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The plugin MBS MacBase Plugin:
- class ContainerControl
- class Control
- class DesktopContainer
- class DesktopControl
- class DesktopWindow
- class DRNotificationCenterMBS
- class NSAttributedStringMBS
- method size as NSSizeMBS
- method boundingRectWithSize(size as NSSizeMBS, Options as Integer = 0) as NSRectMBS
- method rangeOfTextBlock(textBlock as NSTextBlockMBS, location as Integer) as NSRangeMBS
- method rangeOfTextTable(textTable as NSTextTableMBS, location as Integer) as NSRangeMBS
- method Constructor
- method Convert_Operator as string
- method paragraphRangeForRange(range as NSRangeMBS) as NSRangeMBS
- method lineRangeForRange(range as NSRangeMBS) as NSRangeMBS
- method itemNumberInTextList(list as NSTextListMBS, location as Integer) as Integer
- method rangeOfTextList(list as NSTextListMBS, location as Integer) as NSRangeMBS
- method fileWrapperFromRange(offset as integer, length as integer, documentAttributes as dictionary = nil, byref Error as NSErrorMBS) as NSFileWrapperMBS
- method GeneratePDF(PrintOptions as variant = nil) as MemoryBlock
- method AsCFAttributedString as Variant
- method CopyToClipboard as Boolean
- method attributeAtIndex(name as string, location as UInt64) as variant
- method attributeAtIndex(name as string, location as UInt64, inRange as NSRangeMBS) as variant
- method attributeAtIndex2(name as string, location as UInt64, byref effectiveRange as NSRangeMBS) as variant
- method attributeAtIndex2(name as string, location as UInt64, byref longestEffectiveRange as NSRangeMBS, inRange as NSRangeMBS) as variant
- method attributedSubstringFromRange(range as NSRangeMBS) as NSAttributedStringMBS
- method attributesAtIndex2(location as UInt64, byref range as NSRangeMBS, inRange as NSRangeMBS) as dictionary
- method attributesAtIndex2(location as UInt64, byref range as NSRangeMBS) as dictionary
- method attributesAtIndex(location as UInt64, inRange as NSRangeMBS) as dictionary
- method attributesAtIndex(location as UInt64) as dictionary
- method copy as NSAttributedStringMBS
- method mutableCopy as NSMutableAttributedStringMBS
- method isEqualToAttributedString(other as NSAttributedStringMBS) as Boolean
- method rtf as memoryblock
- method htmlString as string
- method initWithString(text as string) as boolean
- method initWithString(text as string, withAttributes as Dictionary) as boolean
- method initWithAttributedString(text as NSAttributedStringMBS) as boolean
- method initWithURL(file as folderitem) as boolean
- method initWithURL(url as string) as boolean
- method initWithPath(file as folderitem) as boolean
- method initWithPath(path as string) as boolean
- method initWithRTF(data as memoryblock) as boolean
- method initWithRTFD(data as memoryblock) as boolean
- method initWithHTML(data as memoryblock) as boolean
- method initWithHTML(data as memoryblock, BaseURL as string) as boolean
- method initWithHTMLOld(data as string) as boolean
- method initWithDocFormat(data as memoryblock) as boolean
- method dataFromRange(offset as integer, length as integer, documentAttributes as dictionary = nil, byref error as NSErrorMBS) as memoryblock
- method RTFDFileWrapperFromRange(offset as integer, length as integer, documentAttributes as dictionary = nil) as NSFileWrapperMBS
- method RTFFromRange(offset as integer, length as integer, documentAttributes as dictionary = nil) as memoryblock
- method RTFDFromRange(offset as integer, length as integer, documentAttributes as dictionary = nil) as memoryblock
- method docFormatFromRange(offset as integer, length as integer, documentAttributes as dictionary = nil) as memoryblock
- method RTFFromRange(documentAttributes as dictionary = nil) as memoryblock
- method RTFDFromRange(documentAttributes as dictionary = nil) as memoryblock
- method docFormatFromRange(documentAttributes as dictionary = nil) as memoryblock
- method initWithURL(file as folderitem, byref documentAttributes as dictionary) as boolean
- method initWithURL(url as string, byref documentAttributes as dictionary) as boolean
- method initWithPath(file as folderitem, byref documentAttributes as dictionary) as boolean
- method initWithPath(path as string, byref documentAttributes as dictionary) as boolean
- method initWithRTF(data as memoryblock, byref documentAttributes as dictionary) as boolean
- method initWithRTFD(data as memoryblock, byref documentAttributes as dictionary) as boolean
- method initWithHTML(data as memoryblock, byref documentAttributes as dictionary) as boolean
- method initWithHTML(data as memoryblock, BaseURL as string, byref documentAttributes as dictionary) as boolean
- method initWithHTML(data as memoryblock, options as Dictionary, byref documentAttributes as dictionary) as boolean
- method initWithDocFormat(data as memoryblock, byref documentAttributes as dictionary) as boolean
- property Handle as Integer
- property Length as Integer
- property Range as NSRangeMBS
- property Text as String
- property containsAttachments as Boolean
- shared method attributedStringWithAttachment(attachment as NSTextAttachmentMBS) as NSAttributedStringMBS
- shared method FromClipboard as NSAttributedStringMBS
- shared method attributedStringWithURL(file as folderitem, byref DocumentAttributes as dictionary) as NSAttributedStringMBS
- shared method attributedStringWithURL(url as string, byref DocumentAttributes as dictionary) as NSAttributedStringMBS
- shared method attributedStringWithPath(file as folderitem, byref DocumentAttributes as dictionary) as NSAttributedStringMBS
- shared method attributedStringWithPath(path as string, byref DocumentAttributes as dictionary) as NSAttributedStringMBS
- shared method attributedStringWithRTF(data as memoryblock, byref DocumentAttributes as dictionary) as NSAttributedStringMBS
- shared method attributedStringWithRTFD(data as memoryblock, byref DocumentAttributes as dictionary) as NSAttributedStringMBS
- shared method attributedStringWithHTML(data as memoryblock, byref DocumentAttributes as dictionary) as NSAttributedStringMBS
- shared method attributedStringWithHTML(data as memoryblock, BaseURL as string, byref DocumentAttributes as dictionary) as NSAttributedStringMBS
- shared method attributedStringWithDocFormat(data as memoryblock, byref DocumentAttributes as dictionary) as NSAttributedStringMBS
- shared method attributedStringWithString(text as string) as NSAttributedStringMBS
- shared method attributedStringWithString(text as string, withAttributes as dictionary) as NSAttributedStringMBS
- shared method attributedStringWithAttributedString(text as NSAttributedStringMBS) as NSAttributedStringMBS
- shared method attributedStringWithURL(file as folderitem) as NSAttributedStringMBS
- shared method attributedStringWithURL(url as string) as NSAttributedStringMBS
- shared method attributedStringWithPath(file as folderitem) as NSAttributedStringMBS
- shared method attributedStringWithPath(path as string) as NSAttributedStringMBS
- shared method attributedStringWithRTF(data as memoryblock) as NSAttributedStringMBS
- shared method attributedStringWithRTFD(data as memoryblock) as NSAttributedStringMBS
- shared method attributedStringWithHTML(data as memoryblock) as NSAttributedStringMBS
- shared method attributedStringWithHTML(data as memoryblock, BaseURL as string) as NSAttributedStringMBS
- shared method attributedStringWithHTMLOld(data as string) as NSAttributedStringMBS
- shared method attributedStringWithDocFormat(data as memoryblock) as NSAttributedStringMBS
- shared method NSTextEffectAttributeName as string
- shared method NSTextAlternativesAttributeName as string
- shared method NSTextEffectLetterpressStyle as string
- shared method NSDefaultAttributesDocumentAttribute as string
- shared method NSFontAttributeName as string
- shared method NSParagraphStyleAttributeName as string
- shared method NSForegroundColorAttributeName as string
- shared method NSUnderlineStyleAttributeName as string
- shared method NSSuperscriptAttributeName as string
- shared method NSBackgroundColorAttributeName as string
- shared method NSAttachmentAttributeName as string
- shared method NSLigatureAttributeName as string
- shared method NSBaselineOffsetAttributeName as string
- shared method NSKernAttributeName as string
- shared method NSLinkAttributeName as string
- shared method NSStrokeWidthAttributeName as string
- shared method NSStrokeColorAttributeName as string
- shared method NSUnderlineColorAttributeName as string
- shared method NSStrikethroughStyleAttributeName as string
- shared method NSStrikethroughColorAttributeName as string
- shared method NSShadowAttributeName as string
- shared method NSObliquenessAttributeName as string
- shared method NSExpansionAttributeName as string
- shared method NSCursorAttributeName as string
- shared method NSToolTipAttributeName as string
- shared method NSCharacterShapeAttributeName as string
- shared method NSGlyphInfoAttributeName as string
- shared method NSWritingDirectionAttributeName as string
- shared method NSMarkedClauseSegmentAttributeName as string
- shared method NSVerticalGlyphFormAttributeName as string
- shared method NSSpellingStateAttributeName as string
- shared method NSPlainTextDocumentType as string
- shared method NSRTFTextDocumentType as string
- shared method NSRTFDTextDocumentType as string
- shared method NSMacSimpleTextDocumentType as string
- shared method NSHTMLTextDocumentType as string
- shared method NSDocFormatTextDocumentType as string
- shared method NSWordMLTextDocumentType as string
- shared method NSWebArchiveTextDocumentType as string
- shared method NSOfficeOpenXMLTextDocumentType as string
- shared method NSOpenDocumentTextDocumentType as string
- shared method NSTextLayoutSectionOrientation as string
- shared method NSTextLayoutSectionRange as string
- shared method NSPaperSizeDocumentAttribute as string
- shared method NSLeftMarginDocumentAttribute as string
- shared method NSRightMarginDocumentAttribute as string
- shared method NSTopMarginDocumentAttribute as string
- shared method NSBottomMarginDocumentAttribute as string
- shared method NSViewSizeDocumentAttribute as string
- shared method NSViewZoomDocumentAttribute as string
- shared method NSViewModeDocumentAttribute as string
- shared method NSDocumentTypeDocumentAttribute as string
- shared method NSReadOnlyDocumentAttribute as string
- shared method NSConvertedDocumentAttribute as string
- shared method NSCocoaVersionDocumentAttribute as string
- shared method NSBackgroundColorDocumentAttribute as string
- shared method NSHyphenationFactorDocumentAttribute as string
- shared method NSDefaultTabIntervalDocumentAttribute as string
- shared method NSCharacterEncodingDocumentAttribute as string
- shared method NSFileTypeDocumentAttribute as string
- shared method NSTitleDocumentAttribute as string
- shared method NSCompanyDocumentAttribute as string
- shared method NSCopyrightDocumentAttribute as string
- shared method NSSubjectDocumentAttribute as string
- shared method NSAuthorDocumentAttribute as string
- shared method NSKeywordsDocumentAttribute as string
- shared method NSCommentDocumentAttribute as string
- shared method NSEditorDocumentAttribute as string
- shared method NSCreationTimeDocumentAttribute as string
- shared method NSModificationTimeDocumentAttribute as string
- shared method NSManagerDocumentAttribute as string
- shared method NSCategoryDocumentAttribute as string
- shared method NSTextLayoutSectionsAttribute as string
- shared method NSExcludedElementsDocumentAttribute as string
- shared method NSTextEncodingNameDocumentAttribute as string
- shared method NSPrefixSpacesDocumentAttribute as string
- shared method NSDocumentTypeDocumentOption as string
- shared method NSDefaultAttributesDocumentOption as string
- shared method NSCharacterEncodingDocumentOption as string
- shared method NSTextEncodingNameDocumentOption as string
- shared method NSBaseURLDocumentOption as string
- shared method NSTimeoutDocumentOption as string
- shared method NSWebPreferencesDocumentOption as string
- shared method NSWebResourceLoadDelegateDocumentOption as string
- shared method NSTextSizeMultiplierDocumentOption as string
- shared method NSFileTypeDocumentOption as string
- class NSBezierPathMBS
- method appendBezierPathWithGlyphs(glyphs() as Integer, font as NSFontMBS)
- method appendBezierPathWithGlyph(glyph as Integer, font as NSFontMBS)
- method copy as NSBezierPathMBS
- method appendBezierPathWithArc(center as NSPointMBS, radius as double, startAngle as double, endAngle as double, clockwise as boolean)
- method appendBezierPathWithArc(center as NSPointMBS, radius as double, startAngle as double, endAngle as double)
- method appendBezierPathWithArc(point1 as NSPointMBS, point2 as NSPointMBS, radius as double)
- method getLineDash(byref pattern() as double, byref count as integer, byref phase as double)
- method setLineDash(pattern() as double, phase as double)
- method elementAtIndex(index as integer) as integer
- method elementAtIndex(index as integer, byref associatedPoints() as NSPointMBS) as integer
- method appendBezierPathWithPoints(points() as NSPointMBS)
- method setAssociatedPoints(points() as NSPointMBS, index as integer)
- method transformUsingAffineTransform(transform as variant)
- method appendBezierPath(path as NSBezierPathMBS)
- method appendBezierPathWithRect(rect as NSRectMBS)
- method appendBezierPathWithOvalInRect(rect as NSRectMBS)
- method appendBezierPathWithRoundedRect(rect as NSRectMBS, xRadius as double, yRadius as double)
- method containsPoint(p as NSPointMBS) as boolean
- method elementCount as integer
- method isEmpty as boolean
- method bezierPathByFlatteningPath as NSBezierPathMBS
- method bezierPathByReversingPath as NSBezierPathMBS
- method Constructor
- method removeAllPoints
- method moveToPoint(p as NSPointMBS)
- method lineToPoint(p as NSPointMBS)
- method closePath
- method curveToPoint(endPoint as NSPointMBS, controlPoint1 as NSPointMBS, controlPoint2 as NSPointMBS)
- method relativeMoveToPoint(p as NSPointMBS)
- method relativeLineToPoint(p as NSPointMBS)
- method relativeCurveToPoint(endPoint as NSPointMBS, controlPoint1 as NSPointMBS, controlPoint2 as NSPointMBS)
- property lineCapStyle as Integer
- property lineJoinStyle as Integer
- property windingRule as Integer
- property miterLimit as double
- property lineWidth as double
- property flatness as double
- property Handle as Integer
- property Bounds as NSRectMBS
- property ControlPointBounds as NSRectMBS
- property CurrentPoint as NSPointMBS
- shared method bezierPath as NSBezierPathMBS
- shared method bezierPathWithRect(r as NSRectMBS) as NSBezierPathMBS
- shared method bezierPathWithOvalInRect(r as NSRectMBS) as NSBezierPathMBS
- shared method bezierPathWithRoundedRect(r as NSRectMBS, xRadius as double, yRadius as double) as NSBezierPathMBS
- shared property defaultLineJoinStyle as Integer
- shared property defaultLineCapStyle as Integer
- shared property defaultWindingRule as Integer
- shared property defaultMiterLimit as Double
- shared property defaultFlatness as Double
- shared property defaultLineWidth as Double
- class NSBitmapImageRepMBS
- method bitmapImageRepByConvertingToColorSpace(colorSpace as NSColorSpaceMBS, renderingIntent as Integer) as NSBitmapImageRepMBS
- method Constructor(pic as Picture)
- method Constructor(pixelsWide as integer, pixelsHigh as integer, bitsPerSample as integer, samplesPerPixel as integer, hasAlpha as boolean, colorSpaceName as string, bytesPerRow as integer, bitsPerPixel as integer)
- method Constructor(data as Memoryblock)
- method canBeCompressedUsing(compression as integer) as Boolean
- method bitmapImageRepByRetaggingWithColorSpace(newSpace as NSColorSpaceMBS) as NSBitmapImageRepMBS
- method TIFFRepresentation as Memoryblock
- method PNGRepresentation(properties as dictionary = nil) as Memoryblock
- method GIFRepresentation(properties as dictionary = nil) as Memoryblock
- method BMPRepresentation(properties as dictionary = nil) as Memoryblock
- method JPEGRepresentation(properties as dictionary = nil) as Memoryblock
- method TIFFRepresentation(properties as dictionary = nil) as Memoryblock
- property valueForProperty(key as string) as Variant
- property bitsPerPixel as Integer
- property bytesPerRow as Integer
- property bytesPerPlane as Integer
- property samplesPerPixel as Integer
- property isPlanar as Boolean
- property numberOfPlanes as Integer
- property bitmapFormat as Integer
- property colorSpace as NSColorSpaceMBS
- property bitmapData as Ptr
- property CGImage as Variant
- shared method imageRepWithCIImage(CIImage as variant) as NSBitmapImageRepMBS
- shared method imageRepWithCIImageRef(CIImageHandle as Integer) as NSBitmapImageRepMBS
- shared method imageRepWithData(data as Memoryblock) as NSBitmapImageRepMBS
- shared method imageRepWithCGImage(CGImage as variant) as NSBitmapImageRepMBS
- shared method imageRepWithCGImageRef(CGImageHandle as Integer) as NSBitmapImageRepMBS
- shared method NSImageCompressionMethod as string
- shared method NSImageCompressionFactor as string
- shared method NSImageDitherTransparency as string
- shared method NSImageRGBColorTable as string
- shared method NSImageInterlaced as string
- shared method NSImageColorSyncProfileData as string
- shared method NSImageFrameCount as string
- shared method NSImageCurrentFrame as string
- shared method NSImageCurrentFrameDuration as string
- shared method NSImageLoopCount as string
- shared method NSImageGamma as string
- shared method NSImageProgressive as string
- shared method NSImageEXIFData as string
- shared method NSImageFallbackBackgroundColor as string
- class NSBundleMBS
- method pathForImageResource(name as string) as folderitem
- method pathForSoundResource(name as string) as folderitem
- method localizedStringForKey(key as string, value as string="", tableName as string="") as string
- method pathForResource(name as string, extension as string) as folderitem
- method pathForResource(name as string, extension as string, subpath as string) as folderitem
- method pathForResource(name as string, extension as string, subpath as string, localizationName as string) as folderitem
- method Constructor(path as string)
- method Constructor(path as folderitem)
- method executableArchitectures as integer()
- method localizations as string()
- method preferredLocalizations as string()
- method developmentLocalization as string
- method load as boolean
- method isLoaded as boolean
- method unload as boolean
- method infoDictionary as dictionary
- method localizedInfoDictionary as dictionary
- method bundleIdentifier as string
- method bundlePath as string
- method resourcePath as string
