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The plugin MBS Cameras Plugin:
- class EdsBaseMBS
- method GetPropertyElementCount(PropertyID as UInt32) as UInt32
- method GetPropertyDesc(PropertyID as UInt32) as Memoryblock
- method SetPropertyData(PropertyID as UInt32, Param as Int32, data as Memoryblock)
- method GetPropertyData(PropertyID as UInt32, Param as Int32 = 0) as Memoryblock
- method GetPropertySize(PropertyID as UInt32, Param as Int32 = 0) as UInt32
- method GetPropertyDataType(PropertyID as UInt32, Param as Int32 = 0) as UInt32
- method ChildCount as UInt32
- method SetProgress(progress as EdsProgressMBS, options as integer)
- method SetPropertyDataUInt32(PropertyID as UInt32, Param as Int32, data as UInt32)
- method GetPropertyDataUInt32(PropertyID as UInt32, Param as Int32 = 0) as UInt32
- method SetPropertyDataInt32(PropertyID as UInt32, Param as Int32, data as Int32)
- method GetPropertyDataInt32(PropertyID as UInt32, Param as Int32 = 0) as Int32
- method SetPropertyDataUInt8(PropertyID as UInt32, Param as Int32, data as UInt8)
- method GetPropertyDataUInt8(PropertyID as UInt32, Param as Int32 = 0) as UInt8
- method SetPropertyDataString(PropertyID as UInt32, Param as Int32, data as String)
- method GetPropertyDataString(PropertyID as UInt32, Param as Int32 = 0) as String
- method SetPropertyDataBool(PropertyID as UInt32, Param as Int32, data as Boolean)
- method GetPropertyDataBool(PropertyID as UInt32, Param as Int32 = 0) as Boolean
- method SetPropertyDataRational(PropertyID as UInt32, Param as Int32, data as EdsRationalMBS)
- method GetPropertyDataRational(PropertyID as UInt32, Param as Int32 = 0) as EdsRationalMBS
- method SetPropertyDataPoint(PropertyID as UInt32, Param as Int32, data as EdsPointMBS)
- method GetPropertyDataPoint(PropertyID as UInt32, Param as Int32 = 0) as EdsPointMBS
- method SetPropertyDataRect(PropertyID as UInt32, Param as Int32, data as EdsRectMBS)
- method GetPropertyDataRect(PropertyID as UInt32, Param as Int32 = 0) as EdsRectMBS
- method SetPropertyDataSize(PropertyID as UInt32, Param as Int32, data as EdsSizeMBS)
- method GetPropertyDataSize(PropertyID as UInt32, Param as Int32 = 0) as EdsSizeMBS
- method SetPropertyDataInt32Array(PropertyID as UInt32, Param as Int32, data() as Integer)
- method GetPropertyDataInt32Array(PropertyID as UInt32, Param as Int32 = 0) as Integer()
- method SetPropertyDataUInt32Array(PropertyID as UInt32, Param as Int32, data() as UInt32)
- method GetPropertyDataUInt32Array(PropertyID as UInt32, Param as Int32 = 0) as UInt32()
- method SetPropertyDataRationalArray(PropertyID as UInt32, Param as Int32, data() as EdsRationalMBS)
- method GetPropertyDataRationalArray(PropertyID as UInt32, Param as Int32 = 0) as EdsRationalMBS()
- property Handle as Integer
- property Lasterror as Integer
- property Progress as EdsProgressMBS
- property DataRef as String
- property MemoryRef as MemoryBlock
- class EdsCameraAddedHandlerMBS
- class EdsCameraListMBS
- class EdsCameraMBS
- method DateTime as EdsTimeMBS
- method PictureStyleDesc as EdsPictureStyleDescMBS
- method FocusInfo as EdsFocusInfoMBS
- method DownloadEvfImage(image as EdsEvfImageMBS, OldSDK as boolean)
- method DeviceInfo as EdsDeviceInfoMBS
- method Parent as EdsCameraListMBS
- method SetCapacity(numberOfFreeClusters as integer, bytesPerSector as integer, reset as boolean)
- method SendCommand(command as integer, param as integer = 0)
- method SendStatusCommand(command as integer, param as integer = 0)
- method OpenSession
- method CloseSession
- method Child(index as UInt32) as EdsVolumeMBS
- class EdsCameraStateEventHandlerMBS
- class EdsDeviceInfoMBS
- class EdsDirectoryItemInfoMBS
- class EdsDirectoryItemMBS
- method Parent as EdsDirectoryItemMBS
- method DirectoryItemInfo as EdsDirectoryItemInfoMBS
