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The plugin MBS AVFoundation Plugin:
- class AVAssetExportSessionMBS
- method exportMT
- method determineCompatibleFileTypes(tag as variant = nil)
- method metadata as AVMetadataItemMBS()
- method setMetadata(items() as AVMetadataItemMBS)
- method exportAsynchronously(tag as variant = nil)
- method supportedFileTypes as string()
- method Constructor(asset as AVAssetMBS, presetName as string)
- method cancelExport
- method outputFileExtension as string
- property timeRange as CMTimeRangeMBS
- property canPerformMultiplePassesOverSourceMediaData as Boolean
- property metadataItemFilter as AVMetadataItemFilterMBS
- property Handle as Integer
- property estimatedOutputFileLength as Int64
- property asset as AVAssetMBS
- property status as Integer
- property presetName as String
- property outputFileType as String
- property shouldOptimizeForNetworkUse as Boolean
- property audioMix as AVAudioMixMBS
- property videoComposition as AVVideoCompositionMBS
- property audioTimePitchAlgorithm as String
- property progress as Double
- property error as NSErrorMBS
- property customVideoCompositor as AVVideoCompositingMBS
- property outputURL as String
- property outputFile as FolderItem
- property directoryForTemporaryFilesURL as String
- property directoryForTemporaryFiles as FolderItem
- shared method determineCompatibilityOfExportPreset(presetName as string, asset as AVAssetMBS, outputFileType as string, tag as variant = nil)
- shared method exportSessionWithAsset(asset as AVAssetMBS, presetName as string) as AVAssetExportSessionMBS
- shared method exportPresetsCompatibleWithAsset(asset as AVAssetMBS) as string()
- shared method allExportPresets as string()
- shared method available as boolean
- shared method AVAssetExportPreset640x480 as string
- shared method AVAssetExportPreset960x540 as string
- shared method AVAssetExportPreset1280x720 as string
- shared method AVAssetExportPreset1920x1080 as string
- shared method AVAssetExportPreset3840x2160 as string
- shared method AVAssetExportPresetAppleM4A as string
- shared method AVAssetExportPresetPassthrough as string
- shared method AVAssetExportPresetAppleM4VCellular as string
- shared method AVAssetExportPresetAppleM4ViPod as string
- shared method AVAssetExportPresetAppleM4V480pSD as string
- shared method AVAssetExportPresetAppleM4VAppleTV as string
- shared method AVAssetExportPresetAppleM4VWiFi as string
- shared method AVAssetExportPresetAppleM4V720pHD as string
- shared method AVAssetExportPresetAppleM4V1080pHD as string
- shared method AVAssetExportPresetAppleProRes422LPCM as string
- shared method AVAssetExportPresetHEVC1920x1080 as string
- shared method AVAssetExportPresetHEVC3840x2160 as string
- shared method AVAssetExportPresetHEVCHighestQuality as string
- shared method AVAssetExportPresetLowQuality as string
- shared method AVAssetExportPresetMediumQuality as string
- shared method AVAssetExportPresetHighestQuality as string
- class AVAssetImageGeneratorMBS
- method generateCGImagesAsynchronouslyForTimes(times() as CMTimeMBS, tag as variant = nil)
- method CGImageAtTime(time as CMTimeMBS, byref actualTime as CMTimeMBS, byref error as NSErrorMBS) as Variant
- method Constructor(asset as AVAssetMBS)
- method cancelAllCGImageGeneration
- property requestedTimeToleranceBefore as CMTimeMBS
- property requestedTimeToleranceAfter as CMTimeMBS
- property maximumSize as CGSizeMBS
- property customVideoCompositor as AVVideoCompositingMBS
- property Handle as Integer
- property asset as AVAssetMBS
- property apertureMode as String
- property appliesPreferredTrackTransform as Boolean
- property videoComposition as AVVideoCompositionMBS
- shared method assetImageGeneratorWithAsset(asset as AVAssetMBS) as AVAssetImageGeneratorMBS
- shared method available as boolean
- shared method AVAssetImageGeneratorApertureModeCleanAperture as string
- shared method AVAssetImageGeneratorApertureModeProductionAperture as string
- shared method AVAssetImageGeneratorApertureModeEncodedPixels as string
- class AVAssetMBS
- method readTimeCodeObjects as AVTimeCodeMBS()
- method readTimeCodes as String()
- method metadata as AVMetadataItemMBS()
- method trackGroups as AVAssetTrackGroupMBS()
- method chapterMetadataGroupsWithTitleLocale(locale as NSLocaleMBS, commonKeys() as string) as AVTimedMetadataGroupMBS()
- method availableChapterLocales as NSLocaleMBS()
- method chapterMetadataGroupsBestMatchingPreferredLanguages as AVTimedMetadataGroupMBS()
- method chapterMetadataGroupsBestMatchingPreferredLanguages(preferredLanguages() as string) as AVTimedMetadataGroupMBS()
- method metadataForFormat(Format as string) as AVMetadataItemMBS()
- method availableMetadataFormats as string()
- method commonMetadata as AVMetadataItemMBS()
- method unusedTrackID as integer
- method loadValuesAsynchronouslyForKeys(keys() as string, tag as variant = nil)
- method statusOfValueForKey(key as string, byref error as NSErrorMBS) as integer
- method tracksWithMediaCharacteristic(mediaCharacteristic as string) as AVAssetTrackMBS()
- method tracksWithMediaType(mediaType as string) as AVAssetTrackMBS()
- method trackWithTrackID(PersistentTrackID as integer) as AVAssetTrackMBS
- method tracks as AVAssetTrackMBS()
- method naturalSize as CGSizeMBS
- method preferredTransform as CGAffineTransformMBS
- method duration as CMTimeMBS
- method mediaSelectionGroupForMediaCharacteristic(mediaCharacteristic as string) as AVMediaSelectionGroupMBS
- method availableMediaCharacteristicsWithMediaSelectionOptions as string()
- method cancelLoading
- method copy as AVAssetMBS
- method Constructor
- property ClassName as String
- property Handle as Integer
- property preferredVolume as Double
- property preferredRate as Double
- property lyrics as string
- property creationDate as AVMetadataItemMBS
- property isPlayable as Boolean
- property isExportable as Boolean
- property isReadable as Boolean
- property isComposable as Boolean
- property hasProtectedContent as Boolean
- property referenceRestrictions as Integer
- property providesPreciseDurationAndTiming as Boolean
- shared method assetWithData(Data as MemoryBlock, Options as Dictionary = nil) as AVAssetMBS
- shared method assetWithData(Data as String, Options as Dictionary = nil) as AVAssetMBS
- shared method assetWithFile(file as folderitem) as AVAssetMBS
- shared method assetWithURL(URL as string) as AVAssetMBS
- shared method available as boolean
- class AVAssetReaderAudioMixOutputMBS
- method Constructor(audioTracks() as AVAssetTrackMBS, outputSettings as dictionary)
- method audioTracks as AVAssetTrackMBS()
- method audioSettings as dictionary
- property audioTimePitchAlgorithm as String
- property audioMix as AVAudioMixMBS
- shared method assetReaderAudioMixOutputWithAudioTracks(audioTracks() as AVAssetTrackMBS, outputSettings as dictionary) as AVAssetReaderAudioMixOutputMBS
- class AVAssetReaderMBS
- method outputs as AVAssetReaderOutputMBS()
- method canAddOutput(output as AVAssetReaderOutputMBS) as boolean
- method Constructor(item as AVAssetMBS, byref error as NSErrorMBS)
- method asset as AVAssetMBS
- method status as Integer
- method error as NSErrorMBS
- method startReading
- method cancelReading
- method addOutput(output as AVAssetReaderOutputMBS)
- property timeRange as CMTimeRangeMBS
- property Handle as Integer
- shared method assetReaderWithAsset(item as AVAssetMBS, byref error as NSErrorMBS) as AVAssetReaderMBS
- shared method available as boolean
- class AVAssetReaderOutputMBS
- class AVAssetReaderOutputMetadataAdaptorMBS
- method Constructor(trackOutput as AVAssetReaderTrackOutputMBS)
- method nextTimedMetadataGroup as AVTimedMetadataGroupMBS
- property Handle as Integer
- property assetReaderTrackOutput as AVAssetReaderTrackOutputMBS
- shared method available as boolean
- shared method assetReaderOutputMetadataAdaptorWithAssetReaderTrackOutput(trackOutput as AVAssetReaderTrackOutputMBS) as AVAssetReaderOutputMetadataAdaptorMBS
- class AVAssetReaderSampleReferenceOutputMBS
- class AVAssetReaderTrackOutputMBS
- method Constructor(track as AVAssetTrackMBS, outputSettings as dictionary)
- method track as AVAssetTrackMBS
- method outputSettings as dictionary
- property audioTimePitchAlgorithm as string
- shared method assetReaderTrackOutputWithTrack(track as AVAssetTrackMBS, outputSettings as dictionary) as AVAssetReaderTrackOutputMBS
- class AVAssetReaderVideoCompositionOutputMBS
- method customVideoCompositor as AVVideoCompositingMBS
- method videoTracks as AVAssetTrackMBS()
- method videoSettings as dictionary
- method Constructor(videoTracks() as AVAssetTrackMBS, videoSettings as dictionary)
- property videoComposition as AVVideoCompositionMBS
- shared method assetReaderVideoCompositionOutputWithVideoTracks(videoTracks() as AVAssetTrackMBS, videoSettings as dictionary) as AVAssetReaderVideoCompositionOutputMBS
- class AVAssetResourceLoaderMBS
- class AVAssetResourceLoadingContentInformationRequestMBS
- class AVAssetResourceLoadingDataRequestMBS
- class AVAssetResourceLoadingRequestMBS
- method streamingContentKeyRequestDataForApp(appIdentifier as Memoryblock, contentIdentifier as Memoryblock, options as Dictionary, byref error as NSErrorMBS) as Memoryblock
- method Constructor
- method finishLoading
- method finishLoading(error as NSErrorMBS)
- property Handle as Integer
- property isFinished as Boolean
- property isCancelled as Boolean
- property request as Variant
- property redirect as Variant
- property response as Variant
- property contentInformationRequest as AVAssetResourceLoadingContentInformationRequestMBS
- property dataRequest as AVAssetResourceLoadingDataRequestMBS
- shared method available as boolean
- class AVAssetTrackGroupMBS
- class AVAssetTrackMBS
- method associatedTracksOfType(trackAssociationType as string) as AVAssetTrackMBS()
- method loadValuesAsynchronouslyForKeys(keys() as string, tag as variant = nil)
- method statusOfValueForKey(key as string, byref error as NSErrorMBS) as integer
- method segmentForTrackTime(trackTime as CMTimeMBS) as AVAssetTrackSegmentMBS
- method samplePresentationTimeForTrackTime(trackTime as CMTimeMBS) as CMTimeMBS
- method metadataForFormat(Format as string) as AVMetadataItemMBS()
- method availableMetadataFormats as string()
- method commonMetadata as AVMetadataItemMBS()
- method segments as AVAssetTrackSegmentMBS()
- method formatDescriptions as CMFormatDescriptionMBS()
- method preferredTransform as CGAffineTransformMBS
- method timeRange as CMTimeRangeMBS
- method hasMediaCharacteristic(mediaCharacteristic as string) as boolean
- method copy as AVAssetTrackMBS
- method Constructor
- method availableTrackAssociationTypes as string()
- method trackSamples(formatOptions as Dictionary) as MemoryBlock
- property Handle as Integer
- property languageCode as String
- property mediaType as String
- property extendedLanguageTag as String
- property isPlayable as Boolean
- property isEnabled as Boolean
- property isSelfContained as Boolean
- property totalSampleDataLength as Int64
- property estimatedDataRate as Double
- property preferredVolume as Double
- property nominalFrameRate as Double
- property trackID as Integer
- property asset as AVAssetMBS
- property naturalTimeScale as Integer
- property naturalSize as CGSizeMBS
- shared method available as boolean
- class AVAssetTrackSegmentMBS
- class AVAssetWriterInputGroupMBS
- method Constructor(inputs() as AVAssetWriterInputMBS, defaultInput as AVAssetWriterInputMBS)
- method inputs as AVAssetWriterInputMBS()
- property defaultInput as AVAssetWriterInputMBS
- shared method assetWriterInputGroupWithInputs(inputs() as AVAssetWriterInputMBS, defaultInput as AVAssetWriterInputMBS) as AVAssetWriterInputGroupMBS
- class AVAssetWriterInputMBS
- method addTrackAssociationWithTrackOfInput(input as AVAssetWriterInputMBS, trackAssociationType as string)
- method canAddTrackAssociationWithTrackOfInput(input as AVAssetWriterInputMBS, trackAssociationType as string) as Boolean
- method Constructor(MediaType as string, outputSettings as dictionary = nil)
- method Constructor(MediaType as string, outputSettings as dictionary, sourceFormatHint as CMFormatDescriptionMBS)
- method metadata as AVMetadataItemMBS()
- method setMetadata(items() as AVMetadataItemMBS)
- method outputSettings as dictionary
- method markAsFinished
- method appendSampleBuffer(sampleBuffer as CMSampleBufferMBS) as boolean
- method sourceFormatHint as CMFormatDescriptionMBS
- method requestMediaDataWhenReadyOnQueue(tag as variant = nil)
- method requestMediaDataWhenReadyOnQueue(assetWriterInput as AVAssetWriterInputMBS, AssetReaderOutput as AVAssetReaderOutputMBS, tag as variant = nil)
- property transform as CGAffineTransformMBS
- property Handle as Integer
- property mediaTimeScale as Integer
- property isReadyForMoreMediaData as Boolean
- property mediaType as String
- property languageCode as String
- property extendedLanguageTag as String
- property preferredVolume as Double
- property marksOutputTrackAsEnabled as Boolean
- property expectsMediaDataInRealTime as Boolean
- property naturalSize as CGSizeMBS
- shared method assetWriterInputWithMediaType(MediaType as string, outputSettings as dictionary = nil) as AVAssetWriterInputMBS
- shared method assetWriterInputWithMediaType(MediaType as string, outputSettings as dictionary, sourceFormatHint as CMFormatDescriptionMBS) as AVAssetWriterInputMBS
- shared method available as boolean
- class AVAssetWriterInputPixelBufferAdaptorMBS
- method Constructor(input as AVAssetWriterInputMBS, sourcePixelBufferAttributes as dictionary)
- method assetWriterInput as AVAssetWriterInputMBS
- method sourcePixelBufferAttributes as Dictionary
- method appendPicture(pic as picture, presentationTime as CMTimeMBS) as boolean
- method appendPixelBuffer(pixelBuffer as CVPixelBufferMBS, presentationTime as CMTimeMBS) as boolean
- property Handle as Integer
- shared method assetWriterInputPixelBufferAdaptorWithAssetWriterInput(input as AVAssetWriterInputMBS, sourcePixelBufferAttributes as dictionary) as AVAssetWriterInputPixelBufferAdaptorMBS
- shared method available as boolean
- class AVAssetWriterMBS
- method inputGroups as AVAssetWriterInputGroupMBS()
- method Constructor(outputURL as string, outputFileType as string, byref error as NSErrorMBS)
- method Constructor(outputFile as folderitem, outputFileType as string, byref error as NSErrorMBS)
- method canApplyOutputSettings(outputSettings as dictionary, mediaType as string) as boolean
- method inputs as AVAssetWriterInputMBS()
- method metadata as AVMetadataItemMBS()
- method setMetadata(items() as AVMetadataItemMBS)
- method endSessionAtSourceTime(endTime as CMTimeMBS)
- method startSessionAtSourceTime(startTime as CMTimeMBS)
- method movieFragmentInterval as CMTimeMBS
- method movieTimeScale as double
- method status as integer
- method outputFileType as string
- method outputURL as string
- method error as NSErrorMBS
- method shouldOptimizeForNetworkUse as boolean
- method addInput(input as AVAssetWriterInputMBS)
- method canAddInput(input as AVAssetWriterInputMBS) as boolean
- method startWriting as boolean
- method finishWriting as boolean
- method cancelWriting
- method availableMediaTypes as string()
- method finishWritingWithCompletionHandler(tag as variant = nil)
- method canAddInputGroup(input as AVAssetWriterInputGroupMBS) as boolean
- method addInputGroup(inputGroup as AVAssetWriterInputGroupMBS)
- property Handle as Integer
- shared method assetWriterWithURL(outputURL as string, outputFileType as string, byref error as NSErrorMBS) as AVAssetWriterMBS
- shared method assetWriterWithFile(outputFile as folderitem, outputFileType as string, byref error as NSErrorMBS) as AVAssetWriterMBS
- shared method available as boolean
- class AVAsynchronousVideoCompositionRequestMBS
- method sourceFrameByTrackID(trackID as integer) as CVPixelBufferMBS
- method sourceTrackIDs as Integer()
- method copy as AVAsynchronousVideoCompositionRequestMBS
- method Constructor
- method finishCancelledRequest
- method finishWithError(error as NSErrorMBS)
- method finishWithComposedVideoFrame(composedVideoFrame as CVPixelBufferMBS)
- property Handle as Integer
- property renderContext as AVVideoCompositionRenderContextMBS
- property compositionTime as CMTimeMBS
- property videoCompositionInstruction as AVVideoCompositionInstructionMBS
- shared method available as boolean
- class AVAudio3DPointMBS
- class AVAudioBufferMBS
- class AVAudioChannelLayoutMBS
- method isEqual(other as AVAudioChannelLayoutMBS) as boolean
- method Constructor(Layout as QTAudioChannelLayoutMBS)
- method Constructor(LayoutTag as Integer)
- property Handle as Integer
- property channelCount as Integer
- property layoutTag as Integer
- property layout as QTAudioChannelLayoutMBS
- shared method layoutWithLayout(Layout as QTAudioChannelLayoutMBS) as AVAudioChannelLayoutMBS
- shared method layoutWithLayoutTag(LayoutTag as Integer) as AVAudioChannelLayoutMBS
- shared method available as boolean
- class AVAudioComponentDescriptionMBS
- method Constructor(componentType as string = "", componentSubType as string = "", componentManufacturer as string = "", componentFlags as UInt32 = 0, componentFlagsMask as UInt32 = 0)
- property componentType as String
- property componentSubType as String
- property componentManufacturer as String
- property componentFlags as UInt32
- property componentFlagsMask as UInt32
- class AVAudioEngineMBS
- method renderOffline(numberOfFrames as UInt32, buffer as AVAudioPCMBufferMBS, byref error as NSErrorMBS) as Integer
- method enableManualRenderingMode(mode as Integer, pcmFormat as AVAudioFormatMBS, maximumFrameCount as UInt32, byref error as NSErrorMBS) as Boolean
- method attachedNodes as AVAudioNodeMBS()
- method startAndReturnError(byref error as NSErrorMBS) as Boolean
- method connect(node1 as AVAudioNodeMBS, node2 as AVAudioNodeMBS, bus1 as Integer, bus2 as Integer, format as AVAudioFormatMBS)
- method connect(node1 as AVAudioNodeMBS, node2 as AVAudioNodeMBS, format as AVAudioFormatMBS)
- method disconnectNodeInput(node as AVAudioNodeMBS, bus as Integer)
- method disconnectNodeOutput(node as AVAudioNodeMBS, bus as Integer)
- method Destructor
- method Constructor
- method reset
- method disableManualRenderingMode
- method pause
- method stop
- method prepare
- method disconnectNodeOutput(node as AVAudioNodeMBS)
- method disconnectNodeInput(node as AVAudioNodeMBS)
- method attachNode(node as AVAudioNodeMBS)
- method detachNode(node as AVAudioNodeMBS)
- property Handle as Integer
- property Running as Boolean
- property outputNode as AVAudioOutputNodeMBS
- property inputNode as AVAudioInputNodeMBS
- property mainMixerNode as AVAudioMixerNodeMBS
- property autoShutdownEnabled as Boolean
- property InManualRenderingMode as Boolean
- property manualRenderingMode as Integer
- property manualRenderingFormat as AVAudioFormatMBS
- property manualRenderingMaximumFrameCount as UInt32
- property manualRenderingSampleTime as Int64
- shared method available as boolean
- shared method AVAudioEngineConfigurationChangeNotification as String
- event ConfigurationChanged(notification as NSNotificationMBS)
- class AVAudioEnvironmentDistanceAttenuationParametersMBS
- class AVAudioEnvironmentNodeMBS
- method Constructor
- property volume as Double
- property pan as Double
- property rate as Double
- property reverbBlend as Double
- property obstruction as Double
- property occlusion as Double
- property renderingAlgorithm as Integer
- property position as AVAudio3DPointMBS
- property outputVolume as Double
- property nextAvailableInputBus as Integer
- property distanceAttenuationParameters as AVAudioEnvironmentDistanceAttenuationParametersMBS
- property reverbParameters as AVAudioEnvironmentReverbParametersMBS
- class AVAudioEnvironmentReverbParametersMBS
- class AVAudioFileMBS
- method readIntoBuffer(buffer as AVAudioPCMBufferMBS, byref error as NSErrorMBS) as Boolean
- method readIntoBuffer(buffer as AVAudioPCMBufferMBS, frameCount as Integer, byref error as NSErrorMBS) as Boolean
- method writeFromBuffer(buffer as AVAudioPCMBufferMBS, byref error as NSErrorMBS) as Boolean
- method Constructor(File as FolderItem, byref error as NSErrorMBS)
- method Constructor(File as FolderItem, commonFormat as Integer, Interleaved as Boolean, byref error as NSErrorMBS)
- method Constructor(File as FolderItem, settings as Dictionary, byref error as NSErrorMBS)
- method Constructor(File as FolderItem, settings as Dictionary, commonFormat as Integer, Interleaved as Boolean, byref error as NSErrorMBS)
- property Handle as Integer
- property URL as String
- property Length as Int64
- property FramePosition as Int64
- property fileFormat as AVAudioFormatMBS
- property processingFormat as AVAudioFormatMBS
- shared method available as boolean
- shared method fileDuration(file as folderItem) as double
- class AVAudioFormatMBS
- method Constructor(Settings as Dictionary)
- method Constructor(sampleRate as Double, channels as Integer)
- method Constructor(sampleRate as Double, layout as AVAudioChannelLayoutMBS)
- method Constructor(format as Integer, sampleRate as Double, channels as Integer, interleaved as Boolean)
