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The plugin MBS Encryption Plugin:
- class AESMBS
- method SetKey(key as memoryblock, nBits as integer) as boolean
- method SetKey(key as string) as boolean
- method Encrypt(idata as memoryblock, odata as memoryblock=nil, iOffset as integer=0, oOffset as integer=0)
- method Decrypt(idata as memoryblock, odata as memoryblock=nil, iOffset as integer=0, oOffset as integer=0)
- method EncryptCBC(idata as memoryblock, LengthBytes as integer, IVector as memoryblock=nil, odata as memoryblock=nil, iOffset as integer=0, oOffset as integer=0)
- method DecryptCBC(idata as memoryblock, LengthBytes as integer, IVector as memoryblock=nil, odata as memoryblock=nil, iOffset as integer=0, oOffset as integer=0)
- method EncryptECB(idata as memoryblock, odata as memoryblock=nil, iOffset as integer=0, oOffset as integer=0)
- method DecryptECB(idata as memoryblock, odata as memoryblock=nil, iOffset as integer=0, oOffset as integer=0)
- method EncryptCFB128(idata as memoryblock, LengthBytes as integer, byref IVectorOffset as integer, IVector as memoryblock=nil, odata as memoryblock=nil, iOffset as integer=0, oOffset as integer=0)
- method DecryptCFB128(idata as memoryblock, LengthBytes as integer, byref IVectorOffset as integer, IVector as memoryblock=nil, odata as memoryblock=nil, iOffset as integer=0, oOffset as integer=0)
- method EncryptCFB1(idata as memoryblock, LengthBytes as integer, byref IVectorOffset as integer, IVector as memoryblock=nil, odata as memoryblock=nil, iOffset as integer=0, oOffset as integer=0)
- method DecryptCFB1(idata as memoryblock, LengthBytes as integer, byref IVectorOffset as integer, IVector as memoryblock=nil, odata as memoryblock=nil, iOffset as integer=0, oOffset as integer=0)
- method EncryptCFB8(idata as memoryblock, LengthBytes as integer, byref IVectorOffset as integer, IVector as memoryblock=nil, odata as memoryblock=nil, iOffset as integer=0, oOffset as integer=0)
- method DecryptCFB8(idata as memoryblock, LengthBytes as integer, byref IVectorOffset as integer, IVector as memoryblock=nil, odata as memoryblock=nil, iOffset as integer=0, oOffset as integer=0)
- method EncryptCFB128(idata as string, IVector as memoryblock=nil) as string
- method DecryptCFB128(idata as string, IVector as memoryblock=nil) as string
- method EncryptCFB1(idata as string, IVector as memoryblock=nil) as string
- method DecryptCFB1(idata as string, IVector as memoryblock=nil) as string
- method EncryptCFB8(idata as string, IVector as memoryblock=nil) as string
- method DecryptCFB8(idata as string, IVector as memoryblock=nil) as string
- method EncryptOFB(idata as memoryblock, LengthBytes as integer, byref IVectorOffset as integer, IVector as memoryblock=nil, odata as memoryblock=nil, iOffset as integer=0, oOffset as integer=0)
- class Argon2MBS
- method Calc(type as Integer = 0) as String
- method Verify(Hash as String, type as Integer = 0) as boolean
- method Constructor
- method Destructor
- property OutputLength as Integer
- property Cost as Integer
- property MemoryCost as Integer
- property Lanes as Integer
- property Threads as Integer
- property Version as Integer
- property Flags as Integer
- property LastError as Integer
- property Password as String
- property Salt as String
- property Secret as String
- property AssociatedData as String
- property LastErrorMessage as String
- class Base64MBS
- class BlowfishMBS
- method SetKey(key as string)
- method Encrypt(iodata as memoryblock)
- method Decrypt(iodata as memoryblock)
- method EncryptECB(idata as memoryblock, odata as memoryblock, offset as integer)
- method DecryptECB(idata as memoryblock, odata as memoryblock, offset as integer)
- method EncryptCBC(idata as memoryblock, odata as memoryblock, offset as integer, length as integer, ivec as memoryblock)
- method DecryptCBC(idata as memoryblock, odata as memoryblock, offset as integer, length as integer, ivec as memoryblock)
- method EncryptCFB64(idata as memoryblock, odata as memoryblock, offset as integer, length as integer, ivec as memoryblock, byref num as integer)