- method DeleteDirectoryItem
- method Child(index as UInt32) as EdsDirectoryItemMBS
- method DownloadCancel
- method DownloadComplete
- method Download(ReadSize as UInt64, stream as EdsStreamMBS)
- method DownloadThumbnail(stream as EdsStreamMBS)
- property FileAttributes as integer
- class EdsEvfImageMBS
- class EdsFocusInfoMBS
- class EdsFocusPointMBS
- class EdsImageInfoMBS
- class EdsImageMBS
- method PictureStyleDesc as EdsPictureStyleDescMBS
- method FocusInfo as EdsFocusInfoMBS
- method DateTime as EdsTimeMBS
- method Constructor(stream as EdsImageMBS)
- method ReflectImageProperty
- method CacheImage(UseCache as boolean)
- method ImageInfo(ImageSource as integer) as EdsImageInfoMBS
- method Image(ImageSource as integer, TargetImageType as integer, Source as EdsRectMBS, Dest as EdsSizeMBS, DestStream as EdsStreamMBS)
- method SaveImage(TargetImageType as integer, DestStream as EdsStreamMBS, JPEGQuality as integer = 0, iccProfileStream as EdsStreamMBS)
- class EdsObjectEventHandlerMBS
- class EdsPictureStyleDescMBS
- class EdsPointMBS
- class EdsProgressMBS
- class EdsPropertyEventHandlerMBS
- class EdsRationalMBS
- class EdsRectMBS
- class EdsSizeMBS
- class EdsStreamMBS
- method CreateEvfImageRef as EdsEvfImageMBS
- method CreateImage as EdsImageMBS
- method Pointer as Ptr
- method Position as UInt64
- method Length as UInt64
- method Seek(Offset as Int64, origin as integer)
- method CopyData(WriteSize as UInt64, outStream as EdsStreamMBS)
- method Write(Data as string) as UInt64
- method Read(size as UInt64) as string
- method Constructor(Memory as Memoryblock, size as Int64 = -1, offset as integer = 0)
- method Constructor(data as string)
- method Constructor(size as UInt64)
- method Constructor(path as string, CreateDisposition as integer, DesiredAccess as integer)
- method Constructor(path as folderitem, CreateDisposition as integer, DesiredAccess as integer)
- shared method CreateMemoryStreamFromMemoryblock(Memory as Memoryblock, size as integer = -1, offset as integer = 0) as EdsStreamMBS
- shared method CreateMemoryStreamFromstring(data as string) as EdsStreamMBS
- shared method CreateMemoryStream(size as UInt32) as EdsStreamMBS
- shared method CreateFileStream(path as string, CreateDisposition as integer, DesiredAccess as integer) as EdsStreamMBS
- shared method CreateFileStream(path as folderitem, CreateDisposition as integer, DesiredAccess as integer) as EdsStreamMBS
- class EdsTimeMBS
- class EdsVolumeInfoMBS
- class EdsVolumeMBS
- class NikonCapInfoMBS
- class NikonFileInfoMBS
- class NikonImageInfoMBS
- class NikonLiveImageMBS
- method AFframes(index as UInt32) as NikonRectMBS
- property Width as Integer
- property Height as Integer
- property TotalWidth as Integer
- property TotalHeight as Integer
- property DisplayWidth as Integer
- property DisplayHeight as Integer
- property DisplayCenterX as Integer
- property DisplayCenterY as Integer
- property AutoFocusWidth as Integer
- property AutoFocusHeight as Integer
- property AutoFocusX as Integer
- property AutoFocusY as Integer
- property DirectionOfRotation as Integer
- property FocusDriveState as Integer
- property ShutterSpeed as Double
- property Aperture as Double
- property CountDownTime as Integer
- property FocusResult as Integer
- property AFstate as Integer
- property FacePriorityAFMode as Integer
- property FaceDetectionCount as Integer
- property SelectedFocusPoint as Integer
- property JPEGData as MemoryBlock
- property RawData as MemoryBlock
- property RemainingMovieRecordingTime as Integer
- property MovieRecordingInformation as Integer
- property AFAreaIndex as Integer
- class NikonMBS
- method GetVideoImageData(Offset as UInt32, BlockSize as UInt32) as String
- method GetVideoImageDataSize as UInt32
