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The plugin MBS VLC Plugin:
- class VLCAudioOutputDeviceMBS
- class VLCAudioOutputMBS
- class VLCEqualizerMBS
- method Constructor(vlc as VLCInstanceMBS = nil)
- method Constructor(index as integer, vlc as VLCInstanceMBS = nil)
- method Destructor
- property Map(Index as Integer) as Single
- property Handle as Integer
- property VLC as VLCInstanceMBS
- property Preamp as Single
- shared method PresetName(index as Integer) as string
- shared method BandFrequency(index as Integer) as double
- shared property PresetCount as Integer
- shared property BandCount as Integer
- class VLCEventManagerMBS
- method Constructor(MediaPlayer as VLCMediaPlayerMBS)
- method Constructor(Media as VLCMediaMBS)
- method Constructor(MediaDiscoverer as VLCMediaDiscovererMBS)
- method Constructor(MediaList as VLCMediaListMBS)
- method Constructor(MediaListPlayer as VLCMediaListPlayerMBS)
- method Listen
- method Destructor
- property Handle as Integer
- property Parent as Variant
- property VLC as VLCInstanceMBS
- event MediaMetaChanged(metatype as integer)
- event MediaSubItemAdded(media as VLCMediaMBS)
- event MediaDurationChanged(newDuration as Int64)
- event MediaParsedChanged(newStatus as integer)
- event MediaFreed(media as VLCMediaMBS)
- event MediaStateChanged(newState as integer)
- event MediaSubItemTreeAdded(media as VLCMediaMBS)
- event MediaPlayerMediaChanged(item as VLCMediaMBS)
- event MediaPlayerNothingSpecial
- event MediaPlayerOpening
- event MediaPlayerBuffering
- event MediaPlayerPlaying
- event MediaPlayerPaused
- event MediaPlayerStopped
- event MediaPlayerForward
- event MediaPlayerBackward
- event MediaPlayerEndReached
- event MediaPlayerEncounteredError
- event MediaPlayerTimeChanged(newTime as Int64)
- event MediaPlayerPositionChanged(newPosition as double)
- event MediaPlayerSeekableChanged(seekable as boolean)
- event MediaPlayerPausableChanged(pausable as boolean)
- event MediaPlayerTitleChanged(newTitle as integer)
- event MediaPlayerSnapshotTaken(filename as string)
- event MediaPlayerLengthChanged(NewLength as Int64)
- event MediaListItemAdded(item as VLCMediaMBS, index as integer)
- event MediaListWillAddItem(item as VLCMediaMBS, index as integer)
- event MediaListItemDeleted(item as VLCMediaMBS, index as integer)
- event MediaListWillDeleteItem(item as VLCMediaMBS, index as integer)
- event MediaListPlayerPlayed
- event MediaListPlayerNextItemSet(item as VLCMediaMBS)
- event MediaListPlayerStopped
- event MediaDiscovererStarted
- event MediaDiscovererEnded
- event VlmMediaAdded(MediaName as string, InstanceName as string)
- event VlmMediaRemoved(MediaName as string, InstanceName as string)
- event VlmMediaChanged(MediaName as string, InstanceName as string)
- event VlmMediaInstanceStarted(MediaName as string, InstanceName as string)
- event VlmMediaInstanceStopped(MediaName as string, InstanceName as string)
- event VlmMediaInstanceStatusInit(MediaName as string, InstanceName as string)
- event VlmMediaInstanceStatusOpening(MediaName as string, InstanceName as string)
- event VlmMediaInstanceStatusPlaying(MediaName as string, InstanceName as string)
- event VlmMediaInstanceStatusPause(MediaName as string, InstanceName as string)
- event VlmMediaInstanceStatusEnd(MediaName as string, InstanceName as string)
- event VlmMediaInstanceStatusError(MediaName as string, InstanceName as string)
- event MediaPlayerVout(newCount as Integer)
- event MediaPlayerScrambledChanged(newScrambled as Integer)
- event Log(Message as String, level as Integer, Name as String, Header as String, ModuleName as String, FileName as String, Line as Integer)
- class VLCExitHandlerMBS
- class VLCInstanceMBS
- method ClearLog
- method SetLogFile(File as FolderItem)
- method SetLogEvent
- method SetAppID(ID as string, Version as string, Icon as String)
- method AudioOutputDevices(ModuleName as string) as VLCAudioOutputDeviceMBS
- method GetVideoFilterList as VLCModuleDescriptionMBS
- method GetAudioFilterList as VLCModuleDescriptionMBS
- method SetUserAgent(AppName as string, httpUserAgent as string)
- method Constructor(args() as string)
- method Destructor
- method AddUserInterface(name as string) as Boolean
- method WaitUserInterface
- method GetAudioOutputList as VLCAudioOutputMBS
- method GetAudioOutputDeviceCount(AudioOutputName as string) as integer
