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The plugin MBS MacCG Plugin:
- class Application
- class CALayerMBS
- method sublayers as CALayerMBS()
- method removeAllAnimations
- method setNeedsDisplayInRect(r as CGRectMBS)
- method layoutSublayers
- method layoutIfNeeded
- method setNeedsLayout
- method displayIfNeeded
- method display
- method setNeedsDisplay
- method removeFromSuperlayer
- method addSublayer(layer as CALayerMBS)
- method Constructor
- method renderInContext(CGContextHandle as Integer) as boolean
- method renderInPicture(Pic as Picture) as boolean
- property shouldRasterize as Boolean
- property rasterizationScale as Double
- property Handle as Integer
- property ClassName as String
- property ClassPath as String
- property shadowOffset as CGSizeMBS
- property shadowRadius as Double
- property shadowColor as Variant
- property shadowPath as Variant
- property contents as Variant
- property affineTransform as CGAffineTransformMBS
- property contentsCenter as CGRectMBS
- property contentsRect as CGRectMBS
- property anchorPoint as CGRectMBS
- property position as CGRectMBS
- property borderColor as Variant
- property backgroundColor as Variant
- property AutoresizingMask as integer
- property shadowOpacity as double
- property opacity as double
- property cornerRadius as double
- property borderWidth as double
- property drawsAsynchronously as boolean
- property needsDisplayOnBoundsChange as boolean
- property bounds as CGRectMBS
- property zPosition as double
- property anchorPointZ as double
- property Hidden as boolean
- property Opaque as boolean
- property DoubleSided as boolean
- property frame as CGRectMBS
- property contentsScale as double
- property minificationFilterBias as double
- property needsLayout as Boolean
- property needsDisplay as Boolean
- property masksToBounds as Boolean
- property modelLayer as CALayerMBS
- property superlayer as CALayerMBS
- property presentationLayer as CALayerMBS
- property mask as CALayerMBS
- property preferredFrameSize as CGSizeMBS
- shared method available as boolean
- shared method layer as CALayerMBS
- shared method layerFromHandle(Handle as Integer) as CALayerMBS
- shared method layerFromHandle(Handle as Ptr) as CALayerMBS
- class CATextLayerMBS
- method Constructor
- property String as Variant
- property fontSize as Double
- property foregroundColor as Variant
- property truncationMode as String
- property alignmentMode as String
- property Wrapped as Boolean
- property font as Variant
- property allowsFontSubpixelQuantization as Boolean
- shared method kCATruncationNone as String
- shared method kCATruncationStart as String
- shared method kCATruncationEnd as String
- shared method kCATruncationMiddle as String
- shared method kCAAlignmentNatural as String
- shared method kCAAlignmentLeft as String
- shared method kCAAlignmentRight as String
- shared method kCAAlignmentCenter as String
- shared method kCAAlignmentJustified as String
- class CATransactionMBS
- method Constructor
- property Handle as Integer
- shared method kCATransactionAnimationDuration as string
- shared method kCATransactionDisableActions as string
- shared method valueForKey(key as string) as variant
- shared method setValue(value as variant, key as string)
- shared method available as boolean
- shared method begin
- shared method commit
- shared method flush
- shared method animationDuration as double
- shared method setAnimationDuration(value as double)
- class CGAffineTransformMBS
- method Constructor
- method Operator_Convert as String
- method Constructor(a as double, b as double, c as double, d as double, tx as double = 0.0, ty as double = 0.0)
- method Constructor(transform as CGAffineTransformMBS)
- method Operator_MultiplyRight(other as CGAffineTransformMBS) as CGAffineTransformMBS
- method Operator_Multiply(other as CGAffineTransformMBS) as CGAffineTransformMBS
- method Constructor(p as Ptr)
- method IsIdentity as boolean
- method Binary as MemoryBlock
- method Scale(sx as double, sy as double) as CGAffineTransformMBS
- method Translate(tx as double, ty as double) as CGAffineTransformMBS
- method Rotate(angle as double) as CGAffineTransformMBS
- method Invert as CGAffineTransformMBS
- method Concat(t as CGAffineTransformMBS) as CGAffineTransformMBS
- method EqualToTransform(t as CGAffineTransformMBS) as boolean
- property A as double
- property B as double
- property C as double
- property D as double
- property TX as double
- property TY as double
- property StringValue as String
- shared method Identity as CGAffineTransformMBS
- shared method Make(a as double, b as double, c as double, d as double, tx as double = 0.0, ty as double = 0.0) as CGAffineTransformMBS
- shared method MakeTranslation(tx as double, ty as double) as CGAffineTransformMBS
- shared method MakeScale(sx as double, sy as double) as CGAffineTransformMBS
- shared method MakeRotation(angle as double) as CGAffineTransformMBS
- class CGBitmapContextMBS
- method CGImage(shouldInterpolate as boolean = false, intent as integer = 0) as CGImageMBS
- method CreateImage as CGImageMBS
- method Constructor
- property BitmapWidth as Integer
- property BitmapHeight as Integer
- property BitmapBitsPerComponent as Integer
- property BitmapBitsPerPixel as Integer
- property BitmapBytesPerRow as Integer
- property BitmapData as MemoryBlock
- property BitmapColorSpace as CGColorSpaceMBS
- property BitmapAlphaInfo as Integer
- property BitmapInfo as Integer
- shared method CreateRGB(data as memoryblock, width as integer, height as integer, bytesPerRow as integer, colorspace as CGColorSpaceMBS = nil) as CGBitmapContextMBS
- shared method Create(data as memoryblock, width as integer, height as integer, bitsPerComponent as integer, bytesPerRow as integer, colorspace as CGColorSpaceMBS, alphaInfo as integer) as CGBitmapContextMBS
- shared method Create(Other as CGBitmapContextMBS, NewColorspace as CGColorSpaceMBS) as CGBitmapContextMBS
- shared method CreateWithPicture(Pic as Picture) as CGBitmapContextMBS
- class CGColorMBS
- method NumberOfComponents as integer
- method Alpha as double
- method Equal(secondColor as CGColorMBS) as boolean
- method Components as memoryblock
- method CopyWithAlpha(alpha as double) as CGColorMBS
- method Copy as CGColorMBS
- method ColorSpace as CGColorSpaceMBS
- property Handle as Integer
- shared method White as CGColorMBS
- shared method Black as CGColorMBS
- shared method Clear as CGColorMBS
- shared method Create(colorspace as CGColorSpaceMBS, components as memoryblock) as CGColorMBS
- shared method Create(colorspace as CGColorSpaceMBS, components() as double) as CGColorMBS
- shared method CreateGenericGray(gray as double, alpha as double = 1.0) as CGColorMBS
- shared method CreateGenericRGB(red as double, green as double, blue as double, alpha as double = 1.0) as CGColorMBS
- shared method CreateGenericCMYK(cyan as double, magenta as double, yellow as double, black as double, alpha as double = 1.0) as CGColorMBS
- shared method CreateDeviceGray(gray as double, alpha as double = 1.0) as CGColorMBS
- shared method CreateDeviceRGB(red as double, green as double, blue as double, alpha as double = 1.0) as CGColorMBS
- shared method CreateDeviceCMYK(cyan as double, magenta as double, yellow as double, black as double, alpha as double = 1.0) as CGColorMBS
- class CGColorSpaceMBS
- method ICCProfile as string
- property Handle as Integer
- property NumberOfComponents as Integer
- property ColorTableCount as Integer
- property Model as Integer
- property ModelText as String
- property BaseColorSpace as CGColorSpaceMBS
- property Name as String
- property Description as String
- shared method kCGColorSpaceGenericGray as string
- shared method kCGColorSpaceGenericRGB as string
- shared method kCGColorSpaceGenericCMYK as string
- shared method kCGColorSpaceGenericRGBLinear as string
- shared method kCGColorSpaceAdobeRGB1998 as string
- shared method kCGColorSpaceSRGB as string
- shared method kCGColorSpaceGenericGrayGamma2_2 as string
- shared method kCGColorSpaceGenericXYZ as string
- shared method kCGColorSpaceACESCGLinear as string
- shared method kCGColorSpaceITUR_709 as string
- shared method kCGColorSpaceITUR_2020 as string
- shared method kCGColorSpaceROMMRGB as string
- shared method kCGColorSpaceDCIP3 as string
- shared method kCGColorSpaceDisplayP3 as string
- shared method CreateWithHandle(Handle as Integer) as CGColorSpaceMBS
- shared method CreateWithICCProfile(ICCProfileData as memoryblock) as CGColorSpaceMBS
- shared method CreateWithICCProfile(ICCProfileData as string) as CGColorSpaceMBS
- shared method CreateWithName(name as string) as CGColorSpaceMBS
- shared method CreateDeviceGray as CGColorSpaceMBS
- shared method CreateDeviceRGB as CGColorSpaceMBS
- shared method CreateDeviceCMYK as CGColorSpaceMBS
- shared method CreateCalibratedGray(whitePoint() as double, blackPoint() as double, gamma as double) as CGColorSpaceMBS
- shared method CreateCalibratedRGB(whitePoint() as double, blackPoint() as double, gamma() as double, matrix() as double) as CGColorSpaceMBS
- shared method CreateLab(whitePoint() as double, blackPoint() as double, range() as double) as CGColorSpaceMBS
- shared method CreatePattern(baseSpace as CGColorSpaceMBS) as CGColorSpaceMBS
- shared method CreateWithPlatformColorSpace(Handle as integer) as CGColorSpaceMBS
- class CGContextMBS
- method Constructor(handle as integer)
- method Constructor(g as Graphics)
- method Constructor(pic as Picture)
- method SetFillColor(color as CGColorMBS)
- method SetStrokeColor(color as CGColorMBS)
- method SetFont(font as CGFontMBS)
- method DrawLayerInRect(rect as CGRectMBS, layer as CGLayerMBS)
- method DrawLayerAtPoint(Point as CGPointMBS, layer as CGLayerMBS)
- method DrawRadialGradient(gradient as CGGradientMBS, startCenter as CGPointMBS, startRadius as double, endCenter as CGPointMBS, endRadius as double, options as integer)
- method DrawLinearGradient(gradient as CGGradientMBS, startPoint as CGPointMBS, endPoint as CGPointMBS, options as integer)
- method GetClipBoundingBox as CGRectMBS
- method BeginTransparencyLayerWithRect(r as CGRectMBS, auxiliaryInfo as Dictionary = nil)
- method BeginTransparencyLayer(auxiliaryInfo as Dictionary = nil)
- method EndTransparencyLayer
- method SetShadowWithColor(x as double, y as double, blur as double, colorvalue as CGColorMBS)
- method SetShadow(x as double, y as double, blur as double)
- method addArcToPath(x as double, y as double, w as double, h as double, startAngle as integer, arcAngle as integer)
- method addOvalToPath(x as double, y as double, w as double, h as double)
- method addRoundedRectToPath(x as double, y as double, w as double, h as double, arcWidth as double, arcHeight as double)
- method paintArc(x as double, y as double, w as double, h as double, startAngle as integer, arcAngle as integer)
- method frameArc(x as double, y as double, w as double, h as double, startAngle as integer, arcAngle as integer)
- method frameOval(x as double, y as double, w as double, h as double)
- method paintOval(x as double, y as double, w as double, h as double)
- method frameRect(x as double, y as double, w as double, h as double)
- method paintRect(x as double, y as double, w as double, h as double)
- method fillRoundedRect(x as double, y as double, w as double, h as double, arcWidth as double, arcHeight as double)
