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The plugin MBS MacOSX Plugin:
- class ACLEntryMBS
- method Constructor
- method Copy(dest as ACLEntryMBS)
- method MaximalPermsetMask as UInt64
- property FlagSet as ACLFlagSetMBS
- property PermSet as ACLPermSetMBS
- property PermSetMask as UInt64
- property TagType as integer
- property Qualifier as Memoryblock
- property Handle as Integer
- property Lasterror as Integer
- property Parent as Variant
- shared method UserFromUID(UID as integer) as string
- shared method GroupFromGID(GID as integer) as string
- shared method UIDtoUUID(UID as integer) as memoryblock
- shared method GIDtoUUID(GID as integer) as memoryblock
- shared method UUIDtoID(UUID as memoryblock, byref ID as integer, byref Type as integer) as boolean
- class ACLFlagSetMBS
- class ACLPermSetMBS
- class ACLRightMBS
- method Entries as ACLEntryMBS()
- method CopyData(Native as boolean = false) as String
- method Entry(entryIndex as integer) as ACLEntryMBS
- method CreateEntry as ACLEntryMBS
- method CreateEntry(entryIndex as integer, tag_type as integer = 1) as ACLEntryMBS
- method SetFilePointer(FilePointer as Integer) as boolean
- method SetFilePointer(FilePointer as Integer, type as Integer) as boolean
- method SetFile(Path as string, type as Integer) as boolean
- method SetLink(Path as string, type as Integer) as boolean
- method DeleteEntry(entry as ACLEntryMBS)
- method Text as String
- method Size as Int64
- method Constructor(count as integer)
- method Constructor(text as string)
- method Duplicate as ACLRightMBS
- method Valid as boolean
- method ValidFilePointer(FilePointer as Integer, type as Integer) as boolean
- method ValidFile(Path as string, type as Integer) as boolean
- property FlagSet as ACLFlagSetMBS
- property Handle as Integer
- property Lasterror as Integer
- shared method NewACL(count as integer) as ACLRightMBS
- shared method NewACLFromText(text as string) as ACLRightMBS
- shared method NewACLFromFilePointer(FilePointer as integer) as ACLRightMBS
- shared method NewACLFromFilePointer(FilePointer as integer, type as integer) as ACLRightMBS
- shared method NewACLFromFile(path as string, type as integer) as ACLRightMBS
- shared method NewACLFromFile(file as folderitem, type as integer) as ACLRightMBS
- shared method NewACLFromLink(path as string, type as integer) as ACLRightMBS
- shared method NewACLFromExternal(data as string, native as boolean = false) as ACLRightMBS
- class AudioPlayThruMBS
- method Constructor
- method Constructor(InputDeviceID as integer, OutputDeviceID as integer, BufferSizeWish as Integer = 0)
- method Init(InputDeviceID as integer, OutputDeviceID as integer, BufferSizeWish as Integer = 0)
- method Start
- method Stop
- method IsRunning as boolean
- method SetInputDeviceAsCurrent(DeviceID as integer)
- method SetOutputDeviceAsCurrent(DeviceID as integer)
- property Volume as double
- property Lasterror as Integer
- class AUPlayerMBS
- method Data as Memoryblock
- method LoadFile(file as folderitem, InputChannels as Integer = 2, OutputChannels as Integer = 2) as boolean
- method LoadFileMT(file as folderitem, InputChannels as Integer = 2, OutputChannels as Integer = 2) as boolean
- method Pause
- method Play
- method Reset
- method updateEQ(eqBands() as double)
- method updateEQ(eqBands() as single)
- method ChannelMap as Integer()
- method setChannelMap(values() as Integer)
- property InputVolume(inputNum as UInt32) as double
- property InputEnabled(inputNum as UInt32) as boolean
- property ClientFormatString as String
- property CurrentDeviceID as UInt32
- property DefaultDeviceID as UInt32
- property OutputFormatString as String
- property DataIsInterleaved as Boolean
- property DataIsFloat as Boolean
- property DataIsNativeEndian as Boolean
- property DataIsSignedInteger as Boolean
- property DataIsPCM as Boolean
- property DataNumberInterleavedChannels as Integer
- property DataNumberChannelStreams as Integer
- property DataNumberChannels as Integer
- property DataSampleWordSize as Integer
- property ConverterHandle as Integer
- property GraphHandle as Integer
- property TimePitchHandle as Integer
- property VariSpeedHandle as Integer
- property OutputHandle as Integer
- property MixerHandle as Integer
- property EqualizerHandle as Integer
- property Lasterror as Integer
- property Tag as Variant
- property File as FolderItem
- property Pan as Double
- property CurrentTime as Double
- property TrackLength as Double
- property Looping as Boolean
- property Playing as Boolean
- property LoopIn as Double
- property LoopOut as Double
- property OutputVolume as Double
- property TimeRate as Double
- property PitchRate as Double
- property MeterLevel as Double
- property SampleRate as Double
- property Overlap as Double
- property EnablePeakLocking as Boolean
- property MaximumFramesPerSlice as Integer
- property OutputUnit as Integer
- property TimePitchUnit as Integer
- shared property OutputDevices as Dictionary
- class CAPlayThroughMBS
- method Constructor(InputDeviceID as integer, OutputDeviceID as integer)
- method Start
- method Stop
- method IsRunning as boolean
- property Volume as double
- property Lasterror as Integer
- property OutputUnitHandle as Integer
- shared property UseMinimumLatency as Boolean
- shared property ExtraLatency as Integer
- class CCCryptorMBS
- method GetOutputLength(inputLength as UInt64, Final as Boolean = true) as UInt64
- method Reset(iv as Ptr = nil)
- method Final(DataOut as Ptr, dataOutAvailable as UInt64, byref dataOutMoved as UInt64)
- method Update(dataIn as Ptr, dataInLength as UInt64, dataOut as Ptr, dataOutAvailable as UInt64, byref dataOutMoved as UInt64)
- method Update(dataIn as String, dataOut as Ptr, dataOutAvailable as UInt64, byref dataOutMoved as UInt64)
- method Constructor(operation as integer, Algorithm as integer, options as integer, key as Ptr, keyLength as UInt64, iv as Ptr = nil)
- method Constructor(operation as integer, Algorithm as integer, options as integer, key as String, iv as Ptr = nil)
- property Handle as Integer
- property Lasterror as Integer
- shared method Crypt(Operation as integer, Algorithm as integer, Options as integer, key as Ptr, KeyLength as UInt64, IV as Ptr, DataIn as Ptr, DataInLength as UInt64, DataOut as Ptr, DataOutAvailable as UInt64, byref DataOutMoved as UInt64) as integer
- shared method Crypt(Operation as integer, Algorithm as integer, Options as integer, key as string, IV as Ptr, DataIn as string, byref DataOut as string) as integer
- shared method RandomGenerateBytes(data as MemoryBlock) as integer
- class CCHMacMBS
- method Update(data as memoryblock)
- method Update(data as string)
- method Update(data as Ptr, dataLength as UInt64)
- method Final(macOut as Ptr)
- method Constructor(algorithm as integer, key as Ptr, keyLength as UInt64)
- method Finalize as Memoryblock
- method Constructor(algorithm as integer, key as string)
- method Constructor(algorithm as integer, key as memoryblock)
- property Algorithm as Integer
- shared method Hmac(algorithm as integer, key as Ptr, keyLength as Integer, data as Ptr, dataLength as Integer, MacOut as Ptr)
- shared method Hmac(algorithm as integer, key as String, data as String) as String
- class CCMD2MBS
- class CCMD4MBS
- class CCMD5MBS
- class CCSHA1MBS
- class CCSHA224MBS
- class CCSHA256MBS
- class CCSHA384MBS
- class CCSHA512MBS
- class CGSessionMBS
- class CopyFileMBS
- method CopyFile(From as String, Dest as String, flags as Integer) as Integer
- method CopyFile(From as FolderItem, Dest as FolderItem, flags as Integer) as Integer
- property BytesCopied as Int64
- property WasCloned as Boolean
- property XAttrName as String
- property YieldTicks as Integer
- shared method ErrorMessage(error as Integer) as String
- event Progress(What as Integer, Stage as Integer, Source as String, Dest as String) as Integer
- class CoreAudioListenerMBS
- method Destructor
- method Constructor(ObjectID as UInt32, PropertySelector as UInt32, PropertyScope as UInt32, PropertyElement as UInt32)
- property LastError as Integer
- property ObjectID as UInt32
- property PropertySelector as UInt32
- property PropertyScope as UInt32
- property PropertyElement as UInt32
- event Changed
- class CoreAudioMBS
- method AudioObjectGetPropertyDataSize(inObjectID as integer, AddressSelector as UInt32, AddressScope as UInt32, AddressElement as UInt32, QualifierData as memoryblock = nil) as UInt32
- method AudioObjectGetPropertyData(inObjectID as integer, AddressSelector as UInt32, AddressScope as UInt32, AddressElement as UInt32, QualifierData as memoryblock = nil, InputData as Memoryblock = nil) as memoryblock
- method AudioObjectSetPropertyData(inObjectID as integer, AddressSelector as UInt32, AddressScope as UInt32, AddressElement as UInt32, Data as Memoryblock, QualifierData as memoryblock = nil)
- method AudioUnitInitialize(componenthandle as integer) as integer
- method AudioUnitUninitialize(componenthandle as integer) as integer
- method AudioOutputUnitStart(componenthandle as integer) as integer
- method AudioOutputUnitStop(componenthandle as integer) as integer
- method AudioUnitReset(componenthandle as integer, scope as integer, element as integer) as integer
- method OpenDefaultComponent(type as string, subtype as string) as integer
