Fixed CURLSMultiMBS class to set AutoPerform to true for shared instance.
Updated CURL library to version 8.1.2.
Updated openssl library to version 3.1.1.
Updated LibSSH to version 1.11.0.
MBS Xojo Plugins 23.2 - 9th May 2023
Added new methods to CURLSMultiMBS to make asynchronous transfers easier.
Changed default for OptionConnectionTimeout in CURLSMBS class to 10 seconds (unless you change it) to avoid long stalls in your application of 2 minutes when server is not reachable.
Added DebugMessages and CollectDebugMessages properties to CURLSMBS class as the new names for DebugData and CollectDebugData. Old names stay valid, but get deprecated.
Added Headers and CollectDebugMessages properties to CURLSMBS class as the new names for HeaderData and CollectHeaderData. Old names stay valid, but get deprecated.
Added PATCH support for SetupAWS function in CURLSMBS class.
Added OptionCAInfoBlob and OptionProxyCAInfoBlob properties to CURLSMBS class.
Changed CURL to fail if your URL does not contain a protocol specification.
Fixed a small memory leak in CURLCMBS class.
Updated curl library to version 7.77.0.
Updated Xcode to version 12.5.1.
Updated openssl library to version 1.1.1k.
MBS Xojo Plugins 21.2 - 18th May 2021
Added GetInfoReferer, OptionDOHSSLVerifyStatus, OptionDOHSSLVerifyHost, OptionDOHSSLVerifyPeer to CURLSMBS class.
Added optional ContentTypeMethod as parameter for AddAttachment in CURLEmailMBS class.
Changed CURL classes to not print password for SFTP transfer in debug log. Left overs from debug session in 21.1 betas.
Fixed a problem in CURL with OptionSSLKeyBlob in CURLSMBS not working correctly.
Updated CURL library to version 7.76.1.
Updated Linux 64-bit build machine to Ubuntu 18.04. Plugin still compatible to Ubuntu 16 and CentOS 7.7.
MBS Xojo Plugins 21.1 - 9th March 2021
Added extra line to CURL debug log to indicate the version of MBS Plugin, CURL library used and what OS is used. See DebugData property in CURLSMBS class.
Changed MaxTotalConnections in CURLSMultiMBS class to 4 as default. Avoids excessive connection counts unless you change it.
Fixed a problem with a crash in CURL with SFTP with empty password or username.
Rewrote UseSystemCertificates in CURLSMBS class to work better.
Updated CURL to version 7.71.1.
All MBS Xojo Plugins compile for Apple Silicon, so we are ready.
Upgraded examples to use 64-bit targets. This was made automatically to enable 64-bit targets, HiDPI and dark mode for all projects. Thanks to Arbed!
MBS Xojo Plugins 20.2 - 12th May 2020
Added CAInfo and CAPath properties to CURLSVersionMBS class.
Added IDN support for MacOS with a pull request to CURL.
Changed CURL plugins for Linux to load libidn dynamically at runtime. If this works, you can use domain names in unicode characters.
Changed CURLEMailMBS class to not raise exception if you assign empty username and password.
Enabled SSPI, Kerberos 5 and SPNEGO for CURLSMBS class on Windows.
Updated CURL to version .
Updated plugin SDK to version for Xojo 2020r1
Changed LDAPMBS class to load ldap library on runtime for Linux and MacOS.
MBS Xojo Plugins 20.1 - 10th March 2020
Updated CURL to version 7.69.0.
MBS Xojo Plugins 20.0 - 14th January 2020
Changed OptionPostFields in CURLSMBS to free previous data directly instead of waiting for destructor.
Updated CURL library to version 7.67.0.
Changed LDAP loading code to load later on demand.
Updated Xcode to version 11.3.
MBS Xojo Plugins 19.5 - 12th November 2019
Added path variants for CreateMTDebugOutputFile, CreateMTHeaderOutputFile, CreateMTOutputFile and OpenMTInputFile methods in CURLSMBS, CURLNMBS and CURLMBS classes.
