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The plugin MBS Main Plugin:
- class GlobalExceptionHandlerMBS
- class NSAffineTransformMBS
- method Constructor
- method Operator_Convert as String
- method Constructor(m11 as double, m12 as double, m21 as double, m22 as double, tx as double, ty as double)
- method Constructor(transform as NSAffineTransformMBS)
- method Operator_MultiplyRight(other as NSAffineTransformMBS) as NSAffineTransformMBS
- method Operator_Multiply(other as NSAffineTransformMBS) as NSAffineTransformMBS
- method transformBezierPath(NSBezierPath as Variant) as Variant
- method rotateByDegrees(angle as double)
- method rotateByRadians(angle as double)
- method translate(deltaX as double, deltaY as double)
- method scale(scaleX as double, scaleY as double)
- method scale(scale as double)
- method invert
- method appendTransform(transform as NSAffineTransformMBS)
- method prependTransform(transform as NSAffineTransformMBS)
- method transformPoint(byref x as double, byref y as double)
- method transformSize(byref width as double, byref height as double)
- method setValues(m11 as double, m12 as double, m21 as double, m22 as double , tx as double, tY as double)
- method getValues(byref m11 as double, byref m12 as double, byref m21 as double, byref m22 as double , byref tx as double, byref tY as double)
- property Handle as Integer
- property m11 as Double
- property m12 as Double
- property m21 as Double
- property m22 as Double
- property tx as Double
- property ty as Double
- property Data as MemoryBlock
- property StringValue as String
- shared method transform as NSAffineTransformMBS
- shared method CGAffineTransformToNSAffineTransform(CGAffineTransform as Variant) as NSAffineTransformMBS
- shared method NSAffineTransformToCGAffineTransform(NSAffineTransform as NSAffineTransformMBS) as Variant
- class NSAutoreleasePoolMBS
- class NSEdgeInsetsMBS
- method Constructor(p as Ptr)
- method Constructor(top as double, left as double, bottom as double, right as double)
- method Constructor
- method Equal(other as NSEdgeInsetsMBS) as boolean
- property Handle as Ptr
- property Top as Double
- property Left as Double
- property Right as Double
- property Bottom as Double
- class NSErrorMBS
- method Constructor(Domain as String, Code as Integer, UserInfo as dictionary = nil)
- method Constructor(Handle as Integer)
- property Handle as Integer
- property Code as Integer
- property Domain as String
- property LocalizedDescription as String
- property LocalizedFailureReason as String
- property LocalizedRecoverySuggestion as String
- property Description as String
- property userInfo as Dictionary
- shared method error(Domain as String, Code as Integer, UserInfo as dictionary = nil) as NSErrorMBS
- shared method NSCocoaErrorDomain as String
- shared method NSPOSIXErrorDomain as String
- shared method NSOSStatusErrorDomain as String
- shared method NSMachErrorDomain as String
- shared method NSUnderlyingErrorKey as String
- shared method NSLocalizedDescriptionKey as String
- shared method NSLocalizedFailureReasonErrorKey as String
- shared method NSLocalizedRecoverySuggestionErrorKey as String
- shared method NSLocalizedRecoveryOptionsErrorKey as String
- shared method NSRecoveryAttempterErrorKey as String
- shared method NSStringEncodingErrorKey as String
- shared method NSURLErrorKey as String
- shared method NSFilePathErrorKey as String
- class NSExceptionHandlerMBS
- class NSExceptionMBS
- class NSPointMBS
- method Constructor(p as Ptr)
- method Constructor
- method Constructor(s as string)
- method Constructor(x as double, y as double)
- method Equal(other as NSPointMBS) as boolean
- method String as String
- method Operator_Convert as String
- property Handle as Ptr
- property Y as Double
- property X as Double
- shared method Zero as NSPointMBS
- class NSRangeMBS
- method Constructor(p as Ptr)
- method Constructor
- method Constructor(s as string)
- method Constructor(Location as UInt32, Length as UInt32)
- method LocationInRange(location as UInt32) as boolean
- method Equal(other as NSRangeMBS) as boolean
- method String as String