- method Constructor(format as Integer, sampleRate as Double, interleaved as Boolean, layout as AVAudioChannelLayoutMBS)
- method isEqual(other as AVAudioFormatMBS) as boolean
- property Handle as Integer
- property sampleRate as Double
- property Interleaved as Boolean
- property Standard as Boolean
- property channelCount as Integer
- property commonFormat as Integer
- property settings as Dictionary
- property channelLayout as AVAudioChannelLayoutMBS
- shared method available as boolean
- class AVAudioInputNodeMBS
- class AVAudioIONodeMBS
- class AVAudioMixerNodeMBS
- method Constructor
- property volume as Double
- property pan as Double
- property rate as Double
- property reverbBlend as Double
- property obstruction as Double
- property occlusion as Double
- property renderingAlgorithm as Integer
- property position as AVAudio3DPointMBS
- property nextAvailableInputBus as Integer
- class AVAudioMixInputParametersMBS
- method mutableCopy as AVMutableAudioMixInputParametersMBS
- method copy as AVAudioMixInputParametersMBS
- method Constructor
- method trackID as integer
- method getVolumeRampForTime(time as CMTimeMBS, byref startVolume as double, byref endVolume as double, byref timeRange as CMTimeRangeMBS) as boolean
- property Handle as Integer
- shared method available as boolean
- class AVAudioMixMBS
- class AVAudioNodeMBS
- method Constructor
- method reset
- method nameForInputBus(busIndex as Integer) as string
- method nameForOutputBus(busIndex as Integer) as string
- method inputFormatForBus(busIndex as Integer) as AVAudioFormatMBS
- method outputFormatForBus(busIndex as Integer) as AVAudioFormatMBS
- method removeTapOnBus(busIndex as Integer)
- method installTapOnBus(busIndex as Integer, bufferSize as UInt32 = 0, format as AVAudioFormatMBS = nil, tag as Variant = nil)
- property Handle as Integer
- property numberOfInputs as Integer
- property numberOfOutputs as Integer
- property engine as AVAudioEngineMBS
- property lastRenderTime as AVAudioTimeMBS
- property latency as Double
- property outputPresentationLatency as Double
- property AUAudioUnitHandle as Integer
- shared method available as boolean
- event Tap(bus as integer, bufferSize as UInt32, format as AVAudioFormatMBS, buffer as AVAudioPCMBufferMBS, time as AVAudioTimeMBS, tag as variant)
- class AVAudioOutputNodeMBS
- class AVAudioPCMBufferMBS
- method setFloatChannelData(ChannelIndex as Integer, Data as Memoryblock) as boolean
- method setInt32ChannelData(ChannelIndex as Integer, Data as Memoryblock) as boolean
- method setInt16ChannelData(ChannelIndex as Integer, Data as Memoryblock) as boolean
- method Constructor(format as AVAudioFormatMBS, frameCapacity as Integer)
- method int16ChannelDataCopy(ChannelIndex as Integer) as Memoryblock
- method int32ChannelDataCopy(ChannelIndex as Integer) as Memoryblock
- method floatChannelDataCopy(ChannelIndex as Integer) as Memoryblock
- method level(ChannelIndex as Integer) as double
- property int32ChannelData as Ptr
- property int16ChannelData as Ptr
- property floatChannelData as Ptr
- property frameLength as Integer
- property stride as Integer
- property frameCapacity as Integer
- class AVAudioPlayerMBS
- method Constructor(URL as string, fileTypeHintUtiString as string, byref error as NSErrorMBS)
- method Constructor(File as folderitem, fileTypeHintUtiString as string, byref error as NSErrorMBS)
- method Constructor(Data as MemoryBlock, fileTypeHintUtiString as string, byref error as NSErrorMBS)
- method Constructor(URL as string, byref error as NSErrorMBS)
- method Constructor(File as folderitem, byref error as NSErrorMBS)
- method Constructor(Data as MemoryBlock, byref error as NSErrorMBS)
- method averagePowerForChannel(channel as integer) as double
- method peakPowerForChannel(channel as integer) as double
- method prepareToPlay as boolean
- method play as boolean
- method playAtTime(time as double = 0.0) as boolean
- method pause
- method stop
- method updateMeters
- property Name as String
- property Handle as Integer
- property isPlaying as Boolean
- property Duration as Double
- property Volume as Double
- property CurrentTime as Double
- property Pan as Double
- property DeviceCurrentTime as Double
- property NumberOfChannels as Integer
- property NumberOfLoops as Integer
- property URL as String
- property Data as MemoryBlock
- property Settings as Dictionary
- property meteringEnabled as Boolean
- property EnableRate as Boolean
- property Rate as Double
- property currentDevice as String
- shared method available as boolean
- shared method audioPlayerWithURL(URL as string, fileTypeHintUtiString as string, byref error as NSErrorMBS) as AVAudioPlayerMBS
- shared method audioPlayerWithFile(File as folderitem, fileTypeHintUtiString as string, byref error as NSErrorMBS) as AVAudioPlayerMBS
- shared method audioPlayerWithData(Data as MemoryBlock, fileTypeHintUtiString as string, byref error as NSErrorMBS) as AVAudioPlayerMBS
- shared method audioPlayerWithURL(URL as string, byref error as NSErrorMBS) as AVAudioPlayerMBS
- shared method audioPlayerWithFile(File as folderitem, byref error as NSErrorMBS) as AVAudioPlayerMBS
- shared method audioPlayerWithData(Data as MemoryBlock, byref error as NSErrorMBS) as AVAudioPlayerMBS
- shared method audioPlayerWithData(Data as String, byref error as NSErrorMBS) as AVAudioPlayerMBS
- shared method audioPlayerWithData(Data as String, fileTypeHintUtiString as string, byref error as NSErrorMBS) as AVAudioPlayerMBS
- class AVAudioPlayerNodeMBS
- method scheduleFile(callbackType as Integer, file as AVAudioFileMBS, time as AVAudioTimeMBS, tag as Variant = nil)
- method scheduleSegment(callbackType as Integer, file as AVAudioFileMBS, time as AVAudioTimeMBS, startFrame as Int64, frameCount as Int64, tag as Variant = nil)
- method scheduleBuffer(callbackType as Integer, buffer as AVAudioPCMBufferMBS, tag as Variant = nil)
- method scheduleBuffer(callbackType as Integer, buffer as AVAudioPCMBufferMBS, time as AVAudioTimeMBS, options as Integer, tag as Variant = nil)
- method scheduleFile(file as AVAudioFileMBS, time as AVAudioTimeMBS, tag as Variant = nil)
- method scheduleSegment(file as AVAudioFileMBS, time as AVAudioTimeMBS, startFrame as Int64, frameCount as Int64, tag as Variant = nil)
- method scheduleBuffer(buffer as AVAudioPCMBufferMBS, tag as Variant = nil)
- method scheduleBuffer(buffer as AVAudioPCMBufferMBS, time as AVAudioTimeMBS, options as Integer, tag as Variant = nil)
- method nodeTimeForPlayerTime(playerTime as AVAudioTimeMBS) as AVAudioTimeMBS
- method playerTimeForNodeTime(nodeTime as AVAudioTimeMBS) as AVAudioTimeMBS
- method Constructor
- method pause
- method play
- method stop
- method playAtTime(time as AVAudioTimeMBS = nil)
- method prepareWithFrameCount(frameCount as UInt32)
- property volume as Double
- property pan as Double
- property rate as Double
- property reverbBlend as Double
- property obstruction as Double
- property occlusion as Double
- property renderingAlgorithm as Integer
- property position as AVAudio3DPointMBS
- property Playing as Boolean
- event scheduleBufferCompleted(callbackType as integer, buffer as AVAudioPCMBufferMBS, time as AVAudioTimeMBS, options as integer, tag as Variant)
- event scheduleFileCompleted(callbackType as integer, file as AVAudioFileMBS, time as AVAudioTimeMBS, tag as Variant)
- event scheduleSegmentCompleted(callbackType as integer, file as AVAudioFileMBS, startFrame as Int64, frameCount as Int64, time as AVAudioTimeMBS, tag as Variant)
- class AVAudioRecorderMBS
- method Constructor(URL as string, settings as Dictionary, byref error as NSErrorMBS)
- method Constructor(file as folderitem, settings as Dictionary, byref error as NSErrorMBS)
- method prepareToRecord as boolean
- method record as boolean
- method pause
- method stop
- method updateMeters
- method deleteRecording as boolean
- method Recording as boolean
- method currentTime as double
- method settings as Dictionary
- method url as string
- method recordForDuration(duration as double) as boolean
- method peakPowerForChannel(channelNumber as integer) as double
- method averagePowerForChannel(channelNumber as integer) as double
- property MeteringEnabled as boolean
- property Handle as Integer
- shared method available as boolean
- class AVAudioTimeMBS
- method Constructor
- method extrapolateTimeFromAnchor(anchorTime as AVAudioTimeMBS) as AVAudioTimeMBS
- property Handle as Integer
- property sampleRate as Double
- property sampleTime as Int64
- property hostTime as UInt64
- property sampleTimeValid as Boolean
- property hostTimeValid as Boolean
- shared method timeWithHostTime(hostTime as UInt64, SampleTime as Int64, sampleRate as Double) as AVAudioTimeMBS
- shared method timeWithSampleTime(SampleTime as Int64, sampleRate as Double) as AVAudioTimeMBS
- shared method secondsForHostTime(HostTime as UInt64) as Double
- shared method hostTimeForSeconds(Seconds as Double) as UInt64
- shared method timeWithHostTime(HostTime as UInt64) as AVAudioTimeMBS
- shared method available as boolean
- class AVAudioUnitComponentManagerMBS
- method standardLocalizedTagNames as string()
- method tagNames as string()
- method Constructor
- method Destructor
- method allComponents as AVAudioUnitComponentMBS()
- method componentsMatchingDescription(Description as AVAudioComponentDescriptionMBS) as AVAudioUnitComponentMBS()
- method componentsPassingTest(tag as Variant = nil) as AVAudioUnitComponentMBS()
- property Handle as Integer
- shared method AVAudioUnitComponentTagsDidChangeNotification as String
- shared method available as boolean
- shared method sharedAudioUnitComponentManager as AVAudioUnitComponentManagerMBS
- event TagsDidChange(notification as NSNotificationMBS)
- event Test(component as AVAudioUnitComponentMBS, byref stop as Boolean, tag as variant) as Boolean
- class AVAudioUnitComponentMBS
- method SetUserTagNames(tags() as string)
- method userTagNames as string()
- method allTagNames as string()
- method Constructor
- method supportsNumberOfChannels(numInputChannels as Integer, numOutputChannels as Integer) as boolean
- property Handle as Integer
- property Name as String
- property TypeName as String
- property LocalizedTypeName as String
- property ManufacturerName as String
- property VersionString as String
- property Version as Integer
- property hasMIDIInput as Boolean
- property hasMIDIOutput as Boolean
- property SandboxSafe as Boolean
- property hasCustomView as Boolean
- property passesAUVal as Boolean
- property componentURL as String
- property iconURL as String
- property componentFile as FolderItem
- property iconFile as FolderItem
- property configurationDictionary as Dictionary
- property audioComponentDescription as AVAudioComponentDescriptionMBS
- shared method available as boolean
- class AVAudioUnitDelayMBS
- class AVAudioUnitDistortionMBS
- class AVAudioUnitEffectMBS
- class AVAudioUnitEQFilterParametersMBS
- class AVAudioUnitEQMBS
- class AVAudioUnitGeneratorMBS
- method Constructor(audioComponentDescription as AVAudioComponentDescriptionMBS)
- property volume as Double
- property pan as Double
- property rate as Double
- property reverbBlend as Double
- property obstruction as Double
- property occlusion as Double
- property renderingAlgorithm as Integer
- property position as AVAudio3DPointMBS
- property bypass as Boolean
- class AVAudioUnitMBS
- method CreateView(PreferredSize as NSSizeMBS) as NSViewMBS
- method RemovePropertyListener(ID as UInt32)
- method AddPropertyListener(ID as UInt32)
- method SetProperty(ID as UInt32, Scope as UInt32, Element as UInt32, data as Memoryblock)
- method GetProperty(ID as UInt32, Scope as UInt32, Element as UInt32) as Memoryblock
- method GetPropertyInfo(ID as UInt32, Scope as UInt32, Element as UInt32, byref WriteAble as Boolean) as UInt32
- method GetParameter(ID as UInt32, Scope as UInt32, Element as UInt32) as Single
- method SetParameter(ID as UInt32, Scope as UInt32, Element as UInt32, Value as Single, inBufferOffsetInFrames as UInt32 = 0)
- method installLevelMonitor(CallsPerSecond as Integer, tag as Variant = nil)
- method Constructor(audioComponentDescription as AVAudioComponentDescriptionMBS)
- method Constructor
- method Destructor
- property Name as String
- property ManufacturerName as String
- property Version as Integer
- property audioComponentDescription as AVAudioComponentDescriptionMBS
- property audioUnitHandle as Integer
- property lastError as Integer
- event LevelMonitor(Level0 as Double, Level1 as Double, Level2 as Double, Level3 as Double, Level4 as Double, Level5 as Double, Level6 as Double, Level7 as Double, tag as Variant)
- event PropertyListener(ID as UInt32, Scope as UInt32, Element as UInt32)
- class AVAudioUnitMIDIInstrumentMBS
- method sendMIDISysExEvent(data as MemoryBlock)
- method sendMIDIEvent(midiStatus as Integer, data1 as Integer, data2 as Integer)
- method sendMIDIEvent(midiStatus as Integer, data1 as Integer)
- method sendProgramChange(program as Integer, bankMSB as Integer, bankLSB as Integer, Channel as Integer)
- method sendProgramChange(program as Integer, Channel as Integer)
- method sendPressureForKey(Key as Integer, value as Integer, Channel as Integer)
- method sendPressure(pressure as Integer, Channel as Integer)
- method sendPitchBend(pitchbend as Integer, Channel as Integer)
- method sendController(Controller as Integer, Value as Integer, Channel as Integer)
- method stopNote(note as Integer, Channel as Integer)
- method startNote(note as Integer, Velocity as Integer, Channel as Integer)
- method Constructor(audioComponentDescription as AVAudioComponentDescriptionMBS)
- class AVAudioUnitReverbMBS
- class AVAudioUnitSamplerMBS
- method Constructor(audioComponentDescription as AVAudioComponentDescriptionMBS)
- method Constructor
- method loadInstrumentAtURL(URL as string, byref error as NSErrorMBS) as boolean
- method loadAudioFilesAtURLs(URLs() as string, byref error as NSErrorMBS) as boolean
- method loadSoundBankInstrumentAtURL(bankURL as string, program as Integer, bankMSB as Integer, bankLSB as Integer, byref error as NSErrorMBS) as boolean
- method loadInstrumentAtFile(File as folderitem, byref error as NSErrorMBS) as boolean
- method loadAudioFilesAtFiles(Files() as folderitem, byref error as NSErrorMBS) as boolean
- method loadSoundBankInstrumentAtFile(bankFile as folderitem, program as Integer, bankMSB as Integer, bankLSB as Integer, byref error as NSErrorMBS) as boolean
- property stereoPan as Double
- property masterGain as Double
- property globalTuning as Double
- class AVAudioUnitTimeEffectMBS
- class AVAudioUnitTimePitchMBS
- class AVAudioUnitVarispeedMBS
- class AVCaptureAudioChannelMBS
- class AVCaptureAudioDataOutputMBS
- class AVCaptureAudioFileOutputMBS
- method startRecordingToOutputFileURL(URL as string, outputFileType as string)
- method startRecordingToOutputFile(file as folderitem, outputFileType as string)
- method Constructor
- method EnableEvents
- method metadata as AVMetadataItemMBS()
- method setMetadata(items() as AVMetadataItemMBS)
- property audioSettings as dictionary
- shared method availableOutputFileTypes as string()
- class AVCaptureAudioPreviewOutputMBS
- class AVCaptureConnectionMBS
- method Constructor(ports() as AVCaptureInputPortMBS, output as AVCaptureOutputMBS)
- method Constructor(port as AVCaptureInputPortMBS, layer as AVCaptureVideoPreviewLayerMBS)
- method audioChannels as AVCaptureAudioChannelMBS()
- method inputPorts as AVCaptureInputPortMBS()
- property Handle as Integer
- property output as AVCaptureOutputMBS
- property videoPreviewLayer as AVCaptureVideoPreviewLayerMBS
- property Enabled as Boolean
- property videoMinFrameDuration as CMTimeMBS
- property VideoMinFrameDurationSupported as Boolean
- property videoFieldMode as Integer
- property VideoFieldModeSupported as Boolean
- property videoOrientation as Integer
- property VideoOrientationSupported as Boolean
- property automaticallyAdjustsVideoMirroring as Boolean
- property Active as Boolean
- property VideoMirroringSupported as Boolean
- property VideoMirrored as Boolean
- property videoMaxFrameDuration as CMTimeMBS
- property VideoMaxFrameDurationSupported as Boolean
- shared method connectionWithInputPorts(ports() as AVCaptureInputPortMBS, output as AVCaptureOutputMBS) as AVCaptureConnectionMBS
- shared method connectionWithInputPort(port as AVCaptureInputPortMBS, layer as AVCaptureVideoPreviewLayerMBS) as AVCaptureConnectionMBS
- shared method available as boolean
- class AVCaptureDeviceFormatMBS
- class AVCaptureDeviceInputMBS
- class AVCaptureDeviceInputSourceMBS
- class AVCaptureDeviceMBS
- method reactionEffectsInProgress as AVCaptureReactionEffectStateMBS()
- method performEffectForReaction(reactionType as String)
- method availableReactionTypes as String()
- method setTransportControlsPlaybackMode(mode as integer, speed as double)
- method isWhiteBalanceModeSupported(mode as integer) as boolean
- method isExposureModeSupported(exposureMode as integer) as boolean
- method isFocusModeSupported(focusMode as integer) as boolean
- method isTorchModeSupported(torchMode as integer) as boolean
- method isFlashModeSupported(FlashMode as integer) as boolean
- method linkedDevices as AVCaptureDeviceMBS()
- method formats as AVCaptureDeviceFormatMBS()
- method inputSources as AVCaptureDeviceInputSourceMBS()
- method lockForConfiguration(byref error as NSErrorMBS) as boolean
- method Constructor
- method unlockForConfiguration
- method hasMediaType(mediaType as string) as boolean
- method supportsAVCaptureSessionPreset(preset as string) as boolean
- property Handle as Integer
- property activeVideoMaxFrameDuration as CMTimeMBS
- property activeVideoMinFrameDuration as CMTimeMBS
- property isAdjustingFocus as Boolean
- property hasFlash as Boolean
- property hasTorch as Boolean
- property isSuspended as Boolean
- property isConnected as Boolean
- property isFocusPointOfInterestSupported as Boolean
- property isInUseByAnotherApplication as Boolean
- property transportControlsPlaybackMode as Integer
- property transportControlsSupported as Boolean
- property isAdjustingExposure as Boolean
- property isAdjustingWhiteBalance as Boolean
- property isExposurePointOfInterestSupported as Boolean
- property position as Integer
- property flashMode as Integer
- property uniqueID as String
- property modelID as String
- property manufacturer as String
- property localizedName as String
- property activeInputSource as AVCaptureDeviceInputSourceMBS
- property activeFormat as AVCaptureDeviceFormatMBS
- property transportControlsSpeed as Double
- property focusPointOfInterest as CGPointMBS
- property focusMode as Integer
- property exposureMode as Integer
- property torchMode as Integer
- property whiteBalanceMode as Integer
- property exposurePointOfInterest as CGPointMBS
- property transportType as Integer
- property videoZoomFactor as Double
- property isRampingVideoZoom as Boolean
- property minAvailableVideoZoomFactor as Double
- property maxAvailableVideoZoomFactor as Double
- property canPerformReactionEffects as Boolean
- shared method AVCaptureMaxAvailableTorchLevel as double
- shared method devices as AVCaptureDeviceMBS()
- shared method devicesWithMediaType(mediaType as string) as AVCaptureDeviceMBS()
- shared method defaultDeviceWithMediaType(mediaType as string) as AVCaptureDeviceMBS
- shared method deviceWithUniqueID(deviceUniqueID as string) as AVCaptureDeviceMBS
- shared method available as boolean
- shared method authorizationStatusForMediaType(mediaType as string) as Integer
- shared method requestAccessForMediaType(mediaType as string, tag as variant = nil)
- shared property reactionEffectsEnabled as Boolean
- shared property reactionEffectGesturesEnabled as Boolean
- class AVCaptureFileOutputMBS
- method startRecordingToOutputFileURL(URL as string)
- method startRecordingToOutputFile(file as folderitem)
- method outputFileURL as string
- method isRecording as boolean
- method isRecordingPaused as boolean
- method pauseRecording
- method resumeRecording
- method stopRecording
- method recordedFileSize as Int64
- method recordedDuration as CMTimeMBS
- method Constructor
- method EnableEvents
- property maxRecordedFileSize as Int64
- property minFreeDiskSpaceLimit as Int64
- property maxRecordedDuration as CMTimeMBS
- class AVCaptureInputMBS
- class AVCaptureInputPortMBS
- class AVCaptureMetadataOutputMBS
- class AVCaptureMovieFileOutputMBS
- class AVCaptureOutputMBS
- class AVCaptureReactionEffectStateMBS
- method Constructor
- property Handle as Integer
- property reactionType as String
- property startTime as CMTimeMBS
- property endTime as CMTimeMBS
- shared method ReactionSystemImageNameForType(reactionType as String) as String
- shared method available as boolean
- shared method AVCaptureReactionTypeThumbsUp as String
- shared method AVCaptureReactionTypeThumbsDown as String
- shared method AVCaptureReactionTypeBalloons as String
- shared method AVCaptureReactionTypeHeart as String
- shared method AVCaptureReactionTypeFireworks as String
- shared method AVCaptureReactionTypeRain as String
- shared method AVCaptureReactionTypeConfetti as String
- shared method AVCaptureReactionTypeLasers as String