- method executablePath as string
- method privateFrameworksPath as string
- method sharedFrameworksPath as string
- method sharedSupportPath as string
- method builtInPlugInsPath as string
- method bundleFolder as folderitem
- method resourceFolder as folderitem
- method executableFile as folderitem
- method privateFrameworksFolder as folderitem
- method sharedFrameworksFolder as folderitem
- method sharedSupportFolder as folderitem
- method builtInPlugInsFolder as folderitem
- property Handle as Integer
- shared method bundleWithPath(path as folderitem) as NSBundleMBS
- shared method bundleWithPath(path as string) as NSBundleMBS
- shared method bundleWithIdentifier(identifier as string) as NSBundleMBS
- shared method mainBundle as NSBundleMBS
- shared method allBundles as NSBundleMBS()
- shared method allFrameworks as NSBundleMBS()
- class NSCachedURLResponseMBS
- method copy as NSCachedURLResponseMBS
- method Constructor(response as NSURLResponseMBS, data as MemoryBlock, userInfo as Dictionary = nil, storagePolicy as Integer = 0)
- property Handle as Integer
- property Response as NSURLResponseMBS
- property UserInfo as Dictionary
- property Data as MemoryBlock
- property StoragePolicy as Integer
- class NSCalendarMBS
- method dateFromComponents(components as NSDateComponentsMBS) as Date
- method dateByAddingComponents(components as NSDateComponentsMBS, toDate as Date, Options as Integer = 0) as Date
- method componentsInTimeZone(timezone as NSTimeZoneMBS, date as Date) as NSDateComponentsMBS
- method AMSymbol as string
- method PMSymbol as string
- method copy as NSCalendarMBS
- method Print
- method description as string
- method Constructor
- method Constructor(identifier as string)
- method calendarIdentifier as string
- method dateTimeFromComponents(components as NSDateComponentsMBS) as DateTime
- method dateTimeByAddingComponents(components as NSDateComponentsMBS, toDate as DateTime, Options as Integer = 0) as DateTime
- method componentsInTimeZone(timezone as NSTimeZoneMBS, date as DateTime) as NSDateComponentsMBS
- property locale as NSLocaleMBS
- property timeZone as NSTimeZoneMBS
- property firstWeekday as Integer
- property minimumDaysInFirstWeek as Integer
- property Handle as Integer
- shared method NSCalendarIdentifierGregorian as String
- shared method NSCalendarIdentifierBuddhist as String
- shared method NSCalendarIdentifierChinese as String
- shared method NSCalendarIdentifierCoptic as String
- shared method NSCalendarIdentifierEthiopicAmeteMihret as String
- shared method NSCalendarIdentifierEthiopicAmeteAlem as String
- shared method NSCalendarIdentifierHebrew as String
- shared method NSCalendarIdentifierISO8601 as String
- shared method NSCalendarIdentifierIndian as String
- shared method NSCalendarIdentifierIslamic as String
- shared method NSCalendarIdentifierIslamicCivil as String
- shared method NSCalendarIdentifierJapanese as String
- shared method NSCalendarIdentifierPersian as String
- shared method NSCalendarIdentifierRepublicOfChina as String
- shared method NSCalendarIdentifierIslamicTabular as String
- shared method NSCalendarIdentifierIslamicUmmAlQura as String
- shared method calendarWithIdentifier(identifier as String) as NSCalendarMBS
- shared method currentCalendar as NSCalendarMBS
- shared method autoupdatingCurrentCalendar as NSCalendarMBS
- class NSCharacterSetMBS
- method componentsSeparatedByCharactersInSet(s as string) as String()
- method stringByTrimmingCharactersInSet(s as string) as String
- method rangeOfCharacterFromSet(s as string, options as integer = 0, searchRange as NSRangeMBS = nil) as NSRangeMBS
- method copy as NSCharacterSetMBS
- method mutableCopy as NSMutableCharacterSetMBS
- method Constructor
- method Operator_Convert as string
- method bitmapRepresentation as MemoryBlock
- method longCharacterIsMember(theLongChar as integer) as boolean
- method isSupersetOfSet(theOtherSet as NSCharacterSetMBS) as boolean
- method hasMemberInPlane(thePlane as integer) as boolean
- method characterIsMember(Character as integer) as boolean
- method invertedSet as NSCharacterSetMBS
- property Handle as Integer
- property StringValue as String
- property CharacterCount as Integer
- shared method characterSetWithBitmapRepresentation(data as memoryblock) as NSCharacterSetMBS
- shared method characterSetWithContentsOfFile(aString as string) as NSCharacterSetMBS
- shared method characterSetWithContentsOfFile(file as folderitem) as NSCharacterSetMBS
- shared method characterSetWithCharactersInString(aString as string) as NSCharacterSetMBS
- shared method characterSetWithRange(r as NSRangeMBS) as NSCharacterSetMBS
- shared method controlCharacterSet as NSCharacterSetMBS
- shared method whitespaceCharacterSet as NSCharacterSetMBS
- shared method whitespaceAndNewlineCharacterSet as NSCharacterSetMBS
- shared method decimalDigitCharacterSet as NSCharacterSetMBS
- shared method letterCharacterSet as NSCharacterSetMBS
- shared method lowercaseLetterCharacterSet as NSCharacterSetMBS
- shared method uppercaseLetterCharacterSet as NSCharacterSetMBS
- shared method nonBaseCharacterSet as NSCharacterSetMBS
- shared method alphanumericCharacterSet as NSCharacterSetMBS
- shared method decomposableCharacterSet as NSCharacterSetMBS
- shared method illegalCharacterSet as NSCharacterSetMBS
- shared method punctuationCharacterSet as NSCharacterSetMBS
- shared method capitalizedLetterCharacterSet as NSCharacterSetMBS
- shared method symbolCharacterSet as NSCharacterSetMBS
- shared method newlineCharacterSet as NSCharacterSetMBS
- class NSCoderMBS
- method decodeCFObjectMBS(key as string) as variant
- method encodeCFObjectMBS(value as variant, key as string)
- method decodeNSURLFile(key as string) as folderitem
- method encodeNSURLFile(value as folderitem, key as string)
- method decodeNSURLString(key as string) as String
- method encodeNSURLString(value as String, key as string)
- method Constructor
- method systemVersion as integer
- method allowsKeyedCoding as boolean
- method containsValueForKey(key as string) as boolean
- method decodeBool(key as string) as boolean
- method encodeBool(value as boolean, key as string)
- method decodeInt32(key as string) as Int32
- method encodeInt32(value as Int32, key as string)
- method decodeInt64(key as string) as Int64
- method encodeInt64(value as Int64, key as string)
- method decodeFloat(key as string) as single
- method encodeFloat(value as single, key as string)
- method decodeDouble(key as string) as double
- method encodeDouble(value as double, key as string)
- method decodeBytes(key as string) as MemoryBlock
- method encodeBytes(value as MemoryBlock, key as string)
- method decodeString(key as string) as string
- method encodeString(value as string, key as string)
- method decodeDictionary(key as string) as Dictionary
- method encodeDictionary(value as Dictionary, key as string)
- method decodePoint(key as string) as NSPointMBS
- method encodePoint(value as NSPointMBS, key as string)
- method decodeSize(key as string) as NSSizeMBS
- method encodeSize(value as NSSizeMBS, key as string)
- method decodeRect(key as string) as NSRectMBS
- method encodeRect(value as NSRectMBS, key as string)
- property Handle as Integer
- shared method decodeTypedStream(Data as MemoryBlock) as variant
- class NSColorListMBS
- method insertColor(theColor as NSColorMBS, key as string, index as integer)
- method setColor(theColor as NSColorMBS, key as string)
- method colorWithKey(key as string) as NSColorMBS
- method removeColorWithKey(key as string)
- method writeToFile(path as string) as boolean
- method removeFile
- method isEditable as Boolean
- method name as string
- method Create(name as string) as boolean
- method Load(name as string) as boolean
- method Create(name as string, path as string) as boolean
- class NSColorMBS
- method colorWithSystemEffect(systemEffect as Integer) as NSColorMBS
- method Constructor(c as color)
- method Constructor(red as double, green as double, blue as double, alpha as double = 1.0)
- method CGColorHandle as Integer
- method Components as double()
- method getCMYK(byref cyan as double, byref magenta as double, byref yellow as double, byref black as double)
- method getWhite(byref white as double)
- method getHSV(byref hue as double, byref saturation as double, byref brightness as double)
- method getRGB(byref red as double, byref green as double, byref blue as double)
- method getCMYK(byref cyan as double, byref magenta as double, byref yellow as double, byref black as double, byref alpha as double)
- method getWhite(byref white as double, byref alpha as double)
- method getHSV(byref hue as double, byref saturation as double, byref brightness as double, byref alpha as double)
- method getRGB(byref red as double, byref green as double, byref blue as double, byref alpha as double)
- method blendedColorWithFraction(alpha as double, c as NSColorMBS) as NSColorMBS
- method colorWithAlphaComponent(alpha as double) as NSColorMBS
- method colorUsingColorSpaceName(colorSpace as string) as NSColorMBS
- method colorUsingColorSpace(colorSpace as NSColorSpaceMBS) as NSColorMBS
- method shadowWithLevel(level as double) as NSColorMBS
- method highlightWithLevel(level as double) as NSColorMBS
- method colorSpace as NSColorSpaceMBS
- method patternImage as variant
- method writeToPasteboard
- method colorUsingType(type as Integer) as NSColorMBS
- property colorValue as Color
- property blackComponent as double
- property yellowComponent as double
- property magentaComponent as double
- property cyanComponent as double
- property redComponent as double
- property greenComponent as double
- property blueComponent as double
- property whiteComponent as double
- property hueComponent as double
- property saturationComponent as double
- property brightnessComponent as double
- property alphaComponent as double
- property colorSpaceName as string
- property description as string
- property catalogNameComponent as string
- property colorNameComponent as string
- property localizedCatalogNameComponent as string
- property localizedColorNameComponent as string
- property numberOfComponents as Integer
- property Handle as Integer
- property Type as Integer
- shared method currentControlTint as Integer
- shared method colorNamed(colorName as String) as NSColorMBS
- shared method colorWithCatalogName(listName as String, colorName as String) as NSColorMBS
- shared method colorWithRGB(red as double, green as double, blue as double, alpha as double=1.0) as NSColorMBS
- shared method colorWithHSV(hue as double, saturation as double, brightness as double, alpha as double=1.0) as NSColorMBS
- shared method colorWithWhite(white as double, alpha as double=1.0) as NSColorMBS
- shared method colorWithColorSpaceHSV(ColorSpace as NSColorSpaceMBS, hue as double, saturation as double, brightness as double, alpha as double=1.0) as NSColorMBS
- shared method colorWithDisplayP3(red as double, green as double, blue as double, alpha as double=1.0) as NSColorMBS
- shared method colorWithColorSpace(ColorSpace as NSColorSpaceMBS, paramarray components as double) as NSColorMBS
- shared method colorWithColorSpace(ColorSpace as NSColorSpaceMBS, components() as double) as NSColorMBS
- shared method colorWithGenericGamma22White(white as double, alpha as double=1.0) as NSColorMBS
- shared method colorWithCGColor(CGColorHandle as Integer) as NSColorMBS
- shared method colorWithDeviceCMYK(cyan as double, magenta as double, yellow as double, black as double, alpha as double=1.0) as NSColorMBS
- shared method colorWithDeviceRGB(red as double, green as double, blue as double, alpha as double=1.0) as NSColorMBS
- shared method colorWithDeviceHSV(hue as double, saturation as double, brightness as double, alpha as double=1.0) as NSColorMBS
- shared method colorWithDeviceWhite(white as double, alpha as double=1.0) as NSColorMBS
- shared method colorWithSRGB(red as double, green as double, blue as double, alpha as double=1.0) as NSColorMBS
- shared method colorWithCalibratedRGB(red as double, green as double, blue as double, alpha as double=1.0) as NSColorMBS
- shared method colorWithCalibratedHSV(hue as double, saturation as double, brightness as double, alpha as double=1.0) as NSColorMBS
- shared method colorWithCalibratedWhite(white as double, alpha as double=1.0) as NSColorMBS
- shared method colorFromPasteboard as NSColorMBS
- shared method colorWithPatternImage(image as variant) as NSColorMBS
- shared method alternatingContentBackgroundColors as NSColorMBS()
- shared method controlAlternatingRowBackgroundColors as NSColorMBS()
- shared method blackColor as NSColorMBS
- shared method darkGrayColor as NSColorMBS
- shared method lightGrayColor as NSColorMBS
- shared method whiteColor as NSColorMBS
- shared method grayColor as NSColorMBS
- shared method redColor as NSColorMBS
- shared method greenColor as NSColorMBS
- shared method blueColor as NSColorMBS
- shared method cyanColor as NSColorMBS
- shared method yellowColor as NSColorMBS
- shared method magentaColor as NSColorMBS
- shared method orangeColor as NSColorMBS
- shared method purpleColor as NSColorMBS
- shared method brownColor as NSColorMBS
- shared method clearColor as NSColorMBS
- shared method systemRedColor as NSColorMBS
- shared method systemGreenColor as NSColorMBS
- shared method systemBlueColor as NSColorMBS
- shared method systemOrangeColor as NSColorMBS
- shared method systemYellowColor as NSColorMBS
- shared method systemBrownColor as NSColorMBS
- shared method systemPinkColor as NSColorMBS
- shared method systemPurpleColor as NSColorMBS
- shared method systemGrayColor as NSColorMBS
- shared method controlShadowColor as NSColorMBS
- shared method controlDarkShadowColor as NSColorMBS
- shared method controlColor as NSColorMBS
- shared method controlHighlightColor as NSColorMBS
- shared method controlLightHighlightColor as NSColorMBS
- shared method controlTextColor as NSColorMBS
- shared method controlBackgroundColor as NSColorMBS
- shared method selectedControlColor as NSColorMBS
- shared method secondarySelectedControlColor as NSColorMBS
- shared method selectedControlTextColor as NSColorMBS
- shared method disabledControlTextColor as NSColorMBS
- shared method textColor as NSColorMBS
- shared method textBackgroundColor as NSColorMBS
- shared method selectedTextColor as NSColorMBS
- shared method selectedTextBackgroundColor as NSColorMBS
- shared method gridColor as NSColorMBS
- shared method keyboardFocusIndicatorColor as NSColorMBS
- shared method windowBackgroundColor as NSColorMBS
- shared method scrollBarColor as NSColorMBS
- shared method knobColor as NSColorMBS
- shared method selectedKnobColor as NSColorMBS
- shared method windowFrameColor as NSColorMBS
- shared method windowFrameTextColor as NSColorMBS
- shared method selectedMenuItemColor as NSColorMBS
- shared method selectedMenuItemTextColor as NSColorMBS
- shared method highlightColor as NSColorMBS
- shared method shadowColor as NSColorMBS
- shared method headerColor as NSColorMBS
- shared method headerTextColor as NSColorMBS
- shared method alternateSelectedControlColor as NSColorMBS
- shared method alternateSelectedControlTextColor as NSColorMBS
- shared method labelColor as NSColorMBS
- shared method secondaryLabelColor as NSColorMBS
- shared method tertiaryLabelColor as NSColorMBS
- shared method quaternaryLabelColor as NSColorMBS
- shared method linkColor as NSColorMBS
- shared method placeholderTextColor as NSColorMBS
- shared method separatorColor as NSColorMBS
- shared method underPageBackgroundColor as NSColorMBS
- shared method selectedContentBackgroundColor as NSColorMBS
- shared method unemphasizedSelectedContentBackgroundColor as NSColorMBS
- shared method findHighlightColor as NSColorMBS
- shared method unemphasizedSelectedTextBackgroundColor as NSColorMBS
- shared method unemphasizedSelectedTextColor as NSColorMBS
- shared method scrubberTexturedBackgroundColor as NSColorMBS
- shared method controlAccentColor as NSColorMBS
- shared method systemTealColor as NSColorMBS
- shared method systemIndigoColor as NSColorMBS
- class NSColorSamplerMBS
- class NSColorSpaceMBS
- method Constructor(ICCProfileData as Memoryblock)
- method initWithColorSyncProfile(ColorSyncProfileHandle as integer)
- method initWithCGColorSpace(CGColorSpaceHandle as integer)
- method ICCProfileData as Memoryblock
- method colorSyncProfileHandle as integer
- method CGColorSpaceHandle as integer
- property Handle as Integer
- property localizedName as String
- property colorSpaceName as String
- property description as String
- property colorSpaceModel as Integer
- property numberOfColorComponents as Integer
- property File as FolderItem
- shared method ColorSpaceWithICCProfileData(File as FolderItem) as NSColorSpaceMBS
- shared method ColorSpaceWithICCProfileData(ICCProfileData as Memoryblock) as NSColorSpaceMBS
- shared method ColorSpaceWithColorSyncProfile(ColorSyncProfileHandle as integer) as NSColorSpaceMBS
- shared method ColorSpaceWithCGColorSpace(CGColorSpaceHandle as integer) as NSColorSpaceMBS
- shared method availableColorSpacesWithModel(Model as integer) as NSColorSpaceMBS()
- shared method genericRGBColorSpace as NSColorSpaceMBS
- shared method genericGrayColorSpace as NSColorSpaceMBS
- shared method genericCMYKColorSpace as NSColorSpaceMBS
- shared method deviceRGBColorSpace as NSColorSpaceMBS
- shared method deviceGrayColorSpace as NSColorSpaceMBS
- shared method deviceCMYKColorSpace as NSColorSpaceMBS
- shared method sRGBColorSpace as NSColorSpaceMBS
- shared method adobeRGB1998ColorSpace as NSColorSpaceMBS
- shared method genericGamma22GrayColorSpace as NSColorSpaceMBS
- shared method colorSpaceForColorSpaceName(name as string) as NSColorSpaceMBS
- class NSCursorMBS
- method Constructor(image as NSImageMBS, HotSpotX as double, HotSpotY as double)
- method Constructor(image as NSImageMBS, foregroundColorHint as NSColorMBS, backgroundColorHint as NSColorMBS, HotSpotX as double, HotSpotY as double)
- method mouseEntered(e as NSEventMBS)
- method mouseExited(e as NSEventMBS)
- method hotSpotX as double
- method hotSpotY as double
- method image as NSImageMBS
- method pop
- method push
- method set
- method setOnMouseExited(flag as boolean)
- method setOnMouseEntered(flag as boolean)
- method isSetOnMouseExited as boolean
- method isSetOnMouseEntered as boolean
- property Handle as Integer
- shared method setHiddenUntilMouseMoves(value as boolean)
- shared method hide
- shared method unhide
- shared method pop
- shared method ringCursorWithDiameter(diameter as double) as NSCursorMBS
- shared method currentCursor as NSCursorMBS
- shared method arrowCursor as NSCursorMBS
- shared method IBeamCursor as NSCursorMBS
