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The plugin MBS MacCocoa Plugin:
- class ABAccountMBS
- class ABAddressBookMBS
- method addRecord(record as ABRecordMBS, Account as ABAccountMBS, byref error as NSErrorMBS) as boolean
- method accountWithIdentifier(Identifier as string) as ABAccountMBS
- method persistentAccounts as ABAccountMBS()
- method enabledAccounts as ABAccountMBS()
- method allAccounts as ABAccountMBS()
- method groupsForAccount(account as ABAccountMBS) as ABGroupMBS()
- method peopleForAccount(account as ABAccountMBS) as ABPersonMBS()
- method recordForUniqueId(uniqueid as string, account as ABAccountMBS) as ABRecordMBS
- method personForUniqueId(uniqueid as string, account as ABAccountMBS) as ABPersonMBS
- method groupForUniqueId(uniqueid as string, account as ABAccountMBS) as ABGroupMBS
- method Constructor
- method EnableEvent
- method formattedAddressFromDictionary(address as Dictionary) as NSAttributedStringMBS
- method NewPersonWithVCardRepresentation(data as memoryblock) as ABPersonMBS
- method recordsMatchingSearchElement(search as ABSearchElementMBS) as ABRecordMBS()
- method removeRecord(record as ABRecordMBS) as boolean
- method addRecord(record as ABRecordMBS) as boolean
- method addRecord(record as ABRecordMBS, byref error as NSErrorMBS) as boolean
- method removeRecord(record as ABRecordMBS, byref error as NSErrorMBS) as boolean
- method groups as ABGroupMBS()
- method people as ABPersonMBS()
- method setMe(moi as ABPersonMBS)
- method save as boolean
- method save(byref error as NSErrorMBS) as boolean
- method recordClassFromUniqueId(uniqueid as string) as string
- method LocalizedPropertyOrLabel(propertyOrLabel as string) as string
- method recordForUniqueId(uniqueid as string) as ABRecordMBS
- method personForUniqueId(uniqueid as string) as ABPersonMBS
- method groupForUniqueId(uniqueid as string) as ABGroupMBS
- method groupForName(name as string) as ABGroupMBS
- method peopleForEmail(email as string) as ABPersonMBS()
- property Handle as Integer
- property owner as ABPersonMBS
- property hasUnsavedChanges as Boolean
- property defaultCountryCode as String
- property defaultNameOrdering as Integer
- property defaultAccount as ABAccountMBS
- shared method addressBook as ABAddressBookMBS
- shared method GotSharedAddressbook as boolean
- shared method sharedAddressbookMT as ABAddressBookMBS
- shared method sharedAddressbook as ABAddressBookMBS
- shared method searchElementForPersonProperty(PropertyName as string, Label as string, Key as string, value as variant, comparison as integer) as ABSearchElementMBS
- shared method searchElementForConjunction(conjunction as integer, children() as ABSearchElementMBS) as ABSearchElementMBS
- shared method searchElementForGroupProperty(PropertyName as string, Label as string, Key as string, value as variant, comparison as integer) as ABSearchElementMBS
- shared method ABAddressBookErrorDomain as string
- shared method ABMultiValueIdentifiersErrorKey as string
- shared method kABAlternateBirthdayComponentsProperty as string
- shared method kABSocialProfileServiceYelp as string
- shared method kABUIDProperty as string
- shared method kABCreationDateProperty as string
- shared method kABModificationDateProperty as string
- shared method kABFirstNameProperty as string
- shared method kABLastNameProperty as string
- shared method kABFirstNamePhoneticProperty as string
- shared method kABLastNamePhoneticProperty as string
- shared method kABNicknameProperty as string
- shared method kABMaidenNameProperty as string
- shared method kABBirthdayProperty as string
- shared method kABBirthdayComponentsProperty as string
- shared method kABOrganizationProperty as string
- shared method kABJobTitleProperty as string
- shared method kABHomePageProperty as string
- shared method kABURLsProperty as string
- shared method kABHomePageLabel as string
- shared method kABCalendarURIsProperty as string
- shared method kABEmailProperty as string
- shared method kABEmailWorkLabel as string
- shared method kABEmailHomeLabel as string
- shared method kABEmailMobileMeLabel as string
- shared method kABAddressProperty as string
- shared method kABAddressStreetKey as string
- shared method kABAddressCityKey as string
- shared method kABAddressStateKey as string
- shared method kABAddressZIPKey as string
- shared method kABAddressCountryKey as string
- shared method kABAddressCountryCodeKey as string
- shared method kABAddressHomeLabel as string
- shared method kABAddressWorkLabel as string
- shared method kABOtherDatesProperty as string
- shared method kABOtherDateComponentsProperty as string
- shared method kABAnniversaryLabel as string
- shared method kABRelatedNamesProperty as string
- shared method kABFatherLabel as string
- shared method kABMotherLabel as string
- shared method kABParentLabel as string
- shared method kABBrotherLabel as string
- shared method kABSisterLabel as string
- shared method kABChildLabel as string
- shared method kABFriendLabel as string
- shared method kABSpouseLabel as string
- shared method kABPartnerLabel as string
- shared method kABAssistantLabel as string
- shared method kABManagerLabel as string
- shared method kABDepartmentProperty as string
- shared method kABPersonFlags as string
- shared method kABPhoneProperty as string
- shared method kABPhoneWorkLabel as string
- shared method kABPhoneHomeLabel as string
- shared method kABPhoneiPhoneLabel as string
- shared method kABPhoneMobileLabel as string
- shared method kABPhoneMainLabel as string
- shared method kABPhoneHomeFAXLabel as string
- shared method kABPhoneWorkFAXLabel as string
- shared method kABPhonePagerLabel as string
- shared method kABAIMInstantProperty as string
- shared method kABAIMWorkLabel as string
- shared method kABAIMHomeLabel as string
- shared method kABAIMMobileMeLabel as string
- shared method kABJabberInstantProperty as string
- shared method kABJabberWorkLabel as string
- shared method kABJabberHomeLabel as string
- shared method kABMSNInstantProperty as string
- shared method kABMSNWorkLabel as string
- shared method kABMSNHomeLabel as string
- shared method kABYahooInstantProperty as string
- shared method kABYahooWorkLabel as string
- shared method kABYahooHomeLabel as string
- shared method kABICQInstantProperty as string
- shared method kABICQWorkLabel as string
- shared method kABICQHomeLabel as string
- shared method kABInstantMessageProperty as string
- shared method kABInstantMessageUsernameKey as string
- shared method kABInstantMessageServiceKey as string
- shared method kABInstantMessageServiceAIM as string
- shared method kABInstantMessageServiceFacebook as string
- shared method kABInstantMessageServiceGaduGadu as string
- shared method kABInstantMessageServiceGoogleTalk as string
- shared method kABInstantMessageServiceICQ as string
- shared method kABInstantMessageServiceJabber as string
- shared method kABInstantMessageServiceMSN as string
- shared method kABInstantMessageServiceQQ as string
- shared method kABInstantMessageServiceSkype as string
- shared method kABInstantMessageServiceYahoo as string
- shared method kABSocialProfileProperty as string
- shared method kABSocialProfileURLKey as string
- shared method kABSocialProfileUsernameKey as string
- shared method kABSocialProfileUserIdentifierKey as string
- shared method kABSocialProfileServiceKey as string
- shared method kABSocialProfileServiceTwitter as string
- shared method kABSocialProfileServiceFacebook as string
- shared method kABSocialProfileServiceLinkedIn as string
- shared method kABSocialProfileServiceFlickr as string
- shared method kABSocialProfileServiceMySpace as string
- shared method kABNoteProperty as string
- shared method kABMiddleNameProperty as string
- shared method kABMiddleNamePhoneticProperty as string
- shared method kABTitleProperty as string
- shared method kABSuffixProperty as string
- shared method kABGroupNameProperty as string
- shared method kABWorkLabel as string
- shared method kABHomeLabel as string
- shared method kABOtherLabel as string
- shared method kABMobileMeLabel as string
- shared method kABDatabaseChangedNotification as string
- shared method kABDatabaseChangedExternallyNotification as string
- shared method kABInsertedRecords as string
- shared method kABUpdatedRecords as string
- shared method kABDeletedRecords as string
- shared method kABSocialProfileServiceSinaWeibo as string
- shared method kABSocialProfileServiceTencentWeibo as string
- event DatabaseChanged(Externally as boolean, InsertedRecords() as string, UpdatedRecords() as string, DeletedRecords() as string)
- class ABGroupMBS
- method Constructor
- method Constructor(addressBook as ABAddressBookMBS)
- method members as ABPersonMBS()
- method addMember(group as ABPersonMBS) as boolean
- method removeMember(group as ABPersonMBS) as boolean
- method subgroups as ABGroupMBS()
- method parentGroups as ABGroupMBS()
- method addSubgroup(group as ABGroupMBS) as boolean
- method removeSubgroup(group as ABGroupMBS) as boolean
- property distributionIdentifierForProperty(propertyName as string, person as ABPersonMBS) as String
- shared method searchElementForProperty(PropertyName as string, Label as string, Key as string, value as variant, comparison as integer) as ABSearchElementMBS
- shared method removeProperties(properties() as string) as integer
- shared method removeProperty(propertyName as string) as integer
- shared method typeOfProperty(propertyName as string) as integer
- shared method addProperty(propertyName as string, type as integer) as integer
- shared method properties as string()
- class ABMultiValueMBS
- method Constructor
- method edit as ABMutableMultiValueMBS
- method copy as ABMultiValueMBS
- method indexForIdentifier(identifier as string) as UInt32
- method indexForLabel(label as string) as UInt32
- method identifierAtIndex(index as UInt32) as string
- method labelAtIndex(index as UInt32) as string
- method valueAtIndex(index as UInt32) as variant
- method labelForIdentifier(identifier as string) as string
- method valueForIdentifier(identifier as string) as variant
- method valueForLabel(label as string) as variant
- method values as variant()
- method labels as string()
- method identifiers as string()
- property Handle as Integer
- property Count as Integer
- property PropertyType as Integer
- property PrimaryIdentifier as String
- property Description as String
- property Content as Dictionary
- property Addressbook as ABAddressBookMBS
- class ABMutableMultiValueMBS
- method Constructor
- method removeValueAndLabelAtIndex(index as UInt32) as boolean
- method replaceLabelAtIndex(index as UInt32, label as string) as boolean
- method setPrimaryIdentifier(identifier as string) as boolean
- method addValue(value as Variant, label as string) as string
- method insertValue(value as Variant, label as string, index as UInt32) as string
- method replaceValueAtIndex(index as UInt32, value as Variant) as boolean
- class ABPersonMBS
- method Constructor
- method Constructor(addressBook as ABAddressBookMBS)
- method Constructor(vCardData as Memoryblock)
- method vCardRepresentation as Memoryblock
- method parentGroups as ABGroupMBS()
- method setImageData(data as Memoryblock) as boolean
- method ShowInAddressbook as boolean
- method EditInAddressbook as boolean
- method linkedPeople as ABPersonMBS()
- property imageData as Memoryblock
- property image as NSImageMBS
- shared method searchElementForProperty(PropertyName as string, Label as string, Key as string, value as variant, comparison as integer) as ABSearchElementMBS
- shared method properties as string()
- shared method removeProperties(properties() as string) as integer
- shared method removeProperty(propertyName as string) as integer
- shared method typeOfProperty(propertyName as string) as integer
- shared method addProperty(propertyName as string, type as integer) as integer
- class ABPickerMBS
- method Create
- method Properties as string()
- method AddProperty(propertyname as String)
- method RemoveProperty(propertyname as String)
- method SelectedGroups as ABGroupMBS()
- method SelectedRecords as ABRecordMBS()
- method SelectedIdentifiers(person as ABPersonMBS) as string()
- method SelectedValues as variant()
- method SelectedStrings as String()
- method SelectedDictionaries as Dictionary()
- method SelectGroup(group as ABGroupMBS, ExtendSelection as boolean)
- method SelectPerson(person as ABPersonMBS, ExtendSelection as boolean)
- method SelectIdentifier(person as ABPersonMBS, Identifier as String, ExtendSelection as boolean)
- method DeselectGroup(group as ABGroupMBS)
- method DeselectPerson(person as ABPersonMBS)
- method DeselectIdentifier(person as ABPersonMBS, Identifier as String)
- method DeselectAll
- method ClearSearchField
- method EditInAddressBook
- method SelectInAddressBook
- method RemoveEvents
- method InstallEvents(targetwindow as window)
- property ColumnTitle(columntitle as String) as String
- property Left as Single
- property Top as Single
- property Width as Single
- property Height as Single
- property Visible as Boolean
- property Available as Boolean
- property AllowSingleValueSelection as Boolean
- property AllowMultipleValueSelection as Boolean
- property AllowGroupSelection as Boolean
- property AllowMultipleSelection as Boolean
- property DisplayedProperty as String
- property Handle as Integer
- event GroupSelectionChanged
- event NameSelectionChanged
- event ValueSelectionChanged
- event DisplayedPropertyChanged
- event GroupDoubleClicked
- event NameDoubleClicked
- class ABRecordMBS
- method Constructor
- method setValue(value as variant, propertyName as string, byref error as NSErrorMBS) as boolean
- method setValue(value as variant, propertyName as string) as boolean
- method valueForProperty(PropertyName as string) as variant
- method removeValueForProperty(propertyName as string) as boolean
- property Addressbook as ABAddressBookMBS
- property Handle as Integer
- property uniqueId as String
- property isReadOnly as Boolean
- property DisplayName as String
- property Description as String
- property account as ABAccountMBS
- class ABSearchElementMBS
- class Application
- class ConsoleApplication
- class Control
- class CustomNSSearchFieldMBS
- method Destructor
- method Constructor
- method Constructor(Handle as Integer)
- method Constructor(left as double, top as double, width as double, height as double)
- event Open
- event Close
- event acceptsFirstResponder as boolean
- event mouseDown(e as NSEventMBS, x as double, y as double) as boolean
- event mouseDragged(e as NSEventMBS, x as double, y as double) as boolean
- event mouseUp(e as NSEventMBS, x as double, y as double) as boolean
- event mouseMoved(e as NSEventMBS, x as double, y as double) as boolean
- event mouseEntered(e as NSEventMBS, x as double, y as double) as boolean
- event mouseExited(e as NSEventMBS, x as double, y as double) as boolean
- event rightMouseDown(e as NSEventMBS, x as double, y as double) as boolean
- event rightMouseDragged(e as NSEventMBS, x as double, y as double) as boolean
- event rightMouseUp(e as NSEventMBS, x as double, y as double) as boolean
- event otherMouseDown(e as NSEventMBS, x as double, y as double) as boolean
- event otherMouseDragged(e as NSEventMBS, x as double, y as double) as boolean
- event otherMouseUp(e as NSEventMBS, x as double, y as double) as boolean
- event becomeFirstResponder as boolean
- event resignFirstResponder as boolean
- event keyDown(e as NSEventMBS) as boolean
- event keyUp(e as NSEventMBS) as boolean
- event isOpaque as boolean
- event magnifyWithEvent(e as NSEventMBS) as boolean
- event rotateWithEvent(e as NSEventMBS) as boolean
- event swipeWithEvent(e as NSEventMBS) as boolean
- event beginGestureWithEvent(e as NSEventMBS) as boolean
- event endGestureWithEvent(e as NSEventMBS) as boolean
- event scrollWheel(e as NSEventMBS) as boolean
- event acceptsFirstMouse(e as NSEventMBS) as boolean
- event viewDidMoveToWindow
- event mouseDownCanMoveWindow as boolean
- event canBecomeKeyView as boolean
- event menuForEvent(e as NSEventMBS, defaultMenu as NSMenuMBS) as NSMenuMBS
- event draggingSessionSourceOperationMaskForDraggingContext(session as NSDraggingSessionMBS, context as integer) as integer
- event draggingSessionWillBeginAtPoint(session as NSDraggingSessionMBS, screenPoint as NSPointMBS)
- event draggingSessionMovedToPoint(session as NSDraggingSessionMBS, screenPoint as NSPointMBS)
- event draggingSessionEndedAtPoint(session as NSDraggingSessionMBS, screenPoint as NSPointMBS, operation as integer)
- event ignoreModifierKeysForDraggingSession(session as NSDraggingSessionMBS) as boolean
- event draggingEntered(sender as NSDraggingInfoMBS) as integer
- event draggingUpdated(sender as NSDraggingInfoMBS) as integer
- event draggingExited(sender as NSDraggingInfoMBS)
- event prepareForDragOperation(sender as NSDraggingInfoMBS) as boolean
- event performDragOperation(sender as NSDraggingInfoMBS) as boolean
- event concludeDragOperation(sender as NSDraggingInfoMBS)
- event draggingEnded(sender as NSDraggingInfoMBS)
- event wantsPeriodicDraggingUpdates as boolean
- event updateDraggingItemsForDrag(sender as NSDraggingInfoMBS)
- event pressureChange(e as NSEventMBS) as boolean
- class CustomNSTextFieldCellMBS
- method Constructor
- method superDrawWithFrame(frame as NSRectMBS, view as NSViewMBS)
- event didDrawWithFrame(cellFrame as NSRectMBS, controlView as NSViewMBS)
- event drawWithFrame(cellFrame as NSRectMBS, controlView as NSViewMBS) as boolean
- event cellSize(size as NSSizeMBS) as NSSizeMBS
- event titleRectForBounds(rect as NSRectMBS) as NSRectMBS
- event imageRectForBounds(rect as NSRectMBS) as NSRectMBS
- event selectWithFrame(rect as NSRectMBS, controlView as NSViewMBS, text as NSTextMBS, theDelegate as variant, selStart as Integer, selLength as Integer) as boolean
- event setUpFieldEditorAttributes(textObj as NSTextMBS, superFieldEditor as NSTextMBS) as NSTextMBS
- event fieldEditorForView(controlView as NSViewMBS) as NSTextViewMBS
- event Clone(clonedCell as NSTextFieldCellMBS) as CustomNSTextFieldCellMBS
- class CustomNSTextFieldMBS
- method Destructor
- method Constructor
- method Constructor(Handle as Integer)
- method Constructor(left as double, top as double, width as double, height as double)
- event Open
- event Close
- event acceptsFirstResponder as boolean
- event mouseDown(e as NSEventMBS, x as double, y as double) as boolean
- event mouseDragged(e as NSEventMBS, x as double, y as double) as boolean
- event mouseUp(e as NSEventMBS, x as double, y as double) as boolean
- event mouseMoved(e as NSEventMBS, x as double, y as double) as boolean
- event mouseEntered(e as NSEventMBS, x as double, y as double) as boolean
- event mouseExited(e as NSEventMBS, x as double, y as double) as boolean
- event rightMouseDown(e as NSEventMBS, x as double, y as double) as boolean