- class AVCaptureScreenInputMBS
- class AVCaptureSessionMBS
- method canAddConnection(connection as AVCaptureConnectionMBS) as boolean
- method canAddOutput(input as AVCaptureOutputMBS) as boolean
- method canAddInput(input as AVCaptureInputMBS) as boolean
- method canSetSessionPreset(preset as string) as boolean
- method addOutputWithNoConnections(output as AVCaptureOutputMBS)
- method addInputWithNoConnections(input as AVCaptureInputMBS)
- method outputs as AVCaptureOutputMBS()
- method inputs as AVCaptureInputMBS()
- method addInput(connection as AVCaptureInputMBS)
- method removeInput(connection as AVCaptureInputMBS)
- method addOutput(connection as AVCaptureOutputMBS)
- method removeOutput(connection as AVCaptureOutputMBS)
- method addConnection(connection as AVCaptureConnectionMBS)
- method removeConnection(connection as AVCaptureConnectionMBS)
- method Constructor
- method stopRunning
- method startRunning
- method beginConfiguration
- method commitConfiguration
- method isRunning as boolean
- property sessionPreset as string
- property Handle as Integer
- shared method available as boolean
- class AVCaptureStillImageOutputMBS
- method availableImageDataCVPixelFormatTypes as integer()
- method availableImageDataCodecTypes as string()
- method Constructor
- method captureStillImageAsynchronously(connection as AVCaptureConnectionMBS, prepareJpegStillImage as boolean, tag as variant = nil)
- property outputSettings as dictionary
- property isCapturingStillImage as Boolean
- shared method jpegStillImageNSDataRepresentation(jpegSampleBuffer as CMSampleBufferMBS) as memoryblock
- class AVCaptureVideoDataOutputMBS
- method Constructor(CIDetector as Variant)
- method Constructor
- method availableVideoCodecTypes as string()
- method EnableEvents
- property videoSettings as dictionary
- property alwaysDiscardsLateVideoFrames as boolean
- property Detector as Variant
- shared property PrepareNSImage as Boolean
- shared property PrepareCIImage as Boolean
- shared property PrepareJPEGData as Boolean
- class AVCaptureVideoPreviewLayerMBS
- method Constructor(session as AVCaptureSessionMBS, WithConnection as boolean = true)
- method setSessionWithNoConnection(session as AVCaptureSessionMBS)
- method connection as AVCaptureConnectionMBS
- method captureDevicePointOfInterestForPoint(pointInLayer as CGPointMBS) as CGPointMBS
- method pointForCaptureDevicePointOfInterest(captureDevicePointOfInterest as CGPointMBS) as CGPointMBS
- method metadataOutputRectOfInterestForRect(rectInLayerCoordinates as CGRectMBS) as CGRectMBS
- method rectForMetadataOutputRectOfInterest(rectInMetadataOutputCoordinates as CGRectMBS) as CGRectMBS
- property session as AVCaptureSessionMBS
- property videoGravity as string
- shared method layerWithSessionWithNoConnection(session as AVCaptureSessionMBS) as AVCaptureVideoPreviewLayerMBS
- shared method layerWithSession(session as AVCaptureSessionMBS) as AVCaptureVideoPreviewLayerMBS
- class AVCompositionMBS
- class AVCompositionTrackMBS
- class AVCompositionTrackSegmentMBS
- class AVEdgeWidthsMBS
- class AVFoundationMBS
- shared method AVURLAssetHTTPCookiesKey as string
- shared method AVAudioTimePitchAlgorithmTimeDomain as string
- shared method AVAudioTimePitchAlgorithmSpectral as string
- shared method AVAudioTimePitchAlgorithmVarispeed as string
- shared method AVAudioBitRateStrategy_Constant as string
- shared method AVAudioBitRateStrategy_LongTermAverage as string
- shared method AVAudioBitRateStrategy_VariableConstrained as string
- shared method AVAudioBitRateStrategy_Variable as string
- shared method AVSampleRateConverterAlgorithm_Normal as string
- shared method AVSampleRateConverterAlgorithm_Mastering as string
- shared method WriteCGImageToFile(File as FolderItem, Type as String, Image as Variant, options as Dictionary = nil, tag as variant = nil) as boolean
- shared method available as boolean
- shared method AVMakeRectWithAspectRatioInsideRect(aspectRatio as CGSizeMBS, boundingRect as CGRectMBS) as CGRectMBS
- shared method AVCoreAnimationBeginTimeAtZero as double
- shared method AVLayerVideoGravityResizeAspect as string
- shared method AVLayerVideoGravityResizeAspectFill as string
- shared method AVLayerVideoGravityResize as string
- shared method AVFoundationErrorDomain as string
- shared method AVErrorDeviceKey as string
- shared method AVErrorTimeKey as string
- shared method AVErrorFileSizeKey as string
- shared method AVErrorPIDKey as string
- shared method AVErrorRecordingSuccessfullyFinishedKey as string
- shared method AVErrorMediaTypeKey as string
- shared method AVErrorMediaSubTypeKey as string
- shared method AVErrorDiscontinuityFlagsKey as string
- shared method AVCaptureInputPortFormatDescriptionDidChangeNotification as string
- shared method AVPlayerItemTimeJumpedNotification as string
- shared method AVPlayerItemDidPlayToEndTimeNotification as string
- shared method AVPlayerItemFailedToPlayToEndTimeNotification as string
- shared method AVPlayerItemFailedToPlayToEndTimeErrorKey as string
- shared method AVPlayerItemPlaybackStalledNotification as string
- shared method AVPlayerItemNewAccessLogEntryNotification as string
- shared method AVPlayerItemNewErrorLogEntryNotification as string
- shared method AVCaptureDeviceWasConnectedNotification as string
- shared method AVCaptureDeviceWasDisconnectedNotification as string
- shared method AVCaptureSessionRuntimeErrorNotification as string
- shared method AVCaptureSessionErrorKey as string
- shared method AVCaptureSessionDidStartRunningNotification as string
- shared method AVCaptureSessionDidStopRunningNotification as string
- shared method AVCaptureSessionPresetPhoto as string
- shared method AVCaptureSessionPresetHigh as string
- shared method AVCaptureSessionPresetMedium as string
- shared method AVCaptureSessionPresetLow as string
- shared method AVCaptureSessionPreset320x240 as string
- shared method AVCaptureSessionPreset352x288 as string
- shared method AVCaptureSessionPreset640x480 as string
- shared method AVCaptureSessionPreset960x540 as string
- shared method AVCaptureSessionPreset1280x720 as string
- shared method AVCaptureSessionPresetiFrame960x540 as string
- shared method AVCaptureSessionPresetiFrame1280x720 as string
- shared method AVURLAssetPreferPreciseDurationAndTimingKey as string
- shared method AVURLAssetReferenceRestrictionsKey as string
- shared method AVFormatIDKey as string
- shared method AVSampleRateKey as string
- shared method AVNumberOfChannelsKey as string
- shared method AVLinearPCMBitDepthKey as string
- shared method AVLinearPCMIsBigEndianKey as string
- shared method AVLinearPCMIsFloatKey as string
- shared method AVLinearPCMIsNonInterleaved as string
- shared method AVEncoderAudioQualityKey as string
- shared method AVEncoderAudioQualityForVBRKey as string
- shared method AVEncoderBitRateKey as string
- shared method AVEncoderBitRateStrategyKey as string
- shared method AVEncoderBitRatePerChannelKey as string
- shared method AVEncoderBitDepthHintKey as string
- shared method AVSampleRateConverterAudioQualityKey as string
- shared method AVSampleRateConverterAlgorithmKey as string
- shared method AVChannelLayoutKey as string
- shared method AVAudioFileTypeKey as string
- shared method AVMetadataKeySpaceCommon as string
- shared method AVMetadataCommonKeyTitle as string
- shared method AVMetadataCommonKeyCreator as string
- shared method AVMetadataCommonKeySubject as string
- shared method AVMetadataCommonKeyDescription as string
- shared method AVMetadataCommonKeyPublisher as string
- shared method AVMetadataCommonKeyContributor as string
- shared method AVMetadataCommonKeyCreationDate as string
- shared method AVMetadataCommonKeyLastModifiedDate as string
- shared method AVMetadataCommonKeyType as string
- shared method AVMetadataCommonKeyFormat as string
- shared method AVMetadataCommonKeyIdentifier as string
- shared method AVMetadataCommonKeySource as string
- shared method AVMetadataCommonKeyLanguage as string
- shared method AVMetadataCommonKeyRelation as string
- shared method AVMetadataCommonKeyLocation as string
- shared method AVMetadataCommonKeyCopyrights as string
- shared method AVMetadataCommonKeyAlbumName as string
- shared method AVMetadataCommonKeyAuthor as string
- shared method AVMetadataCommonKeyArtist as string
- shared method AVMetadataCommonKeyArtwork as string
- shared method AVMetadataCommonKeyMake as string
- shared method AVMetadataCommonKeyModel as string
- shared method AVMetadataCommonKeySoftware as string
- shared method AVMetadataFormatQuickTimeUserData as string
- shared method AVMetadataKeySpaceQuickTimeUserData as string
- shared method AVMetadataQuickTimeUserDataKeyAlbum as string
- shared method AVMetadataQuickTimeUserDataKeyArranger as string
- shared method AVMetadataQuickTimeUserDataKeyArtist as string
- shared method AVMetadataQuickTimeUserDataKeyAuthor as string
- shared method AVMetadataQuickTimeUserDataKeyChapter as string
- shared method AVMetadataQuickTimeUserDataKeyComment as string
- shared method AVMetadataQuickTimeUserDataKeyComposer as string
- shared method AVMetadataQuickTimeUserDataKeyCopyright as string
- shared method AVMetadataQuickTimeUserDataKeyCreationDate as string
- shared method AVMetadataQuickTimeUserDataKeyDescription as string
- shared method AVMetadataQuickTimeUserDataKeyDirector as string
- shared method AVMetadataQuickTimeUserDataKeyDisclaimer as string
- shared method AVMetadataQuickTimeUserDataKeyEncodedBy as string
- shared method AVMetadataQuickTimeUserDataKeyFullName as string
- shared method AVMetadataQuickTimeUserDataKeyGenre as string
- shared method AVMetadataQuickTimeUserDataKeyHostComputer as string
- shared method AVMetadataQuickTimeUserDataKeyInformation as string
- shared method AVMetadataQuickTimeUserDataKeyKeywords as string
- shared method AVMetadataQuickTimeUserDataKeyMake as string
- shared method AVMetadataQuickTimeUserDataKeyModel as string
- shared method AVMetadataQuickTimeUserDataKeyOriginalArtist as string
- shared method AVMetadataQuickTimeUserDataKeyOriginalFormat as string
- shared method AVMetadataQuickTimeUserDataKeyOriginalSource as string
- shared method AVMetadataQuickTimeUserDataKeyPerformers as string
- shared method AVMetadataQuickTimeUserDataKeyProducer as string
- shared method AVMetadataQuickTimeUserDataKeyPublisher as string
- shared method AVMetadataQuickTimeUserDataKeyProduct as string
- shared method AVMetadataQuickTimeUserDataKeySoftware as string
- shared method AVMetadataQuickTimeUserDataKeySpecialPlaybackRequirements as string
- shared method AVMetadataQuickTimeUserDataKeyTrack as string
- shared method AVMetadataQuickTimeUserDataKeyWarning as string
- shared method AVMetadataQuickTimeUserDataKeyWriter as string
- shared method AVMetadataQuickTimeUserDataKeyURLLink as string
- shared method AVMetadataQuickTimeUserDataKeyLocationISO6709 as string
- shared method AVMetadataQuickTimeUserDataKeyTrackName as string
- shared method AVMetadataQuickTimeUserDataKeyCredits as string
- shared method AVMetadataQuickTimeUserDataKeyPhonogramRights as string
- shared method AVMetadataQuickTimeUserDataKeyTaggedCharacteristic as string
- shared method AVMetadataFormatISOUserData as string
- shared method AVMetadataKeySpaceISOUserData as string
- shared method AVMetadataISOUserDataKeyCopyright as string
- shared method AVMetadata3GPUserDataKeyCopyright as string
- shared method AVMetadata3GPUserDataKeyAuthor as string
- shared method AVMetadata3GPUserDataKeyPerformer as string
- shared method AVMetadata3GPUserDataKeyGenre as string
- shared method AVMetadata3GPUserDataKeyRecordingYear as string
- shared method AVMetadata3GPUserDataKeyLocation as string
- shared method AVMetadata3GPUserDataKeyTitle as string
- shared method AVMetadata3GPUserDataKeyDescription as string
- shared method AVMetadata3GPUserDataKeyCollection as string
- shared method AVMetadata3GPUserDataKeyUserRating as string
- shared method AVMetadata3GPUserDataKeyThumbnail as string
- shared method AVMetadata3GPUserDataKeyAlbumAndTrack as string
- shared method AVMetadata3GPUserDataKeyKeywordList as string
- shared method AVMetadata3GPUserDataKeyMediaClassification as string
- shared method AVMetadata3GPUserDataKeyMediaRating as string
- shared method AVTrackAssociationTypeAudioFallback as string
- shared method AVTrackAssociationTypeChapterList as string
- shared method AVTrackAssociationTypeForcedSubtitlesOnly as string
- shared method AVTrackAssociationTypeSelectionFollower as string
- shared method AVTrackAssociationTypeTimecode as string
- shared method AVMetadataFormatQuickTimeMetadata as string
- shared method AVMetadataKeySpaceQuickTimeMetadata as string
- shared method AVMetadataQuickTimeMetadataKeyAuthor as string
- shared method AVMetadataQuickTimeMetadataKeyComment as string
- shared method AVMetadataQuickTimeMetadataKeyCopyright as string
- shared method AVMetadataQuickTimeMetadataKeyCreationDate as string
- shared method AVMetadataQuickTimeMetadataKeyDirector as string
- shared method AVMetadataQuickTimeMetadataKeyDisplayName as string
- shared method AVMetadataQuickTimeMetadataKeyInformation as string
- shared method AVMetadataQuickTimeMetadataKeyKeywords as string
- shared method AVMetadataQuickTimeMetadataKeyProducer as string
- shared method AVMetadataQuickTimeMetadataKeyPublisher as string
- shared method AVMetadataQuickTimeMetadataKeyAlbum as string
- shared method AVMetadataQuickTimeMetadataKeyArtist as string
- shared method AVMetadataQuickTimeMetadataKeyArtwork as string
- shared method AVMetadataQuickTimeMetadataKeyDescription as string
- shared method AVMetadataQuickTimeMetadataKeySoftware as string
- shared method AVMetadataQuickTimeMetadataKeyYear as string
- shared method AVMetadataQuickTimeMetadataKeyGenre as string
- shared method AVMetadataQuickTimeMetadataKeyiXML as string
- shared method AVMetadataQuickTimeMetadataKeyLocationISO6709 as string
- shared method AVMetadataQuickTimeMetadataKeyMake as string
- shared method AVMetadataQuickTimeMetadataKeyModel as string
- shared method AVMetadataQuickTimeMetadataKeyArranger as string
- shared method AVMetadataQuickTimeMetadataKeyEncodedBy as string
- shared method AVMetadataQuickTimeMetadataKeyOriginalArtist as string
- shared method AVMetadataQuickTimeMetadataKeyPerformer as string
- shared method AVMetadataQuickTimeMetadataKeyComposer as string
- shared method AVMetadataQuickTimeMetadataKeyCredits as string
- shared method AVMetadataQuickTimeMetadataKeyPhonogramRights as string
- shared method AVMetadataQuickTimeMetadataKeyCameraIdentifier as string
- shared method AVMetadataQuickTimeMetadataKeyCameraFrameReadoutTime as string
- shared method AVMetadataQuickTimeMetadataKeyTitle as string
- shared method AVMetadataQuickTimeMetadataKeyCollectionUser as string
- shared method AVMetadataQuickTimeMetadataKeyRatingUser as string
- shared method AVMetadataQuickTimeMetadataKeyLocationName as string
- shared method AVMetadataQuickTimeMetadataKeyLocationBody as string
- shared method AVMetadataQuickTimeMetadataKeyLocationNote as string
- shared method AVMetadataQuickTimeMetadataKeyLocationRole as string
- shared method AVMetadataQuickTimeMetadataKeyLocationDate as string
- shared method AVMetadataQuickTimeMetadataKeyDirectionFacing as string
- shared method AVMetadataQuickTimeMetadataKeyDirectionMotion as string
- shared method AVMetadataFormatiTunesMetadata as string
- shared method AVMetadataKeySpaceiTunes as string
- shared method AVMetadataiTunesMetadataKeyAlbum as string
- shared method AVMetadataiTunesMetadataKeyArtist as string
- shared method AVMetadataiTunesMetadataKeyUserComment as string
- shared method AVMetadataiTunesMetadataKeyCoverArt as string
- shared method AVMetadataiTunesMetadataKeyCopyright as string
- shared method AVMetadataiTunesMetadataKeyReleaseDate as string
- shared method AVMetadataiTunesMetadataKeyEncodedBy as string
- shared method AVMetadataiTunesMetadataKeyPredefinedGenre as string
- shared method AVMetadataiTunesMetadataKeyUserGenre as string
- shared method AVMetadataiTunesMetadataKeySongName as string
- shared method AVMetadataiTunesMetadataKeyTrackSubTitle as string
- shared method AVMetadataiTunesMetadataKeyEncodingTool as string
- shared method AVMetadataiTunesMetadataKeyComposer as string
- shared method AVMetadataiTunesMetadataKeyAlbumArtist as string
- shared method AVMetadataiTunesMetadataKeyAccountKind as string
- shared method AVMetadataiTunesMetadataKeyAppleID as string
- shared method AVMetadataiTunesMetadataKeyArtistID as string
- shared method AVMetadataiTunesMetadataKeySongID as string
- shared method AVMetadataiTunesMetadataKeyDiscCompilation as string
- shared method AVMetadataiTunesMetadataKeyDiscNumber as string
- shared method AVMetadataiTunesMetadataKeyGenreID as string
- shared method AVMetadataiTunesMetadataKeyGrouping as string
- shared method AVMetadataiTunesMetadataKeyPlaylistID as string
- shared method AVMetadataiTunesMetadataKeyContentRating as string
- shared method AVMetadataiTunesMetadataKeyBeatsPerMin as string
- shared method AVMetadataiTunesMetadataKeyTrackNumber as string
- shared method AVMetadataiTunesMetadataKeyArtDirector as string
- shared method AVMetadataiTunesMetadataKeyArranger as string
- shared method AVMetadataiTunesMetadataKeyAuthor as string
- shared method AVMetadataiTunesMetadataKeyLyrics as string
- shared method AVMetadataiTunesMetadataKeyAcknowledgement as string
- shared method AVMetadataiTunesMetadataKeyConductor as string
- shared method AVMetadataiTunesMetadataKeyDescription as string
- shared method AVMetadataiTunesMetadataKeyDirector as string
- shared method AVMetadataiTunesMetadataKeyEQ as string
- shared method AVMetadataiTunesMetadataKeyLinerNotes as string
- shared method AVMetadataiTunesMetadataKeyRecordCompany as string
- shared method AVMetadataiTunesMetadataKeyOriginalArtist as string
- shared method AVMetadataiTunesMetadataKeyPhonogramRights as string
- shared method AVMetadataiTunesMetadataKeyProducer as string
- shared method AVMetadataiTunesMetadataKeyPerformer as string
- shared method AVMetadataiTunesMetadataKeyPublisher as string
- shared method AVMetadataiTunesMetadataKeySoundEngineer as string
- shared method AVMetadataiTunesMetadataKeySoloist as string
- shared method AVMetadataiTunesMetadataKeyCredits as string
- shared method AVMetadataiTunesMetadataKeyThanks as string
- shared method AVMetadataiTunesMetadataKeyOnlineExtras as string
- shared method AVMetadataiTunesMetadataKeyExecProducer as string
- shared method AVMetadataFormatID3Metadata as string
- shared method AVMetadataKeySpaceID3 as string
- shared method AVMetadataID3MetadataKeyAudioEncryption as string
- shared method AVMetadataID3MetadataKeyAttachedPicture as string
- shared method AVMetadataID3MetadataKeyAudioSeekPointIndex as string
- shared method AVMetadataID3MetadataKeyComments as string
- shared method AVMetadataID3MetadataKeyCommercial as string
- shared method AVMetadataID3MetadataKeyEncryption as string
- shared method AVMetadataID3MetadataKeyEqualization as string
- shared method AVMetadataID3MetadataKeyEqualization2 as string
- shared method AVMetadataID3MetadataKeyEventTimingCodes as string
- shared method AVMetadataID3MetadataKeyGeneralEncapsulatedObject as string
- shared method AVMetadataID3MetadataKeyGroupIdentifier as string
- shared method AVMetadataID3MetadataKeyInvolvedPeopleList_v23 as string
- shared method AVMetadataID3MetadataKeyLink as string
- shared method AVMetadataID3MetadataKeyMusicCDIdentifier as string
- shared method AVMetadataID3MetadataKeyMPEGLocationLookupTable as string
- shared method AVMetadataID3MetadataKeyOwnership as string
- shared method AVMetadataID3MetadataKeyPrivate as string
- shared method AVMetadataID3MetadataKeyPlayCounter as string
- shared method AVMetadataID3MetadataKeyPopularimeter as string
- shared method AVMetadataID3MetadataKeyPositionSynchronization as string
- shared method AVMetadataID3MetadataKeyRecommendedBufferSize as string
- shared method AVMetadataID3MetadataKeyRelativeVolumeAdjustment as string
- shared method AVMetadataID3MetadataKeyRelativeVolumeAdjustment2 as string
- shared method AVMetadataID3MetadataKeyReverb as string
- shared method AVMetadataID3MetadataKeySeek as string
- shared method AVMetadataID3MetadataKeySignature as string
- shared method AVMetadataID3MetadataKeySynchronizedLyric as string
- shared method AVMetadataID3MetadataKeySynchronizedTempoCodes as string
- shared method AVMetadataID3MetadataKeyAlbumTitle as string
- shared method AVMetadataID3MetadataKeyBeatsPerMinute as string
- shared method AVMetadataID3MetadataKeyComposer as string
- shared method AVMetadataID3MetadataKeyContentType as string
- shared method AVMetadataID3MetadataKeyCopyright as string
- shared method AVMetadataID3MetadataKeyDate as string
- shared method AVMetadataID3MetadataKeyEncodingTime as string
- shared method AVMetadataID3MetadataKeyPlaylistDelay as string
- shared method AVMetadataID3MetadataKeyOriginalReleaseTime as string
- shared method AVMetadataID3MetadataKeyRecordingTime as string
- shared method AVMetadataID3MetadataKeyReleaseTime as string
- shared method AVMetadataID3MetadataKeyTaggingTime as string