- method strokeRoundedRect(x as double, y as double, w as double, h as double, arcWidth as double, arcHeight as double)
- method DrawShading(shading as CGShadingMBS)
- method SetLineDash(phase as double, lengths as memoryblock, count as integer)
- method GetCTM as CGAffineTransformMBS
- method ConcatCTM(transform as CGAffineTransformMBS)
- method SetFillColorSpace(colorspace as CGColorSpaceMBS)
- method SetStrokeColorSpace(colorspace as CGColorSpaceMBS)
- method GetTextPosition as CGPointMBS
- method SetBlendMode(BlendMode as integer)
- method SetShouldAntialias(shouldAntialias as boolean)
- method SetShouldSmoothFonts(shouldSmoothFonts as boolean)
- method SetAllowsAntialiasing(allowsAntialiasing as boolean)
- method DrawCGPDFDocument(pdf as variant, rect as CGRectMBS, page as integer)
- method BeginPage(mediabox as CGRectMBS)
- method EndPage
- method ShowTextAtPoint(text as string, x as double, y as double)
- method ShowText(text as string)
- method SelectFont(name as string, size as double, fontencoding as integer)
- method SetFontSize(size as double)
- method SetTextDrawingMode(mode as integer)
- method SetCharacterSpacing(spacing as double)
- method ClipToMask(rect as CGRectMBS, mask as CGImageMBS)
- method DrawTiledImage(pic as CGImageMBS, rect as CGRectMBS)
- method DrawPicture(pic as CGImageMBS, rect as CGRectMBS)
- method SetRenderingIntent(intent as integer)
- method SetCMYKStrokeColor(cyan as double, magenta as double, yellow as double, black as double, alpha as double = 1.0)
- method SetCMYKFillColor(cyan as double, magenta as double, yellow as double, black as double, alpha as double = 1.0)
- method SetGrayFillColor(gray as double, alpha as double = 1.0)
- method SetRGBFillColor(red as double, green as double, blue as double, alpha as double = 1.0)
- method SetGrayStrokeColor(gray as double, alpha as double = 1.0)
- method SetRGBStrokeColor(red as double, green as double, blue as double, alpha as double = 1.0)
- method ClipToRect(rect as CGRectMBS)
- method EOClip
- method Clip
- method StrokeRectWithWidth(rect as CGRectMBS, width as double)
- method ClearRect(rect as CGRectMBS)
- method StrokeRect(rect as CGRectMBS)
- method FillRect(rect as CGRectMBS)
- method FillEllipseInRect(rect as CGRectMBS)
- method StrokeEllipseInRect(rect as CGRectMBS)
- method StrokePath
- method EOFillPath
- method FillPath
- method DrawPath(mode as integer)
- method GetPathCurrentPoint as CGPointMBS
- method GetPathBoundingBox as CGRectMBS
- method IsPathEmpty as boolean
- method AddArcToPoint(x1 as double, y1 as double, x2 as double, y2 as double, radius as double)
- method AddArc(x as double, y as double, radius as double, startangle as double, endangle as double, clockwise as boolean)
- method AddRect(r as CGRectMBS)
- method AddEllipseInRect(r as CGRectMBS)
- method AddPath(path as CGPathMBS)
- method ReplacePathWithStrokedPath
- method PathContainsPoint(point as CGPointMBS, mode as integer) as boolean
- method ClosePath
- method AddQuadCurveToPoint(cpx as double, cpy as double, x as double, y as double)
- method AddCurveToPoint(cp1x as double, cp1y as double, cp2x as double, cp2y as double, x as double, y as double)
- method MoveToPoint(x as double, y as double)
- method AddLineToPoint(x as double, y as double)
- method BeginPath
- method SetFlatness(flatness as double)
- method SetAlpha(alpha as double)
- method SetMiterLimit(limit as double)
- method SetLineJoin(join as integer)
- method SetLineCap(cap as integer)
- method SetLineWidth(width as double)
- method RotateCTM(angle as double)
- method TranslateCTM(tx as double, ty as double)
- method ScaleCTM(sx as double, sy as double)
- method SaveGState
- method RestoreGState
- method Flush
- method Synchronize
- method AddRects(r() as CGRectMBS)
- method AddLines(p() as CGPointMBS)
- method CopyPath as CGPathMBS
- method Close
- property TextMatrix as CGAffineTransformMBS
- property TextPosition as CGPointMBS
- property Handle as Integer
- property InterpolationQuality as Integer
- property RetainCount as Integer
- shared method contextWithCGContext(handle as integer) as CGContextMBS
- shared method contextWithCGContext(handle as Ptr) as CGContextMBS
- class CGDataConsumerMBS
- method Constructor
- method Constructor(file as folderitem)
- method Constructor(url as string)
- property Handle as Integer
- shared method CreateWithFile(file as folderitem) as CGDataConsumerMBS
- shared method CreateWithURL(url as string) as CGDataConsumerMBS
- event Put(data as string) as integer
- event CloseConsumer
- class CGDataProviderMBS
- method Data as string
- method Constructor(file as folderitem)
- method Constructor(data as string)
- property Handle as Integer
- shared method CreateWithFile(file as folderitem) as CGDataProviderMBS
- shared method CreateWithURL(url as string) as CGDataProviderMBS
- shared method CreateWithData(data as string) as CGDataProviderMBS
- class CGDisplayConfigMBS
- method Mode(display as CGDisplayMBS, mode as Dictionary)
- method DisplayMode(display as CGDisplayMBS, mode as CGDisplayModeMBS)
- method StereoOperation(display as CGDisplayMBS, stereo as Boolean, forceBlueLine as Boolean)
- method MirrorOfDisplay(display as CGDisplayMBS, master as CGDisplayMBS)
- method Origin(display as CGDisplayMBS, x as integer, y as integer)
- method Cancel
- method Complete(options as integer)
- property Handle as Integer
- property Lasterror as Integer
- shared method RestorePermanentDisplayConfiguration
- class CGDisplayMBS
- method SetRotation(angle as integer) as integer
- method SetStereoOperation(stereo as boolean, forceBlueLine as boolean, option as integer) as integer
- method CreateImageForRect(rect as CGRectMBS) as CGImageMBS
- method CreateImage as CGImageMBS
- method ShieldingWindowID as UInt32
- method DrawingContext as CGContextMBS
- method AllDisplayModes(options as Dictionary = nil) as CGDisplayModeMBS()
- method SetDisplayMode(mode as CGDisplayModeMBS) as integer
- method OpenGLDisplayMask as integer
- method InfoAsCFDictionary as variant
- method Info as Dictionary
- method AvailableModes as Dictionary()
- method BestModeForParameters(BitsPerPixel as integer, Width as integer, Height as integer, byref ExactMatch as boolean) as Dictionary
- method BestModeForParametersAndRefreshRate(BitsPerPixel as integer, Width as integer, Height as integer, RefreshRate as integer, byref ExactMatch as boolean) as Dictionary
- method BestModeForParametersAndRefreshRateWithProperty(BitsPerPixel as integer, Width as integer, Height as integer, RefreshRate as integer, propertyName as string, byref ExactMatch as boolean) as Dictionary
- method SwitchToMode(Mode as Dictionary) as integer
- method SetDisplayTransferFormula(formula as CGDisplayTransferFormulaMBS) as integer
- method GetDisplayTransferFormula(byref formula as CGDisplayTransferFormulaMBS) as integer
- method SetDisplayTransferByTable(count as integer, red as memoryblock, green as memoryblock, blue as memoryblock) as integer
- method GetDisplayTransferByTable(capacity as integer, red as memoryblock, green as memoryblock, blue as memoryblock, byref samplecount as integer) as integer
- method SetDisplayTransferByByteTable(count as integer, red as memoryblock, green as memoryblock, blue as memoryblock) as integer
- method IsCaptured as boolean
- method CaptureWithOptions(options as integer) as integer
- method Capture as integer
- method Release as integer
- method HideCursor as integer
- method ShowCursor as integer
- method MoveCursorToPoint(x as double, y as double) as integer
- method WaitForBeamPositionOutsideLines(upperScanLine as UInt32, lowerScanLine as UInt32) as integer
- method CreateImageAsync(receiverDelegate as CreateImageAsyncDelegateMBS, jpegQuality as double = 0.9, tag as Variant = nil)
- property Handle as Integer
- property LastError as Integer
- property Brightness as Double
- property ScreenSizeWidth as Double
- property ScreenSizeHeight as Double
- property UsesOpenGLAcceleration as Boolean
- property DisplayMode as CGDisplayModeMBS
- property ColorSpace as CGColorSpaceMBS
- property Rotation as Double
- property PrimaryDisplay as CGDisplayMBS
- property MirrorsDisplay as CGDisplayMBS
- property UnitNumber as Integer
- property VendorNumber as Integer
- property SerialNumber as Integer
- property ModelNumber as Integer
- property IsStereo as Boolean
- property IsInHWMirrorSet as Boolean
- property IsAlwaysInMirrorSet as Boolean
- property IsInMirrorSet as Boolean
- property IsOnline as Boolean
- property IsMain as Boolean
- property IsBuiltin as Boolean
- property IsAsleep as Boolean
- property IsActive as Boolean
- property DisplayProductNames as Dictionary
- property PixelsWide as Integer
- property PixelsHigh as Integer
- property Bounds as CGRectMBS
- property CurrentMode as Dictionary
- property CanSetPalette as Boolean
- property IOServicePort as Integer
- property BeamPosition as UInt32
- property RefreshRate as Integer
- shared method GetLastMouseDelta(byref deltax as integer, byref deltay as integer)
- shared method ShieldingWindowLevel as Int32
- shared method GetDisplaysWithOpenGLDisplayMask(mask as integer) as CGDisplayMBS()
- shared method GetDisplaysWithPoint(x as double, y as double) as CGDisplayMBS()
- shared method GetDisplaysWithRect(x as double, y as double, w as double, h as double) as CGDisplayMBS()
- shared method GetDisplaysWithPoint(cgpoint as CGPointMBS) as CGDisplayMBS()
- shared method GetDisplaysWithRect(cgrect as CGRectMBS) as CGDisplayMBS()
- shared method GetActiveDisplayList as CGDisplayMBS()
- shared method GetOnlineDisplayList as CGDisplayMBS()
- shared method MainDisplay as CGDisplayMBS
- shared method CaptureAllDisplaysWithOptions(options as integer) as integer
- shared method CaptureAllDisplays as integer
- shared method ReleaseAllDisplays as integer
- shared method RestoreColorSyncSettings
- class CGDisplayModeMBS
- method Constructor
- property Handle as Integer
- property PixelWidth as Integer
- property PixelHeight as Integer
- property IsUsableForDesktopGUI as Boolean
- property Width as Integer
- property Height as Integer
- property RefreshRate as Double
- property PixelEncoding as String
- property IOFlags as UInt32
- property IODisplayModeID as Int32
- class CGDisplayReconfigurationEventMBS
- class CGDisplayStreamEventMBS
- method Constructor(DisplayHandle as Integer, outputWidth as Integer, outputHeight as Integer, pixelFormat as Integer = 0, properties as dictionary = nil)
- method Start
- method Stop
- property Handle as Integer
- property Lasterror as Integer
- shared method kCGDisplayStreamSourceRect as String
- shared method kCGDisplayStreamDestinationRect as String
- shared method kCGDisplayStreamPreserveAspectRatio as String
- shared method kCGDisplayStreamColorSpace as String
- shared method kCGDisplayStreamMinimumFrameTime as String
- shared method kCGDisplayStreamShowCursor as String
- shared method kCGDisplayStreamQueueDepth as String
- shared method kCGDisplayStreamYCbCrMatrix as String
- shared method kCGDisplayStreamYCbCrMatrix_ITU_R_709_2 as String
- shared method kCGDisplayStreamYCbCrMatrix_ITU_R_601_4 as String
- shared method kCGDisplayStreamYCbCrMatrix_SMPTE_240M_1995 as String
- event FrameAvailable(Status as Integer, displayTime as UInt64, frameSurfaceHandle as Integer, Update as CGDisplayStreamUpdateMBS)
- class CGDisplayStreamUpdateMBS
- class CGDisplayTransferFormulaMBS
- class CGFontMBS
- property Handle as Integer