- event rightMouseDragged(e as NSEventMBS, x as double, y as double) as boolean
- event rightMouseUp(e as NSEventMBS, x as double, y as double) as boolean
- event otherMouseDown(e as NSEventMBS, x as double, y as double) as boolean
- event otherMouseDragged(e as NSEventMBS, x as double, y as double) as boolean
- event otherMouseUp(e as NSEventMBS, x as double, y as double) as boolean
- event becomeFirstResponder as boolean
- event resignFirstResponder as boolean
- event keyDown(e as NSEventMBS) as boolean
- event keyUp(e as NSEventMBS) as boolean
- event isOpaque as boolean
- event magnifyWithEvent(e as NSEventMBS) as boolean
- event rotateWithEvent(e as NSEventMBS) as boolean
- event swipeWithEvent(e as NSEventMBS) as boolean
- event beginGestureWithEvent(e as NSEventMBS) as boolean
- event endGestureWithEvent(e as NSEventMBS) as boolean
- event scrollWheel(e as NSEventMBS) as boolean
- event acceptsFirstMouse(e as NSEventMBS) as boolean
- event viewDidMoveToWindow
- event mouseDownCanMoveWindow as boolean
- event canBecomeKeyView as boolean
- event menuForEvent(e as NSEventMBS, defaultMenu as NSMenuMBS) as NSMenuMBS
- event draggingSessionSourceOperationMaskForDraggingContext(session as NSDraggingSessionMBS, context as integer) as integer
- event draggingSessionWillBeginAtPoint(session as NSDraggingSessionMBS, screenPoint as NSPointMBS)
- event draggingSessionMovedToPoint(session as NSDraggingSessionMBS, screenPoint as NSPointMBS)
- event draggingSessionEndedAtPoint(session as NSDraggingSessionMBS, screenPoint as NSPointMBS, operation as integer)
- event ignoreModifierKeysForDraggingSession(session as NSDraggingSessionMBS) as boolean
- event draggingEntered(sender as NSDraggingInfoMBS) as integer
- event draggingUpdated(sender as NSDraggingInfoMBS) as integer
- event draggingExited(sender as NSDraggingInfoMBS)
- event prepareForDragOperation(sender as NSDraggingInfoMBS) as boolean
- event performDragOperation(sender as NSDraggingInfoMBS) as boolean
- event concludeDragOperation(sender as NSDraggingInfoMBS)
- event draggingEnded(sender as NSDraggingInfoMBS)
- event wantsPeriodicDraggingUpdates as boolean
- event updateDraggingItemsForDrag(sender as NSDraggingInfoMBS)
- event pressureChange(e as NSEventMBS) as boolean
- class CustomNSTextViewMBS
- method Destructor
- method Constructor
- method Constructor(Handle as Integer)
- method Constructor(left as double, top as double, width as double, height as double)
- event Open
- event Close
- event acceptsFirstResponder as boolean
- event mouseDown(e as NSEventMBS, x as double, y as double) as boolean
- event mouseDragged(e as NSEventMBS, x as double, y as double) as boolean
- event mouseUp(e as NSEventMBS, x as double, y as double) as boolean
- event mouseMoved(e as NSEventMBS, x as double, y as double) as boolean
- event mouseEntered(e as NSEventMBS, x as double, y as double) as boolean
- event mouseExited(e as NSEventMBS, x as double, y as double) as boolean
- event rightMouseDown(e as NSEventMBS, x as double, y as double) as boolean
- event rightMouseDragged(e as NSEventMBS, x as double, y as double) as boolean
- event rightMouseUp(e as NSEventMBS, x as double, y as double) as boolean
- event otherMouseDown(e as NSEventMBS, x as double, y as double) as boolean
- event otherMouseDragged(e as NSEventMBS, x as double, y as double) as boolean
- event otherMouseUp(e as NSEventMBS, x as double, y as double) as boolean
- event becomeFirstResponder as boolean
- event resignFirstResponder as boolean
- event keyDown(e as NSEventMBS) as boolean
- event keyUp(e as NSEventMBS) as boolean
- event isOpaque as boolean
- event magnifyWithEvent(e as NSEventMBS) as boolean
- event rotateWithEvent(e as NSEventMBS) as boolean
- event swipeWithEvent(e as NSEventMBS) as boolean
- event beginGestureWithEvent(e as NSEventMBS) as boolean
- event endGestureWithEvent(e as NSEventMBS) as boolean
- event scrollWheel(e as NSEventMBS) as boolean
- event acceptsFirstMouse(e as NSEventMBS) as boolean
- event viewDidMoveToWindow
- event mouseDownCanMoveWindow as boolean
- event canBecomeKeyView as boolean
- event menuForEvent(e as NSEventMBS, defaultMenu as NSMenuMBS) as NSMenuMBS
- event draggingSessionSourceOperationMaskForDraggingContext(session as NSDraggingSessionMBS, context as integer) as integer
- event draggingSessionWillBeginAtPoint(session as NSDraggingSessionMBS, screenPoint as NSPointMBS)
- event draggingSessionMovedToPoint(session as NSDraggingSessionMBS, screenPoint as NSPointMBS)
- event draggingSessionEndedAtPoint(session as NSDraggingSessionMBS, screenPoint as NSPointMBS, operation as integer)
- event ignoreModifierKeysForDraggingSession(session as NSDraggingSessionMBS) as boolean
- event draggingEntered(sender as NSDraggingInfoMBS) as integer
- event draggingUpdated(sender as NSDraggingInfoMBS) as integer
- event draggingExited(sender as NSDraggingInfoMBS)
- event prepareForDragOperation(sender as NSDraggingInfoMBS) as boolean
- event performDragOperation(sender as NSDraggingInfoMBS) as boolean
- event concludeDragOperation(sender as NSDraggingInfoMBS)
- event draggingEnded(sender as NSDraggingInfoMBS)
- event wantsPeriodicDraggingUpdates as boolean
- event updateDraggingItemsForDrag(sender as NSDraggingInfoMBS)
- event pressureChange(e as NSEventMBS) as boolean
- class DesktopApplication
- class DesktopControl
- class DesktopLabel
- class DesktopSearchField
- class DesktopSegmentedButton
- class DesktopTabPanel
- class DesktopTextArea
- class DesktopTextField
- class DragItem
- class IMServiceMBS
- method screenNamesForPerson(person as ABPersonMBS) as string()
- method peopleWithScreenName(screenName as string) as ABPersonMBS()
- method infoForPreferredScreenNames as dictionary()
- method infoForAllScreenNames as dictionary()
- method infoForScreenName(name as string) as dictionary
- method LocalizedName as String
- method LocalizedShortName as String
- method Name as String
- method Status as Integer
- property Handle as Integer
- shared method imageNameForStatus(status as integer) as string
- shared method imageURLForStatus(status as integer) as string
- shared method imageFileForStatus(status as integer) as folderitem
- shared method IMCapabilityText as string
- shared method IMCapabilityDirectIM as string
- shared method IMCapabilityFileTransfer as string
- shared method IMCapabilityFileSharing as string
- shared method IMCapabilityAudioConference as string
- shared method IMCapabilityVideoConference as string
- shared method IMPersonServiceNameKey as string
- shared method IMPersonScreenNameKey as string
- shared method IMPersonStatusKey as string
- shared method IMPersonStatusMessageKey as string
- shared method IMPersonIdleSinceKey as string
- shared method IMPersonFirstNameKey as string
- shared method IMPersonLastNameKey as string
- shared method IMPersonEmailKey as string
- shared method IMPersonPictureDataKey as string
- shared method IMPersonAVBusyKey as string
- shared method IMPersonCapabilitiesKey as string
- class InstantMessageMBS
- method Available as boolean
- shared method notificationCenter as NSNotificationCenterMBS
- shared method imageNameForStatus(status as integer) as string
- shared method imageURLForStatus(status as integer) as string
- shared method imageFileForStatus(status as integer) as folderitem
- shared method allServices as IMServiceMBS()
- shared method serviceWithName(name as string) as IMServiceMBS
- shared method myStatus as Integer
- shared method myIdleTime as double
- event ServiceStatusChanged
- event PersonStatusChanged(info as dictionary)
- event PersonInfoChanged(info as dictionary)
- event StatusImagesChangedAppearance
- event MyStatusChanged
- class Label
- class NSActionCellMBS
- class NSAlertMBS
- method beginSheetModalForWindow(win as window)
- method beginSheetModalForWindow(win as NSWindowMBS)
- method buttons as Variant()
- method Constructor
- method Destructor
- method runModal as integer
- method layout
- method SetTextAlignment(value as Integer)
- method addButtonWithTitle(title as string) as Variant
- method close
- method beginSheetModalForWindow(win as DesktopWindow)
- property helpAnchor as String
- property messageText as String
- property informativeText as String
- property icon as NSImageMBS
- property accessoryView as NSViewMBS
- property suppressionButton as Variant
- property ShowsSuppressionButton as Boolean
- property showsHelp as Boolean
- property alertStyle as Integer
- property window as Variant
- property timeOut as Double
- property TimedOut as Boolean
- shared method alertWithError(error as NSErrorMBS) as NSAlertMBS
- shared method alertWithMessageText(MessageText as string, defaultButton as string = "", alternateButton as string = "", otherButton as string = "", informativeText as string = "") as NSAlertMBS
- event ShowHelp as boolean
- event SheetDidEnd(returnCode as integer)
- class NSAppleEventDescriptorMBS
- method send(options as integer, timeoutInSeconds as double, byref error as NSErrorMBS) as NSAppleEventDescriptorMBS
- method Constructor
- method print
- method copy as NSAppleEventDescriptorMBS
- method removeDescriptorAtIndex(index as integer)
- method descriptorAtIndex(index as integer) as NSAppleEventDescriptorMBS
- method insertDescriptor(descriptor as NSAppleEventDescriptorMBS, index as integer)
- method coerceToDescriptorType(descriptorType as string) as NSAppleEventDescriptorMBS
- method keywordForDescriptorAtIndex(index as integer) as string
- method removeDescriptorWithKeyword(keyword as string)
- method descriptorForKeyword(keyword as string) as NSAppleEventDescriptorMBS
- method setDescriptor(descriptor as NSAppleEventDescriptorMBS, keyword as string)
- method attributeDescriptorForKeyword(keyword as string) as NSAppleEventDescriptorMBS
- method setAttributeDescriptor(descriptor as NSAppleEventDescriptorMBS, keyword as string)
- method removeParamDescriptorWithKeyword(keyword as string)
- method paramDescriptorForKeyword(keyword as string) as NSAppleEventDescriptorMBS
- method setParamDescriptor(descriptor as NSAppleEventDescriptorMBS, keyword as string)
- property isRecordDescriptor as Boolean
- property fileURLValue as String
- property applicationURLValue as String
- property bundleIDValue as String
- property processIDValue as Integer
- property Handle as Integer
- property description as String
- property booleanValue as Boolean
- property stringValue as String
- property int32Value as Int32
- property numberOfItems as Integer
- property descriptorType as String
- property enumCodeValue as String
- property typeCodeValue as String
- property transactionID as Int32
- property returnID as Int16
- property eventClass as String
- property eventID as String
- property int16Value as Int16
- property UInt32Value as UInt32
- property singleValue as Single
- property doubleValue as Double
- property dateValue as Date
- property aeDesc as Ptr
- property data as MemoryBlock
- property dateTimeValue as DateTime
- shared method descriptorWithBundleIdentifier(BundleID as String) as NSAppleEventDescriptorMBS
- shared method descriptorWithProcessIdentifier(PID as Integer) as NSAppleEventDescriptorMBS
- shared method currentProcessDescriptor as NSAppleEventDescriptorMBS
- shared method descriptorWithCurrentProcessSerialNumber as NSAppleEventDescriptorMBS
- shared method nullDescriptor as NSAppleEventDescriptorMBS
- shared method listDescriptor as NSAppleEventDescriptorMBS
- shared method recordDescriptor as NSAppleEventDescriptorMBS
- shared method descriptorWithString(text as string) as NSAppleEventDescriptorMBS
- shared method descriptorWithInt32(value as Int32) as NSAppleEventDescriptorMBS
- shared method descriptorWithBoolean(value as Boolean) as NSAppleEventDescriptorMBS
- shared method descriptorWithEnumCode(enumerator as string) as NSAppleEventDescriptorMBS
- shared method descriptorWithTypeCode(typeCode as string) as NSAppleEventDescriptorMBS
- shared method descriptorWithDescriptorType(descriptorType as string, data as memoryblock) as NSAppleEventDescriptorMBS
- shared method descriptorWithDescriptorType(descriptorType as string, data as memoryblock, offset as UInt32, length as UInt32) as NSAppleEventDescriptorMBS
- shared method appleEventWithEventClass(eventClass as string, eventID as string, targetDescriptor as NSAppleEventDescriptorMBS, returnID as Int16, transactionID as UInt32) as NSAppleEventDescriptorMBS
- shared method descriptorWithDate(value as date) as NSAppleEventDescriptorMBS
- shared method descriptorWithInt16(value as Int16) as NSAppleEventDescriptorMBS
- shared method descriptorWithUInt32(value as UInt32) as NSAppleEventDescriptorMBS
- shared method descriptorWithSingle(value as single) as NSAppleEventDescriptorMBS
- shared method descriptorWithDouble(value as double) as NSAppleEventDescriptorMBS
- shared method descriptorWithAlias(item as folderitem) as NSAppleEventDescriptorMBS
- shared method descriptorWithFileURL(item as folderitem) as NSAppleEventDescriptorMBS
- shared method descriptorWithFileURL(fileURL as string) as NSAppleEventDescriptorMBS
- shared method descriptorWithApplicationURL(item as folderitem) as NSAppleEventDescriptorMBS
- shared method descriptorWithApplicationURL(fileURL as string) as NSAppleEventDescriptorMBS
- shared method descriptorWithDateTime(value as dateTime) as NSAppleEventDescriptorMBS
- class NSAppleEventHandlerMBS
- class NSAppleEventManagerMBS
- method Constructor
- method currentAppleEvent as NSAppleEventDescriptorMBS
- method currentReplyAppleEvent as NSAppleEventDescriptorMBS
- method resumeWithSuspensionID(id as NSAppleEventManagerSuspensionIDMBS)
- method setCurrentAppleEventAndReplyEventWithSuspensionID(id as NSAppleEventManagerSuspensionIDMBS)
- method appleEventForSuspensionID(id as NSAppleEventManagerSuspensionIDMBS) as NSAppleEventDescriptorMBS
- method replyAppleEventForSuspensionID(id as NSAppleEventManagerSuspensionIDMBS) as NSAppleEventDescriptorMBS
- method suspendCurrentAppleEvent as NSAppleEventManagerSuspensionIDMBS
- method removeEventHandlerForEventClass(eventClass as string, eventID as string)
- method setEventHandler(handler as NSAppleEventHandlerMBS, eventClass as string, eventID as string)
- property Handle as Integer
- shared method NSAppleEventManagerWillProcessFirstEventNotification as string
- class NSAppleEventManagerSuspensionIDMBS
- class NSAppleScriptMBS
- method setValueDescriptorForProperty(propertyName as string, value as NSAppleEventDescriptorMBS) as boolean
- method valueDescriptorForProperty(propertyName as string) as NSAppleEventDescriptorMBS
- method properties as string()
- method Constructor(file as folderitem, byref error as Dictionary)
- method Constructor(URL as string, byref error as Dictionary)
- method Constructor(source as string)
- method Constructor(sourceLines() as string)
- method copy as NSAppleScriptMBS
- method compile as boolean
- method compile(byref error as dictionary) as boolean
- method execute(byref error as dictionary) as NSAppleEventDescriptorMBS
- method execute as NSAppleEventDescriptorMBS
- method executeAppleEvent(event as NSAppleEventDescriptorMBS, byref error as dictionary) as NSAppleEventDescriptorMBS
- method executeSubroutine(Name as String, parameters() as NSAppleEventDescriptorMBS, byref error as dictionary) as NSAppleEventDescriptorMBS
- property Handle as Integer
- property Source as String
- property RichTextSource as NSAttributedStringMBS
- property isCompiled as Boolean
- shared method NSAppleScriptErrorMessage as string
- shared method NSAppleScriptErrorNumber as string
- shared method NSAppleScriptErrorAppName as string
- shared method NSAppleScriptErrorBriefMessage as string
- shared method NSAppleScriptErrorRange as string
- shared method DeterminePermissionToAutomateTarget(target as NSAppleEventDescriptorMBS, theAEEventClass as string = "****", theAEEventID as String = "****", askUserIfNeeded as boolean) as Integer
- class NSApplicationDelegateMBS
- event applicationWillFinishLaunching(Notification as NSNotificationMBS)
- event applicationDidFinishLaunching(Notification as NSNotificationMBS)
- event applicationWillHide(Notification as NSNotificationMBS)
- event applicationDidHide(Notification as NSNotificationMBS)
- event applicationWillUnhide(Notification as NSNotificationMBS)
- event applicationDidUnhide(Notification as NSNotificationMBS)
- event applicationWillBecomeActive(Notification as NSNotificationMBS)
- event applicationDidBecomeActive(Notification as NSNotificationMBS)
- event applicationWillResignActive(Notification as NSNotificationMBS)
- event applicationDidResignActive(Notification as NSNotificationMBS)
- event applicationWillUpdate(Notification as NSNotificationMBS)
- event applicationDidUpdate(Notification as NSNotificationMBS)
- event applicationWillTerminate(Notification as NSNotificationMBS)
- event applicationDidChangeScreenParameters(Notification as NSNotificationMBS)
- event applicationShouldTerminate as integer
- event applicationOpenFile(filename as string) as boolean
- event applicationOpenFiles(filenames() as string) as boolean
- event applicationOpenTempFile(filename as string) as boolean
- event applicationShouldOpenUntitledFile as boolean
- event applicationOpenUntitledFile as boolean
- event applicationOpenFileWithoutUI(filename as string) as boolean
- event applicationPrintFile(filename as string) as boolean
- event applicationPrintFiles(fileNames() as string, printSettings as dictionary, showPrintPanels as boolean) as boolean
- event applicationShouldTerminateAfterLastWindowClosed as boolean
- event applicationShouldHandleReopen(hasVisibleWindows as boolean) as boolean
- event applicationDockMenu as NSMenuMBS
- event applicationWillPresentError(error as NSErrorMBS) as NSErrorMBS
- event applicationDidRegisterForRemoteNotificationsWithDeviceToken(deviceToken as memoryblock)
- event applicationDidFailToRegisterForRemoteNotificationsWithError(error as NSErrorMBS)
- event applicationDidReceiveRemoteNotification(userInfo as Dictionary)
- event applicationWillEncodeRestorableState(coder as NSCoderMBS)
- event applicationDidDecodeRestorableState(coder as NSCoderMBS)
- event restoreWindowWithIdentifier(identifier as string, state as NSCoderMBS, byref resultWindow as variant, byref error as NSErrorMBS) as boolean
- event userDidAcceptCloudKitShareWithMetadata(metadata as Variant)
- class NSApplicationMBS
- method runModalForWindow(win as NSWindowMBS) as Integer
- method postEvent(e as NSEventMBS, atStart as boolean)
- method discardEventsMatchingMask(mask as Integer, beforeEvent as NSEventMBS)
- method showHelp
- method preventWindowOrdering
- method updateWindows
- method extendStateRestoration
- method completeStateRestoration
- method startDictation
- method stopDictation
- method runPageLayout
- method invalidateRestorableState
- method OverlayApplicationIconImage(image as NSImageMBS)
- method enableRelaunchOnLogin
- method disableRelaunchOnLogin
