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The plugin MBS RabbitMQ Plugin:
- class RabbitMQBasicPropertiesMBS
- method Destructor
- method Constructor
- property Flags as Integer
- property ContentType as String
- property ContentEncoding as String
- property Headers as Dictionary
- property DeliveryMode as Integer
- property Priority as Integer
- property CorrelationId as String
- property ReplyTo as String
- property Expiration as String
- property MessageId as String
- property Timestamp as UInt64
- property Type as String
- property UserId as String
- property AppId as String
- property ClusterId as String
- property HasContentType as Boolean
- property HasContentEncoding as Boolean
- property HasHeaders as Boolean
- property HasDeliveryMode as Boolean
- property HasPriority as Boolean
- property HasCorrelationId as Boolean
- property HasReplyTo as Boolean
- property HasExpiration as Boolean
- property HasMessageId as Boolean
- property HasTimestamp as Boolean
- property HasType as Boolean
- property HasUserId as Boolean
- property HasAppId as Boolean
- property HasClusterId as Boolean
- class RabbitMQConnectionInfoMBS
- class RabbitMQConnectionMBS
- method OpenSocket(Host as String, Port as Integer, TimeOut as Double = 10) as Integer
- method SetKeyData(CertPath as String, KeyData as String) as Boolean
- method SetKeyData(CertFile as FolderItem, KeyData as String) as Boolean
- method SetKey(CertPath as String, KeyPath as String) as Boolean
- method SetKey(CertFile as FolderItem, KeyFile as FolderItem) as Boolean
- method SetCACert(Path as String) as Boolean
- method SetCACert(File as FolderItem) as Boolean
- method Destructor
- method Constructor
- method MaybeReleaseBuffers
- method MaybeReleaseBuffersOnChannel(channel as Integer)
- method ConnectionClose(Code as Integer = 200) as RabbitMQRPCReplyMBS
- method ChannelClose(Channel as Integer, Code as Integer = 200) as RabbitMQRPCReplyMBS
- method ChannelOpen(Channel as Integer) as Dictionary
- method NewTCPSocket(UseSSL as boolean = false) as Boolean
- method SendHeader as Integer
- method LoginPlain(vhost as String, channelMax as Integer, frameMax as Integer, heartbeat as Integer, Username as String, Password as String, properties as Dictionary = nil) as RabbitMQRPCReplyMBS
- method LoginExternal(vhost as String, channelMax as Integer, frameMax as Integer, heartbeat as Integer, Identity as String, properties as Dictionary = nil) as RabbitMQRPCReplyMBS
- method BasicAck(channel as Integer, deliveryTag as UInt64, multiple as Boolean = false) as Integer
- method BasicReject(channel as Integer, deliveryTag as UInt64, requeue as Boolean = false) as Integer
- method BasicNAck(channel as Integer, deliveryTag as UInt64, multiple as Boolean = false, requeue as Boolean = false) as Integer
- method BasicPublish(channel as Integer, exchange as String, routingKey as String, mandatory as Boolean, immediate as Boolean, properties as RabbitMQBasicPropertiesMBS, body as String) as Integer
- method QueueUnbind(channel as Integer, queue as String, exchange as String, routingKey as String, arguments as Dictionary) as Dictionary
- method QueueBind(channel as Integer, queue as String, exchange as String, routingKey as String, arguments as Dictionary) as Dictionary
- method QueuePurge(channel as Integer, queue as String) as Dictionary
- method ConfirmSelect(channel as Integer) as Dictionary
- method TXRollback(channel as Integer) as Dictionary
- method TXCommit(channel as Integer) as Dictionary
- method TXSelect(channel as Integer) as Dictionary
- method BasicRecover(channel as Integer, requeue as Boolean) as Dictionary
- method BasicCancel(channel as Integer, consumerTag as String) as Dictionary
- method BasicConsume(channel as Integer, queue as String, consumerTag as String, noLocal as Boolean, noAck as Boolean, exclusive as Boolean, arguments as Dictionary) as Dictionary
- method BasicQOS(channel as Integer, prefetchSize as Integer, prefetchCount as Integer, isGlobal as boolean) as Dictionary
- method QueueDelete(channel as Integer, queue as String, ifUnused as Boolean, ifEmpty as Boolean) as Dictionary
- method QueueDeclare(channel as Integer, queue as String, passive as Boolean, durable as Boolean, exclusive as Boolean, autoDelete as Boolean, arguments as Dictionary) as Dictionary
- method ExchangeUnbind(channel as Integer, destination as String, source as String, routingKey as String, arguments as Dictionary) as Dictionary
- method ExchangeBind(channel as Integer, destination as String, source as String, routingKey as String, arguments as Dictionary) as Dictionary
- method ExchangeDelete(channel as Integer, exchange as String, ifUsed as Boolean) as Dictionary
- method ExchangeDeclare(channel as Integer, exchange as String, type as String, passive as Boolean, durable as Boolean, autoDelete as Boolean, internal as Boolean, arguments as Dictionary) as Dictionary
- method ChannelFlow(channel as Integer, active as Boolean) as Dictionary
- method BasicGet(channel as Integer, queue as String, noAck as Boolean) as RabbitMQRPCReplyMBS
- method ReadMessage(channel as Integer, byref message as RabbitMQMessageMBS, flags as Integer = 0) as RabbitMQRPCReplyMBS
- method ConsumeMessage(byref envelope as RabbitMQEnvelopeMBS, timeoutValue as double = 30, flags as Integer = 0) as RabbitMQRPCReplyMBS
- method SimpleWaitFrame(byref Frame as RabbitMQFrameMBS, timeoutValue as double = 30) as Integer
- property Handle as Integer
- property MaximumChannel as Integer
- property MaximumFrameSize as Integer
- property Heartbeat as Integer
- property HandshakeTimeout as Double
- property RPCTimeout as Double
- property ClientProperties as Dictionary
- property ServerProperties as Dictionary
- property RPCReply as RabbitMQRPCReplyMBS
- property SocketFileDescriptor as Integer
- property FramesEnqueued as Boolean
- property DataInBuffer as Boolean
- property SSLVerifyPeer as Boolean
- property SSLVerifyHostname as Boolean
- property SSLMinVersion as Integer
- property SSLMaxVersion as Integer
- property SSLCACertPath as String
- property SSLCertPath as String
- property SSLKeyPath as String
- property SSLKeyData as String
- shared method MethodName(constantNumber as Integer) as String
- shared method ConstantName(constantNumber as Integer) as String
- shared method ConstantIsHardError(constantNumber as Integer) as Boolean
- shared method MethodHasContent(constantNumber as Integer) as Boolean
- shared method ErrorString(ErrorCode as Integer) as String
- shared property Version as String
- shared property VersionNumber as Integer
- class RabbitMQEnvelopeMBS
- class RabbitMQFrameMBS
- method Destructor
- method Constructor
- property FrameType as Integer
- property Channel as Integer
- property MethodID as Integer
- property MethodDecoded as Dictionary
- property ClassID as Integer
- property BodySize as Integer
- property PropertiesDecoded as Dictionary
- property Raw as MemoryBlock
- property RawSize as Integer
- property BodyFragment as MemoryBlock
- property BodyFragmentSize as Integer
- class RabbitMQMessageMBS
- class RabbitMQRPCReplyMBS