- method DecryptCFB64(idata as memoryblock, odata as memoryblock, offset as integer, length as integer, ivec as memoryblock, byref num as integer)
- method EncryptOFB64(idata as memoryblock, odata as memoryblock, offset as integer, length as integer, ivec as memoryblock, byref num as integer)
- method DecryptOFB64(idata as memoryblock, odata as memoryblock, offset as integer, length as integer, ivec as memoryblock, byref num as integer)
- method EncryptECB(data as string) as string
- method DecryptECB(data as string) as string
- method EncryptCBC(data as string, byref temp as memoryblock) as string
- method DecryptCBC(data as string, byref temp as memoryblock) as string
- method EncryptCFB64(data as string, byref temp as memoryblock) as string
- method DecryptCFB64(data as string, byref temp as memoryblock) as string
- method EncryptOFB64(data as string, byref temp as memoryblock) as string
- method DecryptOFB64(data as string, byref temp as memoryblock) as string
- shared method Encrypt(key as string, data as string) as string
- shared method Decrypt(key as string, data as string) as string
- class CipherMBS
- method GetGCMTag(Size as Integer = 16) as MemoryBlock
- method SetGCMTag(Data as MemoryBlock)
- method Control(Type as Integer, Arg as Integer, Data as Ptr)
- method ProcessFile(InputFile as FolderItem, OutputFile as FolderItem) as boolean
- method ProcessMemory(data as memoryblock) as MemoryBlock
- method ProcessString(data as String) as string
- method FinalizeAsMemory as memoryblock
- method FinalizeAsString as String
- method CipherInit(key as memoryblock, IV as memoryblock, Encrypt as boolean) as boolean
- method EncryptInit(key as memoryblock, IV as memoryblock = nil) as boolean
- method DecryptInit(key as memoryblock, IV as memoryblock = nil) as boolean
- method SetPadding(padding as boolean)
- method Constructor
- method Clear
- property HasVariableKeyLength as Boolean
- property Padding as Boolean
- property Name as String
- property KeyLength as Integer
- property BlockSize as Integer
- property IVLength as Integer
- property Encrypting as Boolean
- property Flags as Integer
- property Mode as Integer
- property RC5Rounds as Integer
- property RC2KeyBits as Integer
- property ZeroPaddingKey as Boolean
- shared method CipherNames as String()
- shared method BytesToKey(cipher as CipherMBS, digest as DigestMBS, Salt as MemoryBlock, InputKey as Memoryblock, IterationCount as integer, byref OutputKey as memoryblock, byref IV as memoryblock) as boolean
- shared method MaxKeyLength as Integer
- shared method MaxIVLength as Integer
- shared method MaxBlockLength as Integer
- shared method CipherByName(name as string) as CipherMBS
- shared method des_ecb as CipherMBS
- shared method des_ede as CipherMBS
- shared method des_ede3 as CipherMBS
- shared method des_ede_ecb as CipherMBS
- shared method des_ede3_ecb as CipherMBS
- shared method des_cfb64 as CipherMBS
- shared method des_cfb1 as CipherMBS
- shared method des_cfb8 as CipherMBS
- shared method des_ede_cfb64 as CipherMBS
- shared method des_ede3_cfb64 as CipherMBS
- shared method des_ede3_cfb1 as CipherMBS
- shared method des_ede3_cfb8 as CipherMBS
- shared method des_ofb as CipherMBS
- shared method des_ede_ofb as CipherMBS
- shared method des_ede3_ofb as CipherMBS
- shared method des_cbc as CipherMBS
- shared method des_ede_cbc as CipherMBS
- shared method des_ede3_cbc as CipherMBS
- shared method desx_cbc as CipherMBS
- shared method des_ede3_wrap as CipherMBS
- shared method rc4 as CipherMBS
- shared method rc4_40 as CipherMBS
- shared method rc4_hmac_md5 as CipherMBS
- shared method idea_ecb as CipherMBS
- shared method idea_cfb64 as CipherMBS
- shared method idea_ofb as CipherMBS
- shared method idea_cbc as CipherMBS
- shared method rc2_ecb as CipherMBS
- shared method rc2_cbc as CipherMBS
- shared method rc2_40_cbc as CipherMBS
- shared method rc2_64_cbc as CipherMBS
- shared method rc2_cfb64 as CipherMBS
- shared method rc2_ofb as CipherMBS