- method unregisterForRemoteNotifications
- method enabledRemoteNotificationTypes as integer
- method registerForRemoteNotificationTypes(type as integer)
- method orderFrontStandardAboutPanelWithOptions(options as dictionary)
- method orderFrontStandardAboutPanel
- method orderFrontCharacterPalette
- method windows as NSWindowMBS()
- method requestUserAttention(type as integer) as integer
- method cancelUserAttentionRequest(request as integer)
- method terminate
- method modalWindow as NSWindowMBS
- method windowWithWindowNumber(windowNumber as integer) as NSWindowMBS
- method unhideWithoutActivation
- method deactivate
- method activateIgnoringOtherApps(flag as boolean)
- method addWindowsItem(win as NSWindowMBS, title as string, isFilename as boolean)
- method changeWindowsItem(win as NSWindowMBS, title as string, isFilename as boolean)
- method removeWindowsItem(win as NSWindowMBS)
- method updateWindowsItem(win as NSWindowMBS)
- method sendEvent(theEvent as NSEventMBS)
- method arrangeInFront
- method miniaturizeAll
- method Constructor
- method hideOtherApplications
- method unhideAllApplications
- method hide
- method unhide
- method replyToOpenOrPrint(reply as integer)
- method replyToApplicationShouldTerminate(reply as boolean)
- method nextEventMatchingMask(mask as Integer, untilDate as date, mode as String, dequeueFlag as boolean) as NSEventMBS
- method nextEventMatchingMask(mask as Integer, untilDate as dateTime, mode as String, dequeueFlag as boolean) as NSEventMBS
- property userInterfaceLayoutDirection as Integer
- property isFullKeyboardAccessEnabled as Boolean
- property Handle as Integer
- property servicesProvider as NSServiceProviderMBS
- property currentEvent as NSEventMBS
- property dockTile as NSDockTileMBS
- property isActive as Boolean
- property isHidden as Boolean
- property isRunning as Boolean
- property keyWindow as NSWindowMBS
- property mainWindow as NSWindowMBS
- property currentSystemPresentationOptions as Integer
- property presentationOptions as Integer
- property applicationIconImage as NSImageMBS
- property helpMenu as NSMenuMBS
- property mainMenu as NSMenuMBS
- property windowsMenu as NSMenuMBS
- property activationPolicy as Integer
- shared method NSApplicationDidFinishRestoringWindowsNotification as string
- shared method sharedApplication as NSApplicationMBS
- shared method NSAppKitVersionNumber as double
- shared method NSApplicationDidBecomeActiveNotification as string
- shared method NSApplicationDidHideNotification as string
- shared method NSApplicationDidFinishLaunchingNotification as string
- shared method NSApplicationDidResignActiveNotification as string
- shared method NSApplicationDidUnhideNotification as string
- shared method NSApplicationDidUpdateNotification as string
- shared method NSApplicationWillBecomeActiveNotification as string
- shared method NSApplicationWillHideNotification as string
- shared method NSApplicationWillFinishLaunchingNotification as string
- shared method NSApplicationWillResignActiveNotification as string
- shared method NSApplicationWillUnhideNotification as string
- shared method NSApplicationWillUpdateNotification as string
- shared method NSApplicationWillTerminateNotification as string
- shared method NSApplicationDidChangeScreenParametersNotification as string
- shared method NSApplicationLaunchRemoteNotificationKey as string
- shared method NSApplicationLaunchIsDefaultLaunchKey as string
- shared method NSApplicationLaunchUserNotificationKey as string
- class NSButtonCellMBS
- method Constructor(image as NSImageMBS)
- method Constructor(text as string)
- property alternateTitle as String
- property alternateImage as NSImageMBS
- property sound as Variant
- property attributedTitle as NSAttributedStringMBS
- property attributedAlternateTitle as NSAttributedStringMBS
- property imageScaling as Integer
- property imagePosition as Integer
- property backgroundColor as NSColorMBS
- property showsBorderOnlyWhileMouseInside as Boolean
- property imageDimsWhenDisabled as Boolean
- class NSCellMBS
- method Constructor(image as NSImageMBS)
- method Constructor(text as string)
- method highlightColorWithFrame(theRect as NSRectMBS, controlView as NSViewMBS) as NSColorMBS
- method calcDrawInfo(theRect as NSRectMBS)
- method cellSize as NSSizeMBS
- method cellSizeForBounds(theRect as NSRectMBS) as NSSizeMBS
- method imageRectForBounds(theRect as NSRectMBS) as NSRectMBS
- method titleRectForBounds(theRect as NSRectMBS) as NSRectMBS
- method drawingRectForBounds(theRect as NSRectMBS) as NSRectMBS
- method wantsNotificationForMarkedText as boolean
- method compare(otherCell as NSCellMBS) as integer
- method isEntryAcceptable(aString as string) as boolean
- method sendActionOn(mask as integer) as integer
- method acceptsFirstResponder as boolean
- method mnemonic as string
- method setTitleWithMnemonic(stringWithAmpersand as string)
- method performClick
- method nextState as integer
- method setNextState
- property cellAttribute(aParameter as integer) as integer
- property focusRingType as integer
- property Identifier as String
- property userInterfaceLayoutDirection as Integer
- property Handle as Integer
- property tag as Integer
- property classPath as String
- property className as String
- property importsGraphics as Boolean
- property allowsEditingTextAttributes as Boolean
- property attributedStringValue as NSAttributedStringMBS
- property controlView as NSViewMBS
- property type as Integer
- property state as Integer
- property title as String
- property isOpaque as Boolean
- property Enabled as Boolean
- property Continuous as Boolean
- property Editable as Boolean
- property Selectable as Boolean
- property Bordered as Boolean
- property Bezeled as Boolean
- property Scrollable as Boolean
- property Highlighted as Boolean
- property alignment as Integer
- property wraps as Boolean
- property font as NSFontMBS
- property stringValue as String
- property intValue as Integer
- property floatValue as Double
- property doubleValue as Double
- property image as NSImageMBS
- property menu as NSMenuMBS
- property backgroundStyle as Integer
- property interiorBackgroundStyle as Integer
- property truncatesLastVisibleLine as Boolean
- property usesSingleLineMode as Boolean
- property hasValidObjectValue as Boolean
- property keyEquivalent as String
- property sendsActionOnEndEditing as Boolean
- property allowsUndo as Boolean
- property baseWritingDirection as Integer
- property lineBreakMode as Integer
- property controlTint as Integer
- property controlSize as Integer
- property refusesFirstResponder as Boolean
- property showsFirstResponder as Boolean
- property mnemonicLocation as Integer
- property allowsMixedState as Boolean
- shared method defaultMenu as NSMenuMBS
- shared method prefersTrackingUntilMouseUp as boolean
- shared method defaultFocusRingType as integer
- class NSColorPanelMBS
- method Constructor
- method SetPickerMode(value as integer)
- method attachColorList(list as NSColorListMBS)
- method detachColorList(list as NSColorListMBS)
- method SetColor(red as single, green as single, blue as single, alpha as single)
- method GetColor(byref red as single, byref green as single, byref blue as single, byref alpha as single) as boolean
- method setColor(value as NSColorMBS)
- method setMode(value as integer)
- method setShowsAlpha(value as boolean)
- method setContinuous(value as boolean)
- property accessoryView as NSViewMBS
- property isContinuous as Boolean
- property alpha as Double
- property mode as Integer
- property showsAlpha as Boolean
- property getColor as NSColorMBS
- property getColorAsRGB as NSColorMBS
- property ColorValue as Color
- shared method orderFrontColorPanel
- shared method SharedColorPanelExists as boolean
- shared method GetColorFromDrag as color
- shared method GetColorFromDrag(byref red as single, byref green as single, byref blue as single, byref alpha as single) as boolean
- event Changed
- event WillClose
- event DidMove
- event LostFocus
- event GotFocus
- event Hidden
- event Shown
- class NSControlMBS
- method abortEditing as Boolean
- method sendAction
- method EnableEvents
- method Destructor
- method ConnectActionEvent
- method performClick
- method selectCell(Cell as NSCellMBS)
- method Constructor
- method Constructor(Handle as Integer)
- method Constructor(left as double, top as double, width as double, height as double)
- method validateEditing
- method setNeedsDisplay
- method sizeToFit
- method calcSize
- property controlSize as Integer
- property refusesFirstResponder as Boolean
- property baseWritingDirection as Integer
- property stringValue as String
- property tag as Integer
- property selectedTag as Integer
- property integerValue as Integer
- property intValue as Integer
- property doubleValue as Double
- property isContinuous as Boolean
- property isEnabled as Boolean
- property ignoresMultiClick as Boolean
- property alignment as Integer
- property attributedStringValue as NSAttributedStringMBS
- property font as NSFontMBS
- property cell as Variant
- property ActionSelector as String
- property selectedCell as NSCellMBS
- property currentEditor as NSTextMBS
- event Action
- event textShouldBeginEditing(fieldEditor as NSTextMBS) as boolean
- event textShouldEndEditing(fieldEditor as NSTextMBS) as boolean
- event TextDidBeginEditing(fieldEditor as NSTextMBS, notification as NSNotificationMBS)
- event TextDidEndEditing(fieldEditor as NSTextMBS, notification as NSNotificationMBS)
- event TextDidChange(fieldEditor as NSTextMBS, notification as NSNotificationMBS)
- class NSDataDetectorMBS
- method copy as NSDataDetectorMBS
- method Constructor(checkingTypes as Integer, byref error as NSErrorMBS)
- method Constructor(script as string, options as Integer, byref error as NSErrorMBS)
- property checkingTypes as Integer
- shared method dataDetectorWithTypes(checkingTypes as Integer, byref error as NSErrorMBS) as NSDataDetectorMBS
- class NSDockTileMBS
- class NSDraggingImageComponentMBS
- method Constructor(key as string)
- property key as string
- property contents as variant
- property frame as NSRectMBS
- property Handle as Integer
- shared method draggingImageComponentWithKey(key as string) as NSDraggingImageComponentMBS
- shared method NSDraggingImageComponentIconKey as string
- shared method NSDraggingImageComponentLabelKey as string
- class NSDraggingInfoMBS
- method promisedFilesDroppedAtDestination(dropDestination as FolderItem) as FolderItem()
- method namesOfPromisedFilesDroppedAtDestination(dropDestination as FolderItem) as string()
- method Constructor
- method Constructor(Handle as Integer)
- method slideDraggedImageTo(screenPoint as NSPointMBS)
- property Handle as Integer
- property draggingDestinationWindow as Variant
- property draggingLocation as NSPointMBS
- property draggedImage as Variant
- property draggingPasteboard as Variant
- property draggedImageLocation as NSPointMBS
- property draggingSourceOperationMask as Integer
- property draggingSequenceNumber as Integer
- property animatesToDestination as Boolean
- property draggingFormation as Integer
- property numberOfValidItemsForDrop as Integer
- property draggingSource as Variant
- class NSDraggingItemMBS
- class NSDraggingSessionMBS
- method Constructor
- method draggingLocation as NSPointMBS
- method draggingPasteboard as NSPasteboardMBS
- method draggingSequenceNumber as integer
- method draggingLeaderIndex as integer
- property draggingFormation as integer
- property animatesToStartingPositionsOnCancelOrFail as boolean
- property Handle as Integer
- class NSFileHandleMBS
- method AvailableBytes as integer
- method Constructor
- method readInBackgroundAndNotify
- method readToEndOfFileInBackgroundAndNotify
- method acceptConnectionInBackgroundAndNotify
- method waitForDataInBackgroundAndNotify
- method fileDescriptor as integer
- method seekToEndOfFile as UInt64
- method readDataToEndOfFile as MemoryBlock
- method availableData as MemoryBlock
- method writeData(data as MemoryBlock)
- method closeFile
- method synchronizeFile
- method truncateFileAtOffset(offset as UInt64)
- method seekToFileOffset(offset as UInt64)
- method readDataOfLength(length as integer) as MemoryBlock
- property offsetInFile as UInt64
- property Handle as Integer
- shared method NSFileHandleOperationException as string
- shared method NSFileHandleReadCompletionNotification as string
- shared method NSFileHandleReadToEndOfFileCompletionNotification as string
- shared method NSFileHandleConnectionAcceptedNotification as string
- shared method NSFileHandleDataAvailableNotification as string
- shared method NSFileHandleNotificationDataItem as string
- shared method NSFileHandleNotificationFileHandleItem as string
- shared method NSFileHandleNotificationMonitorModes as string
- shared method fileHandleWithStandardInput as NSFileHandleMBS
- shared method fileHandleWithStandardOutput as NSFileHandleMBS
- shared method fileHandleWithStandardError as NSFileHandleMBS
- shared method fileHandleWithNullDevice as NSFileHandleMBS
- shared method fileHandleForReadingAtPath(path as string) as NSFileHandleMBS
- shared method fileHandleForReadingAtFile(path as folderitem) as NSFileHandleMBS
- shared method fileHandleForWritingAtPath(path as string) as NSFileHandleMBS
- shared method fileHandleForWritingAtFile(path as folderitem) as NSFileHandleMBS
- shared method fileHandleForUpdatingAtPath(path as string) as NSFileHandleMBS
- shared method fileHandleForUpdatingAtFile(path as folderitem) as NSFileHandleMBS
- shared method fileHandleWithFileDescriptor(fd as integer) as NSFileHandleMBS
- shared method fileHandleWithFileDescriptor(fd as integer, closeOnDealloc as boolean) as NSFileHandleMBS
- shared method fileHandleForReadingFromURL(URL as string, byref error as NSErrorMBS) as NSFileHandleMBS
- shared method fileHandleForReadingFromFile(URL as folderitem, byref error as NSErrorMBS) as NSFileHandleMBS
- shared method fileHandleForWritingToURL(URL as string, byref error as NSErrorMBS) as NSFileHandleMBS
- shared method fileHandleForWritingToFile(URL as folderitem, byref error as NSErrorMBS) as NSFileHandleMBS
- shared method fileHandleForUpdatingURL(URL as string, byref error as NSErrorMBS) as NSFileHandleMBS
- shared method fileHandleForUpdatingFile(URL as folderitem, byref error as NSErrorMBS) as NSFileHandleMBS
- class NSFileManagerMBS
- method replaceItemAtURL(originalItemURL as string, newItemURL as String, backupItemName as String, options as integer, byref resultingURL as String, byref error as NSErrorMBS) as Boolean
- method replaceItem(originalItem as FolderItem, newItem as FolderItem, backupItemName as String, options as integer, byref resultingItem as FolderItem, byref error as NSErrorMBS) as Boolean
- method attributesOfFileSystemForPath(path as string, byref error as NSErrorMBS) as Dictionary
- method attributesOfFileSystemForPath(item as FolderItem, byref error as NSErrorMBS) as Dictionary
- method createFile(Path as FolderItem, contents as MemoryBlock, attrs as Dictionary = nil) as boolean
- method createFile(Path as String, contents as MemoryBlock, attrs as Dictionary = nil) as boolean
- method createDirectory(Path as FolderItem, createIntermediates as boolean = true, attrs as Dictionary = nil, byref error as NSErrorMBS) as boolean
- method createDirectory(Path as String, createIntermediates as boolean = true, attrs as Dictionary = nil, byref error as NSErrorMBS) as boolean
- method Constructor
- method homeDirectoryForUser(Name as string) as FolderItem
- method containerURLForSecurityApplicationGroupIdentifier(groupIdentifier as string) as string
- method containerFolderForSecurityApplicationGroupIdentifier(groupIdentifier as string) as FolderItem
- method copyItemMT(source as FolderItem, dest as FolderItem, byref error as NSErrorMBS) as boolean
- method copyItemMT(sourcePath as String, destPath as String, byref error as NSErrorMBS) as boolean
- method linkItem(source as FolderItem, dest as FolderItem, byref error as NSErrorMBS) as boolean
- method linkItem(sourcePath as String, destPath as String, byref error as NSErrorMBS) as boolean
- method moveItem(source as FolderItem, dest as FolderItem, byref error as NSErrorMBS) as boolean
- method moveItem(sourcePath as String, destPath as String, byref error as NSErrorMBS) as boolean
- method copyItem(source as FolderItem, dest as FolderItem, byref error as NSErrorMBS) as boolean
- method copyItem(sourcePath as String, destPath as String, byref error as NSErrorMBS) as boolean
- method trashItem(file as FolderItem, byref Resulting as FolderItem, byref error as NSErrorMBS) as boolean
- method trashItem(Path as String, byref Resulting as FolderItem, byref error as NSErrorMBS) as boolean
- method removeItem(File as FolderItem, byref error as NSErrorMBS) as boolean
- method removeItem(Path as String, byref error as NSErrorMBS) as boolean
- method attributesOfItemAtPath(path as string, byref error as NSErrorMBS) as Dictionary
- method attributesOfItemAtPath(item as FolderItem, byref error as NSErrorMBS) as Dictionary
- method setAttributes(attributesDic as dictionary, path as string, byref error as NSErrorMBS) as boolean
- method setAttributes(attributesDic as dictionary, item as FolderItem, byref error as NSErrorMBS) as boolean
- method setUbiquitous(flag as boolean, item as FolderItem, destURL as string, byref error as NSErrorMBS) as boolean
- method setUbiquitous(flag as boolean, item as FolderItem, destitem as FolderItem, byref error as NSErrorMBS) as boolean
- method URLForUbiquityContainerIdentifier(containerIdentifier as string) as string
- method FileForUbiquityContainerIdentifier(containerIdentifier as string) as FolderItem
- method URLForPublishingUbiquitousItem(item as FolderItem, byref expirationDate as date, byref error as NSErrorMBS) as string
- method URLForPublishingUbiquitousItem(URL as string, byref expirationDate as date, byref error as NSErrorMBS) as string
- method evictUbiquitousItem(item as FolderItem, byref error as NSErrorMBS) as boolean
- method startDownloadingUbiquitousItem(item as FolderItem, byref error as NSErrorMBS) as boolean
- method startDownloadingUbiquitousItem(URL as string, byref error as NSErrorMBS) as boolean
- method isUbiquitousItem(item as FolderItem) as boolean
- method isUbiquitousItem(URL as string) as boolean
- method createSymbolicLink(file as FolderItem, destFile as FolderItem, byref error as NSErrorMBS) as boolean
- method createSymbolicLink(path as string, destPath as string, byref error as NSErrorMBS) as boolean
- method displayName(path as FolderItem) as string
- method contentsEqual(path1 as FolderItem, path2 as FolderItem) as boolean
- method isDeletableFile(path as FolderItem) as boolean
- method isExecutableFile(path as FolderItem) as boolean
- method isWritableFile(path as FolderItem) as boolean
- method isReadableFile(path as FolderItem) as boolean
