Release notes for MBS Xojo Plugins 25.0 - 14th January 2025
See also the documentation on new items and Announcement in Blog.
25.0 - 14th January 2025
- Added Saxon classes (Preview) to do XSLT, XQuery and XPathQuery in Xojo.
- Added ImagePlaygroundMBS class for macOS Sequoia.
- Added AVPlayerViewControllerMBS class.
- Added allowsWritingTools property to NSTextFieldMBS class.
- Added automaticallyInsertsWritingToolsItems property to NSMenuMBS class.
- Added AVPlaybackSpeedMBS class.
- Added BasicAuthenticationRequested event for WebView2ControlMBS control.
- Added CheckEmbeddedFileCheckSum method for DynaPDFMBS class.
- Added ConvToFreeTextCallout method to DynaPDFMBS class.
- Added Document property to XMLXPathResultMBS class to keep the reference to the parent document here.
- Added GetFontSize method to DynaPDFMBS class.
- Added GetInfoEarlyDataSent method for CURLSMBS class.
- Added GetLastTextPosYAbs and GetLastTextPosXAbs functions to DynaPDFMBS class.
- Added ID3v2Tags property to TagLibFileRefMBS class.
- Added IsOpen, MinDataRate, MaxDataInterval, MaxDataRate, MinDataInterval, DataRate properties to PhidgetMBS class.
- Added items method and debugItems property to NSMenuMBS class.
- Added kSSLOptionEarlyData constant for CURLSMBS class.
- Added kUTTypeJPEGXL, kUTTypeHEIF and kUTTypeHEIC to UTTypeMBS module.
- Added MergeErrorAndOutput property to ShellMBS class.
- Added more NULL checks for DevicePairingRequestedEventArgsMBS, WindowsDeviceInformationMBS, WindowsDeviceInformationPairingMBS, WindowsBluetoothLEDeviceMBS, WindowsGattDeviceServiceMBS and WindowsGattSessionMBS classes.
- Added more parameter checks for MongoDB functions.
- Added more properties and methods to PhidgetSpatialMBS, PhidgetMotorPositionControllerMBS, PhidgetBLDCMotorMBS, PhidgetDCMotorMBS, PhidgetMBS, PhidgetLCDMBS and PhidgetHubMBS classes.
- Added MPNowPlayingInfoCenterMBS and MPMediaItemArtworkMBS classes.
- Added new constant names for CURL classes: kError_WEIRD_SERVER_REPLY, kError_UNKNOWN_OPTION, kError_SETOPT_OPTION_SYNTAX
- Added new constants for PhidgetMBS class.
- Added nowPlayingInfo property to AVPlayerItemMBS class.
- Added NSHTTPCookieSetByJavaScript shared method to NSHTTPCookieMBS class.
- Added NSMenuPopupEventsMBS class.
- Added NSToolbarWritingToolsItemIdentifier shared method to NSToolbarItemMBS class.
- Added NSWritingToolsExclusionAttributeName shared method to NSAttributedStringMBS class.
- Added PerformAction method to NSMenuItemMBS class.
- Added PhidgetMotorVelocityControllerMBS class.
- Added RemoveAllPhonetics and CoreProperties methods to XLBookMBS class.
- Added RequestFonts method to CoreTextMBS class.
- Added RowFormat and ColFormat functions to XLSheetMBS class.
- Added showWritingTools method to NSApplicationMBS class.
- Added Version property to ZxingBarcodeMBS module.
- Added WindowsDeviceInformationCustomPairingMBS and WindowsDevicePairingRequestedEventArgsMBS classes to do custom pairing for BluetoothLE.
- Added writingToolsItems shared method to NSMenuItemMBS class.
- Added XLCorePropertiesMBS class.
- Builds for Windows now include more debug information to help stack traces.
- Deprecated ContentLengthPenaltySize, ChunkLengthPenaltySize and MaxPipelineLength properties in CURLSMultiMBS class.
- Deprecated old constant names for CURL classes: kError_FTP_WEIRD_SERVER_REPLY, kError_UNKNOWN_TELNET_OPTION, kError_TELNET_OPTION_SYNTAX, kError_SSL_CACERT, kError_LDAP_INVALID_URL, kError_CONV_REQD.