- shared method pointingHandCursor as NSCursorMBS
- shared method closedHandCursor as NSCursorMBS
- shared method openHandCursor as NSCursorMBS
- shared method resizeLeftCursor as NSCursorMBS
- shared method resizeRightCursor as NSCursorMBS
- shared method resizeLeftRightCursor as NSCursorMBS
- shared method resizeUpCursor as NSCursorMBS
- shared method resizeDownCursor as NSCursorMBS
- shared method resizeUpDownCursor as NSCursorMBS
- shared method crosshairCursor as NSCursorMBS
- shared method disappearingItemCursor as NSCursorMBS
- shared method currentSystemCursor as NSCursorMBS
- shared method dragLinkCursor as NSCursorMBS
- shared method dragCopyCursor as NSCursorMBS
- shared method contextualMenuCursor as NSCursorMBS
- shared method operationNotAllowedCursor as NSCursorMBS
- shared method IBeamCursorForVerticalLayout as NSCursorMBS
- class NSDateComponentsMBS
- method copy as NSDateComponentsMBS
- method Print
- method Constructor
- method isValidDateInCalendar(calendar as NSCalendarMBS) as Boolean
- property Handle as Integer
- property timeZone as NSTimeZoneMBS
- property calendar as NSCalendarMBS
- property date as Date
- property description as String
- property era as Integer
- property year as Integer
- property month as Integer
- property day as Integer
- property hour as Integer
- property minute as Integer
- property second as Integer
- property week as Integer
- property weekday as Integer
- property weekdayOrdinal as Integer
- property quarter as Integer
- property weekOfMonth as Integer
- property weekOfYear as Integer
- property yearForWeekOfYear as Integer
- property isLeapMonth as Boolean
- property isValidDate as Boolean
- property dateTime as DateTime
- shared method NSUndefinedDateComponent as Integer
- class NSDirectoryEnumeratorMBS
- method Path as string
- method Destructor
- method Constructor(path as string)
- method Constructor(folder as folderitem)
- method skipDescendents
- method nextFile as folderitem
- method level as integer
- method fileAttributes as dictionary
- method directoryAttributes as dictionary
- shared method NSFileType as string
- shared method NSFileTypeDirectory as string
- shared method NSFileTypeRegular as string
- shared method NSFileTypeSymbolicLink as string
- shared method NSFileTypeSocket as string
- shared method NSFileTypeCharacterSpecial as string
- shared method NSFileTypeBlockSpecial as string
- shared method NSFileTypeUnknown as string
- shared method NSFileSize as string
- shared method NSFileModificationDate as string
- shared method NSFileReferenceCount as string
- shared method NSFileDeviceIdentifier as string
- shared method NSFileOwnerAccountName as string
- shared method NSFileGroupOwnerAccountName as string
- shared method NSFilePosixPermissions as string
- shared method NSFileSystemNumber as string
- shared method NSFileSystemFileNumber as string
- shared method NSFileExtensionHidden as string
- shared method NSFileHFSCreatorCode as string
- shared method NSFileHFSTypeCode as string
- shared method NSFileImmutable as string
- shared method NSFileAppendOnly as string
- shared method NSFileCreationDate as string
- shared method NSFileOwnerAccountID as string
- shared method NSFileGroupOwnerAccountID as string
- shared method NSFileBusy as string
- shared method NSFileSystemSize as string
- shared method NSFileSystemFreeSize as string
- shared method NSFileSystemNodes as string
- shared method NSFileSystemFreeNodes as string
- class NSDistributedNotificationCenterMBS
- method postNotificationName(name as string, theObject as string, userInfo as dictionary, options as UInt32)
- method postNotificationName(name as string, theObject as string, userInfo as dictionary, deliverImmediately as boolean)
- method Constructor
- method addObserver(observer as NSNotificationObserverMBS, name as string, theObject as variant, suspensionBehavior as integer)
- property suspended as boolean
- shared method NSLocalNotificationCenterType as string
- shared method defaultCenter as NSDistributedNotificationCenterMBS
- shared method notificationCenterForType(name as string) as NSDistributedNotificationCenterMBS
- class NSEnumeratorMBS
- class NSEPSImageRepMBS
- class NSEventMBS
- method Constructor
- method allTouches as NSTouchMBS()
- method touchesMatchingPhase(Phase as Integer, view as NSViewMBS = nil) as NSTouchMBS()
- method touchesForWindow(win as NSWindowMBS) as NSTouchMBS()
- method touchesForView(view as NSViewMBS) as NSTouchMBS()
- method coalescedTouchesForTouch(touch as NSTouchMBS) as NSTouchMBS()
- method predictedTouchesForTouch(touch as NSTouchMBS) as NSTouchMBS()
- property Handle as Integer
- property type as integer
- property subtype as integer
- property timestamp as double
- property modifierFlags as integer
- property buttonMask as integer
- property CGEventRef as Integer
- property stage as Integer
- property stageTransition as Double
- property associatedEventsMask as Integer
- property isDirectionInvertedFromDevice as Boolean
- property scrollingDeltaX as Double
- property scrollingDeltaY as Double
- property hasPreciseScrollingDeltas as Boolean
- property description as string
- property clickCount as integer
- property buttonNumber as integer
- property eventNumber as integer
- property characters as string
- property charactersIgnoringModifiers as string
- property keyCode as integer
- property isARepeat as boolean
- property deltaX as double
- property deltaY as double
- property deltaZ as double
- property absoluteX as integer
- property absoluteY as integer
- property absoluteZ as integer
- property tangentialPressure as double
- property rotation as double
- property tilt as NSPointMBS
- property window as NSWindowMBS
- property locationInWindow as NSPointMBS
- property pressure as double
- property trackingNumber as integer
- property windowNumber as integer
- property data1 as integer
- property data2 as integer
- property magnification as double
- property deviceID as integer
- property isEnteringProximity as boolean
- property vendorID as integer
- property tabletID as integer
- property pointingDeviceID as integer
- property systemTabletID as integer
- property vendorPointingDeviceType as integer
- property pointingDeviceSerialNumber as integer
- property uniqueID as UInt64
- property capabilityMask as integer
- property pointingDeviceType as integer
- shared method otherEvent(Type as Integer, LocationX as Double, LocationY as Double, modifierFlags as Integer, timeStamp as double, windowNumber as Integer, subType as Integer, Data1 as Integer, Data2 as Integer) as NSEventMBS
- shared method mouseEvent(Type as Integer, LocationX as Double, LocationY as Double, modifierFlags as Integer, timeStamp as double, windowNumber as Integer, eventNumber as Integer, clickCount as Integer, pressure as Single) as NSEventMBS
- shared method keyEvent(Type as Integer, LocationX as Double, LocationY as Double, modifierFlags as Integer, timeStamp as double, windowNumber as Integer, characters as String, charactersIgnoringModifiers as String, isARepeat as boolean, keyCode as Integer) as NSEventMBS
- shared method keyRepeatInterval as double
- shared method keyRepeatDelay as double
- shared method doubleClickInterval as double
- shared method pressedMouseButtons as UInt32
- shared method modifierFlagsGlobal as UInt32
- shared method mouseLocation as NSPointMBS
- shared method isMouseCoalescingEnabled as boolean
- shared method setMouseCoalescingEnabled(Value as boolean)
- shared method eventWithCGEvent(CGEventRef as Integer) as NSEventMBS
- class NSFileWrapperMBS
- method writeToFile(File as FolderItem, Options as Integer = 0, originalContentsURL as FolderItem = nil, byref Error as NSErrorMBS) as Boolean
- method writeToURL(URL as String, Options as Integer = 0, originalContentsURL as String = "", byref Error as NSErrorMBS) as Boolean
- method readFromFile(File as FolderItem, Options as Integer = 0, byref Error as NSErrorMBS) as Boolean
- method readFromURL(URL as String, Options as Integer = 0, byref Error as NSErrorMBS) as Boolean
- method matchesContentsOfFile(File as FolderItem) as Boolean
- method matchesContentsOfURL(URL as String) as Boolean
- method addRegularFileWithContents(Data as MemoryBlock, preferredFilename as string) as String
- method addFileWrapper(child as NSFileWrapperMBS) as String
- method removeFileWrapper(child as NSFileWrapperMBS)
- method keyForFileWrapper(child as NSFileWrapperMBS) as String
- method Constructor
- property Handle as Integer
- property icon as NSImageMBS
- property Directory as Boolean
- property RegularFile as Boolean
- property SymbolicLink as Boolean
- property preferredFilename as String
- property filename as String
- property fileAttributes as Dictionary
- property serializedRepresentation as MemoryBlock
- property regularFileContents as MemoryBlock
- property symbolicLinkDestinationURL as String
- property fileWrappers as Dictionary
- shared method initDirectoryWithFileWrappers(childrenByPreferredName as Dictionary) as NSFileWrapperMBS
- shared method initWithFile(File as folderItem, Options as Integer, byref error as NSErrorMBS) as NSFileWrapperMBS
- shared method initWithURL(URL as string, Options as Integer, byref error as NSErrorMBS) as NSFileWrapperMBS
- shared method initRegularFileWithContents(data as MemoryBlock) as NSFileWrapperMBS
- shared method initWithSerializedRepresentation(data as MemoryBlock) as NSFileWrapperMBS
- class NSFontDescriptorMBS
- method copy as NSFontDescriptorMBS
- method matchingFontDescriptorsWithMandatoryKeys as NSFontDescriptorMBS()
- method matchingFontDescriptorsWithMandatoryKeys(mandatoryKeys() as string) as NSFontDescriptorMBS()
- method matchingFontDescriptorWithMandatoryKeys as NSFontDescriptorMBS
- method matchingFontDescriptorWithMandatoryKeys(mandatoryKeys() as string) as NSFontDescriptorMBS
- method variantForKey(key as string) as variant
- method postscriptName as string
- method fontAttributes as Dictionary
- method matrix as variant
- method pointSize as double
- method symbolicTraits as integer
- method fontDescriptorWithFace(newFace as string) as NSFontDescriptorMBS
- method fontDescriptorWithFamily(newFamily as string) as NSFontDescriptorMBS
- method fontDescriptorWithMatrix(matrix as variant) as NSFontDescriptorMBS
- method fontDescriptorWithSize(newPointSize as double) as NSFontDescriptorMBS
- method fontDescriptorWithSymbolicTraits(SymbolicTraits as integer) as NSFontDescriptorMBS
- method fontDescriptorByAddingAttributes(AttributesDic as Dictionary) as NSFontDescriptorMBS
- method Constructor(AttributesDic as Dictionary)
- property Handle as Integer
- shared method fontDescriptorWithName(fontName as string, matrix as variant) as NSFontDescriptorMBS
- shared method fontDescriptorWithName(fontName as string, size as double) as NSFontDescriptorMBS
- shared method fontDescriptorWithFontAttributes(AttributesDic as Dictionary) as NSFontDescriptorMBS
- shared method NSFontFamilyAttribute as string
- shared method NSFontNameAttribute as string
- shared method NSFontFaceAttribute as string
- shared method NSFontSizeAttribute as string
- shared method NSFontVisibleNameAttribute as string
- shared method NSFontMatrixAttribute as string
- shared method NSFontVariationAttribute as string
- shared method NSFontCharacterSetAttribute as string
- shared method NSFontCascadeListAttribute as string
- shared method NSFontTraitsAttribute as string
- shared method NSFontFixedAdvanceAttribute as string
- shared method NSFontColorAttribute as string
- shared method NSFontSymbolicTrait as string
- shared method NSFontWeightTrait as string
- shared method NSFontWidthTrait as string
- shared method NSFontSlantTrait as string
- shared method NSFontVariationAxisIdentifierKey as string
- shared method NSFontVariationAxisMinimumValueKey as string
- shared method NSFontVariationAxisMaximumValueKey as string
- shared method NSFontVariationAxisDefaultValueKey as string
- shared method NSFontVariationAxisNameKey as string
- shared method NSFontFeatureTypeIdentifierKey as string
- shared method NSFontFeatureSelectorIdentifierKey as string
- class NSFontMBS
- method file as folderitem
- method Constructor
- method fontDescriptor as NSFontDescriptorMBS
- method advancementForGlyph(aGlyph as integer) as NSSizeMBS
- method boundingRectForGlyph(aGlyph as integer) as NSRectMBS
- method screenFontWithRenderingMode(renderingMode as integer) as NSFontMBS
- method glyphWithName(name as string) as UInt32
- property Handle as Integer
- property maximumAdvancement as NSSizeMBS
- property boundingRectForFont as NSRectMBS
- property fontName as String
- property familyName as String
- property displayName as String
- property description as String
- property renderingMode as Integer
- property numberOfGlyphs as Integer
- property mostCompatibleStringEncoding as Integer
- property pointSize as Double
- property ascender as Double
- property descender as Double
- property leading as Double
- property underlinePosition as Double
- property underlineThickness as Double
- property italicAngle as Double
- property capHeight as Double
- property xHeight as Double
- property isFixedPitch as Boolean
- property printerFont as NSFontMBS
- property screenFont as NSFontMBS
- property coveredCharacterSet as Variant
- property textTransform as Variant
- shared method monospacedDigitSystemFontOfSize(fontSize as double, weight as double) as NSFontMBS
- shared method monospacedSystemFontOfSize(fontSize as double, weight as double) as NSFontMBS
- shared method fontWithDescriptor(fontDescriptor as NSFontDescriptorMBS, TextTransform as variant) as NSFontMBS
- shared method fontWithDescriptor(fontDescriptor as NSFontDescriptorMBS, fontSize as double) as NSFontMBS
- shared method setUserFixedPitchFont(font as NSFontMBS)
- shared method setUserFont(font as NSFontMBS)
- shared method systemFontSize as double
- shared method smallSystemFontSize as double
- shared method labelFontSize as double
- shared method systemFontSizeForControlSize(controlSize as integer) as double
- shared method fontWithName(fontName as string, fontSize as double) as NSFontMBS
- shared method userFontOfSize(size as double) as NSFontMBS
- shared method userFixedPitchFontOfSize(size as double) as NSFontMBS
- shared method systemFontOfSize(size as double) as NSFontMBS
- shared method boldSystemFontOfSize(size as double) as NSFontMBS
- shared method labelFontOfSize(size as double) as NSFontMBS
- shared method titleBarFontOfSize(size as double) as NSFontMBS
- shared method menuFontOfSize(size as double) as NSFontMBS
- shared method menuBarFontOfSize(size as double) as NSFontMBS
- shared method messageFontOfSize(size as double) as NSFontMBS
- shared method paletteFontOfSize(size as double) as NSFontMBS
- shared method toolTipsFontOfSize(size as double) as NSFontMBS
- shared method controlContentFontOfSize(size as double) as NSFontMBS
- class NSHelpManagerMBS
- method registerBooksInBundle(bundle as NSBundleMBS) as boolean
- method Constructor
- method findString(query as string, book as string)
- method openHelpAnchor(anchor as string, book as string)
- property Handle as Integer
- shared method NSContextHelpModeDidActivateNotification as string
- shared method NSContextHelpModeDidDeactivateNotification as string
- shared method isContextHelpModeActive as boolean
- shared method setContextHelpModeActive(active as boolean)
- class NSImageMBS
- method imageWithSymbolConfiguration(configuration as NSImageSymbolConfigurationMBS) as NSImageMBS
- method imageWithTintColor(tintColor as NSColorMBS) as NSImageMBS
- method cancelIncrementalLoad
- method recache
- method addRepresentation(img as NSImageRepMBS)
- method removeRepresentation(img as NSImageRepMBS)
- method CopyPictureWithAlphaRect(x as integer, y as integer, w as integer, h as integer) as picture
- method CopyPictureWithAlpha as picture
- method CopyPictureRect(x as integer, y as integer, w as integer, h as integer, CGColorSpace as Variant = nil, BackgroundColor as NSColorMBS = nil) as picture
- method CopyPicture(CGColorSpace as Variant = nil, BackgroundColor as NSColorMBS = nil) as picture
- method CopyMask as picture
- method CopyPictureWithMask(CGColorSpace as Variant = nil) as picture
- method imageByScalingToSize(width as double, height as double) as NSImageMBS
- method imageByFadingToFraction(fraction as double) as NSImageMBS
- method imageByScalingToSize(width as double, height as double, fraction as double) as NSImageMBS
- method imageByScalingToSize(width as double, height as double, fraction as double, flip as boolean, proportionally as boolean) as NSImageMBS
- method GIFRepresentationMT as Memoryblock
- method BMPRepresentationMT as Memoryblock
- method PNGRepresentationMT as Memoryblock
- method JPEGRepresentationWithCompressionFactorMT(factor as double) as Memoryblock
- method JPEGRepresentationMT as Memoryblock
- method TIFFRepresentationMT as Memoryblock
- method TIFFRepresentationUsingCompressionMT(comp as integer, factor as double) as Memoryblock
- method GIFRepresentation as Memoryblock
- method BMPRepresentation as Memoryblock
- method PNGRepresentation as Memoryblock
- method JPEGRepresentation as Memoryblock
- method JPEGRepresentationWithCompressionFactor(factor as double) as Memoryblock
- method Constructor(image as Picture, mask as picture = nil)
- method Constructor(data as memoryblock)
- method Constructor(width as double, height as double)
- method Constructor
- method Constructor(file as folderitem)
- method RepresentationHeight(index as integer) as integer
- method RepresentationWidth(index as integer) as integer
- method representations as NSImageRepMBS()
- method TIFFRepresentation as Memoryblock
- method TIFFRepresentationUsingCompression(comp as integer, factor as double) as Memoryblock
- method setName(value as String) as Boolean
- method setSize(width as double, height as double)
- method initWithContentsOfURL(file as folderitem) as boolean
- method initWithContentsOfURL(url as string) as boolean
- method initWithData(data as memoryblock) as boolean
- method initWithDataIgnoringOrientation(data as memoryblock) as boolean
- method initWithPicture(img as picture, mask as picture = nil) as boolean
- method initWithSize(width as double, height as double) as boolean
- method initWithPasteboard as boolean
- method initWithIconRef(IconHandle as integer) as boolean
- method DrawIntoCGContextAtPoint(cgcontext as integer, x as double, y as double, sx as double, sy as double, SourceW as double, SourceH as double, operation as integer, fraction as double) as boolean
- method DrawIntoCGContextAtRect(cgcontext as integer, x as double, y as double, w as double, h as double, SourceX as double, SourceY as double, SourceW as double, SourceH as double, operation as integer, fraction as double) as boolean