- method Union(other as NSRangeMBS) as NSRangeMBS
- method Intersection(other as NSRangeMBS) as NSRangeMBS
- method Operator_Convert as String
- property Handle as Ptr
- property Location as UInt32
- property Length as UInt32
- property MaxRange as UInt32
- class NSRectMBS
- method Constructor
- method Constructor(p as Ptr)
- method Constructor(s as string)
- method Constructor(X as double, Y as double, W as double, H as double)
- method Equal(other as NSRectMBS) as boolean
- method String as String
- method Integral as NSRectMBS
- method Inset(dx as double, dy as double) as NSRectMBS
- method Union(other as NSRectMBS) as NSRectMBS
- method Intersection(other as NSRectMBS) as NSRectMBS
- method Intersects(other as NSRectMBS) as boolean
- method Contains(other as NSRectMBS) as boolean
- method Contains(other as NSPointMBS) as boolean
- method Operator_Convert as String
- property Handle as Ptr
- property Origin as NSPointMBS
- property Size as NSSizeMBS
- property Y as Double
- property X as Double
- property Height as Double
- property Width as Double
- property MaxX as Double
- property MaxY as Double
- property MinX as Double
- property MinY as Double
- property MidX as Double
- property MidY as Double
- property IsEmpty as Boolean
- shared method Zero as NSRectMBS
- class NSSizeMBS
- method Constructor(p as Ptr)
- method Constructor
- method Constructor(s as string)
- method Constructor(Width as double, Height as double)
- method String as String
- method Equal(other as NSSizeMBS) as boolean
- method Operator_Convert as String
- property Handle as Ptr
- property Height as Double
- property Width as Double
- shared method Zero as NSSizeMBS
- class NSSortDescriptorMBS
- method compareObject(obj1 as variant, obj2 as variant) as Integer
- method reversedSortDescriptor as NSSortDescriptorMBS
- method Constructor(key as string, ascending as boolean)
- method Constructor(key as string, ascending as boolean, SelectorName as String)
- property Handle as Integer
- property key as String
- property ascending as Boolean
- property selector as String
- shared method sortDescriptorWithKey(key as string, ascending as boolean) as NSSortDescriptorMBS
- shared method sortDescriptorWithKeyWithLocalizedCaseInsensitiveCompare(key as string, ascending as boolean) as NSSortDescriptorMBS
- shared method sortDescriptorWithKeyWithCaseInsensitiveCompare(key as string, ascending as boolean) as NSSortDescriptorMBS
- shared method sortDescriptorWithKeyWithLocalizedCompare(key as string, ascending as boolean) as NSSortDescriptorMBS
- shared method sortDescriptorWithKeyWithCompare(key as string, ascending as boolean) as NSSortDescriptorMBS
- shared method sortDescriptorWithKeyWithCompare(key as string, ascending as boolean, Options as Integer) as NSSortDescriptorMBS
- shared method sortDescriptorWithKeyWithSelector(key as string, ascending as boolean, SelectorName as String) as NSSortDescriptorMBS
- shared method sortDescriptorWithKeyComparator(key as string, ascending as boolean, Comparator as NSComparatorDelegateMBS, tag as variant = nil) as NSSortDescriptorMBS
- event Comparator(obj1 as variant, obj2 as variant) as Integer
- class QTAudioChannelDescriptionMBS
- class QTAudioChannelLayoutMBS
- module BuildConstantsMBS
- module MBS
- Globals:
- InstallSystemExceptionHandlerMBS(Message as string = "")
- LogoMBS(size as integer = 0, WithAlphaChannel as boolean = false) as Picture
- MBSPluginCompileDate as string
- MBSPluginCompileTime as string
- MBSPluginVersion as string
- NSLogMBS(message as string)
- NSMakePointMBS(x as double, y as double) as NSPointMBS
- NSMakeRangeMBS(location as UInt32, length as UInt32) as NSRangeMBS
- NSMakeRectMBS(x as double, y as double, w as double, h as double) as NSRectMBS
- NSMakeSizeMBS(w as double, h as double) as NSSizeMBS
- NSStringArraySortMBS(texts() as string, options as integer) as string()
- NSStringCompareMBS(s as string, t as string, options as integer) as integer
- RegisterMBSPlugin(name as string, product as string, enddate as integer, serial as string) as boolean
- SetRegistrationMessageMBS(ID as integer, message as string)