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The plugin MBS Python Plugin:
- class PythonExceptionMBS
- class PythonMBS
- method Constructor
- method Clear
- method DeleteValue(Key as String)
- method HasValue(Key as String) as Boolean
- method Keys as Variant()
- method Evaluate(Expression as String) as Variant
- method Run(Script as String) as Variant
- method RunFile(File as FolderItem) as Variant
- method AddCustomFunction(FunctionName as String)
- method AddCustomFunction(FunctionName as String, theDelegate as CustomFunctionCalledMBS)
- property Value(Key as String) as Variant
- property Handle as Integer
- property ValueCount as Integer
- shared method Load(Path as String) as Boolean
- shared method Load(File as FolderItem) as Boolean
- shared property ProgramName as String
- shared property PythonHome as String
- shared property ProgramFullPath as String
- shared property Prefix as String
- shared property ExecPrefix as String
- shared property Path as String
- shared property Loaded as Boolean
- shared property LibraryVersion as String
- shared property LibraryError as String
- event Print(text as String)
- event Flush
- event Input(Args() as Variant) as String
- event FunctionCall(FunctionName as String, Args() as Variant) as Variant