- method CloseComponent(componenthandle as integer)
- method AudioUnitSetParameter(AudioUnit as integer, ParameterID as integer, AudioUnitScope as integer, AudioUnitElement as integer, value as single, BufferOffsetInFrames as integer)
- method AudioUnitGetParameter(AudioUnit as integer, ParameterID as integer, AudioUnitScope as integer, AudioUnitElement as integer) as single
- method AudioDeviceSetPropertyString(AudioDeviceID as integer, when as memoryblock, channel as integer, isinput as boolean, propertyID as string, data as string)
- method AudioDeviceSetPropertyMemory(AudioDeviceID as integer, when as memoryblock, channel as integer, isinput as boolean, propertyID as string, data as memoryblock, offset as integer, length as integer)
- method AudioDeviceGetPropertyInfo(AudioDeviceID as integer, channel as integer, isinput as boolean, propertyID as string, byref size as integer, byref writeable as boolean)
- method AudioDeviceGetPropertyString(AudioDeviceID as integer, channel as integer, isinput as boolean, propertyID as string) as string
- method AudioDeviceGetPropertyMemory(AudioDeviceID as integer, channel as integer, isinput as boolean, propertyID as string) as memoryblock
- method AudioDeviceGetPropertyCFString(AudioDeviceID as integer, channel as integer, isinput as boolean, propertyID as string) as string
- method AudioStreamSetPropertyString(AudioStreamID as integer, when as memoryblock, channel as integer, propertyID as string, data as string)
- method AudioStreamSetPropertyMemory(AudioStreamID as integer, when as memoryblock, channel as integer, propertyID as string, data as memoryblock, offset as integer, length as integer)
- method AudioStreamGetPropertyInfo(AudioStreamID as integer, channel as integer, propertyID as string, byref size as integer, byref writeable as boolean)
- method AudioStreamGetPropertyString(AudioStreamID as integer, channel as integer, propertyID as string) as string
- method AudioStreamGetPropertyMemory(AudioStreamID as integer, channel as integer, propertyID as string) as memoryblock
- method AudioStreamGetPropertyCFString(AudioStreamID as integer, channel as integer, propertyID as string) as string
- method AudioHardwareSetPropertyString(propertyID as string, data as string)
- method AudioHardwareSetPropertyMemory(propertyID as string, data as memoryblock, offset as integer, length as integer)
- method AudioHardwareGetPropertyInfo(propertyID as string, byref size as integer, byref writeable as boolean)
- method AudioHardwareGetPropertyString(propertyID as string) as string
- method AudioHardwareGetPropertyMemory(propertyID as string) as memoryblock
- method AudioHardwareGetPropertyCFString(propertyID as string) as string
- method AudioUnitSetPropertyString(AudioUnit as integer, propertyID as integer, AudioUnitScope as integer, AudioUnitElement as integer, data as string)
- method AudioUnitSetPropertyMemory(AudioUnit as integer, propertyID as integer, AudioUnitScope as integer, AudioUnitElement as integer, data as memoryblock, offset as integer, length as integer)
- method AudioUnitGetPropertyInfo(AudioUnit as integer, propertyID as integer, AudioUnitScope as integer, AudioUnitElement as integer, byref size as integer, byref writeable as boolean)
- method AudioUnitGetPropertyString(AudioUnit as integer, propertyID as integer, AudioUnitScope as integer, AudioUnitElement as integer) as string
- method AudioUnitGetPropertyMemory(AudioUnit as integer, propertyID as integer, AudioUnitScope as integer, AudioUnitElement as integer) as memoryblock
- method AudioUnitGetPropertyCFString(AudioUnit as integer, propertyID as integer, AudioUnitScope as integer, AudioUnitElement as integer) as string
- property kAudioHardwarePropertyDevices as String
- property kAudioHardwarePropertyDefaultInputDevice as String
- property kAudioHardwarePropertyDefaultOutputDevice as String
- property kAudioHardwarePropertyDefaultSystemOutputDevice as String
- property kAudioHardwarePropertyDeviceForUID as String
- property kAudioHardwarePropertySleepingIsAllowed as String
- property kAudioHardwarePropertyUnloadingIsAllowed as String
- property kAudioHardwarePropertyRunLoop as String
- property kAudioHardwarePropertyBootChimeVolumeScalar as String
- property kAudioHardwarePropertyBootChimeVolumeDecibels as String
- property kAudioHardwarePropertyBootChimeVolumeRangeDecibels as String
- property kAudioHardwarePropertyBootChimeVolumeScalarToDecibels as String
- property kAudioHardwarePropertyBootChimeVolumeDecibelsToScalar as String
- property kAudioDevicePropertyDeviceName as String
- property kAudioDevicePropertyDeviceNameCFString as String
- property kAudioDevicePropertyDeviceManufacturer as String
- property kAudioDevicePropertyDeviceManufacturerCFString as String
- property kAudioDevicePropertyPlugIn as String
- property kAudioDevicePropertyDeviceUID as String
- property kAudioDevicePropertyTransportType as String
- property kAudioDevicePropertyDeviceIsAlive as String
- property kAudioDevicePropertyDeviceIsRunning as String
- property kAudioDevicePropertyDeviceIsRunningSomewhere as String
- property kAudioDevicePropertyDeviceCanBeDefaultDevice as String
- property kAudioDevicePropertyDeviceCanBeDefaultSystemDevice as String
- property kAudioDevicePropertyJackIsConnected as String
- property kAudioDeviceProcessorOverload as String
- property kAudioDevicePropertyHogMode as String
- property kAudioDevicePropertyRegisterBufferList as String
- property kAudioDevicePropertyLatency as String
- property kAudioDevicePropertyBufferSize as String
- property kAudioDevicePropertyBufferSizeRange as String
- property kAudioDevicePropertyBufferFrameSize as String
- property kAudioDevicePropertyBufferFrameSizeRange as String
- property kAudioDevicePropertyUsesVariableBufferFrameSizes as String
- property kAudioDevicePropertyStreams as String
- property kAudioDevicePropertySafetyOffset as String
- property kAudioDevicePropertySupportsMixing as String
- property kAudioDevicePropertyStreamConfiguration as String
- property kAudioDevicePropertyIOProcStreamUsage as String
- property kAudioDevicePropertyPreferredChannelsForStereo as String
- property kAudioDevicePropertyNominalSampleRate as String
- property kAudioDevicePropertyAvailableNominalSampleRates as String
- property kAudioDevicePropertyActualSampleRate as String
- property kAudioDevicePropertyStreamFormat as String
- property kAudioDevicePropertyStreamFormats as String
- property kAudioDevicePropertyStreamFormatSupported as String
- property kAudioDevicePropertyStreamFormatMatch as String
- property kAudioDevicePropertyVolumeScalar as String
- property kAudioDevicePropertyVolumeDecibels as String
- property kAudioDevicePropertyVolumeRangeDecibels as String
- property kAudioDevicePropertyVolumeScalarToDecibels as String
- property kAudioDevicePropertyVolumeDecibelsToScalar as String
- property kAudioDevicePropertyMute as String
- property kAudioDevicePropertyPlayThru as String
- property kAudioDevicePropertyDataSource as String
- property kAudioDevicePropertyDataSources as String
- property kAudioDevicePropertyDataSourceNameForID as String
- property kAudioDevicePropertyDataSourceNameForIDCFString as String
- property kAudioDevicePropertyClockSource as String
- property kAudioDevicePropertyClockSources as String
- property kAudioDevicePropertyClockSourceNameForID as String
- property kAudioDevicePropertyClockSourceNameForIDCFString as String
- property kAudioDevicePropertyDriverShouldOwniSub as String
- property kAudioDevicePropertySubVolumeScalar as String
- property kAudioDevicePropertySubVolumeDecibels as String
- property kAudioDevicePropertySubVolumeRangeDecibels as String
- property kAudioDevicePropertySubVolumeScalarToDecibels as String
- property kAudioDevicePropertySubVolumeDecibelsToScalar as String
- property kAudioDevicePropertySubMute as String
- property kAudioStreamPropertyOwningDevice as String
- property kAudioStreamPropertyDirection as String
- property kAudioStreamPropertyTerminalType as String
- property kAudioStreamPropertyStartingChannel as String
- property kAudioStreamPropertyPhysicalFormat as String
- property kAudioStreamPropertyPhysicalFormats as String
- property kAudioStreamPropertyPhysicalFormatSupported as String
- property kAudioStreamPropertyPhysicalFormatMatch as String
- property kAudioPropertyWildcardPropertyID as String
- property kAudioPropertyWildcardSection as Integer
- property kAudioPropertyWildcardChannel as Integer
- property Lasterror as Integer
- shared method CoreAudioGetHostClockFrequencyMBS as double
- shared method GetHostClockMinimumTimeDeltaMBS as integer
- shared method CoreAudioGetCurrentHostTimeMBS as UInt64
- shared method CoreAudioConvertHostTimeToNanosMBS(inHostTime as UInt64) as UInt64
- shared method CoreAudioConvertNanosToHostTimeMBS(inNanos as UInt64) as UInt64
- class CoreAudioPlayerMBS
- method AddAudio(Data as memoryblock, offsetBytes as integer=0, countBytes as integer=0, BitSize as integer=16, ClearBuffers as boolean=false) as boolean
- method AddFloatAudio(FloatData as memoryblock, offsetBytes as integer=0, countBytes as integer=0, ClearBuffers as boolean=false) as boolean
- method AddAudioStereo(Data1 as memoryblock, Data2 as memoryblock, offsetBytes as integer=0, countBytes as integer=0, BitSize as integer=16, ClearBuffers as boolean=false) as boolean