- shared method AVMetadataID3MetadataKeyEncodedBy as string
- shared method AVMetadataID3MetadataKeyLyricist as string
- shared method AVMetadataID3MetadataKeyFileType as string
- shared method AVMetadataID3MetadataKeyTime as string
- shared method AVMetadataID3MetadataKeyInvolvedPeopleList_v24 as string
- shared method AVMetadataID3MetadataKeyContentGroupDescription as string
- shared method AVMetadataID3MetadataKeyTitleDescription as string
- shared method AVMetadataID3MetadataKeySubTitle as string
- shared method AVMetadataID3MetadataKeyInitialKey as string
- shared method AVMetadataID3MetadataKeyLanguage as string
- shared method AVMetadataID3MetadataKeyLength as string
- shared method AVMetadataID3MetadataKeyMusicianCreditsList as string
- shared method AVMetadataID3MetadataKeyMediaType as string
- shared method AVMetadataID3MetadataKeyMood as string
- shared method AVMetadataID3MetadataKeyOriginalAlbumTitle as string
- shared method AVMetadataID3MetadataKeyOriginalFilename as string
- shared method AVMetadataID3MetadataKeyOriginalLyricist as string
- shared method AVMetadataID3MetadataKeyOriginalArtist as string
- shared method AVMetadataID3MetadataKeyOriginalReleaseYear as string
- shared method AVMetadataID3MetadataKeyFileOwner as string
- shared method AVMetadataID3MetadataKeyLeadPerformer as string
- shared method AVMetadataID3MetadataKeyBand as string
- shared method AVMetadataID3MetadataKeyConductor as string
- shared method AVMetadataID3MetadataKeyModifiedBy as string
- shared method AVMetadataID3MetadataKeyPartOfASet as string
- shared method AVMetadataID3MetadataKeyProducedNotice as string
- shared method AVMetadataID3MetadataKeyPublisher as string
- shared method AVMetadataID3MetadataKeyTrackNumber as string
- shared method AVMetadataID3MetadataKeyRecordingDates as string
- shared method AVMetadataID3MetadataKeyInternetRadioStationName as string
- shared method AVMetadataID3MetadataKeyInternetRadioStationOwner as string
- shared method AVMetadataID3MetadataKeySize as string
- shared method AVMetadataID3MetadataKeyAlbumSortOrder as string
- shared method AVMetadataID3MetadataKeyPerformerSortOrder as string
- shared method AVMetadataID3MetadataKeyTitleSortOrder as string
- shared method AVMetadataID3MetadataKeyInternationalStandardRecordingCode as string
- shared method AVMetadataID3MetadataKeyEncodedWith as string
- shared method AVMetadataID3MetadataKeySetSubtitle as string
- shared method AVMetadataID3MetadataKeyYear as string
- shared method AVMetadataID3MetadataKeyUserText as string
- shared method AVMetadataID3MetadataKeyUniqueFileIdentifier as string
- shared method AVMetadataID3MetadataKeyTermsOfUse as string
- shared method AVMetadataID3MetadataKeyUnsynchronizedLyric as string
- shared method AVMetadataID3MetadataKeyCommercialInformation as string
- shared method AVMetadataID3MetadataKeyCopyrightInformation as string
- shared method AVMetadataID3MetadataKeyOfficialAudioFileWebpage as string
- shared method AVMetadataID3MetadataKeyOfficialArtistWebpage as string
- shared method AVMetadataID3MetadataKeyOfficialAudioSourceWebpage as string
- shared method AVMetadataID3MetadataKeyOfficialInternetRadioStationHomepage as string
- shared method AVMetadataID3MetadataKeyPayment as string
- shared method AVMetadataID3MetadataKeyOfficialPublisherWebpage as string
- shared method AVMetadataID3MetadataKeyUserURL as string
- shared method AVMediaTypeVideo as string
- shared method AVMediaTypeAudio as string
- shared method AVMediaTypeText as string
- shared method AVMediaTypeClosedCaption as string
- shared method AVMediaTypeSubtitle as string
- shared method AVMediaTypeTimecode as string
- shared method AVMediaTypeMetadataObject as string
- shared method AVMediaTypeDepthData as string
- shared method AVMediaTypeMetadata as string
- shared method AVMediaTypeMuxed as string
- shared method AVMediaCharacteristicVisual as string
- shared method AVMediaCharacteristicAudible as string
- shared method AVMediaCharacteristicLegible as string
- shared method AVMediaCharacteristicFrameBased as string
- shared method AVMediaCharacteristicIsMainProgramContent as string
- shared method AVMediaCharacteristicIsAuxiliaryContent as string
- shared method AVMediaCharacteristicContainsOnlyForcedSubtitles as string
- shared method AVMediaCharacteristicTranscribesSpokenDialogForAccessibility as string
- shared method AVMediaCharacteristicDescribesMusicAndSoundForAccessibility as string
- shared method AVMediaCharacteristicEasyToRead as string
- shared method AVMediaCharacteristicDescribesVideoForAccessibility as string
- shared method AVMediaCharacteristicUsesWideGamutColorSpace as string
- shared method AVMediaCharacteristicContainsAlphaChannel as string
- shared method AVMediaCharacteristicIsOriginalContent as string
- shared method AVMediaCharacteristicLanguageTranslation as string
- shared method AVMediaCharacteristicDubbedTranslation as string
- shared method AVMediaCharacteristicVoiceOverTranslation as string
- shared method AVFileTypeQuickTimeMovie as string
- shared method AVFileTypeMPEG4 as string
- shared method AVFileType3GPP as string
- shared method AVFileType3GPP2 as string
- shared method AVFileTypeAppleM4V as string
- shared method AVFileTypeAppleM4A as string
- shared method AVFileTypeCoreAudioFormat as string
- shared method AVFileTypeWAVE as string
- shared method AVFileTypeAIFF as string
- shared method AVFileTypeAIFC as string
- shared method AVFileTypeAMR as string
- shared method AVFileTypeMPEGLayer3 as string
- shared method AVFileTypeSunAU as string
- shared method AVFileTypeAC3 as string
- shared method AVFileTypeEnhancedAC3 as string
- shared method AVFileTypeJPEG as string
- shared method AVFileTypeDNG as string
- shared method AVFileTypeHEIC as string
- shared method AVFileTypeAVCI as string
- shared method AVFileTypeHEIF as string
- shared method AVFileTypeTIFF as string
- shared method AVStreamingKeyDeliveryContentKeyType as string
- shared method AVStreamingKeyDeliveryPersistentContentKeyType as string
- shared method AVVideoCodecTypeHEVC as string
- shared method AVVideoCodecTypeH264 as string
- shared method AVVideoCodecTypeJPEG as string
- shared method AVVideoCodecTypeAppleProRes4444 as string
- shared method AVVideoCodecTypeAppleProRes422 as string
- shared method AVVideoAverageBitRateKey as string
- shared method AVVideoCleanApertureHeightKey as string
- shared method AVVideoCleanApertureHorizontalOffsetKey as string
- shared method AVVideoCleanApertureKey as string
- shared method AVVideoCleanApertureVerticalOffsetKey as string
- shared method AVVideoCleanApertureWidthKey as string
- shared method AVVideoCodecAppleProRes422 as string
- shared method AVVideoCodecAppleProRes4444 as string
- shared method AVVideoCodecH264 as string
- shared method AVVideoCodecJPEG as string
- shared method AVVideoCodecKey as string
- shared method AVVideoColorPrimaries_EBU_3213 as string
- shared method AVVideoColorPrimaries_ITU_R_709_2 as string
- shared method AVVideoColorPrimaries_SMPTE_C as string
- shared method AVVideoColorPrimariesKey as string
- shared method AVVideoColorPropertiesKey as string
- shared method AVVideoCompressionPropertiesKey as string
- shared method AVVideoHeightKey as string
- shared method AVVideoMaxKeyFrameIntervalKey as string
- shared method AVVideoPixelAspectRatioHorizontalSpacingKey as string
- shared method AVVideoPixelAspectRatioKey as string
- shared method AVVideoPixelAspectRatioVerticalSpacingKey as string
- shared method AVVideoProfileLevelH264Baseline30 as string
- shared method AVVideoProfileLevelH264Baseline31 as string
- shared method AVVideoProfileLevelH264Baseline41 as string
- shared method AVVideoProfileLevelH264Main30 as string
- shared method AVVideoProfileLevelH264Main31 as string
- shared method AVVideoProfileLevelH264Main32 as string
- shared method AVVideoProfileLevelH264Main41 as string
- shared method AVVideoProfileLevelKey as string
- shared method AVVideoQualityKey as string
- shared method AVVideoScalingModeFit as string
- shared method AVVideoScalingModeKey as string
- shared method AVVideoScalingModeResize as string
- shared method AVVideoScalingModeResizeAspect as string
- shared method AVVideoScalingModeResizeAspectFill as string
- shared method AVVideoTransferFunction_ITU_R_709_2 as string
- shared method AVVideoTransferFunction_SMPTE_240M_1995 as string
- shared method AVVideoTransferFunctionKey as string
- shared method AVVideoWidthKey as string
- shared method AVVideoYCbCrMatrix_ITU_R_601_4 as string
- shared method AVVideoYCbCrMatrix_ITU_R_709_2 as string
- shared method AVVideoYCbCrMatrix_SMPTE_240M_1995 as string
- shared method AVVideoYCbCrMatrixKey as string
- shared method AVVideoMaxKeyFrameIntervalDurationKey as string
- shared method AVVideoProfileLevelH264BaselineAutoLevel as string
- shared method AVVideoProfileLevelH264MainAutoLevel as string
- shared method AVVideoProfileLevelH264High40 as string
- shared method AVVideoProfileLevelH264High41 as string
- shared method AVVideoProfileLevelH264HighAutoLevel as string
- event WriteCGImageToFileCompleted(file as folderitem, type as string, image as Variant, options as dictionary, success as boolean, tag as variant)
- event exportAsynchronouslyCompleted(ExportSession as AVAssetExportSessionMBS, tag as variant)
- event requestContentAuthorizationCompleted(PlayerItem as AVPlayerItemMBS, timeoutInterval as double, tag as variant)
- event outputMediaDataWillChange(output as AVPlayerItemOutputMBS)
- event outputSequenceWasFlushed(output as AVPlayerItemOutputMBS)
- event generateCGImagesAsynchronouslyForTimesCompleted(generator as AVAssetImageGeneratorMBS, requestedTime as CMTimeMBS, image as Variant, actualTime as CMTimeMBS, result as integer, error as NSErrorMBS, tag as variant)
- event requestMediaDataWhenReadyOnQueueCompleted(assetWriterInput as AVAssetWriterInputMBS, tag as variant)
- event requestMediaDataWhenReadyOnQueueProgress(assetWriterInput as AVAssetWriterInputMBS, assetReaderOutput as AVAssetReaderOutputMBS, convertedByteCount as Int64, LastBuffer as CMSampleBufferMBS, tag as variant)
- event requestMediaDataWhenReadyOnQueueFinished(assetWriterInput as AVAssetWriterInputMBS, assetReaderOutput as AVAssetReaderOutputMBS, tag as variant)
- event captureStillImageAsynchronouslyCompleted(CaptureStillImageOutput as AVCaptureStillImageOutputMBS, prepareJpegStillImage as boolean, tag as variant, error as NSErrorMBS, imageDataSampleBuffer as CMSampleBufferMBS, JpegStillImage as memoryblock)
- event CaptureSessionRuntimeError(session as AVCaptureSessionMBS, error as NSErrorMBS, notification as variant)
- event CaptureSessionDidStartRunning(session as AVCaptureSessionMBS, notification as variant)
- event CaptureSessionDidStopRunning(session as AVCaptureSessionMBS, notification as variant)
- event CaptureDeviceWasConnected(device as AVCaptureDeviceMBS, notification as variant)
- event CaptureDeviceWasDisconnected(device as AVCaptureDeviceMBS, notification as variant)
- event CaptureDeviceSubjectAreaDidChange(device as AVCaptureDeviceMBS, notification as variant)
- event PlayerItemTimeJumped(PlayerItem as AVPlayerItemMBS, notification as variant)
- event PlayerItemDidPlayToEndTime(PlayerItem as AVPlayerItemMBS, notification as variant)
- event PlayerItemFailedToPlayToEndTime(PlayerItem as AVPlayerItemMBS, error as NSErrorMBS, notification as variant)
- event CaptureInputPortFormatDescriptionDidChange(InputPort as AVCaptureInputPortMBS, notification as variant)
- event audioRecorderDidFinishRecording(recorder as AVAudioRecorderMBS, successful as boolean)
- event audioRecorderEncodeErrorDidOccur(recorder as AVAudioRecorderMBS, error as NSErrorMBS)
- event audioPlayerDidFinishPlaying(player as AVAudioPlayerMBS, successful as boolean)
- event audioPlayerDecodeErrorDidOccur(player as AVAudioPlayerMBS, error as NSErrorMBS)
- event playerSeekToDateFinished(player as AVPlayerMBS, date as Variant, finished as boolean, tag as variant)
- event playerSeekToTimeFinished(player as AVPlayerMBS, time as CMTimeMBS, toleranceBefore as CMTimeMBS, toleranceAfter as CMTimeMBS, finished as boolean, tag as variant)
- event playerItemSeekToDateFinished(player as AVPlayerItemMBS, date as Variant, finished as boolean, tag as variant)
- event playerItemSeekToTimeFinished(player as AVPlayerItemMBS, time as CMTimeMBS, toleranceBefore as CMTimeMBS, toleranceAfter as CMTimeMBS, finished as boolean, tag as variant)
- event prerollAtRateFinished(player as AVAudioPlayerMBS, rate as double, finished as boolean, tag as variant)
- event captureOutputDidOutputSampleBuffer(captureOutput as AVCaptureOutputMBS, OutputSampleBuffer as CMSampleBufferMBS, connection as AVCaptureConnectionMBS, features as variant)
- event captureOutputDidDropSampleBuffer(captureOutput as AVCaptureOutputMBS, OutputSampleBuffer as CMSampleBufferMBS, connection as AVCaptureConnectionMBS)
- event MetadataItemLoadValuesAsynchronouslyForKeysFinished(MetadataItem as AVMetadataItemMBS, keys() as string, tag as variant)
- event AssetTrackLoadValuesAsynchronouslyForKeysFinished(MetadataItem as AVMetadataItemMBS, keys() as string, tag as variant)
- event AssetLoadValuesAsynchronouslyForKeysFinished(MetadataItem as AVMetadataItemMBS, keys() as string, tag as variant)
- event captureOutputWillFinishRecordingToOutputFileAtURL(captureOutput as AVCaptureFileOutputMBS, fileURL as string, connections() as AVCaptureConnectionMBS, error as NSErrorMBS)
- event captureOutputDidStartRecordingToOutputFileAtURL(captureOutput as AVCaptureFileOutputMBS, fileURL as string, connections() as AVCaptureConnectionMBS)
- event captureOutputDidPauseRecordingToOutputFileAtURL(captureOutput as AVCaptureFileOutputMBS, fileURL as string, connections() as AVCaptureConnectionMBS)
- event captureOutputDidResumeRecordingToOutputFileAtURL(captureOutput as AVCaptureFileOutputMBS, fileURL as string, connections() as AVCaptureConnectionMBS)
- event captureOutputDidFinishRecordingToOutputFileAtURL(captureOutput as AVCaptureFileOutputMBS, outputFileURL as string, connections() as AVCaptureConnectionMBS, error as NSErrorMBS)
- event videoCompositionShouldContinueValidatingAfterFindingInvalidValueForKey(videoComposition as AVVideoCompositionMBS, key as string) as boolean
- event videoCompositionShouldContinueValidatingAfterFindingEmptyTimeRange(videoComposition as AVVideoCompositionMBS, timeRange as CMTimeRangeMBS) as boolean
- event videoCompositionShouldContinueValidatingAfterFindingInvalidTimeRangeInInstruction(videoComposition as AVVideoCompositionMBS, Instruction as AVVideoCompositionInstructionMBS) as boolean
- event videoCompositionShouldContinueValidatingAfterFindingInvalidTrackIDInInstruction(videoComposition as AVVideoCompositionMBS, videoCompositionInstruction as AVVideoCompositionInstructionMBS, layerInstruction as AVVideoCompositionLayerInstructionMBS, asset as AVAssetMBS) as boolean
- event SampleBufferDisplayLayerMediaDataWhenReady(tag as variant)
- event PeriodicTimeObserver(Player as AVPlayerMBS, time as CMTimeMBS, tag as variant)
- event BoundaryTimeObserver(Player as AVPlayerMBS, tag as variant)
- event finishWritingCompleted(writer as AVAssetWriterMBS, tag as variant)
- event legibleOutputDidOutputAttributedStrings(output as AVPlayerItemLegibleOutputMBS, strings() as Variant, nativeSamples() as CMSampleBufferMBS, itemTime as CMTimeMBS)
- event determineCompatibilityOfExportPresetCompleted(presetName as string, asset as AVAssetMBS, outputFileType as string, compatible as boolean, tag as variant)
- event determineCompatibleFileTypesCompleted(exportsession as AVAssetExportSessionMBS, compatibleFileTypes() as string, tag as variant)
- event resourceLoaderDidCancelLoadingRequest(resourceLoader as AVAssetResourceLoaderMBS, loadingRequest as AVAssetResourceLoadingRequestMBS)
- event resourceLoaderShouldWaitForLoadingOfRequestedResource(resourceLoader as AVAssetResourceLoaderMBS, loadingRequest as AVAssetResourceLoadingRequestMBS) as boolean
- event PlayerItemPlaybackStalled(PlayerItem as AVPlayerItemMBS, notification as variant)
- event PlayerItemNewAccessLogEntry(PlayerItem as AVPlayerItemMBS, notification as variant)
- event PlayerItemNewErrorLogEntry(PlayerItem as AVPlayerItemMBS, notification as variant)
- event captureOutputDidOutputMetadataObjects(captureOutput as AVCaptureOutputMBS, metadataObjects() as AVMetadataObjectMBS, connection as AVCaptureConnectionMBS)
- event requestAccessForMediaTypeCompleted(MediaType as String, granted as boolean, tag as variant)
- class AVFragmentedMovieMBS
- method fragmentedMovieTrackWithTrackID(ID as Integer) as AVFragmentedMovieTrackMBS
- method fragmentedMovieTracksWithMediaCharacteristic(mediaCharacteristic as string) as AVFragmentedMovieTrackMBS()
- method fragmentedMovieTracksWithMediaType(mediaType as string) as AVFragmentedMovieTrackMBS()
- method fragmentedMovieTracks as AVFragmentedMovieTrackMBS()
- method Constructor
- shared method AVFragmentedMovieContainsMovieFragmentsDidChangeNotification as string
- shared method AVFragmentedMovieDurationDidChangeNotification as string
- shared method AVFragmentedMovieWasDefragmentedNotification as string
- class AVFragmentedMovieTrackMBS
- class AVFrameRateRangeMBS
- class AVMediaDataStorageMBS
- class AVMediaSelectionGroupMBS
- method options as AVMediaSelectionOptionMBS()
- method mediaSelectionOptionWithPropertyList(plist as variant) as AVMediaSelectionOptionMBS
- method copy as AVMediaSelectionGroupMBS
- method Constructor
- property Handle as Integer
- property allowsEmptySelection as Boolean
- shared method mediaSelectionOptionsFromArrayFilteredAndSortedAccordingToPreferredLanguages(mediaSelectionOptions() as AVMediaSelectionOptionMBS) as AVMediaSelectionOptionMBS()
- shared method mediaSelectionOptionsFromArrayFilteredAndSortedAccordingToPreferredLanguages(mediaSelectionOptions() as AVMediaSelectionOptionMBS, preferredLanguages() as string) as AVMediaSelectionOptionMBS()
- shared method mediaSelectionOptionsFromArrayWithLocale(mediaSelectionOptions() as AVMediaSelectionOptionMBS, locale as NSLocaleMBS) as AVMediaSelectionOptionMBS()
- shared method mediaSelectionOptionsFromArrayWithMediaCharacteristics(mediaSelectionOptions() as AVMediaSelectionOptionMBS, mediaCharacteristics() as string) as AVMediaSelectionOptionMBS()
- shared method mediaSelectionOptionsFromArrayWithoutMediaCharacteristics(mediaSelectionOptions() as AVMediaSelectionOptionMBS, mediaCharacteristics() as string) as AVMediaSelectionOptionMBS()
- shared method playableMediaSelectionOptionsFromArray(mediaSelectionOptions() as AVMediaSelectionOptionMBS) as AVMediaSelectionOptionMBS()
- shared method available as boolean
- class AVMediaSelectionOptionMBS
- method displayNameWithLocale(locale as NSLocaleMBS) as String
- method mediaSubTypes as Integer()
- method associatedMediaSelectionOptionInMediaSelectionGroup(mediaSelectionGroup as AVMediaSelectionGroupMBS) as AVMediaSelectionOptionMBS
- method metadataForFormat(Format as string) as AVMetadataItemMBS()
- method availableMetadataFormats as string()
- method commonMetadata as AVMetadataItemMBS()
- method hasMediaCharacteristic(mediaCharacteristic as string) as boolean
- method propertyList as variant
- method copy as AVMediaSelectionOptionMBS
- method Constructor
- property Handle as Integer
- property Locale as NSLocaleMBS
- property isPlayable as Boolean
- property mediaType as String
- property extendedLanguageTag as String
- property displayName as String
- shared method available as boolean
- class AVMetadataItemFilterMBS
- class AVMetadataItemMBS
- method mutableCopy as AVMutableMetadataItemMBS
- method loadValuesAsynchronouslyForKeys(keys() as string, tag as variant = nil)
- method statusOfValueForKey(key as string, byref error as NSErrorMBS) as integer
- method copy as AVMetadataItemMBS
- method Constructor
- property Handle as Integer
- property key as Variant
- property value as Variant
- property stringValue as String
- property keySpace as String
- property commonKey as String
- property numberValue as Double
- property dataValue as MemoryBlock
- property time as CMTimeMBS
- property duration as CMTimeMBS
- property locale as NSLocaleMBS
- property dateValue as Date
- property extraAttributes as Dictionary
- property dateTimeValue as DateTime
- shared method metadataItemsFromArray(metadataItems() as AVMetadataItemMBS, metadataItemFilter as AVMetadataItemFilterMBS) as AVMetadataItemMBS()
- shared method metadataItemsFromArray(metadataItems() as AVMetadataItemMBS, preferredLanguages() as string) as AVMetadataItemMBS()
- shared method metadataItemsFromArray(metadataItems() as AVMetadataItemMBS, key as variant, keySpace as string) as AVMetadataItemMBS()
- shared method metadataItemsFromArray(metadataItems() as AVMetadataItemMBS, locale as NSLocaleMBS) as AVMetadataItemMBS()
- shared method available as boolean
- class AVMetadataObjectMBS
- method Constructor
- method corners as Dictionary()
- property Handle as Integer
- property Bounds as CGRectMBS
- property Type as String
- property Time as CMTimeMBS
- property Duration as CMTimeMBS
- property bodyID as Integer
- property objectID as Integer
- property faceID as Integer
- property hasRollAngle as Boolean