- property NumberOfGlyphs as UInt64
- property UnitsPerEm as Integer
- property Ascent as Integer
- property Descent as Integer
- property Leading as Integer
- property CapHeight as Integer
- property XHeight as Integer
- property FontBBox as CGRectMBS
- property ItalicAngle as Double
- property StemV as Double
- property PostScriptName as String
- property FullName as String
- shared method CreateWithPlatformFont(ATSFontHandle as integer) as CGFontMBS
- shared method CreateWithDataProvider(CGDataProvider as Variant) as CGFontMBS
- shared method CreateWithFontName(name as string) as CGFontMBS
- class CGFunctionMBS
- class CGGradientMBS
- property Handle as Integer
- shared method CreateWithColors(colorSpace as CGColorSpaceMBS, colors() as CGColorMBS) as CGGradientMBS
- shared method CreateWithColors(colorSpace as CGColorSpaceMBS, colors() as CGColorMBS, locations() as double) as CGGradientMBS
- shared method CreateWithColorComponents(colorSpace as CGColorSpaceMBS, components() as double) as CGGradientMBS
- shared method CreateWithColorComponents(colorSpace as CGColorSpaceMBS, components() as double, locations() as double) as CGGradientMBS
- class CGImageDestinationMBS
- method Constructor(url as string, type as string, count as integer = 1)
- method Constructor(file as folderitem, type as string, count as integer = 1)
- method Constructor(type as string, count as integer = 1)
- method SetProperties(options as dictionary = nil)
- method SetPropertiesCF(options as variant)
- method AddImage(image as CGImageMBS, properties as dictionary=nil)
- method AddImageFromSource(source as CGImageSourceMBS, index as integer, options as dictionary = nil)
- method AddImageCF(image as CGImageMBS, properties as variant = nil)
- method AddImageFromSourceCF(source as CGImageSourceMBS, index as integer, options as variant = nil)
- method Finalize as boolean
- method Data as string
- method FinalizeMT as boolean
- property Handle as Integer
- shared method kCGImageDestinationLossyCompressionQuality as string
- shared method kCGImageDestinationBackgroundColor as string
- shared method kCGImageDestinationMetadata as string
- shared method kCGImageDestinationMergeMetadata as string
- shared method kCGImageMetadataShouldExcludeXMP as string
- shared method kCGImageDestinationDateTime as string
- shared method kCGImageDestinationOrientation as string
- shared method CreateWithURL(url as string, type as string, count as integer = 1) as CGImageDestinationMBS
- shared method CreateWithFile(file as folderitem, type as string, count as integer = 1) as CGImageDestinationMBS
- shared method CreateWithData(type as string, count as integer = 1) as CGImageDestinationMBS
- shared method TypeIdentifiers as string()
- class CGImageMBS
- method AsNSImageMBS as variant
- method PNGData as MemoryBlock
- method JPEGData(Compression as Integer = 90) as MemoryBlock
- method RetainHandle
- method ReleaseHandle
- method Constructor
- method Picture(ColorSpace as CGColorSpaceMBS = nil) as Picture
- method PictureScaled(OutputWidth as Integer, OutputHeight as Integer, ColorSpace as CGColorSpaceMBS = nil) as Picture
- method DataProvider as Variant
- method DecodeArray as memoryblock
- method CopyWithColorSpace(profile as CGColorSpaceMBS) as CGImageMBS
- method Copy as CGImageMBS
- method Copy(r as CGRectMBS) as CGImageMBS
- method CopyWithMask(mask as CGImageMBS) as CGImageMBS
- property RenderingIntent as Integer
- property ShouldInterpolate as Boolean
- property BitsPerComponent as Integer
- property BitsPerPixel as Integer
- property BytesPerRow as Integer
- property ImageIsMask as Boolean
- property ColorSpace as CGColorSpaceMBS
- property Handle as Integer
- property Width as Integer
- property Height as Integer
- property RetainCount as Integer
- property BitmapInfo as Integer
- property AlphaInfo as Integer
- shared method CreateImageFromJPEGDataProvider(dataprovider as Variant, decode as memoryblock, shouldInterpolate as boolean, intent as integer) as CGImageMBS
- shared method CreateImageFromPNGDataProvider(dataprovider as Variant, decode as memoryblock, shouldInterpolate as boolean, intent as integer) as CGImageMBS
- shared method CreateImage(pic as picture) as CGImageMBS
- shared method CreateImage(pic as picture, mask as picture) as CGImageMBS
- shared method CreateImageWithHandle(handle as integer) as CGImageMBS
- shared method CreateImageWithFile(file as folderitem) as CGImageMBS
- class CGImageMetadataMBS
- method TagMatchingImageProperty(dictionaryName as String, propertyName as String) as Variant
- method Tags(rootPath as string, options as Dictionary = nil) as CGImageMetadataTagMBS()
- method CreateXMPData(options as Dictionary = nil) as MemoryBlock
- method StringValueWithPath(parent as CGImageMetadataTagMBS = nil, path as String) as String
- method TagWithPath(parent as CGImageMetadataTagMBS = nil, path as string) as Variant
- method Tags as CGImageMetadataTagMBS()
- method Constructor
- method Constructor(metadata as CGImageMetadataMBS)
- property Handle as Integer
- shared method CreateFromXMPData(data as MemoryBlock) as CGImageMetadataMBS
- shared method kCGImageMetadataNamespaceExif as String
- shared method kCGImageMetadataNamespaceExifAux as String
- shared method kCGImageMetadataNamespaceExifEX as String
- shared method kCGImageMetadataNamespaceDublinCore as String
- shared method kCGImageMetadataNamespaceIPTCCore as String
- shared method kCGImageMetadataNamespaceIPTCExtension as String
- shared method kCGImageMetadataNamespacePhotoshop as String
- shared method kCGImageMetadataNamespaceTIFF as String
- shared method kCGImageMetadataNamespaceXMPBasic as String
- shared method kCGImageMetadataNamespaceXMPRights as String
- shared method kCGImageMetadataPrefixExif as String
- shared method kCGImageMetadataPrefixExifAux as String
- shared method kCGImageMetadataPrefixExifEX as String
- shared method kCGImageMetadataPrefixDublinCore as String
- shared method kCGImageMetadataPrefixIPTCCore as String
- shared method kCGImageMetadataPrefixIPTCExtension as String
- shared method kCGImageMetadataPrefixPhotoshop as String
- shared method kCGImageMetadataPrefixTIFF as String
- shared method kCGImageMetadataPrefixXMPBasic as String
- shared method kCGImageMetadataPrefixXMPRights as String
- shared method kCFErrorDomainCGImageMetadata as String
- shared method kCGImageMetadataEnumerateRecursively as String
- class CGImageMetadataTagMBS
- method Constructor
- method Qualifiers as CGImageMetadataTagMBS()
- property Handle as Integer
- property Namespace_ as String
- property Prefix as String
- property Name as String
- property Type as Integer
- property Value as Variant
- shared method Create(XMLNS as String, Prefix as String, Name as String, Type as Integer, Value as Variant) as CGImageMetadataTagMBS
- class CGImageSourceMBS
- method Constructor(file as folderitem, options as dictionary = nil)
- method Constructor(data as string, options as dictionary = nil)
- method Constructor(options as dictionary = nil)
- method StatusAtIndex(index as integer) as integer
- method Properties(options as dictionary = nil) as dictionary
- method PropertiesAtIndex(index as integer, options as dictionary = nil) as dictionary
- method PropertiesCF(options as variant = nil) as variant
- method PropertiesAtIndexCF(index as integer, options as variant = nil) as variant
- method CreateImageAtIndex(index as integer, options as dictionary = nil) as CGImageMBS
- method CreateThumbnailAtIndex(index as integer, options as dictionary = nil) as CGImageMBS
- method UpdateData(data as string, final as boolean)
- property Handle as Integer
- property Count as Integer
- property Status as Integer
- property Type as String
- shared method kCGImagePropertyTIFFDictionary as string
- shared method kCGImagePropertyGIFDictionary as string
- shared method kCGImagePropertyJFIFDictionary as string
- shared method kCGImagePropertyExifDictionary as string
- shared method kCGImagePropertyPNGDictionary as string
- shared method kCGImagePropertyIPTCDictionary as string
- shared method kCGImagePropertyGPSDictionary as string
- shared method kCGImagePropertyRawDictionary as string
- shared method kCGImagePropertyCIFFDictionary as string
- shared method kCGImagePropertyMakerCanonDictionary as string
- shared method kCGImagePropertyMakerNikonDictionary as string
- shared method kCGImagePropertyMakerMinoltaDictionary as string
- shared method kCGImagePropertyMakerFujiDictionary as string
- shared method kCGImagePropertyMakerOlympusDictionary as string
- shared method kCGImagePropertyMakerPentaxDictionary as string
- shared method kCGImageProperty8BIMDictionary as string
- shared method kCGImagePropertyDNGDictionary as string
- shared method kCGImagePropertyExifAuxDictionary as string
- shared method kCGImagePropertyFileSize as string
- shared method kCGImagePropertyPixelHeight as string
- shared method kCGImagePropertyPixelWidth as string
- shared method kCGImagePropertyDPIHeight as string
- shared method kCGImagePropertyDPIWidth as string
- shared method kCGImagePropertyDepth as string
- shared method kCGImagePropertyOrientation as string
- shared method kCGImagePropertyIsFloat as string
- shared method kCGImagePropertyIsIndexed as string
- shared method kCGImagePropertyHasAlpha as string
- shared method kCGImagePropertyColorModel as string
- shared method kCGImagePropertyProfileName as string
- shared method kCGImagePropertyColorModelRGB as string
- shared method kCGImagePropertyColorModelGray as string
- shared method kCGImagePropertyColorModelCMYK as string
- shared method kCGImagePropertyColorModelLab as string
- shared method kCGImagePropertyTIFFCompression as string
- shared method kCGImagePropertyTIFFPhotometricInterpretation as string
- shared method kCGImagePropertyTIFFDocumentName as string
- shared method kCGImagePropertyTIFFImageDescription as string
- shared method kCGImagePropertyTIFFMake as string
- shared method kCGImagePropertyTIFFModel as string
- shared method kCGImagePropertyTIFFOrientation as string
- shared method kCGImagePropertyTIFFXResolution as string
- shared method kCGImagePropertyTIFFYResolution as string
- shared method kCGImagePropertyTIFFResolutionUnit as string
- shared method kCGImagePropertyTIFFSoftware as string
- shared method kCGImagePropertyTIFFTransferFunction as string
- shared method kCGImagePropertyTIFFDateTime as string
- shared method kCGImagePropertyTIFFArtist as string
- shared method kCGImagePropertyTIFFHostComputer as string
- shared method kCGImagePropertyTIFFCopyright as string
- shared method kCGImagePropertyTIFFWhitePoint as string
- shared method kCGImagePropertyTIFFPrimaryChromaticities as string
- shared method kCGImagePropertyJFIFVersion as string
- shared method kCGImagePropertyJFIFXDensity as string
- shared method kCGImagePropertyJFIFYDensity as string
- shared method kCGImagePropertyJFIFDensityUnit as string
- shared method kCGImagePropertyJFIFIsProgressive as string
- shared method kCGImagePropertyExifExposureTime as string
- shared method kCGImagePropertyExifFNumber as string
- shared method kCGImagePropertyExifExposureProgram as string
- shared method kCGImagePropertyExifSpectralSensitivity as string
- shared method kCGImagePropertyExifISOSpeedRatings as string
- shared method kCGImagePropertyExifOECF as string
- shared method kCGImagePropertyExifVersion as string