- shared method bf_ecb as CipherMBS
- shared method bf_cbc as CipherMBS
- shared method bf_cfb64 as CipherMBS
- shared method bf_ofb as CipherMBS
- shared method cast5_ecb as CipherMBS
- shared method cast5_cbc as CipherMBS
- shared method cast5_cfb64 as CipherMBS
- shared method cast5_ofb as CipherMBS
- shared method rc5_32_12_16_cbc as CipherMBS
- shared method rc5_32_12_16_ecb as CipherMBS
- shared method rc5_32_12_16_cfb64 as CipherMBS
- shared method rc5_32_12_16_ofb as CipherMBS
- shared method aes_128_ecb as CipherMBS
- shared method aes_128_cbc as CipherMBS
- shared method aes_128_cfb1 as CipherMBS
- shared method aes_128_cfb8 as CipherMBS
- shared method aes_128_cfb128 as CipherMBS
- shared method aes_128_ofb as CipherMBS
- shared method aes_128_ctr as CipherMBS
- shared method aes_128_ccm as CipherMBS
- shared method aes_128_gcm as CipherMBS
- shared method aes_128_xts as CipherMBS
- shared method aes_192_ecb as CipherMBS
- shared method aes_192_cbc as CipherMBS
- shared method aes_192_cfb1 as CipherMBS
- shared method aes_192_cfb8 as CipherMBS
- shared method aes_192_cfb128 as CipherMBS
- shared method aes_192_ofb as CipherMBS
- shared method aes_192_ctr as CipherMBS
- shared method aes_192_ccm as CipherMBS
- shared method aes_192_gcm as CipherMBS
- shared method aes_256_ecb as CipherMBS
- shared method aes_256_cbc as CipherMBS
- shared method aes_256_cfb1 as CipherMBS
- shared method aes_256_cfb8 as CipherMBS
- shared method aes_256_cfb128 as CipherMBS
- shared method aes_256_ofb as CipherMBS
- shared method aes_256_ctr as CipherMBS
- shared method aes_256_ccm as CipherMBS
- shared method aes_256_gcm as CipherMBS
- shared method aes_256_xts as CipherMBS
- shared method camellia_128_ecb as CipherMBS
- shared method camellia_128_cbc as CipherMBS
- shared method camellia_128_cfb1 as CipherMBS
- shared method camellia_128_cfb8 as CipherMBS
- shared method camellia_128_cfb128 as CipherMBS
- shared method camellia_128_ofb as CipherMBS
- shared method camellia_192_ecb as CipherMBS
- shared method camellia_192_cbc as CipherMBS
- shared method camellia_192_cfb1 as CipherMBS
- shared method camellia_192_cfb8 as CipherMBS
- shared method camellia_192_cfb128 as CipherMBS
- shared method camellia_192_ofb as CipherMBS
- shared method camellia_256_ecb as CipherMBS
- shared method camellia_256_cbc as CipherMBS
- shared method camellia_256_cfb1 as CipherMBS
- shared method camellia_256_cfb8 as CipherMBS
- shared method camellia_256_cfb128 as CipherMBS
- shared method camellia_256_ofb as CipherMBS
- shared method seed_ecb as CipherMBS
- shared method seed_cbc as CipherMBS
- shared method seed_cfb128 as CipherMBS
- shared method seed_ofb as CipherMBS
- shared method aes_128_cbc_hmac_sha256 as CipherMBS
- shared method aes_128_ocb as CipherMBS
- shared method aes_128_wrap_pad as CipherMBS
- shared method aes_128_wrap as CipherMBS
- shared method aes_192_ocb as CipherMBS
- shared method aes_192_wrap_pad as CipherMBS
- shared method aes_192_wrap as CipherMBS
- shared method aes_256_cbc_hmac_sha256 as CipherMBS
- shared method aes_256_ocb as CipherMBS
- shared method aes_256_wrap_pad as CipherMBS
- shared method aes_256_wrap as CipherMBS
- shared method aria_128_cbc as CipherMBS
- shared method aria_128_ccm as CipherMBS
- shared method aria_128_cfb1 as CipherMBS
- shared method aria_128_cfb128 as CipherMBS
- shared method aria_128_cfb8 as CipherMBS
- shared method aria_128_ctr as CipherMBS
- shared method aria_128_ecb as CipherMBS
- shared method aria_128_gcm as CipherMBS
- shared method aria_128_ofb as CipherMBS
- shared method aria_192_cbc as CipherMBS
- shared method aria_192_ccm as CipherMBS
- shared method aria_192_cfb1 as CipherMBS
- shared method aria_192_cfb128 as CipherMBS
- shared method aria_192_cfb8 as CipherMBS
- shared method aria_192_ctr as CipherMBS
- shared method aria_192_ecb as CipherMBS
- shared method aria_192_gcm as CipherMBS
- shared method aria_192_ofb as CipherMBS
- shared method aria_256_cbc as CipherMBS
- shared method aria_256_ccm as CipherMBS