- method GetAudioOutputDeviceLongName(AudioOutputName as string, index as integer) as string
- method GetAudioOutputDeviceID(AudioOutputName as string, index as integer) as string
- property ExitHandler as VLCExitHandlerMBS
- property Handle as Integer
- shared method Clock as Int64
- shared method LoadLibrary(path as folderitem) as boolean
- shared method LoadLibrary(path as string) as boolean
- shared method getenv(name as string) as string
- shared method setlocale(category as integer, locale as string) as string
- shared method GetLoadError as string
- shared method GetVersion as string
- shared method GetCompiler as string
- shared method GetChangeset as string
- shared method ErrorMessage as string
- shared method ClearError
- class VLCMediaDiscovererMBS
- class VLCMediaLibraryMBS
- class VLCMediaListMBS
- method Constructor(vlc as VLCInstanceMBS)
- method Destructor
- method Lock
- method Unlock
- method Remove(index as integer) as boolean
- method Count as integer
- method isReadOnly as boolean
- method ItemAtIndex(index as integer) as VLCMediaMBS
- method IndexOfItem(item as VLCMediaMBS) as integer
- method InsertMedia(item as VLCMediaMBS, index as integer) as boolean
- method SetMedia(item as VLCMediaMBS)
- method GetMedia as VLCMediaMBS
- method AddMedia(item as VLCMediaMBS) as boolean
- property Handle as Integer
- property VLC as VLCInstanceMBS
- class VLCMediaListPlayerMBS
- method Constructor(vlc as VLCInstanceMBS)
- method Destructor
- method Play
- method Pause
- method Stop
- method MoveNext as Boolean
- method MovePrevious as Boolean
- method PlayItemAtIndex(index as integer) as Boolean
- method PlayItem(item as VLCMediaMBS) as Boolean
- method IsPlaying as boolean
- method State as integer
- method SetMediaPlayer(player as VLCMediaPlayerMBS)
- method SetMediaList(list as VLCMediaListMBS)
- method SetPlaybackMode(mode as integer)
- property Handle as Integer
- property List as VLCMediaListMBS
- property Player as VLCMediaPlayerMBS
- property VLC as VLCInstanceMBS
- class VLCMediaMBS
- method Tracks as VLCMediaTrackMBS()
- method SetMeta(meta as integer, value as string)
- method AddOptionFlag(options as string, flags as UInt32)
- method Clone as VLCMediaMBS
- method Constructor(original as VLCMediaMBS)
- method Constructor(vlc as VLCInstanceMBS, URL as string)
- method Destructor
- method Duration as Int64
- method MRL as string
- method Meta(type as integer) as string
- method State as integer
- method AddOption(options as string)
- method SubItems as VLCMediaListMBS
- method Parse
- method ParseAsync
- method IsParsed as Boolean
- method SaveMeta as Boolean
- method Stats as VLCMediaStatsMBS
- method TrackInfos as VLCMediaTrackInfoMBS()
- property Handle as Integer
- property Tag as Integer
- property VLC as VLCInstanceMBS
- shared method NewAsNode(vlc as VLCInstanceMBS, name as string) as VLCMediaMBS
- shared method MediaWithURL(vlc as VLCInstanceMBS, URL as string) as VLCMediaMBS
- shared method MediaWithPath(vlc as VLCInstanceMBS, Path as string) as VLCMediaMBS
- shared method MediaWithFile(vlc as VLCInstanceMBS, file as folderitem) as VLCMediaMBS
- shared method MediaWithFileDescriptor(vlc as VLCInstanceMBS, fd as integer) as VLCMediaMBS
- shared method MediaWithData(vlc as VLCInstanceMBS, data as memoryblock) as VLCMediaMBS
- shared method MediaWithData(vlc as VLCInstanceMBS, data as string) as VLCMediaMBS
- class VLCMediaPlayerMBS
- method SetVideoTitleDisplay(position as Integer, timeout as Integer)
- method Navigate(Navigate as integer)
- method GetMemory as Ptr
- method CopyMemory as memoryblock
- method CopyToMemory(dest as Ptr, offset as integer, RowBytes as integer) as boolean
- method CopyPicture as Picture
- method CopyCGImage as Variant
- method VideoSetCallback(width as integer, height as integer, CGContextHandle as integer = 0)
- method VideoSetFormat(chroma as string, width as UInt32, height as UInt32, pitch as UInt32)
- method VideoSetKeyInput(on as boolean)
- method VideoSetMouseInput(on as boolean)
- method VideoGetSize(num as integer, byref px as UInt32, byref py as UInt32) as Boolean
- method VideoGetCursor(num as integer, byref px as integer, byref py as integer) as Boolean
- method VideoSetLogoString(option as integer, logo as String)
- method VideoSetDeinterlace(Mode as string)
- method NextFrame
- method SetAudioOutput(AudioOutputName as string) as boolean