- property hasYawAngle as Boolean
- property rollAngle as Double
- property yawAngle as Double
- property stringValue as String
- property barcodeDescriptor as Variant
- shared method available as boolean
- shared method AVMetadataObjectTypeHumanBody as string
- shared method AVMetadataObjectTypeCatBody as string
- shared method AVMetadataObjectTypeDogBody as string
- shared method AVMetadataObjectTypeSalientObject as string
- shared method AVMetadataObjectTypeFace as string
- shared method AVMetadataObjectTypeUPCECode as string
- shared method AVMetadataObjectTypeCode39Code as string
- shared method AVMetadataObjectTypeCode39Mod43Code as string
- shared method AVMetadataObjectTypeEAN13Code as string
- shared method AVMetadataObjectTypeEAN8Code as string
- shared method AVMetadataObjectTypeCode93Code as string
- shared method AVMetadataObjectTypeCode128Code as string
- shared method AVMetadataObjectTypePDF417Code as string
- shared method AVMetadataObjectTypeQRCode as string
- shared method AVMetadataObjectTypeAztecCode as string
- shared method AVMetadataObjectTypeInterleaved2of5Code as string
- shared method AVMetadataObjectTypeITF14Code as string
- shared method AVMetadataObjectTypeDataMatrixCode as string
- class AVMIDIPlayerMBS
- method Destructor
- method play
- method stop
- method prepareToPlay
- method Constructor(File as FolderItem, SoundBankFile as FolderItem = nil, byref error as NSErrorMBS)
- method Constructor(Data as String, SoundBankFile as FolderItem = nil, byref error as NSErrorMBS)
- method Constructor(Data as MemoryBlock, SoundBankFile as FolderItem = nil, byref error as NSErrorMBS)
- property Handle as Integer
- property Duration as Double
- property Playing as Boolean
- property Rate as Double
- property CurrentPosition as Double
- event Completed
- class AVMovieMBS
- method writeMovieHeaderToFile(File as FolderItem, fileType as String, options as integer, byref error as NSErrorMBS) as Boolean
- method writeMovieHeaderToURL(URL as String, fileType as String, options as integer, byref error as NSErrorMBS) as Boolean
- method movieHeaderWithFileType(fileType as String, byref error as NSErrorMBS) as MemoryBlock
- method Constructor(URL as String, Options as Dictionary = nil)
- method Constructor(File as FolderItem, Options as Dictionary = nil)
- method Constructor(Data as MemoryBlock, Options as Dictionary = nil)
- method movieTrackWithTrackID(ID as Integer) as AVMovieTrackMBS
- method movieTracksWithMediaCharacteristic(mediaCharacteristic as string) as AVMovieTrackMBS()
- method movieTracksWithMediaType(mediaType as string) as AVMovieTrackMBS()
- method movieTracks as AVMovieTrackMBS()
- method mutableCopy as AVMutableMovieMBS
- method copy as AVMovieMBS
- method Constructor
- property URL as String
- property Data as MemoryBlock
- property defaultMediaDataStorage as AVMediaDataStorageMBS
- property canContainMovieFragments as Boolean
- property containsMovieFragments as Boolean
- shared method AVMovieReferenceRestrictionsKey as String
- shared method available as Boolean
- shared method movieTypes as String()
- shared method movieWithURL(URL as String, Options as Dictionary = nil) as AVMovieMBS
- shared method movieWithFile(File as FolderItem, Options as Dictionary = nil) as AVMovieMBS
- shared method movieWithData(Data as MemoryBlock, Options as Dictionary = nil) as AVMovieMBS
- shared method movieWithData(Data as String, Options as Dictionary = nil) as AVMovieMBS
- class AVMovieTrackMBS
- class AVMutableAudioMixInputParametersMBS
- method Constructor(other as AVAudioMixInputParametersMBS)
- method Constructor(track as AVAssetTrackMBS)
- method Constructor
- method setVolume(volume as double, atTime as CMTimeMBS)
- method setVolumeRamp(startVolume as double, endVolume as double, timeRange as CMTimeRangeMBS)
- property trackID as integer
- shared method audioMixInputParameters as AVMutableAudioMixInputParametersMBS
- shared method audioMixInputParametersWithTrack(track as AVAssetTrackMBS) as AVMutableAudioMixInputParametersMBS
- class AVMutableAudioMixMBS
- class AVMutableCompositionMBS
- method Constructor(other as AVCompositionMBS)
- method addMutableTrackWithMediaType(mediaType as string, preferredTrackID as integer) as AVMutableCompositionTrackMBS
- method appendTimeRange(timeRange as CMTimeRangeMBS, asset as AVAssetMBS, byref error as NSErrorMBS) as boolean
- method insertTimeRange(timeRange as CMTimeRangeMBS, asset as AVAssetMBS, startTime as CMTimeMBS, byref error as NSErrorMBS) as boolean
- method append(asset as AVAssetMBS, byref error as NSErrorMBS) as boolean
- method insert(asset as AVAssetMBS, startTime as CMTimeMBS, byref error as NSErrorMBS) as boolean
- method scaleTimeRange(timeRange as CMTimeRangeMBS, duration as CMTimeMBS)
- method MutableCompositionTracks as AVMutableCompositionTrackMBS()
- method insertEmptyTimeRange(timeRange as CMTimeRangeMBS)
- method removeTimeRange(timeRange as CMTimeRangeMBS)
- method removeTrack(track as AVCompositionTrackMBS)
- method Constructor
- method mutableTrackCompatibleWithTrack(track as AVAssetTrackMBS) as AVMutableCompositionTrackMBS
- property naturalSize as CGSizeMBS
- shared method composition as AVMutableCompositionMBS
- class AVMutableCompositionTrackMBS
- method Constructor(other as AVCompositionTrackMBS)
- method Constructor
- method setCompositionTrackSegments(segments() as AVCompositionTrackSegmentMBS)
- method validateTrackSegments(trackSegments() as AVCompositionTrackSegmentMBS, byref error as NSErrorMBS) as boolean
- method insertTimeRanges(timeRanges() as CMTimeRangeMBS, tracks() as AVAssetTrackMBS, startTime as CMTimeMBS, byref error as NSErrorMBS) as boolean
- method insertTimeRange(timeRange as CMTimeRangeMBS, AssetTrack as AVAssetTrackMBS, startTime as CMTimeMBS, byref error as NSErrorMBS) as boolean
- method scaleTimeRange(timeRange as CMTimeRangeMBS, duration as CMTimeMBS)
- method insertEmptyTimeRange(timeRange as CMTimeRangeMBS)
- method removeTimeRange(timeRange as CMTimeRangeMBS)
- property preferredTransform as CGAffineTransformMBS
- property languageCode as string
- property extendedLanguageTag as string
- property preferredVolume as double
- property naturalTimeScale as integer
- class AVMutableMetadataItemMBS
- method Constructor(other as AVMetadataItemMBS)
- method Constructor
- property keySpace as string
- property locale as NSLocaleMBS
- property key as variant
- property value as variant
- property extraAttributes as Dictionary
- property time as CMTimeMBS
- property duration as CMTimeMBS
- shared method metadataItem as AVMutableMetadataItemMBS
- class AVMutableMovieMBS
- method addMutableTracksCopyingSettingsFromTracks(existingTracks() as AVMovieTrackMBS, options as Dictionary) as AVMutableMovieTrackMBS()
- method addMutableTrackWithMediaType(mediaType as String, track as AVMovieTrackMBS, options as Dictionary) as AVMutableMovieTrackMBS
- method mutableTrackCompatibleWithTrack(track as AVAssetTrackMBS) as AVMutableMovieTrackMBS
- method mutableMovieTrackWithTrackID(ID as Integer) as AVMutableMovieTrackMBS
- method mutableMovieTracksWithMediaCharacteristic(mediaCharacteristic as string) as AVMutableMovieTrackMBS()
- method mutableMovieTracksWithMediaType(mediaType as string) as AVMutableMovieTrackMBS()
- method metadata as AVMetadataItemMBS()
- method setMetadata(items() as AVMetadataItemMBS)
- method removeTrack(track as AVMovieTrackMBS)
- method Constructor(Movie as AVMovieMBS = nil, Options as Dictionary = nil, byref error as NSErrorMBS)
- method Constructor(URL as String, Options as Dictionary = nil, byref error as NSErrorMBS)
- method Constructor(File as FolderItem, Options as Dictionary = nil, byref error as NSErrorMBS)
- method Constructor(Data as MemoryBlock, Options as Dictionary = nil, byref error as NSErrorMBS)
- method mutableMovieTracks as AVMutableMovieTrackMBS()
- method insertTimeRange(timeRange as CMTimeRangeMBS, asset as AVAssetMBS, atTime as CMTimeMBS, copySampleData as Boolean, byref Error as NSErrorMBS) as boolean
- method removeTimeRange(timeRange as CMTimeRangeMBS)
- method insertEmptyTimeRange(timeRange as CMTimeRangeMBS)
- method scaleTimeRange(timeRange as CMTimeRangeMBS, duration as CMTimeMBS)
- method Constructor
- method Constructor(URL as String, Options as Dictionary = nil)
- method Constructor(File as FolderItem, Options as Dictionary = nil)
- method Constructor(Data as MemoryBlock, Options as Dictionary = nil)
- property preferredRate as Double
- property preferredVolume as Double
- property modified as Boolean
- property defaultMediaDataStorage as AVMediaDataStorageMBS
- property interleavingPeriod as CMTimeMBS
- property timescale as Integer
- property preferredTransform as CMTimeMBS
- shared method movieWithSettingsFromMovie(Movie as AVMovieMBS, Options as Dictionary = nil, byref Error as NSErrorMBS) as AVMovieMBS
- shared method movieWithURL(URL as String, Options as Dictionary = nil, byref Error as NSErrorMBS) as AVMovieMBS
- shared method movieWithFile(File as FolderItem, Options as Dictionary = nil, byref Error as NSErrorMBS) as AVMovieMBS
- shared method movieWithData(Data as MemoryBlock, Options as Dictionary = nil, byref Error as NSErrorMBS) as AVMovieMBS
- shared method movieWithData(Data as String, Options as Dictionary = nil, byref Error as NSErrorMBS) as AVMovieMBS
- class AVMutableMovieTrackMBS
- method removeTrackAssociationToTrack(movieTrack as AVMovieTrackMBS, trackAssociationType as String)
- method addTrackAssociationToTrack(movieTrack as AVMovieTrackMBS, trackAssociationType as String)
- method insertTimeRange(timeRange as CMTimeRangeMBS, assetTrack as AVAssetTrackMBS, atTime as CMTimeMBS, copySampleData as Boolean, byref Error as NSErrorMBS) as boolean
- method removeTimeRange(timeRange as CMTimeRangeMBS)
- method insertEmptyTimeRange(timeRange as CMTimeRangeMBS)
- method scaleTimeRange(timeRange as CMTimeRangeMBS, duration as CMTimeMBS)
- method metadata as AVMetadataItemMBS()
- method setMetadata(items() as AVMetadataItemMBS)
- method Constructor
- property mediaDataStorage as AVMediaDataStorageMBS
- property Enabled as Boolean
- property Modified as Boolean
- property hasProtectedContent as Boolean
- property alternateGroupID as Integer
- property languageCode as String
- property extendedLanguageTag as String
- property sampleReferenceBaseURL as String
- property timescale as Integer
- property layer as Integer
- property preferredVolume as Double
- property preferredMediaChunkSize as Integer
- property preferredMediaChunkAlignment as Integer
- property preferredMediaChunkDuration as CMTimeMBS
- property naturalSize as CGSizeMBS
- property cleanApertureDimensions as CGSizeMBS
- property encodedPixelsDimensions as CGSizeMBS
- property productionApertureDimensions as CGSizeMBS
- property preferredTransform as CGAffineTransformMBS
- class AVMutableTimedMetadataGroupMBS
- class AVMutableVideoCompositionInstructionMBS
- method Constructor(other as AVVideoCompositionInstructionMBS)
- method layerInstructions as AVVideoCompositionLayerInstructionMBS()
- method setLayerInstructions(items() as AVVideoCompositionLayerInstructionMBS)
- method Constructor
- property backgroundColor as Variant
- property timeRange as CMTimeRangeMBS
- property enablePostProcessing as boolean
- shared method videoCompositionInstruction as AVMutableVideoCompositionInstructionMBS
- class AVMutableVideoCompositionLayerInstructionMBS
- method Constructor(other as AVMutableVideoCompositionLayerInstructionMBS)
- method setCropRectangleRampFromStartCropRectangle(startCropRectangle as CGRectMBS, endCropRectangle as CGRectMBS, timeRange as CMTimeRangeMBS)
- method setCropRectangle(cropRectangle as CGRectMBS, time as CMTimeMBS)
- method setTransformRamp(startTransform as CGAffineTransformMBS, endTransform as CGAffineTransformMBS, timeRange as CMTimeRangeMBS)
- method setTransform(transform as CGAffineTransformMBS, time as CMTimeMBS)
- method setOpacity(startOpacity as double, endOpacity as double, timeRange as CMTimeRangeMBS)
- method setOpacity(opacity as double, time as CMTimeMBS)
- method Constructor
- property trackID as integer
- shared method videoCompositionLayerInstructionWithAssetTrack(track as AVAssetTrackMBS) as AVMutableVideoCompositionLayerInstructionMBS
- shared method videoCompositionLayerInstruction as AVMutableVideoCompositionLayerInstructionMBS
- class AVMutableVideoCompositionMBS
- method Constructor(other as AVVideoCompositionMBS)
- method setInstructions(items() as AVVideoCompositionInstructionMBS)
- method Constructor
- property frameDuration as CMTimeMBS
- property animationTool as AVVideoCompositionCoreAnimationToolMBS
- property renderSize as CGSizeMBS
- shared method mutableVideoCompositionWithPropertiesOfAsset(asset as AVAssetMBS) as AVMutableVideoCompositionMBS
- shared method mutableVideoComposition as AVMutableVideoCompositionMBS
- class AVOutputSettingsAssistantMBS
- method Constructor
- property Handle as Integer
- property audioSettings as Dictionary
- property videoSettings as Dictionary
- property outputFileType as String
- shared method AVOutputSettingsPreset640x480 as string
- shared method AVOutputSettingsPreset960x540 as string
- shared method AVOutputSettingsPreset1280x720 as string
- shared method AVOutputSettingsPreset1920x1080 as string
- shared method outputSettingsAssistantWithPreset(presetIdentifier as string) as AVOutputSettingsAssistantMBS
- shared method available as boolean
- class AVPixelAspectRatioMBS
- class AVPlayerItemAccessLogEventMBS
- method Constructor
- property switchBitrate as Double
- property startupTime as Double
- property observedMaxBitrate as Double
- property observedMinBitrate as Double
- property observedBitrateStandardDeviation as Double
- property downloadOverdue as Integer
- property mediaRequestsWWAN as Integer
- property playbackType as String
- property Handle as Integer
- property numberOfMediaRequests as Integer
- property numberOfSegmentsDownloaded as Integer
- property numberOfServerAddressChanges as Integer
- property numberOfStalls as Integer
- property numberOfDroppedVideoFrames as Integer
- property numberOfBytesTransferred as Int64
- property playbackStartDate as Date
- property indicatedBitrate as Double
- property observedBitrate as Double
- property durationWatched as Double
- property segmentsDownloadedDuration as Double
- property playbackStartOffset as Double
- property transferDuration as Double
- property URI as String
- property serverAddress as String
- property playbackSessionID as String
- property playbackStartDateTime as DateTime
- class AVPlayerItemAccessLogMBS
- class AVPlayerItemErrorLogEventMBS
- class AVPlayerItemErrorLogMBS
- class AVPlayerItemLegibleOutputMBS
- method Constructor
- method Constructor(subTypes() as string)
- property advanceIntervalForDelegateInvocation as Double
- property textStylingResolution as String
- shared method AVPlayerItemLegibleOutputTextStylingResolutionDefault as string
- shared method AVPlayerItemLegibleOutputTextStylingResolutionSourceAndRulesOnly as string
- shared method available as boolean
- class AVPlayerItemMBS
- method selectMediaOptionAutomaticallyInMediaSelectionGroup(mediaSelectionGroup as AVMediaSelectionGroupMBS)
- method seekableTimeRanges as CMTimeRangeMBS()
- method loadedTimeRanges as CMTimeRangeMBS()
- method selectMediaOption(mediaSelectionOption as AVMediaSelectionOptionMBS, mediaSelectionGroup as AVMediaSelectionGroupMBS)
- method timedMetadata as AVMetadataItemMBS()
- method selectedMediaOptionInMediaSelectionGroup(mediaSelectionGroup as AVMediaSelectionGroupMBS) as AVMediaSelectionOptionMBS
- method seekToTime(time as CMTimeMBS, toleranceBefore as CMTimeMBS, toleranceAfter as CMTimeMBS, fireEvent as boolean = false, tag as variant = nil)
- method seekToTime(time as CMTimeMBS, fireEvent as boolean = false, tag as variant = nil)
- method tracks as AVPlayerItemTrackMBS()
- method stepByCount(stepCount as integer)
- method cancelPendingSeeks
- method Constructor(URL as string)
- method Constructor(file as folderitem)
- method Constructor(asset as AVAssetMBS)
- method Constructor(asset as AVAssetMBS, automaticallyLoadedAssetKeys() as string)
- method outputs as AVPlayerItemOutputMBS()
- method requestContentAuthorizationAsynchronously(timeoutInterval as double, tag as variant = nil)
- method copy as AVPlayerItemMBS
- method cancelContentAuthorizationRequest
- method removeOutput(output as AVPlayerItemOutputMBS)
- method addOutput(output as AVPlayerItemOutputMBS)
- method accessLog as AVPlayerItemAccessLogMBS
- method errorLog as AVPlayerItemErrorLogMBS
- method automaticallyLoadedAssetKeys as String()
- method textStyleRules as AVTextStyleRuleMBS()
- method setTextStyleRules(rules() as AVTextStyleRuleMBS)
- method seekToDate(date as date, fireEvent as boolean = false, tag as variant = nil) as boolean
- method seekToDateTime(date as dateTime, fireEvent as boolean = false, tag as variant = nil) as boolean
- property forwardPlaybackEndTime as CMTimeMBS
- property reversePlaybackEndTime as CMTimeMBS
- property Handle as Integer
- property isPlaybackBufferEmpty as Boolean
- property isPlaybackBufferFull as Boolean
- property isPlaybackLikelyToKeepUp as Boolean
- property asset as AVAssetMBS
- property error as NSErrorMBS
- property status as Integer
- property contentAuthorizationRequestStatus as Integer
- property duration as CMTimeMBS
- property currentTime as CMTimeMBS
- property canPlayFastForward as Boolean
- property canPlaySlowForward as Boolean
- property canPlayReverse as Boolean
- property canPlaySlowReverse as Boolean
- property canPlayFastReverse as Boolean
- property canStepForward as Boolean
- property canStepBackward as Boolean
- property audioMix as AVAudioMixMBS
- property videoComposition as AVVideoCompositionMBS
- property customVideoCompositor as AVVideoCompositingMBS
- property isAuthorizationRequiredForPlayback as Boolean
- property isApplicationAuthorizedForPlayback as Boolean
- property isContentAuthorizedForPlayback as Boolean
- property presentationSize as CGSizeMBS
- property currentDate as Date
- property seekingWaitsForVideoCompositionRendering as Boolean
- property audioTimePitchAlgorithm as String
- property currentDateTime as DateTime
- shared method available as boolean
- shared method playerItemWithURL(URL as string) as AVPlayerItemMBS
- shared method playerItemWithFile(file as folderitem) as AVPlayerItemMBS
- shared method playerItemWithAsset(asset as AVAssetMBS) as AVPlayerItemMBS
- shared method playerItemWithAsset(asset as AVAssetMBS, automaticallyLoadedAssetKeys() as string) as AVPlayerItemMBS
- class AVPlayerItemOutputMBS
- class AVPlayerItemTrackMBS
- class AVPlayerItemVideoOutputMBS
- method Constructor(pixelBufferAttributes as dictionary)
- method setDelegate
- method hasNewPixelBufferForItemTime(time as CMTimeMBS) as boolean
- method requestNotificationOfMediaDataChangeWithAdvanceInterval(time as double)
- method copyPixelBufferForItemTime(time as CMTimeMBS, byref outItemTimeForDisplay as CMTimeMBS) as CVPixelBufferMBS
- method copyPixelBufferForItemTime(time as CMTimeMBS) as CVPixelBufferMBS
- method copyCIImageForItemTime(time as CMTimeMBS, byref outItemTimeForDisplay as CMTimeMBS) as variant
- method copyCIImageForItemTime(time as CMTimeMBS) as variant
- class AVPlayerLayerMBS
- class AVPlayerLooperMBS
- method Constructor(player as AVQueuePlayerMBS, item as AVPlayerItemMBS)
- method Constructor(player as AVQueuePlayerMBS, item as AVPlayerItemMBS, loopRange as CMTimeRangeMBS)
- method disableLooping
- method loopingPlayerItems as AVPlayerItemMBS()
- property Handle as Integer
- property status as Integer
- property loopCount as Integer
- property error as NSErrorMBS
- property item as AVPlayerItemMBS
- shared method available as boolean
- class AVPlayerMBS
- method setMediaSelectionCriteria(criteria as AVPlayerMediaSelectionCriteriaMBS, mediaCharacteristic as string)
- method mediaSelectionCriteriaForMediaCharacteristic(mediaCharacteristic as string) as AVPlayerMediaSelectionCriteriaMBS
- method addPeriodicTimeObserverForInterval(interval as CMTimeMBS, tag as variant = nil) as AVPlayerTimeObserverMBS
- method addBoundaryTimeObserverForTimes(times() as CMTimeMBS, tag as variant = nil) as AVPlayerTimeObserverMBS
- method addBoundaryTimeObserverForTime(time as CMTimeMBS, tag as variant = nil) as AVPlayerTimeObserverMBS
- method prerollAtRate(rate as double, tag as variant)
- method setRate(rate as double, time as CMTimeMBS, HostTime as CMTimeMBS)
- method seekToTime(time as CMTimeMBS, toleranceBefore as CMTimeMBS, toleranceAfter as CMTimeMBS, fireEvent as boolean = false, tag as variant = nil)
- method seekToTime(time as CMTimeMBS, fireEvent as boolean = false, tag as variant = nil)
- method addLoopTimeObserver(atTime as CMTimeMBS, jumpToTime as CMTimeMBS) as AVPlayerTimeObserverMBS
- method Constructor
- method Constructor(URL as string)
- method Constructor(File as folderitem)
- method Constructor(item as AVPlayerItemMBS)
- method play
- method pause
- method cancelPendingPrerolls
- method replaceCurrentItemWithPlayerItem(item as AVPlayerItemMBS)
- method seekToDate(date as date, fireEvent as boolean = false, tag as variant = nil)