- property Handle as Integer
- property cacheMode as Integer
- property isTemplate as Boolean
- property size as NSSizeMBS
- property height as Double
- property width as Double
- property isFlipped as Boolean
- property isValid as Boolean
- property Name as String
- property MinimumPixelWidth as Integer
- property MinimumPixelHeight as Integer
- property MaximumPixelWidth as Integer
- property MaximumPixelHeight as Integer
- property RepresentationsCount as Integer
- property cacheDepthMatchesImageDepth as Boolean
- property usesEPSOnResolutionMismatch as Boolean
- property prefersColorMatch as Boolean
- property accessibilityDescription as String
- property EXIFData as Dictionary
- property backgroundColor as NSColorMBS
- property isCachedSeparately as Boolean
- property isDataRetained as Boolean
- property matchesOnMultipleResolution as Boolean
- property scalesWhenResized as Boolean
- property symbolConfiguration as NSImageSymbolConfigurationMBS
- shared method imageWithSystemSymbolName(name as string, accessibilityDescription as string = "") as NSImageMBS
- shared method imageWithCGImage(CGImage as variant, width as double = 0, height as double = 0) as NSImageMBS
- shared method imageWithData(data as string) as NSImageMBS
- shared method imageWithData(data as memoryblock) as NSImageMBS
- shared method imageWithContentsOfFile(file as folderitem) as NSImageMBS
- shared method imageWithContentsOfPath(path as string) as NSImageMBS
- shared method imageWithDataMT(data as string) as NSImageMBS
- shared method imageWithDataMT(data as memoryblock) as NSImageMBS
- shared method imageWithContentsOfFileMT(file as folderitem) as NSImageMBS
- shared method imageWithContentsOfPathMT(path as string) as NSImageMBS
- shared method imageWithContentsOfURL(URL as string) as NSImageMBS
- shared method imageWithContentsOfURLMT(URL as string) as NSImageMBS
- shared method imageWithHandle(Handle as Integer) as NSImageMBS
- shared method imageUnfilteredFileTypes as string()
- shared method imageUnfilteredPasteboardTypes as string()
- shared method imageFileTypes as string()
- shared method imagePasteboardTypes as string()
- shared method imageTypes as string()
- shared method imageUnfilteredTypes as string()
- shared method imageNamed(name as string) as NSImageMBS
- shared method canInitWithPasteboard as boolean
- shared method NSImageNameQuickLookTemplate as string
- shared method NSImageNameBluetoothTemplate as string
- shared method NSImageNameIChatTheaterTemplate as string
- shared method NSImageNameSlideshowTemplate as string
- shared method NSImageNameActionTemplate as string
- shared method NSImageNameSmartBadgeTemplate as string
- shared method NSImageNameIconViewTemplate as string
- shared method NSImageNameListViewTemplate as string
- shared method NSImageNameColumnViewTemplate as string
- shared method NSImageNameFlowViewTemplate as string
- shared method NSImageNamePathTemplate as string
- shared method NSImageNameInvalidDataFreestandingTemplate as string
- shared method NSImageNameLockLockedTemplate as string
- shared method NSImageNameLockUnlockedTemplate as string
- shared method NSImageNameGoRightTemplate as string
- shared method NSImageNameGoLeftTemplate as string
- shared method NSImageNameRightFacingTriangleTemplate as string
- shared method NSImageNameLeftFacingTriangleTemplate as string
- shared method NSImageNameAddTemplate as string
- shared method NSImageNameRemoveTemplate as string
- shared method NSImageNameRevealFreestandingTemplate as string
- shared method NSImageNameFollowLinkFreestandingTemplate as string
- shared method NSImageNameEnterFullScreenTemplate as string
- shared method NSImageNameExitFullScreenTemplate as string
- shared method NSImageNameStopProgressTemplate as string
- shared method NSImageNameStopProgressFreestandingTemplate as string
- shared method NSImageNameRefreshTemplate as string
- shared method NSImageNameRefreshFreestandingTemplate as string
- shared method NSImageNameBonjour as string
- shared method NSImageNameComputer as string
- shared method NSImageNameFolderBurnable as string
- shared method NSImageNameFolderSmart as string
- shared method NSImageNameFolder as string
- shared method NSImageNameNetwork as string
- shared method NSImageNameDotMac as string
- shared method NSImageNameMobileMe as string
- shared method NSImageNameMultipleDocuments as string
- shared method NSImageNameUserAccounts as string
- shared method NSImageNamePreferencesGeneral as string
- shared method NSImageNameAdvanced as string
- shared method NSImageNameInfo as string
- shared method NSImageNameFontPanel as string
- shared method NSImageNameColorPanel as string
- shared method NSImageNameUser as string
- shared method NSImageNameUserGroup as string
- shared method NSImageNameEveryone as string
- shared method NSImageNameUserGuest as string
- shared method NSImageNameMenuOnStateTemplate as string
- shared method NSImageNameMenuMixedStateTemplate as string
- shared method NSImageNameApplicationIcon as string
- shared method NSImageNameTrashEmpty as string
- shared method NSImageNameTrashFull as string
- shared method NSImageNameHomeTemplate as string
- shared method NSImageNameBookmarksTemplate as string
- shared method NSImageNameCaution as string
- shared method NSImageNameStatusAvailable as string
- shared method NSImageNameStatusPartiallyAvailable as string
- shared method NSImageNameStatusUnavailable as string
- shared method NSImageNameStatusNone as string
- shared method NSImageNameShareTemplate as string
- shared method NSImageHintUserInterfaceLayoutDirection as string
- shared method NSImageNameGoBackTemplate as string
- shared method NSImageNameGoForwardTemplate as string
- shared method NSImageNameTouchBarAddDetailTemplate as string
- shared method NSImageNameTouchBarAddTemplate as string
- shared method NSImageNameTouchBarAlarmTemplate as string
- shared method NSImageNameTouchBarAudioInputMuteTemplate as string
- shared method NSImageNameTouchBarAudioInputTemplate as string
- shared method NSImageNameTouchBarAudioOutputMuteTemplate as string
- shared method NSImageNameTouchBarAudioOutputVolumeHighTemplate as string
- shared method NSImageNameTouchBarAudioOutputVolumeLowTemplate as string
- shared method NSImageNameTouchBarAudioOutputVolumeMediumTemplate as string
- shared method NSImageNameTouchBarAudioOutputVolumeOffTemplate as string
- shared method NSImageNameTouchBarBookmarksTemplate as string
- shared method NSImageNameTouchBarColorPickerFill as string
- shared method NSImageNameTouchBarColorPickerFont as string
- shared method NSImageNameTouchBarColorPickerStroke as string
- shared method NSImageNameTouchBarCommunicationAudioTemplate as string
- shared method NSImageNameTouchBarCommunicationVideoTemplate as string
- shared method NSImageNameTouchBarComposeTemplate as string
- shared method NSImageNameTouchBarDeleteTemplate as string
- shared method NSImageNameTouchBarDownloadTemplate as string
- shared method NSImageNameTouchBarEnterFullScreenTemplate as string
- shared method NSImageNameTouchBarExitFullScreenTemplate as string
- shared method NSImageNameTouchBarFastForwardTemplate as string
- shared method NSImageNameTouchBarFolderCopyToTemplate as string
- shared method NSImageNameTouchBarFolderMoveToTemplate as string
- shared method NSImageNameTouchBarFolderTemplate as string
- shared method NSImageNameTouchBarGetInfoTemplate as string
- shared method NSImageNameTouchBarGoBackTemplate as string
- shared method NSImageNameTouchBarGoDownTemplate as string
- shared method NSImageNameTouchBarGoForwardTemplate as string
- shared method NSImageNameTouchBarGoUpTemplate as string
- shared method NSImageNameTouchBarHistoryTemplate as string
- shared method NSImageNameTouchBarIconViewTemplate as string
- shared method NSImageNameTouchBarListViewTemplate as string
- shared method NSImageNameTouchBarMailTemplate as string
- shared method NSImageNameTouchBarNewFolderTemplate as string
- shared method NSImageNameTouchBarNewMessageTemplate as string
- shared method NSImageNameTouchBarOpenInBrowserTemplate as string
- shared method NSImageNameTouchBarPauseTemplate as string
- shared method NSImageNameTouchBarPlayheadTemplate as string
- shared method NSImageNameTouchBarPlayPauseTemplate as string
- shared method NSImageNameTouchBarPlayTemplate as string
- shared method NSImageNameTouchBarQuickLookTemplate as string
- shared method NSImageNameTouchBarRecordStartTemplate as string
- shared method NSImageNameTouchBarRecordStopTemplate as string
- shared method NSImageNameTouchBarRefreshTemplate as string
- shared method NSImageNameTouchBarRewindTemplate as string
- shared method NSImageNameTouchBarRotateLeftTemplate as string
- shared method NSImageNameTouchBarRotateRightTemplate as string
- shared method NSImageNameTouchBarSearchTemplate as string
- shared method NSImageNameTouchBarShareTemplate as string
- shared method NSImageNameTouchBarSidebarTemplate as string
- shared method NSImageNameTouchBarSkipAhead15SecondsTemplate as string
- shared method NSImageNameTouchBarSkipAhead30SecondsTemplate as string
- shared method NSImageNameTouchBarSkipAheadTemplate as string
- shared method NSImageNameTouchBarSkipBack15SecondsTemplate as string
- shared method NSImageNameTouchBarSkipBack30SecondsTemplate as string
- shared method NSImageNameTouchBarSkipBackTemplate as string
- shared method NSImageNameTouchBarSkipToEndTemplate as string
- shared method NSImageNameTouchBarSkipToStartTemplate as string
- shared method NSImageNameTouchBarSlideshowTemplate as string
- shared method NSImageNameTouchBarTagIconTemplate as string
- shared method NSImageNameTouchBarTextBoldTemplate as string
- shared method NSImageNameTouchBarTextBoxTemplate as string
- shared method NSImageNameTouchBarTextCenterAlignTemplate as string
- shared method NSImageNameTouchBarTextItalicTemplate as string
- shared method NSImageNameTouchBarTextJustifiedAlignTemplate as string
- shared method NSImageNameTouchBarTextLeftAlignTemplate as string
- shared method NSImageNameTouchBarTextListTemplate as string
- shared method NSImageNameTouchBarTextRightAlignTemplate as string
- shared method NSImageNameTouchBarTextStrikethroughTemplate as string
- shared method NSImageNameTouchBarTextUnderlineTemplate as string
- shared method NSImageNameTouchBarUserAddTemplate as string
- shared method NSImageNameTouchBarUserGroupTemplate as string
- shared method NSImageNameTouchBarUserTemplate as string
- shared method NSImageNameTouchBarVolumeDownTemplate as string
- shared method NSImageNameTouchBarVolumeUpTemplate as string
- class NSImageRepMBS
- method setSize(width as double, height as double)
- method Constructor
- property Handle as Integer
- property bitsPerSample as Integer
- property pixelsWide as Integer
- property pixelsHigh as Integer
- property colorSpaceName as String
- property hasAlpha as Boolean
- property isOpaque as Boolean
- property height as Double
- property width as Double
- property size as NSSizeMBS
- shared method canInitWithData(data as memoryblock) as Boolean
- class NSImageSymbolConfigurationMBS
- method configurationByApplyingConfiguration(configuration as NSImageSymbolConfigurationMBS) as NSImageSymbolConfigurationMBS
- method Constructor
- property Handle as Integer
- property Description as String
- shared method NSFontTextStyleLargeTitle as String
- shared method NSFontTextStyleTitle1 as String
- shared method NSFontTextStyleTitle2 as String
- shared method NSFontTextStyleTitle3 as String
- shared method NSFontTextStyleHeadline as String
- shared method NSFontTextStyleSubheadline as String
- shared method NSFontTextStyleBody as String
- shared method NSFontTextStyleCallout as String
- shared method NSFontTextStyleFootnote as String
- shared method NSFontTextStyleCaption1 as String
- shared method NSFontTextStyleCaption2 as String
- shared method configurationWithPointSize(pointSize as Double, weight as Double) as NSImageSymbolConfigurationMBS
- shared method configurationWithPointSize(pointSize as Double, weight as Double, SymbolScale as Integer) as NSImageSymbolConfigurationMBS
- shared method configurationWithTextStyle(TextStyle as Integer, SymbolScale as Integer) as NSImageSymbolConfigurationMBS
- shared method configurationWithTextStyle(TextStyle as Integer) as NSImageSymbolConfigurationMBS
- shared method configurationWithScale(SymbolScale as Integer) as NSImageSymbolConfigurationMBS
- shared method configurationWithPaletteColors(paletteColors() as NSColorMBS) as NSImageSymbolConfigurationMBS
- shared method configurationWithHierarchicalColor(hierarchicalColor as NSColorMBS) as NSImageSymbolConfigurationMBS
- shared method configurationPreferringMulticolor as NSImageSymbolConfigurationMBS
- shared method available as Boolean
- class NSIndexSetMBS
- method Values as integer()
- method Operator_Convert as string
- method copy as NSIndexSetMBS
- method mutableCopy as NSMutableIndexSetMBS
- method Constructor(indexes as NSIndexSetMBS)
- method Constructor(StartIndex as integer, Length as integer)
- method Constructor(index as integer)
- method Constructor
- method firstIndex as integer
- method lastIndex as integer
- method count as integer
- method indexGreaterThanIndex(index as integer) as integer
- method indexLessThanIndex(index as integer) as integer
- method indexGreaterThanOrEqualToIndex(index as integer) as integer
- method indexLessThanOrEqualToIndex(index as integer) as integer
- method isEqualToIndexSet(other as NSIndexSetMBS) as boolean
- method containsIndex(index as integer) as boolean
- method containsIndexes(indexes as NSIndexSetMBS) as boolean
- method intersectsIndexesInRange(StartIndex as integer, Length as integer) as boolean
- method containsIndexesInRange(StartIndex as integer, Length as integer) as boolean
- method countOfIndexesInRange(StartIndex as integer, Length as integer) as integer
- property Handle as Integer
- shared method indexSetWithIndexesInRange(StartIndex as integer, Length as integer) as NSIndexSetMBS
- shared method indexSetWithIndex(index as integer) as NSIndexSetMBS
- shared method indexSet as NSIndexSetMBS
- class NSInputStreamMBS
- method Constructor(filePath as string)
- method Read(maxLength as Integer) as MemoryBlock
- method LookAHead as MemoryBlock
- property hasBytesAvailable as Boolean
- shared method inputStreamWithData(data as Memoryblock) as NSInputStreamMBS
- shared method inputStreamWithFileAtPath(path as string) as NSInputStreamMBS
- shared method inputStreamWithURL(URL as string) as NSInputStreamMBS
- class NSKeyedArchiverMBS
- class NSKeyedUnarchiverMBS
- class NSKeyValueObserverMBS
- method Constructor(TargetHandle as integer)
- method Destructor
- method removeObserver(keyPath as string, context as variant = nil)
- method addObserver(keyPath as string, options as integer = 5, context as variant = nil)
- property Handle as Integer
- shared method NSKeyValueChangeKindKey as string
- shared method NSKeyValueChangeNewKey as string
- shared method NSKeyValueChangeOldKey as string
- shared method NSKeyValueChangeIndexesKey as string
- shared method NSKeyValueChangeNotificationIsPriorKey as string
- event observedValueForKeyPathChanged(keyPath as string, target as variant, change as dictionary, context as variant, ChangeNSDictionaryRef as Integer) as boolean
- class NSLocaleDateMBS
- method Constructor(locale as NSLocaleMBS)
- method Constructor
- method eraSymbols as string()
- method monthSymbols as string()
- method shortMonthSymbols as string()
- method weekdaySymbols as string()
- method shortWeekdaySymbols as string()
- method longEraSymbols as string()
- method veryShortMonthSymbols as string()
- method standaloneMonthSymbols as string()
- method shortStandaloneMonthSymbols as string()
- method veryShortStandaloneMonthSymbols as string()
- method veryShortWeekdaySymbols as string()
- method standaloneWeekdaySymbols as string()
- method shortStandaloneWeekdaySymbols as string()
- method veryShortStandaloneWeekdaySymbols as string()
- method quarterSymbols as string()
- method shortQuarterSymbols as string()
- method standaloneQuarterSymbols as string()
- method shortStandaloneQuarterSymbols as string()
- property dateFormat as String
- property AMSymbol as String
- property PMSymbol as String
- class NSLocaleMBS
- method ExemplarCharacterSet as variant
- method Constructor
- method Constructor(Identifier as string)
- method GetString(key as string) as string
- method displayName(key as string, value as string) as string
- method localizedStringForLocaleIdentifier(LocaleIdentifier as String) as String
- method localizedStringForLanguageCode(LanguageCode as String) as String
- method localizedStringForCountryCode(CountryCode as String) as String
- method localizedStringForVariantCode(VariantCode as String) as String
- method localizedStringForScriptCode(ScriptCode as String) as String
- method localizedStringForCalendarIdentifier(CalendarIdentifier as String) as String
- method localizedStringForCollationIdentifier(CollationIdentifier as String) as String
- method localizedStringForCurrencyCode(CurrencyCode as String) as String
- method localizedStringForCollatorIdentifier(CollatorIdentifier as String) as String
- property localeIdentifier as String
- property regionCode as String
- property languageCode as String
- property languageIdentifier as String
- property scriptCode as String
- property variantCode as String
- property calendarIdentifier as String
- property collationIdentifier as String
- property usesMetricSystem as Boolean
- property decimalSeparator as String
- property groupingSeparator as String
- property currencySymbol as String
- property currencyCode as String
- property countryCode as String
- property collatorIdentifier as String
- property quotationBeginDelimiter as String
- property quotationEndDelimiter as String
- property alternateQuotationBeginDelimiter as String
- property alternateQuotationEndDelimiter as String
- property DateShort as NSLocaleDateMBS
- property DateMedium as NSLocaleDateMBS
- property DateLong as NSLocaleDateMBS
- property DateFull as NSLocaleDateMBS
- property NumberDecimal as NSLocaleNumberMBS
- property NumberCurrency as NSLocaleNumberMBS
- property NumberPercent as NSLocaleNumberMBS
- property NumberScientific as NSLocaleNumberMBS
- property NumberSpellOut as NSLocaleNumberMBS
- property MeasurementSystem as String
- property Identifier as String
- shared method availableLocaleIdentifiers as string()
- shared method ISOLanguageCodes as string()
- shared method ISOCountryCodes as string()
- shared method ISOCurrencyCodes as string()
- shared method commonISOCurrencyCodes as string()