- shared method aria_256_cfb1 as CipherMBS
- shared method aria_256_cfb128 as CipherMBS
- shared method aria_256_cfb8 as CipherMBS
- shared method aria_256_ctr as CipherMBS
- shared method aria_256_ecb as CipherMBS
- shared method aria_256_gcm as CipherMBS
- shared method aria_256_ofb as CipherMBS
- shared method camellia_128_ctr as CipherMBS
- shared method camellia_192_ctr as CipherMBS
- shared method camellia_256_ctr as CipherMBS
- shared method chacha20_poly1305 as CipherMBS
- shared method chacha20 as CipherMBS
- shared method sm4_cbc as CipherMBS
- shared method sm4_cfb128 as CipherMBS
- shared method sm4_ctr as CipherMBS
- shared method sm4_ecb as CipherMBS
- shared method sm4_ofb as CipherMBS
- class DigestMBS
- method Process(file as FolderItem) as boolean
- method Final as memoryblock
- method FinalText as String
- method Process(data as string)
- method Process(data as memoryblock)
- method Clear
- method Constructor
- property Size as Integer
- property BlockSize as Integer
- property Name as String
- shared method DigestNames as String()
- shared method DigestByName(name as string) as DigestMBS
- shared method MD5 as DigestMBS
- shared method MDC2 as DigestMBS
- shared method RipeMD160 as DigestMBS
- shared method SHA1 as DigestMBS
- shared method SHA224 as DigestMBS
- shared method SHA256 as DigestMBS
- shared method SHA384 as DigestMBS
- shared method SHA512 as DigestMBS
- shared method SHA512_224 as DigestMBS
- shared method SHA512_256 as DigestMBS
- shared method SHA3_224 as DigestMBS
- shared method SHA3_256 as DigestMBS
- shared method SHA3_384 as DigestMBS
- shared method SHA3_512 as DigestMBS
- shared method shake128 as DigestMBS
- shared method shake256 as DigestMBS
- shared method blake2b512 as DigestMBS
- shared method blake2s256 as DigestMBS
- shared method whirlpool as DigestMBS
- shared method sm3 as DigestMBS
- class ECDHEMBS
- method Constructor(CurveID as integer)
- method Destructor
- method PublicKey as string
- method DeriveSecretKey(peerKey as string) as string
- property PrivateKeyInfo as String
- property PeerKeyInfo as String
- property ParamsInfo as String
- property CurveID as Integer
- property CurveIDName as String
- shared method LastError as String
- class ECKeyMBS
- method GetPublicKeyPoint as String
- method SetPublicKeyPoint(Value as String) as Boolean
- method GetPrivateKey(Hex as Boolean) as String
- method SetPrivateKey(Value as String, Hex as Boolean) as Boolean
- method GetPublicKey(byref x as String, byref y as String, Hex as Boolean) as Boolean
- method SetPublicKey(x as String, y as String, Hex as Boolean) as Boolean
- method Generate as Boolean
- method Sign(Data as String) as String
- method Verify(SignatureData as String, Data as String) as Boolean
- method PublicKey as String
- method PrivateKey as String
- method Constructor
- method Copy as ECKeyMBS
- property Flags as Integer
- property Description as String
- property Size as Integer
- property CanSign as Boolean
- property Valid as Boolean
- shared method KeyByCurveName(CurveID as Integer, Generate as Boolean = true) as ECKeyMBS
- shared method OpenPrivateKey(Data as String) as ECKeyMBS
- shared method OpenPublicKey(Data as String, CurveID as Integer) as ECKeyMBS
- shared method BuiltInCurves as Dictionary
- class MD5DigestMBS
- method Process(data as string)
- method Process(data as memoryblock)
- method Clear
- property Value as String
- shared method HashFile(file as FolderItem, Hex as boolean = true) as string
- shared method HMAC(key as string, data as string) as string
- shared method MD5(data as string) as string
- shared method MD5String(data as string) as string
- shared method MD5(data as memoryblock) as string
- shared method MD5String(data as memoryblock) as string
- class OpenSSLExceptionMBS
- class PKeyMBS
- method Constructor
- method Copy as PKeyMBS
- method PrivateKeyData as String
- method PublicKeyData as String
- property DescriptionParams as String
- property DescriptionPrivateKey as String
- property DescriptionPublicKey as String