- shared method kCGImagePropertyExifDateTimeOriginal as string
- shared method kCGImagePropertyExifDateTimeDigitized as string
- shared method kCGImagePropertyExifComponentsConfiguration as string
- shared method kCGImagePropertyExifCompressedBitsPerPixel as string
- shared method kCGImagePropertyExifShutterSpeedValue as string
- shared method kCGImagePropertyExifApertureValue as string
- shared method kCGImagePropertyExifBrightnessValue as string
- shared method kCGImagePropertyExifExposureBiasValue as string
- shared method kCGImagePropertyExifMaxApertureValue as string
- shared method kCGImagePropertyExifSubjectDistance as string
- shared method kCGImagePropertyExifMeteringMode as string
- shared method kCGImagePropertyExifLightSource as string
- shared method kCGImagePropertyExifFlash as string
- shared method kCGImagePropertyExifFocalLength as string
- shared method kCGImagePropertyExifSubjectArea as string
- shared method kCGImagePropertyExifMakerNote as string
- shared method kCGImagePropertyExifUserComment as string
- shared method kCGImagePropertyExifSubsecTime as string
- shared method kCGImagePropertyExifSubsecTimeDigitized as string
- shared method kCGImagePropertyExifFlashPixVersion as string
- shared method kCGImagePropertyExifColorSpace as string
- shared method kCGImagePropertyExifPixelXDimension as string
- shared method kCGImagePropertyExifPixelYDimension as string
- shared method kCGImagePropertyExifRelatedSoundFile as string
- shared method kCGImagePropertyExifFlashEnergy as string
- shared method kCGImagePropertyExifSpatialFrequencyResponse as string
- shared method kCGImagePropertyExifFocalPlaneXResolution as string
- shared method kCGImagePropertyExifFocalPlaneYResolution as string
- shared method kCGImagePropertyExifFocalPlaneResolutionUnit as string
- shared method kCGImagePropertyExifSubjectLocation as string
- shared method kCGImagePropertyExifExposureIndex as string
- shared method kCGImagePropertyExifSensingMethod as string
- shared method kCGImagePropertyExifFileSource as string
- shared method kCGImagePropertyExifSceneType as string
- shared method kCGImagePropertyExifCFAPattern as string
- shared method kCGImagePropertyExifCustomRendered as string
- shared method kCGImagePropertyExifExposureMode as string
- shared method kCGImagePropertyExifWhiteBalance as string
- shared method kCGImagePropertyExifDigitalZoomRatio as string
- shared method kCGImagePropertyExifFocalLenIn35mmFilm as string
- shared method kCGImagePropertyExifSceneCaptureType as string
- shared method kCGImagePropertyExifGainControl as string
- shared method kCGImagePropertyExifContrast as string
- shared method kCGImagePropertyExifSaturation as string
- shared method kCGImagePropertyExifSharpness as string
- shared method kCGImagePropertyExifDeviceSettingDescription as string
- shared method kCGImagePropertyExifSubjectDistRange as string
- shared method kCGImagePropertyExifImageUniqueID as string
- shared method kCGImagePropertyExifGamma as string
- shared method kCGImagePropertyExifAuxLensInfo as string
- shared method kCGImagePropertyExifAuxLensModel as string
- shared method kCGImagePropertyExifAuxSerialNumber as string
- shared method kCGImagePropertyExifAuxLensID as string
- shared method kCGImagePropertyExifAuxLensSerialNumber as string
- shared method kCGImagePropertyExifAuxImageNumber as string
- shared method kCGImagePropertyExifAuxFlashCompensation as string
- shared method kCGImagePropertyExifAuxOwnerName as string
- shared method kCGImagePropertyExifAuxFirmware as string
- shared method kCGImagePropertyGIFLoopCount as string
- shared method kCGImagePropertyGIFDelayTime as string
- shared method kCGImagePropertyGIFImageColorMap as string
- shared method kCGImagePropertyGIFHasGlobalColorMap as string
- shared method kCGImagePropertyGIFUnclampedDelayTime as string
- shared method kCGImagePropertyPNGGamma as string
- shared method kCGImagePropertyPNGInterlaceType as string
- shared method kCGImagePropertyPNGXPixelsPerMeter as string
- shared method kCGImagePropertyPNGYPixelsPerMeter as string
- shared method kCGImagePropertyPNGsRGBIntent as string
- shared method kCGImagePropertyPNGChromaticities as string
- shared method kCGImagePropertyPNGAuthor as string
- shared method kCGImagePropertyPNGCopyright as string
- shared method kCGImagePropertyPNGCreationTime as string
- shared method kCGImagePropertyPNGDescription as string
- shared method kCGImagePropertyPNGModificationTime as string
- shared method kCGImagePropertyPNGSoftware as string
- shared method kCGImagePropertyPNGTitle as string
- shared method kCGImagePropertyGPSVersion as string
- shared method kCGImagePropertyGPSLatitudeRef as string
- shared method kCGImagePropertyGPSLatitude as string
- shared method kCGImagePropertyGPSLongitudeRef as string
- shared method kCGImagePropertyGPSLongitude as string
- shared method kCGImagePropertyGPSAltitudeRef as string
- shared method kCGImagePropertyGPSAltitude as string
- shared method kCGImagePropertyGPSTimeStamp as string
- shared method kCGImagePropertyGPSSatellites as string
- shared method kCGImagePropertyGPSStatus as string
- shared method kCGImagePropertyGPSMeasureMode as string
- shared method kCGImagePropertyGPSDOP as string
- shared method kCGImagePropertyGPSSpeedRef as string
- shared method kCGImagePropertyGPSSpeed as string
- shared method kCGImagePropertyGPSTrackRef as string
- shared method kCGImagePropertyGPSTrack as string
- shared method kCGImagePropertyGPSImgDirectionRef as string
- shared method kCGImagePropertyGPSImgDirection as string
- shared method kCGImagePropertyGPSMapDatum as string
- shared method kCGImagePropertyGPSDestLatitudeRef as string
- shared method kCGImagePropertyGPSDestLatitude as string
- shared method kCGImagePropertyGPSDestLongitudeRef as string
- shared method kCGImagePropertyGPSDestLongitude as string
- shared method kCGImagePropertyGPSDestBearingRef as string
- shared method kCGImagePropertyGPSDestBearing as string
- shared method kCGImagePropertyGPSDestDistanceRef as string
- shared method kCGImagePropertyGPSDestDistance as string
- shared method kCGImagePropertyGPSProcessingMethod as string
- shared method kCGImagePropertyGPSAreaInformation as string
- shared method kCGImagePropertyGPSDateStamp as string
- shared method kCGImagePropertyGPSDifferental as string
- shared method kCGImagePropertyIPTCObjectTypeReference as string
- shared method kCGImagePropertyIPTCObjectAttributeReference as string
- shared method kCGImagePropertyIPTCObjectName as string
- shared method kCGImagePropertyIPTCEditStatus as string
- shared method kCGImagePropertyIPTCEditorialUpdate as string
- shared method kCGImagePropertyIPTCUrgency as string
- shared method kCGImagePropertyIPTCSubjectReference as string
- shared method kCGImagePropertyIPTCCategory as string
- shared method kCGImagePropertyIPTCSupplementalCategory as string
- shared method kCGImagePropertyIPTCFixtureIdentifier as string
- shared method kCGImagePropertyIPTCKeywords as string
- shared method kCGImagePropertyIPTCContentLocationCode as string
- shared method kCGImagePropertyIPTCContentLocationName as string
- shared method kCGImagePropertyIPTCReleaseDate as string
- shared method kCGImagePropertyIPTCReleaseTime as string
- shared method kCGImagePropertyIPTCExpirationDate as string
- shared method kCGImagePropertyIPTCExpirationTime as string
- shared method kCGImagePropertyIPTCSpecialInstructions as string
- shared method kCGImagePropertyIPTCActionAdvised as string
- shared method kCGImagePropertyIPTCReferenceService as string
- shared method kCGImagePropertyIPTCReferenceDate as string
- shared method kCGImagePropertyIPTCReferenceNumber as string
- shared method kCGImagePropertyIPTCDateCreated as string
- shared method kCGImagePropertyIPTCTimeCreated as string
- shared method kCGImagePropertyIPTCDigitalCreationDate as string
- shared method kCGImagePropertyIPTCDigitalCreationTime as string
- shared method kCGImagePropertyIPTCOriginatingProgram as string
- shared method kCGImagePropertyIPTCProgramVersion as string
- shared method kCGImagePropertyIPTCObjectCycle as string
- shared method kCGImagePropertyIPTCByline as string
- shared method kCGImagePropertyIPTCBylineTitle as string
- shared method kCGImagePropertyIPTCCity as string
- shared method kCGImagePropertyIPTCSubLocation as string
- shared method kCGImagePropertyIPTCProvinceState as string
- shared method kCGImagePropertyIPTCCountryPrimaryLocationCode as string
- shared method kCGImagePropertyIPTCCountryPrimaryLocationName as string
- shared method kCGImagePropertyIPTCOriginalTransmissionReference as string
- shared method kCGImagePropertyIPTCHeadline as string
- shared method kCGImagePropertyIPTCCredit as string
- shared method kCGImagePropertyIPTCSource as string
- shared method kCGImagePropertyIPTCCopyrightNotice as string
- shared method kCGImagePropertyIPTCContact as string
- shared method kCGImagePropertyIPTCCaptionAbstract as string
- shared method kCGImagePropertyIPTCWriterEditor as string
- shared method kCGImagePropertyIPTCImageType as string
- shared method kCGImagePropertyIPTCImageOrientation as string
- shared method kCGImagePropertyIPTCLanguageIdentifier as string
- shared method kCGImagePropertyIPTCStarRating as string
- shared method kCGImagePropertyIPTCCreatorContactInfo as string
- shared method kCGImagePropertyIPTCRightsUsageTerms as string
- shared method kCGImagePropertyIPTCScene as string
- shared method kCGImagePropertyIPTCContactInfoCity as string
- shared method kCGImagePropertyIPTCContactInfoCountry as string
- shared method kCGImagePropertyIPTCContactInfoAddress as string
- shared method kCGImagePropertyIPTCContactInfoPostalCode as string
- shared method kCGImagePropertyIPTCContactInfoStateProvince as string
- shared method kCGImagePropertyIPTCContactInfoEmails as string
- shared method kCGImagePropertyIPTCContactInfoPhones as string
- shared method kCGImagePropertyIPTCContactInfoWebURLs as string
- shared method kCGImageProperty8BIMLayerNames as string
- shared method kCGImagePropertyDNGVersion as string
- shared method kCGImagePropertyDNGBackwardVersion as string
- shared method kCGImagePropertyDNGUniqueCameraModel as string
- shared method kCGImagePropertyDNGLocalizedCameraModel as string
- shared method kCGImagePropertyDNGCameraSerialNumber as string
- shared method kCGImagePropertyDNGLensInfo as string
- shared method kCGImagePropertyCIFFDescription as string
- shared method kCGImagePropertyCIFFFirmware as string
- shared method kCGImagePropertyCIFFOwnerName as string
- shared method kCGImagePropertyCIFFImageName as string
- shared method kCGImagePropertyCIFFImageFileName as string
- shared method kCGImagePropertyCIFFReleaseMethod as string
- shared method kCGImagePropertyCIFFReleaseTiming as string
- shared method kCGImagePropertyCIFFRecordID as string
- shared method kCGImagePropertyCIFFSelfTimingTime as string
- shared method kCGImagePropertyCIFFCameraSerialNumber as string
- shared method kCGImagePropertyCIFFImageSerialNumber as string
- shared method kCGImagePropertyCIFFContinuousDrive as string
- shared method kCGImagePropertyCIFFFocusMode as string
- shared method kCGImagePropertyCIFFMeteringMode as string
- shared method kCGImagePropertyCIFFShootingMode as string
- shared method kCGImagePropertyCIFFLensModel as string
- shared method kCGImagePropertyCIFFLensMaxMM as string
- shared method kCGImagePropertyCIFFLensMinMM as string