- method AddFloatAudioStereo(FloatData1 as memoryblock, FloatData2 as memoryblock, offsetBytes as integer=0, countBytes as integer=0, ClearBuffers as boolean=false) as boolean
- method PlayAudio(Data as memoryblock, offsetBytes as integer=0, countBytes as integer=0, BitSize as integer=16, ClearBuffers as boolean=false) as boolean
- method PlayFloatAudio(FloatData as memoryblock, offsetBytes as integer=0, countBytes as integer=0, ClearBuffers as boolean=false) as boolean
- method PlayAudioStereo(Data1 as memoryblock, Data2 as memoryblock, offsetBytes as integer=0, countBytes as integer=0, BitSize as integer=16, ClearBuffers as boolean=false) as boolean
- method PlayFloatAudioStereo(FloatData1 as memoryblock, FloatData2 as memoryblock, offsetBytes as integer=0, countBytes as integer=0, ClearBuffers as boolean=false) as boolean
- method FreeSpace as integer
- method HasFreeSpace as boolean
- method HardwareSampleRate as single
- method HardwareNumberOfChannels as integer
- method Close
- method Stop
- method Start as boolean
- property OutputPositionRelative as Double
- property SampleRate as Single
- property NumberOfChannels as Integer
- property OutputDeviceID as Integer
- property IsRunning as Boolean
- property OutputPosition as Double
- property NoUnderflow as Boolean
- property HadUnderflow as Boolean
- class DADiskMBS
- method SetOptions(options as integer, value as boolean) as integer
- method Options as integer
- method Constructor
- method BSDName as string
- method Description as dictionary
- method WholeDisk as DADiskMBS
- property Handle as Integer
- shared method kDADiskDescriptionVolumeKindKey as string
- shared method kDADiskDescriptionVolumeMountableKey as string
- shared method kDADiskDescriptionVolumeNameKey as string
- shared method kDADiskDescriptionVolumeNetworkKey as string
- shared method kDADiskDescriptionVolumePathKey as string
- shared method kDADiskDescriptionVolumeUUIDKey as string
- shared method kDADiskDescriptionMediaBlockSizeKey as string
- shared method kDADiskDescriptionMediaBSDMajorKey as string
- shared method kDADiskDescriptionMediaBSDMinorKey as string
- shared method kDADiskDescriptionMediaBSDNameKey as string
- shared method kDADiskDescriptionMediaBSDUnitKey as string
- shared method kDADiskDescriptionMediaContentKey as string
- shared method kDADiskDescriptionMediaEjectableKey as string
- shared method kDADiskDescriptionMediaIconKey as string
- shared method kDADiskDescriptionMediaKindKey as string
- shared method kDADiskDescriptionMediaLeafKey as string
- shared method kDADiskDescriptionMediaNameKey as string
- shared method kDADiskDescriptionMediaPathKey as string
- shared method kDADiskDescriptionMediaRemovableKey as string
- shared method kDADiskDescriptionMediaSizeKey as string
- shared method kDADiskDescriptionMediaTypeKey as string
- shared method kDADiskDescriptionMediaUUIDKey as string
- shared method kDADiskDescriptionMediaWholeKey as string
- shared method kDADiskDescriptionMediaWritableKey as string
- shared method kDADiskDescriptionDeviceGUIDKey as string
- shared method kDADiskDescriptionDeviceInternalKey as string
- shared method kDADiskDescriptionDeviceModelKey as string
- shared method kDADiskDescriptionDevicePathKey as string
- shared method kDADiskDescriptionDeviceProtocolKey as string
- shared method kDADiskDescriptionDeviceRevisionKey as string
- shared method kDADiskDescriptionDeviceUnitKey as string
- shared method kDADiskDescriptionDeviceVendorKey as string
- shared method kDADiskDescriptionBusNameKey as string
- shared method kDADiskDescriptionBusPathKey as string
- shared method CreateFromBSDName(session as DASessionMBS, name as string) as DADiskMBS
- shared method CreateFromVolume(session as DASessionMBS, volume as folderitem) as DADiskMBS
- shared method CreateFromVolumePath(session as DASessionMBS, path as string) as DADiskMBS
- class DADissenterMBS
- class DarwinIFStatInterfaceMBS
- property Type as Integer
- property PhysicalType as Integer
- property Name as String
- property MTU as UInt32
- property Baudrate as UInt32
- property InputPackets as UInt64
- property InputErrors as UInt64
- property OutputPackets as UInt64
- property OutputErrors as UInt64
- property Collisions as UInt64
- property InputBytes as UInt64
- property OutputBytes as UInt64
- property InputMulticasts as UInt64
- property OutputMulticasts as UInt64
- class DarwinIFStatMBS
- class DASessionMBS
- method MountWithArguments(disk as DADiskMBS, path as string, arguments() as string, options as integer = 0)
- method Eject(disk as DADiskMBS, options as integer = 0)
- method Mount(disk as DADiskMBS, path as string, options as integer = 0)
- method Unmount(disk as DADiskMBS, options as integer = 0)
- method Rename(disk as DADiskMBS, name as string, options as integer = 0)
- method IsClaimed(disk as DADiskMBS) as boolean
- method Unclaim(disk as DADiskMBS)
- method Constructor
- property Handle as Integer
- event Renamed(disk as DADiskMBS, dissenter as DADissenterMBS)
- event Unmounted(disk as DADiskMBS, dissenter as DADissenterMBS)
- event Appeared(disk as DADiskMBS)
- event Disappeared(disk as DADiskMBS)
- event DescriptionChanged(disk as DADiskMBS, keys() as string)
- event Mounted(disk as DADiskMBS, dissenter as DADissenterMBS)
- event Ejected(disk as DADiskMBS, dissenter as DADissenterMBS)
- event Peek(disk as DADiskMBS)
- class DesktopWindow
- class DNSAddressRecordMBS
- class DNSAFSDBRecordMBS
- class DNSDomainNameRecordMBS
- class DNSHeaderMBS
- class DNSHINFORecordMBS
- class DNSIN6AddressRecordMBS
- class DNSISDNRecordMBS
- class DNSLocRecordMBS
- class DNSMINFORecordMBS
- class DNSMXRecordMBS
- class DNSQuestionMBS
- class DNSRawResourceRecordMBS
- class DNSReplyMBS
- method Question(index as integer) as DNSQuestionMBS
- method Answer(index as integer) as DNSResourceRecordMBS
- method Authority(index as integer) as DNSResourceRecordMBS
- method Additional(index as integer) as DNSResourceRecordMBS
- method Questions as DNSQuestionMBS()
- method Answers as DNSResourceRecordMBS()
- method Authoritys as DNSResourceRecordMBS()
- method Additionals as DNSResourceRecordMBS()
- property Status as Integer
- property Server as DNSSocketAddressMBS
- property Header as DNSHeaderMBS
- property questionCount as Integer
- property answerCount as Integer
- property authorityCount as Integer
- property additionalCount as Integer
- class DNSResourceRecordMBS
- property dnstype as Integer
- property dnsclass as Integer
- property ttl as Integer
- property name as String
- property Record as Variant
- property A as DNSAddressRecordMBS
- property NS as DNSDomainNameRecordMBS
- property MD as DNSDomainNameRecordMBS
- property MF as DNSDomainNameRecordMBS
- property CNAME as DNSDomainNameRecordMBS
- property SOA as DNSSOARecordMBS
- property MB as DNSDomainNameRecordMBS
- property MG as DNSDomainNameRecordMBS
- property MR as DNSDomainNameRecordMBS
- property RAW as DNSRawResourceRecordMBS
- property WKS as DNSWKSRecordMBS
- property PTR as DNSDomainNameRecordMBS
- property HINFO as DNSHINFORecordMBS
- property MINFO as DNSMINFORecordMBS
- property MX as DNSMXRecordMBS
- property TXT as DNSTXTRecordMBS
- property RP as DNSRPRecordMBS
- property AFSDB as DNSAFSDBRecordMBS
- property X25 as DNSX25RecordMBS
- property ISDN as DNSISDNRecordMBS
- property RT as DNSRTRecordMBS
- property AAAA as DNSIN6AddressRecordMBS
- property LOC as DNSLocRecordMBS
- property SRV as DNSSRVRecordMBS
- class DNSRPRecordMBS
- class DNSRTRecordMBS
- class DNSServiceDiscoveryBrowseMBS
- class DNSServiceDiscoveryDomainEnumerationMBS
- class DNSServiceDiscoveryRegisterMBS
- method Register(servicename as string, servicetype as string, domain as string, port as integer, text as string) as boolean
- method Available as boolean
- method Close
- method Running as boolean
- method UpdateText(data as string, ttl as integer) as integer
- property Handle as Integer
- property Text as String
- event ServiceRegistration(errorcode as integer)
- class DNSServiceDiscoveryResolveMBS
- class DNSServiceMetaQueryMBS
- class DNSSOARecordMBS
- class DNSSocketAddressMBS
- class DNSSRVRecordMBS
- class DNSTXTRecordMBS
- class DNSWKSRecordMBS
- class DNSX25RecordMBS
- class DVDPlaybackMBS
- method Open
- method Close
- shared method GetAudioLanguageCodeByStream(StreamIndex as integer, byref DVDLanguageCode as string, byref DVDSubpictureExtensionCode as integer)
- shared method GetAudioLanguageCode(byref DVDLanguageCode as string, byref DVDSubpictureExtensionCode as integer)
- shared method SetDefaultAudioLanguageCode(DVDLanguageCode as string, DVDSubpictureExtensionCode as integer)
- shared method GetSubPictureLanguageCodeByStream(StreamIndex as integer, byref DVDLanguageCode as string, byref DVDSubpictureExtensionCode as integer)
- shared method GetSubPictureLanguageCode(byref DVDLanguageCode as string, byref DVDSubpictureExtensionCode as integer)
- shared method SetDefaultSubPictureLanguageCode(DVDLanguageCode as string, DVDSubpictureExtensionCode as integer)
- shared method GetTimeEventRate as integer
- shared method SetTimeEventRate(rate as integer)
- shared method GetAngle as integer
- shared method SetAngle(angle as integer)
- shared method GetAudioStream as integer