- method fileExists(path as FolderItem) as boolean
- method fileExists(path as FolderItem, byref isDirectory as boolean) as boolean
- method changeCurrentDirectory(folder as FolderItem) as boolean
- method changeCurrentDirectory(path as string) as boolean
- method destinationOfSymbolicLinkAtPath(file as FolderItem, byref error as NSErrorMBS) as string
- method destinationOfSymbolicLinkAtPath(path as string, byref error as NSErrorMBS) as string
- property Handle as Integer
- property currentDirectoryPath as String
- property currentDirectory as FolderItem
- property homeDirectoryForCurrentUser as FolderItem
- property temporaryDirectory as FolderItem
- shared method fileManagerWithAuthorization(authorization as NSWorkspaceAuthorizationMBS) as NSFileManagerMBS
- shared method URLByAppendingPathExtension(URL as string, pathExtension as string) as string
- shared method URLByStandardizingPath(URL as string) as string
- shared method URLByResolvingSymlinksInPath(URL as string) as string
- shared method URLByDeletingPathExtension(URL as string) as string
- shared method URLByDeletingLastPathComponent(URL as string) as string
- shared method URLByAppendingPathComponent(URL as string, pathComponent as string) as string
- shared method URLByAppendingPathComponent(URL as string, pathComponent as string, isDirectory as boolean) as string
- shared method stringByAbbreviatingWithTildeInPath(path as string) as string
- shared method stringByExpandingTildeInPath(path as string) as string
- shared method stringByStandardizingPath(path as string) as string
- shared method stringByResolvingSymlinksInPath(path as string) as string
- shared method lastPathComponent(pathOrURL as string) as string
- shared method pathExtension(pathOrURL as string) as string
- shared method stringByDeletingLastPathComponent(path as string) as string
- shared method stringByDeletingPathExtension(path as string) as string
- shared method stringByAppendingPathComponent(path as string, Component as string) as string
- shared method stringByAppendingPathExtension(path as string, Extension as string) as string
- shared method NSFileType as string
- shared method NSFileTypeDirectory as string
- shared method NSFileTypeRegular as string
- shared method NSFileTypeSymbolicLink as string
- shared method NSFileTypeSocket as string
- shared method NSFileTypeCharacterSpecial as string
- shared method NSFileTypeBlockSpecial as string
- shared method NSFileTypeUnknown as string
- shared method NSFileSize as string
- shared method NSFileModificationDate as string
- shared method NSFileReferenceCount as string
- shared method NSFileDeviceIdentifier as string
- shared method NSFileOwnerAccountName as string
- shared method NSFileGroupOwnerAccountName as string
- shared method NSFilePosixPermissions as string
- shared method NSFileSystemNumber as string
- shared method NSFileSystemFileNumber as string
- shared method NSFileExtensionHidden as string
- shared method NSFileHFSCreatorCode as string
- shared method NSFileHFSTypeCode as string
- shared method NSFileImmutable as string
- shared method NSFileAppendOnly as string
- shared method NSFileCreationDate as string
- shared method NSFileOwnerAccountID as string
- shared method NSFileGroupOwnerAccountID as string
- shared method NSFileBusy as string
- shared method NSFileSystemSize as string
- shared method NSFileSystemFreeSize as string
- shared method NSFileSystemNodes as string
- shared method NSFileSystemFreeNodes as string
- shared method NSUbiquityIdentityDidChangeNotification as string
- shared method NSFileManagerUnmountDissentingProcessIdentifierErrorKey as string
- shared property defaultManager as NSFileManagerMBS
- class NSFontManagerMBS
- method availableFontNamesMatchingFontDescriptor(descriptor as NSFontDescriptorMBS) as String()
- method fontDescriptorsInCollection(collectionName as String) as NSFontDescriptorMBS()
- method removeFontDescriptorFromCollection(descriptor as NSFontDescriptorMBS, collectionName as String)
- method addFontDescriptorsToCollection(descriptors() as NSFontDescriptorMBS, collectionName as String)
- method addCollection(collectionName as String, Options as Integer = 0) as Boolean
- method removeCollection(collectionName as String) as Boolean
- method fontHasTraits(fontName as string, Traits as integer) as boolean
- method weightOfFont(font as NSFontMBS) as integer
- method traitsOfFont(font as NSFontMBS) as integer
- method orderFrontFontPanel
- method orderFrontStylesPanel
- method availableMembersOfFontFamily(FontFamily as string) as variant()
- method availableFontFamilies as string()
- method availableFonts as string()
- method availableFontNamesWithTraits(traits as integer) as string()
- method collectionNames as string()
- method Constructor
- method isMultiple as boolean
- method selectedFont as NSFontMBS
- method setSelectedAttributes(dic as dictionary, isMultiple as boolean)
- method setSelectedFont(font as NSFontMBS, isMultiple as boolean)
- method convertAttributes(dic as dictionary) as dictionary
- method convertFont(font as NSFontMBS) as NSFontMBS
- method convertFontToSize(font as NSFontMBS, size as double) as NSFontMBS
- method convertFontToFace(font as NSFontMBS, face as string) as NSFontMBS
- method convertFontToFamily(font as NSFontMBS, family as string) as NSFontMBS
- method convertFontToHaveTrait(font as NSFontMBS, trait as integer) as NSFontMBS
- method convertFontToNotHaveTrait(font as NSFontMBS, trait as integer) as NSFontMBS
- method convertWeightOfFont(font as NSFontMBS, up as boolean) as NSFontMBS
- method convertFontTraits(traits as integer) as integer
- property Enabled as boolean
- property Handle as Integer
- shared method sharedFontManager as NSFontManagerMBS
- class NSFontPanelMBS
- method Constructor
- method Destructor
- method reloadDefaultFontFamilies
- method worksWhenModal as boolean
- method setPanelFont(font as NSFontMBS, isMultiple as boolean)
- method panelConvertFont(font as NSFontMBS) as NSFontMBS
- property accessoryView as NSViewMBS
- property Enabled as boolean
- shared method sharedFontPanelExists as boolean
- shared method sharedFontPanel as NSFontPanelMBS
- shared method convertAttributes(old as dictionary) as dictionary
- shared method convertFont(oldFont as NSFontMBS) as NSFontMBS
- event changeFont
- event changeAttributes
- event validModesForFontPanel as integer
- class NSGraphicsMBS
- method drawPicture(image as Picture, x as double, y as double, w as double, h as double, sx as double, sy as double, sw as double, sh as double, Operation as integer, fraction as double)
- method set(transform as NSAffineTransformMBS)
- method concat(transform as NSAffineTransformMBS)
- method stroke(path as NSBezierPathMBS)
- method fill(path as NSBezierPathMBS)
- method addClip(path as NSBezierPathMBS)
- method setClip(path as NSBezierPathMBS)
- method setCurrentContext
- method fillRect(r as NSRectMBS)
- method strokeRect(r as NSRectMBS)
- method clipRect(r as NSRectMBS)
- method boundingRectWithSize(text as NSAttributedStringMBS, size as NSSizeMBS, options as integer = 0) as NSRectMBS
- method drawWithRect(text as NSAttributedStringMBS, rect as NSRectMBS, options as integer)
- method drawInRect(text as NSAttributedStringMBS, rect as NSRectMBS)
- method drawAtPoint(text as NSAttributedStringMBS, point as NSPointMBS)
- method DrawWindowBackground(x as double, y as double, w as double, h as double)
- method fillRect(x as double, y as double, w as double, h as double, operation as integer)
- method drawInRect(text as string, rect as NSRectMBS, DicAttributes as dictionary = nil)
- method drawAtPoint(text as string, point as NSPointMBS, DicAttributes as dictionary = nil)
- method sizeWithAttributes(text as string, DicAttributes as dictionary = nil) as NSSizeMBS
- method boundingRectWithSize(text as string, size as NSSizeMBS, options as integer = 0, DicAttributes as dictionary = nil) as NSRectMBS
- method drawAtPoint(image as NSImageMBS, x as double, y as double, sx as double, sy as double, sw as double, sh as double, Operation as integer, fraction as double)
- method drawInRect(image as NSImageMBS, x as double, y as double, w as double, h as double, sx as double, sy as double, sw as double, sh as double, Operation as integer, fraction as double)
- method fillRect(x as double, y as double, w as double, h as double)
- method drawRect(x as double, y as double, w as double, h as double)
- method eraseRect(x as double, y as double, w as double, h as double)
- method highlightRect(x as double, y as double, w as double, h as double)
- method SetColorBW(white as double, alpha as double = 1.0)
- method SetColorHSV(hue as double, saturation as double, brightness as double, alpha as double = 1.0)
- method SetColorRGB(red as double, green as double, blue as double, alpha as double = 1.0)
- method SetColorCMYK(cyan as double, magenta as double, yellow as double, black as double, alpha as double = 1.0)
- method setColor(c as NSColorMBS)
- method setFillColor(c as NSColorMBS)
- method setStrokeColor(c as NSColorMBS)
- method flushGraphics
- method saveGraphicsState
- method restoreGraphicsState
- method isDrawingToScreen as boolean
- method isFlipped as boolean
- method graphicsPort as variant
- method invalidate
- method Constructor
- method Constructor(targetWindow as NSWindowMBS)
- method Constructor(targetWindow as window)
- method Constructor(targetView as NSViewMBS)
- method Constructor(targetImage as NSImageMBS)
- method Constructor(targetImage as NSBitmapImageRepMBS)
- method ScaleCoordinates(x as double, y as double)
- method TranslateCoordinates(x as double, y as double)
- method strokeLine(x1 as double, y1 as double, x2 as double, y2 as double)
- method strokeLine(point1 as NSPointMBS, point2 as NSPointMBS)
- method ConcatTransform(NSAffineTransform as variant)
- method SetTransform(NSAffineTransform as variant)
- method Constructor(targetWindow as DesktopWindow)
- property shouldAntialias as boolean
- property imageInterpolation as integer
- property Handle as Integer
- property Valid as Boolean
- property Owner as Variant
- shared method graphicsContext as NSGraphicsMBS
- shared method graphicsContextWithCGContext(targetCGContext as variant, initialFlippedState as boolean = false) as NSGraphicsMBS
- shared method graphicsContextWithCGContextHandle(targetCGContextRef as Integer, initialFlippedState as boolean = false) as NSGraphicsMBS
- shared method graphicsContextWithCGContextHandle(targetCGContextRef as Ptr, initialFlippedState as boolean = false) as NSGraphicsMBS
- shared method graphicsContextWithNSWindow(targetNSWindow as NSWindowMBS) as NSGraphicsMBS
- shared method graphicsContextWithWindow(targetWindow as window) as NSGraphicsMBS
- shared method graphicsContextWithNSView(targetView as NSViewMBS) as NSGraphicsMBS
- shared method graphicsContextWithNSImage(targetImage as NSImageMBS) as NSGraphicsMBS
- shared method graphicsContextWithNSBitmapImageRep(targetImage as NSBitmapImageRepMBS) as NSGraphicsMBS
- shared method graphicsContextWithWindow(targetWindow as DesktopWindow) as NSGraphicsMBS
- class NSImageCellMBS
- class NSLayoutManagerMBS
- method usedRectForTextContainer(container as NSTextContainerMBS) as NSRectMBS
- method setExtraLineFragmentRect(fragmentRect as NSRectMBS, usedRect as NSRectMBS, TextContainer as NSTextContainerMBS)
- method setLineFragmentRect(fragmentRect as NSRectMBS, glyphRange as NSRangeMBS, usedRect as NSRectMBS)
- method rectArrayForGlyphRange(glyphRange as NSRangeMBS, selGlyphRange as NSRangeMBS, container as NSTextContainerMBS, byref rectCount as integer) as NSRectMBS()
- method rectArrayForCharacterRange(charRange as NSRangeMBS, selCharRange as NSRangeMBS, container as NSTextContainerMBS, byref rectCount as integer) as NSRectMBS()
- method glyphRangeForTextContainer(container as NSTextContainerMBS) as NSRangeMBS
- method rangeOfNominallySpacedGlyphsContainingIndex(glyphIndex as integer) as NSRangeMBS
- method glyphIndexForPoint(point as NSPointMBS, container as NSTextContainerMBS) as integer
- method glyphIndexForPoint(point as NSPointMBS, container as NSTextContainerMBS, byref partialFraction as double) as integer
- method characterIndexForPoint(point as NSPointMBS, container as NSTextContainerMBS, byref partialFraction as double) as integer
- method lineFragmentRectForGlyphAtIndex(glyphIndex as integer, byref effectiveRange as NSRangeMBS, withoutAdditionalLayout as boolean) as NSRectMBS
- method lineFragmentUsedRectForGlyphAtIndex(glyphIndex as integer, byref effectiveRange as NSRangeMBS, withoutAdditionalLayout as boolean) as NSRectMBS
- method lineFragmentRectForGlyphAtIndex(glyphIndex as integer, byref effectiveRange as NSRangeMBS) as NSRectMBS
- method lineFragmentUsedRectForGlyphAtIndex(glyphIndex as integer, byref effectiveRange as NSRangeMBS) as NSRectMBS
- method locationForGlyphAtIndex(glyphIndex as integer) as NSPointMBS
- method removeTextContainerAtIndex(index as integer)
- method addTextContainer(container as NSTextContainerMBS)
- method setCharacterIndex(charIndex as integer, glyphIndex as integer)
- method replaceGlyphAtIndex(glyphIndex as integer, newGlyph as integer)
- method Constructor
- method replaceTextStorage(newTextStorage as NSTextStorageMBS)
- property InvisibleCharMapping(character as integer) as string
- property Handle as Integer
- property usesFontLeading as Boolean
- property showInvisibleCharacters as Boolean
- property textColor as NSColorMBS
- property font as NSFontMBS
- property backgroundLayoutEnabled as Boolean
- property usesScreenFonts as Boolean
- property showsInvisibleCharacters as Boolean
- property showsControlCharacters as Boolean
- property allowsNonContiguousLayout as Boolean
- property hasNonContiguousLayout as Boolean
- property attributedString as NSAttributedStringMBS
- property hyphenationFactor as Double
- property textStorage as NSTextStorageMBS
- class NSLinguisticTaggerMBS
- method tagsInRange(range as NSRangeMBS, Scheme as String, options as Integer) as NSLinguisticValueMBS()
- method tagAtIndex(charIndex as Integer, Scheme as String, byref tokenRange as NSRangeMBS, byref sentenceRange as NSRangeMBS) as String
- method tagAtIndex(charIndex as Integer, unit as Integer, Scheme as String, byref tokenRange as NSRangeMBS) as String
- method tagsInRange(range as NSRangeMBS, unit as Integer, Scheme as String, options as Integer) as NSLinguisticValueMBS()
- method sentenceRangeForRange(range as NSRangeMBS) as NSRangeMBS
- method tokenRangeAtIndex(charIndex as Integer, Unit as Integer) as NSRangeMBS
- method tagSchemes as String()
- method Constructor(tagSchemes() as String, options as integer = 0)
- method setOrthography(orthography as NSOrthographyMBS, range as NSRangeMBS)
- method orthographyAtIndex(charIndex as integer, byref effectiveRange as NSRangeMBS) as NSOrthographyMBS
- property Handle as Integer
- property Text as String
- property dominantLanguage as String
- shared method tagForString(text as string, charIndex as Integer, unit as Integer, Scheme as String, orthography as NSOrthographyMBS, byref tokenRange as NSRangeMBS) as String
- shared method TagsForString(text as string, range as NSRangeMBS, unit as Integer, Scheme as String, options as Integer, orthography as NSOrthographyMBS) as NSLinguisticValueMBS()
- shared method dominantLanguageForString(text as String) as String
- shared method availableTagSchemesForLanguage(Language as String) as String()
- shared method availableTagSchemesForUnit(unit as Integer, Language as String) as String()
- shared method NSLinguisticTagSchemeTokenType as String
- shared method NSLinguisticTagSchemeLexicalClass as String
- shared method NSLinguisticTagSchemeNameType as String
- shared method NSLinguisticTagSchemeNameTypeOrLexicalClass as String
- shared method NSLinguisticTagSchemeLemma as String
- shared method NSLinguisticTagSchemeLanguage as String
- shared method NSLinguisticTagSchemeScript as String
- shared method NSLinguisticTagWord as String
- shared method NSLinguisticTagPunctuation as String
- shared method NSLinguisticTagWhitespace as String
- shared method NSLinguisticTagOther as String
- shared method NSLinguisticTagNoun as String
- shared method NSLinguisticTagVerb as String
- shared method NSLinguisticTagAdjective as String
- shared method NSLinguisticTagAdverb as String
- shared method NSLinguisticTagPronoun as String
- shared method NSLinguisticTagDeterminer as String
- shared method NSLinguisticTagParticle as String
- shared method NSLinguisticTagPreposition as String
- shared method NSLinguisticTagNumber as String
- shared method NSLinguisticTagConjunction as String
- shared method NSLinguisticTagInterjection as String
- shared method NSLinguisticTagClassifier as String
- shared method NSLinguisticTagIdiom as String
- shared method NSLinguisticTagOtherWord as String
- shared method NSLinguisticTagSentenceTerminator as String
- shared method NSLinguisticTagOpenQuote as String
- shared method NSLinguisticTagCloseQuote as String
- shared method NSLinguisticTagOpenParenthesis as String
- shared method NSLinguisticTagCloseParenthesis as String
- shared method NSLinguisticTagWordJoiner as String
- shared method NSLinguisticTagDash as String
- shared method NSLinguisticTagOtherPunctuation as String
- shared method NSLinguisticTagParagraphBreak as String
- shared method NSLinguisticTagOtherWhitespace as String
- shared method NSLinguisticTagPersonalName as String
- shared method NSLinguisticTagPlaceName as String
- shared method NSLinguisticTagOrganizationName as String
- class NSLinguisticValueMBS
- class NSMenuItemCellMBS
- class NSMutableParagraphStyleMBS
- method setTextBlocks(TextBlocks() as NSTextBlockMBS)
- method setTabStops(tabStops() as NSTextTabMBS)
- method setTextLists(TextLists() as NSTextListMBS)
- method setParagraphStyle(ParagraphStyle as NSParagraphStyleMBS)
- method addTabStop(tabstop as NSTextTabMBS)
- method removeTabStop(tabstop as NSTextTabMBS)
- method Constructor
- method setLineSpacing(value as double)
- method setParagraphSpacing(value as double)
- method setFirstLineHeadIndent(value as double)
- method setHeadIndent(value as double)
- method setTailIndent(value as double)
- method setMinimumLineHeight(value as double)
- method setMaximumLineHeight(value as double)
- method setLineHeightMultiple(value as double)
- method setParagraphSpacingBefore(value as double)
- method setDefaultTabInterval(value as double)
- method setHyphenationFactor(value as double)
- method setTighteningFactorForTruncation(value as double)
- method setHeaderLevel(level as integer)
- method setAlignment(alignment as integer)
- method setBaseWritingDirection(writingDirection as integer)
- method setLineBreakMode(mode as integer)
- class NSOpenPanelMBS
- method URLs as String()
- method Files as FolderItem()
- method beginSheetForDirectory(path as folderitem, name as string, filetypes() as string, targetWindow as window)