- shared method kCGImagePropertyCIFFWhiteBalanceIndex as string
- shared method kCGImagePropertyCIFFFlashExposureComp as string
- shared method kCGImagePropertyCIFFMeasuredEV as string
- shared method kCGImagePropertyMakerNikonISOSetting as string
- shared method kCGImagePropertyMakerNikonColorMode as string
- shared method kCGImagePropertyMakerNikonQuality as string
- shared method kCGImagePropertyMakerNikonWhiteBalanceMode as string
- shared method kCGImagePropertyMakerNikonSharpenMode as string
- shared method kCGImagePropertyMakerNikonFocusMode as string
- shared method kCGImagePropertyMakerNikonFlashSetting as string
- shared method kCGImagePropertyMakerNikonISOSelection as string
- shared method kCGImagePropertyMakerNikonFlashExposureComp as string
- shared method kCGImagePropertyMakerNikonImageAdjustment as string
- shared method kCGImagePropertyMakerNikonLensAdapter as string
- shared method kCGImagePropertyMakerNikonLensType as string
- shared method kCGImagePropertyMakerNikonLensInfo as string
- shared method kCGImagePropertyMakerNikonFocusDistance as string
- shared method kCGImagePropertyMakerNikonDigitalZoom as string
- shared method kCGImagePropertyMakerNikonShootingMode as string
- shared method kCGImagePropertyMakerNikonCameraSerialNumber as string
- shared method kCGImagePropertyMakerNikonShutterCount as string
- shared method kCGImagePropertyMakerCanonOwnerName as string
- shared method kCGImagePropertyMakerCanonCameraSerialNumber as string
- shared method kCGImagePropertyMakerCanonImageSerialNumber as string
- shared method kCGImagePropertyMakerCanonFlashExposureComp as string
- shared method kCGImagePropertyMakerCanonContinuousDrive as string
- shared method kCGImagePropertyMakerCanonLensModel as string
- shared method kCGImagePropertyMakerCanonFirmware as string
- shared method kCGImagePropertyMakerCanonAspectRatioInfo as string
- shared method kCGImageSourceTypeIdentifierHint as string
- shared method kCGImageSourceShouldCache as string
- shared method kCGImageSourceShouldAllowFloat as string
- shared method kCGImageSourceCreateThumbnailFromImageIfAbsent as string
- shared method kCGImageSourceCreateThumbnailFromImageAlways as string
- shared method kCGImageSourceThumbnailMaxPixelSize as string
- shared method kCGImageSourceCreateThumbnailWithTransform as string
- shared method kCGImageSourceShouldCacheImmediately as string
- shared method kCGImagePropertyExifSubsecTimeOriginal as string
- shared method CreateWithFile(file as folderitem, options as dictionary=nil) as CGImageSourceMBS
- shared method CreateWithURL(url as string, options as dictionary=nil) as CGImageSourceMBS
- shared method CreateWithData(data as string, options as dictionary=nil) as CGImageSourceMBS
- shared method CreateIncremental(options as dictionary=nil) as CGImageSourceMBS
- shared method TypeIdentifiers as string()
- shared method CreateThumbnailMT(file as FolderItem, ImageIndex as integer = 0, Options as dictionary = nil) as CGImageMBS
- shared method CreateThumbnailMT(data as string, ImageIndex as integer = 0, Options as dictionary = nil) as CGImageMBS
- shared method CreateThumbnailMT(data as MemoryBlock, ImageIndex as integer = 0, Options as dictionary = nil) as CGImageMBS
- class CGLayerMBS
- class CGMutableImageMetadataMBS
- method SetValueMatchingImageProperty(dictionaryName as String, propertyName as String, value as CGImageMetadataTagMBS) as Boolean
- method RegisterNamespaceForPrefix(parent as CGImageMetadataTagMBS = nil, xmlns as String, prefix as String, byref error as CFErrorMBS) as Boolean
- method SetValueWithPath(parent as CGImageMetadataTagMBS = nil, path as string, value as Variant) as Boolean
- method SetTagWithPath(parent as CGImageMetadataTagMBS = nil, path as string, value as CGImageMetadataTagMBS) as Boolean
- method RemoveTagWithPath(parent as CGImageMetadataTagMBS = nil, path as string) as Boolean
- method Constructor
- method Constructor(metadata as CGImageMetadataMBS)
- class CGMutablePathMBS
- method Constructor
- method CloseSubpath
- method MoveToPoint(transform as CGAffineTransformMBS, x as double, y as double)
- method AddLineToPoint(transform as CGAffineTransformMBS, x as double, y as double)
- method AddQuadCurveToPoint(transform as CGAffineTransformMBS, cpx as double, cpy as double, x as double, y as double)
- method AddCurveToPoint(transform as CGAffineTransformMBS, cpx1 as double, cpy1 as double, cpx2 as double, cpy2 as double, x as double, y as double)
- method AddRect(transform as CGAffineTransformMBS, r as CGRectMBS)
- method AddEllipseInRect(transform as CGAffineTransformMBS, r as CGRectMBS)
- method AddPath(transform as CGAffineTransformMBS, path as CGPathMBS)
- method AddArc(transform as CGAffineTransformMBS, x as double, y as double, radius as double, startAngle as double, endAngle as double, clockwise as boolean)
- method AddArcToPoint(transform as CGAffineTransformMBS, x as double, y as double, x2 as double, y2 as double, radius as double)
- method ContainsPoint(transform as CGAffineTransformMBS, point as CGPointMBS, eoFill as boolean) as boolean
- class CGPathElementMBS
- class CGPathMBS
- method Elements as CGPathElementMBS()
- method IsEmpty as boolean
- method Copy as CGPathMBS
- method MutableCopy as CGMutablePathMBS
- method BoundingBox as CGRectMBS
- method CurrentPoint as CGPointMBS
- method IsRect(byref rect as CGRectMBS) as boolean
- method EqualToPath(path as CGPathMBS) as boolean
- property Handle as Integer
- class CGPDFArrayMBS
- method Count as integer
- method NullValue(index as integer) as boolean
- method ObjectValue(index as integer, byref value as CGPDFObjectMBS) as boolean
- method BooleanValue(index as integer, byref value as boolean) as boolean
- method IntegerValue(index as integer, byref value as integer) as boolean
- method SingleValue(index as integer, byref value as double) as boolean
- method NameValue(index as integer, byref value as string) as boolean
- method StringValue(index as integer, byref value as CGPDFStringMBS) as boolean
- method ArrayValue(index as integer, byref value as CGPDFArrayMBS) as boolean
- method DictionaryValue(index as integer, byref value as CGPDFDictionaryMBS) as boolean
- method StreamValue(index as integer, byref value as CGPDFStreamMBS) as boolean
- property Handle as Integer
- property Document as CGPDFDocumentMBS
- class CGPDFContextMBS
- method BeginPage(pageInfo as dictionary)
- method EndPage
- method Close
- method SetDestinationForRect(name as string, x as double, y as double, w as double, h as double)
- method AddDestinationAtPoint(name as string, x as double, y as double)
- method SetURLForRect(url as string, x as double, y as double, w as double, h as double)
- shared method kCGPDFContextMediaBox as string
- shared method kCGPDFContextCropBox as string
- shared method kCGPDFContextBleedBox as string
- shared method kCGPDFContextTrimBox as string
- shared method kCGPDFContextArtBox as string
- shared method kCGPDFContextTitle as string
- shared method kCGPDFContextAuthor as string
- shared method kCGPDFContextSubject as string
- shared method kCGPDFContextKeywords as string
- shared method kCGPDFContextCreator as string
- shared method kCGPDFContextOwnerPassword as string
- shared method kCGPDFContextUserPassword as string
- shared method kCGPDFContextEncryptionKeyLength as string
- shared method kCGPDFContextAllowsPrinting as string
- shared method kCGPDFContextAllowsCopying as string
- shared method kCGPDFContextOutputIntent as string
- shared method kCGPDFXOutputIntentSubtype as string
- shared method kCGPDFXOutputConditionIdentifier as string
- shared method kCGPDFXOutputCondition as string
- shared method kCGPDFXRegistryName as string
- shared method kCGPDFXInfo as string
- shared method kCGPDFXDestinationOutputProfile as string
- shared method kCGPDFContextOutputIntents as string
- class CGPDFDictionaryListMBS
- class CGPDFDictionaryMBS
- method Count as integer
- method List as CGPDFDictionaryListMBS
- method ObjectValue(key as string, byref value as CGPDFObjectMBS) as boolean
- method BooleanValue(key as string, byref value as boolean) as boolean
- method IntegerValue(key as string, byref value as integer) as boolean
- method SingleValue(key as string, byref value as double) as boolean
- method NameValue(key as string, byref value as string) as boolean
- method StringValue(key as string, byref value as CGPDFStringMBS) as boolean
- method ArrayValue(key as string, byref value as CGPDFArrayMBS) as boolean
- method DictionaryValue(key as string, byref value as CGPDFDictionaryMBS) as boolean
- method StreamValue(key as string, byref value as CGPDFStreamMBS) as boolean
- property Handle as Integer
- property Document as CGPDFDocumentMBS
- class CGPDFDocumentMBS
- method Constructor(dataProvider as CGDataProviderMBS)
- method Constructor(file as folderitem)
- method Constructor(url as string)
- method Constructor(Handle as Integer)
- method GetID as CGPDFArrayMBS
- method GetInfo as CGPDFDictionaryMBS
- method RotationAngle(page as integer) as integer
- method ArtBox(page as integer) as CGRectMBS
- method BleedBox(page as integer) as CGRectMBS
- method CropBox(page as integer) as CGRectMBS
- method MediaBox(page as integer) as CGRectMBS
- method TrimBox(page as integer) as CGRectMBS
- method UnlockWithPassword(name as string) as boolean
- method Page(index as integer) as CGPDFPageMBS
- method Catalog as CGPDFDictionaryMBS
- property Handle as Integer
- property IsEncrypted as Boolean
- property IsUnlocked as Boolean
- property AllowsPrinting as Boolean
- property AllowsCopying as Boolean
- property MinorVersion as Integer
- property MajorVersion as Integer
- property PageCount as Integer
- shared method CreateWithProvider(dataProvider as CGDataProviderMBS) as CGPDFDocumentMBS
- shared method CreateWithFile(file as folderitem) as CGPDFDocumentMBS
- shared method CreateWithURL(url as string) as CGPDFDocumentMBS
- shared method CreateWithData(data as String) as CGPDFDocumentMBS
- shared method CreateWithData(data as Memoryblock) as CGPDFDocumentMBS
- class CGPDFObjectMBS
- method Type as integer
- method BooleanValue(byref value as boolean) as boolean
- method IntegerValue(byref value as integer) as boolean
- method SingleValue(byref value as double) as boolean
- method NameValue(byref value as string) as boolean
- method StringValue(byref value as CGPDFStringMBS) as boolean
- method ArrayValue(byref value as CGPDFArrayMBS) as boolean
- method DictionaryValue(byref value as CGPDFDictionaryMBS) as boolean
- method StreamValue(byref value as CGPDFStreamMBS) as boolean
- property Handle as Integer
- property Document as CGPDFDocumentMBS
- class CGPDFPageMBS
- method RotationAngle as integer
- method ArtBox as CGRectMBS
- method BleedBox as CGRectMBS
- method CropBox as CGRectMBS
- method MediaBox as CGRectMBS
- method TrimBox as CGRectMBS
- method PageNumber as integer
- method Dictionary as CGPDFDictionaryMBS
- property Handle as Integer
- property Document as CGPDFDocumentMBS
- class CGPDFStreamMBS
- class CGPDFStringMBS
- class CGPointMBS
- method Constructor(p as Ptr)
- method Constructor(source as CGPointMBS)
- method Constructor(x as double, y as double)
- method Constructor
- method Binary as MemoryBlock
- method Equal(p as CGPointMBS) as boolean
- method ApplyAffineTransform(p as CGAffineTransformMBS) as CGPointMBS
- method multiply(factor as double) as CGPointMBS