- shared method SetAudioStream(index as integer)
- shared method GetSubPictureStream as integer
- shared method SetSubPictureStream(index as integer)
- shared method GetTitle as integer
- shared method SetTitle(Title as integer)
- shared method GetChapter as integer
- shared method SetChapter(Chapter as integer)
- shared method GetAudioVolume as integer
- shared method SetAudioVolume(Volume as integer)
- shared method GetVideoDisplay as integer
- shared method SetVideoDisplay(CGVideoDisplayHandle as integer)
- shared method GetAspectRatio as integer
- shared method SetAspectRatio(AspectRatio as integer)
- shared method IsDisplayingSubPicture as boolean
- shared method DisplaySubPicture(value as boolean)
- shared method GetFormatStandard as integer
- shared method GetNumberOfSubPictureStreams as integer
- shared method GetNumberOfTitles as integer
- shared method GetNumberOfAudioStreams as integer
- shared method GetNumberOfAngles as integer
- shared method GetMinAudioVolume as integer
- shared method GetMaxAudioVolume as integer
- shared method GetCurrentAudioVolume as integer
- shared method Mute(mute as boolean)
- shared method HasNextChapter as boolean
- shared method HasPreviousChapter as boolean
- shared method IsMuted as boolean
- shared method IsPlaying as boolean
- shared method IsPaused as boolean
- shared method GetNativeVideoWidth as integer
- shared method GetNativeVideoHeight as integer
- shared method Available as boolean
- shared method GetAudioOutputMode as integer
- shared method SetAudioOutputMode(Mode as integer)
- shared method GetAudioOutputModeCapabilities as integer
- shared method GetSPDIFDataOutDevice as integer
- shared method SetSPDIFDataOutDevice(Device as integer)
- shared method GetSPDIFDataOutDeviceCount as integer
- shared method GetVideoWindowID as integer
- shared method SetVideoWindowID(WindowID as integer)
- shared method GetSPDIFDataOutDeviceName(index as integer) as string
- shared method LastErrorString as string
- shared method GetButtonPosition(index as integer, byref x as double, byref y as double, byref w as double, byref h as double, byref autoAction as integer)
- shared method GetMediaVolumeName as string
- shared method GetMediaUniqueID as memoryblock
- shared method GetLastPlayBookmark as string
- shared method GetBookmark as string
- shared method GotoBookmark(Bookmark as string)
- shared method SetLastPlayBookmark(Bookmark as string)
- shared method SetDefaultMenuLanguageCode(Code as string)
- shared method GetMenuLanguageCode as string
- shared method GetState as integer
- shared method WakeUp
- shared method Sleep
- shared method Lasterror as integer
- shared method EnableWebAccess(enable as boolean)
- shared method GetDiscRegionCode as integer
- shared method GetGPRMValue(index as integer) as integer
- shared method SetDriveRegionCode(regioncode as integer, AuthorizationHandle as integer)
- shared method GetDriveRegionCode(byref regioncode as integer, byref NumberChangesLeft as integer)
- shared method GetNumberOfChapters(title as integer) as integer
- shared method NextChapter
- shared method PreviousChapter
- shared method Idle
- shared method UpdateVideo
- shared method Play
- shared method Pause
- shared method Stop
- shared method Resume
- shared method SetScanRate(scanrate as integer, direction as integer)
- shared method StepFrame(direction as integer)
- shared method GetScanRate(byref scanrate as integer, byref direction as integer)
- shared method SetTime(timecode as integer, time as integer, frames as integer)
- shared method GetTime(timecode as integer, byref time as integer, byref frames as integer)
- shared method HasMenu(menu as integer) as boolean
- shared method IsOnMenu(byref OnMenu as boolean, byref menu as integer)
- shared method GoToMenu(menu as integer)
- shared method ReturnToTitle
- shared method GoBackOneLevel
- shared method DoUserNavigation(navigation as integer)
- shared method DoMenuClick(x as integer, y as integer) as integer
- shared method DoMenuMouseOver(x as integer, y as integer) as integer
- shared method DoMenuCGClick(x as double, y as double) as integer
- shared method DoMenuCGMouseOver(x as double, y as double) as integer
- shared method DoButtonActivate(inIndex as integer)
- shared method IsSupportedDisplay(CGVideoDisplayHandle as integer) as boolean
- shared method SwitchToDisplay(CGVideoDisplayHandle as integer) as boolean
- shared method IsValidMedia(folder as folderitem) as boolean
- shared method HasMedia as boolean
- shared method OpenMediaFile(folder as folderitem)
- shared method CloseMediaFile
- shared method OpenMediaVolume(disc as folderitem)
- shared method CloseMediaVolume
- shared method GetVideoKeyColor as color
- shared method GetAudioStreamFormat(byref outFormat as integer, byref outBitsPerSample as integer, byref outSamplesPerSecond as integer, byref outChannels as integer)
- shared method GetAudioStreamFormatByStream(index as integer, byref outFormat as integer, byref outBitsPerSample as integer, byref outSamplesPerSecond as integer, byref outChannels as integer)
- shared method ClearLastPlayBookmark
- shared method SetVideoBounds(x as integer, y as integer, w as integer, h as integer)
- shared method GetVideoBounds(byref x as integer, byref y as integer, byref w as integer, byref h as integer)
- shared method GetNativeVideoSize(byref w as integer, byref h as integer)
- shared method GetButtoninfo(byref numberOfButtons as integer, byref selectedButton as integer, byref forcedActivateButton as integer, byref userButtonOffset as integer, byref numberOfUserButtons as integer)
- event FatalError(errorcode as integer)
- event DVDEvent(eventcode as integer, value1 as integer, value2 as integer)
- class DVDPlaybackMissingFunctionExceptionMBS
- class DVDPlaybackNotInitializedExceptionMBS
- class FolderChangedNotificationMBS
- method Unsubscribe
- method Directory as folderitem
- method SubscribeByPath(path as string)
- method Subscribe(dir as folderitem)
- method SubscribeByPath(path as string, flags as integer)
- method Subscribe(dir as folderitem, flags as integer)
- method Notify(dir as folderitem)
- method NotifyByPath(path as string)
- method NotifyAll
- property Lasterror as Integer
- property Handle as Integer
- event DirectoryChanged(message as integer, flags as integer)
- class FolderItem
- class FolderItem
- method LaunchServicesRegisterMBS(update as boolean) as integer
- method LaunchServicesApplicationsForItemMBS(role as integer) as LaunchServicesApplicationListMBS
- method LaunchServicesDisplayNameMBS as string
- method LaunchServicesKindStringMBS as string
- method LaunchServicesItemInfoMBS(WhichInfo as integer) as LaunchServicesItemInfoMBS
- method LaunchServicesApplicationForItemMBS(role as integer) as folderitem
- method LaunchServicesCanApplicationAcceptItemMBS(targetapp as folderitem, role as integer, flags as integer) as boolean
- method LaunchServicesOpenMBS as folderitem
- method isBundleMBS as boolean
- method isApplicationMBS as boolean
- property MacQuarantinePropertiesMBS as MacQuarantinePropertiesMBS
- class FolderItem
- class ImageCaptureMBS
- method ImportImage(flags as integer, filetypes() as string) as string()
- method ImportImage(flags as integer) as string()
- method SendNotificationAndWaitForReply(notificationDictionary as dictionary) as integer
- method SendNotification(notificationDictionary as dictionary) as integer
- method LoadDeviceModule(params as dictionary)
- method UnloadDeviceModule(deviceObject as ImageCaptureObjectMBS)
- method DeviceList as ImageCaptureObjectMBS
- method ShowDeviceBrowser
- method RegisterForEventNotification(objectOfInterest as ImageCaptureObjectMBS, eventsOfInterest() as string, options as dictionary)
- property Lasterror as Integer
- shared method kICAUserAssignedDeviceNameKey as string
- shared method kICADeviceBrowserDeviceRefKey as string
- shared method kICADeviceModulePathKey as string
- shared method kICADeviceIconPathKey as string
- shared method kICATransportTypeKey as string
- shared method kICABluetoothAddressKey as string
- shared method kICAUSBLocationIDKey as string
- shared method kICAFireWireGUIDKey as string
- shared method kICAIOServicePathKey as string
- shared method kICAIPAddressKey as string
- shared method kICAIPNameKey as string
- shared method kICAIPGUIDKey as string
- shared method kICATWAINDSPathKey as string
- shared method kICAUSBTransportType as string
- shared method kICAFireWireTransportType as string
- shared method kICABluetoothTransportType as string
- shared method kICATCPIPTransportType as string
- shared method kICASCSITransportType as string
- shared method kICATWAINTransportType as string
- shared method kICANotificationTypeObjectAdded as string
- shared method kICANotificationTypeObjectRemoved as string
- shared method kICANotificationTypeObjectInfoChanged as string
- shared method kICANotificationTypeStoreAdded as string
- shared method kICANotificationTypeStoreRemoved as string
- shared method kICANotificationTypeStoreFull as string
- shared method kICANotificationTypeStoreInfoChanged as string
- shared method kICANotificationTypeDeviceAdded as string
- shared method kICANotificationTypeDeviceRemoved as string
- shared method kICANotificationTypeDeviceInfoChanged as string