- shared method preferredLanguages as string()
- shared method NSLocaleIdentifier as string
- shared method NSLocaleLanguageCode as string
- shared method NSLocaleCountryCode as string
- shared method NSLocaleScriptCode as string
- shared method NSLocaleVariantCode as string
- shared method NSLocaleExemplarCharacterSet as string
- shared method NSLocaleCalendar as string
- shared method NSLocaleCollationIdentifier as string
- shared method NSLocaleUsesMetricSystem as string
- shared method NSLocaleMeasurementSystem as string
- shared method NSLocaleDecimalSeparator as string
- shared method NSLocaleGroupingSeparator as string
- shared method NSLocaleCurrencySymbol as string
- shared method NSLocaleCurrencyCode as string
- shared method NSLocaleCollatorIdentifier as string
- shared method NSLocaleQuotationBeginDelimiterKey as string
- shared method NSLocaleQuotationEndDelimiterKey as string
- shared method NSLocaleAlternateQuotationBeginDelimiterKey as string
- shared method NSLocaleAlternateQuotationEndDelimiterKey as string
- shared method NSGregorianCalendar as string
- shared method NSBuddhistCalendar as string
- shared method NSChineseCalendar as string
- shared method NSHebrewCalendar as string
- shared method NSIslamicCalendar as string
- shared method NSIslamicCivilCalendar as string
- shared method NSJapaneseCalendar as string
- shared method NSRepublicOfChinaCalendar as string
- shared method NSPersianCalendar as string
- shared method NSIndianCalendar as string
- shared method NSISO8601Calendar as string
- shared method characterDirectionForLanguage(isoLangCode as string) as integer
- shared method lineDirectionForLanguage(isoLangCode as string) as integer
- shared method localeIdentifierFromWindowsLocaleCode(code as integer) as string
- shared method windowsLocaleCodeFromLocaleIdentifier(s as string) as integer
- shared method canonicalLocaleIdentifierFromString(s as String) as String
- shared method canonicalLanguageIdentifierFromString(s as String) as String
- shared method systemLocale as NSLocaleMBS
- shared method currentLocale as NSLocaleMBS
- shared method autoupdatingCurrentLocale as NSLocaleMBS
- shared method localeWithLocaleIdentifier(LocaleIdentifier as String) as NSLocaleMBS
- shared method NSCurrentLocaleDidChangeNotification as String
- class NSLocaleNumberMBS
- method Constructor
- method Constructor(locale as NSLocaleMBS)
- property currencyGroupingSeparator as String
- property negativeFormat as String
- property positiveFormat as String
- property decimalSeparator as String
- property currencyDecimalSeparator as String
- property groupingSeparator as String
- property zeroSymbol as String
- property nilSymbol as String
- property notANumberSymbol as String
- property positiveInfinitySymbol as String
- property negativeInfinitySymbol as String
- property positivePrefix as String
- property positiveSuffix as String
- property negativePrefix as String
- property negativeSuffix as String
- property currencyCode as String
- property currencySymbol as String
- property internationalCurrencySymbol as String
- property percentSymbol as String
- property perMillSymbol as String
- property minusSign as String
- property plusSign as String
- property exponentSymbol as String
- property paddingCharacter as String
- property thousandSeparator as String
- property format as String
- property hasThousandSeparators as Boolean
- property usesGroupingSeparator as Boolean
- property Lenient as Boolean
- property usesSignificantDigits as Boolean
- property PartialStringValidationEnabled as Boolean
- property localizesFormat as Boolean
- property alwaysShowsDecimalSeparator as Boolean
- class NSMenuItemMBS
- method clearAction
- method setAction(target as NSResponderMBS, selectorName as string)
- method CreateSeparator
- method CreateMenuItem(title as string="", keyEquivalent as string="")
- method Constructor(title as string="", keyEquivalent as string="")
- method Constructor(Handle as Integer)
- method Constructor(Other as NSMenuItemMBS)
- method Constructor(MenuItem as MenuItem)
- method setTitleWithMnemonic(title as String)
- method Constructor(DesktopMenuitem as DesktopMenuitem)
- property Handle as Integer
- property Identifier as String
- property ActionSelector as String
- property parentItem as NSMenuItemMBS
- property view as NSViewMBS
- property isHidden as Boolean
- property isHiddenOrHasHiddenAncestor as Boolean
- property isSectionHeader as Boolean
- property isHighlighted as Boolean
- property keyEquivalent as String
- property userKeyEquivalent as String
- property keyEquivalentModifierMask as Integer
- property indentationLevel as Integer
- property Alternate as Boolean
- property onStateImage as NSImageMBS
- property offStateImage as NSImageMBS
- property mixedStateImage as NSImageMBS
- property image as NSImageMBS
- property state as Integer
- property tag as Integer
- property hasSubmenu as Boolean
- property isSeparatorItem as Boolean
- property menu as NSMenuMBS
- property submenu as NSMenuMBS
- property Title as String
- property ToolTip as String
- property Enabled as Boolean
- property attributedTitle as NSAttributedStringMBS
- shared method MenuItem(MenuItem as MenuItem) as NSMenuItemMBS
- shared method separatorItem as NSMenuItemMBS
- shared method sectionHeaderWithTitle(Title as String) as NSMenuItemMBS
- shared method MenuItem(DesktopMenuItem as DesktopMenuItem) as NSMenuItemMBS
- shared property usesUserKeyEquivalents as boolean
- event Action
- event validateMenuItem(menuItem as NSMenuItemMBS) as boolean
- class NSMenuMBS
- method popUpMenuPositioningItem(item as NSMenuItemMBS, location as NSPointMBS, view as NSViewMBS = nil) as boolean
- method itemWithSelector(selector as string) as NSMenuItemMBS
- method indexOfItemWithSelector(selector as string) as integer
- method update
- method performActionForItemAtIndex(index as integer)
- method indexOfItemWithSubmenu(item as NSMenuMBS) as integer
- method indexOfItemWithTag(tag as integer) as integer
- method indexOfItemWithTitle(title as string) as integer
- method indexOfItem(item as NSMenuItemMBS) as integer
- method removeAllItems
- method addItem(m as NSMenuItemMBS)
- method insertItem(m as NSMenuItemMBS, index as integer)
- method removeItem(m as NSMenuItemMBS)
- method removeItemAtIndex(index as integer)
- method Item(index as integer) as NSMenuItemMBS
- method Constructor(title as string="")
- method cancelTracking
- method cancelTrackingWithoutAnimation
- method Constructor(Handle as Integer)
- method selectedItems as NSMenuItemMBS()
- method setSelectedItems(items() as NSMenuItemMBS)
- property Handle as Integer
- property Identifier as String
- property userInterfaceLayoutDirection as Integer
- property menuBarHeight as Double
- property Font as NSFontMBS
- property autoenablesItems as Boolean
- property Title as String
- property allowsContextMenuPlugIns as boolean
- property showsStateColumn as Boolean
- property size as NSSizeMBS
- property numberOfItems as Integer
- property highlightedItem as NSMenuItemMBS
- property supermenu as NSMenuMBS
- property minimumWidth as Double
- property selectionMode as Integer
- property presentationStyle as Integer
- shared method paletteMenuWithColors(colors() as NSColorMBS, itemTitles() as String, templateImage as NSImageMBS = nil) as NSMenuMBS
- shared method popUpContextMenu(menu as NSMenuMBS, theEvent as NSEventMBS, view as NSViewMBS, font as NSFontMBS = nil)
- shared method mainMenu as NSMenuMBS
- shared method helpMenu as NSMenuMBS
- shared method windowsMenu as NSMenuMBS
- shared method menuBarVisible as boolean
- shared method setMenuBarVisible(value as boolean)
- shared method NSMenuWillSendActionNotification as string
- shared method NSMenuDidSendActionNotification as string
- shared method NSMenuDidAddItemNotification as string
- shared method NSMenuDidRemoveItemNotification as string
- shared method NSMenuDidChangeItemNotification as string
- shared method NSMenuDidBeginTrackingNotification as string
- shared method NSMenuDidEndTrackingNotification as string
- event EnableMenuItems
- event DidClose
- event WillOpen
- event willHighlightItem(item as NSMenuItemMBS)
- event PaletteSelectionChange
- class NSMutableAttributedStringMBS
- method Constructor
- method containsAttachmentsInRange(offset as integer, length as integer) as Boolean
- method rulerAttributesInRange(offset as integer, length as integer) as Dictionary
- method fontAttributesInRange(offset as integer, length as integer) as Dictionary
- method superscriptRange(offset as integer, length as integer)
- method subscriptRange(offset as integer, length as integer)
- method unscriptRange(offset as integer, length as integer)
- method applyFontTraits(FontTraitMask as Integer, offset as integer, length as integer)
- method setAlignment(alignment as Integer, offset as integer, length as integer)
- method setBaseWritingDirection(writingDirection as Integer, offset as integer, length as integer)
- method fixAttributesInRange(offset as integer, length as integer)
- method fixFontAttributeInRange(offset as integer, length as integer)
- method fixParagraphStyleAttributeInRange(offset as integer, length as integer)
- method fixAttachmentAttributeInRange(offset as integer, length as integer)
- method AsCFMutableAttributedString as Variant
- method updateAttachmentsFromPath(path as string)
- method updateAttachmentsFromPath(file as folderitem)
- method replaceCharactersInRange(range as NSRangeMBS, attrString as NSAttributedStringMBS)
- method addAttributes(attrs as Dictionary, range as NSRangeMBS)
- method addAttribute(name as string, value as variant, range as NSRangeMBS)
- method setAttributes(attrs as Dictionary, range as NSRangeMBS)
- method replaceCharactersInRange(range as NSRangeMBS, text as string)
- method deleteCharactersInRange(range as NSRangeMBS)
- method beginEditing
- method endEditing
- method removeAttribute(name as string, range as NSRangeMBS)
- method setAttributedString(attrString as NSAttributedStringMBS)
- method insertAttributedString(attrString as NSAttributedStringMBS, location as UInt64)
- method appendAttributedString(attrString as NSAttributedStringMBS)
- method setString(attrString as String)
- method insertString(attrString as String, location as UInt64)
- method appendString(attrString as String)
- method replaceCharacters(search as String, text as String, Options as Integer = 1)
- class NSMutableCharacterSetMBS
- method Constructor
- method invert
- method formIntersectionWithCharacterSet(otherset as NSMutableCharacterSetMBS)
- method formUnionWithCharacterSet(otherset as NSMutableCharacterSetMBS)
- method addCharactersInString(aString as string)
- method removeCharactersInString(aString as string)
- method addCharactersInRange(aRange as NSRangeMBS)
- method removeCharactersInRange(aRange as NSRangeMBS)
- class NSMutableIndexSetMBS
- method Constructor(indexes as NSIndexSetMBS)
- method Constructor(StartIndex as integer, Length as integer)
- method Constructor(index as integer)
- method Constructor
- method removeAllIndexes
- method addIndex(index as integer)
- method removeIndex(index as integer)
- method addIndexes(indexes as NSIndexSetMBS)
- method removeIndexes(indexes as NSIndexSetMBS)
- method shiftIndexes(StartingAtIndex as integer, delta as integer)
- method addIndexesInRange(StartIndex as integer, Length as integer)
- method removeIndexesInRange(StartIndex as integer, Length as integer)
- class NSMutableURLRequestMBS
- method addValue(value as string, field as string)
- method setValue(value as string, field as string)
- method setURL(url as string)
- method setCachePolicy(policy as integer)
- method setTimeoutInterval(seconds as double)
- method setMainDocumentURL(url as string)
- method setHTTPShouldHandleCookies(should as boolean)
- method setHTTPBody(data as MemoryBlock)
- method setHTTPMethod(HTTPMethod as string)
- method setHTTPShouldUsePipelining(shouldUsePipelining as boolean)
- method setAllHTTPHeaderFields(headerFields as Dictionary)
- method Constructor(url as string)
- method Constructor(url as string, cachePolicy as integer, timeoutInterval as double)
- method setNetworkServiceType(networkServiceType as integer)
- method setAttribution(Attribution as Integer)
- class NSNotificationCenterMBS
- method postNotificationName(name as string)
- method postNotificationName(name as string, theObject as variant)
- method postNotificationName(name as string, theObject as variant, userInfo as dictionary)
- method Constructor
- method postNotification(notification as NSNotificationMBS)
- method removeObserver(observer as NSNotificationObserverMBS)
- method removeObserver(observer as NSNotificationObserverMBS, name as string, theObject as variant=nil)
- method addObserver(observer as NSNotificationObserverMBS, name as string="", theObject as variant=nil)
- property Handle as Integer
- shared method defaultCenter as NSNotificationCenterMBS
- class NSNotificationMBS
- method Print
- method Constructor(handle as integer)
- method Constructor(name as string, theObject as variant = nil, userInfo as dictionary = nil)
- property Handle as Integer
- property userInfo as Dictionary
- property Name as String
- property Description as String
- property objectHandle as Integer
- property objectVariant as Variant
- shared method notificationWithName(name as string, theObject as variant = nil, userInfo as dictionary = nil) as NSNotificationMBS
- class NSNotificationObserverMBS
- class NSOutputStreamMBS
- method Constructor(filePath as string, append as boolean)
- method Constructor
- method write(data as MemoryBlock) as Integer
- method OutputData as MemoryBlock
- property hasSpaceAvailable as Boolean
- shared method outputStreamToMemory as NSOutputStreamMBS
- shared method outputStreamToFileAtPath(filePath as string, append as boolean) as NSOutputStreamMBS
- shared method outputStreamWithURL(fileURL as string, append as boolean) as NSOutputStreamMBS
- class NSPanelMBS
- method Constructor(x as double, y as double, w as double, h as double, styleMask as integer, BackingStoreType as integer, deferCreation as boolean)
- property isFloatingPanel as boolean
- property becomesKeyOnlyIfNeeded as boolean
- property worksWhenModal as boolean
- shared method RunAlertPanel(title as string, message as string, defaultButton as string, alternateButton as string, otherButton as string) as integer
- shared method RunInformationalAlertPanel(title as string, message as string, defaultButton as string, alternateButton as string, otherButton as string) as integer
- shared method RunCriticalAlertPanel(title as string, message as string, defaultButton as string, alternateButton as string, otherButton as string) as integer
- shared method RunAlertPanelRelativeToWindow(title as string, message as string, defaultButton as string, alternateButton as string, otherButton as string, docWindow as NSWindowMBS) as integer
- shared method RunInformationalAlertPanelRelativeToWindow(title as string, message as string, defaultButton as string, alternateButton as string, otherButton as string, docWindow as NSWindowMBS) as integer
- shared method RunCriticalAlertPanelRelativeToWindow(title as string, message as string, defaultButton as string, alternateButton as string, otherButton as string, docWindow as NSWindowMBS) as integer
- shared method RunAlertPanelRelativeToWindow(title as string, message as string, defaultButton as string, alternateButton as string, otherButton as string, docWindow as window) as integer
- shared method RunInformationalAlertPanelRelativeToWindow(title as string, message as string, defaultButton as string, alternateButton as string, otherButton as string, docWindow as window) as integer
- shared method RunCriticalAlertPanelRelativeToWindow(title as string, message as string, defaultButton as string, alternateButton as string, otherButton as string, docWindow as window) as integer
- shared method RunAlertPanelRelativeToWindow(title as string, message as string, defaultButton as string, alternateButton as string, otherButton as string, docWindow as DesktopWindow) as integer
- shared method RunInformationalAlertPanelRelativeToWindow(title as string, message as string, defaultButton as string, alternateButton as string, otherButton as string, docWindow as DesktopWindow) as integer
- shared method RunCriticalAlertPanelRelativeToWindow(title as string, message as string, defaultButton as string, alternateButton as string, otherButton as string, docWindow as DesktopWindow) as integer
- class NSPasteboardItemDataProviderMBS
- class NSPasteboardItemMBS
- method Destructor
- method availableTypeFromArray(types() as string) as string
- method Constructor
- method types as string()
- method setDataProviderForType(dataProvider as NSPasteboardItemDataProviderMBS, types() as string) as boolean
- property dataForType(type as string) as memoryblock
- property stringForType(type as string) as string
- property propertyListForType(type as string) as variant
- property Handle as Integer
- property dataProvider as NSPasteboardItemDataProviderMBS
- class NSPasteboardMBS
- method pasteboardItems as NSPasteboardItemMBS()
- method URLFromPasteboard as string
- method writeURLToPasteboard(URL as string)
- method addTypes(types() as string) as integer
- method addType(type as string) as integer
- method declareTypes(types() as string) as integer
- method declareType(type as string) as integer
- method Constructor
- method Constructor(name as string)
- method name as string
- method changeCount as integer
- method releaseGlobally
- method clearContents as integer
- method types as string()
- method SetPasteboardItems(items() as NSPasteboardItemMBS) as boolean
- method SetPasteboardItems(items() as Variant) as boolean
- property dataForType(type as string) as memoryblock
- property stringForType(type as string) as string
- property propertyListForType(type as string) as variant
- property Handle as Integer
- shared method pasteboardWithName(name as string) as NSPasteboardMBS
- shared method generalPasteboard as NSPasteboardMBS
- shared method pasteboardWithUniqueName as NSPasteboardMBS
- shared method NSGeneralPboard as string
- shared method NSFontPboard as string
- shared method NSRulerPboard as string
- shared method NSFindPboard as string
- shared method NSDragPboard as string
- shared method NSPasteboardTypeString as string
- shared method NSPasteboardTypePDF as string
- shared method NSPasteboardTypeTIFF as string
- shared method NSPasteboardTypePNG as string
- shared method NSPasteboardTypeRTF as string
- shared method NSPasteboardTypeRTFD as string
- shared method NSPasteboardTypeHTML as string
- shared method NSPasteboardTypeTabularText as string
- shared method NSPasteboardTypeFont as string
