NSTextTabMBS classes.
- Added NSTextContainerMBS class.
- Added OptionMailAuth property to CURLMBS and CURLSMBS.
- Added shared methods to LargeBinaryStreamMBS, so you can open files with folderitem or path.
- Added SunTimesMBS module.
- Added WebFrameMBS.reloadFromOrigin, HTMLViewer.reloadFromOriginMBS, WebViewMBS.reloadFromOrigin and WebViewMBS.ShouldUpdateWhileOffscreen.
- Added Windows support for Folderitem.KindMBS function.
- Updated DynaPDF to version
- Updated to LCMS2 2.4.
- Updated to Real Studio SDK for 2012r1.
- Updated libXL to version 3.3.1
- Fixed a bug in BackingScaleFactorMBS for Carbon.
- Fixed a problem with PNGReaderMBS reading iOS optimized PNG images.
- Fixed bug with error method in LCMS2ErrorHandlerMBS.
- Fixed bug with OverlayMBS not positioning right in RS 2012r1.
- Fixed bug with SQLStringMBS.CopyBinaryData
- Fixed CFShowMBS and CFShowCFStringMBS, so it uses NSLog internally and works on Mac OS X 10.8.
- Fixed crash in NSSharingServiceDelegateMBS events.
- Fixed crash on Windows with LargeBinaryStreamMBS.Length.
- Fixed crash with DynaPDFParseInterfaceMBS.SetStrokeColor.
- Fixed DarwinChmodMBS.chown.
- Fixed memory leak in LSSharedFileListMBS's Snapshot methods.
- Fixed memory leak with DynaPDF WriteText functions taking integer arrays.
- Fixed Phidgets event.
- Fixed problem with events in QTMovieViewMBS and CustomNSScrollerMBS.
- Fixed ThreeDScatterChartMBS.addScatterGroup.
- Rewrote big parts of LargeBinaryStreamMBS class.
- Changed CIFilter*MBS classes to use less auto releasing and release memory faster.
- Changed color functions for DynaPDFTableMBS class, so you can now pass integers or floats for up to 16 channels.
- Changed internal Windows Message handling. This affects WindowsSystemTrayMBS, WindowsPowerStateMBS, WinNotificationMBS and WinUSBNotificationMBS classes.
- Changed LCMS2TransformMBS.CreateTransform* functions to allow passing nil for output profile.
- Changed NSGraphicsMBS class to check if still valid before doing a draw command. Raises NilObjectException if not valid. If your code is right, you'll never see it.
- Changed NSWindowMBS to be a subclass of NSResponderMBS as it should be.
- ChartDirector, SQL and DynaPDF Plugin show dialog if you use newer plugin with older license.
- CURL plugin now sets CURLOPT_NOSIGNAL to 1 always.
- Due to the changes in the DynaPDF API, we removed DynaPDFTableBaseMBS, DynaPDFRowMBS, DynaPDFCellMBS and DynaPDFColumnMBS.
- Improved CalculateDirectorySizeMBS function on Windows.
- Improved exceptions from plugin. Out of bounds exception have now message with range, function name and parameter name, so you can easier find problem when debugging.
- Improved GetFile method in CarbonEventsScrapMBS to work on Mac OS X 10.8.
- Improved registration dialogs in plugin to show version number in all dialogs so you know what plugin version you used to compile app.
- Removed InstallEvent/RemoveEvent functions from WindowsSystemTrayMBS class.
New in version 12.3 New in version 12.3
Release notes of all versions: Release notes.