- shared method kICANotificationTypeDevicePropertyChanged as string
- shared method kICANotificationTypeDeviceWasReset as string
- shared method kICANotificationTypeDeviceStatusInfo as string
- shared method kICANotificationTypeDeviceStatusError as string
- shared method kICANotificationTypeCaptureComplete as string
- shared method kICANotificationTypeRequestObjectTransfer as string
- shared method kICANotificationTypeTransactionCanceled as string
- shared method kICANotificationTypeUnreportedStatus as string
- shared method kICANotificationTypeProprietary as string
- shared method kICANotificationTypeDeviceConnectionProgress as string
- shared method kICANotificationTypeDownloadProgressStatus as string
- shared method kICANotificationTypeScanProgressStatus as string
- shared method kICANotificationTypeScannerSessionClosed as string
- shared method kICANotificationTypeScannerScanDone as string
- shared method kICANotificationTypeScannerPageDone as string
- shared method kICANotificationTypeScannerButtonPressed as string
- shared method kICANotificationTypeScannerOverviewOverlayAvailable as string
- shared method kICAErrorKey as string
- shared method kICARefconKey as string
- shared method kICANotificationICAObjectKey as string
- shared method kICANotificationDeviceICAObjectKey as string
- shared method kICANotificationDeviceListICAObjectKey as string
- shared method kICANotificationClassKey as string
- shared method kICANotificationTypeKey as string
- shared method kICANotificationRawEventKey as string
- shared method kICANotificationDataKey as string
- shared method kICANotificationDataSizeKey as string
- shared method kICANotificationDataCookieKey as string
- shared method kICANotificationImageKey as string
- shared method kICANotificationImageWidthKey as string
- shared method kICANotificationImageHeightKey as string
- shared method kICANotificationImageBytesPerRowKey as string
- shared method kICANotificationImageStartRowKey as string
- shared method kICANotificationImageNumberOfRowsKey as string
- shared method kICANotificationImageDataKey as string
- shared method kICANotificationImageDataSizeKey as string
- shared method kICANotificationScannerDocumentNameKey as string
- shared method kICANotificationScannerButtonTypeKey as string
- shared method kICANotificationNumerOfImagesRemainingKey as string
- shared method kICANotificationPercentDownloadedKey as string
- shared method kICANotificationSubTypeKey as string
- shared method kICANotificationSubTypeWarmUpStarted as string
- shared method kICANotificationSubTypeWarmUpDone as string
- shared method kICANotificationVendorErrorCodeKey as string
- shared method kICANotificationSubTypePerformOverviewScan as string
- shared method kICANotificationSubTypeDocumentLoaded as string
- shared method kICANotificationSubTypeDocumentNotLoaded as string
- shared method kICANotificationClassPTPStandard as string
- shared method kICANotificationClassPTPVendor as string
- shared method kICANotificationClassProprietary as string
- event Notification(notificationType as string, notificationDictionary as dictionary)
- class ImageCaptureObjectMBS
- method Constructor
- method Constructor(handle as integer)
- method ScannerCloseSession
- method ScannerOpenSession(device as ImageCaptureObjectMBS)
- method ScannerInitialize
- method ScannerStart
- method ScannerStatus as integer
- method ScannerGetParameters as dictionary
- method ScannerSetParameters(dic as dictionary)
- method CloseSession
- method OpenSession(device as ImageCaptureObjectMBS)
- method CopyData(startByte as int64, requestedSize as int64) as string
- method CopyThumbnail(format as string) as string
- method DownloadFile(dir as folderitem, flags as integer, MacType as string, MacCreator as string, angle as double) as folderitem
- method UploadFile(file as folderitem, flags as integer)
- method SendMessageString(messageType as string, startByte as UInt32, data as string, dataType as string) as UInt32
- method SendMessageMemory(messageType as string, startByte as UInt32, data as memoryblock, dataType as string) as UInt32
- method PropertyDictionary as dictionary
- method PropertyDictionaryText as string
- method ImportImage(flags as integer, filetypes() as string) as string()
- method ImportImage(flags as integer) as string()
- property Handle as Integer
- property Lasterror as Integer
- property SessionHandle as Integer
- property ScannerSessionHandle as Integer
- shared method kICADevicePropUndefined as string
- shared method kICADevicePropBatteryLevel as string
- shared method kICADevicePropFunctionalMode as string
- shared method kICADevicePropImageSize as string
- shared method kICADevicePropCompressionSetting as string
- shared method kICADevicePropWhiteBalance as string
- shared method kICADevicePropRGBGain as string
- shared method kICADevicePropFNumber as string
- shared method kICADevicePropFocalLength as string
- shared method kICADevicePropFocusDistance as string
- shared method kICADevicePropFocusMode as string
- shared method kICADevicePropExposureMeteringMode as string
- shared method kICADevicePropFlashMode as string
- shared method kICADevicePropExposureTime as string
- shared method kICADevicePropExposureProgramMode as string
- shared method kICADevicePropExposureIndex as string
- shared method kICADevicePropExposureBiasCompensation as string
- shared method kICADevicePropDateTime as string
- shared method kICADevicePropCaptureDelay as string
- shared method kICADevicePropStillCaptureMode as string
- shared method kICADevicePropContrast as string
- shared method kICADevicePropSharpness as string
- shared method kICADevicePropDigitalZoom as string
- shared method kICADevicePropEffectMode as string
- shared method kICADevicePropBurstNumber as string
- shared method kICADevicePropBurstInterval as string
- shared method kICADevicePropTimelapseNumber as string
- shared method kICADevicePropTimelapseInterval as string
- shared method kICADevicePropFocusMeteringMode as string
- shared method kICADevicePropUploadURL as string
- shared method kICADevicePropArtist as string
- shared method kICADevicePropCopyrightInfo as string
- shared method kICADevicesArrayKey as string
- shared method kICAObjectKey as string
- shared method kICAObjectNameKey as string
- shared method kICAUSBVendorIDKey as string
- shared method kICAUSBProductIDKey as string
- shared method kICADeviceTypeKey as string
- shared method kICAExecutableArchitectureKey as string
- shared method kICARemoteDeviceKey as string
- shared method kICADeviceSharedKey as string
- shared method kICADeviceWebSharedKey as string
- shared method kICADeviceUsedKey as string
- shared method kICABonjourServiceTypeKey as string
- shared method kICABonjourServiceNameKey as string
- shared method kICABonjourTXTRecordKey as string
- shared method kICADeviceCapabilitiesKey as string
- shared method kICALockStatusKey as string
- shared method kICADataPropertyKey as string
- shared method kICADataTypeKey as string
- shared method kICADataSizeKey as string
- shared method kICAThumbnailPropertyKey as string
- shared method kICAThumbnailSizeKey as string
- shared method kICARawKey as string
- shared method kICAMediaHeightKey as string
- shared method kICAMediaWidthKey as string
- shared method kICACreationDateStringKey as string
- shared method kICAModificationDateStringKey as string
- shared method kMetaDataDictionaryKey as string
- shared method kICAMediaDurationInSecondsKey as string
- shared method kICADeviceTypeCamera as string
- shared method kICADeviceTypeScanner as string
- class IOPMAssertionMBS
- method Constructor(type as string, level as integer, name as string)
- method Properties as Dictionary
- method SetProperty(key as string, value as variant) as boolean
- property Handle as Integer
- property Name as String
- property Details as String
- property Type as String
- property TimeoutAction as String
- property HumanReadableReason as String
- property LocalizationBundlePath as String
- property RetainCount as Integer
- property Timeout as Double
- property Level as Integer
- shared method DeclareUserActivity(AssertionName as string, userType as integer, byref AssertionID as integer) as integer
- shared method CreateWithName(type as string, level as integer, name as string) as IOPMAssertionMBS
- shared method AssertionsStatus as Dictionary
- shared method AssertionsByProcess as Dictionary
- shared method CreateWithHandle(Handle as Integer) as IOPMAssertionMBS
- shared method CreateWithProperties(AssertionProperties as Dictionary) as IOPMAssertionMBS
- shared method CreateWithDescription(AssertionType as string, Name as string, Details as string = "", HumanReadableReason as string = "", LocalizationBundlePath as string = "", Timeout as double = 0, TimeoutAction as string = "") as IOPMAssertionMBS
- class IOPMMBS
- property GeneralAggressiveness as integer
- property MinutesToDim as integer
- property MinutesToSpinDown as integer
- property MinutesToSleep as integer
- property EthernetWakeOnLANSettings as integer
- property SetProcessorSpeed as integer
- property PowerSource as integer
- property MotionSensor as integer
- property Handle as Integer
- class LaunchServicesApplicationListMBS
- class LaunchServicesItemInfoMBS
- method Close
