Release notes for MBS Xojo Plugins 19.1 - 12th March 2019
See also the documentation on new items and Announcement in Blog.
- Added LargeNumberMBS class, an integer with up to 4128bit.
- Added new TextConverterMBS class.
- Added AddMediaFile method to WordFileMBS class.
- Added appStoreReceiptURL, requestReview and StoreReviewAvailable to StoreKitMBS module.
- Added CFDictionaryMBS methods for CGRect/CGPoint/CGSize to/from dictionary.
- Added CGImageSourceMBS.CreateThumbnailMT to create thumbnails threaded.
- Added CopyMemory and InstrUTF8 to StringHandleMBS class.
- Added DeleteItem methods to JSONMBS.
- Added DirectShowAMVideoCompressionMBS class.
- Added downloadContentLength, downloadContentLengths, downloadContentVersion and subscriptionGroupIdentifier to SKProductMBS class.
- Added Enabled property for TimerMBS.
- Added GMConvertMBS and GM16ConvertMBS classes.
- Added HardLinksForFile function to WindowsJunctionMBS module.
- Added HIDAPIDeviceMBS.WriteAsync method.
- Added JasperVersion, TIFFVersion and zlibVersion to DynaPDFMBS class.
- Added LargeNumberErrorExceptionMBS class.
- Added LinuxIconMBS module.
- Added more methods to NSSpellCheckerMBS class.
- Added new methods for UTF8 to StringHandleMBS class.
- Added NSTextCheckingResultMBS class.
- Added PDFDocumentMBS.WriteWithOptions method.
- Added PictureMBS.FilePath property.
- Added restoreCompletedTransactionsWithApplicationUsername method to SKPaymentQueueMBS class.
- Added SCNAccelerationConstraintMBS, SCNAvoidOccluderConstraintMBS, SCNBillboardConstraintMBS, SCNConstraintMBS, SCNDistanceConstraintMBS, SCNIKConstraintMBS, SCNLookAtConstraintMBS, SCNReplicatorConstraintMBS, SCNSliderConstraintMBS and SCNTransformConstraintMBS classes.
- Added SCNActionMBS class.
- Added SCNBoxMBS, SCNCapsuleMBS, SCNConeMBS, SCNCylinderMBS, SCNFloorMBS, SCNPlaneMBS, SCNPyramidMBS, SCNShapeMBS, SCNSphereMBS, SCNTextMBS, SCNTorusMBS and SCNTubeMBS classes.
- Added SCNVector4MBS, SCNMatrix4MBS, SCNVector3MBS, SCNMaterialPropertyMBS and SCNMaterialMBS classes for SceneKit.
- Added SetCellAction method, kcctAction and kdcAction constants to DynaPDFTableMBS class.
- Added ShowPropertyDialog method to DirectShowAMStreamConfigMBS, DirectShowAMCameraControlMBS, DirectShowAMVideoCompressionMBS, DirectShowAMCrossbarMBS and DirectShowBaseFilterMBS classes.
- Added simulatesAskToBuyInSandbox property for SKPaymentMBS class.
- Added SQLErrorExceptionMBS.SQL property.
- Added TerminateForInvalidReceipt method to SKReceiptRefreshRequestMBS class.
- Added TiffPictureMBS.ScanlinesScaled function to scale down vertically on reading scanlines.
- Added UNNotificationMBS and related classes for notifications on MacOS 10.14 or newer. (NSUserNotificationMBS is deprecated by Apple.)
- Added work around to NSColorSpaceMBS.File property to make it work better.
- Changed CarbonEventsIdleTimerMBS.available to be shared property.
- Changed DrawCGPDFDocumentMBS to use newer API.
- Changed GraphicsMagick to detect installed fonts at runtime for MacOS instead of hard coded list.
- Changed WebDownloadDelegateMBS and NSURLDownloadMBS classes to be thread safe.
- Changes TiffPictureMBS.Scanlines and ScanlinesScaled to yield.
- Fixed a problem with TiffPictureNBS.Scanlines crashing with too small buffer for some images.
- Fixed bug in DynaPDF plugin bug with rendering unicode font characters.
- Fixed bug with Port property in DatagramMBS not set correctly, broken in version 18.3.
- Fixed constants in CGPDFContextMBS class.
- Fixed crash with CDBaseChartMBS.addExtraField function.
- Fixed crash with connecting to SQL Anywhere when creating connection failed. Now reports an error instead.
- Fixed ECDHEMBS.ParamsInfo property to not crash if nil.
- Fixed memory leak in ConcatBinaryStringsMBS function.
- Fixed option passing for MKMapSnapshotterMBS constructor.
- Fixed problem with UNNotification functions blocking plugin to initialize on Server. (from pr1)
- Fixed TiffPictureNBS.Scanlines to correct parameters if RowsPerStrip > 1.
- Fixed uncatchable UnsupportedFormatException in internal NSURL to Variant conversion.
- Manually applied CURL fix: vauth/oauth2: Fix OAUTHBEARER token generation #3377
- Removed manifest information from CURL plugin which stated a runtime DLL is needed, which was wrong.
- Removed OverlayMBS.WindowGroupHandle property.
- Removed WindowGroupMBS class (Mac 32-bit Carbon only).
- Updated CURL to version 7.64.0.
- Updated DynaPDF to version
- Updated SQLAPI to version 4.2.5.
- Updated SQLite to version 3.27.1.
New in version 19.0 New in version 19.2
Release notes of all versions: Release notes and Announcement in Blog.