- method multiply(x as double, y as double) as CGPointMBS
- property X as double
- property Y as double
- shared method Zero as CGPointMBS
- shared method Make(x as double, y as double) as CGPointMBS
- class CGPSConverterMBS
- method Constructor(options as Dictionary = nil)
- method Abort as boolean
- method IsConverting as boolean
- method Convert(provider as CGDataProviderMBS, consumer as CGDataConsumerMBS, options as Dictionary = nil) as boolean
- property Handle as Integer
- event BeginDocument
- event EndDocument(success as boolean)
- event BeginPage(PageNumber as integer, PageInfo as Dictionary)
- event EndPage(PageNumber as integer, PageInfo as Dictionary)
- event Progress
- event Message(message as string)
- event Finished
- class CGRectMBS
- method Constructor(p as Ptr)
- method Constructor(source as CGRectMBS)
- method Constructor(x as double, y as double, width as double, height as double)
- method Constructor
- method Binary as MemoryBlock
- method Equal(r as CGRectMBS) as boolean
- method MinX as double
- method MinY as double
- method MidX as double
- method MidY as double
- method MaxX as double
- method MaxY as double
- method IsEmpty as boolean
- method IsInfinite as boolean
- method IsNull as boolean
- method Standardize as CGRectMBS
- method Inset(dx as double, dy as double) as CGRectMBS
- method Integral as CGRectMBS
- method Union(r as CGRectMBS) as CGRectMBS
- method Intersection(r as CGRectMBS) as CGRectMBS
- method Offset(dx as double, dy as double) as CGRectMBS
- method Divide(byref slice as CGRectMBS, byref remainder as CGRectMBS, amount as double, edge as integer)
- method ContainsPoint(r as CGPointMBS) as boolean
- method ContainsRect(r as CGRectMBS) as boolean
- method IntersectsRect(r as CGRectMBS) as boolean
- method ApplyAffineTransform(a as CGAffineTransformMBS) as CGRectMBS
- method multiply(factor as double) as CGRectMBS
- method multiply(x as double, y as double) as CGRectMBS
- property Left as double
- property Top as double
- property Width as double
- property Height as double
- property Origin as CGPointMBS
- property Size as CGSizeMBS
- shared method Infinite as CGRectMBS
- shared method Zero as CGRectMBS
- shared method Null as CGRectMBS
- shared method Make(x as double, y as double, width as double, height as double) as CGRectMBS
- class CGSConnectionMBS
- method SetWorkspaceWithTransition(workspace as integer, transition as integer, type as integer, time as single)
- method SetWorkspaceWithTransition(workspace as CGSWorkspaceMBS, transition as integer, type as integer, time as single)
- method NewTransition(request as CGSTransitionRequestMBS) as CGSTransitionMBS
- method RunTransition(request as CGSTransitionRequestMBS, duration as single)
- method CGSWindow(w as window) as CGSWindowMBS
- method CGSWindowbyHandle(windowhandle as integer) as CGSWindowMBS
- method FlushAllWindows
- method FlushAllWindowsForAllProceses
- method FlushAllWindowsForAllOtherProceses
- method GetOnScreenWindowList as CGSWindowListMBS
- method GetOnScreenWindowListForProcess(PID as integer) as CGSWindowListMBS
- method GetWindowList as CGSWindowListMBS
- method GetWindowListForProcess(PID as integer) as CGSWindowListMBS
- property Workspace as CGSWorkspaceMBS
- property Handle as Integer
- property Lasterror as Integer
- class CGScreenRefreshEventMBS
- class CGScreenUpdateMoveEventMBS
- class CGShadingMBS
- class CGSizeMBS
- method Constructor(p as Ptr)
- method Constructor(source as CGSizeMBS)
- method Constructor(width as double, height as double)
- method Constructor
- method Binary as MemoryBlock
- method Equal(p as CGSizeMBS) as boolean
- method ApplyAffineTransform(p as CGAffineTransformMBS) as CGSizeMBS
- method multiply(factor as double) as CGSizeMBS
- method multiply(x as double, y as double) as CGSizeMBS
- property Width as double
- property Height as double
- shared method Zero as CGSizeMBS
- shared method Make(width as double, height as double) as CGSizeMBS
- class CGSTransitionMBS
- class CGSTransitionRequestMBS
- class CGSValueMBS
- class CGSWindowListMBS
- class CGSWindowMBS
- method Uncover
- method Flush
- method Level as integer
- method Move(byref x as single, byref y as single)
- method Workspace as CGSWorkspaceMBS
- method Left as double
- method Top as double
- method Width as double
- method Height as double
- method Title as string
- method Order(mode as integer, relativeToWindow as CGSWindowMBS=nil)
- method Warp(w as integer, h as integer, value as memoryblock)
- property AffineTransform as CGAffineTransformMBS
- property EventMask as integer
- property Alpha as single
- property Handle as Integer
- property Connection as CGSConnectionMBS
- property ConnectionHandle as Integer
- property LastError as Integer
- class CGSWorkspaceMBS
- class Control
- class CoreTextMBS
- method RequestFonts(descriptors() as CTFontDescriptorMBS, tag as variant = nil)
- method Constructor
- method Destructor
- shared method UnregisterFontsForURLs(URLs() as string, scope as integer, errors() as CFErrorMBS) as boolean
- shared method UnregisterFontsForFiles(files() as folderitem, scope as integer, errors() as CFErrorMBS) as boolean
- shared method RegisterFontsForURL(URLs() as string, scope as integer, errors() as CFErrorMBS) as boolean
- shared method RegisterFontsForFiles(files() as folderitem, scope as integer, errors() as CFErrorMBS) as boolean
- shared method UnregisterGraphicsFont(font as CGFontMBS, byref error as CFErrorMBS) as boolean
- shared method RegisterGraphicsFont(font as CGFontMBS, byref error as CFErrorMBS) as boolean
- shared method MatchFontDescriptorsWithProgressHandler(descriptors() as CTFontDescriptorMBS, mandatoryAttributes() as string, tag as variant = nil) as boolean
- shared method CreateFontDescriptorsFromURL(URL as string) as CTFontDescriptorMBS()
- shared method CreateFontDescriptorsFromFile(file as folderitem) as CTFontDescriptorMBS()
- shared method EnableFontDescriptors(descriptors() as CTFontDescriptorMBS, enable as boolean)
- shared method CoreTextVersion as Integer
- shared method UnregisterFontsForURL(URL as string, scope as integer, byref error as CFErrorMBS) as boolean
- shared method UnregisterFontsForFile(file as folderitem, scope as integer, byref error as CFErrorMBS) as boolean
- shared method RegisterFontsForURL(URL as string, scope as integer, byref error as CFErrorMBS) as boolean
- shared method RegisterFontsForFile(file as folderitem, scope as integer, byref error as CFErrorMBS) as boolean
- shared method GetScopeForURL(URL as string) as integer
- shared method GetScopeForFile(file as folderitem) as integer
- shared method IsSupportedFontURL(URL as string) as boolean
- shared method IsSupportedFontFile(file as folderitem) as boolean
- shared method CreateFontDescriptorFromData(data as string) as CTFontDescriptorMBS
- shared method CreateFontDescriptorFromData(data as memoryblock) as CTFontDescriptorMBS
- shared method CompareFontFamilyNames(name1 as string, name2 as string) as integer
- shared method kCTFontManagerBundleIdentifier as string
- shared method kCTFontManagerRegisteredFontsChangedNotification as string
- shared method kCTFontManagerErrorDomain as string
- shared method kCTFontManagerErrorFontURLsKey as string
- shared method kCTFontSymbolicTrait as string
- shared method kCTFontWeightTrait as string
- shared method kCTFontWidthTrait as string
- shared method kCTFontSlantTrait as string
- shared method kCTFontAttributeName as string
- shared method kCTForegroundColorFromContextAttributeName as string
- shared method kCTKernAttributeName as string
- shared method kCTLigatureAttributeName as string
- shared method kCTForegroundColorAttributeName as string
- shared method kCTParagraphStyleAttributeName as string
- shared method kCTStrokeWidthAttributeName as string
- shared method kCTStrokeColorAttributeName as string
- shared method kCTUnderlineStyleAttributeName as string
- shared method kCTSuperscriptAttributeName as string
- shared method kCTUnderlineColorAttributeName as string
- shared method kCTVerticalFormsAttributeName as string
- shared method kCTGlyphInfoAttributeName as string
- shared method kCTCharacterShapeAttributeName as string
- shared method kCTLanguageAttributeName as string
- shared method kCTRunDelegateAttributeName as string
- shared method kCTBaselineClassAttributeName as string
- shared method kCTBaselineInfoAttributeName as string
- shared method kCTBaselineReferenceInfoAttributeName as string
- shared method kCTWritingDirectionAttributeName as string
- shared method AvailablePostScriptNames as string()
- shared method AvailableFontFamilyNames as string()
- shared method AvailableFontURLs as string()
- shared property AutoActivationSetting(BundleID as string) as Integer
- event FontCollectionSortDescriptors(first as CTFontDescriptorMBS, second as CTFontDescriptorMBS, tag as variant) as integer
- event Progress(state as integer, progressParameter as Dictionary, tag as variant) as boolean
- event RequestFontsCompleted(unresolvedFontDescriptors() as CTFontDescriptorMBS, tag as variant)
- class CPMLanguageInfoMBS
- class CPMPageFormatMBS
- method PrinterID as String
- method CreateDataRepresentation(Format as Integer = 0) as String
- method CopySettings(Destination as CPMPageFormatMBS)
- method AdjustedPageSize as CPMRectMBS
- method AdjustedPaperSize as CPMRectMBS
- method UnadjustedPaperSize as CPMRectMBS
- method UnadjustedPageSize as CPMRectMBS
- method Constructor
- property Orientation as integer
- property Scale as double
- property Release as Boolean
- property Handle as Integer
- property LastError as Integer
- shared method CreateWithDataRepresentation(Data as String) as CPMPageFormatMBS
- class CPMPrinterMBS
- method State as Integer
- method Constructor(name as string)
- method MakeAndModelName as string
- method ID as string
- method Location as string
- method HostName as string
- method DeviceURI as string
- method Name as string
- method IsDefault as boolean
- method IsFavorite as boolean
- method IsPostScriptCapable as boolean
- method IsPostScriptPrinter as boolean
- method IsRemote as boolean
- method SetDefault
- method LanguageInfo as CPMLanguageInfoMBS
- method DriverReleaseInfo as CPMVersionMBS
- method DriverCreator as String
- method ResolutionCount as integer
- method IndexedPrinterResolution(index as integer) as CPMResolutionMBS
- method DescriptionURL as string
- property Release as Boolean
- property Handle as Integer
- property LastError as Integer
- shared method CreateLocalPrinterList as CPMPrinterMBS()
- shared method CreateGenericPrinter as CPMPrinterMBS
- shared method CreateFromPrinterID(PrinterID as String) as CPMPrinterMBS
- class CPMPrintSessionMBS
- method UseSheets(docWindow as window)
- method DefaultPageFormat(pageformat as CPMPageFormatMBS)
- method DefaultPrintSettings(printsettings as CPMPrintSettingsMBS)
- method ValidatePageFormat(pageformat as CPMPageFormatMBS) as boolean
- method ValidatePrintSettings(printsettings as CPMPrintSettingsMBS) as boolean
- method CreatePrinterList(list() as string, byref index as integer, byref currentprinter as CPMPrinterMBS)
- method CreatePrinterList(list() as string)
- method EndDocument
- method BeginDocument(settings as CPMPrintSettingsMBS, pageformat as CPMPageFormatMBS)
- method EndPage
- method BeginPage(pageformat as CPMPageFormatMBS, rect as CPMRectMBS)
- method PageSetupDialog(pageformat as CPMPageFormatMBS) as boolean