- shared method NSPasteboardTypeRuler as string
- shared method NSPasteboardTypeColor as string
- shared method NSPasteboardTypeSound as string
- shared method NSPasteboardTypeMultipleTextSelection as string
- shared method NSPasteboardTypeFindPanelSearchOptions as string
- shared method NSStringPboardType as string
- shared method NSFilenamesPboardType as string
- shared method NSTIFFPboardType as string
- shared method NSRTFPboardType as string
- shared method NSTabularTextPboardType as string
- shared method NSFontPboardType as string
- shared method NSRulerPboardType as string
- shared method NSColorPboardType as string
- shared method NSRTFDPboardType as string
- shared method NSHTMLPboardType as string
- shared method NSURLPboardType as string
- shared method NSPDFPboardType as string
- shared method NSMultipleTextSelectionPboardType as string
- shared method NSPostScriptPboardType as string
- shared method NSVCardPboardType as string
- shared method NSInkTextPboardType as string
- shared method NSFilesPromisePboardType as string
- shared method NSPICTPboardType as string
- class NSPDFImageRepMBS
- class NSPICTImageRepMBS
- class NSProcessInfoActivityMBS
- class NSProcessInfoMBS
- method beginActivity(options as integer, reason as string) as NSProcessInfoActivityMBS
- method endActivity(activity as NSProcessInfoActivityMBS)
- method argument(index as integer) as string
- method arguments as string()
- method disableSuddenTermination
- method enableSuddenTermination
- method Constructor
- method disableAutomaticTermination(Reason as string)
- method enableAutomaticTermination(Reason as string)
- method operationSystemVersion(byref Major as Integer, byref Minor as Integer, byref Patch as Integer)
- property Handle as Integer
- property thermalState as Integer
- property operatingSystemVersionString as String
- property globallyUniqueString as String
- property hostName as String
- property processName as String
- property operatingSystemName as String
- property environment as Dictionary
- property processIdentifier as Integer
- property operatingSystem as Integer
- property activeProcessorCount as Integer
- property processorCount as Integer
- property argumentsCount as Integer
- property physicalMemory as UInt64
- property systemUptime as Double
- property automaticTerminationSupportEnabled as Boolean
- property operationSystemVersionMajor as Integer
- property operationSystemVersionMinor as Integer
- property operationSystemVersionPatch as Integer
- property isiOSAppOnMac as Boolean
- property isLowPowerModeEnabled as Boolean
- shared method NSActivityLatencyCritical as UInt64
- shared method processInfo as NSProcessInfoMBS
- shared method NSProcessInfoThermalStateDidChangeNotification as String
- shared method NSProcessInfoPowerStateDidChangeNotification as String
- class NSResponderMBS
- method showWritingTools
- method presentError(e as NSErrorMBS) as boolean
- method mouseDown(e as NSEventMBS)
- method rightMouseDown(e as NSEventMBS)
- method otherMouseDown(e as NSEventMBS)
- method mouseUp(e as NSEventMBS)
- method rightMouseUp(e as NSEventMBS)
- method otherMouseUp(e as NSEventMBS)
- method mouseMoved(e as NSEventMBS)
- method mouseDragged(e as NSEventMBS)
- method scrollWheel(e as NSEventMBS)
- method rightMouseDragged(e as NSEventMBS)
- method otherMouseDragged(e as NSEventMBS)
- method mouseEntered(e as NSEventMBS)
- method mouseExited(e as NSEventMBS)
- method keyDown(e as NSEventMBS)
- method keyUp(e as NSEventMBS)
- method flagsChanged(e as NSEventMBS)
- method tabletPoint(e as NSEventMBS)
- method tabletProximity(e as NSEventMBS)
- method cursorUpdate(e as NSEventMBS)
- method magnifyWithEvent(e as NSEventMBS)
- method rotateWithEvent(e as NSEventMBS)
- method swipeWithEvent(e as NSEventMBS)
- method beginGestureWithEvent(e as NSEventMBS)
- method endGestureWithEvent(e as NSEventMBS)
- method moveToBeginningOfLineAndModifySelection
- method moveToEndOfLineAndModifySelection
- method moveToBeginningOfParagraphAndModifySelection
- method moveToEndOfParagraphAndModifySelection
- method moveToEndOfDocumentAndModifySelection
- method moveToBeginningOfDocumentAndModifySelection
- method pageDownAndModifySelection
- method pageUpAndModifySelection
- method moveParagraphForwardAndModifySelection
- method moveParagraphBackwardAndModifySelection
- method moveToLeftEndOfLine
- method moveToRightEndOfLine
- method moveToLeftEndOfLineAndModifySelection
- method moveToRightEndOfLineAndModifySelection
- method scrollToBeginningOfDocument
- method scrollToEndOfDocument
- method insertSingleQuoteIgnoringSubstitution
- method insertDoubleQuoteIgnoringSubstitution
- method makeBaseWritingDirectionNatural
- method makeBaseWritingDirectionLeftToRight
- method makeBaseWritingDirectionRightToLeft
- method makeTextWritingDirectionNatural
- method makeTextWritingDirectionLeftToRight
- method makeTextWritingDirectionRightToLeft
- method showContextHelp
- method flushBufferedKeyEvents
- method helpRequested(e as NSEventMBS)
- method moveForward
- method moveRight
- method moveBackward
- method moveLeft
- method moveUp
- method moveDown
- method moveWordForward
- method moveWordBackward
- method moveToBeginningOfLine
- method moveToEndOfLine
- method moveToBeginningOfParagraph
- method moveToEndOfParagraph
- method moveToEndOfDocument
- method moveToBeginningOfDocument
- method pageDown
- method pageUp
- method centerSelectionInVisibleArea
- method moveBackwardAndModifySelection
- method moveForwardAndModifySelection
- method moveWordForwardAndModifySelection
- method moveWordBackwardAndModifySelection
- method moveUpAndModifySelection
- method moveDownAndModifySelection
- method moveWordRight
- method moveWordLeft
- method moveRightAndModifySelection
- method moveLeftAndModifySelection
- method moveWordRightAndModifySelection
- method moveWordLeftAndModifySelection
- method scrollPageUp
- method scrollPageDown
- method scrollLineUp
- method scrollLineDown
- method transpose
- method transposeWords
- method selectAll
- method selectParagraph
- method selectLine
- method selectWord
- method indent
- method insertTab
- method insertBacktab
- method insertNewline
- method insertParagraphSeparator
- method insertNewlineIgnoringFieldEditor
- method insertTabIgnoringFieldEditor
- method insertLineBreak
- method insertContainerBreak
- method changeCaseOfLetter
- method uppercaseWord
- method lowercaseWord
- method capitalizeWord
- method deleteForward
- method deleteBackward
- method deleteBackwardByDecomposingPreviousCharacter
- method deleteWordForward
- method deleteWordBackward
- method deleteToBeginningOfLine
- method deleteToEndOfLine
- method deleteToBeginningOfParagraph
- method deleteToEndOfParagraph
- method yank
- method complete
- method setMark
- method deleteToMark
- method selectToMark
- method swapWithMark
- method cancelOperation
- method undoManager as NSUndoManagerMBS
- method performMnemonic(theString as string) as boolean
- method Constructor
- property nextResponder as NSResponderMBS
- property menu as NSMenuMBS
- property Handle as Integer
- class NSScreenMBS
- method Constructor
- method backingAlignedRect(r as NSRectMBS, options as UInt64) as NSRectMBS
- method convertRectFromBacking(r as NSRectMBS) as NSRectMBS
- method convertRectToBacking(r as NSRectMBS) as NSRectMBS
- method supportedWindowDepths as integer()
- property Handle as Integer
- property depth as Integer
- property colorSpace as Variant
- property frame as NSRectMBS
- property visibleFrame as NSRectMBS
- property deviceDescription as Dictionary
- property backingScaleFactor as Double
- property localizedName as String
- property userSpaceScaleFactor as Double
- shared method screens as NSScreenMBS()
- shared method NSScreenColorSpaceDidChangeNotification as string
- shared property secondScreen as NSScreenMBS
- shared property firstScreen as NSScreenMBS
- shared property mainScreen as NSScreenMBS
- shared property deepestScreen as NSScreenMBS
- shared property screensHaveSeparateSpaces as Boolean
- class NSShadowMBS
- class NSSoundDelegateMBS
- class NSSoundMBS
- method setChannelMapping(mapping() as integer)
- method channelMapping as integer()
- method writeToPasteboard
- method setName(name as string) as boolean
- method Constructor
- method Constructor(data as memoryblock)
- method Constructor(url as string, ByReference as boolean)
- method Constructor(file as folderitem, ByReference as boolean)
- method play as boolean
- method pause as boolean
- method resume as boolean
- method stop as boolean
- method isPlaying as boolean
- method duration as double
- method name as string
- method setDelegate(DelegateHandler as NSSoundDelegateMBS)
- property volume as double
- property currentTime as double
- property loops as boolean
- property playbackDeviceIdentifier as string
- property Handle as Integer
- shared method NSSoundPboardType as string
- shared method soundUnfilteredTypes as string()
- shared method soundUnfilteredFileTypes as string()
- shared method soundUnfilteredPasteboardTypes as string()
- shared method availableSounds as string()
- shared method canInitWithPasteboard as boolean
- shared method soundNamed(name as string) as NSSoundMBS
- shared method soundWithPasteboard as NSSoundMBS
- shared method soundWithData(data as memoryblock) as NSSoundMBS
- shared method soundWithContentsOfURL(url as string, ByReference as boolean) as NSSoundMBS
- shared method soundWithContentsOfFile(file as folderitem, ByReference as boolean) as NSSoundMBS
- class NSStreamMBS
- class NSTextAttachmentMBS
- class NSTextBlockMBS
- method widthValueType(layer as Integer, edge as Integer) as Integer
- method width(layer as Integer, edge as Integer) as double
- method setWidth(value as double, ValueType as Integer, Layer as Integer)
- method setWidth(value as double, ValueType as Integer, Layer as Integer, edge as Integer)
- method borderColor(edge as Integer) as NSColorMBS
- method setBorderColor(color as NSColorMBS)
- method setBorderColor(color as NSColorMBS, edge as Integer)
- method copy as NSTextBlockMBS
- method Constructor
- method setContentWidth(value as double, ValueType as Integer)
- method setValue(value as double, ValueType as Integer, dimension as Integer)
- method valueForDimension(dimension as Integer) as Double
- method valueTypeForDimension(dimension as Integer) as Integer
- property Handle as Integer
- property contentWidth as Double
- property contentWidthValueType as Integer
- property verticalAlignment as Integer
- property backgroundColor as NSColorMBS
- class NSTextListMBS
- method copy as NSTextListMBS
- method Constructor(format as String, OptionsMask as Integer = 0)
- method markerForItemNumber(ItemNum as Integer) as String
- property Handle as Integer
- property startingItemNumber as Integer
- property listOptions as Integer
- property markerFormat as String
- shared method NSTextListMarkerBox as String
- shared method NSTextListMarkerCheck as String
- shared method NSTextListMarkerCircle as String
- shared method NSTextListMarkerDiamond as String
- shared method NSTextListMarkerDisc as String
- shared method NSTextListMarkerHyphen as String
- shared method NSTextListMarkerSquare as String
- shared method NSTextListMarkerLowercaseHexadecimal as String
- shared method NSTextListMarkerUppercaseHexadecimal as String
- shared method NSTextListMarkerOctal as String
- shared method NSTextListMarkerLowercaseAlpha as String
- shared method NSTextListMarkerUppercaseAlpha as String
- shared method NSTextListMarkerLowercaseLatin as String
- shared method NSTextListMarkerUppercaseLatin as String
- shared method NSTextListMarkerLowercaseRoman as String
- shared method NSTextListMarkerUppercaseRoman as String
- shared method NSTextListMarkerDecimal as String
- class NSTextTableBlockMBS
- method Constructor
- method Constructor(table as NSTextTableMBS, startingRow as Integer, rowSpan as Integer, startingColumn as Integer, colSpan as Integer)
- property startingRow as Integer
- property rowSpan as Integer
- property startingColumn as Integer
- property columnSpan as Integer
- property table as NSTextTableMBS
- class NSTextTableMBS
- class NSTimeZoneMBS
- method isEqualToTimeZone(timeZone as NSTimeZoneMBS) as boolean
- method copy as NSTimeZoneMBS
- method Print
- method Constructor
- method Constructor(name as string)
- property Handle as Integer
- property Name as String
- property Description as String
- property Abbreviation as String
- property SecondsFromGMT as Double
- property isDaylightSavingTime as Boolean
- property DaylightSavingTimeOffset as Double
- shared method knownTimeZoneNames as string()
- shared method systemTimeZone as NSTimeZoneMBS
- shared method defaultTimeZone as NSTimeZoneMBS
- shared method localTimeZone as NSTimeZoneMBS
- shared method timeZoneWithName(name as string) as NSTimeZoneMBS
- shared method timeZoneForSecondsFromGMT(seconds as Integer) as NSTimeZoneMBS
- shared property abbreviationDictionary as Dictionary
- class NSTouchMBS
- method Constructor
- method locationInView(View as NSViewMBS) as NSPointMBS
- method previousLocationInView(View as NSViewMBS) as NSPointMBS
- property Handle as Integer
- property phase as Integer
- property type as Integer
- property timestamp as Double
- property tapCount as Integer
- property view as NSViewMBS
- property window as NSWindowMBS
- property force as Double
- property maximumPossibleForce as Double
- property majorRadius as Double
- property majorRadiusTolerance as Double
- property identity as MemoryBlock
- property normalizedPosition as NSPointMBS
- property resting as Boolean
- property deviceSize as NSSizeMBS
- class NSUndoManagerMBS
- method Constructor
- method setActionName(actionName as string)
- method redoMenuTitleForUndoActionName(actionName as string) as string
- method undoMenuTitleForUndoActionName(actionName as string) as string
- method removeAllActions
- method groupingLevel as integer
- method beginUndoGrouping
- method endUndoGrouping
- method disableUndoRegistration
- method enableUndoRegistration
- method isUndoRegistrationEnabled as boolean
- method undo
- method redo
- method undoNestedGroup
- method canUndo as boolean
- method canRedo as boolean
- method isUndoing as boolean
- method isRedoing as boolean
- method undoActionName as string
- method redoActionName as string
- method undoMenuItemTitle as string
- method redoMenuItemTitle as string
- property groupsByEvent as boolean
- property levelsOfUndo as integer
- property Handle as Integer
- class NSURLAuthenticationChallengeMBS
- method Constructor
- method failureResponse as NSURLResponseMBS
- method proposedCredential as NSURLCredentialMBS
- method previousFailureCount as integer
- method protectionSpace as NSURLProtectionSpaceMBS
- method cancelAuthenticationChallenge
- method continueWithoutCredentialForAuthenticationChallenge
- method useCredential(credential as NSURLCredentialMBS)
- method error as NSErrorMBS
- property Handle as Integer
- class NSURLCacheMBS
- method storeCachedResponse(cachedResponse as NSCachedURLResponseMBS, request as NSURLRequestMBS)
- method cachedResponseForRequest(request as NSURLRequestMBS) as NSCachedURLResponseMBS
- method removeCachedResponseForRequest(request as NSURLRequestMBS)
- method removeAllCachedResponses
- method Constructor(memoryCapacity as UInt64, diskCapacity as UInt64, diskPath as folderitem)
- method removeCachedResponsesSinceDate(d as date)
- method removeCachedResponsesSinceDate(d as dateTime)
- property Handle as Integer
- property currentDiskUsage as UInt64
- property currentMemoryUsage as UInt64
- property memoryCapacity as UInt64
- property diskCapacity as UInt64
- shared method sharedURLCache as NSURLCacheMBS
- shared method setSharedURLCache(cache as NSURLCacheMBS)
- class NSURLConnectionFilterMBS
- class NSURLConnectionMBS
- method Constructor(request as NSURLRequestMBS)
- method Constructor(request as NSURLRequestMBS, startImmediately as boolean)
- method start
- method cancel
- method data as MemoryBlock
- property Handle as Integer
- shared method sendSynchronousRequest(request as NSURLRequestMBS, byref response as NSURLResponseMBS, byref error as NSErrorMBS) as Memoryblock
- shared method canHandleRequest(request as NSURLRequestMBS) as boolean
- event willSendRequest(request as NSURLRequestMBS, redirectResponse as NSURLResponseMBS) as NSURLRequestMBS
- event canAuthenticateAgainstProtectionSpace(protectionSpace as NSURLProtectionSpaceMBS) as boolean
- event didReceiveAuthenticationChallenge(challenge as NSURLAuthenticationChallengeMBS)
- event willSendRequestForAuthenticationChallenge(challenge as NSURLAuthenticationChallengeMBS)
- event didCancelAuthenticationChallenge(challenge as NSURLAuthenticationChallengeMBS)
- event shouldUseCredentialStorage as boolean
- event didReceiveResponse(response as NSURLResponseMBS)
- event didReceiveData(newData as Memoryblock)
- event didSendBodyData(bytesWritten as Int64, totalBytesWritten as Int64, totalBytesExpectedToWrite as Int64)
- event didFinishLoading
- event didFailWithError(error as NSErrorMBS)
- event willCacheResponse(cachedResponse as NSCachedURLResponseMBS) as NSCachedURLResponseMBS
- class NSURLCredentialMBS
- method copy as NSURLCredentialMBS
- method Constructor
- property Handle as Integer
- property user as String
- property password as String
- property hasPassword as Boolean
- property persistence as Integer
- property HasIdentity as Boolean
- property CertificateCount as Integer
- shared method credential(User as string, password as string, persistence as integer = 0) as NSURLCredentialMBS
- shared method credentialWithPKCS12(Data as MemoryBlock, Password as String = "") as NSURLCredentialMBS
- shared method credentialWithPEM(Data as MemoryBlock, Password as String = "") as NSURLCredentialMBS
- shared method credentialWithTrustingServer(ProtectionSpace as NSURLProtectionSpaceMBS) as NSURLCredentialMBS
- class NSURLCredentialStorageMBS
- class NSURLDownloadMBS
- method Constructor(resumeData as Memoryblock, path as folderitem)
- method Constructor(resumeData as Memoryblock, path as string)
- method Constructor(request as NSURLRequestMBS)
- method resumeData as Memoryblock
- method cancel
- method request as NSURLRequestMBS
- method setDestination(path as string, allowOverwrite as boolean)
- method setDestination(path as folderitem, allowOverwrite as boolean)
- property deletesFileUponFailure as boolean
- property Handle as Integer
- shared method canResumeDownloadDecodedWithEncodingMIMEType(MimeType as string) as boolean
- event didBegin
- event willSendRequest(request as NSURLRequestMBS, redirectResponse as NSURLResponseMBS) as NSURLRequestMBS
- event canAuthenticateAgainstProtectionSpace(protectionSpace as NSURLProtectionSpaceMBS) as boolean
