MBS Xojo Plugins 16.4 - 27th September 2016
See also the documentation on new items.
- Added Raspberry Pi cameras classes.
- Added Argon2MBS class.
- Added CalculateCRC16MemoryMBS and CalculateCRC16StringMBS functions.
- Added CreateStringMBS function.
- Added DynaPDFImageMBS.PictureData function.
- Added file path utility functions to NSFileManagerMBS class.
- Added GetStringsFromDataMBS function.
- Added Has*Plugin constants to MBS module.
- Added InternalSQLiteLibraryMBS.Shell function.
- Added IOPowerSourcesMBS.ExternalPowerAdapterDetails function.
- Added linux implementation for DirectorySizeMBS class.
- Added Linux support for SystemInformationMBS.MACAddressMBS.
- Added Linux support to ExtendedAttributesMBS module.
- Added memory storage class to store data outside of app memory.
- Added methods to LargeBinaryStreamMBS to read/write/delete file streams on Windows.
- Added more checks to methods in ServiceManagementModuleMBS module. To raise exceptions with wrong parameters.
- Added more GraphicsMagick functions.
- Added new constructors for WindowsListMBS class to list child windows.
- Added new methods to SQLValueMBS to pass blob/clob/longBinary/longText as folderitem or stream directly.
- Added new methods to SQLValueMBS to pass memoryblock for BLOB, LongBinary and Bytes.
- Added new methods to SQLValueMBS to prevent you from passing String/CLOB/LongText as memoryblock.
- Added NSLayoutManagerMBS.usesFontLeading property.
- Added NSURLRequestMBS.requestWithHandle, NSURLMBS.URLWithHandle, CFStringMBS.stringWithHandle, CFDictionaryMBS.dictionaryWithHandle and CFArrayMBS.arrayWithHandle functions.
- Added orderFrontStylesPanel and orderFrontFontPanel for NSFontManagerMBS class.
- Added several overloads to SQLValueMBS setBlob methods to take memoryblocks directly. This avoids conversion to string.
- Added SplitMBS function.
- Added SQLCommandMBS.SetParameters to set parameters by dictionary.
- Added SQLite3MBS.LoadExtension function.
- Added SQLPreparedStatementMBS.Bind variant taking a dictionary.
- Added SQLValueMBS.setVariant to set value (parameter) by variant.
- Added SQLValueReadMBS.asBLobMemory and SQLValueReadMBS.asBLobString to get blob data easier.
- Added variants for ReadLongOrLob method on SQLFieldMBS and SQLParamMBS to read BLOB content directly to folderitem or writeable stream.
- Added various CFURLMBS class properties.
- Added WindowsFileStreamMBS class to list file streams on Windows.
- Added WVWebViewControlMBS control. Uses WebKit 2 for 64-bit, but fails back to older WebKit for 32-bit.
- Changed AliasInfoMBS properties to be read only.
- Changed CIImageMBS.RenderPicture methods. If extend of image is infinite, we use the width and height you provide.
- Changed email functions to raise exception if you pass email address, subject or message ID including newline character.
- Changed NSProcessInfoMBS.NSActivityLatencyCritical to be a shared function to work around feedback case #31877.
- Changed plugin linking to set install name to be name of plugin part plus .dylib on Mac.
- Changed SplitMBS to be encoding aware for 8bit encodings. So you now split a Windows ANSI string and get back Windows ANSI strings.
- Changed SQL Plugin to set ODBCAddLongTextBufferSpace to false by default.
- Changed SQLDatabaseMBS.Prepare to return a SQLPreparedStatementMBS directly, so you don't need to cast it.
- Changed Twain plugin to also load TwainDMS if Twain is not available. This allows you to install open source twain for 64-bit.
- Changed VolResolveIDMBS, NewFolderItemMBS, NewFolderItemMBS, GetFileFlagsMBS and GetFolderFlagsMBS to work in 64-bit.
- Fixed a bug with StyledText.RTFDataMBS function handling font sizes.
- Fixed a possible bug with HIDAPI on Mac when disconnecting device.
- Fixed an issue with FileListMBS.Item() function.
- Fixed an issue with Twain scanners when we get several callbacks quickly.
- Fixed ArchiveWriterMBS.WriteHeader function.
- Fixed bug where volume reference number is returned wrong and volume size is not detected correctly.
- Fixed bug with ICDeviceBrowserMBS destructor.
- Fixed crashes with CURLSEMailMBS when having low memory. Now raises OutOfMemoryException.
- Fixed FileListMBS on Mac to work well with file names who have slash in the name.
- Fixed picture handling to accept HiDPI images for reading, so you can add a picture again to a page with DynaPDF directly.
- Fixed ScreenShotDisplayMBS to return nil instead of black picture on Windows when copying screenshot fails.
- Fixed ScreenshotMBS for Windows.
- Fixed some issues with new Contacts classes.
- For SQLPreparedStatementMBS, the BindType is now optional. If no type is provided, we detect type by type of value.
- Improved DynaPDFOptimizeParamsMBS class for newer DynaPDF version.
- Improved LargeBinaryStreamMBS to better handle long paths on Windows.
- Merged a few plugin parts so we have less DLLs and plugins load better in the Windows Xojo IDE.
- Reduced number of internal plugin parts for Cocoa plugins.
- Updated CanonEOSDigital plugin to load 3.x SDK and 2.x SDK. Please tell plugin if it's 2.x or 3.x as 3.x uses 64-bit integers.
- Updated LCMS library to version 2.8.
- Updated OpenSSL to 1.0.2i
- Updated SQLite to 3.14.2.
- Updated to DynaPDF
- Upgraded Unikey plugin to use latest 6.5 SDK and supports 64-bit and Linux ARM.
New in version 16.3 New in version 16.5
Release notes of all versions: Release notes.