- property IsPlainFile as Boolean
- property MacType as String
- property IsPackage as Boolean
- property MacCreator as String
- property IsApplication as Boolean
- property Extension as String
- property IsContainer as Boolean
- property IconFilename as String
- property KindID as Integer
- property IsSymlink as Boolean
- property IsInvisible as Boolean
- property IsNativeApp as Boolean
- property IsClassicApp as Boolean
- property AppPrefersNative as Boolean
- property AppPrefersClassic as Boolean
- property AppIsScriptable as Boolean
- property IsVolume as Boolean
- property ExtensionIsHidden as Boolean
- property IsAliasFile as Boolean
- class LaunchServicesLaunchParameterMBS
- method Close
- property Defaults as Boolean
- property Print as Boolean
- property InhibitBGOnly as Boolean
- property DontAddToRecents as Boolean
- property DontSwitch as Boolean
- property NoParams as Boolean
- property StartClassic as Boolean
- property InClassic as Boolean
- property NewInstance as Boolean
- property Hide as Boolean
- property HideOthers as Boolean
- property Application as FolderItem
- property LastError as Integer
- class LaunchServicesStringListMBS
- class LoginItemsMBS
- method Update
- method IsHidden(index as integer) as boolean
- method URL(index as integer) as String
- method File(index as integer) as FolderItem
- method Name(index as integer) as String
- method DisplayName(index as integer) as String
- method Remove(index as integer) as boolean
- method RemoveFile(file as FolderItem) as boolean
- method RemoveURL(url as string) as boolean
- method AddURL(url as string, hidden as boolean=false) as boolean
- method AddFile(file as FolderItem, hidden as boolean=false) as boolean
- method OldAddLoginItem(file as folderitem,hide as boolean,allusers as boolean) as boolean
- method OldRemoveLoginItem(file as folderitem,allusers as boolean) as boolean
- method OldCountOfLoginItems(allusers as boolean) as integer
- method OldRemoveLoginItemAtIndex(index as integer, allusers as boolean) as boolean
- method OldLoginItemPropertyAtIndex(what as integer, index as integer, allusers as boolean) as string
- property Handle as Integer
- property Lasterror as Integer
- property Count as Integer
- class MacQuarantinePropertiesMBS
- class MDItemMBS
- method GetAttributes as dictionary
- method GetAttributes(names() as string) as dictionary
- method GetAttribute(name as string) as variant
- method Constructor(path as folderitem)
- method AttributeNames as string()
- method AttributeString(name as string) as string
- method AttributeBoolean(name as string) as boolean
- method AttributeDouble(name as string) as double
- method AttributeStringArray(name as string) as string()
- property Handle as Integer
- property Tag as Variant
- property DisplayName as String
- property FSName as String
- property Path as String
- property FSSize as Int64
- shared method DisplayNameForAttribute(name as string) as string
- shared method DisplayDescriptionForAttribute(name as string) as string
- shared method AllAttributes as string()
- shared method AttributeType(name as string) as string
- shared method AttributeMultiValued(name as string) as boolean
- shared method kMDItemAttributeChangeDate as string
- shared method kMDItemContentType as string
- shared method kMDItemContentTypeTree as string
- shared method kMDItemKeywords as string
- shared method kMDItemTitle as string
- shared method kMDItemAuthors as string
- shared method kMDItemEditors as string
- shared method kMDItemParticipants as string
- shared method kMDItemProjects as string
- shared method kMDItemDownloadedDate as string
- shared method kMDItemWhereFroms as string
- shared method kMDItemComment as string
- shared method kMDItemCopyright as string
- shared method kMDItemLastUsedDate as string
- shared method kMDItemContentCreationDate as string
- shared method kMDItemContentModificationDate as string
- shared method kMDItemDurationSeconds as string
- shared method kMDItemContactKeywords as string
- shared method kMDItemVersion as string
- shared method kMDItemPixelHeight as string
- shared method kMDItemPixelWidth as string
- shared method kMDItemPixelCount as string
- shared method kMDItemColorSpace as string
- shared method kMDItemBitsPerSample as string
- shared method kMDItemFlashOnOff as string
- shared method kMDItemFocalLength as string
- shared method kMDItemAcquisitionMake as string
- shared method kMDItemAcquisitionModel as string
- shared method kMDItemISOSpeed as string
- shared method kMDItemOrientation as string
- shared method kMDItemLayerNames as string
- shared method kMDItemWhiteBalance as string
- shared method kMDItemAperture as string
- shared method kMDItemProfileName as string
- shared method kMDItemResolutionWidthDPI as string
- shared method kMDItemResolutionHeightDPI as string
- shared method kMDItemExposureMode as string
- shared method kMDItemExposureTimeSeconds as string
- shared method kMDItemEXIFVersion as string
- shared method kMDItemCameraOwner as string
- shared method kMDItemFocalLength35mm as string
- shared method kMDItemLensModel as string
- shared method kMDItemEXIFGPSVersion as string
- shared method kMDItemAltitude as string
- shared method kMDItemLatitude as string
- shared method kMDItemLongitude as string
- shared method kMDItemSpeed as string
- shared method kMDItemTimestamp as string
- shared method kMDItemGPSTrack as string
- shared method kMDItemImageDirection as string
- shared method kMDItemNamedLocation as string
- shared method kMDItemGPSStatus as string
- shared method kMDItemGPSMeasureMode as string
- shared method kMDItemGPSDOP as string
- shared method kMDItemGPSMapDatum as string
- shared method kMDItemGPSDestLatitude as string
- shared method kMDItemGPSDestLongitude as string
- shared method kMDItemGPSDestBearing as string
- shared method kMDItemGPSDestDistance as string
- shared method kMDItemGPSProcessingMethod as string
- shared method kMDItemGPSAreaInformation as string
- shared method kMDItemGPSDateStamp as string
- shared method kMDItemGPSDifferental as string
- shared method kMDItemCodecs as string
- shared method kMDItemMediaTypes as string
- shared method kMDItemStreamable as string
- shared method kMDItemTotalBitRate as string
- shared method kMDItemVideoBitRate as string
- shared method kMDItemAudioBitRate as string
- shared method kMDItemDeliveryType as string
- shared method kMDItemAlbum as string
- shared method kMDItemHasAlphaChannel as string
- shared method kMDItemRedEyeOnOff as string
- shared method kMDItemMeteringMode as string
- shared method kMDItemMaxAperture as string
- shared method kMDItemFNumber as string
- shared method kMDItemExposureProgram as string
- shared method kMDItemExposureTimeString as string
- shared method kMDItemHeadline as string
- shared method kMDItemInstructions as string
- shared method kMDItemCity as string
- shared method kMDItemStateOrProvince as string
- shared method kMDItemCountry as string
- shared method kMDItemFSName as string
- shared method kMDItemDisplayName as string
- shared method kMDItemPath as string
- shared method kMDItemFSSize as string
- shared method kMDItemFSCreationDate as string
- shared method kMDItemFSContentChangeDate as string
- shared method kMDItemFSOwnerUserID as string
- shared method kMDItemFSOwnerGroupID as string
- shared method kMDItemFSExists as string
- shared method kMDItemFSIsReadable as string
- shared method kMDItemFSIsWriteable as string
- shared method kMDItemFSHasCustomIcon as string
- shared method kMDItemFSIsExtensionHidden as string
- shared method kMDItemFSIsStationery as string
- shared method kMDItemFSInvisible as string
- shared method kMDItemFSLabel as string
- shared method kMDItemFSNodeCount as string
- shared method kMDItemTextContent as string
- shared method kMDItemAudioSampleRate as string
- shared method kMDItemAudioChannelCount as string
- shared method kMDItemTempo as string
- shared method kMDItemKeySignature as string
- shared method kMDItemTimeSignature as string
- shared method kMDItemAudioEncodingApplication as string
- shared method kMDItemComposer as string
- shared method kMDItemLyricist as string
- shared method kMDItemAudioTrackNumber as string
- shared method kMDItemRecordingDate as string
- shared method kMDItemMusicalGenre as string
- shared method kMDItemIsGeneralMIDISequence as string
- shared method kMDItemRecordingYear as string
- shared method kMDItemOrganizations as string
- shared method kMDItemLanguages as string
- shared method kMDItemRights as string
- shared method kMDItemPublishers as string
- shared method kMDItemContributors as string
- shared method kMDItemCoverage as string
- shared method kMDItemSubject as string
- shared method kMDItemTheme as string
- shared method kMDItemDescription as string
- shared method kMDItemIdentifier as string
- shared method kMDItemAudiences as string
- shared method kMDItemNumberOfPages as string
- shared method kMDItemPageWidth as string
- shared method kMDItemPageHeight as string
- shared method kMDItemSecurityMethod as string
- shared method kMDItemCreator as string
- shared method kMDItemEncodingApplications as string
- shared method kMDItemDueDate as string
- shared method kMDItemStarRating as string
- shared method kMDItemPhoneNumbers as string