- event didReceiveAuthenticationChallenge(challenge as NSURLAuthenticationChallengeMBS)
- event didCancelAuthenticationChallenge(challenge as NSURLAuthenticationChallengeMBS)
- event shouldUseCredentialStorage as boolean
- event didReceiveResponse(response as NSURLResponseMBS)
- event willResumeWithResponse(response as NSURLResponseMBS, startingByte as Int64)
- event didReceiveDataOfLength(length as UInt64)
- event shouldDecodeSourceDataOfMIMEType(encodingType as string) as boolean
- event decideDestinationWithSuggestedFilename(filename as string)
- event didCreateDestination(path as string, file as folderitem)
- event didFinish
- event didFailWithError(error as NSErrorMBS)
- class NSURLMBS
- method isEqual(other as NSURLMBS) as boolean
- method Items(VisibleItemsOnly as boolean = false) as NSURLMBS()
- method Items(byref error as NSErrorMBS, VisibleItemsOnly as boolean = false) as NSURLMBS()
- method TagNames as string()
- method pathComponents as string()
- method URLByStandardizingPath as NSURLMBS
- method URLByResolvingSymlinksInPath as NSURLMBS
- method URLByDeletingPathExtension as NSURLMBS
- method URLByDeletingLastPathComponent as NSURLMBS
- method URLByAppendingPathComponent(pathComponent as string) as NSURLMBS
- method URLByAppendingPathComponent(pathComponent as string, isDirectory as boolean) as NSURLMBS
- method URLByAppendingPathExtension(PathExtension as string) as NSURLMBS
- method startAccessingSecurityScopedResource as boolean
- method stopAccessingSecurityScopedResource
- method setTemporaryResourceValue(value as variant, key as string)
- method removeAllCachedResourceValues
- method removeCachedResourceValueForKey(key as string)
- method setResourceValues(keyedValues as Dictionary, byref error as NSErrorMBS) as boolean
- method setResourceValue(value as variant, key as string, byref error as NSErrorMBS) as boolean
- method resourceValuesForKeys(keys() as string, byref error as NSErrorMBS) as Dictionary
- method getResourceValue(byref value as variant, key as string, byref error as NSErrorMBS) as boolean
- method checkResourceIsReachableAndReturnError as NSErrorMBS
- method copy as NSURLMBS
- method Constructor(item as folderitem)
- method Constructor(url as string)
- method Constructor(url as string, baseURL as NSURLMBS)
- method Constructor(scheme as string, host as string, path as string)
- method resourceValuesForKeys(keys() as string, targetDelegate as ResourceValuesForKeysDelegateMBS, tag as variant = nil, PrecacheIcons as boolean = false)
- property IsUbiquitousItem as Boolean
- property UbiquitousItemHasUnresolvedConflicts as Boolean
- property UbiquitousItemIsDownloaded as Boolean
- property UbiquitousItemIsDownloading as Boolean
- property UbiquitousItemIsUploaded as Boolean
- property UbiquitousItemIsUploading as Boolean
- property UbiquitousItemDownloadRequested as Boolean
- property UbiquitousItemIsExcludedFromSync as Boolean
- property UbiquitousItemIsShared as Boolean
- property UbiquitousItemDownloadingStatus as String
- property UbiquitousItemContainerDisplayName as String
- property UbiquitousItemDownloadingError as NSErrorMBS
- property UbiquitousItemUploadingError as NSErrorMBS
- property TypeIdentifier as String
- property LocalizedTypeDescription as String
- property LocalizedLabel as String
- property FileResourceIdentifier as String
- property VolumeIdentifier as String
- property GenerationIdentifier as String
- property DocumentIdentifier as String
- property FileResourceType as String
- property IsReadable as Boolean
- property IsWritable as Boolean
- property IsExecutable as Boolean
- property IsExcludedFromBackup as Boolean
- property IsMountTrigger as Boolean
- property PreferredIOBlockSize as Integer
- property LabelNumber as Integer
- property LinkCount as Integer
- property AddedToDirectoryDate as Date
- property CreationDate as Date
- property ContentAccessDate as Date
- property ContentModificationDate as Date
- property AttributeModificationDate as Date
- property QuarantineProperties as Dictionary
- property LabelColor as Variant
- property EffectiveIcon as Variant
- property ParentDirectoryURL as NSURLMBS
- property VolumeURL as NSURLMBS
- property Name as String
- property LocalizedName as String
- property IsDirectory as Boolean
- property IsRegularFile as Boolean
- property IsSymbolicLink as Boolean
- property IsVolume as Boolean
- property IsPackage as Boolean
- property IsSystemImmutable as Boolean
- property IsUserImmutable as Boolean
- property IsHidden as Boolean
- property HasHiddenExtension as Boolean
- property IsAlias as Boolean
- property Handle as Integer
- property Item as FolderItem
- property isFileURL as Boolean
- property isFileReferenceURL as Boolean
- property lastPathComponent as String
- property pathExtension as String
- property absoluteString as String
- property relativeString as String
- property scheme as String
- property resourceSpecifier as String
- property host as String
- property user as String
- property password as String
- property path as String
- property fragment as String
- property parameterString as String
- property query as String
- property relativePath as String
- property fileSystemRepresentation as String
- property port as Integer
- property baseURL as NSURLMBS
- property absoluteURL as NSURLMBS
- property standardizedURL as NSURLMBS
- property fileReferenceURL as NSURLMBS
- property filePathURL as NSURLMBS
- property AddedToDirectoryDateTime as DateTime
- property CreationDateTime as DateTime
- property ContentAccessDateTime as DateTime
- property ContentModificationDateTime as DateTime
- property AttributeModificationDateTime as DateTime
- shared method mountedVolumeURLs(SkipHidden as boolean = true) as NSURLMBS()
- shared method fileURLWithPathComponents(components() as string) as NSURLMBS
- shared method NSURLFileScheme as string
- shared method NSURLKeysOfUnsetValuesKey as string
- shared method fileURLWithFileSystemRepresentation(path as string, isDirectory as boolean, relativeToURL as NSURLMBS) as NSURLMBS
- shared method fileURLWithPath(path as string, isDirectory as boolean) as NSURLMBS
- shared method fileURLWithPath(path as string) as NSURLMBS
- shared method URLWithString(URL as string) as NSURLMBS
- shared method URLWithString(URL as string, baseURL as NSURLMBS) as NSURLMBS
- shared method URLWithItem(Item as FolderItem) as NSURLMBS
- shared method URLWithHandle(Handle as Integer) as NSURLMBS
- shared method NSURLNameKey as string
- shared method NSURLLocalizedNameKey as string
- shared method NSURLIsRegularFileKey as string
- shared method NSURLIsDirectoryKey as string
- shared method NSURLIsSymbolicLinkKey as string
- shared method NSURLIsVolumeKey as string
- shared method NSURLIsPackageKey as string
- shared method NSURLIsSystemImmutableKey as string
- shared method NSURLIsUserImmutableKey as string
- shared method NSURLIsHiddenKey as string
- shared method NSURLHasHiddenExtensionKey as string
- shared method NSURLCreationDateKey as string
- shared method NSURLContentAccessDateKey as string
- shared method NSURLContentModificationDateKey as string
- shared method NSURLAttributeModificationDateKey as string
- shared method NSURLLinkCountKey as string
- shared method NSURLParentDirectoryURLKey as string
- shared method NSURLVolumeURLKey as string
- shared method NSURLTypeIdentifierKey as string
- shared method NSURLLocalizedTypeDescriptionKey as string
- shared method NSURLLabelNumberKey as string
- shared method NSURLLabelColorKey as string
- shared method NSURLLocalizedLabelKey as string
- shared method NSURLEffectiveIconKey as string
- shared method NSURLCustomIconKey as string
- shared method NSURLFileResourceIdentifierKey as string
- shared method NSURLVolumeIdentifierKey as string
- shared method NSURLPreferredIOBlockSizeKey as string
- shared method NSURLIsReadableKey as string
- shared method NSURLIsWritableKey as string
- shared method NSURLIsExecutableKey as string
- shared method NSURLFileSecurityKey as string
- shared method NSURLIsExcludedFromBackupKey as string
- shared method NSURLTagNamesKey as string
- shared method NSURLPathKey as string
- shared method NSURLIsMountTriggerKey as string
- shared method NSURLGenerationIdentifierKey as string
- shared method NSURLDocumentIdentifierKey as string
- shared method NSURLAddedToDirectoryDateKey as string
- shared method NSURLQuarantinePropertiesKey as string
- shared method NSURLFileResourceTypeKey as string
- shared method NSURLFileResourceTypeNamedPipe as string
- shared method NSURLFileResourceTypeCharacterSpecial as string
- shared method NSURLFileResourceTypeDirectory as string
- shared method NSURLFileResourceTypeBlockSpecial as string
- shared method NSURLFileResourceTypeRegular as string
- shared method NSURLFileResourceTypeSymbolicLink as string
- shared method NSURLFileResourceTypeSocket as string
- shared method NSURLFileResourceTypeUnknown as string
- shared method NSURLThumbnailDictionaryKey as string
- shared method NSURLThumbnailKey as string
- shared method NSThumbnail1024x1024SizeKey as string
- shared method NSURLFileSizeKey as string
- shared method NSURLFileAllocatedSizeKey as string
- shared method NSURLTotalFileSizeKey as string
- shared method NSURLTotalFileAllocatedSizeKey as string
- shared method NSURLIsAliasFileKey as string
- shared method NSURLVolumeLocalizedFormatDescriptionKey as string
- shared method NSURLVolumeTotalCapacityKey as string
- shared method NSURLVolumeAvailableCapacityKey as string
- shared method NSURLVolumeResourceCountKey as string
- shared method NSURLVolumeSupportsPersistentIDsKey as string
- shared method NSURLVolumeSupportsSymbolicLinksKey as string
- shared method NSURLVolumeSupportsHardLinksKey as string
- shared method NSURLVolumeSupportsJournalingKey as string
- shared method NSURLVolumeIsJournalingKey as string
- shared method NSURLVolumeSupportsSparseFilesKey as string
- shared method NSURLVolumeSupportsZeroRunsKey as string
- shared method NSURLVolumeSupportsCaseSensitiveNamesKey as string
- shared method NSURLVolumeSupportsCasePreservedNamesKey as string
- shared method NSURLVolumeSupportsRootDirectoryDatesKey as string
- shared method NSURLVolumeSupportsVolumeSizesKey as string
- shared method NSURLVolumeSupportsRenamingKey as string
- shared method NSURLVolumeSupportsAdvisoryFileLockingKey as string
- shared method NSURLVolumeSupportsExtendedSecurityKey as string
- shared method NSURLVolumeIsBrowsableKey as string
- shared method NSURLVolumeMaximumFileSizeKey as string
- shared method NSURLVolumeIsEjectableKey as string
- shared method NSURLVolumeIsRemovableKey as string
- shared method NSURLVolumeIsInternalKey as string
- shared method NSURLVolumeIsAutomountedKey as string
- shared method NSURLVolumeIsLocalKey as string
- shared method NSURLVolumeIsReadOnlyKey as string
- shared method NSURLVolumeCreationDateKey as string
- shared method NSURLVolumeURLForRemountingKey as string
- shared method NSURLVolumeUUIDStringKey as string
- shared method NSURLVolumeNameKey as string
- shared method NSURLVolumeLocalizedNameKey as string
- shared method NSURLIsUbiquitousItemKey as string
- shared method NSURLUbiquitousItemHasUnresolvedConflictsKey as string
- shared method NSURLUbiquitousItemIsDownloadedKey as string
- shared method NSURLUbiquitousItemIsDownloadingKey as string
- shared method NSURLUbiquitousItemIsUploadedKey as string
- shared method NSURLUbiquitousItemIsUploadingKey as string
- shared method NSURLUbiquitousItemPercentDownloadedKey as string
- shared method NSURLUbiquitousItemPercentUploadedKey as string
- shared method NSURLUbiquitousItemDownloadingStatusKey as string
- shared method NSURLUbiquitousItemDownloadingErrorKey as string
- shared method NSURLUbiquitousItemUploadingErrorKey as string
- shared method NSURLUbiquitousItemDownloadRequestedKey as string
- shared method NSURLUbiquitousItemContainerDisplayNameKey as string
- shared method NSURLUbiquitousItemDownloadingStatusNotDownloaded as string
- shared method NSURLUbiquitousItemDownloadingStatusDownloaded as string
- shared method NSURLUbiquitousItemDownloadingStatusCurrent as string
- shared method NSURLUbiquitousItemIsExcludedFromSyncKey as string
- shared method NSURLVolumeIsEncryptedKey as string
- shared method NSURLVolumeIsRootFileSystemKey as string
- shared method NSURLVolumeSupportsCompressionKey as string
- shared method NSURLVolumeSupportsFileCloningKey as string
- shared method NSURLVolumeSupportsSwapRenamingKey as string
- shared method NSURLVolumeSupportsExclusiveRenamingKey as string
- shared method NSURLVolumeSupportsImmutableFilesKey as string
- shared method NSURLVolumeSupportsAccessPermissionsKey as string
- shared method NSURLVolumeSupportsFileProtectionKey as string
- shared method NSURLUbiquitousItemIsSharedKey as string
- shared method NSURLUbiquitousSharedItemCurrentUserRoleKey as string
- shared method NSURLUbiquitousSharedItemCurrentUserPermissionsKey as string
- shared method NSURLUbiquitousSharedItemOwnerNameComponentsKey as string
- shared method NSURLUbiquitousSharedItemMostRecentEditorNameComponentsKey as string
- shared method NSURLUbiquitousSharedItemRoleOwner as string
- shared method NSURLUbiquitousSharedItemRoleParticipant as string
- shared method NSURLUbiquitousSharedItemPermissionsReadOnly as string
- shared method NSURLUbiquitousSharedItemPermissionsReadWrite as string
- shared method NSURLVolumeAvailableCapacityForImportantUsageKey as string
- shared method NSURLVolumeAvailableCapacityForOpportunisticUsageKey as string
- shared method URLsResourceValuesForKeys(URLs() as NSURLMBS, keys() as string, targetDelegate as URLsResourceValuesForKeysDelegateMBS, tag as variant = nil, PrecacheIcons as boolean = false)
- class NSURLProtectionSpaceMBS
- method Constructor
- method proxyType as string
- method protocol as string
- method authenticationMethod as string
- method realm as string
- method host as string
- method receivesCredentialSecurely as boolean
- method isProxy as boolean
- method port as integer
- property Handle as Integer
- shared method NSURLProtectionSpaceHTTP as String
- shared method NSURLProtectionSpaceHTTPS as String
- shared method NSURLProtectionSpaceFTP as String
- shared method NSURLProtectionSpaceHTTPProxy as String
- shared method NSURLProtectionSpaceHTTPSProxy as String
- shared method NSURLProtectionSpaceFTPProxy as String
- shared method NSURLProtectionSpaceSOCKSProxy as String
- shared method NSURLAuthenticationMethodDefault as String
- shared method NSURLAuthenticationMethodHTTPBasic as String
- shared method NSURLAuthenticationMethodHTTPDigest as String
- shared method NSURLAuthenticationMethodHTMLForm as String
- shared method NSURLAuthenticationMethodNTLM as String
- shared method NSURLAuthenticationMethodNegotiate as String
- shared method NSURLAuthenticationMethodClientCertificate as String
- shared method NSURLAuthenticationMethodServerTrust as String
- class NSURLRequestMBS
- method valueForHTTPHeaderField(field as string) as string
- method allHTTPHeaderFields as Dictionary
- method copy as NSURLRequestMBS
- method mutableCopy as NSMutableURLRequestMBS
- method Constructor(url as string)
- method Constructor(url as string, cachePolicy as integer, timeoutInterval as double)
- property Handle as Integer
- property mainDocumentURL as String
- property URL as String
- property cachePolicy as Integer
- property timeoutInterval as Double
- property networkServiceType as Integer
- property attribution as Integer
- property HTTPShouldUsePipelining as Boolean
- property HTTPShouldHandleCookies as Boolean
- property isHTTPRequest as Boolean
- property HTTPMethod as String
- property HTTPBody as Memoryblock
- shared method requestWithHandle(Handle as Integer) as NSURLRequestMBS
- shared method requestWithURL(url as string) as NSURLRequestMBS
- shared method requestWithURL(url as string, cachePolicy as integer, timeoutInterval as double) as NSURLRequestMBS
- class NSURLResponseMBS
- method copy as NSURLResponseMBS
- method Constructor(URL as string, MimeType as string, expectedContentLength as integer, textEncodingName as string)
- method URL as string
- method MIMEType as string
- method textEncodingName as string
- method suggestedFilename as string
- method isHTTPResponse as boolean
- method statusCode as integer
- method expectedContentLength as int64
- method allHeaderFields as Dictionary
- property Handle as Integer
- shared method localizedStringForStatusCode(statusCode as integer) as string
- class NSUserDefaultsMBS
- method Constructor
- method Constructor(username as string)
- method synchronize as boolean
- method removeObjectForKey(defaultName as string)
- method removeVolatileDomainForName(domainName as string)
- method removePersistentDomainForName(domainName as string)
- method addSuiteNamed(suiteName as string)
- method removeSuiteNamed(suiteName as string)
- method stringArrayForKey(key as string) as string()
- method arrayForKey(key as string) as variant()
- method setIntegerValue(key as string, value as integer)
- method setFloatValue(key as string, value as single)
- method setDoubleValue(key as string, value as double)
- method setBoolValue(key as string, value as boolean)
- method setStringValue(key as string, value as string)
- method setDataValue(key as string, value as memoryblock)
- method setVariantValue(key as string, value as variant)
- method setFileValue(key as string, value as folderitem)
- method setURLValue(key as string, value as string)
- method setStringArrayValue(key as string, values() as string)
- method setDictionaryValue(key as string, value as dictionary)
- method setArrayValue(key as string, values() as variant)
- method registerDefaults(dic as dictionary)
- method dictionaryRepresentation as dictionary
- method objectIsForcedForKey(key as string) as boolean
- method objectIsForcedForKey(key as string, domain as string) as boolean
- method setPersistentDomain(domain as dictionary, domainName as string)
- method setVolatileDomain(domain as dictionary, domainName as string)
- method persistentDomainNames as string()
- method persistentDomainForName(domainName as string) as dictionary
- method volatileDomainNames as string()
- method volatileDomainForName(domainName as string) as dictionary
- property integerForKey(key as string) as integer
- property floatForKey(key as string) as single
- property doubleForKey(key as string) as double
- property boolForKey(key as string) as boolean
- property stringForKey(key as string) as string
- property dataForKey(key as string) as memoryblock
- property variantForKey(key as string) as variant
- property fileForKey(key as string) as folderitem
- property URLForKey(key as string) as string