- property Handle as Integer
- property ID as Integer
- property Bits as Integer
- property PublicKey as String
- property PrivateKey as String
- property Size as Integer
- property Type as Integer
- property TypeString as String
- shared method Open(Data as String, password as String = "") as PKeyMBS
- shared method Open(Data as MemoryBlock, password as String = "") as PKeyMBS
- class RC4MBS
- class RC5MBS
- method Constructor(key as string, rounds as integer = 16)
- method Constructor(key as MemoryBlock, rounds as integer = 16)
- method encrypt(data as string) as string
- method encrypt(data as Memoryblock) as Memoryblock
- method decrypt(data as string) as string
- method decrypt(data as Memoryblock) as Memoryblock
- method encryptCBC(data as string, iv as memoryblock = nil) as string
- method encryptCBC(data as Memoryblock, iv as memoryblock = nil) as Memoryblock
- method decryptCBC(data as string, iv as memoryblock = nil) as string
- method decryptCBC(data as Memoryblock, iv as memoryblock = nil) as Memoryblock
- method encryptCFB64(data as string, iv as memoryblock, byref num as integer) as string
- method encryptCFB64(data as Memoryblock, iv as memoryblock, byref num as integer) as Memoryblock
- method decryptCFB64(data as string, iv as memoryblock, byref num as integer) as string
- method decryptCFB64(data as Memoryblock, iv as memoryblock, byref num as integer) as Memoryblock
- method encryptOFB64(data as string, iv as memoryblock, byref num as integer) as string
- method encryptOFB64(data as Memoryblock, iv as memoryblock, byref num as integer) as Memoryblock
- class SHA1MBS
- method Reset
- method Add(data as string)
- method Result as string
- method ResultText as string
- shared method HashFile(file as FolderItem, Hex as boolean = true) as string
- shared method Hash(data as string) as string
- shared method HashText(data as string) as string
- shared method HMAC(key as string, data as string) as string
- class SHA256MBS
- method Reset
- method Add(data as string)
- method Result as string
- method ResultText as string
- shared method HashFile(file as FolderItem, Hex as boolean = true) as string
- shared method HMAC(key as string, data as string) as string
- shared method Hash(data as string) as string
- shared method HashText(data as string) as string
- class SHA3MBS
- method Constructor(Rate as UInt32, capacity as UInt32)
- method Reset(Rate as UInt32, capacity as UInt32)
- method Add(data as string)
- method Add(data as memoryblock)
- method Result(outputLength as integer) as string
- method ResultText(outputLength as integer) as string
- shared method Hash(data as string, Rate as UInt32, capacity as UInt32, outputLength as integer) as string
- shared method HashText(data as string, Rate as UInt32, capacity as UInt32, outputLength as integer) as string
- class SHA512MBS
- method Reset
- method Add(data as string)
- method Result as string
- method ResultText as string
- shared method HashFile(file as FolderItem, Hex as boolean = true) as string
- shared method HMAC(key as string, data as string) as string
- shared method Hash(data as string) as string
- shared method HashText(data as string) as string
- class X509MBS
- method Constructor
- method Copy as X509MBS
- method Data as String
- method Verify(PublicKey as PKeyMBS) as Integer
- property PublicKey as PKeyMBS
- property SerialNumber as String
- property Version as Integer
- property SubjectName as Dictionary
- property IssuerName as Dictionary
- property Name as String
- property Description as String
- property Handle as Integer
- property ValidNotAfter as Date
- property ValidNotBefore as Date
- property ValidNotAfterDateTime as DateTime
- property ValidNotBeforeDateTime as DateTime
- shared method ReadFromPkcs12(Data as String, Pass as String, byref PKey as PKeyMBS, byref Cert as X509MBS, byref certs() as X509MBS) as Boolean
- shared method ReadFromPkcs7(Data as String, Pass as String, byref certs() as X509MBS) as Boolean
- shared method Open(Data as String) as X509MBS
