Release notes for MBS Xojo Plugins 21.5 - 16th November 2021
See also the documentation on new items and Announcement in Blog.
- Added new controls for Xojo 2021r3.
- Added NewWindowRequested event to WebView2ControlMBS control.
- Added WinThreadPoolMBS class.
- Added XLFormControlMBS class and related methods.
- Added AddButtonImageEx2 function to DynaPDFMBS class.
- Added AddSort method to XLAutoFilterMBS class.
- Added attribution property for NSURLRequestMBS class.
- Added BlockShiftSpace property to WindowsKeyFilterMBS class.
- Added CacheInsertStatement flag for SQLDatabaseMBS to cache insert statements for InsertRecord to speed those up.
- Added DefaultBackgroundColor property to WebView2ControlMBS control.
- Added DynaPDFVersionInfoMBS class.
- Added ErrCode and ErrType properties to DynaPDFErrorMBS class.
- Added Float 16bit support for MLMultiArrayMBS class.
- Added formatted method for NSPersonNameComponentsMBS class.
- Added GetInPDFVersionEx function for DynaPDFMBS class.
- Added GetPDFVersionEx function for DynaPDFMBS class.
- Added IsAutoFilter function to XLSheetMBS class.
- Added kCFURLUbiquitousItemIsExcludedFromSyncKey to CFURLMBS class.
- Added kCGDisplayShowDuplicateLowResolutionModes constant for CGDisplayMBS class.
- Added ktfFixedTextHeight constant for DynaPDFTableMBS class.
- Added new constructor for DirectShowEnumMonikerMBS to find all filters available.
- Added new events for NSSharingServiceDelegateMBS class for cloud sharing.
- Added new fields FmtTextColor and FmtText for DynaPDFFieldExMBS class.
- Added NSURLUbiquitousItemIsExcludedFromSyncKey to NSURLMBS class.
- Added Options dictionary parameter to AllDisplayModes function.
- Added role property to CKShareParticipantMBS class.
- Added ScreenResolution property to DynaPDFRasterizerMBS class.
- Added StartIndex parameter to FindValueInArray and FindValueInObjectArray methods in JSONMBS class, so you can repeat search until nothing more is found.
- Added TextInteractionEnabled property for WKPreferencesMBS class.
- Added WebView2WindowFeaturesMBS class.
- Changed a few old deprecated controls to hide in the control library.
- Changed ConvertStyledText in DynaPDFMBS class to pass fonts as family names.
- Changed DynaPDF examples to use kcpUnicode instead of kcp1252.
- Changed MLFeatureValueMBS.featureValueWithPicture to convert picture to bitmap if needed.
- Changed PermissionsMBS class to be marked as console safe.
- Changed SQLPreparedStatementMBS class to raise TypeMismatchException if you pass array of variant for param array, e.g. array in array.
- Deprecated LoadString in ChromiumFrameMBS class since CEF deprecated the method.
- Enabled ConsoleExecuteMBS method for desktop projects.
- Fixed a problem with decimal data type for Firebird in our MBS Xojo SQL Plugin.
- Fixed an edge case for Substitute in WordFileMBS class not working correctly for text near the end of the document.
- Fixed code to return FolderItem in various functions on iOS.
- Fixed issue for MBS Xojo SQL Plugin when using Download command with CubeSQL.
- Fixed issue with CloudKit classes, where CKShareMBS was returned CKRecordMBS.
- Fixed issues with NSAppearanceMBS class and newer classes.
- Fixed memory leak for ZintVectorStringMBS and ZintVectorStringMBS classes.
- Fixed memory leak in BarcodeGeneratorMBS class.
- Fixed NSSearchFieldControlMBS class to fire KeyDown/KeyUp events for return/enter keys, too.
- Fixed passing of numbers for SetStrokeColorEx() taking param array.
- Fixed problem in StoreKit framework loading on simulator.
- Fixed problem in VNTargetedImageRequestMBS with passing CVImageBufferMBS as CVPixelBufferMBS.
- Fixed socket methods for PacketSocketMBS class.
- Updated Chromium classes to newer CEF version.
- Updated class extension for upcoming Xojo 2021r3. Please report if you miss one.
- Updated CURL library to version 7.79.1.
- Updated DynaPDF to version
- Updated LibXL to version 4.0.
- Updated plugin SDK for Xojo 2021r3.
- Updated SQLAPI to version 5.1.7.
- Updated Xcode to version 13.1.
- Upgraded NSURLRequestMBS to show properties in debugger.
New in version 21.4 New in version 22.0
Release notes of all versions: Release notes and Announcement in Blog.