- shared method kMDItemEmailAddresses as string
- shared method kMDItemInstantMessageAddresses as string
- shared method kMDItemKind as string
- shared method kMDItemRecipients as string
- shared method kMDItemFinderComment as string
- shared method kMDItemFonts as string
- shared method kMDItemAppleLoopsRootKey as string
- shared method kMDItemAppleLoopsKeyFilterType as string
- shared method kMDItemAppleLoopsLoopMode as string
- shared method kMDItemAppleLoopDescriptors as string
- shared method kMDItemMusicalInstrumentCategory as string
- shared method kMDItemMusicalInstrumentName as string
- shared method kMDItemCFBundleIdentifier as string
- shared method kMDItemSupportFileType as string
- shared method kMDItemInformation as string
- shared method kMDItemDirector as string
- shared method kMDItemProducer as string
- shared method kMDItemGenre as string
- shared method kMDItemPerformers as string
- shared method kMDItemOriginalFormat as string
- shared method kMDItemOriginalSource as string
- shared method kMDItemAuthorEmailAddresses as string
- shared method kMDItemRecipientEmailAddresses as string
- shared method kMDItemAuthorAddresses as string
- shared method kMDItemRecipientAddresses as string
- shared method kMDItemURL as string
- shared method kMDItemLabelIcon as string
- shared method kMDItemLabelID as string
- shared method kMDItemLabelKind as string
- shared method kMDItemLabelUUID as string
- shared method kMDItemIsLikelyJunk as string
- shared method kMDItemExecutableArchitectures as string
- shared method kMDItemApplicationCategories as string
- shared method kMDItemIsApplicationManaged as string
- shared method kMDItemDateAdded as string
- class MDQueryBatchingParamsMBS
- class MDQueryMBS
- method CountOfResultsWithAttributeValue(name as string, Value as variant) as UInt32
- method AttributeValueOfResultAtIndex(name as string, index as UInt32) as variant
- method ValuesOfAttribute(name as string) as variant()
- method IndexOfResult(it as MDItemMBS) as integer
- method Constructor(queryString as string)
- method Constructor(queryString as string, valueListAttributes() as string)
- method Constructor(queryString as string, valueListAttributes() as string, sortingAttributes() as string)
- method Constructor(query as MDQueryMBS, queryString as string)
- method Constructor(query as MDQueryMBS, queryString as string, valueListAttributes() as string)
- method Constructor(query as MDQueryMBS, queryString as string, valueListAttributes() as string, sortingAttributes() as string)
- method ResultAtIndex(index as integer) as MDItemMBS
- method Results(limit as integer = -1) as MDItemMBS()
- method Execute(flags as integer) as boolean
- method IsGatheringComplete as boolean
- method ResultCount as integer
- method ValueListAttributes as string()
- method SortingAttributes as string()
- method QueryString as string
- method Stop
- method DisableUpdates
- method EnableUpdates
- method SetMaxCount(size as integer)
- method SetSearchScope(paths() as folderitem, options() as string)
- method GetSortOptionFlagsForAttribute(fieldName as string) as integer
- method SetSortOptionFlagsForAttribute(fieldName as string, flags as UInt32) as Boolean
- method SetSortOrder(sortingAttrs() as string) as Boolean
- property BatchingParameters as MDQueryBatchingParamsMBS
- property Handle as Integer
- property Tag as Variant
- event Progress(AddedItems() as MDItemMBS, ChangedItems() as MDItemMBS, RemovedItems() as MDItemMBS)
- event Finish()
- event Update(AddedItems() as MDItemMBS, ChangedItems() as MDItemMBS, RemovedItems() as MDItemMBS)
- class MemoryStatisticsMBS
- class MidiPlaybackMBS
- method Callback as integer
- method Constructor(UsesInternalReverb as boolean=false, AutoStart as boolean=true)
- method SendMidiEvent(Status as integer, Data1 as integer, Data2 as integer, OffsetSampleFrame as integer)
- method InstrumentCount as integer
- method InstrumentID(index as integer) as integer
- method InstrumentName(index as integer) as string
- method CPULoad as single
- method MaxCPULoad as single
- method LoadSoundBankFile(file as folderitem)
- method Start
- method Stop
- method IsRunning as boolean
- property Volume as single
- property Tuning as single
- property ReverbVolume as single
- property StreamFromDisk as boolean
- property UsesInternalReverb as boolean
- property InstrumentIDOnChannel(Channel as integer) as integer
- property GraphHandle as Integer
- property Lasterror as Integer
- property Inited as boolean
- property SynthNodeHandle as Integer
- property FilterNodeHandle as Integer
- property OutputNodeHandle as Integer
- property SynthUnitHandle as Integer
- class NetFSMountMBS
- method Cancel
- method MountURLSync(URL as String, MountPath as String = "", User as String = "", Password as String = "", OpenOptions as Dictionary = nil, MountOptions as Dictionary = nil, byref MountPoints() as String) as Integer
- method MountURLAsync(URL as String, MountPath as String = "", User as String = "", Password as String = "", OpenOptions as Dictionary = nil, MountOptions as Dictionary = nil) as Integer
- property Handle as Integer
- property Lasterror as Integer
- shared method URLProbe(hostname as String) as String
- shared method URLForRemountingVolume(path as String) as String
- shared method URLForRemountingVolume(vol as FolderItem) as String
- event MountURLAsyncCompleted(status as Integer, URL as String, mountpoints() as String)
- class NWEndPointMBS
- class NWInterfaceMBS
- class NWPathMBS
- method Constructor
- method IsEqual(other as NWPathMBS) as Boolean
- method UsesInterfaceType(InterfaceType as Integer) as Boolean
- method Interfaces as NWInterfaceMBS()
- method Gateways as NWEndPointMBS()
- property Handle as Integer
- property Status as Integer
- property UnsatisfiedReason as Integer
- property IsExpensive as Boolean
- property IsConstrained as Boolean
- property HasIPv4 as Boolean
- property HasIPv6 as Boolean
- property HasDNS as Boolean
- property EffectiveLocalEndPoint as NWEndPointMBS
- property EffectiveRemoteEndPoint as NWEndPointMBS
- class NWPathMonitorMBS
- method Constructor
- method Constructor(requiredInterfaceType as Integer)
- method Start
- method Cancel
- method ProhibitInterfaceType(InterfaceType as Integer)
- property Handle as Integer
- property Current as NWPathMBS
- shared method CreateForEthernetChannel as NWPathMonitorMBS
- event Cancel
- event Update(path as NWPathMBS)
- class PermissionsMBS
- class QTSoundStreamMBS
- method CloseComponent
- method OpenComponent
- method InitComponent
- method OpenDefaultAudioUnitOutputComponent as integer
- method AttachToAudioUnitComponent(componenthandle as integer) as integer
- method AttachToAudioUnitComponent(componenthandle as integer, element as integer) as integer
- method AudioUnitInitialize(componenthandle as integer) as integer
- method AudioOutputUnitStart(componenthandle as integer) as integer
- property PostsStatusNotifications as Boolean
- property IsStreamActive as Boolean
- property IsOpen as Boolean
- property SoundOutputComponentHandle as Integer
- property Handle as Integer
- property Release as Boolean
- class SleepNotificationMBS
- class TextInputSourceMBS
- method Icon as variant
- method SourceLanguages as string()
- method IconImageFile as folderitem
- method IconImageURL as string
- method InputModeID as string
- method LocalizedName as string
- method BundleID as string
- method SourceID as string
- method IsEnableCapable as boolean
- method IsSelectCapable as boolean
- method IsEnabled as boolean
- method IsSelected as boolean
- method IsASCIICapable as boolean
- method Type as string
- method Category as string
- method PropertyValue(key as string) as variant
- method Enable
- method Disable
- method SelectIt
- method Deselect
- method SetInputMethodKeyboardLayoutOverride
- property Lasterror as Integer
- property Handle as Integer
- shared method RegisterInputSource(URL as string) as integer
- shared method RegisterInputSource(file as folderitem) as integer
- shared method CreateInputSourceList(properties as dictionary, includeAllInstalled as boolean) as TextInputSourceMBS()
- shared method CreateASCIICapableInputSourceList as TextInputSourceMBS()
- shared method CurrentASCIICapableKeyboardLayoutInputSource as TextInputSourceMBS
- shared method CurrentKeyboardInputSource as TextInputSourceMBS
- shared method CurrentKeyboardLayoutInputSource as TextInputSourceMBS
- shared method CurrentASCIICapableKeyboardInputSource as TextInputSourceMBS
- shared method InputSourceForLanguage(language as string) as TextInputSourceMBS
- shared method InputMethodKeyboardLayoutOverride as TextInputSourceMBS
- shared method kTISNotifySelectedKeyboardInputSourceChanged as string
- shared method kTISNotifyEnabledKeyboardInputSourcesChanged as string
- shared method kTISPropertyInputSourceCategory as string
- shared method kTISPropertyInputSourceType as string
- shared method kTISPropertyInputSourceIsASCIICapable as string
- shared method kTISPropertyInputSourceIsEnableCapable as string
- shared method kTISPropertyInputSourceIsSelectCapable as string
- shared method kTISPropertyInputSourceIsEnabled as string
- shared method kTISPropertyInputSourceIsSelected as string
- shared method kTISPropertyInputSourceID as string