- method beginForDirectory(path as folderitem, name as string, filetypes() as string)
- method Files(index as UInt32) as folderitem
- method URL(index as UInt32) as string
- method Constructor
- method runModalForDirectory(path as folderitem, name as string, filetypes as string) as integer
- method runModalForTypes(filetypes as string) as integer
- method runModalForDirectory(path as folderitem, name as string, filetypes() as string) as integer
- method runModalForTypes(filetypes() as string) as integer
- method beginSheetForDirectory(path as folderitem, name as string, filetypes() as string, targetWindow as DesktopWindow)
- property FilesCount as UInt32
- property resolvesAliases as Boolean
- property canChooseDirectories as Boolean
- property allowsMultipleSelection as Boolean
- property canChooseFiles as Boolean
- property canDownloadUbiquitousContents as Boolean
- property canResolveUbiquitousConflicts as Boolean
- property AccessoryViewDisclosed as Boolean
- class NSOrthographyMBS
- method copy as NSOrthographyMBS
- method Constructor(script as string, map as dictionary)
- method dominantLanguageForScript(script as string) as String
- method allLanguages as String()
- method allScripts as String()
- method languagesForScript(script as string) as String()
- property Handle as Integer
- property dominantScript as String
- property dominantLanguage as String
- property languageMap as Dictionary
- shared method orthographyWithDominantScript(script as string, map as dictionary) as NSOrthographyMBS
- shared method defaultOrthographyForLanguage(language as string) as NSOrthographyMBS
- class NSPageLayoutMBS
- method beginSheetWithPrintInfo(printInfo as NSPrintInfoMBS, win as window)
- method beginSheetWithPrintInfo(printInfo as NSPrintInfoMBS, win as NSWindowMBS)
- method Constructor
- method printInfo as NSPrintInfoMBS
- method runModal as integer
- method runModalWithPrintInfo(printInfo as NSPrintInfoMBS) as integer
- method beginSheetWithPrintInfo(printInfo as NSPrintInfoMBS, win as DesktopWindow)
- property Handle as Integer
- shared method pageLayout as NSPageLayoutMBS
- shared method runPageLayout
- event printPanelDidEnd(returnCode as integer)
- class NSParagraphStyleMBS
- method copy as NSParagraphStyleMBS
- method mutableCopy as NSMutableParagraphStyleMBS
- method Constructor
- method tabStops as NSTextTabMBS()
- method textLists as NSTextListMBS()
- method textBlocks as NSTextBlockMBS()
- property Handle as Integer
- property lineSpacing as Double
- property paragraphSpacing as Double
- property headIndent as Double
- property tailIndent as Double
- property firstLineHeadIndent as Double
- property minimumLineHeight as Double
- property maximumLineHeight as Double
- property lineHeightMultiple as Double
- property paragraphSpacingBefore as Double
- property defaultTabInterval as Double
- property hyphenationFactor as Double
- property tighteningFactorForTruncation as Double
- property alignment as Integer
- property lineBreakMode as Integer
- property baseWritingDirection as Integer
- property headerLevel as Integer
- property firstTabStop as NSTextTabMBS
- property firstTextList as NSTextListMBS
- shared method defaultParagraphStyle as NSParagraphStyleMBS
- shared method defaultWritingDirectionForLanguage(languageName as string) as integer
- shared method NSRightTextAlignment as Integer
- shared method NSCenterTextAlignment as Integer
- class NSPathComponentCellMBS
- class NSPathControlItemMBS
- class NSPathControlMBS
- method allowedTypes as String()
- method setAllowedTypes(items() as String)
- method pathItems as NSPathControlItemMBS()
- method setPathItems(items() as NSPathControlItemMBS)
- method pathComponentCells as NSPathComponentCellMBS()
- method setPathComponentCells(cells() as NSPathComponentCellMBS)
- method setDraggingSourceOperationMask(mask as integer, local as boolean)
- method Constructor
- method Constructor(Handle as Integer)
- method Constructor(left as double, top as double, width as double, height as double)
- property URL as String
- property File as FolderItem
- property Menu as NSMenuMBS
- property BackgroundColor as NSColorMBS
- property pathStyle as Integer
- property clickedPathComponentCell as NSPathComponentCellMBS
- property clickedPathItem as NSPathControlItemMBS
- property editable as Boolean
- property placeholderAttributedString as NSAttributedStringMBS
- property placeholderString as String
- event DoubleClick
- event willDisplayOpenPanel(openPanel as Variant)
- event willPopUpMenu(menu as Variant)
- class NSPipeMBS
- class NSPopUpButtonCellMBS
- method itemTitles as String()
- method itemArray as NSMenuItemMBS()
- method indexOfItem(item as NSMenuItemMBS) as Integer
- method indexOfItemWithTitle(title as String) as Integer
- method indexOfItemWithTag(tag as Integer) as Integer
- method selectItemWithTag(tag as Integer) as boolean
- method selectItem(item as NSMenuItemMBS)
- method setTitle(title as string)
- method selectItemAtIndex(Index as Integer)
- method itemTitleAtIndex(Index as Integer) as String
- method itemWithTitle(title as String) as NSMenuItemMBS
- method itemAtIndex(Index as Integer) as NSMenuItemMBS
- method insertItemWithTitle(title as string, atIndex as Integer)
- method addItemsWithTitles(itemTitles() as string)
- method removeItemAtIndex(Index as Integer)
- method dismissPopUp
- method synchronizeTitleAndSelectedItem
- method selectItemWithTitle(title as string)
- method removeAllItems
- method removeItemWithTitle(title as string)
- method addItemWithTitle(title as string)
- method Constructor(image as NSImageMBS)
- method Constructor(text as string, pullsDown as boolean)
- property titleOfSelectedItem as String
- property preferredEdge as Integer
- property indexOfSelectedItem as Integer
- property arrowPosition as Integer
- property numberOfItems as Integer
- property altersStateOfSelectedItem as Boolean
- property usesItemFromMenu as Boolean
- property autoenablesItems as Boolean
- property pullsDown as Boolean
- property menu as NSMenuMBS
- property selectedItem as NSMenuItemMBS
- property lastItem as NSMenuItemMBS
- class NSPrinterMBS
- method stringListForKey(key as string, table as string) as string()
- method rectForKey(key as string, table as string) as NSRectMBS
- method sizeForKey(key as string, table as string) as NSSizeMBS
- method stringForKey(key as string, table as string) as string
- method isKey(key as string, table as string) as boolean
- method booleanForKey(key as string, table as string) as boolean
- method floatForKey(key as string, table as string) as double
- method intForKey(key as string, table as string) as integer
- method statusForTable(paperName as string) as integer
- method pageSizeForPaper(paperName as string) as NSSizeMBS
- method copy as NSPrinterMBS
- method languageLevel as integer
- method name as string
- method type as string
- method Constructor(name as string = "")
- method deviceDescription as Dictionary
- property Handle as Integer
- shared method printerWithName(name as string) as NSPrinterMBS
- shared method printerWithType(type as string) as NSPrinterMBS
- shared method printerTypes as string()
- shared method printerNames as string()
- shared method defaultPrinter as NSPrinterMBS
- class NSPrintInfoMBS
- method SetSaveDestination(file as folderitem)
- method Constructor(attributes as Dictionary)
- method Constructor(Data as Memoryblock)
- method copy as NSPrintInfoMBS
- method setUpPrintOperationDefaultValues
- method Constructor
- property Handle as Integer
- property Data as MemoryBlock
- property SetupString as MemoryBlock
- property bottomMargin as Double
- property topMargin as Double
- property rightMargin as Double
- property leftMargin as Double
- property verticalPagination as Integer
- property horizontalPagination as Integer
- property VerticallyCentered as Boolean
- property HorizontallyCentered as Boolean
- property SelectionOnly as Boolean
- property localizedPaperName as String
- property printerName as String
- property printer as NSPrinterMBS
- property paperName as String
- property scalingFactor as Double
- property orientation as Integer
- property jobDisposition as String
- property printSettings as Dictionary
- property Dictionary as Dictionary
- property paperSize as NSSizeMBS
- property imageablePageBounds as NSRectMBS
- property Duplex as Integer
- shared method setSharedPrintInfo(printInfo as NSPrintInfoMBS)
- shared method sharedPrintInfo as NSPrintInfoMBS
- shared method defaultPrinter as NSPrinterMBS
- shared method NSPrintSpoolJob as string
- shared method NSPrintPreviewJob as string
- shared method NSPrintSaveJob as string
- shared method NSPrintCancelJob as string
- shared method NSPrintPaperName as string
- shared method NSPrintPaperSize as string
- shared method NSPrintOrientation as string
- shared method NSPrintScalingFactor as string
- shared method NSPrintLeftMargin as string
- shared method NSPrintRightMargin as string
- shared method NSPrintTopMargin as string
- shared method NSPrintBottomMargin as string
- shared method NSPrintHorizontallyCentered as string
- shared method NSPrintVerticallyCentered as string
- shared method NSPrintHorizontalPagination as string
- shared method NSPrintVerticalPagination as string
- shared method NSPrintPrinter as string
- shared method NSPrintCopies as string
- shared method NSPrintAllPages as string
- shared method NSPrintFirstPage as string
- shared method NSPrintLastPage as string
- shared method NSPrintMustCollate as string
- shared method NSPrintReversePageOrder as string
- shared method NSPrintJobDisposition as string
- shared method NSPrintPagesAcross as string
- shared method NSPrintPagesDown as string
- shared method NSPrintTime as string
- shared method NSPrintDetailedErrorReporting as string
- shared method NSPrintFaxNumber as string
- shared method NSPrintPrinterName as string
- shared method NSPrintSelectionOnly as string
- shared method NSPrintJobSavingURL as string
- shared method NSPrintJobSavingFileNameExtensionHidden as string
- shared method NSPrintHeaderAndFooter as string
- class NSPrintOperationMBS
- method data as Memoryblock
- method Constructor(other as NSPrintOperationMBS)
- method Constructor(view as NSViewMBS)
- method Constructor(view as NSViewMBS, printInfo as NSPrintInfoMBS)
- method Constructor(view as HTMLViewer, printInfo as NSPrintInfoMBS = nil)
- method runOperationModalForWindow(win as window)
- method runOperationModalForWindow(win as NSWindowMBS)
- method context as NSGraphicsMBS
- method preferredRenderingQuality as integer
- method runOperation as boolean
- method view as NSViewMBS
- method currentPage as integer
- method Constructor
- method pageRange as NSRangeMBS
- method isCopyingOperation as boolean
- method Destructor
- method Constructor(view as DesktopHTMLViewer, printInfo as NSPrintInfoMBS = nil)
- method runOperationModalForWindow(win as DesktopWindow)
- property pageOrder as integer
- property jobTitle as string
- property showsPrintPanel as boolean
- property showsProgressPanel as boolean
- property canSpawnSeparateThread as boolean
- property printInfo as NSPrintInfoMBS
- property printPanel as NSPrintPanelMBS
- property Handle as Integer
- shared method NSPrintOperationExistsException as string
- shared method setCurrentOperation(operation as NSPrintOperationMBS)
- shared method currentOperation as NSPrintOperationMBS
- shared method printOperationWithView(view as NSViewMBS) as NSPrintOperationMBS
- shared method printOperationWithView(view as NSViewMBS, printInfo as NSPrintInfoMBS) as NSPrintOperationMBS
- shared method printOperationWithView(view as HTMLViewer, printInfo as NSPrintInfoMBS = nil) as NSPrintOperationMBS
- shared method PDFOperationWithView(view as NSViewMBS, rect as NSRectMBS, printInfo as NSPrintInfoMBS) as NSPrintOperationMBS
- shared method EPSOperationWithView(view as NSViewMBS, rect as NSRectMBS, printInfo as NSPrintInfoMBS) as NSPrintOperationMBS
- shared method PDFOperationWithView(view as NSViewMBS, rect as NSRectMBS) as NSPrintOperationMBS
- shared method EPSOperationWithView(view as NSViewMBS, rect as NSRectMBS) as NSPrintOperationMBS
- shared method PDFOperationWithView(view as NSViewMBS, rect as NSRectMBS, printInfo as NSPrintInfoMBS, path as string) as NSPrintOperationMBS
- shared method EPSOperationWithView(view as NSViewMBS, rect as NSRectMBS, printInfo as NSPrintInfoMBS, path as string) as NSPrintOperationMBS
- shared method PDFOperationWithView(view as NSViewMBS, rect as NSRectMBS, printInfo as NSPrintInfoMBS, file as folderitem) as NSPrintOperationMBS
- shared method EPSOperationWithView(view as NSViewMBS, rect as NSRectMBS, printInfo as NSPrintInfoMBS, file as folderitem) as NSPrintOperationMBS
- shared method printOperationWithView(view as DesktopHTMLViewer, printInfo as NSPrintInfoMBS = nil) as NSPrintOperationMBS
- event printOperationDidRun(success as boolean)
- class NSPrintPanelMBS
- method beginSheetWithPrintInfo(printInfo as NSPrintInfoMBS, win as window)
- method beginSheetWithPrintInfo(printInfo as NSPrintInfoMBS, win as NSWindowMBS)
- method Constructor
- method printInfo as NSPrintInfoMBS
- method runModal as integer
- method runModalWithPrintInfo(printInfo as NSPrintInfoMBS) as integer
- method beginSheetWithPrintInfo(printInfo as NSPrintInfoMBS, win as DesktopWindow)
- property defaultButtonTitle as string
- property helpAnchor as string
- property options as integer
- property jobStyleHint as string
- property Handle as Integer
- shared method printPanel as NSPrintPanelMBS
- shared method NSPrintPhotoJobStyleHint as string
- shared method NSPrintAllPresetsJobStyleHint as string
- shared method NSPrintNoPresetsJobStyleHint as string
- event printPanelDidEnd(returnCode as integer)
- class NSRegularExpressionMBS
- method copy as NSRegularExpressionMBS
- method Constructor(script as string, options as Integer, byref error as NSErrorMBS)
- method matches(text as string, options as Integer, range as NSRangeMBS = nil) as NSTextCheckingResultMBS()
- method numberOfMatches(text as string, options as Integer, range as NSRangeMBS = nil) as Integer
- method firstMatch(text as string, options as Integer, range as NSRangeMBS = nil) as NSTextCheckingResultMBS
- method rangeOfFirstMatch(text as string, options as Integer, range as NSRangeMBS = nil) as NSRangeMBS
- method stringByReplacingMatches(text as string, options as Integer, range as NSRangeMBS = nil, template as String) as String
- method replaceMatches(byref text as string, options as Integer, range as NSRangeMBS = nil, template as String) as Integer
- method replacementStringForResult(result as NSTextCheckingResultMBS, text as string, offset as Integer, template as String) as String
- method enumerateMatches(text as string, options as Integer, range as NSRangeMBS = nil)
- property Handle as Integer
- property pattern as String
- property numberOfCaptureGroups as Integer
- property options as Integer
- shared method escapedPatternForString(text as String) as String
- shared method escapedTemplateForString(text as String) as String
- shared method regularExpressionWithPattern(pattern as String, options as Integer, byref error as NSErrorMBS) as NSDataDetectorMBS
- event enumerateMatch(text as String, options as Integer, result as NSTextCheckingResultMBS, flags as Integer, byref stop as Boolean)
- class NSRunLoopMBS
- method allModes as string()
- method AddDummyPort
- method Constructor
- method run
- method runOnce
- method run(Seconds as double)
- method runMode(Mode as string, Seconds as double) as boolean
- method runUntilDate(limitDate as date)
- method runModeUntilDate(Mode as string, limitDate as date) as boolean
- method runUntilDate(limitDate as dateTime)
- method runModeUntilDate(Mode as string, limitDate as dateTime) as boolean
- property Handle as Integer
- property currentMode as String
- shared method mainRunLoop as NSRunLoopMBS
- shared method currentRunLoop as NSRunLoopMBS
- shared method NSDefaultRunLoopMode as string
- shared method NSRunLoopCommonModes as string
- class NSRunningApplicationMBS
- method hide as boolean
- method unhide as boolean
- method terminate as boolean
- method forceTerminate as boolean
- method Constructor
- method activateWithOptions(options as integer) as boolean
- property Handle as Integer
- property icon as NSImageMBS
- property launchDate as Date
- property ExecutableArchitecture as Integer
- property ActivationPolicy as Integer
- property ProcessIdentifier as Integer
- property BundleIdentifier as String
- property LocalizedName as String
- property BundleURL as String
- property ExecutableURL as String
- property Active as Boolean
- property Hidden as Boolean
- property FinishedLaunching as Boolean
- property Terminated as Boolean
- property ownsMenuBar as Boolean
- property launchDateTime as DateTime
- shared method runningApplicationsWithBundleIdentifier(bundleID as string) as NSRunningApplicationMBS()
- shared method runningApplications as NSRunningApplicationMBS()
- shared method runningApplicationWithProcessIdentifier(pid as integer) as NSRunningApplicationMBS
- shared method currentApplication as NSRunningApplicationMBS
- class NSSavePanelMBS
- method HideNSNavNodePopUpButton
- method Constructor
- method runModal as integer
- method runModalForDirectory(path as folderitem, name as string) as integer
- method beginSheetForDirectory(path as folderitem, name as string, targetWindow as window)
- method File as folderitem
- method validateVisibleColumns
- method Ok
- method Cancel
- method allowedFileTypes as string()
- method setAllowedFileTypes(filetype as string)
- method setAllowedFileTypes(filetypes() as string)
- method tagNames as string()
- method setTagNames(tagNames() as string)
- method beginSheetForDirectory(path as folderitem, name as string, targetWindow as DesktopWindow)
- property directoryURL as String
- property NameFieldStringValue as String
- property NameFieldLabel as String
- property requiredFileType as String
- property Directory as FolderItem
- property accessoryView as NSViewMBS
- property Prompt as String
- property Message as String
- property Title as String
- property canCreateDirectories as Boolean
- property canSelectHiddenExtension as Boolean
- property isExtensionHidden as Boolean
- property treatsFilePackagesAsDirectories as Boolean
- property showsHiddenFiles as Boolean
- property allowsOtherFileTypes as Boolean
- property isExpanded as Boolean
- property showsTagField as Boolean
- shared method FileTypeForHFSType(hfstype as string) as string
- event shouldShowFilename(path as string, item as folderitem) as boolean
- event compareFilename(name1 as string, name2 as string, caseSensitive as boolean) as integer
- event isValidFilename(path as string, item as folderitem) as boolean
- event userEnteredFilename(filename as string, confirmed as boolean) as string
- event willExpand(expanding as boolean)
- event directoryDidChange(path as string, folder as folderitem)
