Release notes for MBS Xojo Plugins 24.0 - 16th January 2024
See also the documentation on new items and Announcement in Blog.
- Added NSSegmentedControlControlMBS and NSPathControlControlMBS controls.
- Added DynaPDFParserMBS class.
- Added ApplyMergePatch, ApplyPatch, MergePatchFromDiff, PatchFromDiff to JSONMBS class.
- Added automatic rerun of SQL SELECT if you call MoveFirst on a RowSet/RecordSet, which doesn't support moving because it is not cached or scrollable.
- Added BigNumberConversionMBS class.
- Added checks for fillSeries and fillDateSeries in CDRanSeriesMBS class to better handle if arrays are nil.
- Added checks for SQL Plugin in multiple places to avoid crashes if SQL command text is empty.
- Added checks for SQLDatabaseMBS class to raise an exception if you try to close, SQLExecute or SQLSelect while a background thread runs a SQL query.
- Added cmsV2Unicode function to LCMS2ProfileMBS class.
- Added CopyArrayMBS methods to copy array data to second array of same type.
- Added CopyMemoryBlock method to SQLStringMBS class.
- Added FullyQualifiedFieldName property to DynaPDFFieldExMBS class.
- Added Hidden attribute to JSONIteratorMBS, XMLIterateAttributeNodesMBS, XMLIterateChildNodesMBS, XMLIterateElementsMBS, DynaPDFIteratorMBS and PCRE2IteratorMBS classes to hide it from auto complete. Since you use it via for each loops indirectly, you never need to use these classes directly.
- Added isBOF and isEOF to SQLCommandMBS class.
- Added karFormData and kaffNonPDFA_4e constants to DynaPDFMBS class.
- Added more properties to CURLEmailMBS class for debugger.
- Added more render functions to WindowsPDFPageMBS for synchronous and asynchronous modes.
- Added new classes for consent dialog: UMPRequestParametersMBS, UMPDebugSettingsMBS, UMPConsentInformationMBS and UMPConsentFormMBS.
- Added new GetStringValue and SetStringValue methods to BigNumberMBS class.
- Added new GetStringValue and SetStringValue methods to LargeNumberMBS class with more options.
- Added new loadWithAdUnitID method to GADAppOpenAdMBS class.
- Added OutOfBoundsException checks for SetStyling() and StyleAt() in ScintillaControlMBS control to avoid crashes.
- Added PairAsyncCompleted and UnpairAsyncCompleted events for WindowsBluetoothLEDeviceMBS class to catch the events from WindowsDeviceInformationPairingMBS easier.
- Added RandomExponentialDistributionMBS, RandomNormalDistributionMBS and RandomPoissonDistributionMBS functions.
- Added replaceCharacters method to NSMutableAttributedStringMBS class.
- Added Scrollable property to NSSearchFieldMBS class.
- Added SortArrayMBS methods to sort with/without a delegate and ascending or descending.
- Added SQL Unit Tests project, so you can run over 500 tests on our MBS Xojo SQL Plugin.
- Added tagForUnderAgeOfConsent and tagForChildDirectedTreatment properties for GADRequestConfigurationMBS class.
- Added target flags to our delegates to make sure they are available on the right targets.
- Added willPopUpMenu and willDisplayOpenPanel events to NSPathControlMBS class.
- Changed CallDelegateOnMainThreadMBS delegates to be hidden for auto complete.
- Disabled old tesseract 3 for Windows ARM 64-bit as that doesn't compile currently.
- Fixed a grouping problem with BigNumberConversionMBS class.
- Fixed a possible crash in SQLConnectionMBS destructor.
- Fixed a problem with file property in NSColorSpaceMBS class not working.
- Fixed a problem with int32 read as string in SQL classes.
- Fixed a problem with Options in SQLCommandMBS not reporting options correctly.
- Fixed a problem with ScintillaControlMBS when calling SetStyling.
- Fixed an endless loop in JSONMBS class when running Search function with a bad query. Now propergates the exception properly.
- Fixed an issue with MoveFirst in our SQL cursor.
- Fixed bug in RemoveHTMLTagsMBS function removing quoted texts.
- Fixed crash in NSIndexPathMBS when passing nil array to Constructor or indexPathWithIndexes method.
- Fixed GetDelegateParametersMBS, GetDelegateTargetMBS and GetDelegateWeakMBS functions to work better in newer Xojo versions.
- Fixed issue with RowSet iterator to not skip first row.
- Fixed JSON, DynaPDF and plugin to compile again with Xojo 2019r1.
- Fixed OpenMTInputFile method in CURLSMBS class to remove InputData first.
- Fixed problem in LargeNumberMBS class when parsing too long string. We now raise an exception.
- Fixed SetupAWS and SetupOAuth in CURLSMBS class to reset NoBody flag if new transfer is not head.
- Fixed string parser in LargeNumberMBS to not break on a minus sign sometimes.
- Implemented EOF and BOF for SQL Plugin for RowSets to make for-each loops work better, but AutoCache may need to be enabled if the database doesn't allow MoveFirst like SQLite.
- Improved array access for the plugins.
- Improved array conversion from Xojo array to JSONMBS array.
- Improved error message for DeclareLibraryMBS constructor.
- Improved handling of arrays for our JSON to HTML conversion for JSONMBS class.
- Improved JavaScriptEngineMBS class to handle arrays of Int32, Int64, Double, Single, Boolean, Color, String and Currency for conversion from Variant to JavaScript.
- Improved NSSearchFieldControlMBS to scroll horizontally.
- Improved WindowsDeviceInformationPairingMBS class to keep reference to the device object.
- Improvements for Xojo 2023r4.
- Moved TextConverterMBS class to MBS Xojo XML Plugin.
- Optimized text handling to be faster, which affects various string functions like ContainsWholeWordMBS.
- Rearranged a few plugin parts internally. Speeds up Xojo loading plugins by around 20%.
- Removed outdated IOWarriorWindowsMBS and IOWarriorCarbonMBS classes.
- Removed tagForUnderAgeOfConsent and tagForChildDirectedTreatment methods in GADRequestConfigurationMBS class.
- Updated Chromium classes for Xojo 2023r4.
- Updated CURL to version 8.5.0.
- Updated DynaPDF to version
- Updated Google AdMob SDK to version 10.14. You may need to adjust your project.
- Updated openssl library to version 3.1.4.
- Updated SQLAPI to version 5.3.0.
- Updated SQLite to version 3.44.1.
- Updated to LCMS 2.16.
- Updated to Xcode 15.2.
- Updated Visual Studio to version 2022.
New in version 23.5 New in version 24.1
Release notes of all versions: Release notes and Announcement in Blog.