- property dictionaryForKey(key as string) as dictionary
- shared method NSGlobalDomain as string
- shared method NSArgumentDomain as string
- shared method NSRegistrationDomain as string
- shared method NSUserDefaultsDidChangeNotification as string
- shared method resetStandardUserDefaults
- shared method standardUserDefaults as NSUserDefaultsMBS
- method Operator_Compare(other as NSUUIDMBS) as Integer
- method isEqual(other as NSUUIDMBS) as boolean
- method copy as NSUUIDMBS
- method Constructor
- method Constructor(UUID as String)
- method Constructor(UUID as MemoryBlock)
- property Handle as Integer
- property data as MemoryBlock
- property UUIDString as String
- shared method UUID as NSUUIDMBS
- shared method Available as boolean
- class NSViewControllerMBS
- method presentViewControllerAsPopover(ViewController as NSViewControllerMBS, RelativeToRect as NSRectMBS, positioningView as NSViewMBS, preferredEdge as Integer, behavior as Integer)
- method presentViewControllerAsSheet(ViewController as NSViewControllerMBS)
- method presentViewControllerAsModalWindow(ViewController as NSViewControllerMBS)
- method Constructor
- method loadView
- method dismissViewController(ViewController as NSViewControllerMBS)
- property Identifier as String
- property classPath as String
- property className as String
- property viewLoaded as Boolean
- property Title as String
- property View as NSViewMBS
- property representedObject as Variant
- shared method available as boolean
- shared method contentViewController(window as NSWindowMBS) as NSViewControllerMBS
- shared method windowWithContentViewController(ViewController as NSViewControllerMBS) as NSWindowMBS
- class NSViewMBS
- method scrollPoint(x as double, y as double)
- method scrollRectToVisible(rect as NSRectMBS) as Boolean
- method autoscroll(e as NSEventMBS) as Boolean
- method adjustScroll(rect as NSRectMBS) as NSRectMBS
- method hitTest(x as double, y as double) as NSViewMBS
- method Screenshot as Picture
- method setContentFilters(Filters() as variant)
- method contentFilters as variant()
- method setBackgroundFilters(Filters() as variant)
- method backgroundFilters as variant()
- method addToolTipRect(rect as NSRectMBS, tooltip as NSViewTooltipMBS)
- method dragImage(image as NSImageMBS, viewLocation as NSPointMBS, offset as NSSizeMBS, NSEvent as NSEventMBS, pboard as NSPasteboardMBS, source as NSViewMBS, slideFlag as boolean)
- method nextValidKeyView as NSViewMBS
- method previousValidKeyView as NSViewMBS
- method previousKeyView as NSViewMBS
- method setFocus
- method makeBackingLayer as variant
- method rotateByAngle(angle as double)
- method beginDraggingSessionWithItems(items() as Variant, e as NSEventMBS, source as NSViewMBS) as Variant
- method pageHeader as NSAttributedStringMBS
- method pageFooter as NSAttributedStringMBS
- method print
- method focusRingMaskBounds as NSRectMBS
- method drawFocusRingMask
- method noteFocusRingMaskChanged
- method enclosingMenuItem as variant
- method enclosingScrollView as variant
- method unregisterDraggedTypes
- method registerForDraggedTypes(Types() as string)
- method registeredDraggedTypes as string()
- method Constructor
- method Constructor(Handle as Integer)
- method Constructor(left as double, top as double, width as double, height as double)
- method removeAllToolTips
- method scaleUnitSquareToSize(size as NSSizeMBS)
- method convertRectFromView(rect as NSRectMBS, View as NSViewMBS) as NSRectMBS
- method convertPointFromView(point as NSPointMBS, View as NSViewMBS) as NSPointMBS
- method convertRectToView(rect as NSRectMBS, View as NSViewMBS) as NSRectMBS
- method convertPointToView(point as NSPointMBS, View as NSViewMBS) as NSPointMBS
- method convertSizeToView(Size as NSSizeMBS, View as NSViewMBS) as NSSizeMBS
- method convertSizeFromView(Size as NSSizeMBS, View as NSViewMBS) as NSSizeMBS
- method animator as NSViewMBS
- method ancestorSharedWithView(view as NSViewMBS) as NSViewMBS
- method subviews(recursive as boolean = false) as NSViewMBS()
- method RenderImage(subviews as boolean = false, flipped as boolean = false) as variant
- method dataWithPDFInsideRect(r as NSRectMBS) as Memoryblock
- method dataWithPDFInsideRect(left as double, top as double, width as double, height as double) as Memoryblock
- method dataWithEPSInsideRect(left as double, top as double, width as double, height as double) as Memoryblock
- method isDescendantOf(view as NSViewMBS) as boolean
- method setBoundsOrigin(x as double, y as double)
- method setBoundsSize(width as double, height as double)
- method setFrameOrigin(x as double, y as double)
- method setFrameSize(width as double, height as double)
- method setFrameSize(size as NSSizeMBS)
- method setFrameOrigin(origin as NSPointMBS)
- method setBoundsSize(size as NSSizeMBS)
- method setBoundsOrigin(origin as NSPointMBS)
- method addSubview(subview as NSViewMBS)
- method removeFromSuperview
- method removeFromSuperviewWithoutNeedingDisplay
- method addSubview(subview as NSViewMBS, positioned as integer, relativeToView as NSViewMBS)
- method replaceSubview(oldView as NSViewMBS, newView as NSViewMBS)
- property compositingFilter as variant
- property userInteractionEnabled as Boolean
- property layerUsesCoreImageFilters as Boolean
- property window as NSWindowMBS
- property opaqueAncestor as NSViewMBS
- property nextKeyView as NSViewMBS
- property identifier as string
- property layer as variant
- property wantsRestingTouches as boolean
- property acceptsTouchEvents as boolean
- property canDrawConcurrently as boolean
- property canDraw as boolean
- property frameCenterRotation as double
- property autoresizingMask as Integer
- property autoresizesSubviews as boolean
- property focusRingType as Integer
- property wantsLayer as Boolean
- property clipsToBounds as Boolean
- property alphaValue as double
- property frame as NSRectMBS
- property bounds as NSRectMBS
- property frameRotation as double
- property boundsRotation as double
- property superview as NSViewMBS
- property isHidden as Boolean
- property isHiddenOrHasHiddenAncestor as Boolean
- property isOpaque as Boolean
- property isFlipped as Boolean
- property isRotatedFromBase as Boolean
- property isRotatedOrScaledFromBase as Boolean
- property needsDisplay as Boolean
- property toolTip as string
- property visibleRect as NSRectMBS
- property wantsDefaultClipping as boolean
- property canBecomeKeyView as boolean
- property allowsVibrancy as Boolean
- property RetainCount as Integer
- property frameTop as double
- property frameLeft as double
- property frameWidth as double
- property frameHeight as double
- property classPath as string
- property className as string
- shared method NSViewFrameDidChangeNotification as string
- shared method NSViewFocusDidChangeNotification as string
- shared method NSViewBoundsDidChangeNotification as string
- shared method NSViewGlobalFrameDidChangeNotification as string
- shared method NSViewDidUpdateTrackingAreasNotification as string
- class NSViewTooltipMBS
- class NSWindowControllerMBS
- method showWindow
- method close
- method synchronizeWindowTitleWithDocumentName
- method Constructor(win as NSWindowMBS)
- method Constructor(windowNibName as string)
- property ClassName as String
- property ClassPath as String
- property windowNibName as String
- property windowNibPath as String
- property windowFrameAutosaveName as String
- property window as NSWindowMBS
- property shouldCascadeWindows as Boolean
- property shouldCloseDocument as Boolean
- class NSWindowMBS
- method performWindowDragWithEvent(event as NSEventMBS)
- method selectNextTab
- method selectPreviousTab
- method moveTabToNewWindow
- method toggleTabBar
- method mergeAllWindows
- method addTabbedWindow(win as NSWindowMBS, ordered as Integer)
- method tabbedWindows as NSWindowMBS()
- method setFrameAutosaveName(name as String) as boolean
- method setFrameUsingName(name as String, force as boolean = false) as boolean
- method stringWithSavedFrame as String
- method setFrameFromString(s as String)
- method saveFrameUsingName(s as String)
- method dragImage(image as NSImageMBS, viewLocation as NSPointMBS, offset as NSSizeMBS, NSEvent as NSEventMBS, pboard as NSPasteboardMBS, source as NSViewMBS, slideFlag as boolean)
- method fieldEditor(createFlag as boolean = True, forObject as object = nil) as Variant
- method endEditingFor(anObject as object = nil)
- method setRestorationClass
- method enableSnapshotRestoration
- method invalidateRestorableState
- method disableSnapshotRestoration
- method toolbarview as NSViewMBS
- method standardWindowButton(button as integer) as variant
- method contentRectForFrameRect(windowFrame as NSRectMBS) as NSRectMBS
- method frameRectForContentRect(windowContent as NSRectMBS) as NSRectMBS
- method runToolbarCustomizationPalette
- method toggleFullScreen
- method childWindows as NSWindowMBS()
- method addChildWindow(win as window, order as integer)
- method addChildWindow(win as NSWindowMBS, order as integer)
- method removeChildWindow(win as window)
- method removeChildWindow(win as NSWindowMBS)
- method setBottomCornerRounded(flag as boolean)
- method autorecalculatesContentBorderThicknessForEdge(edge as integer) as boolean
- method setAutorecalculatesContentBorderThickness(flag as boolean, edge as integer)
- method contentBorderThicknessForEdge(edge as integer) as double
- method setContentBorderThickness(thickness as double, edge as integer)
- method dockTile as variant
- method registerForDraggedTypes(Types() as string)
- method unregisterDraggedTypes
- method animator as NSWindowMBS
- method sendEvent(e as NSEventMBS)
- method discardCachedImage
- method restoreCachedImage
- method cacheImageInRect(r as NSRectMBS)
- method dataWithPDFInsideRect(r as NSRectMBS) as Memoryblock
- method dataWithEPSInsideRect(r as NSRectMBS) as Memoryblock
- method gState as integer
- method invalidateCursorRectsForView(View as NSViewMBS)
- method areCursorRectsEnabled as boolean
- method disableCursorRects
- method enableCursorRects
- method discardCursorRects
- method resetCursorRects
- method convertScreenToBase(p as NSPointMBS) as NSPointMBS
- method convertBaseToScreen(p as NSPointMBS) as NSPointMBS
- method makeFirstResponder(r as NSResponderMBS) as boolean
- method resizeFlags as integer
- method toggleToolbarShown
- method firstResponder as NSResponderMBS
- method keyDown(e as NSEventMBS)
- method attachedSheet as NSWindowMBS
- method selectKeyViewPrecedingView(view as NSViewMBS)
- method selectKeyViewFollowingView(view as NSViewMBS)
- method selectNextKeyView
- method selectPreviousKeyView
- method disableScreenUpdatesUntilFlush
- method print
- method orderFrontRegardless
- method orderFront
- method orderBack
- method makeKeyWindow
- method makeMainWindow
- method becomeKeyWindow
- method resignKeyWindow
- method becomeMainWindow
- method resignMainWindow
- method displayIfNeeded
- method display
- method flushWindow
- method flushWindowIfNeeded
- method enableFlushWindow
- method disableFlushWindow
- method useOptimizedDrawing(value as boolean)
- method inLiveResize as boolean
- method setFrame(frameRect as NSRectMBS)
- method setFrame(frameRect as NSRectMBS, display as boolean)
- method setFrame(frameRect as NSRectMBS, display as boolean, animated as boolean)
- method setFrameTopLeftPoint(point as NSPointMBS)
- method setFrameOrigin(point as NSPointMBS)
- method setContentSize(size as NSSizeMBS)
- method setTitleWithRepresentedFile(filename as folderitem)
- method setTitleWithRepresentedFilename(filename as string)
- method update
- method SetFrame(left as double, top as double, width as double, height as double)
- method GetFrame(byref left as double, byref top as double, byref width as double, byref height as double)
- method Close
- method performClose
- method performMiniaturize
- method performZoom
- method WindowHandle as integer
- method ClearFocus
- method Show
- method Hide
- method makeKeyAndOrderFront
- method orderOut
- method miniaturize
- method deminiaturize
- method invalidateShadow
- method zoom
- method Center
- method Constructor(x as double, y as double, w as double, h as double, styleMask as integer, BackingStoreType as integer = 0, deferCreation as boolean = false, canBecomeKeyWindow as boolean = false)
- method Constructor(w as window)
- method addChildWindow(win as DesktopWindow, order as integer)
- method Constructor(w as DesktopWindow)
- property frameAutosaveName as string
- property frame as NSRectMBS
- property contentLayoutRect as NSRectMBS
- property toolbarStyle as Integer
- property titlebarSeparatorStyle as Integer
- property tabbingMode as Integer
- property tabbingIdentifier as String
- property ClassName as String
- property ClassPath as String
- property titleVisibility as Integer
- property titlebarAppearsTransparent as Boolean
- property Left as double
- property Top as double
- property Width as double
- property Height as double
- property contentView as NSViewMBS
- property hasShadow as Boolean
- property isOpaque as Boolean
- property alphaValue as Double
- property acceptsMouseMovedEvents as Boolean
- property ignoresMouseEvents as Boolean
- property showsToolbarButton as Boolean
- property isDocumentEdited as Boolean
- property Level as Integer
- property showsResizeIndicator as Boolean
- property styleMask as Integer
- property windowNumber as Integer
- property isExcludedFromWindowsMenu as Boolean
- property backgroundColor as NSColorMBS
- property hidesOnDeactivate as Boolean
- property isMovableByWindowBackground as Boolean
- property Title as String
- property SubTitle as String
- property miniwindowTitle as String
- property miniwindowImage as Variant
- property contentAspectRatio as NSSizeMBS
- property contentResizeIncrements as NSSizeMBS
- property aspectRatio as NSSizeMBS
- property resizeIncrements as NSSizeMBS
- property representedFilename as String
- property canHide as Boolean
- property minSize as NSSizeMBS
- property maxSize as NSSizeMBS
- property contentMinSize as NSSizeMBS
- property contentMaxSize as NSSizeMBS
- property isOneShot as Boolean
- property backingType as Integer
- property preferredBackingLocation as Integer
- property sharingType as Integer
- property hasDynamicDepthLimit as Boolean
- property depthLimit as Integer
- property parentWindow as NSWindowMBS
- property identifier as String
- property Restorable as Boolean
- property toolbar as Variant
- property animationBehavior as Integer
- property initialFirstResponder as NSViewMBS
- property colorSpace as NSColorSpaceMBS
- property collectionBehavior as Integer
- property canBecomeVisibleWithoutLogin as Boolean
- property displaysWhenScreenProfileChanges as Boolean
- property allowsConcurrentViewDrawing as Boolean
- property allowsToolTipsWhenApplicationIsInactive as Boolean
- property preventsApplicationTerminationWhenModal as Boolean
- property Movable as Boolean
- property preservesContentDuringLiveResize as Boolean
- property Autodisplay as Boolean
- property viewsNeedDisplay as Boolean
- property representedURL as String
- property representedFile as FolderItem
- property windowController as NSWindowControllerMBS
- property backingScaleFactor as Double
- property screen as NSScreenMBS
- property deepestScreen as NSScreenMBS
- property canStoreColor as Boolean
- property Visible as Boolean
- property isZoomed as Boolean
- property isMiniaturized as Boolean
- property currentEvent as NSEventMBS
- property isSheet as Boolean
- property backingLocation as Integer
- property isKeyWindow as Boolean
- property isMainWindow as Boolean
- property canBecomeKeyWindow as Boolean
- property canBecomeMainWindow as Boolean
- property worksWhenModal as Boolean
- property isOnActiveSpace as Boolean
- property isFlushWindowDisabled as Boolean
- shared method removeFrameUsingName(name as string)
- shared method NSNormalWindowLevel as integer
- shared method NSFloatingWindowLevel as integer
- shared method NSSubmenuWindowLevel as integer
- shared method NSTornOffMenuWindowLevel as integer
- shared method NSMainMenuWindowLevel as integer
- shared method NSStatusWindowLevel as integer
- shared method NSDockWindowLevel as integer
- shared method NSModalPanelWindowLevel as integer
- shared method NSPopUpMenuWindowLevel as integer
- shared method NSScreenSaverWindowLevel as integer
- shared method windowNumbersWithOptions(options as integer = 0) as integer()
- shared method windowNumberAtPoint(x as double, y as double, belowWindowWithWindowNumber as integer = 0) as integer
- shared method standardWindowButton(button as integer, StyleMask as integer) as variant
- shared method minFrameWidthWithTitle(WindowTitle as string, styleMask as UInt32) as double
- shared method contentRectForFrameRect(windowFrame as NSRectMBS, styleMask as UInt32) as NSRectMBS
- shared method frameRectForContentRect(windowContentRect as NSRectMBS, styleMask as UInt32) as NSRectMBS
- shared method NSWindowDidBecomeKeyNotification as string
- shared method NSWindowDidBecomeMainNotification as string
- shared method NSWindowDidChangeScreenNotification as string
- shared method NSWindowDidDeminiaturizeNotification as string
- shared method NSWindowDidExposeNotification as string
- shared method NSWindowDidMiniaturizeNotification as string
- shared method NSWindowDidMoveNotification as string
- shared method NSWindowDidResignKeyNotification as string
- shared method NSWindowDidResignMainNotification as string
- shared method NSWindowDidResizeNotification as string
- shared method NSWindowDidUpdateNotification as string
- shared method NSWindowWillCloseNotification as string
- shared method NSWindowWillMiniaturizeNotification as string
- shared method NSWindowWillMoveNotification as string
- shared method NSWindowWillBeginSheetNotification as string
- shared method NSWindowDidEndSheetNotification as string
- shared method NSWindowDidChangeScreenProfileNotification as string
- shared method NSWindowWillStartLiveResizeNotification as string
- shared method NSWindowDidEndLiveResizeNotification as string
- shared method NSWindowWillEnterFullScreenNotification as string
- shared method NSWindowDidEnterFullScreenNotification as string
- shared method NSWindowWillExitFullScreenNotification as string
- shared method NSWindowDidExitFullScreenNotification as string
- shared method NSWindowWillEnterVersionBrowserNotification as string
- shared method NSWindowDidEnterVersionBrowserNotification as string
- shared method NSWindowWillExitVersionBrowserNotification as string
- shared method NSWindowDidExitVersionBrowserNotification as string
- shared property userTabbingPreference as Integer
- shared property allowsAutomaticWindowTabbing as Boolean
- class NSWindowRestoreHandlerMBS
- class Window