- event panelSelectionDidChange
- event savePanelDidEnd(ReturnCode as integer)
- class NSSavePanelObserverMBS
- class NSSearchFieldCellMBS
- method Constructor(image as NSImageMBS)
- method Constructor(text as string)
- method resetSearchButtonCell
- method resetCancelButtonCell
- method setRecentSearches(RecentSearches() as String = nil)
- method recentSearches as String()
- property searchButtonCell as NSButtonCellMBS
- property cancelButtonCell as NSButtonCellMBS
- property searchMenuTemplate as NSMenuMBS
- property sendsWholeSearchString as Boolean
- property sendsSearchStringImmediately as Boolean
- property maximumRecents as Integer
- property recentsAutosaveName as String
- class NSSearchFieldMBS
- method Constructor
- method Constructor(Handle as Integer)
- method Constructor(left as double, top as double, width as double, height as double)
- method recentSearches as string()
- method setRecentSearches(values() as string)
- property recentsAutosaveName as string
- property maximumRecents as integer
- property sendsWholeSearchString as boolean
- property sendsSearchStringImmediately as boolean
- property searchMenuTemplate as NSMenuMBS
- property Scrollable as Boolean
- class NSSecureTextFieldMBS
- class NSSegmentedControlMBS
- method makeNextSegmentKey
- method makePreviousSegmentKey
- method Constructor
- method Constructor(Handle as Integer)
- method Constructor(left as double, top as double, width as double, height as double)
- method selectSegmentWithTag(Tag as integer) as Boolean
- property isEnabledForSegment(segment as integer) as Boolean
- property isSelectedForSegment(segment as integer) as Boolean
- property menuForSegment(segment as integer) as NSMenuMBS
- property labelForSegment(segment as integer) as string
- property widthForSegment(segment as integer) as double
- property imageForSegment(segment as integer) as NSImageMBS
- property imageScalingForSegment(segment as integer) as integer
- property tagForSegment(segment as integer) as integer
- property ToolTipForSegment(segment as integer) as string
- property cellTrackingMode as Integer
- property trackingMode as Integer
- property springLoaded as Boolean
- property segmentCount as Integer
- property selectedSegment as Integer
- property segmentStyle as Integer
- property doubleValueForSelectedSegment as Double
- class NSServiceProviderMBS
- method Constructor
- method Destructor
- property Handle as Integer
- event ServiceInvoked(pboard as NSPasteboardMBS, userData as string, byref error as string)
- event validRequestor(sendType as String, returnType as String) as Boolean
- event readSelectionFromPasteboard(pboard as NSPasteboardMBS) as Boolean
- event writeSelectionToPasteboard(pboard as NSPasteboardMBS, types() as String) as Boolean
- class NSSpeechRecognizerMBS
- method Destructor
- method commands as string()
- method setCommands(commands() as string)
- method startListening
- method stopListening
- property listensInForegroundOnly as Boolean
- property displayedCommandsTitle as String
- property blocksOtherRecognizers as Boolean
- event DidRecognizeCommand(command as string)
- class NSSpeechSynthesizerMBS
- method objectForProperty(PropertyName as string, byref error as NSErrorMBS) as Variant
- method setObjectForProperty(value as variant, PropertyName as string, byref error as NSErrorMBS) as boolean
- method addSpeechDictionary(speechDictionary as dictionary)
- method pauseSpeakingAtBoundary(boundary as integer)
- method stopSpeakingAtBoundary(boundary as integer)
- method phonemesFromText(text as string) as string
- method continueSpeaking
- method stopSpeaking
- method Constructor
- method Constructor(voice as string)
- method setVoice(Voice as String) as boolean
- method startSpeakingString(Text as String) as boolean
- method startSpeakingString(Text as String, URL as string) as boolean
- method startSpeakingString(Text as String, File as folderitem) as boolean
- method Destructor
- property Volume as Double
- property Rate as Double
- property isSpeaking as Boolean
- property usesFeedbackWindow as Boolean
- property voice as String
- shared method NSSpeechStatusProperty as String
- shared method NSSpeechErrorsProperty as String
- shared method NSSpeechInputModeProperty as String
- shared method NSSpeechCharacterModeProperty as String
- shared method NSSpeechNumberModeProperty as String
- shared method NSSpeechRateProperty as String
- shared method NSSpeechPitchBaseProperty as String
- shared method NSSpeechPitchModProperty as String
- shared method NSSpeechVolumeProperty as String
- shared method NSSpeechSynthesizerInfoProperty as String
- shared method NSSpeechRecentSyncProperty as String
- shared method NSSpeechPhonemeSymbolsProperty as String
- shared method NSSpeechCurrentVoiceProperty as String
- shared method NSSpeechCommandDelimiterProperty as String
- shared method NSSpeechResetProperty as String
- shared method NSSpeechOutputToFileURLProperty as String
- shared method NSSpeechModeText as String
- shared method NSSpeechModePhoneme as String
- shared method NSSpeechModeNormal as String
- shared method NSSpeechModeLiteral as String
- shared method NSSpeechStatusOutputBusy as String
- shared method NSSpeechStatusOutputPaused as String
- shared method NSSpeechStatusNumberOfCharactersLeft as String
- shared method NSSpeechStatusPhonemeCode as String
- shared method NSSpeechErrorCount as String
- shared method NSSpeechErrorOldestCode as String
- shared method NSSpeechErrorOldestCharacterOffset as String
- shared method NSSpeechErrorNewestCode as String
- shared method NSSpeechErrorNewestCharacterOffset as String
- shared method NSSpeechSynthesizerInfoIdentifier as String
- shared method NSSpeechSynthesizerInfoVersion as String
- shared method NSSpeechPhonemeInfoOpcode as String
- shared method NSSpeechPhonemeInfoSymbol as String
- shared method NSSpeechPhonemeInfoExample as String
- shared method NSSpeechPhonemeInfoHiliteStart as String
- shared method NSSpeechPhonemeInfoHiliteEnd as String
- shared method NSSpeechCommandPrefix as String
- shared method NSSpeechCommandSuffix as String
- shared method NSSpeechDictionaryLocaleIdentifier as String
- shared method NSSpeechDictionaryModificationDate as String
- shared method NSSpeechDictionaryPronunciations as String
- shared method NSSpeechDictionaryAbbreviations as String
- shared method NSSpeechDictionaryEntrySpelling as String
- shared method NSSpeechDictionaryEntryPhonemes as String
- shared method isAnyApplicationSpeaking as Boolean
- shared method availableVoice(index as integer) as String
- shared method availableVoicesCount as integer
- shared method attributesForVoice(voice as String) as NSVoiceMBS
- shared method defaultVoice as String
- shared method availableVoices as String()
- event didFinishSpeaking(finishedSpeaking as boolean)
- event willSpeakWord(Position as integer, Length as integer, Text as String)
- event willSpeakPhoneme(phonemeOpcode as integer)
- event didEncounterErrorAtIndex(characterIndex as integer, text as string, message as string)
- event didEncounterSyncMessage(message as string)
- class NSSpellCheckerMBS
- method recordResponse(response as Integer, correction as string, word as string, language as String = "")
- method requestCandidatesForSelectedRange(selectedRange as NSRangeMBS, stringToCheck as string, types as Int64 = -1, options as Dictionary = nil, tag as Variant = nil) as Integer
- method requestCheckingOfString(stringToCheck as string, range as NSRangeMBS, types as Int64 = -1, options as Dictionary = nil, tag as Variant = nil) as Integer
- method menuForResult(TextCheckingResult as NSTextCheckingResultMBS, checkedString as string, options as Dictionary = nil, atLocation as NSPointMBS, view as NSViewMBS) as NSMenuMBS
- method deletesAutospaceBetweenString(precedingString as string, followingString as string, language as String = "") as Boolean
- method preventsAutocorrectionBeforeString(text as string, language as String = "") as Boolean
- method dismissCorrectionIndicatorForView(view as NSViewMBS)
- method languageForWordRange(range as NSRangeMBS, text as string, orthography as NSOrthographyMBS = nil) as string
- method correctionForWordRange(range as NSRangeMBS, text as string, language as string) as string
- method checkString(text as string, range as NSRangeMBS = nil, checkingTypes as Int64 = -1, options as Dictionary = nil, byref orthography as NSOrthographyMBS, byref wordCount as Integer) as NSTextCheckingResultMBS()
- method checkGrammarOfString(text as string, start as integer, language as string, wrap as boolean) as NSRangeMBS
- method checkGrammarOfString(text as string, start as integer, language as string, wrap as boolean, Details() as dictionary) as NSRangeMBS
- method guessesForWord(range as NSRangeMBS, word as string, language as string) as string()
- method updateSpellingPanelWithGrammarString(lang as string, detail as dictionary)
- method userQuotesArrayForLanguage(lang as string) as string()
- method userPreferredLanguages as string()
- method setIgnoredWords(words() as string)
- method checkSpellingOfString(text as string, start as integer) as NSRangeMBS
- method checkSpellingOfString(text as string, start as integer, language as string, wrap as boolean, byref WordCount as integer) as NSRangeMBS
- method checkSpellingOfString(text as string, start as integer, language as string, wrap as boolean) as NSRangeMBS
- method completionsForPartialWordRange(start as integer, length as integer, text as string, language as string="") as string()
- method countWordsInString(word as string, language as string="") as integer
- method updateSpellingPanelWithMisspelledWord(word as string)
- method ignoredWords as string()
- method ignoreWord(word as string)
- method guessesForWord(word as string) as string()
- method setLanguage(language as string) as boolean
- method spellingPanel as NSPanelMBS
- method learnWord(word as string)
- method forgetWord(word as string)
- method unlearnWord(word as string)
- method hasLearnedWord(word as string) as boolean
- method availableLanguages as string()
- method languageMenuEntries as string()
- method updatePanels
- method userReplacementsDictionary as dictionary
- property WordFieldValue as string
- property Handle as Integer
- property Tag as Integer
- property Location as Integer
- property Length as Integer
- property Language as String
- property automaticallyIdentifiesLanguages as Boolean
- property accessoryView as NSViewMBS
- property substitutionsPanel as NSPanelMBS
- property substitutionsPanelAccessoryViewController as NSViewControllerMBS
- shared method sharedSpellCheckerExists as boolean
- shared method isAutomaticTextReplacementEnabled as boolean
- shared method isAutomaticSpellingCorrectionEnabled as boolean
- shared method isAutomaticQuoteSubstitutionEnabled as boolean
- shared method isAutomaticDashSubstitutionEnabled as boolean
- shared method isAutomaticCapitalizationEnabled as boolean
- shared method isAutomaticPeriodSubstitutionEnabled as boolean
- shared method isAutomaticTextCompletionEnabled as boolean
- shared method NSSpellCheckerDidChangeAutomaticSpellingCorrectionNotification as string
- shared method NSSpellCheckerDidChangeAutomaticTextReplacementNotification as string
- shared method NSSpellCheckerDidChangeAutomaticQuoteSubstitutionNotification as string
- shared method NSSpellCheckerDidChangeAutomaticDashSubstitutionNotification as string
- shared method NSSpellCheckerDidChangeAutomaticCapitalizationNotification as string
- shared method NSSpellCheckerDidChangeAutomaticPeriodSubstitutionNotification as string
- shared method NSSpellCheckerDidChangeAutomaticTextCompletionNotification as string
- shared method NSTextCheckingOrthographyKey as string
- shared method NSTextCheckingQuotesKey as string
- shared method NSTextCheckingReplacementsKey as string
- shared method NSTextCheckingReferenceDateKey as string
- shared method NSTextCheckingReferenceTimeZoneKey as string
- shared method NSTextCheckingDocumentURLKey as string
- shared method NSTextCheckingDocumentTitleKey as string
- shared method NSTextCheckingDocumentAuthorKey as string
- shared method NSTextCheckingRegularExpressionsKey as string
- shared method NSTextCheckingSelectedRangeKey as string
- event Correct
- event Ignore
- event FindNext
- event requestCheckingOfStringCompleted(sequenceNumber as Integer, results() as NSTextCheckingResultMBS, orthography as NSOrthographyMBS, wordCount as Integer, stringToCheck as String, Range as NSRangeMBS, checkingTypes as Int64, options as Dictionary, tag as Variant)
- event requestCandidatesForSelectedRangeCompleted(sequenceNumber as Integer, candidates() as NSTextCheckingResultMBS, stringToCheck as String, selectedRange as NSRangeMBS, checkingTypes as Int64, options as Dictionary, tag as Variant)
- class NSSplitViewMBS
- method setPosition(position as double, dividerIndex as Integer)
- method maxPossiblePositionOfDividerAtIndex(dividerIndex as Integer) as Double
- method minPossiblePositionOfDividerAtIndex(dividerIndex as Integer) as Double
- method insertArrangedSubview(view as NSViewMBS, index as Integer)
- method removeArrangedSubview(view as NSViewMBS)
- method addArrangedSubview(view as NSViewMBS)
- method isSubviewCollapsed(view as NSViewMBS) as Boolean
- method adjustSubviews
- method Constructor
- method Constructor(Handle as Integer)
- method Constructor(left as double, top as double, width as double, height as double)
- property holdingPriorityForSubview(subviewIndex as Integer) as Integer
- property arrangesAllSubviews as Boolean
- property Vertical as Boolean
- property dividerStyle as Integer
- property autosaveName as String
- property dividerColor as NSColorMBS
- property dividerThickness as Double
- class NSStatusItemMBS
- method SendActionOn(mode as integer)
- method CreateMenu as boolean
- method CreateMenu(length as single) as boolean
- method CreateMenuRight(length as single) as boolean
- method CreateMenuMiddle(length as single) as boolean
- method popUpStatusItemMenu(menu as NSMenuMBS)
- method Close
- method DrawStatusBarBackground(x as double, y as double, width as double, height as double, highlight as boolean)
- property Left as Single
- property Top as Single
- property Width as Single
- property Height as Single
- property Enabled as Boolean
- property ToolTip as String
- property Length as Single
- property Title as String
- property HighlightMode as Boolean
- property alternateImage as NSImageMBS
- property image as NSImageMBS
- property menu as NSMenuMBS
- property window as NSWindowMBS
- property view as NSViewMBS
- property attributedTitle as NSAttributedStringMBS
- property Button as Variant
- property frame as NSRectMBS
- property Handle as Integer
- shared method Available as boolean
- shared method MenuThickness as double
- shared method MenuIsVertical as boolean
- event Action
- event DoubleAction
- event DidChangeOcclusionState
- event DidMove
- event DidResize
- class NSTabViewItemMBS
- method Constructor(identifier as variant)
- property Handle as Integer
- property Enabled as Boolean
- property toolTip as String
- property label as String
- property identifier as Variant
- property tabState as Integer
- property view as NSViewMBS
- property initialFirstResponder as NSViewMBS
- property tabView as NSTabViewMBS
- property image as NSImageMBS
- property color as NSColorMBS
- class NSTabViewMBS
- method Constructor
- method Constructor(Handle as Integer)
- method Constructor(left as double, top as double, width as double, height as double)
- method selectTabViewItem(tabViewItem as NSTabViewItemMBS)
- method selectTabViewItemAtIndex(index as integer)
- method selectFirstTabViewItem
- method selectLastTabViewItem
- method selectNextTabViewItem
- method selectPreviousTabViewItem
- method numberOfTabViewItems as integer
- method selectTabViewItemWithIdentifier(identifier as variant)
- method selectedTabViewItem as NSTabViewItemMBS
- method minimumSize as NSSizeMBS
- method contentRect as NSRectMBS
- method addTabViewItem(tabViewItem as NSTabViewItemMBS)
- method removeTabViewItem(tabViewItem as NSTabViewItemMBS)
- method insertTabViewItem(tabViewItem as NSTabViewItemMBS, atIndex as integer)
- method tabViewItemAtPoint(x as double, y as double) as NSTabViewItemMBS
- method indexOfTabViewItem(tabViewItem as NSTabViewItemMBS) as integer
- method indexOfTabViewItemWithIdentifier(identifier as variant) as integer
- method tabViewItemAtIndex(index as integer) as NSTabViewItemMBS
- method tabViewItems as NSTabViewItemMBS()
- property drawsBackground as boolean
- property allowsTruncatedLabels as boolean
- property font as NSFontMBS
- property tabViewType as integer
- property controlTint as integer
- property controlSize as integer
- class NSTaskMBS
- method Constructor
- method Destructor
- method arguments as string()
- method setArguments(arguments() as string)
- method suspend as boolean
- method resume as boolean
- method launch
- method interrupt
- method terminate
- method waitUntilExit
- method standardInput as variant
- method standardOutput as variant
- method standardError as variant
- method setStandardInput(p as NSPipeMBS)
- method setStandardOutput(p as NSPipeMBS)
- method setStandardError(p as NSPipeMBS)
- method setStandardInput(p as NSFileHandleMBS)
- method setStandardOutput(p as NSFileHandleMBS)
- method setStandardError(p as NSFileHandleMBS)
- property environment as dictionary
- property Handle as Integer
- property isRunning as Boolean
- property terminationStatus as Integer
- property terminationReason as Integer
- property processIdentifier as Integer
- property launchPath as String
- property currentDirectoryPath as String
- property qualityOfService as Integer
- shared method NSTaskDidTerminateNotification as string
- shared method launchedTaskWithLaunchPath(path as string, arguments() as string) as NSTaskMBS
- event Terminated
- class NSTextCheckingResultMBS
- method resultByAdjustingRangesWithOffset(offset as Integer) as NSTextCheckingResultMBS
- method copy as NSTextCheckingResultMBS
- method Constructor
- method alternativeStrings as String()
- method grammarDetails as Dictionary()
- method rangeAtIndex(index as Integer) as NSRangeMBS
- method rangeWithName(name as string) as NSRangeMBS
- property Handle as Integer
- property resultType as Integer
- property numberOfRanges as Integer
- property range as NSRangeMBS
- property replacementString as String
- property URL as String
- property phoneNumber as String
- property date as Date
- property duration as Double
- property components as Dictionary
- property addressComponents as Dictionary
- property orthography as NSOrthographyMBS
- property timeZone as NSTimeZoneMBS
- property regularExpression as NSRegularExpressionMBS
- property dateTime as DateTime
- shared method transitInformationCheckingResult(Range as NSRangeMBS, components as Dictionary) as NSTextCheckingResultMBS