- method seekToDate(date as dateTime, fireEvent as boolean = false, tag as variant = nil)
- property Handle as Integer
- property currentItem as AVPlayerItemMBS
- property currentTime as CMTimeMBS
- property volume as Double
- property rate as Double
- property status as Integer
- property error as NSErrorMBS
- property Muted as Boolean
- property ClosedCaptionDisplayEnabled as Boolean
- property actionAtItemEnd as Integer
- property appliesMediaSelectionCriteriaAutomatically as Boolean
- property audioOutputDeviceUniqueID as String
- property Playing as Boolean
- shared method removeTimeObserver(observer as AVPlayerTimeObserverMBS)
- shared method playerWithURL(URL as string) as AVPlayerMBS
- shared method playerWithFile(File as folderitem) as AVPlayerMBS
- shared method playerWithPlayerItem(item as AVPlayerItemMBS) as AVPlayerMBS
- shared method available as boolean
- class AVPlayerMediaSelectionCriteriaMBS
- class AVPlayerTimeObserverMBS
- class AVQueuePlayerMBS
- method canAppendItem(item as AVPlayerItemMBS) as boolean
- method appendItem(item as AVPlayerItemMBS)
- method canInsertItem(item as AVPlayerItemMBS, afterItem as AVPlayerItemMBS = nil) as boolean
- method insertItem(item as AVPlayerItemMBS, afterItem as AVPlayerItemMBS = nil)
- method items as AVPlayerItemMBS()
- method Constructor(items() as AVPlayerItemMBS)
- method advanceToNextItem
- method removeAllItems
- method removeItem(item as AVPlayerItemMBS)
- shared method queuePlayerWithItems(items() as AVPlayerItemMBS) as AVQueuePlayerMBS
- class AVRouteDetectorMBS
- class AVSampleBufferDisplayLayerMBS
- class AVSpeechSynthesisMarkerMBS
- method copy as AVSpeechSynthesisMarkerMBS
- method Constructor
- property Handle as Integer
- property bookmarkName as String
- property phoneme as String
- property mark as Integer
- property byteSampleOffset as Integer
- property textRange as NSRangeMBS
- shared method markerWithBookmarkName(mark as string, atByteSampleOffset as Integer) as AVSpeechSynthesisMarkerMBS
- shared method markerWithPhonemeString(phoneme as string, atByteSampleOffset as Integer) as AVSpeechSynthesisMarkerMBS
- shared method markerWithMarkerType(type as integer, TextRange as NSRangeMBS, byteSampleOffset as Integer) as AVSpeechSynthesisMarkerMBS
- shared method markerWithWordRange(TextRange as NSRangeMBS, byteSampleOffset as Integer) as AVSpeechSynthesisMarkerMBS
- shared method markerWithSentenceRange(TextRange as NSRangeMBS, byteSampleOffset as Integer) as AVSpeechSynthesisMarkerMBS
- shared method markerWithParagraphRange(TextRange as NSRangeMBS, byteSampleOffset as Integer) as AVSpeechSynthesisMarkerMBS
- class AVSpeechSynthesisVoiceMBS
- method Constructor
- property Handle as Integer
- property language as String
- property identifier as String
- property name as String
- property quality as Integer
- property gender as Integer
- property voiceTraits as Integer
- property audioFileSettings as Dictionary
- shared method speechVoices as AVSpeechSynthesisVoiceMBS()
- shared method voiceWithLanguage(languageCode as string) as AVSpeechSynthesisVoiceMBS
- shared method voiceWithIdentifier(identifier as string) as AVSpeechSynthesisVoiceMBS
- shared method SpeechUtteranceMinimumSpeechRate as Single
- shared method SpeechUtteranceMaximumSpeechRate as Single
- shared method SpeechUtteranceDefaultSpeechRate as Single
- shared method VoiceIdentifierAlex as String
- shared property currentLanguageCode as String
- class AVSpeechSynthesizerMBS
- method writeUtterance(utterance as AVSpeechUtteranceMBS)
- method continueSpeaking as Boolean
- method requestPersonalVoiceAuthorization
- method Constructor
- method Destructor
- method speakUtterance(utterance as AVSpeechUtteranceMBS)
- method stopSpeakingAtBoundary(SpeechBoundary as Integer) as Boolean
- method pauseSpeakingAtBoundary(SpeechBoundary as Integer) as Boolean
- property Handle as Integer
- property isSpeaking as Boolean
- property isPaused as Boolean
- property usesApplicationAudioSession as Boolean
- property mixToTelephonyUplink as Boolean
- shared method IPANotationAttribute as String
- shared property personalVoiceAuthorizationStatus as Integer
- event availableVoicesDidChange
- event didStartSpeechUtterance(utterance as AVSpeechUtteranceMBS)
- event didFinishSpeechUtterance(utterance as AVSpeechUtteranceMBS)
- event didPauseSpeechUtterance(utterance as AVSpeechUtteranceMBS)
- event didContinueSpeechUtterance(utterance as AVSpeechUtteranceMBS)
- event didCancelSpeechUtterance(utterance as AVSpeechUtteranceMBS)
- event willSpeakRangeOfSpeechString(characterRange as NSRangeMBS, utterance as AVSpeechUtteranceMBS)
- event willSpeakMarker(marker as AVSpeechSynthesisMarkerMBS, utterance as AVSpeechUtteranceMBS)
- event requestPersonalVoiceAuthorizationCompleted(status as Integer)
- event SpeechSynthesizerBuffer(buffer as AVAudioBufferMBS)
- event SpeechSynthesizerMarker(markers() as AVSpeechSynthesisMarkerMBS)
- class AVSpeechUtteranceMBS
- method copy as AVSpeechUtteranceMBS
- method Constructor(s as string)
- method Constructor(s as NSAttributedStringMBS)
- property Handle as Integer
- property speechString as String
- property attributedSpeechString as NSAttributedStringMBS
- property voice as AVSpeechSynthesisVoiceMBS
- property rate as Single
- property pitchMultiplier as Single
- property volume as Single
- property preUtteranceDelay as Double
- property postUtteranceDelay as Double
- property prefersAssistiveTechnologySettings as Boolean
- shared method speechUtteranceWithSSMLRepresentation(s as string) as AVSpeechUtteranceMBS
- shared method speechUtteranceWithString(s as string) as AVSpeechUtteranceMBS
- shared method speechUtteranceWithAttributedString(s as NSAttributedStringMBS) as AVSpeechUtteranceMBS
- class AVSynchronizedLayerMBS
- class AVTextStyleRuleMBS
- method copy as AVTextStyleRuleMBS
- method Constructor(textMarkupAttributes as dictionary)
- method Constructor(textMarkupAttributes as dictionary, textSelector as string)
- property Handle as Integer
- property textSelector as String
- property textMarkupAttributes as Dictionary
- shared method textStyleRuleWithTextMarkupAttributes(textMarkupAttributes as Dictionary, textSelector as string) as AVTextStyleRuleMBS
- shared method textStyleRuleWithTextMarkupAttributes(textMarkupAttributes as Dictionary) as AVTextStyleRuleMBS
- shared method available as boolean
- class AVTimeCodeMBS
- class AVTimedMetadataGroupMBS
- class AVURLAssetMBS
- method Constructor(URL as string, options as dictionary = nil)
- method Constructor(File as folderitem, options as dictionary = nil)
- method compatibleTrackForCompositionTrack(compositionTrack as AVCompositionTrackMBS) as AVAssetTrackMBS
- property resourceLoader as AVAssetResourceLoaderMBS
- property URL as string
- shared method URLAssetWithURL(URL as string, options as dictionary = nil) as AVURLAssetMBS
- shared method URLAssetWithFile(File as folderitem, options as dictionary = nil) as AVURLAssetMBS
- shared method isPlayableExtendedMIMEType(extendedMIMEType as string) as boolean
- shared method audiovisualTypes as string()
- shared method audiovisualMIMETypes as string()
- class AVVideoCompositingMBS
- method Constructor
- method cancelAllPendingVideoCompositionRequests
- method startVideoCompositionRequest(asyncVideoCompositionRequest as AVAsynchronousVideoCompositionRequestMBS)
- method renderContextChanged(newRenderContext as AVVideoCompositionRenderContextMBS)
- property Handle as Integer
- property requiredPixelBufferAttributesForRenderContext as Dictionary
- property sourcePixelBufferAttributes as Dictionary
- class AVVideoCompositionCoreAnimationToolMBS
- method Constructor
- property Handle as Integer
- shared method available as boolean
- shared method videoCompositionCoreAnimationToolWithPostProcessingAsVideoLayer(videoLayer as CALayerMBS, animationLayer as CALayerMBS) as AVVideoCompositionCoreAnimationToolMBS
- shared method videoCompositionCoreAnimationToolWithAdditionalLayer(layer as CALayerMBS, trackID as integer) as AVVideoCompositionCoreAnimationToolMBS
- shared method videoCompositionCoreAnimationToolWithPostProcessingAsVideoLayers(videoLayers() as CALayerMBS, animationLayer as CALayerMBS) as AVVideoCompositionCoreAnimationToolMBS
- class AVVideoCompositionInstructionMBS
- method mutableCopy as AVMutableVideoCompositionInstructionMBS
- method copy as AVVideoCompositionInstructionMBS
- method requiredSourceTrackIDs as Integer()
- method Constructor
- property Handle as Integer
- property enablePostProcessing as Boolean
- property containsTweening as Boolean
- property timeRange as CMTimeRangeMBS
- property passthroughTrackID as Integer
- shared method available as boolean
- class AVVideoCompositionLayerInstructionMBS
- method getCropRectangleRampForTime(time as CMTimeMBS, byref startCropRectangle as CGRectMBS, byref endCropRectangle as CGRectMBS, byref timeRange as CMTimeRangeMBS) as Boolean
- method getTransformRampForTime(time as CMTimeMBS, byref startTransform as CGAffineTransformMBS, byref endOpacity as CGAffineTransformMBS, byref timeRange as CMTimeRangeMBS) as boolean
- method getOpacityRampForTime(time as CMTimeMBS, byref startOpacity as double, byref endOpacity as double, byref timeRange as CMTimeRangeMBS) as boolean
- method mutableCopy as AVMutableVideoCompositionLayerInstructionMBS
- method copy as AVVideoCompositionLayerInstructionMBS
- method Constructor
- method trackID as integer
- property Handle as Integer
- shared method available as boolean
- class AVVideoCompositionMBS
- method isValidForAsset(asset as AVAssetMBS, timerange as CMTimeRangeMBS) as boolean
- method instructions as AVVideoCompositionInstructionMBS()
- method mutableCopy as AVMutableVideoCompositionMBS
- method renderSize as CGSizeMBS
- method frameDuration as CMTimeMBS
- method copy as AVVideoCompositionMBS
- method Constructor
- method animationTool as AVVideoCompositionCoreAnimationToolMBS
- property Handle as Integer
- shared method videoCompositionWithPropertiesOfAsset(asset as AVAssetMBS) as AVVideoCompositionMBS
- shared method available as boolean
- class AVVideoCompositionRenderContextMBS
- method Constructor
- method newPixelBuffer as CVPixelBufferMBS
- property Handle as Integer
- property renderScale as Double
- property highQualityRendering as Boolean
- property videoComposition as AVVideoCompositionMBS
- property pixelAspectRatio as AVPixelAspectRatioMBS
- property edgeWidths as AVEdgeWidthsMBS
- property size as CGSizeMBS
- property renderTransform as CGAffineTransformMBS
- shared method available as boolean
- class CMFormatDescriptionMBS
- class CMSampleBufferMBS
- method CopySampleBufferForRange(pos as integer, len as integer) as CMSampleBufferMBS
- method Copy as CMSampleBufferMBS
- method MakeDataReady
- method SetDataReady
- method Invalidate
- method Constructor
- method SampleSize(index as Integer) as UInt64
- property Handle as Integer
- property Lasterror as Integer
- property TotalSampleSize as UInt64
- property FormatDescription as CMFormatDescriptionMBS
- property ImageBuffer as CVImageBufferMBS
- property OutputDecodeTimeStamp as CMTimeMBS
- property OutputDuration as CMTimeMBS
- property DecodeTimeStamp as CMTimeMBS
- property PresentationTimeStamp as CMTimeMBS
- property Duration as CMTimeMBS
- property NumberOfSamples as Integer
- property IsValid as Boolean
- property DataIsReady as Boolean
- property OutputPresentationTimeStamp as CMTimeMBS
- property Text as String
- class CMTimeMappingMBS
- class CMTimeMBS
- method ConvertScale(newTimescale as Integer, RoundingMethod as integer = 1) as CMTimeMBS
- method Constructor(Value as Int64, Timescale as Integer, Flags as Integer = 1, Epoch as Int64 = 0)
- method AbsoluteValue as CMTimeMBS
- method Show
- method Description as string
- method Compare(other as CMTimeMBS) as integer
- method Add(other as CMTimeMBS) as CMTimeMBS
- method Subtract(other as CMTimeMBS) as CMTimeMBS
- method Multiply(multiplier as Integer) as CMTimeMBS
- method MultiplyByFloat(multiplier as double) as CMTimeMBS
- property Value as Int64
- property Timescale as Integer
- property Flags as Integer
- property Epoch as Int64
- property IsValid as Boolean
- property IsInvalid as Boolean
- property IsPositiveInfinity as Boolean
- property IsNegativeInfinity as Boolean
- property IsIndefinite as Boolean
- property IsNumeric as Boolean
- property HasBeenRounded as Boolean
- property Seconds as Double
- shared method kCMTimeInvalid as CMTimeMBS
- shared method kCMTimeIndefinite as CMTimeMBS
- shared method kCMTimePositiveInfinity as CMTimeMBS
- shared method kCMTimeNegativeInfinity as CMTimeMBS
- shared method kCMTimeZero as CMTimeMBS
- shared method Minimum(t1 as CMTimeMBS, t2 as CMTimeMBS) as CMTimeMBS
- shared method Maximum(t1 as CMTimeMBS, t2 as CMTimeMBS) as CMTimeMBS
- shared method Make(value as Int64, timescale as Integer) as CMTimeMBS
- shared method MakeWithEpoch(value as Int64, timescale as Integer, Epoch as Int64) as CMTimeMBS
- shared method MakeWithSeconds(seconds as double, preferredTimeScale as Int32 = 600) as CMTimeMBS
- class CMTimeRangeMBS
- method ContainsTimeRange(timeRange as CMTimeRangeMBS) as boolean
- method ContainsTime(time as CMTimeMBS) as boolean
- method Show
- method Description as string
- method Constructor(start as CMTimeMBS, duration as CMTimeMBS)
- property IsIndefinite as Boolean
- property IsEmpty as Boolean
- property IsInvalid as Boolean
- property IsValid as Boolean
- property Start as CMTimeMBS
- property Duration as CMTimeMBS
- property EndTime as CMTimeMBS
- shared method TimeRangeFromTimeToTime(start as CMTimeMBS, EndTime as CMTimeMBS) as CMTimeRangeMBS
- shared method Equal(range1 as CMTimeRangeMBS, range2 as CMTimeRangeMBS) as boolean
- shared method Intersection(range1 as CMTimeRangeMBS, range2 as CMTimeRangeMBS) as CMTimeRangeMBS
- shared method Union(range1 as CMTimeRangeMBS, range2 as CMTimeRangeMBS) as CMTimeRangeMBS
- shared method Make(start as CMTimeMBS, duration as CMTimeMBS) as CMTimeRangeMBS
- shared method kCMTimeRangeInvalid as CMTimeRangeMBS
- shared method kCMTimeRangeZero as CMTimeRangeMBS
- shared method AllTimeRange as CMTimeRangeMBS
- class CVImageBufferMBS
- class CVPixelBufferMBS
- method Constructor(Width as Integer, Height as Integer, PixelFormat as String, pixelBufferAttributes as Dictionary)
- method Constructor(Width as Integer, Height as Integer, PixelFormat as String, data as MemoryBlock, bytesPerRow as Integer, pixelBufferAttributes as Dictionary)
- method Constructor(Width as Integer, Height as Integer, PixelFormat as Integer, pixelBufferAttributes as Dictionary)
- method Constructor(Width as Integer, Height as Integer, PixelFormat as Integer, data as MemoryBlock, bytesPerRow as Integer, pixelBufferAttributes as Dictionary)
- method Flush
- method Constructor(pic as picture)
- method GetExtendedPixels(byref extraColumnsOnLeft as integer, byref extraColumnsOnRight as integer, byref extraRowsOnTop as integer, byref extraRowsOnBottom as integer)
- method FillExtendedPixels
- method LockBaseAddress(flags as integer = 0)
- method UnlockBaseAddress(flags as integer = 0)
- method BaseAddressOfPlane(planeIndex as integer) as Ptr
- method BytesPerRowOfPlane(planeIndex as integer) as Integer
- method HeightOfPlane(planeIndex as integer) as Integer
- method WidthOfPlane(planeIndex as integer) as Integer
- method CIImage as Variant
- method PixelData as MemoryBlock
- method SetPixelData(data as MemoryBlock) as Boolean
- property PlaneCount as Integer
- property DataSize as Integer
- property IsPlanar as Boolean
- property BytesPerRow as Integer
- property Height as Integer
- property Width as Integer
- property PixelFormatType as String
- property BaseAddress as Ptr
- shared method PixelBufferWithHandle(Handle as Integer) as CVPixelBufferMBS
- shared method PixelBufferWithPicture(pic as picture) as CVPixelBufferMBS
- shared method PixelBufferWithCGImage(CGImage as Variant) as CVPixelBufferMBS
- shared method kCVPixelBufferPixelFormatTypeKey as string
- shared method kCVPixelBufferMemoryAllocatorKey as string
- shared method kCVPixelBufferWidthKey as string
- shared method kCVPixelBufferHeightKey as string
- shared method kCVPixelBufferExtendedPixelsLeftKey as string
- shared method kCVPixelBufferExtendedPixelsTopKey as string
- shared method kCVPixelBufferExtendedPixelsRightKey as string
- shared method kCVPixelBufferExtendedPixelsBottomKey as string
- shared method kCVPixelBufferBytesPerRowAlignmentKey as string
- shared method kCVPixelBufferCGBitmapContextCompatibilityKey as string
- shared method kCVPixelBufferCGImageCompatibilityKey as string
- shared method kCVPixelBufferOpenGLCompatibilityKey as string
- shared method kCVPixelBufferPlaneAlignmentKey as string
- shared method kCVPixelBufferIOSurfacePropertiesKey as string
- shared method kCVPixelBufferIOSurfaceOpenGLTextureCompatibilityKey as string
- shared method kCVPixelBufferIOSurfaceOpenGLFBOCompatibilityKey as string
- shared method kCVPixelBufferIOSurfaceCoreAnimationCompatibilityKey as string
- class DesktopMoviePlayer
- class ICCameraDeviceMBS
- method requestSendPTPCommand(command as MemoryBlock, dataOut as MemoryBlock)
- method requestReadDataFromFile(file as ICCameraFileMBS, offset as UInt64, Length as UInt64)
- method requestUploadFile(file as folderitem, options as dictionary = nil)
- method requestDownloadFile(file as ICCameraFileMBS, options as dictionary = nil)
- method requestDeleteFiles(files() as ICCameraFileMBS)
- method filesOfType(fileUTType as string) as ICCameraFileMBS()
- method contents as ICCameraItemMBS()
- method mediaFiles as ICCameraFileMBS()
- method requestSyncClock
- method requestEnableTethering
- method requestDisableTethering
- method requestTakePicture
- method cancelDelete
- method cancelDownload
- method Constructor
- property isAccessRestrictedAppleDevice as Boolean
- property batteryLevelAvailable as Boolean
- property tetheredCaptureEnabled as Boolean
- property mountPoint as String
- property timeOffset as Double
- property batteryLevel as Integer
- property contentCatalogPercentCompleted as Integer
- shared method ICCameraDeviceCanTakePicture as string
- shared method ICCameraDeviceCanTakePictureUsingShutterReleaseOnCamera as string
- shared method ICCameraDeviceCanDeleteOneFile as string
- shared method ICCameraDeviceCanDeleteAllFiles as string
- shared method ICCameraDeviceCanSyncClock as string
- shared method ICCameraDeviceCanReceiveFile as string
- shared method ICCameraDeviceCanAcceptPTPCommands as string
- shared method ICDownloadsDirectoryURL as string
- shared method ICSaveAsFilename as string
- shared method ICSavedFilename as string
- shared method ICSavedAncillaryFiles as string
- shared method ICOverwrite as string
- shared method ICDeleteAfterSuccessfulDownload as string
- shared method ICDownloadSidecarFiles as string
- class ICCameraFileMBS
- class ICCameraFolderMBS
- class ICCameraItemMBS
- method Constructor
- property MetadataIfAvailable as Dictionary
- property UserData as Dictionary
- property thumbnailIfAvailable as Variant
- property largeThumbnailIfAvailable as Variant
- property Handle as Integer
- property Device as ICCameraDeviceMBS
- property ParentFolder as ICCameraFolderMBS
- property Name as String
- property UTI as String
- property FileSystemPath as String
- property Locked as Boolean
- property Raw as Boolean
- property InTemporaryStore as Boolean
- property CreationDate as Date
- property ModificationDate as Date
- property addedAfterContentCatalogCompleted as Boolean
- property ptpObjectHandle as Integer
- property CreationDateTime as DateTime
- property ModificationDateTime as DateTime
- class ICDeviceBrowserMBS
- method devices as ICDeviceMBS()
- method Constructor
- method Destructor
- method Start
- method Stop
- property Handle as Integer
- property preferredDevice as ICDeviceMBS
- property Browsing as Boolean
- property browsedDeviceTypeMask as Integer
- event DidAddDevice(device as ICDeviceMBS, moreComing as boolean)
- event DidRemoveDevice(device as ICDeviceMBS, moreGoing as boolean)
- event DeviceDidChangeName(device as ICDeviceMBS)
- event DeviceDidChangeSharingState(device as ICDeviceMBS)
- event RequestsSelectDevice(device as ICDeviceMBS)
- event DidEnumerateLocalDevices
- class ICDeviceMBS
- method capabilities as Variant()
- method requestSendMessage(messageCode as UInt32, data as MemoryBlock, maxReturnedDataSize as UInt64)
- method requestOpenSession
- method requestCloseSession
- method requestYield
- method requestEjectOrDisconnect
- method Constructor
- property canSyncClock as Boolean
- property canTakePicture as Boolean
- property canDeleteOneFile as Boolean
- property canDeleteAllFiles as Boolean
- property canReceiveFile as Boolean
- property canEject as Boolean
- property UserData as Dictionary
- property Icon as Variant
- property Handle as Integer
- property Name as String
- property IsRemote as Boolean
- property IsShared as Boolean
- property HasConfigurableWiFiInterface as Boolean
- property HasOpenSession as Boolean
- property SerialNumberString as String
- property LocationDescription as String
- property UUIDString as String
- property PersistentIDString as String
- property SystemSymbolName as String
- property ButtonPressed as String
