MBS Real Studio Plugins New in version 8.1
See also the documentation on new items.- Added new ThreadMBS class for crossplatform preemptive threads in REALbasic.
- Added MutexMBS class to work with the ThreadMBS class.
- Added IKImageEditPanelMBS class to use the image edit panel from Apple. (Mac OS X 10.5 only)
- Added FSEventsMBS class to track changes on folders. (Mac OS X 10.5 only)
- Added NSWorkspaceMBS class.
- Added GrowIconMBS class to draw youself the grow icon on Mac OS X.
- Added window properties for Mac OS X: AsyncDragMBS, CanBeVisibleWithoutLoginMBS, HasRoundBottomBarCornersMBS, MetalNoContentSeparatorMBS, TexturedSquareCornersMBS and UnifiedTitleAndToolbarMBS.
- Added Rockey4ND class.
- Added CGSWindowListMBS class and methods in CGSConnectionMBS to get all windows.
- Added CGSWindowMBS.title method.
- Added Transition methods to OverlayWindowMBS class.
- Added IconMBS.DrawIconCGContext.
- Added PitchMBS and RateChangesPreservePitchMBS to movie class.
- Added DragItemMBS.IsDroppedToTrash.
- Updated DynaPDF plugin part to version
- Rewritten PacketSocketMBS class.
- Improved QTGrabberMBS class.
- Improved WinSpeechMBS class.
- Improved OpenDialogMBS class on Windows.
New in version 8.0 New in version 8.2
More details in the Release notes.