- method PrintDialog(settings as CPMPrintSettingsMBS, pageformat as CPMPageFormatMBS) as boolean
- method PageContext as CGContextMBS
- method EndDocumentNoDialog
- method BeginDocumentNoDialog(settings as CPMPrintSettingsMBS, pageformat as CPMPageFormatMBS)
- method EndPageNoDialog
- method BeginPageNoDialog(pageformat as CPMPageFormatMBS, rect as CPMRectMBS)
- method SetDestination(printsettings as CPMPrintSettingsMBS, desttype as integer, destformat as string, desturl as string)
- method GetDestinationType(printsettings as CPMPrintSettingsMBS) as integer
- method GetDestinationFormat(printsettings as CPMPrintSettingsMBS) as string
- method GetDestinationLocation(printsettings as CPMPrintSettingsMBS) as string
- method Constructor
- property CurrentPrinter as CPMPrinterMBS
- property CurrentPrinterName as string
- property Release as Boolean
- property Handle as Integer
- property LastError as Integer
- property SheetTarget as Window
- shared method kPMDocumentFormatDefault as string
- shared method kPMDocumentFormatPDF as string
- shared method kPMDocumentFormatPostScript as string
- shared method kPMGraphicsContextDefault as string
- shared method kPMGraphicsContextCoreGraphics as string
- event SheetDone(WindowHandle as integer, accepted as boolean)
- class CPMPrintSettingsMBS
- method GetPageRange(byref minPage as UInt32, byref maxPage as UInt32)
- method CreateDataRepresentation(Format as Integer = 0) as String
- method CopyPrintSettings(dest as CPMPrintSettingsMBS)
- method Constructor
- method SetPageRange(minPage as UInt32, maxPage as UInt32)
- method Dictionary as Dictionary
- method Keys as String()
- property Duplex as Integer
- property Copies as integer
- property Collate as boolean
- property JobName as String
- property FirstPage as integer
- property LastPage as integer
- property Value(key as String) as Variant
- property Release as Boolean
- property Handle as Integer
- property LastError as Integer
- shared method CreateWithDataRepresentation(Data as String) as CPMPrintSettingsMBS
- class CPMRectMBS
- class CPMResolutionMBS
- class CPMVersionMBS
- class CTFontCollectionMBS
- method FontAttribute(attributeNames() as string, options as integer) as Dictionary()
- method MatchingFontDescriptorsSorted(tag as variant) as CTFontDescriptorMBS()
- method CopyWithFontDescriptors(queryDescriptors() as CTFontDescriptorMBS, options as dictionary) as CTFontCollectionMBS
- method FontAttribute(attributeName as string, options as integer) as Dictionary()
- method MatchingFontDescriptorsForFamily(familyName as string, options as dictionary = nil) as CTFontDescriptorMBS()
- method MatchingFontDescriptors(options as dictionary = nil) as CTFontDescriptorMBS()
- method ExclusionDescriptors as CTFontDescriptorMBS()
- method QueryDescriptors as CTFontDescriptorMBS()
- method Constructor
- method MutableCopy as CTMutableFontCollectionMBS
- shared method kCTFontCollectionRemoveDuplicatesOption as string
- shared method kCTFontCollectionIncludeDisabledFontsOption as string
- shared method kCTFontCollectionDisallowAutoActivationOption as string
- shared method CreateWithFontDescriptors(queryDescriptors() as CTFontDescriptorMBS, options as dictionary) as CTFontCollectionMBS
- shared method CreateCopyWithFontDescriptors(original as CTFontCollectionMBS, queryDescriptors() as CTFontDescriptorMBS, options as dictionary) as CTFontCollectionMBS
- shared method CreateFromAvailableFonts(options as Dictionary) as CTFontCollectionMBS
- shared method Available as boolean
- class CTFontDescriptorMBS
- method CopyWithVariation(variationIdentifier as Integer, variationValue as double) as CTFontDescriptorMBS
- method CopyWithFeature(featureTypeIdentifier as Integer, featureSelectorIdentifier as integer) as CTFontDescriptorMBS
- method MatchingFontDescriptors(mandatoryAttributes() as String) as CTFontDescriptorMBS()
- method MatchingFontDescriptor(mandatoryAttributes() as String) as CTFontDescriptorMBS
- method CopyWithSymbolicTraits(symTraitValue as Integer, symTraitMask as Integer) as CTFontDescriptorMBS
- method CopyWithFamily(family as String) as CTFontDescriptorMBS
- method CopyWithAttributes(attributeValues as Dictionary) as CTFontDescriptorMBS
- method Constructor
- method AttributeValues as Dictionary
- method AttributeValue(key as string) as Variant
- method LocalizedAttributeValue(key as string, byref lang as string) as Variant
- property FontSize as Double
- property StyleName as String
- property FamilyName as String
- property DisplayName as String
- property Name as String
- property File as FolderItem
- property URL as String
- shared method kCTFontURLAttribute as string
- shared method kCTFontNameAttribute as string
- shared method kCTFontDisplayNameAttribute as string
- shared method kCTFontFamilyNameAttribute as string
- shared method kCTFontStyleNameAttribute as string
- shared method kCTFontTraitsAttribute as string
- shared method kCTFontVariationAttribute as string
- shared method kCTFontSizeAttribute as string
- shared method kCTFontMatrixAttribute as string
- shared method kCTFontCascadeListAttribute as string
- shared method kCTFontCharacterSetAttribute as string
- shared method kCTFontLanguagesAttribute as string
- shared method kCTFontBaselineAdjustAttribute as string
- shared method kCTFontMacintoshEncodingsAttribute as string
- shared method kCTFontFeaturesAttribute as string
- shared method kCTFontFeatureSettingsAttribute as string
- shared method kCTFontFixedAdvanceAttribute as string
- shared method kCTFontOrientationAttribute as string
- shared method kCTFontFormatAttribute as string
- shared method kCTFontRegistrationScopeAttribute as string
- shared method kCTFontPriorityAttribute as string
- shared method kCTFontEnabledAttribute as string
- shared method kCTFontDownloadableAttribute as string
- shared method kCTFontDescriptorMatchingSourceDescriptor as string
- shared method kCTFontDescriptorMatchingDescriptors as string
- shared method kCTFontDescriptorMatchingResult as string
- shared method kCTFontDescriptorMatchingPercentage as string
- shared method kCTFontDescriptorMatchingCurrentAssetSize as string
- shared method kCTFontDescriptorMatchingTotalDownloadedSize as string
- shared method kCTFontDescriptorMatchingTotalAssetSize as string
- shared method kCTFontDescriptorMatchingError as string
- shared method Available as boolean
- shared method CreateWithAttributes(attributeValues as Dictionary) as CTFontDescriptorMBS
- shared method CreateWithNameAndSize(Name as string, Size as double = 0.0) as CTFontDescriptorMBS
- shared method CreateCopyWithFamily(orignal as CTFontDescriptorMBS, family as String) as CTFontDescriptorMBS
- shared method CreateCopyWithSymbolicTraits(orignal as CTFontDescriptorMBS, symTraitValue as Integer, symTraitMask as Integer) as CTFontDescriptorMBS
- class CTFontMBS
- method AdvancesForGlyphs(orientation as integer, glyphs() as integer, boundingRects() as CGSizeMBS) as double
- method AdvancesForGlyphs(orientation as integer, glyphs() as integer) as double
- method OpticalBoundsForGlyphs(glyphs() as integer, boundingRects() as CGRectMBS, options as integer = 0) as CGRectMBS
- method OpticalBoundsForGlyphs(glyphs() as integer, options as integer = 0) as CGRectMBS
- method BoundingRectsForGlyphs(orientation as integer, glyphs() as integer, boundingRects() as CGRectMBS) as CGRectMBS
- method BoundingRectsForGlyphs(orientation as integer, glyphs() as integer) as CGRectMBS
- method CreateCopyWithAttributes(size as double, Matrix as CGAffineTransformMBS, fontAttributes as CTFontDescriptorMBS) as CTFontMBS
- method CreateWithSymbolicTraits(size as double, Matrix as CGAffineTransformMBS, symTraitValue as integer, symTraitMask as integer) as CTFontMBS
- method CreateForString(text as string, location as integer, length as integer) as CTFontMBS
- method GlyphsForCharacters(characters() as integer) as Integer()
- method SupportedLanguages as String()
- method VerticalTranslationsForGlyphs(glyphs() as integer) as CGSizeMBS()
- method CreatePathForGlyph(glyph as integer, transform as CGAffineTransformMBS) as CGPathMBS
- method LigatureCaretPositions(glyph as integer) as double()
- method Draw(glyphs() as integer, positions() as CGPointMBS, context as CGContextMBS)
- method GraphicsFont(byref fontAttributes as CTFontDescriptorMBS) as CGFontMBS
- method PlatformFont(byref fontAttributes as CTFontDescriptorMBS) as Integer
- method DefaultCascadeListForLanguages(languagePrefList() as string) as String()
- method Table(table as string, options as integer) as Memoryblock
- method AvailableTables(options as integer) as String()
- method VariationAxes as Dictionary()
- method Features as Dictionary()
- method FeatureSettings as Dictionary()
- method CreateWithFamily(size as double, Matrix as CGAffineTransformMBS, family as string) as CTFontMBS
- method AttributeValue(key as string) as Variant
- method Name(nameKey as string) as String
- method Name(nameKey as string, byref language as string) as String
- method Constructor
- method GlyphWithName(name as string) as integer
- property File as FolderItem
- property URL as String
- property Ascent as Double
- property Descent as Double
- property Leading as Double
- property UnderlinePosition as Double
- property UnderlineThickness as Double
- property SlantAngle as Double
- property CapHeight as Double
- property XHeight as Double
- property Size as Double
- property PostScriptName as String
- property FamilyName as String
- property FullName as String
- property DisplayName as String
- property StringEncoding as UInt32
- property UnitsPerEm as UInt64
- property GlyphCount as Integer
- property FontDescriptor as CTFontDescriptorMBS
- property Matrix as CGAffineTransformMBS
- property SymbolicTraits as UInt32
- property Traits as Dictionary
- property CharacterSet as Variant
- property BoundingBox as CGRectMBS
- property Variation as Dictionary
- shared method CreateWithPlatformFont(ATSFontHandle as Integer, size as double = 0.0, matrix as CGAffineTransformMBS = nil, attributeValues as CTFontDescriptorMBS = nil) as CTFontMBS
- shared method CreateWithGraphicsFont(graphicsFont as CGFontMBS, size as double = 0.0, matrix as CGAffineTransformMBS = nil, attributeValues as CTFontDescriptorMBS = nil) as CTFontMBS
- shared method CreateUIFontForLanguage(Type as integer, size as double = 0.0, language as string = "") as CTFontMBS
- shared method CreateWithFontDescriptor(descriptor as CTFontDescriptorMBS, size as double = 0.0, matrix as CGAffineTransformMBS = nil, options as integer = 0) as CTFontMBS
- shared method CreateWithName(name as string, size as double = 0.0, matrix as CGAffineTransformMBS = nil, options as integer = 0) as CTFontMBS
- shared method Available as boolean
- shared method kCTFontCopyrightNameKey as string
- shared method kCTFontFamilyNameKey as string
- shared method kCTFontSubFamilyNameKey as string
- shared method kCTFontStyleNameKey as string
- shared method kCTFontUniqueNameKey as string
- shared method kCTFontFullNameKey as string
- shared method kCTFontVersionNameKey as string
- shared method kCTFontPostScriptNameKey as string
- shared method kCTFontTrademarkNameKey as string
- shared method kCTFontManufacturerNameKey as string
- shared method kCTFontDesignerNameKey as string
- shared method kCTFontDescriptionNameKey as string
- shared method kCTFontVendorURLNameKey as string