- property AutolaunchApplicationPath as String
- property ModulePath as String
- property ModuleVersion as String
- property TransportType as String
- property ModuleExecutableArchitecture as Integer
- property usbLocationID as Integer
- property usbProductID as Integer
- property usbVendorID as Integer
- property fwGUID as Int64
- property type as Integer
- property BskonjourServiceName as String
- property BonjourServiceType as String
- property IconPath as String
- property IPAddress as String
- property ProductKind as String
- shared method ICTransportTypeUSB as string
- shared method ICTransportTypeFireWire as string
- shared method ICTransportTypeBluetooth as string
- shared method ICTransportTypeTCPIP as string
- shared method ICTransportTypeMassStorage as string
- shared method ICDeviceLocationDescriptionUSB as string
- shared method ICDeviceLocationDescriptionFireWire as string
- shared method ICDeviceLocationDescriptionBluetooth as string
- shared method ICDeviceLocationDescriptionMassStorage as string
- shared method ICButtonTypeScan as string
- shared method ICButtonTypeMail as string
- shared method ICButtonTypeCopy as string
- shared method ICButtonTypeWeb as string
- shared method ICButtonTypePrint as string
- shared method ICButtonTypeTransfer as string
- shared method ICStatusNotificationKey as string
- shared method ICStatusCodeKey as string
- shared method ICLocalizedStatusNotificationKey as string
- shared method ICDeviceCanEjectOrDisconnect as string
- class ICScannerBandDataMBS
- method Constructor
- property Handle as Integer
- property dataSize as UInt64
- property bytesPerRow as UInt64
- property dataStartRow as UInt64
- property dataNumRows as UInt64
- property bigEndian as Boolean
- property numComponents as UInt64
- property bitsPerComponent as UInt64
- property bitsPerPixel as UInt64
- property fullImageWidth as UInt64
- property fullImageHeight as UInt64
- property colorSyncProfilePath as String
- property pixelDataType as Integer
- property dataBuffer as MemoryBlock
- property CGImage as CGImageMBS
- property Picture as Picture
- class ICScannerDeviceMBS
- method requestSelectFunctionalUnit(type as integer)
- method Constructor
- method requestOverviewScan
- method requestScan
- method cancelScan
- method availableFunctionalUnitTypes as Integer()
- property downloadsFolder as FolderItem
- property documentName as String
- property documentUTI as String
- property downloadsDirectory as String
- property transferMode as Integer
- property maxMemoryBandSize as UInt64
- property selectedFunctionalUnit as ICScannerFunctionalUnitMBS
- shared method ICScannerStatusWarmingUp as string
- shared method ICScannerStatusWarmUpDone as string
- shared method ICScannerStatusRequestsOverviewScan as string
- class ICScannerFeatureBooleanMBS
- class ICScannerFeatureEnumerationMBS
- class ICScannerFeatureMBS
- class ICScannerFeatureRangeMBS
- class ICScannerFeatureTemplateMBS
- class ICScannerFunctionalUnitDocumentFeederMBS
- class ICScannerFunctionalUnitFlatbedMBS
- class ICScannerFunctionalUnitMBS
- method Constructor
- method templates as ICScannerFeatureTemplateMBS()
- method vendorFeatures as ICScannerFeatureMBS()
- property scanArea as NSRectMBS
- property physicalSize as NSSizeMBS
- property scanAreaOrientation as Integer
- property scanProgressPercentDone as Double
- property overviewResolution as Integer
- property state as Integer
- property thresholdForBlackAndWhiteScanning as Integer
- property defaultThresholdForBlackAndWhiteScanning as Integer
- property scaleFactor as Integer
- property nativeXResolution as Integer
- property nativeYResolution as Integer
- property resolution as Integer
- property measurementUnit as Integer
- property pixelDataType as Integer
- property bitDepth as Integer
- property type as Integer
- property overviewImage as Variant
- property overviewScanInProgress as Boolean
- property canPerformOverviewScan as Boolean
- property scanInProgress as Boolean
- property usesThresholdForBlackAndWhiteScanning as Boolean
- property acceptsThresholdForBlackAndWhiteScanning as Boolean
- property documentType as Integer
- property documentSize as NSSizeMBS
- property supportedDocumentTypes as NSIndexSetMBS
- property supportedBitDepths as NSIndexSetMBS
- property supportedMeasurementUnits as NSIndexSetMBS
- property supportedResolutions as NSIndexSetMBS
- property supportedScaleFactors as NSIndexSetMBS
- property preferredScaleFactors as NSIndexSetMBS
- property preferredResolutions as NSIndexSetMBS
- class ICScannerFunctionalUnitNegativeTransparencyMBS
- class ICScannerFunctionalUnitPositiveTransparencyMBS
- class IKCameraDeviceViewMBS
- method selectIndexes(indexes as NSIndexSetMBS, extend as boolean)
- method rotateLeft
- method rotateRight
- method deleteSelectedItems
- method downloadSelectedItems
- method downloadAllItems
- method Constructor
- method Constructor(Handle as Integer)
- method Constructor(left as double, top as double, width as double, height as double)
- property downloadsFolder as FolderItem
- property downloadsDirectory as String
- property postProcessApplication as String
- property hasDisplayModeTable as Boolean
- property hasDisplayModeIcon as Boolean
- property displaysDownloadsDirectoryControl as Boolean
- property displaysPostProcessApplicationControl as Boolean
- property canRotateSelectedItemsLeft as Boolean
- property canRotateSelectedItemsRight as Boolean
- property canDeleteSelectedItems as Boolean
- property canDownloadSelectedItems as Boolean
- property downloadAllControlLabel as String
- property downloadSelectedControlLabel as String
- property mode as Integer
- property transferMode as Integer
- property iconSize as Integer
- property cameraDevice as ICCameraDeviceMBS
- property selectedIndexes as NSIndexSetMBS
- event SelectionDidChange
- event DidEncounterError(Error as NSErrorMBS)
- event DidDownloadFile(CameraFile as ICCameraFileMBS, URL as string, File as folderItem, data as MemoryBlock, error as NSErrorMBS)
- class IKDeviceBrowserViewMBS
- method Constructor
- method Constructor(Handle as Integer)
- method Constructor(left as double, top as double, width as double, height as double)
- property displaysLocalCameras as Boolean
- property displaysNetworkCameras as Boolean
- property displaysLocalScanners as Boolean
- property displaysNetworkScanners as Boolean
- property mode as Integer
- property selectedDevice as ICDeviceMBS
- event SelectionDidChange(device as ICDeviceMBS)
- event DidEncounterError(error as NSErrorMBS)
- class IKImageBrowserCellMBS
- method Constructor
- method opacity as double
- method cellState as integer
- method isSelected as boolean
- method subtitleFrame as NSRectMBS
- method titleFrame as NSRectMBS
- method selectionFrame as NSRectMBS
- method imageFrame as NSRectMBS
- method imageContainerFrame as NSRectMBS
- method imageBrowserView as IKImageBrowserViewMBS
- method frame as NSRectMBS
- method indexOfRepresentedItem as integer
- method representedItem as variant
- method imageAlignment as integer
- method layerForType(type as string) as CALayerMBS
- property Handle as Integer
- shared method IKImageBrowserCellBackgroundLayer as string
- shared method IKImageBrowserCellForegroundLayer as string
- shared method IKImageBrowserCellSelectionLayer as string
- shared method IKImageBrowserCellPlaceHolderLayer as string
- class IKImageBrowserItemMBS
- method Constructor(imageUID as string, imageRepresentationType as string, imageRepresentation as variant, imageVersion as integer = 1, imageTitle as string = "", imageSubtitle as string = "", isSelectable as boolean = true)
- property imageRepresentation as variant
- property imageVersion as integer
- property isSelectable as boolean
- property imageSubtitle as string
- property imageTitle as string
- property imageRepresentationType as string
- property imageUID as string
- property Handle as Integer
- shared method ItemWithCGImage(imageUID as string, Image as variant, imageVersion as integer = 1, imageTitle as string = "", imageSubtitle as string = "", isSelectable as boolean = true) as IKImageBrowserItemMBS
- shared method ItemWithNSImage(imageUID as string, Image as NSImageMBS, imageVersion as integer = 1, imageTitle as string = "", imageSubtitle as string = "", isSelectable as boolean = true) as IKImageBrowserItemMBS
- shared method ItemWithURL(imageUID as string, URL as string, imageVersion as integer = 1, imageTitle as string = "", imageSubtitle as string = "", isSelectable as boolean = true) as IKImageBrowserItemMBS
- shared method ItemWithPath(imageUID as string, path as string, imageVersion as integer = 1, imageTitle as string = "", imageSubtitle as string = "", isSelectable as boolean = true) as IKImageBrowserItemMBS
- shared method ItemWithFile(imageUID as string, file as folderitem, imageVersion as integer = 1, imageTitle as string = "", imageSubtitle as string = "", isSelectable as boolean = true) as IKImageBrowserItemMBS
- shared method ItemWithData(imageUID as string, Data as Memoryblock, imageVersion as integer = 1, imageTitle as string = "", imageSubtitle as string = "", isSelectable as boolean = true) as IKImageBrowserItemMBS
- class IKImageBrowserViewMBS
- method setDropIndex(index as integer, operation as integer)
- method dropOperation as integer
- method Destructor
- method setValue(name as String, value as variant)
- method getValue(name as String) as variant
- method indexAtLocationOfDroppedItem as integer
- method columnIndexesInRect(rect as NSRectMBS) as NSIndexSetMBS
- method rowIndexesInRect(rect as NSRectMBS) as NSIndexSetMBS
- method indexOfItemAtPoint(point as NSPointMBS) as integer
- method rectOfColumn(columnIndex as integer) as NSRectMBS
- method rectOfRow(rowIndex as integer) as NSRectMBS
- method itemFrameAtIndex(index as integer) as NSRectMBS
- method Constructor
- method Constructor(Handle as Integer)
- method Constructor(left as double, top as double, width as double, height as double)
- method reloadData
- method scrollIndexToVisible(index as integer)
- method numberOfRows as integer
- method numberOfColumns as integer
- method expandGroupAtIndex(index as integer)
- method collapseGroupAtIndex(index as integer)
- method isGroupExpandedAtIndex(index as integer) as boolean
- method selectionIndexes as NSIndexSetMBS
- method visibleItemIndexes as NSIndexSetMBS
- method cellForItemAtIndex(index as integer) as IKImageBrowserCellMBS
- method newCellForRepresentedItem(item as IKImageBrowserItemMBS) as IKImageBrowserCellMBS
- method setSelectionIndexes(indexes as NSIndexSetMBS, extendSelection as boolean = false)
- property cellSize as NSSizeMBS
- property constrainsToOriginalSize as boolean
- property zoomValue as double
- property cellsStyleMask as integer
- property intercellSpacing as NSSizeMBS
- property contentResizingMask as integer
- property allowsMultipleSelection as boolean
- property canControlQuickLookPanel as boolean
- property allowsEmptySelection as boolean
- property allowsReordering as boolean
- property animates as boolean
- property allowsDroppingOnItems as boolean
- property foregroundLayer as CALayerMBS
- property backgroundLayer as CALayerMBS
- shared method IKImageBrowserPathRepresentationType as string
- shared method IKImageBrowserNSURLRepresentationType as string
- shared method IKImageBrowserNSImageRepresentationType as string
- shared method IKImageBrowserCGImageRepresentationType as string
- shared method IKImageBrowserCGImageSourceRepresentationType as string
- shared method IKImageBrowserNSDataRepresentationType as string
- shared method IKImageBrowserNSBitmapImageRepresentationType as string
- shared method IKImageBrowserQTMovieRepresentationType as string
- shared method IKImageBrowserQTMoviePathRepresentationType as string
- shared method IKImageBrowserQCCompositionRepresentationType as string
- shared method IKImageBrowserQCCompositionPathRepresentationType as string
- shared method IKImageBrowserQuickLookPathRepresentationType as string
- shared method IKImageBrowserIconRefPathRepresentationType as string
- shared method IKImageBrowserIconRefRepresentationType as string
- shared method IKImageBrowserPDFPageRepresentationType as string
- shared method IKImageBrowserBackgroundColorKey as string
- shared method IKImageBrowserSelectionColorKey as string
- shared method IKImageBrowserCellsOutlineColorKey as string
- shared method IKImageBrowserCellsTitleAttributesKey as string
- shared method IKImageBrowserCellsHighlightedTitleAttributesKey as string
- shared method IKImageBrowserCellsSubtitleAttributesKey as string
- shared method IKImageBrowserGroupRangeKey as string
- shared method IKImageBrowserGroupBackgroundColorKey as string
- shared method IKImageBrowserGroupTitleKey as string
- shared method IKImageBrowserGroupStyleKey as string
- shared method IKImageBrowserGroupHeaderLayer as string
- shared method IKImageBrowserGroupFooterLayer as string
- event numberOfItems as integer
- event itemAtIndex(index as integer) as IKImageBrowserItemMBS
- event removeItemsAtIndexes(indexes as NSIndexSetMBS)
- event moveItemsAtIndexes(indexes as NSIndexSetMBS, destinationIndex as integer) as boolean
- event writeItemsAtIndexes(indexes as NSIndexSetMBS, pasteboard as NSPasteboardMBS) as integer
- event numberOfGroups as integer
- event groupAtIndex(index as integer) as Dictionary
- event selectionDidChange
- event cellWasDoubleClickedAtIndex(index as integer)
- event cellWasRightClickedAtIndex(index as integer, e as NSEventMBS)
- event backgroundWasRightClickedWithEvent(e as NSEventMBS)
- event draggingEntered(sender as NSDraggingInfoMBS) as integer
- event draggingUpdated(sender as NSDraggingInfoMBS) as integer
- event draggingExited(sender as NSDraggingInfoMBS)
- event prepareForDragOperation(sender as NSDraggingInfoMBS) as boolean
- event performDragOperation(sender as NSDraggingInfoMBS) as boolean
- event concludeDragOperation(sender as NSDraggingInfoMBS)
- event draggingEnded(sender as NSDraggingInfoMBS)
- event wantsPeriodicDraggingUpdates as boolean
- event updateDraggingItemsForDrag(sender as NSDraggingInfoMBS)
- class IKImageEditPanelMBS
- method reloadData
- method Constructor
- property LastImage as Picture
- event Image as picture
- event Changed(pic as picture, CGImageHandle as integer, metaData as dictionary)
- event hasEffectsMode as Boolean
- event hasDetailsMode as Boolean
- event hasAdjustMode as Boolean
- event imageProperties as Dictionary
- event thumbnailWithMaximumSize(Width as Double, Height as Double) as picture
- class IKImageViewMBS
- method convertViewPointToImagePoint(viewPoint as NSPointMBS) as NSPointMBS
- method convertImagePointToViewPoint(imagePoint as NSPointMBS) as NSPointMBS
- method convertViewRectToImageRect(viewRect as NSRectMBS) as NSRectMBS
- method convertImageRectToViewRect(ImageRect as NSRectMBS) as NSRectMBS
- method scrollToRect(rect as NSRectMBS)
- method scrollToPoint(point as NSPointMBS)
- method zoomImageToRect(rect as NSRectMBS)
- method setImageZoomFactor(zoomFactor as Double, centerPoint as NSPointMBS)
- method setRotationAngle(rotationAngle as Double, centerPoint as NSPointMBS)
- method SetImageFile(File as FolderItem)
- method SetImageURL(URL as String)
- method SetImage(image as CGImageMBS, metaData as Dictionary = nil)
- method SetPicture(picture as Picture, metaData as Dictionary = nil)
- method rotateImageLeft
- method rotateImageRight
- method zoomImageToFit
- method zoomImageToActualSize
- method zoomIn
- method zoomOut
- method flipImageHorizontal
- method flipImageVertical
- method crop
- method Constructor
- method Constructor(Handle as Integer)
- method Constructor(left as double, top as double, width as double, height as double)
- property Overlay(layerType as string) as Variant
- property autoresizes as Boolean
- property hasHorizontalScroller as Boolean
- property hasVerticalScroller as Boolean
- property autohidesScrollers as Boolean
- property supportsDragAndDrop as Boolean
- property editable as Boolean
- property doubleClickOpensImageEditPanel as Boolean
- property zoomFactor as Double
- property rotationAngle as Double
- property currentToolMode as String
- property backgroundColor as NSColorMBS
- property imageCorrection as Variant
- property imageProperties as Dictionary
- property imageWidth as Integer
- property imageHeight as Integer
- property Image as CGImageMBS
- property Picture as Picture
- shared method IKToolModeNone as String
- shared method IKToolModeMove as String
- shared method IKToolModeSelect as String
- shared method IKToolModeSelectRect as String
- shared method IKToolModeSelectEllipse as String
- shared method IKToolModeSelectLasso as String
- shared method IKToolModeCrop as String
- shared method IKToolModeRotate as String
- shared method IKToolModeAnnotate as String
- shared method IKOverlayTypeBackground as String
- shared method IKOverlayTypeImage as String
- class IKPictureTakerMBS
- method popUpRecentsMenuForView(parent as NSViewMBS) as boolean
- method beginPictureTakerSheet(parent as window) as boolean
- method beginPictureTakerSheet(parent as NSWindowMBS) as boolean
- method beginPictureTaker as boolean
- method Available as boolean
- method outputImage as NSImageMBS
- method runModal as integer
- method SetOutputImageMaxSize(width as double, height as double)
- method OutputImageMaxSizeKeyWidth as double
- method OutputImageMaxSizeKeyHeight as double
- method SetCropAreaSize(width as double, height as double)
- method CropAreaSizeWidth as double
- method CropAreaSizeHeight as double
- method Constructor
- method beginPictureTakerSheet(parent as DesktopWindow) as boolean
- property inputImage as NSImageMBS
- property mirroring as boolean
- property RemainOpenAfterValidate as boolean
- property AllowsVideoCapture as boolean
- property AllowsFileChoosing as boolean
- property ShowRecentPicture as boolean
- property UpdateRecentPicture as boolean
- property AllowsEditing as boolean
- property ShowEffects as boolean
- property ShowAddressBookPicture as boolean
- property ShowEmptyPicture as NSImageMBS
- property InformationalText as NSAttributedStringMBS
- property InformationalText as string
- event Finished(returnCode as integer)
- class IKScannerDeviceViewMBS
- method Constructor
- method Constructor(Handle as Integer)
- method Constructor(left as double, top as double, width as double, height as double)
- property downloadsFolder as FolderItem
- property scanControlLabel as String
- property overviewControlLabel as String
- property documentName as String
- property downloadsDirectory as String
- property postProcessApplication as String
- property hasDisplayModeAdvanced as Boolean
- property hasDisplayModeSimple as Boolean
- property displaysDownloadsDirectoryControl as Boolean
- property displaysPostProcessApplicationControl as Boolean
- property mode as Integer
- property transferMode as Integer
- property scannerDevice as ICScannerDeviceMBS
- event DidScanToURL(url as String, file as FolderItem, fileData as MemoryBlock, error as NSErrorMBS)
- event DidScanToBandData(data as ICScannerBandDataMBS, scanInfo as Dictionary, error as NSErrorMBS)
- event DidEncounterError(error as NSErrorMBS)
- class IKSlideshowMBS
- method runSlideshow
- method exportSlideshowItems(applicationBundleIdentifier as string)
- method ItemCount as integer
- method removeItems
- method removeItem(index as integer)
- method addFile(file as folderitem, name as string="")
- method addPage(page as variant, name as string="")
- method addImage(image as NSImageMBS, name as string="")
- method setFile(index as integer, file as folderitem, name as string="")
- method setPage(index as integer, page as variant, name as string="")
- method setImage(index as integer, image as NSImageMBS, name as string="")
- method reloadData
- method stopSlideshow
- method reloadSlideshowItemAtIndex(index as integer)
- property WrapAround as Boolean
- property StartIndex as Integer
- property StartPaused as Boolean
- property PDFDisplayBox as Integer
- property PDFDisplaysAsBook as Boolean
- property PDFDisplayMode as Integer
- property AudioFile as FolderItem
- property ScreenIndex as Integer
- shared method Available as boolean
- shared method indexOfCurrentSlideshowItem as integer
- shared method canExportToApplication(applicationBundleIdentifier as string) as boolean
- shared property autoPlayDelay as double
- event slideshowWillStart
- event slideshowDidStop
- event slideshowDidChangeCurrentIndex(newIndex as integer)
- event canExportSlideshowItemAtIndex(index as integer, applicationBundleIdentifier as string) as boolean
- class ImageCaptureEventsMBS
- property Handle as Integer
- event deviceDidSendMessage(messageCode as UInt32, data as Memoryblock, error as NSErrorMBS, device as ICDeviceMBS)
- event cameraDeviceDidSendPTPCommand(command as Memoryblock, data as Memoryblock, response as MemoryBlock, error as NSErrorMBS, device as ICCameraDeviceMBS)
- event cameraDeviceDidReadData(data as Memoryblock, file as ICCameraFileMBS, error as NSErrorMBS, device as ICCameraDeviceMBS)
- event cameraDeviceDidUploadFile(fileURL as string, file as FolderItem, error as NSErrorMBS, device as ICCameraDeviceMBS)