- shared method kTISPropertyBundleID as string
- shared method kTISPropertyInputModeID as string
- shared method kTISPropertyLocalizedName as string
- shared method kTISPropertyInputSourceLanguages as string
- shared method kTISPropertyUnicodeKeyLayoutData as string
- shared method kTISPropertyIconRef as string
- shared method kTISPropertyIconImageURL as string
- shared method kTISCategoryKeyboardInputSource as string
- shared method kTISCategoryPaletteInputSource as string
- shared method kTISCategoryInkInputSource as string
- shared method kTISTypeKeyboardLayout as string
- shared method kTISTypeKeyboardInputMethodWithoutModes as string
- shared method kTISTypeKeyboardInputMethodModeEnabled as string
- shared method kTISTypeKeyboardInputMode as string
- shared method kTISTypeCharacterPalette as string
- shared method kTISTypeKeyboardViewer as string
- shared method kTISTypeInk as string
- class Window
- module DNSUtilMBS
- method ClassString(dnsclass as integer) as string
- method TypeString(dnstype as integer) as string
- method ClassNumber(dnsClass as string, byref n as integer) as boolean
- method TypeNumber(dnsType as string, byref n as integer) as boolean
- method Lookup(name as string, dnsclass as integer, dnsType as integer) as DNSReplyMBS
- method LookupMT(name as string, dnsclass as integer, dnsType as integer) as DNSReplyMBS
- module ExtendedAttributesMBS
- method SetAttribute(path as folderitem, name as string, data as variant, options as integer = 0) as boolean
- method SetAttribute(path as string, name as string, data as variant, options as integer = 0) as boolean
- method GetAttribute(path as folderitem, name as string, options as integer = 0) as variant
- method GetAttribute(path as string, name as string, options as integer = 0) as variant
- method GetRawAttribute(path as folderitem, name as string, options as integer = 0) as memoryblock
- method GetRawAttribute(path as string, name as string, options as integer = 0) as memoryblock
- method SetRawAttribute(path as folderitem, name as string, data as memoryblock, options as integer = 0) as boolean
- method SetRawAttribute(path as string, name as string, data as memoryblock, options as integer = 0) as boolean
- method Available as boolean
- method LastError as integer
- method ListAttributes(path as folderitem, Options as integer = 0) as string()
- method ListAttributes(path as string, Options as integer = 0) as string()
- method RemoveAttribute(path as string, name as string, options as integer = 0) as boolean
- method RemoveAttribute(path as folderitem, name as string, options as integer = 0) as boolean
- method LastErrorMessage as string
- module UTTypeMBS
- method kUTTagClassNSPboardType as string
- method kUTTagClassOSType as string
- method kUTExportedTypeDeclarationsKey as string
- method kUTImportedTypeDeclarationsKey as string
- method kUTTypeIdentifierKey as string
- method kUTTypeTagSpecificationKey as string
- method kUTTypeConformsToKey as string
- method kUTTypeDescriptionKey as string
- method kUTTypeIconFileKey as string
- method kUTTypeReferenceURLKey as string
- method kUTTypeVersionKey as string
- method kUTTagClassFilenameExtension as string
- method kUTTagClassMIMEType as string
- method kUTTypeItem as string
- method kUTTypeContent as string
- method kUTTypeCompositeContent as string
- method kUTTypeApplication as string
- method kUTTypeMessage as string
- method kUTTypeContact as string
- method kUTTypeArchive as string
- method kUTTypeDiskImage as string
- method kUTTypeData as string
- method kUTTypeDirectory as string
- method kUTTypeResolvable as string
- method kUTTypeSymLink as string
- method kUTTypeMountPoint as string
- method kUTTypeAliasFile as string
- method kUTTypeAliasRecord as string
- method kUTTypeURL as string
- method kUTTypeFileURL as string
- method kUTTypeText as string
- method kUTTypePlainText as string
- method kUTTypeUTF8PlainText as string
- method kUTTypeUTF16ExternalPlainText as string
- method kUTTypeUTF16PlainText as string
- method kUTTypeRTF as string
- method kUTTypeHTML as string
- method kUTTypeXML as string
- method kUTTypeSourceCode as string
- method kUTTypeCSource as string
- method kUTTypeObjectiveCSource as string
- method kUTTypeCPlusPlusSource as string
- method kUTTypeObjectiveCPlusPlusSource as string
- method kUTTypeCHeader as string
- method kUTTypeCPlusPlusHeader as string
- method kUTTypeJavaSource as string
- method kUTTypePDF as string
- method kUTTypeRTFD as string
- method kUTTypeFlatRTFD as string
- method kUTTypeTXNTextAndMultimediaData as string
- method kUTTypeWebArchive as string
- method kUTTypeImage as string
- method kUTTypeJPEG as string
- method kUTTypeJPEG2000 as string
- method kUTTypeTIFF as string
- method kUTTypePICT as string
- method kUTTypeGIF as string
- method kUTTypePNG as string
- method kUTTypeQuickTimeImage as string
- method kUTTypeAppleICNS as string
- method kUTTypeBMP as string
- method kUTTypeICO as string
- method kUTTypeAudiovisualContent as string
- method kUTTypeMovie as string
- method kUTTypeVideo as string
- method kUTTypeAudio as string
- method kUTTypeQuickTimeMovie as string
- method kUTTypeMPEG as string
- method kUTTypeMPEG4 as string
- method kUTTypeMP3 as string
- method kUTTypeMPEG4Audio as string
- method kUTTypeAppleProtectedMPEG4Audio as string
- method kUTTypeFolder as string
- method kUTTypeVolume as string
- method kUTTypePackage as string
- method kUTTypeBundle as string
- method kUTTypeFramework as string
- method kUTTypeApplicationBundle as string
- method kUTTypeApplicationFile as string
- method kUTTypeVCard as string
- method kUTTypeInkText as string
- method UTI(file as folderitem) as string
- method DeclaringBundleURL(UTI as string) as folderitem
- method Equal(UTI as string, SecondUTI as string) as boolean
- method ConformsTo(UTI as string, ConformsToUTI as string) as boolean
- method Description(UTI as string) as string
- method CreatePreferredIdentifierForTag(inTagClass as string, inTag as string, inConformingToUTI as string) as string
- method CreateAllIdentifiersForTag(inTagClass as string, inTag as string, inConformingToUTI as string) as string()
- method PreferredTagWithClass(inUTI as string, inTagClass as string) as string
- Globals:
- CGSessionMBS as CGSessionMBS
- CurrentAppearanceThemeMBS as String
- DisableScreenUpdatesMBS
- EnableScreenUpdatesMBS
- FolderItemToPathMBS(file as folderitem) as string
- GetHelpTagDelayMBS as integer
- GetHelpTagDisplayedMBS as boolean
- GetSystemUIModeMBS as integer
- GetSystemUIModeOptionsMBS as integer
- GlobalIdleTimeMBS as double
- LaunchServicesAllHandlersForURLSchemeMBS(URLScheme as string) as LaunchServicesStringListMBS
- LaunchServicesAllRoleHandlersForContentTypeMBS(ContentType as string, role as integer) as LaunchServicesStringListMBS
- LaunchServicesApplicationForInfoMBS(type as string, creator as string, extension as string, role as integer) as folderitem
- LaunchServicesApplicationForItemMBS(file as folderitem, role as integer) as folderitem
- LaunchServicesCanApplicationAcceptItemMBS(item as folderitem, targetapp as folderitem, role as integer, flags as integer) as boolean
- LaunchServicesDefaultHandlerForURLSchemeMBS(URLScheme as string) as string
- LaunchServicesDefaultRoleHandlerForContentTypeMBS(ContentType as string, role as integer) as string
- LaunchServicesDisplayNameForCFURLMBS(cfurlhandle as integer) as string
- LaunchServicesFindApplicationForInfoMBS(creator as string, bundleID as string, name as string) as folderitem
- LaunchServicesItemInfoForCFURLMBS(cfurlhandle as integer, WhichInfo as integer) as LaunchServicesItemInfoMBS
- LaunchServicesKindStringForCFURLMBS(cfurlhandle as integer) as string
- LaunchServicesOpenMBS(item as folderitem) as folderitem
- LaunchServicesOpenXMBS(documents() as folderitem, parameter as LaunchServicesLaunchParameterMBS) as folderitem
- LaunchServicesSetDefaultHandlerForURLSchemeMBS(URLScheme as string, BundleID as string) as integer
- LaunchServicesSetDefaultRoleHandlerForContentTypeMBS(ContentType as string, role as integer, BundleID as string) as integer
- MacGlobalIdleTimeMBS as UInt64
- MacMountServerVolumeMBS(URL as string, MountDir as String, User as String, Password as String, byref Disk as FolderItem, flags as Integer) as Integer
- MacUnmountVolumeMBS(volume as folderItem, Force as Boolean, byref dissenter as Integer) as Integer
- MountMBS(URL as String, Dest as string = "", Username as String, Password as String, Interactive as boolean = false, Prompt as boolean = false, byref ErrorCode as Integer, Threaded as boolean = false) as String
- MountPathMBS(Path as String) as String
- MountPathMBS(Volume as FolderItem) as String
- NewFolderItemFromAbsolutePathMBS(AbsolutePath as string) as FolderItem
- OpenMacOSXPreferencesPaneMBS(name as string) as integer
- PathToFolderItemMBS(path as string) as folderitem
- RunningOnCarbonXMBS as boolean
- SetHelpTagDelayMBS(value as integer)
- SetHelpTagDisplayedMBS(value as boolean)
- SetSystemUIModeMBS(mode as integer, Options as integer)
- ShowCharacterPaletteMBS
- SpotlightMBS(searchString as string) as integer
- StartDictationMBS
- UnmountMBS(Path as String, force as boolean = false) as Boolean
- UnmountMBS(Volume as FolderItem, force as boolean = false) as Boolean