MBS Real Studio Plugins New in version 8.6
See also the documentation on new items.- The darwin* classes are now console safe.
- Fixed most plugin projects to run with RB 2007r5.
- Added phpmbs.shtml">PHPMBS.Loaded and fixed a possible crash in the constructor.
- Updated PCRE (RegEx) to version 7.8.
- Added DrawInto support to buttonmbs.shtml">ButtonMBS control.
- Added overlaymbs.shtml">OverlayMBS class.
- Fixed bug in AudioStreaming functions with ClearBuffer=true. (PortAudio and CoreAudio)
- Fixed a bug in the PortAudio ASIO handling so it works now.
- Fixed remotecontrolmbs.shtml">remoteControlMBS.winmoveMouse coordinates.
- The SparkleMBS class now shows a deprecation warning when you run it in the debugger.
- Fixed a memoryleak in the Screenshot functions on Windows.
- Added nsviewmbs.shtml">NSViewMBS.Constructor for using a handle property.
- Added nsrespondermbs.shtml">NSResponderMBS.handle property.
- Rewrote IKSlideShow class fixing the bugs.
- Added Sparkle 1.5b6 support using a new plugin part. So instead of the SparkleMBS class use the suupdatermbs.shtml">SUUpdaterMBS class.
- Added processmbs.shtml">ProcessMBS.TransformToForegroundApplication to convert a background application to a foreground application on Mac OS X.
- Added more TextViewMBS methods.
- Added TextStorageMBS class.
- The folderitem.Icon* functions now get the 8bit alpha masks on Windows if they exists. Falls back to old code with one bit mask on error.
- On Windows the libcurl.dll is no longer embedded. Please deliver this DLL with the SSL DLLs with your app.
- CURL functions will now raise functions in addition to setting lasterror to -1.
- Added CURLNotInitializedExceptionMBS class.
- Added CURLMissingFunctionExceptionMBS class.
- Fixed crash in qtkittimembs.shtml">QTKitTimeMBS.timevalue getter.
- Fixed CreateExtGState.
- Some Addressbook class methods are now shared methods.
- Updated DynaPDF to version
- Fixed a leak in the qtgrabbermbs.shtml">QTGrabberMBS class.
- Added a few more CoreGraphics functions.
- Added NSStringCompareMBS function.
- As of today all plugins are weak linked, so they should load fine on Mac OS X 10.3.9. Changes were made to PortAudio, CGImage, CGDisplay and QuartzFilter.
- The Quartzfilter plugin does no longer crash on Mac OS X 10.3/10.4. Quartz Filters APIs do not exist there so the function return nil.
- Fixed a bug with the movie.AddTimeCodeToMovieMBS function.
- Fixed the PortAudio ASIO bug on Windows, so I can include the ASIO interface.
- Moved the Font plugin from Util to MacOSX plugin part to avoid problems when RB loads the plugins.
- Added more to the fontmbs.shtml">FontMBS class.
- Added CopyMaskMBS, CopyPictureWithMaskMBS and CopyPictureWithoutMaskMBS to the picture class.
- Made some internal changes on the ATS and Font classes and added some conversion functions.
- Reworked parts of the CoreGraphics classes.
- Added nscolorspacembs.shtml">NSColorSpaceMBS class.
- Added nscursormbs.shtml">NSCursorMBS class.
- Added cgdisplaymbs.shtml">CGDisplayMBS.Info function to get an information dictionary for a display.
- Fixed htmlviewer.RenderWebsiteImageMBS.
- Removed height and height from the dynapdf rect classes as you need to caluclate them yourself depending on the page origin. (the properties returned wrong values for some customers)
- Fixed a bug in CGCreateImageMBS where it returns nil on certain circumstances.
- Added CGCreateImageMBS with one parameter which uses the mask from the given image.
- Fixed a leak in the cddatasetmbs.shtml">CDDataSetMBS class.
- Added new methods for NSWindow/NSView/WebView for better transparency.
- Added new NSColor functions to get system colors.
- Moved the print methods from webview into the webprintmbs.shtml">WebPrintMBS class.
- Added new webprintmbs.shtml">WebPrintMBS class.
- Added zipmbs.shtml">ZipMBS and unzipmbs.shtml">UnzipMBS to handle zip files.
- Added QuarzFilter classes.
- Added more methods and classes to the DynaPDF plugin.
- Added new methods to the machidmbs.shtml">MacHIDMBS to send and receive messages which take a report ID parameter.
New in version 8.5 New in version 8.7
More details in the Release notes.