- event cameraDeviceDidDownloadFile(file as ICCameraFileMBS, error as NSErrorMBS, options as Dictionary, device as ICCameraDeviceMBS)
- event cameraDeviceDidReceiveDownloadProgressForFile(file as ICCameraFileMBS, downloadedBytes as UInt64, maxBytes as UInt64)
- event cameraDeviceDidAddItem(camera as ICCameraDeviceMBS, item as ICCameraItemMBS)
- event cameraDeviceDidRemoveItem(camera as ICCameraDeviceMBS, item as ICCameraItemMBS)
- event cameraDeviceDidChangeCapability(camera as ICCameraDeviceMBS)
- event cameraDeviceDidAddItems(camera as ICCameraDeviceMBS, items() as ICCameraItemMBS)
- event cameraDeviceDidRemoveItems(camera as ICCameraDeviceMBS, items() as ICCameraItemMBS)
- event cameraDeviceDidRenameItems(camera as ICCameraDeviceMBS, items() as ICCameraItemMBS)
- event cameraDeviceDidCompleteDeleteFilesWithError(camera as ICCameraDeviceMBS, error as NSErrorMBS)
- event cameraDeviceDidReceiveThumbnailForItem(camera as ICCameraDeviceMBS, item as ICCameraItemMBS)
- event cameraDeviceDidReceiveMetadataForItem(camera as ICCameraDeviceMBS, item as ICCameraItemMBS)
- event cameraDeviceDidReceivePTPEvent(camera as ICCameraDeviceMBS, eventData as MemoryBlock)
- event cameraDeviceDidBecomeReadyWithCompleteContentCatalog(camera as ICCameraDeviceMBS)
- event deviceDidRemove(device as ICDeviceMBS)
- event deviceDidOpenSessionWithError(device as ICDeviceMBS, error as NSErrorMBS)
- event deviceDidBecomeReady(device as ICDeviceMBS)
- event deviceDidCloseSessionWithError(device as ICDeviceMBS, error as NSErrorMBS)
- event deviceDidChangeName(device as ICDeviceMBS)
- event deviceDidChangeSharingState(device as ICDeviceMBS)
- event deviceDidReceiveStatusInformation(device as ICDeviceMBS, status as Dictionary)
- event deviceDidEncounterError(device as ICDeviceMBS, error as NSErrorMBS)
- event deviceDidReceiveButtonPress(device as ICDeviceMBS, buttonType as String)
- event deviceDidReceiveCustomNotification(device as ICDeviceMBS, notification as Dictionary, data as Memoryblock)
- event scannerDeviceViewDidScanToURL(scannerDeviceView as IKScannerDeviceViewMBS, url as String, file as FolderItem, fileData as MemoryBlock, error as NSErrorMBS)
- event scannerDeviceViewDidScanToBandData(scannerDeviceView as IKScannerDeviceViewMBS, data as ICScannerBandDataMBS, scanInfo as Dictionary, error as NSErrorMBS)
- event scannerDeviceViewDidEncounterError(scannerDeviceView as IKScannerDeviceViewMBS, error as NSErrorMBS)
- event deviceBrowserDidAddDevice(browser as ICDeviceBrowserMBS, device as ICDeviceMBS, moreComing as boolean)
- event deviceBrowserDidRemoveDevice(browser as ICDeviceBrowserMBS, device as ICDeviceMBS, moreGoing as boolean)
- event deviceBrowserDeviceDidChangeName(browser as ICDeviceBrowserMBS, device as ICDeviceMBS)
- event deviceBrowserDeviceDidChangeSharingState(browser as ICDeviceBrowserMBS, device as ICDeviceMBS)
- event deviceBrowserRequestsSelectDevice(browser as ICDeviceBrowserMBS, device as ICDeviceMBS)
- event deviceBrowserDidEnumerateLocalDevices(browser as ICDeviceBrowserMBS)
- event deviceBrowserViewSelectionDidChange(deviceBrowserView as IKDeviceBrowserViewMBS, device as ICDeviceMBS)
- event deviceBrowserViewDidEncounterError(deviceBrowserView as IKDeviceBrowserViewMBS, error as NSErrorMBS)
- event cameraDeviceViewSelectionDidChange(cameraDeviceView as IKCameraDeviceViewMBS)
- event cameraDeviceViewDidEncounterError(cameraDeviceView as IKCameraDeviceViewMBS, error as NSErrorMBS)
- event cameraDeviceViewDidDownloadFile(cameraDeviceView as IKCameraDeviceViewMBS, CameraFile as ICCameraFileMBS, URL as string, File as folderItem, data as MemoryBlock, error as NSErrorMBS)
- event scannerDeviceDidBecomeAvailable(scanner as ICScannerDeviceMBS)
- event scannerDeviceDidSelectFunctionalUnit(scanner as ICScannerDeviceMBS, functionalUnit as variant, Error as NSErrorMBS)
- event scannerDeviceDidScanToURL(scanner as ICScannerDeviceMBS, URL as string, file as folderitem, data as MemoryBlock)
- event scannerDeviceDidScanToBandData(scanner as ICScannerDeviceMBS, Data as ICScannerBandDataMBS)
- event scannerDeviceDidCompleteOverviewScanWithError(scanner as ICScannerDeviceMBS, error as NSErrorMBS)
- event scannerDeviceDidCompleteScanWithError(scanner as ICScannerDeviceMBS, error as NSErrorMBS)
- event cameraDeviceDidEnableAccessRestriction(camera as ICCameraDeviceMBS)
- event cameraDeviceDidRemoveAccessRestriction(camera as ICCameraDeviceMBS)
- class Movie
- class MoviePlayer
- class SDAVAssetExportSessionMBS
- method Constructor(asset as AVAssetMBS)
- method metadata as AVMetadataItemMBS()
- method setMetadata(items() as AVMetadataItemMBS)
- method cancelExport
- method exportAsynchronously
- method exportMT
- property Handle as Integer
- property asset as AVAssetMBS
- property videoComposition as AVVideoCompositionMBS
- property audioMix as AVAudioMixMBS
- property outputFileType as String
- property outputURL as String
- property outputFile as FolderItem
- property videoInputSettings as Dictionary
- property videoSettings as Dictionary
- property audioSettings as Dictionary
- property timeRange as CMTimeRangeMBS
- property shouldOptimizeForNetworkUse as Boolean
- property error as NSErrorMBS
- property progress as Double
- property Status as Integer
- shared method exportSessionWithAsset(asset as AVAssetMBS) as AVAssetExportSessionMBS
- shared method available as Boolean
- event exportAsynchronouslyCompleted
- class Sound
- control AVCaptureViewControlMBS
- method setSession(session as AVCaptureSessionMBS, showVideoPreview as boolean, showAudioPreview as boolean)
- property View as NSViewMBS
- property controlsStyle as Integer
- property videoGravity as String
- property session as AVCaptureSessionMBS
- property fileOutput as AVCaptureFileOutputMBS
- shared method Available as Boolean
- event GotFocus
- event LostFocus
- event FrameChanged
- event BoundsChanged
- event willShowContextualMenu(menu as NSMenuMBS, NSEvent as NSEventMBS)
- event didCloseContextualMenu(menu as NSMenuMBS, NSEvent as NSEventMBS)
- event EnableMenuItems
- event ScaleFactorChanged(NewFactor as double)
- event MouseDown(x as Integer, y as Integer, Modifiers as Integer) As Boolean
- event MouseDrag(x as Integer, y as Integer)
- event MouseUp(x As Integer, y As Integer)
- event startRecordingToFileOutput(fileOutput as AVCaptureFileOutputMBS)
- control AVPlayerViewControlMBS
- method beginTrimming
- method flashChapterNumber(chapterNumber as Integer, chapterTitle as String)
- property View as NSViewMBS
- property player as AVPlayerMBS
- property controlsStyle as Integer
- property readyForDisplay as Boolean
- property videoGravity as String
- property showsFrameSteppingButtons as Boolean
- property showsSharingServiceButton as Boolean
- property showsFullScreenToggleButton as Boolean
- property actionPopUpButtonMenu as NSMenuMBS
- property canBeginTrimming as Boolean
- property updatesNowPlayingInfoCenter as Boolean
- property contentOverlayView as NSViewMBS
- property videoBounds as NSRectMBS
- property showsTimecodes as Boolean
- property allowsPictureInPicturePlayback as Boolean
- shared method Available as Boolean
- event GotFocus
- event LostFocus
- event FrameChanged
- event BoundsChanged
- event willShowContextualMenu(menu as NSMenuMBS, NSEvent as NSEventMBS)
- event didCloseContextualMenu(menu as NSMenuMBS, NSEvent as NSEventMBS)
- event EnableMenuItems
- event ScaleFactorChanged(NewFactor as double)
- event MouseDown(x as Integer, y as Integer, Modifiers as Integer) As Boolean
- event MouseDrag(x as Integer, y as Integer)
- event MouseUp(x As Integer, y As Integer)
- event TrimmingCompleted(result as Integer)
- event playerViewWillStartPictureInPicture
- event playerViewDidStartPictureInPicture
- event playerViewFailedToStartPictureInPicture(error as NSErrorMBS)
- event playerViewWillStopPictureInPicture
- event playerViewDidStopPictureInPicture
- event playerViewRestoreUserInterfaceForPictureInPictureStop as Boolean
- event playerViewShouldAutomaticallyDismissAtPictureInPictureStart as Boolean
- control AVRoutePickerViewControlMBS
- property routePickerButtonColorForState(state as integer) as NSColorMBS
- property View as NSViewMBS
- property player as AVPlayerMBS
- property routePickerButtonBordered as Boolean
- shared method Available as Boolean
- event GotFocus
- event LostFocus
- event FrameChanged
- event BoundsChanged
- event willShowContextualMenu(menu as NSMenuMBS, NSEvent as NSEventMBS)
- event didCloseContextualMenu(menu as NSMenuMBS, NSEvent as NSEventMBS)
- event EnableMenuItems
- event ScaleFactorChanged(NewFactor as double)
- event MouseDown(x as Integer, y as Integer, Modifiers as Integer) As Boolean
- event MouseDrag(x as Integer, y as Integer)
- event MouseUp(x As Integer, y As Integer)
- event WillBeginPresentingRoutes
- event DidEndPresentingRoutes
- control DesktopAVCaptureViewControlMBS
- method setSession(session as AVCaptureSessionMBS, showVideoPreview as boolean, showAudioPreview as boolean)
- property View as NSViewMBS
- property controlsStyle as Integer
- property videoGravity as String
- property session as AVCaptureSessionMBS
- property fileOutput as AVCaptureFileOutputMBS
- shared method Available as Boolean
- event FocusReceived
- event FocusLost
- event FrameChanged
- event BoundsChanged
- event willShowContextualMenu(menu as NSMenuMBS, NSEvent as NSEventMBS)
- event didCloseContextualMenu(menu as NSMenuMBS, NSEvent as NSEventMBS)
- event MenuBarSelected
- event ScaleFactorChanged(NewFactor as double)
- event MouseDown(x as Integer, y as Integer, Modifiers as Integer) As Boolean
- event MouseDrag(x as Integer, y as Integer)
- event MouseUp(x As Integer, y As Integer)
- event startRecordingToFileOutput(fileOutput as AVCaptureFileOutputMBS)
- control DesktopAVPlayerViewControlMBS
- method beginTrimming
- method flashChapterNumber(chapterNumber as Integer, chapterTitle as String)
- property View as NSViewMBS
- property player as AVPlayerMBS
- property controlsStyle as Integer
- property readyForDisplay as Boolean
- property videoGravity as String
- property showsFrameSteppingButtons as Boolean
- property showsSharingServiceButton as Boolean
- property showsFullScreenToggleButton as Boolean
- property actionPopUpButtonMenu as NSMenuMBS
- property canBeginTrimming as Boolean
- property updatesNowPlayingInfoCenter as Boolean
- property contentOverlayView as NSViewMBS
- property videoBounds as NSRectMBS
- property showsTimecodes as Boolean
- property allowsPictureInPicturePlayback as Boolean
- shared method Available as Boolean
- event FocusReceived
- event FocusLost
- event FrameChanged
- event BoundsChanged
- event willShowContextualMenu(menu as NSMenuMBS, NSEvent as NSEventMBS)
- event didCloseContextualMenu(menu as NSMenuMBS, NSEvent as NSEventMBS)
- event MenuBarSelected
- event ScaleFactorChanged(NewFactor as double)
- event MouseDown(x as Integer, y as Integer, Modifiers as Integer) As Boolean
- event MouseDrag(x as Integer, y as Integer)
- event MouseUp(x As Integer, y As Integer)
- event TrimmingCompleted(result as Integer)
- event playerViewWillStartPictureInPicture
- event playerViewDidStartPictureInPicture
- event playerViewFailedToStartPictureInPicture(error as NSErrorMBS)
- event playerViewWillStopPictureInPicture
- event playerViewDidStopPictureInPicture
- event playerViewRestoreUserInterfaceForPictureInPictureStop as Boolean
- event playerViewShouldAutomaticallyDismissAtPictureInPictureStart as Boolean
- control DesktopAVRoutePickerViewControlMBS
- property routePickerButtonColorForState(state as integer) as NSColorMBS
- property View as NSViewMBS
- property player as AVPlayerMBS
- property routePickerButtonBordered as Boolean
- shared method Available as Boolean
- event FocusReceived
- event FocusLost
- event FrameChanged
- event BoundsChanged
- event willShowContextualMenu(menu as NSMenuMBS, NSEvent as NSEventMBS)
- event didCloseContextualMenu(menu as NSMenuMBS, NSEvent as NSEventMBS)
- event MenuBarSelected
- event ScaleFactorChanged(NewFactor as double)
- event MouseDown(x as Integer, y as Integer, Modifiers as Integer) As Boolean
- event MouseDrag(x as Integer, y as Integer)
- event MouseUp(x As Integer, y As Integer)
- event WillBeginPresentingRoutes
- event DidEndPresentingRoutes
- control DesktopIKCameraDeviceViewControlMBS
- property View as IKCameraDeviceViewMBS
- event FocusReceived
- event FocusLost
- event FrameChanged
- event BoundsChanged
- event willShowContextualMenu(menu as NSMenuMBS, NSEvent as NSEventMBS)
- event didCloseContextualMenu(menu as NSMenuMBS, NSEvent as NSEventMBS)
- event SelectionDidChange
- event DidEncounterError(Error as NSErrorMBS)
- event DidDownloadFile(CameraFile as ICCameraFileMBS, URL as string, File as folderItem, data as MemoryBlock, error as NSErrorMBS)
- event MenuBarSelected
- event ScaleFactorChanged(NewFactor as double)
- event MouseDown(x as Integer, y as Integer, Modifiers as Integer) As Boolean
- event MouseDrag(x as Integer, y as Integer)
- event MouseUp(x As Integer, y As Integer)
- control DesktopIKDeviceBrowserViewControlMBS
- property View as IKDeviceBrowserViewMBS
- event FocusReceived
- event FocusLost
- event FrameChanged
- event BoundsChanged
- event willShowContextualMenu(menu as NSMenuMBS, NSEvent as NSEventMBS)
- event didCloseContextualMenu(menu as NSMenuMBS, NSEvent as NSEventMBS)
- event SelectionDidChange(device as ICDeviceMBS)
- event DidEncounterError(error as NSErrorMBS)
- event MenuBarSelected
- event ScaleFactorChanged(NewFactor as double)
- event MouseDown(x as Integer, y as Integer, Modifiers as Integer) As Boolean
- event MouseDrag(x as Integer, y as Integer)
- event MouseUp(x As Integer, y As Integer)
- control DesktopIKImageBrowserViewControlMBS
- property View as IKImageBrowserViewMBS
- property Scrollview as NSScrollViewMBS
- event FocusReceived
- event FocusLost
- event FrameChanged
- event BoundsChanged
- event willShowContextualMenu(menu as NSMenuMBS, NSEvent as NSEventMBS)
- event didCloseContextualMenu(menu as NSMenuMBS, NSEvent as NSEventMBS)
- event numberOfItems as integer
- event itemAtIndex(index as integer) as IKImageBrowserItemMBS
- event removeItemsAtIndexes(indexes as NSIndexSetMBS)
- event moveItemsAtIndexes(indexes as NSIndexSetMBS, destinationIndex as integer) as boolean
- event writeItemsAtIndexes(indexes as NSIndexSetMBS, pasteboard as NSPasteboardMBS) as integer
- event numberOfGroups as integer
- event groupAtIndex(index as integer) as Dictionary
- event selectionDidChange
- event cellWasDoubleClickedAtIndex(index as integer)
- event cellWasRightClickedAtIndex(index as integer, e as NSEventMBS)
- event backgroundWasRightClickedWithEvent(e as NSEventMBS)
- event draggingEntered(sender as NSDraggingInfoMBS) as integer
- event draggingUpdated(sender as NSDraggingInfoMBS) as integer
- event draggingExited(sender as NSDraggingInfoMBS)
- event prepareForDragOperation(sender as NSDraggingInfoMBS) as boolean
- event performDragOperation(sender as NSDraggingInfoMBS) as boolean
- event concludeDragOperation(sender as NSDraggingInfoMBS)
- event draggingEnded(sender as NSDraggingInfoMBS)
- event wantsPeriodicDraggingUpdates as boolean
- event updateDraggingItemsForDrag(sender as NSDraggingInfoMBS)
- event MenuBarSelected
- event ScaleFactorChanged(NewFactor as double)
- event MouseDown(x as Integer, y as Integer, Modifiers as Integer) As Boolean
- event MouseDrag(x as Integer, y as Integer)
- event MouseUp(x As Integer, y As Integer)
- control DesktopIKImageViewControlMBS
- property View as IKImageViewMBS
- event FocusReceived
- event FocusLost
- event FrameChanged
- event BoundsChanged
- event willShowContextualMenu(menu as NSMenuMBS, NSEvent as NSEventMBS)
- event didCloseContextualMenu(menu as NSMenuMBS, NSEvent as NSEventMBS)
- event MenuBarSelected
- event ScaleFactorChanged(NewFactor as double)
- event MouseDown(x as Integer, y as Integer, Modifiers as Integer) As Boolean
- event MouseDrag(x as Integer, y as Integer)
- event MouseUp(x As Integer, y As Integer)
- control DesktopIKScannerDeviceViewControlMBS
- property View as IKScannerDeviceViewMBS
- event FocusReceived
- event FocusLost
- event FrameChanged
- event BoundsChanged
- event willShowContextualMenu(menu as NSMenuMBS, NSEvent as NSEventMBS)
- event didCloseContextualMenu(menu as NSMenuMBS, NSEvent as NSEventMBS)
- event DidScanToURL(url as String, file as FolderItem, fileData as MemoryBlock, error as NSErrorMBS)
- event DidScanToBandData(data as ICScannerBandDataMBS, scanInfo as Dictionary, error as NSErrorMBS)
- event DidEncounterError(error as NSErrorMBS)
- event MenuBarSelected
- event ScaleFactorChanged(NewFactor as double)
- event MouseDown(x as Integer, y as Integer, Modifiers as Integer) As Boolean
- event MouseDrag(x as Integer, y as Integer)
- event MouseUp(x As Integer, y As Integer)
- control IKCameraDeviceViewControlMBS
- property View as IKCameraDeviceViewMBS
- event GotFocus
- event LostFocus
- event FrameChanged
- event BoundsChanged
- event willShowContextualMenu(menu as NSMenuMBS, NSEvent as NSEventMBS)
- event didCloseContextualMenu(menu as NSMenuMBS, NSEvent as NSEventMBS)
- event SelectionDidChange
- event DidEncounterError(Error as NSErrorMBS)
- event DidDownloadFile(CameraFile as ICCameraFileMBS, URL as string, File as folderItem, data as MemoryBlock, error as NSErrorMBS)
- event EnableMenuItems
- event ScaleFactorChanged(NewFactor as double)
- event MouseDown(x as Integer, y as Integer, Modifiers as Integer) As Boolean
- event MouseDrag(x as Integer, y as Integer)
- event MouseUp(x As Integer, y As Integer)
- control IKDeviceBrowserViewControlMBS
- property View as IKDeviceBrowserViewMBS
- event GotFocus
- event LostFocus
- event FrameChanged
- event BoundsChanged
- event willShowContextualMenu(menu as NSMenuMBS, NSEvent as NSEventMBS)
- event didCloseContextualMenu(menu as NSMenuMBS, NSEvent as NSEventMBS)
- event SelectionDidChange(device as ICDeviceMBS)
- event DidEncounterError(error as NSErrorMBS)
- event EnableMenuItems
- event ScaleFactorChanged(NewFactor as double)
- event MouseDown(x as Integer, y as Integer, Modifiers as Integer) As Boolean
- event MouseDrag(x as Integer, y as Integer)
- event MouseUp(x As Integer, y As Integer)
- control IKImageBrowserViewControlMBS
- property View as IKImageBrowserViewMBS
- property Scrollview as NSScrollViewMBS
- event GotFocus
- event LostFocus
- event FrameChanged
- event BoundsChanged
- event willShowContextualMenu(menu as NSMenuMBS, NSEvent as NSEventMBS)
- event didCloseContextualMenu(menu as NSMenuMBS, NSEvent as NSEventMBS)
- event numberOfItems as integer
- event itemAtIndex(index as integer) as IKImageBrowserItemMBS
- event removeItemsAtIndexes(indexes as NSIndexSetMBS)
- event moveItemsAtIndexes(indexes as NSIndexSetMBS, destinationIndex as integer) as boolean
- event writeItemsAtIndexes(indexes as NSIndexSetMBS, pasteboard as NSPasteboardMBS) as integer
- event numberOfGroups as integer
- event groupAtIndex(index as integer) as Dictionary
- event selectionDidChange
- event cellWasDoubleClickedAtIndex(index as integer)
- event cellWasRightClickedAtIndex(index as integer, e as NSEventMBS)
- event backgroundWasRightClickedWithEvent(e as NSEventMBS)
- event draggingEntered(sender as NSDraggingInfoMBS) as integer
- event draggingUpdated(sender as NSDraggingInfoMBS) as integer
- event draggingExited(sender as NSDraggingInfoMBS)
- event prepareForDragOperation(sender as NSDraggingInfoMBS) as boolean
- event performDragOperation(sender as NSDraggingInfoMBS) as boolean
- event concludeDragOperation(sender as NSDraggingInfoMBS)
- event draggingEnded(sender as NSDraggingInfoMBS)
- event wantsPeriodicDraggingUpdates as boolean
- event updateDraggingItemsForDrag(sender as NSDraggingInfoMBS)
- event EnableMenuItems
- event ScaleFactorChanged(NewFactor as double)
- event MouseDown(x as Integer, y as Integer, Modifiers as Integer) As Boolean
- event MouseDrag(x as Integer, y as Integer)
- event MouseUp(x As Integer, y As Integer)
- control IKImageViewControlMBS
- property View as IKImageViewMBS
- event GotFocus
- event LostFocus
- event FrameChanged
- event BoundsChanged
- event willShowContextualMenu(menu as NSMenuMBS, NSEvent as NSEventMBS)
- event didCloseContextualMenu(menu as NSMenuMBS, NSEvent as NSEventMBS)
- event EnableMenuItems
- event ScaleFactorChanged(NewFactor as double)
- event MouseDown(x as Integer, y as Integer, Modifiers as Integer) As Boolean
- event MouseDrag(x as Integer, y as Integer)
- event MouseUp(x As Integer, y As Integer)
- control IKScannerDeviceViewControlMBS
- property View as IKScannerDeviceViewMBS
- event GotFocus
- event LostFocus
- event FrameChanged
- event BoundsChanged
- event willShowContextualMenu(menu as NSMenuMBS, NSEvent as NSEventMBS)
- event didCloseContextualMenu(menu as NSMenuMBS, NSEvent as NSEventMBS)
- event DidScanToURL(url as String, file as FolderItem, fileData as MemoryBlock, error as NSErrorMBS)
- event DidScanToBandData(data as ICScannerBandDataMBS, scanInfo as Dictionary, error as NSErrorMBS)
- event DidEncounterError(error as NSErrorMBS)
- event EnableMenuItems
- event ScaleFactorChanged(NewFactor as double)
- event MouseDown(x as Integer, y as Integer, Modifiers as Integer) As Boolean
- event MouseDrag(x as Integer, y as Integer)
- event MouseUp(x As Integer, y As Integer)