- shared method kCTFontDesignerURLNameKey as string
- shared method kCTFontLicenseNameKey as string
- shared method kCTFontLicenseURLNameKey as string
- shared method kCTFontSampleTextNameKey as string
- shared method kCTFontPostScriptCIDNameKey as string
- shared method kCTFontVariationAxisIdentifierKey as string
- shared method kCTFontVariationAxisMinimumValueKey as string
- shared method kCTFontVariationAxisMaximumValueKey as string
- shared method kCTFontVariationAxisDefaultValueKey as string
- shared method kCTFontVariationAxisNameKey as string
- shared method kCTFontFeatureTypeIdentifierKey as string
- shared method kCTFontFeatureTypeNameKey as string
- shared method kCTFontFeatureTypeExclusiveKey as string
- shared method kCTFontFeatureTypeSelectorsKey as string
- shared method kCTFontFeatureSelectorIdentifierKey as string
- shared method kCTFontFeatureSelectorNameKey as string
- shared method kCTFontFeatureSelectorDefaultKey as string
- shared method kCTFontFeatureSelectorSettingKey as string
- shared method kCTBaselineClassRoman as string
- shared method kCTBaselineClassIdeographicCentered as string
- shared method kCTBaselineClassIdeographicLow as string
- shared method kCTBaselineClassIdeographicHigh as string
- shared method kCTBaselineClassHanging as string
- shared method kCTBaselineClassMath as string
- shared method kCTBaselineReferenceFont as string
- shared method kCTBaselineOriginalFont as string
- class CTFrameMBS
- method LineOrigins(location as integer, length as integer) as CGPointMBS()
- method Constructor
- method Draw(context as CGContextMBS)
- method Lines as CTLineMBS()
- property FrameAttributes as Dictionary
- property Path as CGPathMBS
- property StringRangeLocation as Integer
- property StringRangeLength as Integer
- property VisibleStringRangeLocation as Integer
- property VisibleStringRangeLength as Integer
- shared method kCTFrameProgressionAttributeName as string
- shared method kCTFramePathFillRuleAttributeName as string
- shared method kCTFramePathWidthAttributeName as string
- shared method kCTFrameClippingPathsAttributeName as string
- shared method kCTFramePathClippingPathAttributeName as string
- shared method Available as boolean
- class CTFramesetterMBS
- method SuggestFrameSizeWithConstraints(location as integer, length as integer, frameAttributes as dictionary, constraints as CGSizeMBS, byref fitRangeLocation as integer, byref fitRangeLength as integer) as CGSizeMBS
- method CreateFrame(location as integer, length as integer, path as CGPathMBS, frameAttributes as dictionary = nil) as CTFrameMBS
- method Constructor
- property TypeSetter as CTTypesetterMBS
- shared method CreateWithAttributedString(s as CFAttributedStringMBS) as CTFramesetterMBS
- shared method Available as boolean
- class CTGlyphInfoMBS
- method Constructor
- property GlyphName as String
- property CharacterIdentifier as Integer
- property CharacterCollection as Integer
- shared method CreateWithCharacterIdentifier(cid as integer, collection as integer, baseString as string) as CTGlyphInfoMBS
- shared method CreateWithGlyph(glyph as integer, font as CTFontMBS, baseString as string) as CTGlyphInfoMBS
- shared method CreateWithGlyphName(glyphName as string, font as CTFontMBS, baseString as string) as CTGlyphInfoMBS
- shared method Available as boolean
- class CTLineMBS
- method TypographicBounds(byref ascent as double, byref descent as double, byref leading as double) as double
- method OffsetForStringIndex(charIndex as integer, byref secondaryOffset as double) as double
- method Bounds(options as integer = 0) as CGRectMBS
- method ImageBounds(context as CGContextMBS) as CGRectMBS
- method Draw(context as CGContextMBS)
- method Constructor
- method PenOffsetForFlush(flushFactor as double, flushWidth as double) as double
- method StringIndexForPosition(position as CGPointMBS) as integer
- method GlyphRuns as CTRunMBS()
- method CreateJustifiedLine(justificationFactor as double, justificationWidth as double) as CTLineMBS
- method CreateTruncatedLine(width as double, truncationType as integer, truncationToken as CTLineMBS = nil) as CTLineMBS
- property StringRangeLocation as Integer
- property StringRangeLength as Integer
- property GlyphCount as Integer
- property TrailingWhitespaceWidth as Double
- shared method Available as boolean
- shared method CreateWithAttributedString(s as CFAttributedStringMBS) as CTLineMBS
- class CTMutableFontCollectionMBS
- class CTParagraphStyleMBS
- method TabStops as CTTextTabMBS()
- method CreateCopy as CTParagraphStyleMBS
- method Constructor
- property LineBreakMode as Integer
- property BaseWritingDirection as Integer
- property LineBoundsOptions as Integer
- property LineSpacingAdjustment as Double
- property MinimumLineSpacing as Double
- property MaximumLineSpacing as Double
- property ParagraphSpacing as Double
- property ParagraphSpacingBefore as Double
- property MinimumLineHeight as Double
- property MaximumLineHeight as Double
- property LineHeightMultiple as Double
- property DefaultTabInterval as Double
- property TailIndent as Double
- property HeadIndent as Double
- property FirstLineHeadIndent as Double
- property Alignment as Integer
- shared method Create(settings() as CTParagraphStyleSettingMBS) as CTParagraphStyleMBS
- shared method Create as CTParagraphStyleMBS
- shared method CreateWithAlignment(Alignment as Integer) as CTParagraphStyleMBS
- shared method Available as boolean
- class CTParagraphStyleSettingMBS
- class CTRunDelegateMBS
- class CTRunMBS
- method Glyphs as Integer()
- method Positions as CGPointMBS()
- method Advances as CGSizeMBS()
- method StringIndices as Integer()
- method TypographicBounds(location as integer, length as integer, byref ascent as double, byref descent as double, byref leading as double) as double
- method ImageBounds(context as CGContextMBS, location as integer, length as integer) as CGRectMBS
- method Constructor
- method Draw(context as CGContextMBS, location as integer, length as integer = 0)
- property TextMatrix as CGAffineTransformMBS
- property GlyphCount as Integer
- property AttributeValues as Dictionary
- property Status as Integer
- property StringRangeLocation as Integer
- property StringRangeLength as Integer
- shared method Available as boolean
- class CTTextTabMBS
- method Constructor
- property Options as Dictionary
- property Location as Double
- property Alignment as Integer
- shared method Available as boolean
- shared method Create(alignment as integer, location as double, options as Dictionary = nil) as CTTextTabMBS
- shared method kCTTabColumnTerminatorsAttributeName as string
- class CTTypesetterMBS
- method CreateLine(location as integer, length as integer, offset as double = 0.0) as CTLineMBS
- method SuggestLineBreak(startIndex as integer, width as double) as Integer
- method SuggestLineBreak(startIndex as integer, width as double, offset as double) as Integer
- method SuggestClusterBreak(startIndex as integer, width as double) as Integer
- method SuggestClusterBreak(startIndex as integer, width as double, offset as double) as Integer
- method Constructor
- shared method kCTTypesetterOptionDisableBidiProcessing as string
- shared method kCTTypesetterOptionForcedEmbeddingLevel as string
- shared method CreateWithAttributedString(s as CFAttributedStringMBS) as CTTypesetterMBS
- shared method CreateWithAttributedString(s as CFAttributedStringMBS, options as dictionary) as CTTypesetterMBS
- shared method Available as boolean
- class DesktopControl
- class DesktopWindow
- class FolderItem
- method NewCGPDFDocumentMBS(MediaBox as CGRectMBS, title as string, author as string, creator as string) as CGPDFContextMBS
- method NewCGPDFDocumentMBS(MediaBox as CGRectMBS, title as string, author as string, creator as string, subject as string, keywords as string, OwnerPassword as string, UserPassword as string, AllowsPrinting as boolean, AllowsCopy as boolean) as CGPDFContextMBS
- method NewCGPDFDocumentMBS(MediaBox as CGRectMBS, title as string, author as string, creator as string, subject as string, keywords as string, OwnerPassword as string, UserPassword as string, AllowsPrinting as boolean, AllowsCopy as boolean, KeyLength as integer) as CGPDFContextMBS
- method NewCGPDFDocumentWithInfoMBS(MediaBox as CGRectMBS, info as object) as CGPDFContextMBS
- method OpenAsCGPDFDocumentMBS as CGPDFDocumentMBS
- class Graphics
- class Picture
- class QDPictMBS
- method Constructor(dataProvider as CGDataProviderMBS)
- method Constructor(file as folderitem)
- method Constructor(url as string)
- method GetBounds as CGRectMBS
- method Width as double
- method Height as double
- method GetResolution(byref xRes as single, byref yRes as single)
- method HorizontalResolution as double
- method VerticalResolution as double
- method DrawToCGContext(context as CGContextMBS, r as CGRectMBS)
- property Handle as Integer
- property LastError as Integer
- class Window
- Globals:
- CGBitmapContextCreateMBS(data as memoryblock, width as integer, height as integer, bitsPerComponent as integer, bytesPerRow as integer, colorspace as CGColorSpaceMBS, alphaInfo as integer) as CGBitmapContextMBS
- CGCreateImageFromJPEGDataProviderMBS(dataprovider as Variant, decode as memoryblock, shouldInterpolate as boolean, intent as integer) as CGImageMBS
- CGCreateImageFromPNGDataProviderMBS(dataprovider as Variant, decode as memoryblock, shouldInterpolate as boolean, intent as integer) as CGImageMBS
- CGCreateImageMBS(pic as picture) as CGImageMBS
- CGCreateImageMBS(pic as picture, mask as picture) as CGImageMBS
- CGMakePointMBS(x as double, y as double) as CGPointMBS
- CGMakeRectMBS(left as double, top as double, width as double, height as double) as CGRectMBS
- CGMakeSizeMBS(width as double, height as double) as CGSizeMBS
- CGNewPDFDocumentMBS(consumer as CGDataConsumerMBS, MediaBox as CGRectMBS, title as string, author as string, creator as string) as CGPDFContextMBS
- CGNewPDFDocumentMBS(file as folderitem, MediaBox as CGRectMBS, title as string, author as string, creator as string) as CGPDFContextMBS
- CGNewPDFDocumentMBS(file as folderitem, MediaBox as CGRectMBS, title as string, author as string, creator as string, subject as string, keywords as string, OwnerPassword as string, UserPassword as string, AllowsPrinting as boolean, AllowsCopy as boolean) as CGPDFContextMBS
- CGNewPDFDocumentMBS(file as folderitem, MediaBox as CGRectMBS, title as string, author as string, creator as string, subject as string, keywords as string, OwnerPassword as string, UserPassword as string, AllowsPrinting as boolean, AllowsCopy as boolean, KeyLength as integer) as CGPDFContextMBS
- CGOpenPDFDocumentMBS(dataprovider as CGDataProviderMBS) as CGPDFDocumentMBS
- CGOpenPDFDocumentMBS(file as folderitem) as CGPDFDocumentMBS
- CGShadingCreateAxialMBS(colorspace as CGColorSpaceMBS, startPoint as CGPointMBS, endPoint as CGPointMBS, func as CGFunctionMBS, extendStart as boolean, extendEnd as boolean) as CGShadingMBS
- CGShadingCreateRadialMBS(colorspace as CGColorSpaceMBS, startPoint as CGPointMBS, startRadius as double, endPoint as CGPointMBS, endRadius as double, func as CGFunctionMBS, extendStart as boolean, extendEnd as boolean) as CGShadingMBS
- GetCurrentCGContextMBS as CGContextMBS
- NewCPMPageFormatMBS as CPMPageFormatMBS
- NewCPMPrintSessionMBS as CPMPrintSessionMBS
- NewCPMPrintSettingsMBS as CPMPrintSettingsMBS