- Fixed a crash with UIViewControllerMBS destructor not working as it should.
- Fixed a few memory leaks where the result array was leaked if an exception was raised in the same method later.
- Fixed a memory leak in ConvertStyledText in DynaPDFMBS class.
- Fixed a memory leak in DeclareLibraryMBS constructor.
- Fixed a memory leak in EstimatedDocumentCount function in MongoCollectionMBS class.
- Fixed a memory leak in exception handling for Java classes.
- Fixed a memory leak in fetchSubscriptionCompleted, discoverUserInfosCompleted and fetchRecordZonesCompleted events in CloudKit classes.
- Fixed a memory leak in FieldByName function in MimeHeaderMBS class.
- Fixed a memory leak in GetSupportedIntentCodes in LCMS2MBS module.
- Fixed a memory leak in Match method in PCRE2CodeMBS class.
- Fixed a memory leak in recordWithIDWasDeleted event in CKFetchRecordZoneChangesOperationMBS class.
- Fixed a memory leak in Root method in IORegistryMBS class.
- Fixed a memory leak in running request in FMConnectionMBS class.
- Fixed a memory leak in the Convert method in RabbitMQ classes to convert dictionaries.
- Fixed a memory leak in the RequestAccessAsyncCompleted event of WindowsGattDeviceServiceMBS class.
- Fixed a memory leak in the RequestAccessCompleted event of WindowsBluetoothLEDeviceMBS class.
- Fixed a problem with array handling affecting e.g. CoreTextMBS.RegisterFontsForURL function.
- Fixed an issue in MemoryBlock.AppendMBS copying wrong data if one of the MemoryBlock has no size set.
- Fixed an issue with WebView2ControlMBS control not initializing sometimes.
- Fixed crash in DuckDB client for SQL Plugin.
- Fixed crash with DynaPDFImageMBS destructor.
- Fixed leak in RequestAccessAsync event for WindowsBluetoothLEDeviceMBS class.
- Fixed memory leak in Invoke method of DeclareFunctionMBS class.
- Fixed memory leak with DynaPDFBitmapMBS class destructor leaking a memoryblock.
- Fixed memory leak with DynaPDFOptimizeParamsMBS class destructor leaking an array.
- Implemented SetPrintBacktraceAndAbortHandler in SignalHandlerMBS class for Windows.
- Improved Advances function in CTRunMBS class to be quicker if possible.
- Improved CallDelegateCrashSafeMBS class to catch more low level exceptions on Windows like Access violation and illegal instruction.
- Improved DynaPDF.Initialize to log the version of DynaPDF loaded in the trace log.
- Improved exception handling for Cocoa classes.
- Improved freeing objects in threaded code for Windows, e.g. for Bluetooth, Store, OCR and PDF classes in WinFrameworks plugin.
- Improved OSVersionString function in SystemInformationMBS module to better recognize Windows Server 2019 and newer.
- Improved stack printing for Windows to help debugging issues.
- Improved trace logging in DynaPDF Plugin to include more DynaPDF objects.
- Improved WordFileMBS class with PropertyValue() to work on custom properties, too.
- Improved XL.Initialize to log the version of LibXL loaded in the trace log.
- Removed kError_FUNCTION_NOT_FOUND and kError_HTTP_POST_ERROR constants for CURLSMBS class since they are obsolete.
- Split UIViewControllerMBS into it's own plugin part, so it can be used without AdMob classes.
- Updated curl library to version 8.11.1.
- Updated DynaPDF to version
- Updated expat library to version 2.6.4.
- Updated LibXL to version 4.5.0.
- Updated mongo-c-driver library to version 1.29.1.
- Updated SQLAPI to version 5.3.5.
- Updated SQLite to version 3.47.2.
- Updated ssh2 library to version 1.11.1.
- Updated taglib to version 2.0.2.
- Updated to Xcode 16.2.
- Updated zlib to version 1.3.1.
- Updated zxing library to version 2.3.
Release notes of all versions: Release notes and Announcement in Blog.