- method SetAudioOutputDevice(AudioOutputName as string, deviceID as string)
- method ToggleMute
- method GetChapterCountForTitle(title as integer) as integer
- method SetSubtitleFile(filename as string) as boolean
- method GetChapterDescription(index as integer) as VLCTrackDescriptionMBS
- method NextChapter
- method PreviousChapter
- method Constructor(media as VLCMediaMBS)
- method Constructor(VLCInstance as VLCInstanceMBS)
- method Destructor
- method Play as boolean
- method Pause
- method Stop
- method VideoTakeSnapshot(num as integer, path as string, width as integer, height as integer) as boolean
- method ToggleFullScreen
- method ToggleTeletext
- method Pause(pause as boolean)
- method SetEqualizer(Equalizer as VLCEqualizerMBS = nil)
- property VideoMarqueeString(option as integer) as String
- property VideoMarquee(option as integer) as integer
- property VideoAdjustFloat(option as integer) as single
- property VideoAdjust(option as integer) as integer
- property VideoLogo(option as integer) as integer
- property ProgramScrambled as boolean
- property FPS as double
- property CanPause as boolean
- property IsSeekable as boolean
- property HasVOut as Integer
- property Width as integer
- property Height as integer
- property TitleCount as integer
- property WillPlay as boolean
- property ChapterCount as integer
- property Length as Int64
- property GetAudioTrackDescription as VLCTrackDescriptionMBS
- property GetVideoTitleDescription as VLCTrackDescriptionMBS
- property GetSPUDescription as VLCTrackDescriptionMBS
- property SPUCount as integer
- property State as integer
- property AudioOutputDevices as VLCAudioOutputDeviceMBS
- property SPUDelay as Int64
- property AudioDelay as Int64
- property AudioOutputDeviceType as integer
- property Volume as integer
- property Mute as boolean
- property CropGeometry as string
- property SPU as integer
- property AspectRatio as string
- property Rate as double
- property Title as integer
- property Chapter as integer
- property Time as Int64
- property HWND as Integer
- property XWindow as UInt32
- property AGL as UInt32
- property NSObject as Ptr
- property Position as double
- property Scale as double
- property FullScreen as boolean
- property AudioTrackCount as integer
- property AudioTrack as integer
- property VideoTrackCount as integer
- property VideoTrack as integer
- property VideoTrackDescription as VLCTrackDescriptionMBS
- property VideoTeleText as integer
- property Media as VLCMediaMBS
- property IsPlaying as boolean
- property AudioChannel as integer
- property Handle as Integer
- property HasNewFrame as Boolean
- property VLC as VLCInstanceMBS
- property Tag as Variant
- class VLCMediaStatsMBS
- property ReadBytes as Integer
- property InputBitrate as Single
- property DemuxRead_bytes as Integer
- property DemuxBitrate as Single
- property DemuxCorrupted as Integer
- property DemuxDiscontinuity as Integer
- property DecodedVideo as Integer
- property DecodedAudio as Integer
- property DisplayedPictures as Integer
- property LostPictures as Integer
- property PlayedAbuffers as Integer
- property LostAbuffers as Integer
- property SentPackets as Integer
- property SentBytes as Integer
- property SendBitrate as Single
- class VLCMediaTrackInfoMBS
- method Destructor
- method Constructor
- property CodecString as String
- property Codec as Integer
- property ID as Integer
- property Type as Integer
- property Profile as Integer
- property Level as Integer
- property Channels as Integer
- property Rate as Integer
- property Height as Integer
- property Width as Integer
- class VLCMediaTrackMBS
- method Destructor
- method Constructor
- property CodecString as String
- property Codec as Integer
- property OriginalCode as Integer
- property ID as Integer
- property Type as Integer
- property Profile as Integer
- property Level as Integer
- property Bitrate as Integer
- property Language as String
- property Description as String
- property Channels as Integer
- property Rate as Integer
- property Height as Integer
- property Width as Integer
- property SarNum as Integer
- property SarDen as Integer
- property Sar as Double
- property FrameRateNum as Integer
- property FrameRateDen as Integer
- property FrameRate as Double
- property Encoding as String
- class VLCMissingFunctionExceptionMBS
- class VLCModuleDescriptionMBS
- class VLCNotInitializedExceptionMBS
- class VLCTrackDescriptionMBS