- method SetCapRange(what as integer, ID as integer, Value as double, ValueIndex as UInt32) as boolean
- method GetCapRange(what as integer, ID as integer, byref Value as double, byref DefaultValue as double, byref ValueIndex as UInt32, byref DefaultIndex as UInt32, byref LowerValue as double, byref UpperValue as double, byref Steps as UInt32) as boolean
- method GetLiveViewImage(type as integer) as NikonLiveImageMBS
- method GetCapEnumString(what as integer, ID as integer, byref current as UInt32) as string()
- method GetCapEnumPacketString(what as integer, ID as integer, byref current as UInt32) as string()
- method GetCapEnumUInt32(what as integer, ID as integer, byref current as UInt32) as UInt32()
- method SetCapEnumUInt32(what as integer, ID as integer, Value as UInt32) as boolean
- method SetCapEnumPackedString(what as integer, ID as integer, EnumIndex as UInt32) as boolean
- method Capability(what as integer, ID as integer) as NikonCapInfoMBS
- method Capabilities(what as integer) as NikonCapInfoMBS()
- method CapabilitiesCount(what as integer) as UInt32
- method GetItemCount as UInt32
- method OpenItem(index as UInt32) as boolean
- method LoadLibrary(path as string) as boolean
- method LoadLibrary(file as folderitem) as boolean
- method OpenModule as boolean
- method GetSourceCount as UInt32
- method OpenSource(index as UInt32) as boolean
- method AutoFocus as boolean
- method Capture as boolean
- method PreCapture as boolean
- method Async_ as boolean
- method CloseModule
- method CloseSource
- method CloseItem
- method CloseData
- method OpenData(type as UInt32) as boolean
- method Acquire as boolean
- method AvailableDatatypes as UInt32
- method SetCapUInt32(what as integer, ID as integer, value as UInt32)
- method GetCapUInt32(what as integer, ID as integer) as UInt32
- method GetCapDefaultUInt32(what as integer, ID as integer) as UInt32
- method SetCapInt32(what as integer, ID as integer, value as Int32)
- method GetCapInt32(what as integer, ID as integer) as Int32
- method GetCapDefaultInt32(what as integer, ID as integer) as Int32
- method SetCapDouble(what as integer, ID as integer, value as Double)
- method GetCapDouble(what as integer, ID as integer) as Double
- method GetCapDefaultDouble(what as integer, ID as integer) as Double
- method SetCapString(what as integer, ID as integer, value as String)
- method GetCapString(what as integer, ID as integer) as String
- method GetCapDefaultString(what as integer, ID as integer) as String
- method SetCapBoolean(what as integer, ID as integer, value as Boolean)
- method GetCapBoolean(what as integer, ID as integer) as Boolean
- method GetCapDefaultBoolean(what as integer, ID as integer) as Boolean
- method SetCapPoint(what as integer, ID as integer, value as NikonPointMBS)
- method GetCapPoint(what as integer, ID as integer) as NikonPointMBS
- method GetCapDefaultPoint(what as integer, ID as integer) as NikonPointMBS
- method SetCapSize(what as integer, ID as integer, value as NikonSizeMBS)
- method GetCapSize(what as integer, ID as integer) as NikonSizeMBS
- method GetCapDefaultSize(what as integer, ID as integer) as NikonSizeMBS
- method SetCapRect(what as integer, ID as integer, value as NikonRectMBS)
- method GetCapRect(what as integer, ID as integer) as NikonRectMBS
- method GetCapDefaultRect(what as integer, ID as integer) as NikonRectMBS
- property Lasterror as Integer
- property FunctionPtr as Integer
- property LoadErrorMessage as String
- event Progress(Command as integer, Param as Integer, Done as UInt32, Total as UInt32, Percent as double)
- event FileDownloadComplete(info as NikonFileInfoMBS, data as Memoryblock, length as Integer)
- event ImageDownloadComplete(info as NikonImageInfoMBS, data as Memoryblock, length as Integer)
- class NikonPointMBS
- class NikonRectMBS
- class NikonSizeMBS
- module EDSModuleMBS