Fixed an issue with CURL, which caused trouble with email sending (server response timeout).
Added GetInfoActiveSocket, GetInfoHTTPVersion, GetInfoProtocol, GetInfoProxySSLVerifyResult and GetInfoScheme methods to CURLSMBS.
Added OptionDNSShuffleAddresses and OptionHAProxyProtocol properties to CURLSMBS class.
Added over 50 more CURL options and a lot of constants.
Changed CollectOutputData, CollectHeaderData and CollectDebugData for CURLSMBS/CURLMBS/CURLNMBS to track if you set property and if you set to false, we ignore the data and do neither return error nor collect data. If never set, we may turn them to true, when you have no event and no file streaming.
Changed CURLSMBS to use less memory for storing properties.
Changed CURLSMBS.SetupAWS to no longer complain for empty path string as this is needed for AWS Translate.
Changed CURLSMultiMBS and other variants of it to have Pipelining be an integer property and added constants for it.
Reduced memory footprint of CURLSMBS.FormAddField method.
Updated CURL to version 7.60.0.
Updated to Xojo 2018r1 plugin SDK.
MBS Xojo Plugins 18.1 - 6th March 2018
Changed CURLEmailMBS class to replace NULL characters with space in email texts to avoid truncation of texts.
Improved CURLEMailMBS class to not encode subject, email names or attachment names, if it contains no special characters in more cases by reducing the characters which trigger encoding.
Improved CURLSMBS.SetupAWS method to work better with Amazon S3 and also with Dell ECS.
Updated CURL library to version 7.58.1.
MBS Xojo Plugins 18.0 - 23rd January 2018
Added IDN support for CURLSMBS and CURLNMBS classes on Windows Vista and newer. Does give error if you try it on older Windows XP.
Changed OptionCAINFO, OptionCAPATH, OptionCookieFile, OptionCookieJar, OptionIssuerCert, OptionNETRCFile, OptionRandomFile, OptionSSHPrivateKeyfile, OptionSSHPublicKeyfile, OptionSSLCert, OptionSSLKey for CURL to use always UTF-8 on Mac and to do the unicode transformation for decomposed characters to avoid trouble with special characters in file paths.
Fixed bug in CURL SetupAWS when wrong date was used.
Updated CURL library to version 7.57.0.
Fixed an issue with exception handling on 64-bit Linux introduced in 17.3.
MBS Xojo Plugins 17.5 - 28th November 2017
Enabled P12 files for certificates in CURL for Windows.
Updated CURL library to version 7.56.1.
MBS Xojo Plugins 17.4 - 26th September 2017
Changed CURL functions to explicit flush output files after Perform finished.
Fixed bug with CURL's GetInfoCookieList function.
Fixed plugin options for CURL to pass empty C string for empty Xojo string. This helps with OptionCookieFile = "" to use in memory cookie engine.
Modernized GetInfoCertInfo for newer CURL version.
Updated CURL Library to 7.55.1.
Changed Linux plugins to include build number in SONAME field so OS can distinguish different versions better.
Updated all GTK code to dynamically load GTK+ 3 for Xojo 2017r2 and GTK+ 2 for older versions.
MBS Xojo Plugins 17.3 - 18th July 2017
Added FormData method for CURL classes, so you can query form data to be sent.
Disabled linux version script linker option.
MBS Xojo Plugins 17.2 - 15th May 2017
Added CURL methods to send/receive data over sockets connected via CURL. Like TCPSocket class, but let CURL handle IPv6 or IPv4, SSL and proxy settings.
Added CURLSMBS.SetupAWS method for our Amazon S3 examples.
Added CURL functions to use system certificates on macOS and Windows.
Added constants for CURL for TLSv1.3 and HTTP/2.
Fixed a bug in CURLSMBS.SetupEmail on Windows when talking to CURLEmailMBS class.
Fixed a memory leak in CURLSMBS.SetupEmail method.