- shared method dateCheckingResult(Range as NSRangeMBS, date as Date, timeZone as NSTimeZoneMBS, duration as double) as NSTextCheckingResultMBS
- shared method grammarCheckingResult(Range as NSRangeMBS, details() as Dictionary) as NSTextCheckingResultMBS
- shared method correctionCheckingResult(Range as NSRangeMBS, replacementString as String, alternativeStrings() as String) as NSTextCheckingResultMBS
- shared method correctionCheckingResult(Range as NSRangeMBS, replacementString as String) as NSTextCheckingResultMBS
- shared method replacementCheckingResult(Range as NSRangeMBS, replacementString as String) as NSTextCheckingResultMBS
- shared method dashCheckingResult(Range as NSRangeMBS, replacementString as String) as NSTextCheckingResultMBS
- shared method quoteCheckingResult(Range as NSRangeMBS, replacementString as String) as NSTextCheckingResultMBS
- shared method phoneNumberCheckingResult(Range as NSRangeMBS, phoneNumber as String) as NSTextCheckingResultMBS
- shared method addressCheckingResult(Range as NSRangeMBS, components as Dictionary) as NSTextCheckingResultMBS
- shared method dateCheckingResult(Range as NSRangeMBS, date as Date) as NSTextCheckingResultMBS
- shared method orthographyCheckingResult(Range as NSRangeMBS, orthography as NSOrthographyMBS) as NSTextCheckingResultMBS
- shared method spellCheckingResult(Range as NSRangeMBS) as NSTextCheckingResultMBS
- shared method linkCheckingResult(Range as NSRangeMBS, URL as String) as NSTextCheckingResultMBS
- shared method NSTextCheckingNameKey as String
- shared method NSTextCheckingJobTitleKey as String
- shared method NSTextCheckingOrganizationKey as String
- shared method NSTextCheckingStreetKey as String
- shared method NSTextCheckingCityKey as String
- shared method NSTextCheckingStateKey as String
- shared method NSTextCheckingZIPKey as String
- shared method NSTextCheckingCountryKey as String
- shared method NSTextCheckingPhoneKey as String
- shared method NSTextCheckingAirlineKey as String
- shared method NSTextCheckingFlightKey as String
- shared method dateCheckingResult(Range as NSRangeMBS, date as DateTime, timeZone as NSTimeZoneMBS, duration as double) as NSTextCheckingResultMBS
- shared method dateCheckingResult(Range as NSRangeMBS, date as DateTime) as NSTextCheckingResultMBS
- class NSTextContainerMBS
- method Constructor
- method Constructor(size as NSSizeMBS)
- method replaceLayoutManager(l as NSLayoutManagerMBS)
- method containsPoint(p as NSPointMBS) as boolean
- method isSimpleRectangularTextContainer as boolean
- property containerSize as NSSizeMBS
- property layoutManager as NSLayoutManagerMBS
- property textView as NSTextViewMBS
- property lineFragmentPadding as double
- property widthTracksTextView as boolean
- property heightTracksTextView as boolean
- property Handle as Integer
- class NSTextFieldCellMBS
- method Constructor(text as string)
- method allowedInputSourceLocales as string()
- method setAllowedInputSourceLocales(Identifiers() as string)
- method setUpFieldEditorAttributes(textobj as NSTextMBS) as NSTextMBS
- method setWantsNotificationForMarkedText(value as boolean)
- property placeholderAttributedString as NSAttributedStringMBS
- property placeholderString as String
- property bezelStyle as Integer
- property textColor as NSColorMBS
- property drawsBackground as Boolean
- property backgroundColor as NSColorMBS
- class NSTextFieldMBS
- method Constructor
- method Constructor(Handle as Integer)
- method Constructor(left as double, top as double, width as double, height as double)
- method selectText
- property placeholderAttributedString as NSAttributedStringMBS
- property placeholderString as String
- property bezelStyle as Integer
- property textColor as NSColorMBS
- property drawsBackground as Boolean
- property backgroundColor as NSColorMBS
- property allowsEditingTextAttributes as Boolean
- property importsGraphics as Boolean
- property Selectable as Boolean
- property Editable as Boolean
- property Bordered as Boolean
- property Bezeled as Boolean
- property AllowsCharacterPickerTouchBarItem as Boolean
- property AutomaticTextCompletionEnabled as Boolean
- class NSTextFinderMBS
- method cancelFindIndicator
- method Constructor
- method performAction(operation as Integer)
- method validateAction(operation as Integer) as Boolean
- property Handle as Integer
- property findBarContainer as NSViewMBS
- property client as NSViewMBS
- property incrementalSearchingEnabled as Boolean
- property incrementalSearchingShouldDimContentView as Boolean
- class NSTextMBS
- method Constructor
- method Constructor(Handle as Integer)
- method Constructor(left as double, top as double, width as double, height as double)
- method setMinSize(width as double, height as double)
- method setMaxSize(width as double, height as double)
- method minSizeWidth as double
- method minSizeHeight as double
- method maxSizeWidth as double
- method maxSizeHeight as double
- method writeRTFDToFile(file as folderitem, atomically as boolean) as boolean
- method readRTFDFromFile(file as folderitem) as boolean
- method setTextColorForRange(colorValue as NSColorMBS, start as integer, length as integer)
- method setFontForRange(font as NSFontMBS, start as integer, length as integer)
- method replaceCharactersInRangeWithString(start as integer, length as integer, text as string)
- method replaceCharactersInRangeWithRTF(start as integer, length as integer, rtfData as memoryblock)
- method replaceCharactersInRangeWithRTFD(start as integer, length as integer, rtfdData as memoryblock)
- method scrollRangeToVisible(start as integer, length as integer)
- method RTFFromRange(start as integer, length as integer) as Memoryblock
- method RTFDFromRange(start as integer, length as integer) as Memoryblock
- method sizeToFit
- method copy
- method copyFont
- method copyRuler
- method cut
- method delete
- method paste
- method pasteFont
- method pasteRuler
- method selectAll
- method changeFont
- method alignLeft
- method alignRight
- method alignCenter
- method subscript
- method superscript
- method underline
- method unscript
- method toggleRuler
- method showGuessPanel
- method checkSpelling
- method textLength as integer
- method isRulerVisible as boolean
- property selectedRange as NSRangeMBS
- property isHorizontallyResizable as boolean
- property isVerticallyResizable as boolean
- property usesFontPanel as boolean
- property text as string
- property isEditable as boolean
- property isSelectable as boolean
- property isRichText as boolean
- property importsGraphics as boolean
- property drawsBackground as boolean
- property backgroundColor as NSColorMBS
- property textColor as NSColorMBS
- property alignment as integer
- property isFieldEditor as boolean
- property font as NSFontMBS
- property baseWritingDirection as integer
- property Enabled as boolean
- shared method NSRightTextAlignment as Integer
- shared method NSCenterTextAlignment as Integer
- event textDidBeginEditing
- event textDidChange
- event textDidEndEditing
- event textShouldBeginEditing as boolean
- event textShouldEndEditing as boolean
- class NSTextStorageMBS
- method ensureAttributesAreFixedInRange(Range as NSRangeMBS)
- method invalidateAttributesInRange(Range as NSRangeMBS)
- method fixesAttributesLazily as boolean
- method processEditing
- method editedMask as integer
- method changeInLength as integer
- method editedRange as NSRangeMBS
- method Constructor
- method removeLayoutManager(l as NSLayoutManagerMBS)
- method addLayoutManager(l as NSLayoutManagerMBS)
- class NSTextTabMBS
- method copy as NSTextTabMBS
- method Constructor(alignment as integer, location as double, options as dictionary)
- method Constructor(type as integer, location as double)
- method Constructor
- property Handle as Integer
- property Location as Double
- property options as Dictionary
- property alignment as Integer
- property tabStopType as Integer
- class NSTextViewMBS
- method shouldChangeTextInRange(affectedCharRange as NSRangeMBS, replacementString as string = "") as Boolean
- method didChangeText
- method toggleItalic
- method toggleBold
- method replaceTextContainer(textContainer as NSTextContainerMBS)
- method pasteAsPlainText
- method pasteAsRichText
- method complete
- method breakUndoCoalescing
- method showFindIndicatorForRange(charRange as NSRangeMBS)
- method insertText(attributedString as NSAttributedStringMBS)
- method insertText(text as string)
- method orderFrontSubstitutionsPanel
- method checkTextInSelection
- method checkTextInDocument
- method toggleAutomaticDataDetection
- method toggleAutomaticDashSubstitution
- method toggleAutomaticTextReplacement
- method toggleAutomaticSpellingCorrection
- method orderFrontLinkPanel
- method orderFrontSpacingPanel
- method orderFrontListPanel
- method orderFrontTablePanel
- method invalidateTextContainerOrigin
- method Constructor
- method Constructor(Handle as Integer)
- method Constructor(left as double, top as double, width as double, height as double)
- method updateFontPanel
- method updateRuler
- method updateDragTypeRegistration
- method alignJustified
- method changeColor
- method changeAttributes
- method changeDocumentBackgroundColor
- method performFindPanelAction(sender as object)
- method performFindPanelAction(FindAction as integer)
- method turnOffKerning
- method tightenKerning
- method loosenKerning
- method useStandardKerning
- method turnOffLigatures
- method useStandardLigatures
- method useAllLigatures
- method raiseBaseline
- method lowerBaseline
- method toggleTraditionalCharacterShape
- method outline
- method toggleSmartInsertDelete
- method startSpeaking
- method stopSpeaking
- method toggleContinuousSpellChecking
- method toggleGrammarChecking
- method toggleAutomaticLinkDetection
- method toggleAutomaticQuoteSubstitution
- property isWritingToolsActive as Boolean
- property writingToolsBehavior as Integer
- property allowedWritingToolsResultOptions as Integer
- property Bold as Boolean
- property Italic as Boolean
- property usesInspectorBar as Boolean
- property AutomaticQuoteSubstitutionEnabled as Boolean
- property AutomaticLinkDetectionEnabled as Boolean
- property allowsImageEditing as Boolean
- property backgroundColor as NSColorMBS
- property insertionPointColor as NSColorMBS
- property RulerVisible as Boolean
- property usesRuler as Boolean
- property acceptsGlyphInfo as Boolean
- property displaysLinkToolTips as Boolean
- property allowsUndo as Boolean
- property usesFontPanel as Boolean
- property usesFindPanel as Boolean
- property usesFindBar as Boolean
- property allowsDocumentBackgroundColorChange as Boolean
- property ContinuousSpellCheckingEnabled as Boolean
- property RTFData as MemoryBlock
- property textContainer as NSTextContainerMBS
- property linkTextAttributes as Dictionary
- property markedTextAttributes as Dictionary
- property selectedTextAttributes as Dictionary
- property smartInsertDeleteEnabled as Boolean
- property GrammarCheckingEnabled as Boolean
- property enabledTextCheckingTypes as Int64
- property AutomaticTextReplacementEnabled as Boolean
- property AutomaticDataDetectionEnabled as Boolean
- property AutomaticDashSubstitutionEnabled as Boolean
- property AutomaticSpellingCorrectionEnabled as Boolean
- property textContainerInset as NSSizeMBS
- property textContainerOrigin as NSPointMBS
- property typingAttributes as Dictionary
- property defaultParagraphStyle as Variant
- property isCoalescingUndo as Boolean
- property layoutManager as NSLayoutManagerMBS
- property textStorage as NSTextStorageMBS
- property spellCheckerDocumentTag as Integer
- event textViewDidChangeSelection
- event shouldChangeTextInRange(affectedCharRange as NSRangeMBS, replacementString as string) as boolean
- class NSTimerMBS
- method Constructor(timeInterval as double, repeats as boolean)
- method invalidate
- method fire
- method Constructor(fireDate as date, timeInterval as double, repeats as boolean)
- method Constructor(fireDate as date, timeInterval as double, repeats as boolean, runloop as NSRunLoopMBS, runloopMode as string)
- method Constructor(fireDate as dateTime, timeInterval as double, repeats as boolean, runloop as NSRunLoopMBS, runloopMode as string)
- method Constructor(fireDate as dateTime, timeInterval as double, repeats as boolean)
- property Handle as Integer
- property timeInterval as Double
- property fireDate as Date
- property tag as Variant
- property tolerance as Double
- property isValid as Boolean
- property fireDateTime as DateTime
- shared method Timer(t as timer) as NSTimerMBS
- event Action
- class NSURLRequestCertificateFilterMBS
- class NSVoiceMBS
- method Constructor
- method Properties as Dictionary
- method Name as String
- method Identifier as String
- method Age as Integer
- method Gender as String
- method DemoText as String
- method Language as String
- method LocaleIdentifier as String
- shared method NSVoiceName as String
- shared method NSVoiceIdentifier as String
- shared method NSVoiceAge as String
- shared method NSVoiceGender as String
- shared method NSVoiceDemoText as String
- shared method NSVoiceLocaleIdentifier as String
- shared method NSVoiceSupportedCharacters as String
- shared method NSVoiceIndividuallySpokenCharacters as String
- shared method NSVoiceLanguage as String
- shared method GenderNeuter as String
- shared method GenderMale as String
- shared method GenderFemale as String
- class NSWindowDelegateMBS
- method Constructor(win as NSWindowMBS)
- method Constructor(win as window)
- method Constructor(win as DesktopWindow)
- shared method InstallRestoreEvents
- event windowDidResize(notification as NSNotificationMBS)
- event windowDidExpose(notification as NSNotificationMBS)
- event windowWillMove(notification as NSNotificationMBS)
- event windowDidMove(notification as NSNotificationMBS)
- event windowDidBecomeKey(notification as NSNotificationMBS)
- event windowDidResignKey(notification as NSNotificationMBS)
- event windowDidBecomeMain(notification as NSNotificationMBS)
- event windowDidResignMain(notification as NSNotificationMBS)
- event windowWillClose(notification as NSNotificationMBS)
- event windowWillMiniaturize(notification as NSNotificationMBS)
- event windowDidMiniaturize(notification as NSNotificationMBS)
- event windowDidDeminiaturize(notification as NSNotificationMBS)
- event windowDidUpdate(notification as NSNotificationMBS)
- event windowDidChangeScreen(notification as NSNotificationMBS)
- event windowDidChangeScreenProfile(notification as NSNotificationMBS)
- event windowWillBeginSheet(notification as NSNotificationMBS)
- event windowDidEndSheet(notification as NSNotificationMBS)
- event windowWillStartLiveResize(notification as NSNotificationMBS)
- event windowDidEndLiveResize(notification as NSNotificationMBS)
- event windowWillEnterFullScreen(notification as NSNotificationMBS)
- event windowDidEnterFullScreen(notification as NSNotificationMBS)
- event windowWillExitFullScreen(notification as NSNotificationMBS)
- event windowDidExitFullScreen(notification as NSNotificationMBS)
- event windowWillEnterVersionBrowser(notification as NSNotificationMBS)
- event windowDidEnterVersionBrowser(notification as NSNotificationMBS)
- event windowWillExitVersionBrowser(notification as NSNotificationMBS)
- event windowDidExitVersionBrowser(notification as NSNotificationMBS)
- event windowShouldClose as boolean
- event windowWillResize(win as NSWindowMBS, newFrameSize as NSSizeMBS, newSize as NSSizeMBS) as NSSizeMBS
- event windowWillUseStandardFrame(win as NSWindowMBS, newFrame as NSRectMBS) as NSRectMBS
- event windowShouldZoom(win as NSWindowMBS, newFrame as NSRectMBS) as boolean
- event windowWillReturnUndoManager(win as NSWindowMBS) as NSUndoManagerMBS
- event willPositionSheet(win as NSWindowMBS, sheet as NSWindowMBS, rect as NSRectMBS) as NSRectMBS
- event shouldPopUpDocumentPathMenu(win as NSWindowMBS, menu as NSMenuMBS) as boolean
- event shouldDragDocumentWithEvent(win as NSWindowMBS, evnt as NSEventMBS, dragImageLocation as NSPointMBS, pasteboard as variant) as boolean
- event willUseFullScreenContentSize(win as NSWindowMBS, proposedSize as NSSizeMBS) as NSSizeMBS
- event willUseFullScreenPresentationOptions(win as NSWindowMBS, proposedOptions as integer) as integer
- event customWindowsToEnterFullScreenForWindow(win as NSWindowMBS) as NSWindowMBS()
- event startCustomAnimationToEnterFullScreenWithDuration(win as NSWindowMBS, duration as double)
- event windowDidFailToEnterFullScreen(win as NSWindowMBS)
- event customWindowsToExitFullScreenForWindow(win as NSWindowMBS) as NSWindowMBS()
- event startCustomAnimationToExitFullScreenWithDuration(win as NSWindowMBS, duration as double)
- event windowDidFailToExitFullScreen(win as NSWindowMBS)
- event willResizeForVersionBrowser(win as NSWindowMBS, maxPreferredFrameSize as NSSizeMBS, maxAllowedFrameSize as NSSizeMBS) as NSSizeMBS
- event willEncodeRestorableState(win as NSWindowMBS, state as NSCoderMBS)
- event didDecodeRestorableState(win as NSWindowMBS, state as NSCoderMBS)
- event encodeRestorableStateWithCoder(win as NSWindowMBS, coder as NSCoderMBS)
- event restoreStateWithCoder(win as NSWindowMBS, coder as NSCoderMBS)
- event draggingEntered(sender as NSDraggingInfoMBS) as integer
- event draggingUpdated(sender as NSDraggingInfoMBS) as integer
- event draggingExited(sender as NSDraggingInfoMBS)
- event prepareForDragOperation(sender as NSDraggingInfoMBS) as boolean
- event performDragOperation(sender as NSDraggingInfoMBS) as boolean
- event concludeDragOperation(sender as NSDraggingInfoMBS)
- event draggingEnded(sender as NSDraggingInfoMBS)
- event wantsPeriodicDraggingUpdates as boolean
- event updateDraggingItemsForDrag(sender as NSDraggingInfoMBS)
- class NSWorkspaceAuthorizationMBS
- class NSWorkspaceMBS
- method requestAuthorization(type as integer, tag as variant = nil)
- shared method openURL(url as string, bundleIdentifier as string, options as integer = &h00030000, AppleEventDescriptor as variant = nil) as Boolean
- shared method launchAppWithBundleIdentifier(bundleIdentifier as string, options as integer = &h00030000, AppleEventDescriptor as variant = nil) as Boolean
- shared method typeOfFile(File as folderitem, byref error as NSErrorMBS) as string
- shared method typeOfFile(Path as string, byref error as NSErrorMBS) as string
- shared method absolutePathForAppBundleWithIdentifier(bundleIdentifier as string) as string
- shared method URLForApplicationToOpenURL(url as string) as string
- shared method URLForApplicationWithBundleIdentifier(bundleIdentifier as string) as string
- shared method setDesktopImageURL(file as folderitem, screen as NSScreenMBS, options as dictionary, byref error as NSErrorMBS) as boolean
- shared method desktopImageURLForScreen(screen as NSScreenMBS) as folderitem
- shared method desktopImageOptionsForScreen(screen as NSScreenMBS) as dictionary
- shared method fileLabels as string()
- shared method fileLabelColors as NSColorMBS()