- shared method Open(Data as MemoryBlock) as X509MBS
- shared method CheckCertificates(rootCertificates() as X509MBS, certificate as X509MBS, intermediates() as X509MBS = nil) as Boolean
- module BCryptMBS
- method Verify(Pass as String, Hash as String) as Boolean
- method BCrypt(Pass as String, Salt as String) as String
- method BCryptSalt(Rounds as Integer) as String
- module OpenSSLMBS
- method RandomBytes(count as Integer) as MemoryBlock
- method RandomBytesString(count as Integer) as String
- method SMimePKCS7Encrypt(InputData as string, Certificate as X509MBS) as String
- method SMimePKCS7Decrypt(InputData as string, Certificate as X509MBS, SignKey as PKeyMBS) as String
- method SMimePKCS7Verify(InputData as string, Certificate as X509MBS) as String
- method SMimePKCS7Sign(InputData as string, Certificate as X509MBS, SignKey as PKeyMBS) as String
- method RSAPrivateEncrypt(data as string, PrivateKey as string, padding as Integer = 1, Password as string = "") as String
- method RSAPrivateDecrypt(data as string, PrivateKey as string, padding as Integer = 1, Password as string = "") as String
- method RSAPublicEncrypt(data as string, PublicKey as string, padding as Integer = 1, Password as string = "") as String
- method RSAPublicDecrypt(data as string, PublicKey as string, padding as Integer = 1, Password as string = "") as String
- method OpenSSLVersion as String
- method GetPublicKey(PrivateKey as String, PrivateKeyPassword as string = "") as string
- method GeneratePrivateKey(Bits as Integer = 4096, Exp as Integer = 65537, Password as string = "", Algorithm as String = "") as string
- method PKCS7Sign(flags as Integer, InputData as string, SignKey as string, PrivateKey as String, PrivateKeyPassword as string, intermediaCertsData() as string, OutputBinary as boolean) as string
- method ErrorString(ErrorCode as integer) as string
- method VerifyData(data as string, Signature as string, Key as string, Password as string = "") as boolean
- method SignData(data as string, key as string, Password as string = "") as string
- method VerifyData(data as string, Signature as string, Key as string, Password as string = "", Algorithm as Integer) as boolean
- method SignData(data as string, key as string, Password as string = "", Algorithm as Integer) as string
- method PKCS7SignData(Certificate as X509MBS, PrivateKey as PKeyMBS, certs() as X509MBS = nil, data as string, flags as Integer = 0) as string
- method PKCS7SignedData(DataP7M as String) as String
- module TwofishMBS
- method EncryptECB(Key as String, InputData as String) as String
- method DecryptECB(Key as String, InputData as String) as String
- method EncryptECB(Key as MemoryBlock, InputData as MemoryBlock) as MemoryBlock
- method DecryptECB(Key as MemoryBlock, InputData as MemoryBlock) as MemoryBlock
- method EncryptCBC(Key as String, InputData as String, IV as String) as String
- method DecryptCBC(Key as String, InputData as String, IV as String) as String
- method EncryptCBC(Key as MemoryBlock, InputData as MemoryBlock, IV as MemoryBlock) as MemoryBlock
- method DecryptCBC(Key as MemoryBlock, InputData as MemoryBlock, IV as MemoryBlock) as MemoryBlock
- module ValidationMBS
- method AppStoreReceipt(file as folderitem) as dictionary
- method Validate(file as folderitem) as boolean
- method GUID as string
- method ExitApp(code as integer = 173)
- method locateAppStoreReceipt as folderitem
- Globals:
- DecodeBase64MBS(s as string) as string
- DecodeBase64URLMBS(s as string) as string
- EncodeBase64MBS(s as string, breakposition as integer = 0, breakstring as string = "") as string
- EncodeBase64URLMBS(s as string, breakposition as integer = 0, breakstring as string = "") as string
- MD5MBS(data as memoryblock) as string
- MD5MBS(data as string) as string
- MD5StringMBS(data as memoryblock) as string
- MD5StringMBS(data as string) as string
- uuDecodeMBS(data as string, byref name as string, byref mode as Integer) as string
- uuEncodeMBS(data as string, name as string, mode as integer = &o755) as string