- shared method menuBarOwningApplication as NSRunningApplicationMBS
- shared method frontmostApplication as NSRunningApplicationMBS
- shared method unmountAndEjectDevice(item as folderitem, byref e as NSErrorMBS) as boolean
- shared method mountedLocalVolumePaths as string()
- shared method mountedRemovableMedia as string()
- shared method isFilePackageAtPath(item as folderitem) as boolean
- shared method activateFileViewerSelectingURLs(URLs() as string)
- shared method activateFileViewerSelectingFiles(Files() as folderitem)
- shared method launchApplicationAtURL(URL as string, options as UInt32, configuration as dictionary, byref error as NSErrorMBS) as NSRunningApplicationMBS
- shared method launchApplicationAtFile(file as folderitem, options as UInt32, configuration as dictionary, byref error as NSErrorMBS) as NSRunningApplicationMBS
- shared method launchApplicationAtURL(URL as string, options as UInt32 = 0, configuration as dictionary = nil) as NSRunningApplicationMBS
- shared method launchApplicationAtFile(file as folderitem, options as UInt32 = 0, configuration as dictionary = nil) as NSRunningApplicationMBS
- shared method notificationCenter as NSNotificationCenterMBS
- shared method preferredFilenameExtensionForType(typeName as string) as string
- shared method localizedDescriptionForType(typeName as string) as string
- shared method noteFileSystemChanged
- shared method noteFileSystemChanged(path as folderitem)
- shared method showSearchResultsForQueryString(queryString as string) as boolean
- shared method fullPathForApplication(appname as string) as folderitem
- shared method hideOtherApplications
- shared method selectFile(file as folderitem) as boolean
- shared method launchApplication(appname as string) as boolean
- shared method launchApplication(appname as string, showicon as boolean, autolaunch as boolean) as boolean
- shared method openFile(file as folderitem) as boolean
- shared method openFile(file as folderitem, appname as string) as boolean
- shared method openFile(file as folderitem, appname as string, Deactivate as boolean) as boolean
- shared method openURL(url as string) as boolean
- shared method findApplications
- shared method iconForFiles(files() as folderitem) as NSImageMBS
- shared method iconForFile(file as folderitem) as NSImageMBS
- shared method iconForFileType(filetype as string) as NSImageMBS
- shared method setIcon(image as NSImageMBS, file as folderitem, flags as integer = 0) as boolean
- shared method setIcon(image as NSImageMBS, path as String, flags as integer = 0) as boolean
- shared method performFileOperation(operation as string, source as folderitem, destination as folderitem, files() as string, byref tag as integer) as boolean
- shared method NSWorkspaceDesktopImageScalingKey as string
- shared method NSWorkspaceDesktopImageAllowClippingKey as string
- shared method NSWorkspaceDesktopImageFillColorKey as string
- shared method NSWorkspaceApplicationKey as string
- shared method NSWorkspaceWillLaunchApplicationNotification as string
- shared method NSWorkspaceDidLaunchApplicationNotification as string
- shared method NSWorkspaceDidTerminateApplicationNotification as string
- shared method NSWorkspaceDidHideApplicationNotification as string
- shared method NSWorkspaceDidUnhideApplicationNotification as string
- shared method NSWorkspaceDidActivateApplicationNotification as string
- shared method NSWorkspaceDidDeactivateApplicationNotification as string
- shared method NSWorkspaceVolumeLocalizedNameKey as string
- shared method NSWorkspaceVolumeURLKey as string
- shared method NSWorkspaceVolumeOldLocalizedNameKey as string
- shared method NSWorkspaceVolumeOldURLKey as string
- shared method NSWorkspaceDidMountNotification as string
- shared method NSWorkspaceDidUnmountNotification as string
- shared method NSWorkspaceWillUnmountNotification as string
- shared method NSWorkspaceDidRenameVolumeNotification as string
- shared method NSWorkspaceWillPowerOffNotification as string
- shared method NSWorkspaceWillSleepNotification as string
- shared method NSWorkspaceDidWakeNotification as string
- shared method NSWorkspaceScreensDidSleepNotification as string
- shared method NSWorkspaceScreensDidWakeNotification as string
- shared method NSWorkspaceSessionDidBecomeActiveNotification as string
- shared method NSWorkspaceSessionDidResignActiveNotification as string
- shared method NSWorkspaceDidPerformFileOperationNotification as string
- shared method NSWorkspaceDidChangeFileLabelsNotification as string
- shared method NSWorkspaceActiveSpaceDidChangeNotification as string
- shared method NSWorkspaceLaunchConfigurationAppleEvent as string
- shared method NSWorkspaceLaunchConfigurationArguments as string
- shared method NSWorkspaceLaunchConfigurationEnvironment as string
- shared method NSWorkspaceLaunchConfigurationArchitecture as string
- shared method NSWorkspaceMoveOperation as string
- shared method NSWorkspaceCopyOperation as string
- shared method NSWorkspaceLinkOperation as string
- shared method NSWorkspaceCompressOperation as string
- shared method NSWorkspaceDecompressOperation as string
- shared method NSWorkspaceEncryptOperation as string
- shared method NSWorkspaceDecryptOperation as string
- shared method NSWorkspaceDestroyOperation as string
- shared method NSWorkspaceRecycleOperation as string
- shared method NSWorkspaceDuplicateOperation as string
- shared property accessibilityDisplayShouldIncreaseContrast as Boolean
- shared property accessibilityDisplayShouldDifferentiateWithoutColor as Boolean
- shared property accessibilityDisplayShouldReduceTransparency as Boolean
- shared property accessibilityDisplayShouldReduceMotion as Boolean
- shared property accessibilityDisplayShouldInvertColors as Boolean
- shared property isVoiceOverEnabled as Boolean
- shared property isSwitchControlEnabled as Boolean
- event requestAuthorizationCompleted(type as Integer, authorization as NSWorkspaceAuthorizationMBS, error as NSErrorMBS, tag as variant)
- class SearchField
- class SegmentedControl
- class Statictext
- class TabPanel
- class TextArea
- class TextField
- control DesktopNSPathControlControlMBS
- property View as NSPathControlMBS
- event FocusReceived
- event FocusLost
- event FrameChanged
- event BoundsChanged
- event willShowContextualMenu(menu as NSMenuMBS, NSEvent as NSEventMBS)
- event didCloseContextualMenu(menu as NSMenuMBS, NSEvent as NSEventMBS)
- event Action
- event MenuBarSelected
- event ScaleFactorChanged(NewFactor as double)
- event MouseDown(x as Integer, y as Integer, Modifiers as Integer) As Boolean
- event MouseDrag(x as Integer, y as Integer)
- event MouseUp(x As Integer, y As Integer)
- event DoubleClick
- event willDisplayOpenPanel(openPanel as Variant)
- event willPopUpMenu(menu as Variant)
- control DesktopNSSearchFieldControlMBS
- property View as NSSearchFieldMBS
- event FocusReceived
- event FocusLost
- event FrameChanged
- event BoundsChanged
- event willShowContextualMenu(menu as NSMenuMBS, NSEvent as NSEventMBS)
- event didCloseContextualMenu(menu as NSMenuMBS, NSEvent as NSEventMBS)
- event Action
- event textShouldBeginEditing(fieldEditor as NSTextMBS) as boolean
- event textShouldEndEditing(fieldEditor as NSTextMBS) as boolean
- event TextDidBeginEditing(fieldEditor as NSTextMBS, notification as NSNotificationMBS)
- event TextDidEndEditing(fieldEditor as NSTextMBS, notification as NSNotificationMBS)
- event TextDidChange(fieldEditor as NSTextMBS, notification as NSNotificationMBS)
- event MenuBarSelected
- event ScaleFactorChanged(NewFactor as double)
- event MouseDown(x as Integer, y as Integer, Modifiers as Integer) As Boolean
- event MouseDrag(x as Integer, y as Integer)
- event MouseUp(x As Integer, y As Integer)
- control DesktopNSSecureTextFieldControlMBS
- property View as NSSecureTextFieldMBS
- property echosBullets as Boolean
- event FocusReceived
- event FocusLost
- event FrameChanged
- event BoundsChanged
- event willShowContextualMenu(menu as NSMenuMBS, NSEvent as NSEventMBS)
- event didCloseContextualMenu(menu as NSMenuMBS, NSEvent as NSEventMBS)
- event Action
- event textShouldBeginEditing(fieldEditor as NSTextMBS) as boolean
- event textShouldEndEditing(fieldEditor as NSTextMBS) as boolean
- event TextDidBeginEditing(fieldEditor as NSTextMBS, notification as NSNotificationMBS)
- event TextDidEndEditing(fieldEditor as NSTextMBS, notification as NSNotificationMBS)
- event TextDidChange(fieldEditor as NSTextMBS, notification as NSNotificationMBS)
- event MenuBarSelected
- event ScaleFactorChanged(NewFactor as double)
- event MouseDown(x as Integer, y as Integer, Modifiers as Integer) As Boolean
- event MouseDrag(x as Integer, y as Integer)
- event MouseUp(x As Integer, y As Integer)
- control DesktopNSSegmentedControlControlMBS
- property View as NSSegmentedControlMBS
- event FocusReceived
- event FocusLost
- event FrameChanged
- event BoundsChanged
- event willShowContextualMenu(menu as NSMenuMBS, NSEvent as NSEventMBS)
- event didCloseContextualMenu(menu as NSMenuMBS, NSEvent as NSEventMBS)
- event Action
- event MenuBarSelected
- event ScaleFactorChanged(NewFactor as double)
- event MouseDown(x as Integer, y as Integer, Modifiers as Integer) As Boolean
- event MouseDrag(x as Integer, y as Integer)
- event MouseUp(x As Integer, y As Integer)
- control DesktopNSSplitViewControlMBS
- property View as NSSplitViewMBS
- event FocusReceived
- event FocusLost
- event FrameChanged
- event BoundsChanged
- event willShowContextualMenu(menu as NSMenuMBS, NSEvent as NSEventMBS)
- event didCloseContextualMenu(menu as NSMenuMBS, NSEvent as NSEventMBS)
- event MenuBarSelected
- event ScaleFactorChanged(NewFactor as double)
- event MouseDown(x as Integer, y as Integer, Modifiers as Integer) As Boolean
- event MouseDrag(x as Integer, y as Integer)
- event MouseUp(x As Integer, y As Integer)
- event canCollapseSubview(subview as NSViewMBS) as Boolean
- event constrainMinCoordinate(proposedMinimumPosition as double, dividerIndex as Integer) as Double
- event constrainMaxCoordinate(proposedMaximumPosition as double, dividerIndex as Integer) as Double
- event constrainSplitPosition(proposedPosition as double, dividerIndex as Integer) as Double
- event resizeSubviewsWithOldSize(oldSize as NSSizeMBS)
- event shouldAdjustSizeOfSubview(view as NSViewMBS) as Boolean
- event shouldHideDivider(dividerIndex as Integer) as Boolean
- event splitViewWillResizeSubviews
- event splitViewDidResizeSubviews
- event drawDivider(graphics as NSGraphicsMBS, Rect as NSRectMBS) as Boolean
- control DesktopNSTextFieldControlMBS
- property View as NSTextFieldMBS
- event FocusReceived
- event FocusLost
- event FrameChanged
- event BoundsChanged
- event willShowContextualMenu(menu as NSMenuMBS, NSEvent as NSEventMBS)
- event didCloseContextualMenu(menu as NSMenuMBS, NSEvent as NSEventMBS)
- event Action
- event textShouldBeginEditing(fieldEditor as NSTextMBS) as boolean
- event textShouldEndEditing(fieldEditor as NSTextMBS) as boolean
- event TextDidBeginEditing(fieldEditor as NSTextMBS, notification as NSNotificationMBS)
- event TextDidEndEditing(fieldEditor as NSTextMBS, notification as NSNotificationMBS)
- event TextDidChange(fieldEditor as NSTextMBS, notification as NSNotificationMBS)
- event MenuBarSelected
- event ScaleFactorChanged(NewFactor as double)
- event MouseDown(x as Integer, y as Integer, Modifiers as Integer) As Boolean
- event MouseDrag(x as Integer, y as Integer)
- event MouseUp(x As Integer, y As Integer)
- control DesktopNSTextViewControlMBS
- property View as NSTextViewMBS
- property Scrollview as Variant
- property AcceptTabs as Boolean
- event FocusReceived
- event FocusLost
- event FrameChanged
- event BoundsChanged
- event willShowContextualMenu(menu as NSMenuMBS, NSEvent as NSEventMBS)
- event didCloseContextualMenu(menu as NSMenuMBS, NSEvent as NSEventMBS)
- event textViewDidChangeSelection
- event shouldChangeTextInRange(affectedCharRange as NSRangeMBS, replacementString as string) as boolean
- event textDidBeginEditing
- event textDidChange
- event textDidEndEditing
- event textShouldBeginEditing as boolean
- event textShouldEndEditing as boolean
- event MenuBarSelected
- event ScaleFactorChanged(NewFactor as double)
- event MouseDown(x as Integer, y as Integer, Modifiers as Integer) As Boolean
- event MouseDrag(x as Integer, y as Integer)
- event MouseUp(x As Integer, y As Integer)
- event clickedOnLink(Link as Variant, charIndex as Integer) as Boolean
- event textViewWritingToolsWillBegin
- event textViewWritingToolsDidEnd
- control NSPathControlControlMBS
- property View as NSPathControlMBS
- event GotFocus
- event LostFocus
- event FrameChanged
- event BoundsChanged
- event willShowContextualMenu(menu as NSMenuMBS, NSEvent as NSEventMBS)
- event didCloseContextualMenu(menu as NSMenuMBS, NSEvent as NSEventMBS)
- event Action
- event EnableMenuItems
- event ScaleFactorChanged(NewFactor as double)
- event MouseDown(x as Integer, y as Integer, Modifiers as Integer) As Boolean
- event MouseDrag(x as Integer, y as Integer)
- event MouseUp(x As Integer, y As Integer)
- event DoubleClick
- event willDisplayOpenPanel(openPanel as Variant)
- event willPopUpMenu(menu as Variant)
- control NSSearchFieldControlMBS
- property View as NSSearchFieldMBS
- event GotFocus
- event LostFocus
- event FrameChanged
- event BoundsChanged
- event willShowContextualMenu(menu as NSMenuMBS, NSEvent as NSEventMBS)
- event didCloseContextualMenu(menu as NSMenuMBS, NSEvent as NSEventMBS)
- event Action
- event textShouldBeginEditing(fieldEditor as NSTextMBS) as boolean
- event textShouldEndEditing(fieldEditor as NSTextMBS) as boolean
- event TextDidBeginEditing(fieldEditor as NSTextMBS, notification as NSNotificationMBS)
- event TextDidEndEditing(fieldEditor as NSTextMBS, notification as NSNotificationMBS)
- event TextDidChange(fieldEditor as NSTextMBS, notification as NSNotificationMBS)
- event EnableMenuItems
- event ScaleFactorChanged(NewFactor as double)
- event MouseDown(x as Integer, y as Integer, Modifiers as Integer) As Boolean
- event MouseDrag(x as Integer, y as Integer)
- event MouseUp(x As Integer, y As Integer)
- control NSSecureTextFieldControlMBS
- property View as NSSecureTextFieldMBS
- property echosBullets as Boolean
- event GotFocus
- event LostFocus
- event FrameChanged
- event BoundsChanged
- event willShowContextualMenu(menu as NSMenuMBS, NSEvent as NSEventMBS)
- event didCloseContextualMenu(menu as NSMenuMBS, NSEvent as NSEventMBS)
- event Action
- event textShouldBeginEditing(fieldEditor as NSTextMBS) as boolean
- event textShouldEndEditing(fieldEditor as NSTextMBS) as boolean
- event TextDidBeginEditing(fieldEditor as NSTextMBS, notification as NSNotificationMBS)
- event TextDidEndEditing(fieldEditor as NSTextMBS, notification as NSNotificationMBS)
- event TextDidChange(fieldEditor as NSTextMBS, notification as NSNotificationMBS)
- event EnableMenuItems
- event ScaleFactorChanged(NewFactor as double)
- event MouseDown(x as Integer, y as Integer, Modifiers as Integer) As Boolean
- event MouseDrag(x as Integer, y as Integer)
- event MouseUp(x As Integer, y As Integer)
- control NSSegmentedControlControlMBS
- property View as NSSegmentedControlMBS
- event GotFocus
- event LostFocus
- event FrameChanged
- event BoundsChanged
- event willShowContextualMenu(menu as NSMenuMBS, NSEvent as NSEventMBS)
- event didCloseContextualMenu(menu as NSMenuMBS, NSEvent as NSEventMBS)
- event Action
- event EnableMenuItems
- event ScaleFactorChanged(NewFactor as double)
- event MouseDown(x as Integer, y as Integer, Modifiers as Integer) As Boolean
- event MouseDrag(x as Integer, y as Integer)
- event MouseUp(x As Integer, y As Integer)
- control NSSplitViewControlMBS
- property View as NSSplitViewMBS
- event GotFocus
- event LostFocus
- event FrameChanged
- event BoundsChanged
- event willShowContextualMenu(menu as NSMenuMBS, NSEvent as NSEventMBS)
- event didCloseContextualMenu(menu as NSMenuMBS, NSEvent as NSEventMBS)
- event EnableMenuItems
- event ScaleFactorChanged(NewFactor as double)
- event MouseDown(x as Integer, y as Integer, Modifiers as Integer) As Boolean
- event MouseDrag(x as Integer, y as Integer)
- event MouseUp(x As Integer, y As Integer)
- event canCollapseSubview(subview as NSViewMBS) as Boolean
- event constrainMinCoordinate(proposedMinimumPosition as double, dividerIndex as Integer) as Double
- event constrainMaxCoordinate(proposedMaximumPosition as double, dividerIndex as Integer) as Double
- event constrainSplitPosition(proposedPosition as double, dividerIndex as Integer) as Double
- event resizeSubviewsWithOldSize(oldSize as NSSizeMBS)
- event shouldAdjustSizeOfSubview(view as NSViewMBS) as Boolean
- event shouldHideDivider(dividerIndex as Integer) as Boolean
- event splitViewWillResizeSubviews
- event splitViewDidResizeSubviews
- event drawDivider(graphics as NSGraphicsMBS, Rect as NSRectMBS) as Boolean
- control NSTextFieldControlMBS
- property View as NSTextFieldMBS
- event GotFocus
- event LostFocus
- event FrameChanged
- event BoundsChanged
- event willShowContextualMenu(menu as NSMenuMBS, NSEvent as NSEventMBS)
- event didCloseContextualMenu(menu as NSMenuMBS, NSEvent as NSEventMBS)
- event Action
- event textShouldBeginEditing(fieldEditor as NSTextMBS) as boolean
- event textShouldEndEditing(fieldEditor as NSTextMBS) as boolean
- event TextDidBeginEditing(fieldEditor as NSTextMBS, notification as NSNotificationMBS)
- event TextDidEndEditing(fieldEditor as NSTextMBS, notification as NSNotificationMBS)
- event TextDidChange(fieldEditor as NSTextMBS, notification as NSNotificationMBS)
- event EnableMenuItems
- event ScaleFactorChanged(NewFactor as double)
- event MouseDown(x as Integer, y as Integer, Modifiers as Integer) As Boolean
- event MouseDrag(x as Integer, y as Integer)
- event MouseUp(x As Integer, y As Integer)
- control NSTextViewControlMBS
- property View as NSTextViewMBS
- property Scrollview as Variant
- property AcceptTabs as Boolean
- event GotFocus
- event LostFocus
- event FrameChanged
- event BoundsChanged
- event willShowContextualMenu(menu as NSMenuMBS, NSEvent as NSEventMBS)
- event didCloseContextualMenu(menu as NSMenuMBS, NSEvent as NSEventMBS)
- event textViewDidChangeSelection
- event shouldChangeTextInRange(affectedCharRange as NSRangeMBS, replacementString as string) as boolean
- event textDidBeginEditing
- event textDidChange
- event textDidEndEditing
- event textShouldBeginEditing as boolean
- event textShouldEndEditing as boolean
- event EnableMenuItems
- event ScaleFactorChanged(NewFactor as double)
- event MouseDown(x as Integer, y as Integer, Modifiers as Integer) As Boolean
- event MouseDrag(x as Integer, y as Integer)
- event MouseUp(x As Integer, y As Integer)
- event clickedOnLink(Link as Variant, charIndex as Integer) as Boolean
- event textViewWritingToolsWillBegin
- event textViewWritingToolsDidEnd
- Globals: