Platforms to show: All Mac Windows Linux Cross-Platform
The plugin MBS Win Plugin:
- class ChromiumBrowserMBS
- method FrameIdentifiers as Int64()
- method Frame(ID as Int64) as ChromiumFrameMBS
- method FrameNames as String()
- method ExecuteJavaScript(jsCode as string, scriptUrl as string = "", startLine as integer = 0)
- method Find(identifier as Integer, searchText as string, forward as boolean, MatchCase as boolean, FindNext as boolean)
- method SetFocus(enableFocus as boolean = true)
- method ClearFocus
- method StopFinding(clearSelection as boolean)
- method invalidate(x as integer, y as integer, width as integer, height as integer)
- method Image(width as integer, height as integer) as Picture
- method HidePopup
- method setSize(width as integer, height as integer)
- method CloseDevTools
- method ShowDevTools
- method ClearHistory
- method Constructor
- method Destructor
- method CanGoBack as boolean
- method CanGoForward as boolean
- method GoBack
- method GoForward
- method IsLoading as boolean
- method Reload
- method StopLoad
- method ReloadIgnoreCache
- method Frame(name as string) as ChromiumFrameMBS
- method Release
- method Retain
- property FocusedFrame as ChromiumFrameMBS
- property MainFrame as ChromiumFrameMBS
- property FrameCount as Integer
- property WindowRenderingDisabled as Boolean
- property PopupVisible as Boolean
- property Width as Integer
- property Height as Integer
- property ZoomLevel as Double
- property Handle as Integer
- property Parent as Variant
- property Identifier as Integer
- property IsPopup as Boolean
- property HasDocument as Boolean
- shared method LibVersion as Integer
- shared method RegisterExtension(ExtensionName as String, javascriptCode as String) as Boolean
- shared method ClearCrossOriginWhitelist as Boolean
- shared method AddCrossOriginWhitelist(SourceOrigin as String, TargetProtocol as String, TargetDomain as String, AllowTargetSubdomains as Boolean) as Boolean
- shared method RemoveCrossOriginWhitelist(SourceOrigin as String, TargetProtocol as String, TargetDomain as String, AllowTargetSubdomains as Boolean) as Boolean
- class ChromiumCookieManagerMBS
- method Constructor(path as string, PersistSessionCookies as Boolean)
- method Constructor
- method Destructor
- method SetStoragePath(Path as string) as boolean
- method SetCookie(URL as string, cookie as ChromiumCookieMBS) as boolean
- method SetCookies(URL() as string, cookies() as ChromiumCookieMBS) as Integer
- method URLCookies(URL as String, HTTPOnly as boolean = false) as ChromiumCookieMBS()
- method AllCookies as ChromiumCookieMBS()
- method DeleteCookie(URL as string, CookieName as string) as boolean
- method DeleteCookies(URLs() as string, CookieNames() as string) as Integer
- method DeleteURLCookies(URL as String, HTTPOnly as boolean = false) as Integer
- method DeleteAllCookies as Integer
- property Handle as Integer
- class ChromiumCookieMBS
- method Constructor
- method Destructor
- property Scheme as String
- property URL as String
- property Name as String
- property Value as String
- property Domain as String
- property Secure as Boolean
- property Path as String
- property HTTPonly as Boolean
- property CreationDate as Date
- property LastAccessDate as Date
- property ExpirationDate as Date
- class ChromiumFrameMBS
- method ExecuteJavaScript(jsCode as string, scriptUrl as string = "", startLine as integer = 0)
- method LoadString(StringValue as string, URL as string)
- method LoadURL(URL as string)
- method Constructor
- method Destructor
- method undo
- method redo
- method cut
- method copy
- method paste
- method delete
- method SelectAll
- method print
- method ViewSource
- property Source as String
- property Text as String
- property URL as String
- property Name as String
- property Browser as ChromiumBrowserMBS
- property identifier as Int64
- property ParentFrame as ChromiumFrameMBS
- property IsFocused as Boolean
- property IsMain as Boolean
- property Handle as Integer
- property Parent as Variant
- class ChromiumWebPluginInfoMBS
- class ConsoleStateMBS
- property Width as Integer
- property Height as Integer
- property CursorX as Integer
- property CursorY as Integer
- property TextColor as Integer
- property BackColor as Integer
- property WindowLeft as Integer
- property WindowTop as Integer
- property WindowWidth as Integer
- property WindowHeight as Integer
- property MaxWidth as Integer
- property MaxHeight as Integer
- class Control
- class DDEBinaryDataMBS
- class DDEContextInfoMBS
- class DDEMBS
- method InitClient as boolean
- method InitServer as boolean
- method ConnectToServer(appname as DDEStringMBS, topic as DDEStringMBS) as boolean
- method Close
- method ClientTransaction(type as integer,topic as DDEStringMBS) as DDEBinaryDataMBS
- method ClientTransaction(type as integer,topic as DDEStringMBS, data as DDEBinaryDataMBS) as DDEBinaryDataMBS
- method ClientTransaction(type as integer,topic as DDEStringMBS, data as DDEBinaryDataMBS, datatype as integer) as DDEBinaryDataMBS
- method ClientTransactionBoolean(type as integer,topic as DDEStringMBS) as Boolean
- method ClientTransactionBoolean(type as integer,topic as DDEStringMBS, data as DDEBinaryDataMBS) as Boolean
- method ClientTransactionBoolean(type as integer,topic as DDEStringMBS, data as DDEBinaryDataMBS, datatype as integer) as Boolean
- method NewDDEString(ansistring as string) as DDEStringMBS
- method NewDDEStringUnicode(unicodestring as string) as DDEStringMBS
- method NewDDEBinaryData(name as DDEStringMBS,data as string) as DDEBinaryDataMBS
- method NewDDEBinaryData(name as DDEStringMBS,data as string,offset as integer,length as integer) as DDEBinaryDataMBS
- method NewDDEBinaryData(name as DDEStringMBS,data as memoryblock,offset as integer,length as integer,dataformat as integer) as DDEBinaryDataMBS
- method RegisterService(name as DDEStringMBS) as boolean
- method UnRegisterService(name as DDEStringMBS) as boolean
- property Timeout as Integer
- property LastError as Integer
- event AdviceData(topic as DDEStringMBS, item as DDEStringMBS, dataformat as integer,data as DDEBinaryDataMBS) as integer
- event AdviceRequest(topic as DDEStringMBS, item as DDEStringMBS, dataformat as integer,remaincount as integer) as DDEBinaryDataMBS
- event AdviceStart(topic as DDEStringMBS, item as DDEStringMBS, dataformat as integer) as Boolean
- event AdviceStop(topic as DDEStringMBS, item as DDEStringMBS, dataformat as integer)
- event Connect(topic as DDEStringMBS, service as DDEStringMBS, myself as Boolean,info as DDEContextInfoMBS) as Boolean
- event ConfirmConnect(topic as DDEStringMBS, service as DDEStringMBS, myself as Boolean)
- event Disconnect(myself as Boolean)
- event Error(errorcode as integer)
- event Execute(topic as DDEStringMBS,data as DDEBinaryDataMBS) as integer
- event Poke(topic as DDEStringMBS,item as DDEStringMBS,data as DDEBinaryDataMBS) as integer
- event Register(application as DDEStringMBS,service as DDEStringMBS)
- event Request(topic as DDEStringMBS,item as DDEStringMBS,dataformat as integer) as DDEBinaryDataMBS
- event UnRegister(application as DDEStringMBS,service as DDEStringMBS)
- event WildConnect(topic as DDEStringMBS,service as DDEStringMBS, myself as boolean,info as DDEContextInfoMBS) as DDEStringPairListMBS
- class DDEStringMBS
- class DDEStringPairListMBS
- class DDEStringPairMBS
- class DesktopControl
- class DesktopHTMLViewer
- class DesktopTextArea
- method WinShowFontPanelMBS as Boolean
- method WinInsertImageMBS(data as string, Width as Integer, Height as Integer)
- property WinRTFDataMBS(SelectionOnly as boolean = false) as string
- property WinSelSubScriptMBS as Boolean
- property WinSelSuperScriptMBS as Boolean
- property WinSelStrikeThroughMBS as Boolean
- property WinSpellcheckingMBS as Boolean
- property WinAutoCorrectionMBS as Boolean
- property WinAutoVerticalScrollMBS as Boolean
- property WinAutoHorizontalScrollMBS as Boolean
- property WinSelTextBackColorMBS as Color
- property WinSelHasTextBackColorMBS as Boolean
- property WinSelTextColorMBS as Color
- property WinSelHasTextColorMBS as Boolean
- class DesktopWindow
- method ShowKeyboardMBS
- method HideKeyboardMBS
- method SetWindowFeedbackSettingMBS(Feedback as Integer, value as Variant) as Boolean
- method WindowFeedbackSettingMBS(Feedback as Integer, byref value as boolean, IncludeAncestors as Boolean = false) as Boolean
- method WinHideTooltipMBS as Integer
- method WinAnimateWindowMBS(Flags as integer, Time as integer=200) as boolean
- method SetWindowMaskMBS(p as picture, redraw as Boolean, transparentColor as color) as Boolean
- method SetWindowIconMBS(Type as integer, File as FolderItem, IconID as integer) as Boolean
- method SetWindowIconMBS(Type as integer, Icon as Picture, Mask as Picture) as Boolean
- property WinTopMostWindowMBS as boolean
- class DirectDrawGraphicsMBS
- method CreateSolidColorBrush(red as Single, green as Single, blue as Single, alpha as Single = 1.0) as Boolean
- method CreateSolidColorBrush(c as Color) as Boolean
- method CreateStrokeStyle(startCap as Integer = 0, endCap as Integer = 0, dashCap as Integer = 0, lineJoin as Integer = 0, miterLimit as Single = 1.0, dashStyle as Integer = 0, dashOffset as Single = 0, Dashes() as Single = nil) as Boolean
- method ClearStrokeStyle
- method Destructor
- method Constructor(Graphics as Graphics)
- method DrawLine(x1 as single, y1 as single, x2 as single, y2 as single)
- method DrawRectangle(left as single, top as single, right as single, bottom as single)
- method FillRectangle(left as single, top as single, right as single, bottom as single)
- method DrawRoundedRectangle(left as single, top as single, right as single, bottom as single, radiusX as single, radiusY as single)
- method FillRoundedRectangle(left as single, top as single, right as single, bottom as single, radiusX as single, radiusY as single)
- method DrawEllipse(x as single, y as single, radiusX as single, radiusY as single)
- method FillEllipse(x as single, y as single, radiusX as single, radiusY as single)
- method RestoreDrawingState
- method SaveDrawingState
- method SetTransform(m11 as Single, m12 as Single, m21 as Single, m22 as Single, dx as Single, dy as Single)
- method GetTransform(byref m11 as Single, byref m12 as Single, byref m21 as Single, byref m22 as Single, byref dx as Single, byref dy as Single)
- property Handle as Integer
- property factoryHandle as Integer
- property brushHandle as Integer
- property strokeStyleHandle as Integer
- property strokeWidth as Single
- property PixelWidth as UInt32
- property PixelHeight as UInt32
- property Width as Single
- property Height as Single
- property DPIX as Single
- property DPIY as Single
- property AntialiasMode as Integer
- property TextAntialiasMode as Integer
- class DirectShowAMCameraControlMBS
- method ShowPropertyDialog(parent as window = nil, x as integer = 0, y as integer = 0, title as string = "")
- method Constructor
- method Set(PropertySelector as integer, Value as integer, Flags as integer = 0)
- method Get(PropertySelector as integer, byref Value as integer, byref Flags as integer)
- method GetRange(PropertySelector as integer, byref MinValue as integer, byref MaxValue as integer, byref SteppingDelta as integer, byref DefaultValue as integer, byref CapsFlags as integer)
- method ShowPropertyDialog(parent as DesktopWindow, x as integer = 0, y as integer = 0, title as string = "")
- property Handle as Integer
- property Lasterror as Integer
- property LasterrorMessage as String
- class DirectShowAMCrossbarMBS
- method ShowPropertyDialog(parent as window = nil, x as integer = 0, y as integer = 0, title as string = "")
- method BaseFilter as DirectShowBaseFilterMBS
- method Constructor
- method Route(OutputPinIndex as integer, InputPinIndex as integer)
- method GetPinCounts(byref OutputPinCount as integer, byref InputPinCount as integer)
- method CanRoute(OutputPinIndex as integer, InputPinIndex as integer) as boolean
- method IsRoutedTo(InputPinIndex as integer) as integer
- method GetCrossbarPinInfo(IsInputPin as boolean, PinIndex as integer, byref PinIndexRelated as integer, byref PhysicalType as integer)
- method ShowPropertyDialog(parent as DesktopWindow, x as integer = 0, y as integer = 0, title as string = "")
- property Handle as Integer
- property Lasterror as Integer
- property LasterrorMessage as String
- shared method PhysicalPinName(type as integer) as string
- class DirectShowAMStreamConfigMBS
- method ShowPropertyDialog(parent as window = nil, x as integer = 0, y as integer = 0, title as string = "")
- method MediaTypes as DirectShowMediaTypeMBS()
- method AudioCaps as DirectShowAudioStreamConfigCapsMBS()
- method VideoCaps as DirectShowVideoStreamConfigCapsMBS()
- method Constructor
- method NumberOfCapabilities as Integer
- method ShowPropertyDialog(parent as DesktopWindow, x as integer = 0, y as integer = 0, title as string = "")
- property Format as DirectShowMediaTypeMBS
- property Handle as Integer
- property Lasterror as Integer
- property LasterrorMessage as String
- class DirectShowAMVideoCompressionMBS
- method ShowPropertyDialog(parent as window = nil, x as integer = 0, y as integer = 0, title as string = "")
- method BaseFilter as DirectShowBaseFilterMBS
- method Constructor
- method OverrideKeyFrame(FrameNumber as Integer)
- method OverrideFrameSize(FrameNumber as Integer, Size as Integer)
- method ShowPropertyDialog(parent as DesktopWindow, x as integer = 0, y as integer = 0, title as string = "")
- property Handle as Integer
- property Lasterror as Integer
- property LasterrorMessage as String
- property KeyFrameRate as Integer
- property PFramesPerKeyFrame as Integer
- property Quality as Double
- property WindowSize as UInt64
- property Version as String
- property Description as String
- property DefaultKeyFrameRate as Integer
- property DefaultPFramesPerKey as Integer
- property DefaultQuality as Double
- property Capabilities as Integer
- class DirectShowAMVideoControlMBS
- method Constructor
- method Caps(pin as DirectShowPinMBS) as Integer
- method Mode(pin as DirectShowPinMBS) as Integer
- method SetMode(pin as DirectShowPinMBS, mode as Integer)
- method CurrentActualFrameRate(pin as DirectShowPinMBS) as Int64
- method MaxAvailableFrameRate(pin as DirectShowPinMBS, Index as Integer, Width as Integer, Height as Integer) as Int64
- method FrameRateList(pin as DirectShowPinMBS, Index as Integer, Width as Integer, Height as Integer) as Int64()
- property Handle as Integer
- property Lasterror as Integer
- property LasterrorMessage as String
- class DirectShowAMVideoProcAmpMBS
- method Constructor
- method Set(PropertySelector as integer, Value as integer, Flags as integer = 0)
- method Get(PropertySelector as integer, byref Value as integer, byref Flags as integer)
- method GetRange(PropertySelector as integer, byref MinValue as integer, byref MaxValue as integer, byref SteppingDelta as integer, byref DefaultValue as integer, byref CapsFlags as integer)
- property Handle as Integer
- property Lasterror as Integer
- property LasterrorMessage as String
- class DirectShowAudioStreamConfigCapsMBS
- method Constructor
- property MinimumChannels as Integer
- property MaximumChannels as Integer
- property ChannelsGranularity as Integer
- property MinimumBitsPerSample as Integer
- property MaximumBitsPerSample as Integer
- property BitsPerSampleGranularity as Integer
- property MinimumSampleFrequency as Integer
- property MaximumSampleFrequency as Integer
- property SampleFrequencyGranularity as Integer
- class DirectShowBaseFilterMBS
- method Constructor
- method VendorInfo as string
- method Info as DirectShowFilterInfoMBS
- method EnumPins as DirectShowEnumPinsMBS
- method FindPin(name as string) as DirectShowPinMBS
- method ConfigInterleaving as DirectShowConfigInterleavingMBS
- method ConfigAviMux as DirectShowConfigAviMuxMBS
- method AMCameraControl as DirectShowAMCameraControlMBS
- method AMVideoProcAmp as DirectShowAMVideoProcAmpMBS
- method AMCrossbar as DirectShowAMCrossbarMBS
- method AMVideoControl as DirectShowAMVideoControlMBS
- method AMVideoCompression as DirectShowAMVideoCompressionMBS
- method ShowPropertyDialog(parent as window = nil, x as integer = 0, y as integer = 0, title as string = "")
- method ShowPropertyDialog(parent as DesktopWindow, x as integer = 0, y as integer = 0, title as string = "")
- class DirectShowBindContextMBS
- class DirectShowCaptureGraphBuilderMBS
- method FindPin(Source as DirectShowBaseFilterMBS, PinDirection as Integer, Category as DirectShowGUIDMBS = nil, Type as DirectShowGUIDMBS = nil, Unconnected as boolean = false, Num as Integer = 0) as DirectShowPinMBS
- method FindPin(Source as DirectShowPinMBS, PinDirection as Integer, Category as DirectShowGUIDMBS = nil, Type as DirectShowGUIDMBS = nil, Unconnected as boolean = false, Num as Integer = 0) as DirectShowPinMBS
- method SetupHighestResolution(videoInputFilter as DirectShowBaseFilterMBS, preview as boolean = false)
- method Crossbar(filter as DirectShowBaseFilterMBS) as DirectShowAMCrossbarMBS
- method GetStreamConfig(preview as boolean, filter as DirectShowBaseFilterMBS) as DirectShowAMStreamConfigMBS
- method GetStreamConfig(Category as DirectShowGUIDMBS, filter as DirectShowBaseFilterMBS) as DirectShowAMStreamConfigMBS
- method SetOutputFileName(Type as DirectShowGUIDMBS, FilePath as string)
- method SetOutputFileName(Type as DirectShowGUIDMBS, FilePath as string, byref filter as DirectShowBaseFilterMBS, byref sink as DirectShowFileSinkFilterMBS)
- method AllocCapFile(FilePath as string, Size as UInt64)
- method Constructor
- method SetFiltergraph(graph as DirectShowGraphBuilderMBS)
- method GetFiltergraph as DirectShowGraphBuilderMBS
- method RenderStream(category as DirectShowGUIDMBS, Type as DirectShowGUIDMBS, Source as DirectShowBaseFilterMBS, Intermediate as DirectShowBaseFilterMBS = nil, Sink as DirectShowBaseFilterMBS = nil)
- method RenderStream(category as DirectShowGUIDMBS, Type as DirectShowGUIDMBS, Source as DirectShowPinMBS, Intermediate as DirectShowBaseFilterMBS = nil, Sink as DirectShowBaseFilterMBS = nil)
- property Handle as Integer
- property Lasterror as Integer
- property LasterrorMessage as String
- shared method MEDIATYPE_Video as DirectShowGUIDMBS
- shared method MEDIATYPE_Audio as DirectShowGUIDMBS
- shared method MEDIATYPE_Text as DirectShowGUIDMBS
- shared method MEDIATYPE_Midi as DirectShowGUIDMBS
- shared method MEDIATYPE_Stream as DirectShowGUIDMBS
- shared method MEDIATYPE_Interleaved as DirectShowGUIDMBS
- shared method MEDIATYPE_ScriptCommand as DirectShowGUIDMBS
- shared method MEDIATYPE_AUXLine21Data as DirectShowGUIDMBS
- shared method MEDIATYPE_Timecode as DirectShowGUIDMBS
- class DirectShowConfigAviMuxMBS
- class DirectShowConfigInterleavingMBS
- class DirectShowDVInfoMBS
- class DirectShowEnumMonikerMBS
- method Constructor(clsidDeviceClass as DirectShowGUIDMBS)
- method Constructor
- method Reset
- method Destructor
- method Skip(n as integer)
- method Clone as DirectShowEnumMonikerMBS
- method NextObject as DirectShowMonikerMBS
- property Handle as Integer
- property Lasterror as Integer
- property LasterrorMessage as String
- shared method CLSID_AudioInputDeviceCategory as DirectShowGUIDMBS
- shared method CLSID_AudioCompressorCategory as DirectShowGUIDMBS
- shared method CLSID_AudioRendererCategory as DirectShowGUIDMBS
- shared method CLSID_DeviceControlCategory as DirectShowGUIDMBS
- shared method CLSID_LegacyAmFilterCategory as DirectShowGUIDMBS
- shared method CLSID_TransmitCategory as DirectShowGUIDMBS
- shared method CLSID_MidiRendererCategory as DirectShowGUIDMBS
- shared method CLSID_VideoInputDeviceCategory as DirectShowGUIDMBS
- shared method CLSID_VideoCompressorCategory as DirectShowGUIDMBS
- shared method CLSID_DVDHWDecodersCategory as DirectShowGUIDMBS
- class DirectShowEnumPinsMBS
- class DirectShowFileSinkFilterMBS
- class DirectShowFilterGraphMBS
- class DirectShowFilterInfoMBS
- class DirectShowGraphBuilderMBS
- method ConnectFilters(pinOut as DirectShowPinMBS, dest as DirectShowBaseFilterMBS)
- method ConnectFilters(source as DirectShowBaseFilterMBS, pinIn as DirectShowPinMBS)
- method ConnectFilters(source as DirectShowBaseFilterMBS, dest as DirectShowBaseFilterMBS)
- method SetLogFile(FilePath as string)
- method AddSourceFilter(FileName as string, FilterName as string) as DirectShowBaseFilterMBS
- method RenderFile(FilePath as string)
- method Render(pinOut as DirectShowPinMBS)
- method Connect(pinOut as DirectShowPinMBS, pinIn as DirectShowPinMBS)
- method Constructor
- method Abort
- method MediaControl as DirectShowMediaControlMBS
- method VideoWindow as DirectShowVideoWindowMBS
- method MediaEventEx as DirectShowMediaEventExMBS
- class DirectShowGUIDMBS
- method Constructor
- method Constructor(value1 as integer, value2 as integer, value3 as integer, value4 as integer, value5 as integer, value6 as integer, value7 as integer, value8 as integer, value9 as integer, value10 as integer, value11 as integer, value12 as integer, value13 as integer, value14 as integer, value15 as integer, value16 as integer)
- method Equal(other as DirectShowGUIDMBS) as boolean
- method Constructor(Value as String)
- method Operator_Convert(text as String)
- method Operator_Convert as String
- property Byte(index as integer) as integer
- property Ptr as Ptr
- property Data as String
- property Memory as MemoryBlock
- property DisplayString as String
- shared method Parse(GUID as String) as DirectShowGUIDMBS
- class DirectShowMediaControlMBS
- class DirectShowMediaEventExMBS
- class DirectShowMediaEventMBS
- class DirectShowMediaFilterMBS
- class DirectShowMediaTypeMBS
- method Constructor
- method SetWidth(value as integer) as boolean
- method SetHeight(value as integer) as boolean
- property WaveFormat as DirectShowWaveFormatMBS
- property VideoInfoHeader as DirectShowVideoInfoHeaderMBS
- property VideoInfoHeader2 as DirectShowVideoInfoHeader2MBS
- property DVINFO as DirectShowDVInfoMBS
- property Handle as Integer
- property FixedSizeSamples as Boolean
- property TemporalCompression as Boolean
- property SampleSize as Integer
- property MajorType as DirectShowGUIDMBS
- property SubType as DirectShowGUIDMBS
- property FormatType as DirectShowGUIDMBS
- property Width as Integer
- property Height as Integer
- class DirectShowMonikerMBS
- method Properties(BindContext as DirectShowBindContextMBS = nil) as DirectShowPropertyBagMBS
- method DisplayName(BindContext as DirectShowBindContextMBS = nil) as string
- method EnumMonikers(forward as boolean) as DirectShowEnumMonikerMBS
- method IsEqual(other as DirectShowMonikerMBS) as Boolean
- method Hash as UInt32
- method Constructor
- method BindBaseFilter as DirectShowBaseFilterMBS
- property Handle as Integer
- property Lasterror as Integer
- property LasterrorMessage as String
- class DirectShowNullRendererMBS
- class DirectShowPinMBS
- method MediaTypes as DirectShowMediaTypeMBS()
- method ConnectedTo as DirectShowPinMBS
- method ConnectionMediaType as DirectShowMediaTypeMBS
- method Accept(Type as DirectShowMediaTypeMBS) as Boolean
- method Id as String
- method Direction as Integer
- method Name as String
- method BaseFilter as DirectShowBaseFilterMBS
- method Constructor
- method Disconnect
- property Handle as Integer
- property Lasterror as Integer
- property LasterrorMessage as String
- shared method PIN_CATEGORY_CAPTURE as DirectShowGUIDMBS
- shared method PIN_CATEGORY_PREVIEW as DirectShowGUIDMBS
- shared method PIN_CATEGORY_VBI as DirectShowGUIDMBS
- shared method PIN_CATEGORY_VIDEOPORT as DirectShowGUIDMBS
- shared method PIN_CATEGORY_NABTS as DirectShowGUIDMBS
- shared method PIN_CATEGORY_EDS as DirectShowGUIDMBS
- shared method PIN_CATEGORY_TELETEXT as DirectShowGUIDMBS
- shared method PIN_CATEGORY_CC as DirectShowGUIDMBS
- shared method PIN_CATEGORY_STILL as DirectShowGUIDMBS
- shared method PIN_CATEGORY_TIMECODE as DirectShowGUIDMBS
- class DirectShowPropertyBagMBS
- method Constructor
- method Read(name as string) as variant
- method Description as string
- method FriendlyName as string
- method DevicePath as string
- method CountProperties as Integer
- method PropertyName(index as Integer) as string
- property Handle as Integer
- property Lasterror as Integer
- property LasterrorMessage as String
- class DirectShowSampleGrabberMBS
- method ConnectedMediaType as DirectShowBaseFilterMBS
- method Constructor
- method Destructor
- method SetOneShot(OneShot as boolean)
- method BaseFilter as DirectShowBaseFilterMBS
- method Current as Picture
- property Handle as Integer
- property Lasterror as Integer
- property LasterrorMessage as String
- event NewFrame(Time as double)
- class DirectShowVideoInfoHeader2MBS
- method Constructor
- property SourceLeft as Integer
- property SourceTop as Integer
- property SourceRight as Integer
- property SourceBottom as Integer
- property TargetLeft as Integer
- property TargetTop as Integer
- property TargetRight as Integer
- property TargetBottom as Integer
- property BitRate as Integer
- property BitErrorRate as Integer
- property AvgTimePerFrame as Int64
- property InterlaceFlags as Integer
- property PictAspectRatioX as Integer
- property CopyProtectFlags as Integer
- property PictAspectRatioY as Integer
- property ControlFlags as Integer
- property Width as Integer
- property Height as Integer
- class DirectShowVideoInfoHeaderMBS
- method Constructor
- property BitCount as Integer
- property SourceLeft as Integer
- property SourceTop as Integer
- property SourceRight as Integer
- property SourceBottom as Integer
- property TargetLeft as Integer
- property TargetTop as Integer
- property TargetRight as Integer
- property TargetBottom as Integer
- property BitRate as Integer
- property BitErrorRate as Integer
- property AvgTimePerFrame as Int64
- property Width as Integer
- property Height as Integer
- property VideoInfoHeaderPtr as Ptr
- property BMIHeaderPtr as Ptr
- class DirectShowVideoStreamConfigCapsMBS
- method Constructor
- property VideoStandard as Integer
- property InputSizeWidth as Integer
- property InputSizeHeight as Integer
- property MinCroppingSizeWidth as Integer
- property MinCroppingSizeHeight as Integer
- property MaxCroppingSizeWidth as Integer
- property MaxCroppingSizeHeight as Integer
- property CropGranularityX as Integer
- property CropGranularityY as Integer
- property CropAlignX as Integer
- property CropAlignY as Integer
- property MinOutputSizeWidth as Integer
- property MinOutputSizeHeight as Integer
- property MaxOutputSizeWidth as Integer
- property MaxOutputSizeHeight as Integer
- property OutputGranularityX as Integer
- property OutputGranularityY as Integer
- property StretchTapsX as Integer
- property StretchTapsY as Integer
- property ShrinkTapsX as Integer
- property ShrinkTapsY as Integer
- property MinFrameInterval as Int64
- property MaxFrameInterval as Int64
- property MinBitsPerSecond as Integer
- property MaxBitsPerSecond as Integer
- class DirectShowVideoWindowMBS
- method GetRestorePosition(byref left as integer, byref top as integer, byref width as integer, byref height as integer)
- method GetMinIdealImageSize(byref width as integer, byref height as integer)
- method GetMaxIdealImageSize(byref width as integer, byref height as integer)
- method GetWindowPosition(byref left as integer, byref top as integer, byref width as integer, byref height as integer)
- method SetWindowPosition(left as integer, top as integer, width as integer, height as integer)
- method Constructor
- method HideCursor(hide as boolean)
- method IsCursorHidden as Boolean
- method SetWindowForeground(Focus as Boolean)
- property Caption as string
- property WindowState as integer
- property WindowStyle as integer
- property WindowStyleEx as integer
- property AutoShow as Boolean
- property Left as integer
- property Top as integer
- property Width as integer
- property Height as integer
- property Visible as Boolean
- property BorderColor as color
- property FullScreenMode as Boolean
- property BackgroundPalette as Boolean
- property Handle as Integer
- property Lasterror as Integer
- property LasterrorMessage as String
- property Owner as Variant
- property MessageDrain as Variant
- property OwnerControl as Variant
- property messageDrainControl as Variant
- class DirectShowWaveFormatMBS
- class FolderItem
- class Graphics
- method DrawWindowsIconMBS(file as folderitem, IconID as integer, x as integer, y as integer, w as integer, h as integer) as boolean
- method StretchBltMBS(nXOriginDest as integer, nYOriginDest as integer, nWidthDest as integer, nHeightDest as integer, source as graphics, nXOriginSrc as integer, nYOriginSrc as integer, nWidthSrc as integer, nHeightSrc as integer, dwRop as integer) as boolean
- class Graphics
- class HTMLViewer
- class HTMLViewer
- method IEDocumentMBS as IEDocumentMBS
- method IEWindowMBS as IEWindowMBS
- method IEWebBrowserMBS as IEWebBrowserMBS
- method IERunJavaScriptMBS(JavaScript as string) as boolean
- method IEPrintMBS as boolean
- method IEHistoryBackMBS
- method IEHistoryForwardMBS
- method IEHistoryLengthMBS as integer
- method IENavigatorOnLineMBS as boolean
- method IENavigatorJavaEnabledMBS as boolean
- method IENavigatorCookieEnabledMBS as boolean
- method IENavigatorAppNameMBS as string
- method IENavigatorAppVersionMBS as string
- method IENavigatorBrowserLanguageMBS as string
- method IENavigatorUserAgentMBS as string
- method IENavigatorUserLanguageMBS as string
- method IENavigatorAppMinorVersionMBS as string
- method IEZoomMBS(factor as integer) as boolean
- method IEStopMBS as boolean
- method IESetTextAreaMBS(FormName as String, FieldName as String, Value as String) as Boolean
- method IEGetTextAreaMBS(FormName as String, FieldName as String) as String
- method IERefCountMBS as Integer
- method IEDrawToHDCMBS(HDC as Ptr, PrinterName as string = "") as boolean
- method IEPrintPreviewMBS as boolean
- method IEReloadMBS(Force as boolean = false) as boolean
- method IEScrollWidthMBS as integer
- method IEScrollHeightMBS as integer
- method IEImageMBS as picture
- method IEMimeTypeMBS as string
- method IEReferrerMBS as string
- method IELastModifiedMBS as string
- method IEToStringMBS as string
- method IEFileSizeMBS as string
- method IEFileCreationDateMBS as string
- method IEFileModifiedDateMBS as string
- method IEFileUpdatedDateMBS as string
- method IESecurityMBS as string
- method IEProtocolMBS as string
- method IENamePropMBS as string
- method IEHTMLTextMBS as string
- method IETextMBS as string
- method IEHandleMBS as integer
- method IEFindTextMBS(text as string, count as integer, flags as integer, selectText as boolean) as boolean
- method IEContinueFindTextMBS(text as string, count as integer, flags as integer, selectText as boolean) as boolean
- method IEReadyStateMBS as string
- method IELoadHTMLMBS(HTMLText as string) as boolean
- property IEEditableMBS as boolean
- property IEURLMBS as string
- property IETitleMBS as string
- property IECookieMBS as string
- property IEDomainMBS as string
- property IECharSetMBS as string
- property IEDefaultCharsetMBS as string
- class IEDocumentMBS
- method Frames as IEWindowMBS()
- method Evaluate(expression as string) as variant
- method SetTextArea(FormName as String, FieldName as String, Value as String) as Boolean
- method GetTextArea(FormName as String, FieldName as String) as String
- method DrawToHDC(HDC as Ptr, PrinterName as string = "")
- method PrintPreview as boolean
- method Reload(Force as boolean = false)
- method Image as picture
- method HTMLText as string
- method Text as string
- method FindText(text as string, count as integer, flags as integer, selectText as boolean) as boolean
- method ContinueFindText(text as string, count as integer, flags as integer, selectText as boolean) as boolean
- method LoadHTML(HTMLText as string)
- method Constructor(HTMLViewer as HTMLViewer)
- method CallFunction(FunctionName as string, params() as variant) as variant
- method CallFunction(FunctionName as string, paramArray params as variant) as variant
- method Constructor(DesktopHTMLViewer as DesktopHTMLViewer)
- property Handle as Integer
- property ParentWindow as IEWindowMBS
- property Navigator as IENavigatorMBS
- property History as IEHistoryMBS
- property URL as String
- property Title as String
- property MimeType as String
- property Referrer as String
- property Cookie as String
- property Domain as String
- property LastModified as String
- property ToString as String
- property CharSet as String
- property DefaultCharset as String
- property FileSize as String
- property FileCreationDate as String
- property FileModifiedDate as String
- property FileUpdatedDate as String
- property Security as String
- property Protocol as String
- property NameProp as String
- property ReadyState as String
- property Editable as Boolean
- property ScrollWidth as Integer
- property ScrollHeight as Integer
- shared method ClearBrowserSession as boolean
- class IEExceptionMBS
- class IEHistoryMBS
- class IENavigatorMBS
- method Constructor(HTMLViewer as HTMLViewer)
- method Constructor(DesktopHTMLViewer as DesktopHTMLViewer)
- property Handle as Integer
- property OnLine as Boolean
- property JavaEnabled as Boolean
- property CookieEnabled as Boolean
- property AppName as String
- property AppVersion as String
- property BrowserLanguage as String
- property UserAgent as String
- property UserLanguage as String
- property AppMinorVersion as String
- property SystemLanguage as String
- property Platform as String
- property CPUClass as String
- property AppCodeName as String
- class IEWebBrowserMBS
- method Constructor(HTMLViewer as HTMLViewer)
- method Navigate(URL as string, Flags as Integer = 0, TargetFrameName as String = "", PostData as String = "", Headers as String = "")
- method Zoom(factor as integer)
- method GoBack
- method GoForward
- method Refresh
- method Refresh(Level as Integer)
- method GoSearch
- method GoHome
- method Stop
- method ShowDebugBar(NoScale as Boolean = false, x as Integer = 0, y as Integer = 0, width as Integer = 0, Height as Integer = 0, TopMost as Boolean = false) as Boolean
- method Constructor(DesktopHTMLViewer as DesktopHTMLViewer)
- property Handle as Integer
- property ToolBar as Boolean
- property TheaterMode as Boolean
- property StatusText as String
- property ReadyState as Integer
- property Name as String
- property LocationURL as String
- property LocationName as String
- property FullName as String
- property Busy as Boolean
- property FullScreen as Boolean
- property Type as String
- property MenuBar as Boolean
- property Offline as Boolean
- property Silent as Boolean
- property StatusBar as Boolean
- property AddressBar as Boolean
- property RegisterAsDropTarget as Boolean
- property RegisterAsBrowser as Boolean
- shared method GetInternetExplorerVersion as Integer
- shared method SetInternetExplorerVersion(version as Integer) as Boolean
- shared method GetInternetExplorerHiDPI as Integer
- shared method SetInternetExplorerHiDPI(Enable as Boolean) as Boolean
- class IEWindowMBS
- method Frames as IEWindowMBS()
- method Navigate(URL as string)
- method MoveTo(x as integer, y as integer)
- method MoveBy(x as integer, y as integer)
- method ScrollBy(x as integer, y as integer)
- method ScrollTo(x as integer, y as integer)
- method Scroll(x as integer, y as integer)
- method Blur
- method Alert(Message as string)
- method Confirm(Message as string) as Boolean
- method RunJavaScript(JavaScript as string)
- method ExecScript(Code as string, language as String)
- method Print
- method Constructor(HTMLViewer as HTMLViewer)
- method Constructor(DesktopHTMLViewer as DesktopHTMLViewer)
- property DefaultStatus as String
- property Status as String
- property Name as String
- property Handle as Integer
- property Document as IEDocumentMBS
- class ITAddressMBS
- method Constructor
- method Calls as ITCallInfoMBS()
- method CreateCall(DestAddress as string = "", AddressType as integer = 1, MediaTypes as Integer = 0) as TAPICallControlMBS
- property Handle as Integer
- property Lasterror as Integer
- property LasterrorMessage as String
- property DoNotDisturb as Boolean
- property MessageWaiting as Boolean
- property AddressName as String
- property ServiceProviderName as String
- property DialableAddress as String
- property State as Integer
- class ITCallInfoMBS
- method Constructor
- property Handle as Integer
- property Lasterror as Integer
- property LasterrorMessage as String
- property Address as ITAddressMBS
- property CallerIDName as String
- property CallerIDNumber as String
- property CalledIDName as String
- property CalledIDNumber as String
- property ConnectedIDName as String
- property ConnectedIDNumber as String
- property RedirectionIDName as String
- property RedirectionIDNumber as String
- property RedirectingIDName as String
- property RedirectingIDNumber as String
- property CalledPartyFriendlyName as String
- property Comment as String
- property DisplayableAddress as String
- property CallingPartyID as String
- property State as Integer
- class MapiFileMBS
- class MapiMessageMBS
- method SendMail(parent as window, SendFlags as Integer, Threaded as Boolean) as integer
- method SendMail(SendFlags as Integer, Threaded as Boolean) as integer
- method AddRecipient(recipient as MapiRecipientMBS)
- method AddFile(file as MapiFileMBS)
- method SendMail(parent as DesktopWindow, SendFlags as Integer, Threaded as Boolean) as integer
- property Subject as String
- property NoteText as String
- property MessageType as String
- property DateReceived as String
- property ConversationID as String
- property Flags as Integer
- property Originator as MapiRecipientMBS
- property UseUnicode as Boolean
- shared method IsAvailable as boolean
- shared method IsUnicodeAvailable as boolean
- class MapiRecipientMBS
- class RegistryFileTypeMBS
- class RegistryKeyMBS
- method Item(name as string) as RegistryKeyMBS
- method Item(index as integer) as RegistryKeyMBS
- method ItemName(index as integer) as string
- method CreateKey(name as string, Use64bitRegistry as boolean = false) as RegistryKeyMBS
- method Delete(keyname as string) as boolean
- method DeleteTree(keyname as string) as boolean
- method CopyTree(keyname as string, Dest as RegistryKeyMBS) as boolean
- method Flush
- method Value(index as integer) as RegistryValueMBS
- method Value(name as string) as RegistryValueMBS
- method ValueName(index as integer) as string
- property Name as String
- property ItemCount as Integer
- property ValueCount as Integer
- class RegistryMBS
- shared method ClassesRoot as RegistryKeyMBS
- shared method CurrentConfig as RegistryKeyMBS
- shared method CurrentUser as RegistryKeyMBS
- shared method LocalMachine as RegistryKeyMBS
- shared method Users as RegistryKeyMBS
- shared method PerformanceData as RegistryKeyMBS
- shared method Key(keypath as string, Use64bitRegistry as boolean = false) as RegistryKeyMBS
- shared method getStringValue(keypath as string,valuename as string, Use64bitRegistry as boolean = false) as String
- shared method getBinaryValue(keypath as string,valuename as string, Use64bitRegistry as boolean = false) as Memoryblock
- class RegistryValueMBS
- method SetBinaryStr(typ as integer,data as String)
- method SetBinaryMem(typ as integer,data as Memoryblock)
- method Delete as boolean
- property Name as String
- property Size as Integer
- property Type as Integer
- property isString as Boolean
- property isBinary as Boolean
- property isLong32 as Boolean
- property isLong64 as Boolean
- property asString as String
- property asBinaryString as String
- property asBinary as MemoryBlock
- property asLong32 as Integer
- property asLong64 as Int64
- class TAPICallControlMBS
- method SetQOS(MediaType as Integer, ServiceLevel as Integer)
- method Transfer(otherCall as TAPICallControlMBS, sync as boolean)
- method Conference(otherCall as TAPICallControlMBS, sync as boolean)
- method ParkIndirect as string
- method HandoffIndirect(MediaType as Integer)
- method ParkDirect(ParkAddress as String)
- method BlindTransfer(DestAddress as String)
- method HandoffDirect(ApplicationName as String)
- method Constructor
- method Dial(DestAddress as String)
- method Finish(Mode as Integer)
- method Disconnect(Mode as Integer)
- method Unpark
- method Answer
- method RemoveFromConference
- method Pickup(GroupID as String)
- method Connect(sync as boolean)
- method Hold(hold as boolean)
- method SwapHold(otherCall as TAPICallControlMBS)
- property Handle as Integer
- property Lasterror as Integer
- property LasterrorMessage as String
- class TAPIMBS
- method ListenOnAllAddresses
- method Addresses as ITAddressMBS()
- method Destructor
- method Constructor
- property Handle as Integer
- property Lasterror as Integer
- property LasterrorMessage as String
- property EventFilter as Integer
- shared method Available as boolean
- event IncomingCall(CallInfo as ITCallInfoMBS, BasicCallControl as TAPICallControlMBS)
- event CallStateChanged(CallInfo as ITCallInfoMBS)
- class TaskDialogButtonMBS
- class TaskDialogMBS
- method FindButtonByID(ID as Integer) as TaskDialogButtonMBS
- method AppendRadioButton(button as TaskDialogButtonMBS)
- method AppendButton(button as TaskDialogButtonMBS)
- method ShowDialog as Boolean
- method CloseDialog
- property Button(index as integer) as TaskDialogButtonMBS
- property RadioButton(index as integer) as TaskDialogButtonMBS
- property parent as Variant
- property parentHandle as Integer
- property Flags as Integer
- property CommonButtons as Integer
- property Icon as Integer
- property Width as Integer
- property DefaultRadioButton as Integer
- property DefaultButton as Integer
- property ProgressbarState as Integer
- property ProgressbarMin as Integer
- property ProgressbarMax as Integer
- property ProgressbarValue as Integer
- property SelectedRadioButton as Integer
- property SelectedButton as Integer
- property timeoutMS as Integer
- property WindowTitle as String
- property MainInstruction as String
- property Content as String
- property VerificationText as String
- property ExpandedInformation as String
- property ExpandedControlText as String
- property CollapsedControlText as String
- property Footer as String
- property EnableHyperlinks as Boolean
- property Yield as Boolean
- property AllowDialogCancellation as Boolean
- property VerificationChecked as Boolean
- property ExpandFooterArea as Boolean
- property ExpandedByDefault as Boolean
- property Showing as Boolean
- property PositionRelativeToWindow as Boolean
- property RightToLeftLayout as Boolean
- property NoDefaultRadioButton as Boolean
- property CanBeMinimized as Boolean
- property VerificationEnabled as Boolean
- property DialogHandle as Integer
- property TimedOut as Boolean
- property FooterIconPicture as Picture
- property IconPicture as Picture
- event Open
- event Navigated
- event ButtonClicked(ID as Integer) as boolean
- event HyperlinkClicked(link as string)
- event Timer(Time as Integer)
- event Close
- event RadioButtonClicked(ID as Integer) as boolean
- event Constructed
- event VerificationClicked(Checked as Boolean)
- event Help
- event ExpandButtonClicked(Expanded as Boolean)
- class TextArea
- method WinShowFontPanelMBS as Boolean
- method WinInsertImageMBS(data as string, Width as Integer, Height as Integer)
- property WinRTFDataMBS(SelectionOnly as boolean = false) as string
- property WinSelSubScriptMBS as Boolean
- property WinSelSuperScriptMBS as Boolean
- property WinSelStrikeThroughMBS as Boolean
- property WinSpellcheckingMBS as Boolean
- property WinAutoCorrectionMBS as Boolean
- property WinAutoVerticalScrollMBS as Boolean
- property WinAutoHorizontalScrollMBS as Boolean
- property WinSelTextBackColorMBS as Color
- property WinSelHasTextBackColorMBS as Boolean
- property WinSelTextColorMBS as Color
- property WinSelHasTextColorMBS as Boolean
- class TimerMBS
- class WIADataCallbackMBS
- class WIADataTransferInfoMBS
- class WIADataTransferMBS
- method GetDataPath(DataCallback as WIADataCallbackMBS) as string
- method GetDataFile(DataCallback as WIADataCallbackMBS) as folderitem
- method GetBandedData(DataTransInfo as WIADataTransferInfoMBS, DataCallback as WIADataCallbackMBS)
- method GetExtendedTransferInfo as WIAExtendedTransferInfoMBS
- method QueryGetData as WIAFormatInfoMBS
- method EnumerateFormatInfo as WIAFormatInfoEnumeratorMBS
- property Handle as Integer
- property Lasterror as Integer
- class WIADeviceCapabilitiesEnumeratorMBS
- class WIADeviceCapabilitiesMBS
- class WIADeviceInfoEnumeratorMBS
- class WIADeviceManager1MBS
- method SelectDeviceDialogID(parentWindow as window, DeviceType as integer, Flags as integer) as string
- method SelectDeviceDialogID(parentWindowHandle as integer, DeviceType as integer, Flags as integer) as string
- method SelectDeviceDialog(parentWindow as window, DeviceType as integer, Flags as integer, byref DeviceID as string) as WIAItemMBS
- method SelectDeviceDialog(parentWindow as window, DeviceType as integer, Flags as integer) as WIAItemMBS
- method SelectDeviceDialog(parentWindowHandle as integer, DeviceType as integer, Flags as integer, byref DeviceID as string) as WIAItemMBS
- method SelectDeviceDialog(parentWindowHandle as integer, DeviceType as integer, Flags as integer) as WIAItemMBS
- method CreateDevice(DeviceID as string) as WIAItemMBS
- method Constructor
- method EnumDeviceInfo(flags as integer = &h10) as WIADeviceInfoEnumeratorMBS
- method GetImageDialog(parentWindow as window, DeviceType as integer, Flags as integer, Intent as integer, file as folderitem, rootitem as WIAItemMBS=nil)
- method GetImageDialog(parentWindowHandle as integer, DeviceType as integer, Flags as integer, Intent as integer, file as folderitem, rootitem as WIAItemMBS=nil)
- method GetImageDialog(parentWindow as DesktopWindow, DeviceType as integer, Flags as integer, Intent as integer, file as folderitem, rootitem as WIAItemMBS=nil)
- method SelectDeviceDialogID(parentWindow as DesktopWindow, DeviceType as integer, Flags as integer) as string
- method SelectDeviceDialog(parentWindow as DesktopWindow, DeviceType as integer, Flags as integer, byref DeviceID as string) as WIAItemMBS
- method SelectDeviceDialog(parentWindow as DesktopWindow, DeviceType as integer, Flags as integer) as WIAItemMBS
- property Handle as Integer
- property Lasterror as Integer
- class WIADeviceManager2MBS
- method SelectDeviceDialogID(parentWindow as window, DeviceType as integer, Flags as integer) as string
- method SelectDeviceDialogID(parentWindowHandle as integer, DeviceType as integer, Flags as integer) as string
- method SelectDeviceDialog(parentWindow as window, DeviceType as integer, Flags as integer, byref DeviceID as string) as WIAItemMBS
- method SelectDeviceDialog(parentWindow as window, DeviceType as integer, Flags as integer) as WIAItemMBS
- method SelectDeviceDialog(parentWindowHandle as integer, DeviceType as integer, Flags as integer, byref DeviceID as string) as WIAItemMBS
- method SelectDeviceDialog(parentWindowHandle as integer, DeviceType as integer, Flags as integer) as WIAItemMBS
- method CreateDevice(DeviceID as string) as WIAItemMBS
- method Constructor
- method EnumDeviceInfo(flags as integer = &h10) as WIADeviceInfoEnumeratorMBS
- method GetImageDialog(Flags as integer, DeviceID as string, parentWindow as window, FolderName as String, Filename as String, byref item as WIAItemMBS) as string()
- method GetImageDialog(Flags as integer, DeviceID as string, parentWindowHandle as integer, FolderName as String, Filename as String, byref item as WIAItemMBS) as string()
- method SelectDeviceDialogID(parentWindow as DesktopWindow, DeviceType as integer, Flags as integer) as string
- method SelectDeviceDialog(parentWindow as DesktopWindow, DeviceType as integer, Flags as integer, byref DeviceID as string) as WIAItemMBS
- method SelectDeviceDialog(parentWindow as DesktopWindow, DeviceType as integer, Flags as integer) as WIAItemMBS
- method GetImageDialog(Flags as integer, DeviceID as string, parentWindow as DesktopWindow, FolderName as String, Filename as String, byref item as WIAItemMBS) as string()
- property Handle as Integer
- property Lasterror as Integer
- class WIAExtendedTransferInfoMBS
- class WIAFormatInfoEnumeratorMBS
- class WIAFormatInfoMBS
- method Constructor
- method Constructor(value1 as integer, value2 as integer, value3 as integer, value4 as integer, value5 as integer, value6 as integer, value7 as integer, value8 as integer, value9 as integer, value10 as integer, value11 as integer, value12 as integer, value13 as integer, value14 as integer, value15 as integer, value16 as integer)
- method DisplayString as string
- method Equal(other as WIAGUIDMBS) as boolean
- property Data as string
- property Byte(index as integer) as integer
- shared method Parse(GUID as String) as WIAGUIDMBS
- class WIAItemEnumeratorMBS
- class WIAItemMBS
- method DataTransfer as WIADataTransferMBS
- method DeviceDialog(Win as window, Flags as integer, Intent as integer) as WIAItemMBS()
- method DeviceDialog(WindowHandle as integer, Flags as integer, Intent as integer) as WIAItemMBS()
- method ItemCategory as WIAGUIDMBS
- method Transfer as WIATransferMBS
- method DeviceDialog(Flags as integer, Win as window, FolderName as string, Filename as string, paths() as string, items() as WIAItemMBS)
- method DeviceDialog(Flags as integer, WindowHandle as integer, FolderName as string, Filename as string, paths() as string, items() as WIAItemMBS)
- method DeviceCommand(command as WIAGUIDMBS) as WIAItemMBS
- method CreateChildItem(ItemFlags as integer, CreationFlags as integer, ItemName as string, FullItemName as string) as WIAItemMBS
- method DeleteItem
- method AnalyzeItem
- method FindItemByName(name as string) as WIAItemMBS
- method RootItem as WIAItemMBS
- method ParentItem as WIAItemMBS
- method ItemType as integer
- method PropertyStorage as WIAPropertyStorageMBS
- method EnumerateChildItems(CategoryGUID as WIAGUIDMBS=nil) as WIAItemEnumeratorMBS
- method EnumerateDeviceCapabilities(Flags as integer) as WIADeviceCapabilitiesEnumeratorMBS
- method DeviceDialog(Win as DesktopWindow, Flags as integer, Intent as integer) as WIAItemMBS()
- method DeviceDialog(Flags as integer, Win as DesktopWindow, FolderName as string, Filename as string, paths() as string, items() as WIAItemMBS)
- property Handle as Integer
- property Handle1 as Integer
- property Handle2 as Integer
- property Lasterror as Integer
- shared method kCommandSynchronize as WIAGUIDMBS
- shared method kCommandTakePicture as WIAGUIDMBS
- shared method kCommandDeleteAllItems as WIAGUIDMBS
- shared method kCommandChangeDocument as WIAGUIDMBS
- shared method kCommandUnloadDocument as WIAGUIDMBS
- shared method kCommandDiagnostic as WIAGUIDMBS
- shared method kCategoryFinishedFile as WIAGUIDMBS
- shared method kCategoryFlatbed as WIAGUIDMBS
- shared method kCategoryFeeder as WIAGUIDMBS
- shared method kCategoryFilm as WIAGUIDMBS
- shared method kCategoryRoot as WIAGUIDMBS
- shared method kCategoryFolder as WIAGUIDMBS
- shared method kCategoryFeederFront as WIAGUIDMBS
- shared method kCategoryFeederBack as WIAGUIDMBS
- class WIAPropertyEnumeratorMBS
- class WIAPropertyMBS
- class WIAPropertyStorageMBS
- method Write(p as WIAPropertyMBS, value as variant)
- method Write(name as string, value as variant, id as integer = 0)
- method Write(id as integer, value as variant)
- method Read(name as string) as variant
- method Read(id as integer) as variant
- method Read(p as WIAPropertyMBS) as variant
- method Delete(name as string)
- method Delete(id as integer)
- method DeletePropertyName(id as integer)
- method WritePropertyName(id as integer, name as string)
- method ReadPropertyName(id as integer) as string
- method Count as integer
- method Commit(flags as integer)
- method Revert
- method Enumerate as WIAPropertyEnumeratorMBS
- property Handle as Integer
- property Lasterror as Integer
- shared method kImageFormatUndefined as WIAGUIDMBS
- shared method kImageFormatRawRGB as WIAGUIDMBS
- shared method kImageFormatMemoryBMP as WIAGUIDMBS
- shared method kImageFormatBMP as WIAGUIDMBS
- shared method kImageFormatEMF as WIAGUIDMBS
- shared method kImageFormatWMF as WIAGUIDMBS
- shared method kImageFormatJPEG as WIAGUIDMBS
- shared method kImageFormatPNG as WIAGUIDMBS
- shared method kImageFormatGIF as WIAGUIDMBS
- shared method kImageFormatTIFF as WIAGUIDMBS
- shared method kImageFormatEXIF as WIAGUIDMBS
- shared method kImageFormatPhotoCD as WIAGUIDMBS
- shared method kImageFormatFlashPix as WIAGUIDMBS
- shared method kImageFormatICO as WIAGUIDMBS
- shared method kImageFormatCIFF as WIAGUIDMBS
- shared method kImageFormatPICT as WIAGUIDMBS
- shared method kImageFormatJPEG2K as WIAGUIDMBS
- shared method kImageFormatJPEG2KX as WIAGUIDMBS
- shared method kImageFormatRTF as WIAGUIDMBS
- shared method kImageFormatXML as WIAGUIDMBS
- shared method kImageFormatHTML as WIAGUIDMBS
- shared method kImageFormatTXT as WIAGUIDMBS
- shared method kImageFormatMPG as WIAGUIDMBS
- shared method kImageFormatAVI as WIAGUIDMBS
- shared method kImageFormatASF as WIAGUIDMBS
- shared method kImageFormatScript as WIAGUIDMBS
- shared method kImageFormatExec as WIAGUIDMBS
- shared method kImageFormatUnicode16 as WIAGUIDMBS
- shared method kImageFormatDPOF as WIAGUIDMBS
- shared method kAudioFormatWAV as WIAGUIDMBS
- shared method kAudioFormatMP3 as WIAGUIDMBS
- shared method kAudioFormatAIFF as WIAGUIDMBS
- shared method kAudioFormatWMA as WIAGUIDMBS
- class WIAStreamMBS
- method Constructor(mode as integer, path as string)
- method Constructor(mode as integer, file as folderitem)
- method SetSize(size as UInt64)
- method Clone as WIAStreamMBS
- method Revert
- method Commit(flags as integer)
- method Seek(value as Int64, Origin as integer) as UInt64
- method CopyTo(other as WIAStreamMBS, length as UInt64)
- method CopyTo(other as WIAStreamMBS, length as UInt64, byref ReadSize as UInt64, byref WriteSize as UInt64)
- property Handle as Integer
- property Lasterror as Integer
- class WIATransferCallbackMBS
- class WIATransferMBS
- class WIATransferParamsMBS
- class WIAVideoMBS
- method Constructor
- method CreateVideoByDevNum(DeviceNumber as integer, win as window, StretchToFitParent as boolean, AutoBeginPlayback as boolean)
- method CreateVideoByDevNum(DeviceNumber as integer, WindowHandle as integer, StretchToFitParent as boolean, AutoBeginPlayback as boolean)
- method CreateVideoByName(FriendlyName as string, win as window, StretchToFitParent as boolean, AutoBeginPlayback as boolean)
- method CreateVideoByName(FriendlyName as string, WindowHandle as integer, StretchToFitParent as boolean, AutoBeginPlayback as boolean)
- method CreateVideoByWiaDevID(WiaDeviceID as string, win as window, StretchToFitParent as boolean, AutoBeginPlayback as boolean)
- method CreateVideoByWiaDevID(WiaDeviceID as string, WindowHandle as integer, StretchToFitParent as boolean, AutoBeginPlayback as boolean)
- method CurrentState as integer
- method ResizeVideo(StretchToFitParent as boolean)
- method TakePicture as string
- method TakePicture as folderitem
- method Pause
- method Play
- method DestroyVideo
- method CreateVideoByDevNum(DeviceNumber as integer, win as DesktopWindow, StretchToFitParent as boolean, AutoBeginPlayback as boolean)
- method CreateVideoByName(FriendlyName as string, win as DesktopWindow, StretchToFitParent as boolean, AutoBeginPlayback as boolean)
- method CreateVideoByWiaDevID(WiaDeviceID as string, win as DesktopWindow, StretchToFitParent as boolean, AutoBeginPlayback as boolean)
- property PreviewVisible as boolean
- property ImagesDirectory as string
- property ImagesFolder as folderitem
- property Handle as Integer
- property Lasterror as Integer
- class WinDataObjectMBS
- method GetFileName as string
- method HasFileName as boolean
- method Formats as String()
- method Constructor
- method Constructor(files() as folderitem)
- method Constructor(text as string)
- method Constructor(pic as picture)
- method AddFiles(files() as folderitem)
- method AddFiles(pathes() as string)
- method AddText(text as string)
- method AddRaw(format as integer, data as string)
- method AddPicture(pic as picture)
- method GetPaths as folderitem()
- method GetPathStrings as string()
- method GetText as string
- method HasText as boolean
- method HasRaw(format as integer) as boolean
- method GetRaw(format as integer) as string
- method HasPaths as boolean
- method HasFileDescriptors as boolean
- method HasPicture as boolean
- method GetPicture as picture
- method AddDragImage(pic as picture, width as integer, height as integer, x as integer, y as integer)
- method AddDragImage(pic as picture, width as integer, height as integer, x as integer, y as integer, ImageBackgroundColor as color)
- method GetFileDescriptors as WindowsFileDescriptorMBS()
- method GetFileContents(index as integer) as string
- method GetFileContents(index as integer, byref IsPath as boolean) as string
- property Handle as Integer
- property HelperHandle as Integer
- property Lasterror as Integer
- property DragImage as Picture
- class Window
- method ShowKeyboardMBS
- method HideKeyboardMBS
- method SetWindowFeedbackSettingMBS(Feedback as Integer, value as Variant) as Boolean
- method WindowFeedbackSettingMBS(Feedback as Integer, byref value as boolean, IncludeAncestors as Boolean = false) as Boolean
- method WinHideTooltipMBS as Integer
- method WinAnimateWindowMBS(Flags as integer, Time as integer=200) as boolean
- method SetWindowMaskMBS(p as picture, redraw as Boolean, transparentColor as color) as Boolean
- method SetWindowIconMBS(Type as integer, File as FolderItem, IconID as integer) as Boolean
- method SetWindowIconMBS(Type as integer, Icon as Picture, Mask as Picture) as Boolean
- property WinTopMostWindowMBS as boolean
- class WindowsAddPrintJobMBS
- method AddJob as boolean
- method WriteJob(data as string) as integer
- method ScheduleJob as boolean
- method OpenPrinter(PrinterName as string) as boolean
- method ClosePrinter
- method StartPagePrinter as boolean
- method WritePrinter(data as string) as integer
- method EndDocPrinter as boolean
- method EndPagePrinter as boolean
- method StartDocPrinter(DocName as string, OutputFilePath as string, Datatype as string) as boolean
- method StartDocPrinter(DocName as string, OutputFile as folderitem, Datatype as string) as boolean
- method StartDocPrinter(DocName as string, Datatype as string) as boolean
- property PrinterHandle as Integer
- property JobID as Integer
- property lastError as Integer
- property lastErrorMessage as String
- property JobPath as String
- class WindowsADSystemInfoMBS
- method Constructor
- method AnyDCName as String
- method DCSiteName(Server as String) as String
- method RefreshSchemaCache
- property Handle as Integer
- property Lasterror as Integer
- property UserName as String
- property ComputerName as String
- property SiteName as String
- property DomainShortName as String
- property DomainDNSName as String
- property ForestDNSName as String
- property PDCRoleOwner as String
- property SchemaRoleOwner as String
- property IsNativeMode as Boolean
- class WindowsBurnMBS
- class WindowsClipboardMBS
- method Destructor
- method Constructor
- method Clear
- method SetData(type as integer, rawData as string) as boolean
- method GetData(type as integer) as string
- method CountClipboardFormats as integer
- method EnumClipboardFormats(format as integer = 0) as integer
- method ClipboardFormats as integer()
- method SetPicture(pic as Picture) as boolean
- method GetPicture as Picture
- method SetFiles(paths() as string) as boolean
- method GetFiles as string()
- method GetDIB as Picture
- method SetDIB(pic as Picture) as boolean
- property Valid as Boolean
- shared method RegisterClipboardFormat(type as string) as Integer
- shared method IsClipboardFormatAvailable(type as integer) as boolean
- shared method GetClipboardFormatName(format as integer) as string
- shared method ClipboardSequenceNumber as integer
- class WindowsConsoleMBS
- method ReadConsole(maxcount as integer) as string
- method WriteConsole(message as string) as boolean
- method State as ConsoleStateMBS
- method FlushConsole
- method Close
- method SetCursorPosition(x as integer,y as integer)
- method SetWindowPosition(absolute as boolean, left as integer,top as integer, right as integer, bottom as integer)
- property Title as string
- property GotConsole as boolean
- property TextColor as integer
- property BackColor as integer
- property WaitForReturn as boolean
- property EchoInput as boolean
- property AutoScrollAtEOL as boolean
- property ProcessInput as boolean
- property ProcessOutput as boolean
- property CursorSize as integer
- property CursorVisible as boolean
- property InputCodepage as integer
- property OutputCodepage as integer
- event ConsoleOpened
- event ConsoleClosed
- event ControlC as boolean
- event ControlBreak as boolean
- event UserClose as boolean
- event Logoff as boolean
- event Shutdown as boolean
- class WindowsDeviceMBS
- method CompatibleIDs as string()
- method HardwareID as string()
- method LocationPaths as string()
- method LowerFilters as string()
- method UpperFilters as string()
- property Address as Integer
- property BusNumber as Integer
- property BusTypeGUID as String
- property Capabilities as Integer
- property Characteristics as Integer
- property ClassName as String
- property ClassGUID as String
- property ConfigFlags as Integer
- property Description as String
- property DeviceType as Integer
- property Driver as String
- property EnumeratorName as String
- property Exclusive as Boolean
- property FriendlyName as String
- property InstallState as Integer
- property LegacyBusType as Integer
- property LocationInformation as String
- property Manufacturer as String
- property PhysicalDeviceObjectName as String
- property RemovalPolicy as Integer
- property RemovalPolicyHWDefault as Integer
- property RemovalPolicyOverride as Integer
- property SecurityDescriptor as String
- property Service as String
- property UINumber as Integer
- property DeviceID as String
- property DevicePath as String
- property HID as Boolean
- property HIDAccessible as Boolean
- property HIDProductName as String
- property HIDManufacturerName as String
- property HIDSerialNumber as String
- property HIDInputReportByteLength as Integer
- property HIDOutputReportByteLength as Integer
- property HIDFeatureReportByteLength as Integer
- property HIDProductID as Integer
- property HIDVendorID as Integer
- property HIDVersionNumber as Integer
- shared method Devices(present as boolean = true) as WindowsDeviceMBS()
- shared method Devices(ClassGUID as string, present as boolean = true) as WindowsDeviceMBS()
- class WindowsDeviceModeMBS
- method ApplyToSetupString(SetupString as String) as string
- method SetupString(Margin as Integer = 2500) as string
- method SetupString(ActualHorizontalResolution as integer, ActualVerticalResolution as integer, MaxHorizontalResolution as integer, MaxVerticalResolution as integer, MarginLeft as integer = 2500, MarginRight as integer = 2500, MarginTop as integer = 2500, MarginBottom as integer = 2500, MinMarginLeft as integer = 0, MinMarginRight as integer = 0, MinMarginTop as integer = 0, MinMarginBottom as integer = 0, PageSetupFlags as integer = 8) as string
- method Constructor
- method RawData(Unicode as boolean = true) as memoryblock
- property Data as Integer
- property DeviceName as String
- property FormName as String
- property SpecVersion as Integer
- property DriverVersion as Integer
- property Size as Integer
- property DriverExtra as Integer
- property Fields as Integer
- property Orientation as Integer
- property PaperSize as Integer
- property PaperLength as Integer
- property PaperWidth as Integer
- property Scale as Integer
- property Copies as Integer
- property DefaultSource as Integer
- property PrintQuality as Integer
- property Color as Integer
- property Duplex as Integer
- property YResolution as Integer
- property TTOption as Integer
- property Collate as Integer
- property LogPixels as Integer
- property Nup as Integer
- property ICMMethod as Integer
- property ICMIntent as Integer
- property MediaType as Integer
- property DitherType as Integer
- shared method FromSetupString(SetupString as String) as WindowsDeviceModeMBS
- shared method FromRawData(data as memoryblock, Unicode as boolean = true) as WindowsDeviceModeMBS
- shared method FromRawData(data as string, Unicode as boolean = true) as WindowsDeviceModeMBS
- class WindowsDirectoryChangeMBS
- class WindowsDirectoryWatcherMBS
- class WindowsDiscInfoMBS
- property Mode as Integer
- property Drive as Integer
- property Removable as Boolean
- property Fixed as Boolean
- property BufferSize as Int64
- property Size as Int64
- property TracksPerCylinder as Integer
- property SectorsPerTrack as Integer
- property BytesPerSector as Integer
- property VendorId as String
- property ModelNumber as String
- property SerialNumber as String
- property RevisionNumber as String
- property ProductRevision as String
- shared method Devices() as WindowsDiscInfoMBS()
- shared method Device(file as folderitem) as WindowsDiscInfoMBS
- shared method Device(path as string) as WindowsDiscInfoMBS
- class WindowsDiskChangeMBS
- class WindowsDisplayMBS
- property MonitorHandle as Integer
- property X as Integer
- property Y as Integer
- property Width as Integer
- property Height as Integer
- property LogX as Integer
- property LogY as Integer
- property LogWidth as Integer
- property LogHeight as Integer
- property MonitorX as Integer
- property MonitorY as Integer
- property MonitorWidth as Integer
- property MonitorHeight as Integer
- property WorkX as Integer
- property WorkY as Integer
- property WorkWidth as Integer
- property WorkHeight as Integer
- property Primary as Boolean
- property DeviceName as String
- property HeightMM as Integer
- property WidthMM as Integer
- property LogPixelsX as Integer
- property LogPixelsY as Integer
- property LogScaleFactor as Double
- property DisplayAdapterDeviceName as String
- property DisplayAdapterDeviceString as String
- property DisplayAdapterStateFlags as Integer
- property DisplayAdapterDeviceID as String
- property DisplayAdapterDeviceKey as String
- property DisplayAdapterActive as Boolean
- property DisplayAdapterRemovable as Boolean
- property DisplayMonitorDeviceName as String
- property DisplayMonitorDeviceString as String
- property DisplayMonitorStateFlags as Integer
- property DisplayMonitorDeviceID as String
- property DisplayMonitorDeviceKey as String
- property DisplayMonitorActive as Boolean
- property DisplayMonitorRemovable as Boolean
- property DeviceInstanceID as String
- property WidthInch as Double
- property HeightInch as Double
- property WidthDPI as Integer
- property HeightDPI as Integer
- shared method Displays as WindowsDisplayMBS()
- class WindowsDNSRecordAAAAMBS
- class WindowsDNSRecordAMBS
- class WindowsDNSRecordMBS
- method Constructor
- property NextRecord as WindowsDNSRecordMBS
- property Name as String
- property RawData as String
- property Type as Integer
- property TTL as Integer
- property DataLength as Integer
- property Section as Integer
- property CharSet as Integer
- property A as WindowsDNSRecordAMBS
- property SOA as WindowsDNSRecordSOAMBS
- property NS as WindowsDNSRecordPTRMBS
- property CNAME as WindowsDNSRecordPTRMBS
- property MB as WindowsDNSRecordPTRMBS
- property MD as WindowsDNSRecordPTRMBS
- property MF as WindowsDNSRecordPTRMBS
- property MG as WindowsDNSRecordPTRMBS
- property MR as WindowsDNSRecordPTRMBS
- property MINFO as WindowsDNSRecordMInfoMBS
- property RP as WindowsDNSRecordMInfoMBS
- property MX as WindowsDNSRecordMXMBS
- property AFSDB as WindowsDNSRecordMXMBS
- property RT as WindowsDNSRecordMXMBS
- property HINFO as WindowsDNSRecordTXTMBS
- property ISDN as WindowsDNSRecordTXTMBS
- property TXT as WindowsDNSRecordTXTMBS
- property X25 as WindowsDNSRecordTXTMBS
- property AAAA as WindowsDNSRecordAAAAMBS
- property Null as WindowsDNSRecordNullMBS
- shared method Query(name as string, type as integer, options as integer = 0) as WindowsDNSRecordMBS
- class WindowsDNSRecordMInfoMBS
- class WindowsDNSRecordMXMBS
- class WindowsDNSRecordNullMBS
- class WindowsDNSRecordPTRMBS
- class WindowsDNSRecordSOAMBS
- class WindowsDNSRecordTXTMBS
- class WindowsDragSourceMBS
- class WindowsDriveNotificationMBS
- class WindowsDropTargetMBS
- method AttachToWindow(win as window, showDragImage as boolean = true) as integer
- method AttachToControl(ctl as control, showDragImage as boolean = true) as integer
- method AttachToWindow(win as DesktopWindow, showDragImage as boolean = true) as integer
- method AttachToControl(ctl as DesktopControl, showDragImage as boolean = true) as integer
- property Handle as Integer
- property Helper as Integer
- event DragEnter(dataObject as WinDataObjectMBS, keystate as integer, x as integer, y as integer, byref effect as integer) as integer
- event DragOver(keystate as integer, x as integer, y as integer, byref effect as integer) as integer
- event DragLeave as integer
- event Drop(dataObject as WinDataObjectMBS, keystate as integer, x as integer, y as integer, byref effect as integer) as integer
- class WindowsFileCopyMBS
- method CopyFileSimple(ExistingFileName as folderitem, NewFileName as folderitem, FailIfExists as boolean=false) as boolean
- method CopyFileSimple(ExistingFileName as String, NewFileName as String, FailIfExists as boolean=false) as boolean
- method MoveFileSimple(ExistingFileName as folderitem, NewFileName as folderitem) as boolean
- method MoveFileSimple(ExistingFileName as String, NewFileName as String) as boolean
- method CopyFileEx(ExistingFileName as folderitem, NewFileName as folderitem, Flags as integer) as boolean
- method CopyFileEx(ExistingFileName as String, NewFileName as String, Flags as integer) as boolean
- method MoveFileWithProgress(ExistingFileName as folderitem, NewFileName as folderitem, Flags as integer) as boolean
- method MoveFileWithProgress(ExistingFileName as String, NewFileName as String, Flags as integer) as boolean
- method FileOperationCopy(source() as string, dest as folderitem, Flags as integer, ProgressTitle as string="") as boolean
- method FileOperationCopy(source() as string, dest as string, Flags as integer, ProgressTitle as string="") as boolean
- method FileOperationCopy(source as string, dest as folderitem, Flags as integer, ProgressTitle as string="") as boolean
- method FileOperationCopy(source as string, dest as string, Flags as integer, ProgressTitle as string="") as boolean
- method FileOperationCopy(source() as string, dest() as string, Flags as integer, ProgressTitle as string="") as boolean
- method FileOperationCopy(source as folderitem, dest as folderitem, Flags as integer, ProgressTitle as string="") as boolean
- method FileOperationCopy(source() as folderitem, dest as folderitem, Flags as integer, ProgressTitle as string="") as boolean
- method FileOperationCopy(source() as folderitem, dest() as folderitem, Flags as integer, ProgressTitle as string="") as boolean
- method FileOperationDelete(filepathes() as string, Flags as integer, ProgressTitle as string="") as boolean
- method FileOperationDelete(filepathes as string, Flags as integer, ProgressTitle as string="") as boolean
- method FileOperationDelete(file as folderitem, Flags as integer, ProgressTitle as string="") as boolean
- method FileOperationDelete(files() as folderitem, Flags as integer, ProgressTitle as string="") as boolean
- method FileOperationMove(source() as string, dest as folderitem, Flags as integer, ProgressTitle as string="") as boolean
- method FileOperationMove(source() as string, dest as string, Flags as integer, ProgressTitle as string="") as boolean
- method FileOperationMove(source as string, dest as folderitem, Flags as integer, ProgressTitle as string="") as boolean
- method FileOperationMove(source as string, dest as string, Flags as integer, ProgressTitle as string="") as boolean
- method FileOperationMove(source() as string, dest() as string, Flags as integer, ProgressTitle as string="") as boolean
- method FileOperationMove(source as folderitem, dest as folderitem, Flags as integer, ProgressTitle as string="") as boolean
- method FileOperationMove(source() as folderitem, dest as folderitem, Flags as integer, ProgressTitle as string="") as boolean
- method FileOperationMove(source() as folderitem, dest() as folderitem, Flags as integer, ProgressTitle as string="") as boolean
- property Lasterror as Integer
- property OperationsAborted as Boolean
- property MultiThreaded as Boolean
- property Parent as Variant
- event Progress(TotalFileSize as int64, TotalBytesTransferred as int64, StreamSize as int64, StreamBytesTransferred as Int64, StreamNumber as integer, Reason as integer) as integer
- class WindowsFileDescriptorMBS
- property Index as Integer
- property Flags as Integer
- property ClassID as String
- property IconWidth as Integer
- property IconHeight as Integer
- property PointX as Integer
- property PointY as Integer
- property FileAttributes as Integer
- property CreationTime as Double
- property LastAccessTime as Double
- property LastWriteTime as Double
- property FileSize as Int64
- property FileName as String
- class WindowsFileInfoMBS
- method Constructor(handle as integer)
- method Constructor(stream as BinaryStream)
- method Constructor(path as string)
- method Constructor(file as folderitem)
- property Valid as Boolean
- property NumberOfLinks as Integer
- property VolumeSerialNumber as Integer
- property FileAttributes as Integer
- property CreationTime as UInt64
- property LastAccessTime as UInt64
- property LastWriteTime as UInt64
- property FileSize as UInt64
- property FileIndex as UInt64
- property CreationDate as Date
- property LastAccessDate as Date
- property LastWriteDate as Date
- class WindowsFileStreamMBS
- class WindowsFileVersionMBS
- method QueryUnicodeValue(key as string) as string
- method QueryBinaryValue(key as string) as string
- method GetFileDescription as string
- method GetFileVersion as string
- method GetInternalName as string
- method GetCompanyName as string
- method GetLegalCopyright as string
- method GetOriginalFilename as string
- method GetProductName as string
- method GetProductVersion as string
- method FileVersion as string
- method ProductVersion as string
- method OpenFile(file as folderitem) as boolean
- property Lasterror as Integer
- property Success as Boolean
- property FileVersionMS as Integer
- property FileVersionLS as Integer
- property ProductVersionMS as Integer
- property ProductVersionLS as Integer
- property FileFlags as Integer
- property FileOS as Integer
- property FileType as Integer
- property FileSubtype as Integer
- property FileDateMS as Integer
- property FileDateLS as Integer
- property LangCharset as Integer
- property RawData as String
- class WindowsFolderChangeMBS
- class WindowsFontDialogMBS
- method Update
- method Query
- method ChooseFont as Boolean
- method CloseDialog
- property LastError as Integer
- property Size as Double
- property MinSize as Integer
- property MaxSize as Integer
- property LimitSize as Boolean
- property TextColor as Color
- property OnlyFixedPitchFonts as Boolean
- property ShowApply as Boolean
- property OnlyTrueTypeFonts as Boolean
- property ForceFontExist as Boolean
- property ShowInactiveFonts as Boolean
- property FontType as Integer
- property ScalableFontsOnly as Boolean
- property NoVectorFonts as Boolean
- property NoInitialSizeSelection as Boolean
- property NoVerticalFonts as Boolean
- property Effects as Boolean
- property NoFontSimulations as Boolean
- property NoInitialFaceSelection as Boolean
- property NoInitialStyleSelection as Boolean
- property CurrentFont as WindowsFontFamilyMBS
- property Strikethrough as Boolean
- property Underline as Boolean
- property Italic as Boolean
- property Bold as Boolean
- property FontName as String
- property Parent as Variant
- property DialogHandle as Integer
- property Weight as Integer
- property Height as Integer
- event Show
- event Hide
- event GotFocus
- event LostFocus
- event BoundsChanging
- event BoundsChanged
- event Apply
- event Init
- class WindowsFontFamilyMBS
- method AxisName(index as integer) as string
- method AxisMinValue(index as integer) as integer
- method AxisMaxValue(index as integer) as integer
- method DesignVectorValues(index as integer) as integer
- property FontType as Integer
- property LogFontHeight as Integer
- property LogFontWidth as Integer
- property LogFontEscapement as Integer
- property LogFontOrientation as Integer
- property LogFontWeight as Integer
- property LogFontItalic as Boolean
- property LogFontUnderline as Boolean
- property LogFontStrikeOut as Boolean
- property LogFontCharSet as Integer
- property LogFontOutPrecision as Integer
- property LogFontClipPrecision as Integer
- property LogFontQuality as Integer
- property LogFontPitchAndFamily as Integer
- property LogFontFaceName as String
- property LogFontBold as Boolean
- property LogFontFullName as String
- property LogFontStyle as String
- property LogFontScript as String
- property NumberOfDesignVectors as Integer
- property TextMetricHeight as Integer
- property TextMetricAscent as Integer
- property TextMetricDescent as Integer
- property TextMetricInternalLeading as Integer
- property TextMetricExternalLeading as Integer
- property TextMetricAverageCharWidth as Integer
- property TextMetricMaxCharWidth as Integer
- property TextMetricWeight as Integer
- property TextMetricOverhang as Integer
- property TextMetricDigitizedAspectX as Integer
- property TextMetricDigitizedAspectY as Integer
- property TextMetricFirstChar as Integer
- property TextMetricLastChar as Integer
- property TextMetricDefaultChar as Integer
- property TextMetricBreakChar as Integer
- property TextMetricItalic as Boolean
- property TextMetricUnderlined as Boolean
- property TextMetricStruckOut as Boolean
- property TextMetricPitchAndFamily as Integer
- property TextMetricCharSet as Integer
- property TextMetricFlags as Integer
- property TextMetricSizeEM as Integer
- property TextMetricCellHeight as Integer
- property TextMetricAverageWidth as Integer
- property NumberOfAxes as Integer
- property UnicodeSubsetBitfield as MemoryBlock
- property CodepageBitfield as MemoryBlock
- shared method AllFontsEx as WindowsFontFamilyMBS()
- shared method AllFonts as WindowsFontFamilyMBS()
- shared method FontsOfFamily(family as string) as WindowsFontFamilyMBS()
- shared method AllFonts(fonts() as WindowsFontFamilyMBS) as integer
- shared method FontsOfFamily(family as string, fonts() as WindowsFontFamilyMBS) as integer
- class WindowsGraphicsDeviceContextMBS
- class WindowsGraphicsInfoMBS
- method Constructor(g as graphics)
- method Constructor(p as Picture)
- method Constructor(w as Window)
- method Constructor(c as Control)
- method Constructor
- method Constructor(w as DesktopWindow)
- method Constructor(c as DesktopControl)
- property DriverVersion as Integer
- property Technology as Integer
- property SizeX as Integer
- property SizeY as Integer
- property ResolutionX as Integer
- property ResolutionY as Integer
- property BitsPerPixel as Integer
- property Planes as Integer
- property BrushesCount as Integer
- property PenCount as Integer
- property MakersCount as Integer
- property FontCount as Integer
- property ColorCount as Integer
- property AspectX as Integer
- property AspectY as Integer
- property AspectXY as Integer
- property LogPixelsX as Integer
- property LogPixelsY as Integer
- property PhysicalWidth as Integer
- property PhysicalHeight as Integer
- property PhysicalOffsetX as Integer
- property PhysicalOffsetY as Integer
- property ScalingFactorX as Integer
- property ScalingFactorY as Integer
- property VRefresh as Integer
- property DesktopResolutionX as Integer
- property DesktopResolutionY as Integer
- class WindowsGUIResourcesMBS
- class WindowsICMColorMBS
- property Channel(index as integer) as integer
- property gray as Integer
- property red as Integer
- property green as Integer
- property blue as Integer
- property cyan as Integer
- property magenta as Integer
- property yellow as Integer
- property black as Integer
- property Index as Integer
- property ch1 as Integer
- property ch2 as Integer
- property ch3 as Integer
- property L as Integer
- property a as Integer
- property b as Integer
- property XYZ_X as Integer
- property XYZ_Y as Integer
- property XYZ_Z as Integer
- property Yxy_YY as Integer
- property Yxy_x as Integer
- property Yxy_y as Integer
- class WindowsICMEnumMBS
- property Fields as Integer
- property DeviceName as String
- property MediaType as Integer
- property DitheringMode as Integer
- property ResolutionX as Integer
- property ResolutionY as Integer
- property CMMType as Integer
- property Classs as Integer
- property DataColorSpace as Integer
- property ConnectionSpace as Integer
- property Signature as Integer
- property Platform as Integer
- property ProfileFlags as Integer
- property Manufacturer as Integer
- property Model as Integer
- property Attributes0 as Integer
- property Attributes1 as Integer
- property RenderingIntent as Integer
- property Creator as Integer
- property DeviceClass as Integer
- class WindowsICMLogColorSpaceMBS
- property Filename as String
- property CSType as Integer
- property Intent as Integer
- property EndpointsRX as Integer
- property EndpointsRY as Integer
- property EndpointsRZ as Integer
- property EndpointsGX as Integer
- property EndpointsGY as Integer
- property EndpointsGZ as Integer
- property EndpointsBX as Integer
- property EndpointsBY as Integer
- property EndpointsBZ as Integer
- property GammaRed as Double
- property GammaGreen as Double
- property GammaBlue as Double
- class WindowsICMNamedProfileInfoMBS
- class WindowsICMProfileHeaderMBS
- property CMMType as Integer
- property Version as Integer
- property Classs as Integer
- property DataColorSpace as Integer
- property ConnectionSpace as Integer
- property DateTime0 as Integer
- property DateTime1 as Integer
- property DateTime2 as Integer
- property Signature as Integer
- property Platform as Integer
- property ProfileFlags as Integer
- property Manufacturer as Integer
- property Model as Integer
- property Attributes0 as Integer
- property Attributes1 as Integer
- property RenderingIntent as Integer
- property IlluminantX as Integer
- property IlluminantY as Integer
- property IlluminantZ as Integer
- property Creator as Integer
- class WindowsICMProfileMBS
- method CreateIccProfile(options as integer = 0) as WindowsICMProfileMBS
- method CountColorProfileElements as integer
- method IsValid as boolean
- method GetProfileData as string
- method SetColorProfileHeader(header as WindowsICMProfileHeaderMBS) as boolean
- method IsColorProfileTagPresent(tag as integer) as boolean
- method GetColorProfileElementTag(index as integer) as integer
- method GetColorProfileElement(tag as integer) as string
- method GetNamedProfileInfo as WindowsICMNamedProfileInfoMBS
- method ConvertColorNameToIndex(name as string) as integer
- method ConvertIndexToColorName(index as integer) as string
- property Handle as Integer
- property ColorProfileHeader as WindowsICMProfileHeaderMBS
- shared method OpenProfileFile(file as folderitem, DesiredAccess as integer, ShareMode as integer, CreationMode as integer) as WindowsICMProfileMBS
- shared method OpenProfilePath(path as string, DesiredAccess as integer, ShareMode as integer, CreationMode as integer) as WindowsICMProfileMBS
- shared method OpenProfileData(data as string, DesiredAccess as integer) as WindowsICMProfileMBS
- class WindowsICMSetupMBS
- method Setup as boolean
- property Flags as Integer
- property Parent as Variant
- property SourceName as String
- property DisplayName as String
- property PrinterName as String
- property RenderIntent as Integer
- property ProofingIntent as Integer
- property MonitorProfile as String
- property PrinterProfile as String
- property TargetProfile as String
- event Apply
- event Idle
- class WindowsICMTransformMBS
- method GetCMMInfo(what as integer) as integer
- method Constructor(LogColorSpace as WindowsICMLogColorSpaceMBS, DestProfile as WindowsICMProfileMBS, TargetProfile as WindowsICMProfileMBS, Flags as integer)
- method Constructor(Profiles() as WindowsICMProfileMBS, Intents() as integer, Flags as integer, indexPreferredCMM as integer)
- method TranslateColors(InputColors() as WindowsICMColorMBS, ctInput as integer, OutputColors() as WindowsICMColorMBS, ctOutput as integer) as boolean
- method CheckColors(InputColors() as WindowsICMColorMBS, ctInput as integer, Results() as integer) as boolean
- method TranslateBitmapBits(SrcBits as memoryblock, InputType as integer, Width as integer, Height as integer, InputRowBytes as integer, DestBits as memoryblock, DestType as integer, DestRowBytes as integer) as boolean
- method TranslatePictures(InputPicture as picture, OutputPicture as picture) as boolean
- property Handle as Integer
- event Progress(Maximum as integer, Current as integer) as boolean
- class WindowsIniMBS
- method GetProfileInt(appname as string, keyname as string, defaultValue as integer = 0) as integer
- method GetProfileString(appname as string, keyname as string, defaultValue as string = "") as string
- method GetProfileSection(appname as string) as string
- method GetPrivateProfileInt(appname as string, keyname as string, defaultValue as integer = 0) as integer
- method GetPrivateProfileString(appname as string, keyname as string, defaultValue as string = "") as string
- method GetPrivateProfileSection(appname as string) as string
- method GetPrivateProfileStruct(section as string, keyname as string, size as integer) as memoryblock
- method WritePrivateProfileString(appname as string, keyname as string, value as string) as boolean
- method WritePrivateProfileSection(appname as string, value as string) as boolean
- method WritePrivateProfileStruct(section as string, keyname as string, mem as memoryblock, size as integer) as boolean
- property BufferSize as Integer
- property Filename as String
- class WindowsInternetShortcutMBS
- class WindowsKeyboardLayoutMBS
- method Constructor
- method Constructor(SubLanguageID as integer, PrimaryLanguageID as integer)
- property Handle as Integer
- property SubLanguageID as Integer
- property PrimaryLanguageID as Integer
- property Name as String
- shared method List as WindowsKeyboardLayoutMBS()
- shared method KeyboardLayoutName as string
- class WindowsKeyFilterMBS
- method Install as boolean
- method Uninstall as boolean
- property BlockKey(virtualkeycode as integer) as boolean
- property BlockAltTab as boolean
- property BlockControlEscape as boolean
- property BlockAltEscape as boolean
- property BlockControlAltDelete as boolean
- property BlockAltF4 as boolean
- property BlockShiftSpace as boolean
- property BlockLeftButton as Boolean
- property BlockRightButton as Boolean
- property BlockCancel as Boolean
- property BlockMiddleButton as Boolean
- property BlockBack as Boolean
- property BlockTab as Boolean
- property BlockClear as Boolean
- property BlockReturn as Boolean
- property BlockShift as Boolean
- property BlockControl as Boolean
- property BlockAlt as Boolean
- property BlockPause as Boolean
- property BlockCapital as Boolean
- property BlockEscape as Boolean
- property BlockSpace as Boolean
- property BlockEnd as Boolean
- property BlockHome as Boolean
- property BlockLeft as Boolean
- property BlockUp as Boolean
- property BlockRight as Boolean
- property BlockDown as Boolean
- property BlockSelect as Boolean
- property BlockPrint as Boolean
- property BlockExecute as Boolean
- property BlockSnapshot as Boolean
- property BlockInsert as Boolean
- property BlockDelete as Boolean
- property BlockHelp as Boolean
- property BlockLeftWindowsKey as Boolean
- property BlockRightWindowsKey as Boolean
- property BlockApplicationWindowsKey as Boolean
- property BlockSleep as Boolean
- property BlockF1 as Boolean
- property BlockF2 as Boolean
- property BlockF3 as Boolean
- property BlockF4 as Boolean
- property BlockF5 as Boolean
- property BlockF6 as Boolean
- property BlockF7 as Boolean
- property BlockF8 as Boolean
- property BlockF9 as Boolean
- property BlockF10 as Boolean
- property BlockF11 as Boolean
- property BlockF12 as Boolean
- property BlockF13 as Boolean
- property BlockF14 as Boolean
- property BlockF15 as Boolean
- property BlockF16 as Boolean
- property BlockF17 as Boolean
- property BlockF18 as Boolean
- property BlockF19 as Boolean
- property BlockF20 as Boolean
- property BlockF21 as Boolean
- property BlockF22 as Boolean
- property BlockF23 as Boolean
- property BlockF24 as Boolean
- event KeyDown(vkCode as integer, scanCode as integer, flags as integer, time as integer) as Boolean
- event KeyUp(vkCode as integer, scanCode as integer, flags as integer, time as integer) as Boolean
- class WindowsListMBS
- method Update
- method Constructor
- method Constructor(WindowHandle as Integer)
- method Constructor(win as window)
- method WindowClassName(index as integer) as string
- method WindowLeft(index as integer) as integer
- method WindowTop(index as integer) as integer
- method WindowWidth(index as integer) as integer
- method WindowHeight(index as integer) as integer
- method WindowText(index as integer) as string
- method WindowHandle(index as integer) as integer
- method WindowThreadHandle(index as integer) as integer
- method WindowProcessID(index as integer) as integer
- method WindowImageFileName(index as integer) as string
- method WindowVisible(index as integer) as boolean
- method WindowIconic(index as integer) as boolean
- method WindowZoomed(index as integer) as boolean
- method ActivateWindow(index as integer)
- method Constructor(win as DesktopWindow)
- property WindowCount as Integer
- property DesktopWindowHandle as Integer
- property ForegroundWindowHandle as Integer
- property CurrentProcessID as Integer
- property CurrentThreadID as Integer
- property ParentWindowHandle as Integer
- shared method WindowClassNameFromHandle(Handle as integer) as String
- shared method WindowTextFromHandle(Handle as integer) as String
- shared method Focus as integer
- shared method ForegroundWindow as integer
- class WindowsMonitorMBS
- property HMonitor as Integer
- property Left as Integer
- property Top as Integer
- property Right as Integer
- property Bottom as Integer
- property Width as Integer
- property Height as Integer
- property WorkLeft as Integer
- property WorkTop as Integer
- property WorkRight as Integer
- property WorkBottom as Integer
- property WorkWidth as Integer
- property WorkHeight as Integer
- property IsPrimary as Boolean
- property DeviceName as String
- shared method MonitorFromWindow(WindowHandle as integer, flags as integer = 0) as WindowsMonitorMBS
- shared method MonitorFromWindow(win as window, flags as integer = 0) as WindowsMonitorMBS
- shared method MonitorFromRect(left as integer, top as integer, width as integer, height as integer, flags as integer = 0) as WindowsMonitorMBS
- shared method MonitorFromPoint(x as integer, y as integer, flags as integer = 0) as WindowsMonitorMBS
- shared method AllMonitors as WindowsMonitorMBS()
- shared method AllMonitors(monitors() as WindowsMonitorMBS) as integer
- shared method MonitorFromWindow(win as DesktopWindow, flags as integer = 0) as WindowsMonitorMBS
- class WindowsMutexMBS
- class WindowsPageFormatMBS
- property Name as String
- property Mode as Integer
- property Flags as Integer
- property SizeWidth as Integer
- property SizeHeight as Integer
- property ImageableAreaLeft as Integer
- property ImageableAreaTop as Integer
- property ImageableAreaWidth as Integer
- property ImageableAreaHeight as Integer
- property ImageableAreaRight as Integer
- property ImageableAreaBottom as Integer
- property Keyword as String
- property MuiDll as String
- property DisplayName as String
- property ResourceId as Integer
- property StringType as Integer
- property LangId as Integer
- class WindowsPageSetupDialogMBS
- method Constructor
- method PageSetupDialog as boolean
- method GetDevNames(byref DriverName as string, byref DeviceName as string, byref OutputName as string, byref flags as integer) as boolean
- method SetDevNames(DriverName as string, DeviceName as string, OutputName as string, flags as integer) as boolean
- property Lasterror as Integer
- property Parent as Variant
- property Flags as Integer
- property PaperSizeY as Integer
- property PaperSizeX as Integer
- property MinMarginTop as Integer
- property MinMarginLeft as Integer
- property MinMarginRight as Integer
- property MinMarginBottom as Integer
- property MarginTop as Integer
- property MarginLeft as Integer
- property MarginRight as Integer
- property MarginBottom as Integer
- property DevMode as WindowsDeviceModeMBS
- class WindowsPipeMBS
- method Constructor
- method OpenPipe(Name as string) as Boolean
- method CreatePipe(Name as string, MessageMode as Boolean = false, BufferSize as Integer = &h100000, AllowAllUsers as Boolean = false) as Boolean
- method Write(data as string)
- method Write(data as MemoryBlock)
- method Read(ByteCount as Integer) as String
- method Peek(ByteCount as Integer) as String
- method Close
- method ReadAll as String
- method PeekAll as String
- property Handle as Integer
- property BytesRead as Integer
- property BytesWritten as Integer
- property LastError as Integer
- property Name as String
- property NamedPipeServerProcessId as Integer
- property NamedPipeServerSessionId as Integer
- property NamedPipeClientProcessId as Integer
- property NamedPipeClientSessionId as Integer
- property NamedPipeClientComputerName as String
- property BytesAvailable as Integer
- property MessageBytesAvailable as Integer
- property OutputBufferSize as Integer
- property InputBufferSize as Integer
- property IsClient as Boolean
- property IsServer as Boolean
- property IsMessageMode as Boolean
- property IsOpen as Boolean
- event DataAvailable(BytesAvailable as Integer, MessageBytesAvailable as Integer)
- event PipeBroken
- event Connected
- class WindowsPowerStateMBS
- method ListenForPowerSourceChanged
- method ListenForLidSwitchStateChanged
- method ListenForBatteryCapacityChanged
- method ListenForSuspendResumeNotification
- event QuerySuspend(PromptUser as boolean) as boolean
- event QueryStandby(PromptUser as boolean) as boolean
- event QuerySuspendFailed
- event QueryStandbyFailed
- event Suspend
- event Standby
- event ResumeCritical
- event ResumeSuspend
- event ResumeStandby
- event BatteryLow
- event PowerStatusChange
- event OEMEvent(eventcode as integer)
- event ResumeAutomatic
- event PowerSettingChange(data as MemoryBlock)
- event PowerSourceChanged(power as Integer)
- event BatteryCapacityChanged(Percentage as Integer)
- event LidSwitchStateChanged(LidState as Integer)
- class WindowsPreviewHandlerMBS
- method Constructor(ClassID as string)
- method DoPreview
- method Unload
- method SetFocus
- method SetRect(left as integer, top as integer, width as integer, height as integer)
- method SetTextColor(red as integer, green as integer, blue as integer)
- method SetBackgroundColor(red as integer, green as integer, blue as integer)
- method SetFont(size as integer, font as string)
- method InitWithFile(file as folderitem)
- method InitWithData(data as string)
- method InitWithData(data as MemoryBlock)
- method SetWindow(win as Window, left as integer, top as integer, width as integer, height as integer)
- method SetWindow(win as Control, left as integer, top as integer, width as integer, height as integer)
- method SetWindow(win as ContainerControl, left as integer, top as integer, width as integer, height as integer)
- method SetWindow(win as Window)
- method SetWindow(win as Control)
- method SetWindow(win as ContainerControl)
- method SetWindow(win as DesktopWindow, left as integer, top as integer, width as integer, height as integer)
- method SetWindow(win as DesktopControl, left as integer, top as integer, width as integer, height as integer)
- method SetWindow(win as DesktopContainer, left as integer, top as integer, width as integer, height as integer)
- method SetWindow(win as DesktopWindow)
- method SetWindow(win as DesktopControl)
- method SetWindow(win as DesktopContainer)
- property Lasterror as Integer
- property LasterrorString as String
- property Window as Variant
- property Handle as Integer
- property SupportsFileLoading as Boolean
- property SupportsDataLoading as Boolean
- class WindowsPrintDialogMBS
- method Constructor
- method PrintDialog as boolean
- method PrintDialogEx as Integer
- method GetDevNames(byref DriverName as string, byref DeviceName as string, byref OutputName as string, byref flags as integer) as boolean
- method SetDevNames(DriverName as string, DeviceName as string, OutputName as string, flags as integer) as boolean
- method getPageRange(index as integer, byref fromPage as integer, byref toPage as integer)
- method setPageRange(index as integer, fromPage as integer, toPage as integer)
- property ToPage as Integer
- property FromPage as Integer
- property Lasterror as Integer
- property Parent as Variant
- property Flags as Integer
- property ExclusionFlags as Integer
- property PageRanges as Integer
- property MaxPageRanges as Integer
- property MinPage as Integer
- property MaxPage as Integer
- property Copies as Integer
- property DC as Integer
- property DevMode as WindowsDeviceModeMBS
- property StartPanel as Integer
- property ResultAction as Integer
- class WindowsPrinterInfoMBS
- method OpenPrinter(admin as boolean = false) as WindowsPrinterMBS
- method Constructor
- property ServerName as String
- property PrinterName as String
- property ShareName as String
- property PortName as String
- property DriverName as String
- property Comment as String
- property Location as String
- property SeparatorPageFile as String
- property PrintProcessor as String
- property Datatype as String
- property Parameters as String
- property DevMode as WindowsDeviceModeMBS
- property AttributeFlags as Integer
- property Priority as Integer
- property DefaultPriority as Integer
- property StartTime as Integer
- property UntilTime as Integer
- property Status as Integer
- property CountJobs as Integer
- property AveragePPM as Integer
- shared method Printers(flags as Integer, Name as Variant = nil) as WindowsPrinterInfoMBS()
- shared method LocalPrinters as WindowsPrinterInfoMBS()
- class WindowsPrinterJobMBS
- property PrinterName as String
- property MachineName as String
- property UserName as String
- property Document as String
- property NotifyName as String
- property Datatype as String
- property PrintProcessor as String
- property Parameters as String
- property DriverName as String
- property StatusString as String
- property DevMode as WindowsDeviceModeMBS
- property Submitted as Date
- property JobID as Integer
- property Status as Integer
- property Priority as Integer
- property Position as Integer
- property StartTime as Integer
- property UntilTime as Integer
- property TotalPages as Integer
- property Size as Int64
- property Time as Integer
- property PagesPrinted as Integer
- class WindowsPrinterMBS
- method SetJob(JobID as Integer, job as WindowsPrinterJobMBS) as boolean
- method DeletePrinter as boolean
- method ConfigurePort(name as string = "", parent as window = nil, PortName as string = "") as boolean
- method AdvancedDocumentProperties(InputDevMode as WindowsDeviceModeMBS, byref OutputDevMode as WindowsDeviceModeMBS, parent as window = nil) as integer
- method DocumentProperties(InputDevMode as WindowsDeviceModeMBS, byref OutputDevMode as WindowsDeviceModeMBS, Prompt as boolean = false, parent as window = nil) as integer
- method ConnectToPrinterDialog(parent as window = nil) as boolean
- method PrinterProperties(parent as window = nil) as boolean
- method AllJobs as WindowsPrinterJobMBS()
- method GetJob(JobID as Integer) as WindowsPrinterJobMBS
- method PauseJob(JobID as integer) as boolean
- method ResumeJob(JobID as integer) as boolean
- method DeleteJob(JobID as integer) as boolean
- method AddForm(form as WindowsPageFormatMBS) as boolean
- method DeleteForm(name as string) as boolean
- method GetForm(name as string) as WindowsPageFormatMBS
- method SetForm(name as string, form as WindowsPageFormatMBS) as boolean
- method GetPrinterTechnology as string
- method CanPrinterPassThroughPostScript as boolean
- method GetPrinterFormats as WindowsPageFormatMBS()
- method ChangePrinterSettings(value as WindowsDeviceModeMBS, Mode as integer=2) as boolean
- method GetPrinterSettings(Mode as integer=2) as WindowsDeviceModeMBS
- method SetPrinterSettings(value as WindowsDeviceModeMBS, Mode as integer=2) as boolean
- method PausePrinter as boolean
- method PurgePrinter as boolean
- method ResumePrinter as boolean
- method Constructor(PrinterName as string, admin as boolean = false)
- method ConfigurePort(name as string, parent as DesktopWindow, PortName as string) as boolean
- method AdvancedDocumentProperties(InputDevMode as WindowsDeviceModeMBS, byref OutputDevMode as WindowsDeviceModeMBS, parent as DesktopWindow) as integer
- method DocumentProperties(InputDevMode as WindowsDeviceModeMBS, byref OutputDevMode as WindowsDeviceModeMBS, Prompt as boolean, parent as DesktopWindow) as integer
- method ConnectToPrinterDialog(parent as DesktopWindow) as boolean
- method PrinterProperties(parent as DesktopWindow) as boolean
- property PrinterName as String
- property Handle as Integer
- property Lasterror as Integer
- property LasterrorMessage as String
- shared method OpenPrinter(PrinterName as string, admin as boolean = false) as WindowsPrinterMBS
- shared method SetDefaultPrinter(PrinterName as string) as integer
- shared method GetDefaultPrinter as string
- shared method DeletePrinterConnection(name as string) as boolean
- class WindowsProcessMBS
- method PeekOutput(Length as Integer = 0) as String
- method PeekError(Length as Integer = 0) as String
- method ReadOutput(Length as Integer = 0) as String
- method ReadError(Length as Integer = 0) as String
- method Write(Data as String) as Integer
- method Write(Data as MemoryBlock) as Integer
- method Terminate(ExitCode as Integer) as Boolean
- method Run as Boolean
- method SetKillProcessWhenParentDies as boolean
- method Close
- property ApplicationName as String
- property CommandLine as String
- property Environment as Dictionary
- property CurrentDirectory as String
- property ProcessID as Integer
- property ThreadID as Integer
- property ProcessHandle as Integer
- property ThreadHandle as Integer
- property Running as Boolean
- property ExitCode as Integer
- property AvailableBytesOutput as Integer
- property AvailableBytesError as Integer
- property UserName as String
- property Password as String
- property Domain as String
- property LastError as Integer
- property LastErrorMessage as String
- event Terminated(ExitCode as Integer)
- event DataAvailable(AvailableBytesOutput as Integer, AvailableBytesError as Integer)
- class WindowsProcessMemoryInfoMBS
- method Constructor(ProcessID as integer)
- method Constructor
- property ProcessID as Integer
- property PageFaultCount as Integer
- property PeakWorkingSetSize as Int64
- property WorkingSetSize as Int64
- property QuotaPeakPagedPoolUsage as Int64
- property QuotaPagedPoolUsage as Int64
- property QuotaPeakNonPagedPoolUsage as Int64
- property QuotaNonPagedPoolUsage as Int64
- property PagefileUsage as Int64
- property PeakPagefileUsage as Int64
- class WindowsProcessStatisticsMBS
- method Constructor(ProcessID as integer = -1, Mode as integer = 255)
- property Mode as Integer
- property ProcessID as Integer
- property PageFaultCount as Integer
- property PeakWorkingSetSize as Int64
- property WorkingSetSize as Int64
- property QuotaPeakPagedPoolUsage as Int64
- property QuotaPagedPoolUsage as Int64
- property QuotaPeakNonPagedPoolUsage as Int64
- property QuotaNonPagedPoolUsage as Int64
- property PagefileUsage as Int64
- property PeakPagefileUsage as Int64
- property HandleCount as Integer
- property CycleTime as UInt64
- property ReadOperationCount as UInt64
- property WriteOperationCount as UInt64
- property OtherOperationCount as UInt64
- property ReadTransferCount as UInt64
- property WriteTransferCount as UInt64
- property OtherTransferCount as UInt64
- property CreationTime as UInt64
- property ExitTime as UInt64
- property KernelTime as UInt64
- property UserTime as UInt64
- property TotalIdleTime as UInt64
- property TotalKernelTime as UInt64
- property TotalUserTime as UInt64
- class WindowsPropertiesMBS
- method Constructor(Win as Window)
- method Close
- method Commit
- method Count as Integer
- method Key(Index as Integer) as String
- method Values as Dictionary
- method Constructor(Win as DesktopWindow)
- property Value(Key as String) as Variant
- property Handle as Integer
- property LastError as Integer
- property LastErrorMessage as String
- shared method EdgeGestureDisableTouchWhenFullscreen as String
- class WindowsProxyMBS
- class WindowsQOSMBS
- method AddSocketToFlow(Socket as integer, TrafficType as integer, Flags as integer, byref FlowId as UInt32) as boolean
- method AddSocketToFlow(Socket as integer, DestAddr as string, DestPort as integer, TrafficType as integer, Flags as integer, byref FlowId as UInt32) as boolean
- method setOutgoingDSCPValue(FlowID as integer, OutgoingDSCPValue as integer, Flags as integer = 0) as boolean
- method setTrafficType(FlowID as integer, TrafficType as integer, Flags as integer = 0) as boolean
- method setOutgoingRate(FlowID as integer, Bandwidth as UInt64, ShapingBehavior as integer, Reason as integer, Flags as integer = 0) as boolean
- method getFlowFundamentals(FlowID as integer, byref BottleneckBandwidthSet as boolean, byref BottleneckBandwidth as UInt64, byref AvailableBandwidthSet as boolean, byref AvailableBandwidth as UInt64, byref RTTSet as boolean, byref RTT as UInt32, Flags as integer = 0) as boolean
- method getPacketPriority(FlowID as integer, byref ConformantDSCPValue as integer, byref NonConformantDSCPValue as integer, byref ConformantL2Value as integer, byref NonConformantL2Value as integer, Flags as integer = 0) as boolean
- method getOutgoingRate(FlowID as integer, byref Bandwidth as UInt64, Flags as integer = 0) as boolean
- method Constructor
- method RemoveSocketFromFlow(socketHandle as integer, FlowID as integer) as boolean
- method RemoveAllSocketsFromFlow(FlowID as integer) as boolean
- method StartTrackingClient(DestAddr as string, flags as integer = 0) as boolean
- method StopTrackingClient(DestAddr as string, flags as integer = 0) as boolean
- property Handle as Integer
- property Lasterror as Integer
- property LasterrorMessage as String
- class WindowsReportErrorMBS
- class WindowsScriptErrorExceptionMBS
- class WindowsScriptErrorMBS
- class WindowsScriptMBS
- method ClearError
- method Eval(code as string) as string
- method Reset
- method Run(functionName as string, parameters() as string) as string
- method AddCode(code as string)
- method ExecuteStatement(statement as string)
- property Error as WindowsScriptErrorMBS
- property Language as String
- property AllowUI as Boolean
- property UseSafeSubset as Boolean
- property Timeout as Integer
- property Lasterror as Integer
- property SitehWnd as Integer
- class WindowsSerialPortsMBS
- method Constructor(OnlyPresent as boolean = true)
- method DevicePath(index as integer) as string
- method FriendlyName(index as integer) as string
- method Description(index as integer) as string
- method Location(index as integer) as string
- property Count as Integer
- shared method QueryComDevices as String()
- class WindowsShortCutMBS
- method CreateShortCut as boolean
- method ResolveShortCut(DisableGUI as boolean=false, DisableSearch as boolean=false) as boolean
- property Location as String
- property Target as String
- property Arguments as String
- property WorkingDirectory as String
- property Command as Integer
- property Icon as String
- property IconID as Integer
- property Description as String
- property ParentWindow as Variant
- class WindowsSystemTrayMBS
- method Add as boolean
- method Modify as boolean
- method Remove as boolean
- method SetFocus as boolean
- method SetIconPicture(Icon as picture, Mask as picture) as boolean
- method SetIconFile(IconFile as FolderItem, IconID as integer) as boolean
- property Tooltip as string
- property IconHandle as Integer
- property ID as Integer
- property BalloonText as string
- property BalloonTitle as string
- property BalloonTimeout as integer
- property BalloonMode as integer
- property UsingNewEvents as Boolean
- shared method Available as boolean
- event MouseMove(id as integer, MouseX as integer, MouseY as integer)
- event MouseLeftButtonDown(id as integer, MouseX as integer, MouseY as integer)
- event MouseLeftButtonUp(id as integer, MouseX as integer, MouseY as integer)
- event MouseLeftButtonDoubleClick(id as integer, MouseX as integer, MouseY as integer)
- event MouseRightButtonDown(id as integer, MouseX as integer, MouseY as integer)
- event MouseRightButtonUp(id as integer, MouseX as integer, MouseY as integer)
- event MouseRightButtonDoubleClick(id as integer, MouseX as integer, MouseY as integer)
- event MouseMiddleButtonDown(id as integer, MouseX as integer, MouseY as integer)
- event MouseMiddleButtonUp(id as integer, MouseX as integer, MouseY as integer)
- event MouseMiddleButtonDoubleClick(id as integer, MouseX as integer, MouseY as integer)
- event PopupOpen(id as integer, MouseX as integer, MouseY as integer)
- event Selected(id as integer, MouseX as integer, MouseY as integer)
- event KeySelected(id as integer, MouseX as integer, MouseY as integer)
- event BalloonShow(id as integer, MouseX as integer, MouseY as integer)
- event BalloonHide(id as integer, MouseX as integer, MouseY as integer)
- event BalloonTimeout(id as integer, MouseX as integer, MouseY as integer)
- event BalloonUserClick(id as integer, MouseX as integer, MouseY as integer)
- event ContextMenu(id as integer, MouseX as integer, MouseY as integer)
- class WindowsTaskbarListMBS
- method SetActiveAlt(WindowHandle as integer)
- method ActivateTab(WindowHandle as integer)
- method DeleteTab(WindowHandle as integer)
- method AddTab(WindowHandle as integer)
- method MarkFullscreenWindow(WindowHandle as integer, Fullscreen as Boolean)
- method SetProgressValue(WindowHandle as integer, Completed as UInt64, Total as UInt64)
- method SetProgressState(WindowHandle as integer, Flags as integer)
- method RegisterTab(TabWindowHandle as integer, MDIWindowHandle as integer)
- method UnregisterTab(TabWindowHandle as integer)
- method SetTabOrder(TabWindowHandle as integer, InsertBeforeWindowHandle as integer)
- method SetTabActive(TabWindowHandle as integer, MDIWindowHandle as integer)
- method SetTabProperties(TabWindowHandle as integer, flags as integer)
- method SetThumbnailClip(TabWindowHandle as integer)
- method SetThumbnailClip(TabWindowHandle as integer, x as integer, y as integer, w as integer, h as integer)
- method SetThumbnailTooltip(TabWindowHandle as integer, tip as string)
- method SetOverlayIcon(TabWindowHandle as integer, IconHandle as integer, Description as string)
- property Handle1 as Integer
- property Handle2 as Integer
- property Handle3 as Integer
- property Handle4 as Integer
- property Lasterror as Integer
- class WindowsTaskbarStateMBS
- class WindowsThreadExecutionStateMBS
- class WindowsVMStatisticsMBS
- method Constructor
- property AllocationGranularity as Integer
- property PageSize as Integer
- property MemoryLoad as Integer
- property TotalPhysicalMemory as Int64
- property AvailablePhysicalMemory as Int64
- property TotalPageFileMemory as Int64
- property AvailablePageFileMemory as Int64
- property TotalVirtualMemory as Int64
- property AvailableVirtualMemory as Int64
- class WindowsVolumeInformationMBS
- method Constructor
- method Constructor(path as string)
- property Valid as Boolean
- property CaseIsPreserved as Boolean
- property Path as String
- property CaseSensitive as Boolean
- property Name as String
- property SupportsUnicodeFilenames as Boolean
- property Serial as Integer
- property SupportsFileCompression as Boolean
- property MaxNameLength as Integer
- property IsCompressedVolume as Boolean
- property FileSystemName as String
- property SupportsFileEncryption as Boolean
- class WindowsWMIMBS
- method ConnectServer(NetworkResource as string, Username as string="", Password as string="", Locale as string="", Authority as string="") as boolean
- method NextItem as boolean
- method Query(QueryLanguage as string, QueryText as string) as boolean
- method ExecNotificationQueryAsync(QueryLanguage as string, QueryText as string) as boolean
- method CancelAsyncCall as boolean
- method Constructor
- method InitAuthentication(User as string, Domain as string, Password as string) as boolean
- property LocatorHandle as Integer
- property ServiceHandle as Integer
- property EnumeratorHandle as Integer
- shared method InitSecurity(remote as boolean) as boolean
- shared method InitSecurity(AuthnLevel as integer, ImpLevel as integer) as boolean
- class WinExceptionMBS
- class WinGestureConfigMBS
- class WinGestureInfoMBS
- method Constructor
- property Flags as Integer
- property ID as Integer
- property TargetWindow as Integer
- property LocationX as Integer
- property LocationY as Integer
- property LocationInWindowX as Integer
- property LocationInWindowY as Integer
- property InstanceID as Integer
- property SequenceID as Integer
- property Arguments as Int64
- property ArgumentsLower as UInt32
- property ArgumentsHigher as UInt32
- property RotateAngle as Double
- class WinHTTPClientAutoProxyOptionsMBS
- class WinHTTPClientCurrentUserIEProxyConfigMBS
- class WinHTTPClientMBS
- method Open(UserAgent as string, AccessType as integer, ProxyName as string = "", ProxyByPass as string = "") as boolean
- method Close as boolean
- method GetProxyForUrl(URL as string, AutoProxyOptions as WinHTTPClientAutoProxyOptionsMBS, byref ProxyInfo as WinHTTPClientProxyInfoMBS) as boolean
- method Constructor
- property Lasterror as Integer
- property Handle as Integer
- property OptionProxyPassword as String
- property OptionProxyUsername as String
- property OptionConnectTimeOut as Integer
- property LasterrorString as String
- shared method GetProxyForHost(URL as string, Host as string, byref proxy as string, byref proxyPort as string, AutoConfigURL as string = "") as boolean
- shared method InternetGetProxyInfo(URL as string, Host as string) as String
- shared method DetectAutoProxyConfigUrl(AutoDetectFlags as Integer, byref AutoConfigUrl as string) as Boolean
- shared method GetIEProxyConfigForCurrentUser as WinHTTPClientCurrentUserIEProxyConfigMBS
- shared method GetDefaultProxyConfiguration as WinHTTPClientProxyInfoMBS
- shared method SetDefaultProxyConfiguration(info as WinHTTPClientProxyInfoMBS) as boolean
- shared method CrackUrl(URL as string, Flags as Integer = 0) as WinHTTPClientURLComponentsMBS
- class WinHTTPClientProxyInfoMBS
- class WinHTTPClientURLComponentsMBS
- method Constructor
- property SchemeLength as Integer
- property Scheme as String
- property SchemeID as Integer
- property HostName as String
- property HostNameLength as Integer
- property Port as Integer
- property UserName as String
- property UserNameLength as Integer
- property Password as String
- property PasswordLength as Integer
- property UrlPath as String
- property UrlPathLength as Integer
- property ExtraInfo as String
- property ExtraInfoLength as Integer
- class WinLocalizationMBS
- method Constructor
- method Constructor(LCID as integer)
- method Constructor(LanguageID as integer, SortID as integer)
- method Constructor(PrimaryLanguage as integer, SubLanguage as integer, SortID as integer)
- method LongDayName(index as integer) as string
- method LongMonthName(index as integer) as string
- method AbbreviatedDayName(index as integer) as string
- method AbbreviatedMonthName(index as integer) as string
- property LanguageID as String
- property LanguageNameLocalized as String
- property LanguageNameEnglish as String
- property LanguageNameAbbreviated as String
- property LanguageNameNativ as String
- property CountryCode as String
- property CountryNameLocalized as String
- property CountryNameEnglish as String
- property CountryNameAbbreviated as String
- property CountryNameNative as String
- property DefaultLanguageID as String
- property DefaultCountryCode as String
- property DefaultCodePageOEM as String
- property DefaultCodePageANSI as String
- property DefaultCodePageMac as String
- property ListItemSeparator as String
- property MeasureSystem as String
- property DecimalSeparator as String
- property ThousandSeparator as String
- property DigitGrouping as String
- property NumberOfFraction as String
- property LeadingZeros as String
- property NegativeNumberMode as String
- property NativeASCII0to9 as String
- property CurrencySymbolLocalized as String
- property CurrencySymbolInternational as String
- property CurrencyDecimalSeparator as String
- property CurrencyThousandSeparator as String
- property CurrencyGroupingMode as String
- property CurrencyDigitsLocalized as String
- property CurrencyDigitsInternational as String
- property CurrencyPositiveMode as String
- property CurrencyNegativeMode as String
- property DateSeparator as String
- property TimeSeparator as String
- property DateShortFormatString as String
- property DateLongFormatString as String
- property TimeShortFormatString as String
- property DateShortFormatOrdering as String
- property DateLongFormatOrdering as String
- property TimeFormatSpecifier as String
- property TimeMarkerPosition as String
- property TimeCenturyFormatSpecifier as String
- property TimeLeadingZeros as String
- property DateLeadingZerosDay as String
- property DateLeadingZerosMonth as String
- property TimeAM as String
- property TimePM as String
- property CalendarTypeSpecifier as String
- property CalendarTypeSpecifier2 as String
- property FirstDayOfWeek as String
- property FirstWeekOfYear as String
- property SignPositive as String
- property SignNegative as String
- property SignPositivePosition as String
- property SignNegativePosition as String
- property PosSymPrecedes as String
- property PosSepBySpace as String
- property NegSymPrecedes as String
- property NegSepBySpace as String
- property LanguageNameAbbreviatedISO as String
- property CountryNameAbbreviatedISO as String
- property DefaultCodePageEBCDIC as String
- property Papersize as String
- property CurrencyNameEnglish as String
- property CurrencyNameNative as String
- property DateShortYearMonth as String
- property Sortname as String
- property DigitSubstitution as String
- class WinMouseFilterMBS
- method Constructor
- shared property Enabled as Boolean
- shared property IncludeMouseMove as Boolean
- shared property IncludeMouseHOver as Boolean
- shared property IncludeMouseWheel as Boolean
- event ReceivedEvent(Message as Integer, mouseX as Integer, mouseY as Integer, windowHandle as Integer, HitTestCode as Integer, ExtraInfo as Integer) as Boolean
- class WinNotificationMBS
- method Constructor
- method Constructor(Window as Window)
- method Constructor(Control as RectControl)
- method Constructor(WindowHandle as Integer)
- method StopListeningForMessage(name as string) as boolean
- method ListenForMessage(name as string) as boolean
- method IsListeningFor(name as string) as boolean
- method StopListeningForMessage(MessageID as Integer) as boolean
- method ListenForMessage(MessageID as Integer) as boolean
- method IsListeningFor(MessageID as Integer) as boolean
- method Constructor(Window as DesktopWindow)
- method Constructor(Control as DesktopUIControl)
- property WindowHandle as Integer
- shared method SendMessage(name as string, Value1 as integer = 0, Value2 as integer = 0, TimeOut as Integer = 10) as boolean
- shared method SendMessage(byref result as integer, MessageID as integer, Value1 as integer = 0, Value2 as integer = 0, TimeOut as Integer = 10) as boolean
- shared method SendMessageToWindow(WindowHandle as Integer, byref result as integer, MessageID as integer, Value1 as integer = 0, Value2 as integer = 0, TimeOut as Integer = 10) as boolean
- event GotNotification(Message as Integer, Name as string, Value1 as Integer, Value2 as Integer, byref Result as Integer, byref Handled as boolean)
- class WinPointerEventsMBS
- method Constructor(WindowHandle as Integer)
- method Constructor(win as Window)
- method Constructor(control as RectControl)
- method Close
- method Constructor(win as DesktopWindow)
- method Constructor(control as DesktopUIControl)
- property WindowHandle as Integer
- shared method EnableMouseInPointer(enable as boolean) as boolean
- shared method IsMouseInPointerEnabled as boolean
- shared method SetGestureConfig(win as Window, config() as WinGestureConfigMBS = nil) as boolean
- shared method GetGestureConfig(win as Window, config() as WinGestureConfigMBS, flags as Integer = 0) as Integer
- shared method SetGestureConfig(Control as RectControl, config() as WinGestureConfigMBS = nil) as boolean
- shared method GetGestureConfig(Control as RectControl, config() as WinGestureConfigMBS, flags as Integer = 0) as Integer
- shared method SetGestureConfig(win as DesktopWindow, config() as WinGestureConfigMBS = nil) as boolean
- shared method GetGestureConfig(win as DesktopWindow, config() as WinGestureConfigMBS, flags as Integer = 0) as Integer
- shared method SetGestureConfig(Control as DesktopUIControl, config() as WinGestureConfigMBS = nil) as boolean
- shared method GetGestureConfig(Control as DesktopUIControl, config() as WinGestureConfigMBS, flags as Integer = 0) as Integer
- event PointerDown(PointerID as Integer, Flags as Integer, X as Integer, Y as Integer, info as WinPointerInfoMBS) as boolean
- event PointerUp(PointerID as Integer, Flags as Integer, X as Integer, Y as Integer, info as WinPointerInfoMBS) as boolean
- event PointerLeave(PointerID as Integer, Flags as Integer, X as Integer, Y as Integer, info as WinPointerInfoMBS) as boolean
- event PointerEnter(PointerID as Integer, Flags as Integer, X as Integer, Y as Integer, info as WinPointerInfoMBS) as boolean
- event PointerWheel(PointerID as Integer, Delta as Integer, X as Integer, Y as Integer, info as WinPointerInfoMBS) as boolean
- event PointerHWheel(PointerID as Integer, Delta as Integer, X as Integer, Y as Integer, info as WinPointerInfoMBS) as boolean
- event PointerUpdate(PointerID as Integer, Flags as Integer, X as Integer, Y as Integer, info as WinPointerInfoMBS) as boolean
- event PointerDeviceChange(Change as Integer, Param as Integer) as boolean
- event PointerDeviceInRange(Param1 as Integer, Param2 as Integer) as boolean
- event PointerDeviceOutOfRange(Param1 as Integer, Param2 as Integer) as boolean
- event Gesture(info as WinGestureInfoMBS) as boolean
- event GestureNotify
- class WinPointerInfoMBS
- method Constructor
- property pointerType as Integer
- property pointerId as Integer
- property frameId as Integer
- property pointerFlags as Integer
- property sourceDevice as Integer
- property hwndTarget as Integer
- property PixelLocationX as Integer
- property PixelLocationY as Integer
- property HimetricLocationX as Integer
- property HimetricLocationY as Integer
- property PixelLocationRawX as Integer
- property PixelLocationRawY as Integer
- property HimetricLocationRawX as Integer
- property HimetricLocationRawY as Integer
- property Time as Integer
- property historyCount as Integer
- property InputData as Integer
- property KeyStates as Integer
- property PerformanceCount as Int64
- property ButtonChangeType as Integer
- class WinSparkleMBS
- shared method CheckUpdateWithoutUI
- shared method CheckUpdateWithUIAndInstall
- shared method CheckUpdateWithUI
- shared method Initialize
- shared method Cleanup
- shared method LoadLibrary(Path as string) as boolean
- shared method LoadLibrary(File as folderitem) as boolean
- shared property BuildVersion as String
- shared property Language as String
- shared property LanguageID as Integer
- shared property AppCastURL as String
- shared property RegistryPath as String
- shared property AutomaticCheckForUpdates as Boolean
- shared property UpdateCheckInterval as Integer
- shared property CompanyName as String
- shared property AppName as String
- shared property AppVersion as String
- shared property LastCheckTime as Integer
- shared property CanShutdown as Boolean
- shared property DSAPubPEM as String
- event Error
- event ShutdownRequest
- event DidFindUpdate
- event DidNotFindUpdate
- event UpdateCancelled
- class WinSpeechMBS
- method Speak(text as string, Purge as Boolean = false, ContainsXML as boolean = false)
- method Resume
- method WaitUntilDone(msTimeout as integer)
- method Pause
- method ListVoices as boolean
- method NextVoice as WinVoiceMBS
- method Close
- method SpeakFile(file as folderitem, unicodestring as string, AudioFormat as Integer = 0, ContainsXML as boolean = false)
- method Skip(sentenceCount as integer) as integer
- method IsUISupported(type as string) as boolean
- method DisplayUI(type as string, title as string, parent as window)
- method DisplayUI(type as string, title as string="")
- method DisplayUI(type as string, title as string, parent as DesktopWindow)
- property Lasterror as Integer
- property Handle as Integer
- property Volume as Integer
- property Rate as Integer
- property Priority as Integer
- property Voice as WinVoiceMBS
- property IsSpeaking as Boolean
- property IsDone as Boolean
- property SyncSpeakTimeout as Integer
- class WinThreadPoolMBS
- class WinUserNotificationCenterMBS
- method Setting as Integer
- method Constructor(appName as string, aumi as string)
- method ShowNotification(notification as WinUserNotificationMBS)
- method HideNotification(notification as WinUserNotificationMBS)
- method Destructor
- property Handle as Integer
- property appName as String
- property aumi as String
- shared method Available as Boolean
- shared method configureAUMI(Company as String, Name as String, SurName as String, VersionInfo as String) as String
- event Activated(Notification as WinUserNotificationMBS)
- event Dismissed(Notification as WinUserNotificationMBS, Reason as Integer)
- event Failed(Notification as WinUserNotificationMBS, ErrorCode as Integer)
- class WinUserNotificationExceptionMBS
- class WinUserNotificationMBS
- method Create
- property DataValues as Dictionary
- property Text(Index as Integer) as String
- property Handle as Integer
- property Image as String
- property Text as String
- property XMLUsed as String
- property Tag as String
- property Group as String
- property RemoteId as String
- property ExpiresOnReboot as Boolean
- property NotificationMirroring as Integer
- property SuppressPopup as Boolean
- property Priority as Integer
- class WinVoiceMBS
- class WMIObjectMBS
- method GetPropertyStringArray(Name as string) as string()
- method GetNames as string()
- method GetProperty(Name as string) as variant
- method GetPropertyString(Name as string) as string
- method GetPropertyBoolean(Name as string) as Boolean
- method GetPropertyInteger(Name as string) as integer
- method GetPropertyDouble(Name as string) as double
- method GetPropertyType(Name as string) as integer
- method GetPropertyTypeString(Name as string) as string
- method GetPropertyObject(Name as string) as WMIObjectMBS
- method GetPropertyInt64(Name as string) as Int64
- property Handle as Integer
- property Lasterror as Integer
- property LasterrorMessage as String
- control DesktopWinPreviewControlMBS
- control WinPreviewControlMBS
- module WindowsICMModuleMBS
- method EnumColorProfiles(criterias as WindowsICMEnumMBS) as string()
- method SelectCMM(cmmID as integer) as boolean
- method GetColorDirectory as folderitem
- method InstallColorProfile(file as folderitem) as boolean
- method UninstallColorProfile(ProfileName as string, DeleteFile as boolean = true) as boolean
- method RegisterCMM(cmmID as integer, file as folderitem) as boolean
- method UnregisterCMM(cmmID as integer) as boolean
- method GetStandardColorSpaceProfile(ProfileID as integer) as string
- method SetStandardColorSpaceProfile(ProfileID as integer, ProfileName as folderitem) as boolean
- method AssociateColorProfileWithDevice(ProfileName as string, DeviceName as string) as boolean
- method DisassociateColorProfileFromDevice(ProfileName as string, DeviceName as string) as boolean
- module WindowsJunctionMBS
- method HardLinksForFile(path as string) as string()
- method Lasterror as integer
- method GetJunctionTarget(JunctionDir as folderitem) as string
- method IsDirectoryJunction(JunctionDir as folderitem) as boolean
- method DeleteJunction(JunctionDir as folderitem) as boolean
- method CreateJunction(JunctionDir as folderitem, TargetDir as folderitem) as boolean
- method CreateHardLink(NewFile as folderitem, TargetFile as folderitem) as boolean
- method CreateSymbolicLink(NewFile as folderitem, TargetFile as folderitem) as boolean
- method CreateSymbolicLink(NewFile as folderitem, TargetFile as string, TargetIsDirectory as Boolean) as boolean
- Globals:
- DriveToUNCPathMBS(Driver as string) as string
- ExitWindowsMBS(mode as integer) as boolean
- GetDriveTypeMBS(path as string) as integer
- GetFullWindowsNameMBS(UserName as string, Domain as string) as string
- GetWindowsColorProfileMBS as folderitem
- GetWindowsDisplayColorProfileMBS(DisplayIndex as integer) as folderitem
- GetWindowsDisplayColorProfileMBS(DisplayName as String) as folderitem
- GetWindowsErrorMessageMBS(ErrorCode as integer) as String
- GetWindowsVMStatisticsMBS as WindowsVMStatisticsMBS
- HIconFromFileMBS(IconFile as FolderItem, IconID as integer) as Integer
- HIconFromPicturesMBS(Icon as picture, Mask as picture) as Integer
- IEClearBrowserSessionMBS as boolean
- InitMessageFilterMBS
- IsWindows95MBS as boolean
- IsWindowsAdminUserMBS as boolean
- IsWindowsNTMBS as boolean
- WindowsDrawPictureIntoDeviceContextMBS(pic as picture, HDC as integer, x as integer, y as integer, w as integer, h as integer, Transparent as boolean)
- WindowsEjectVolumeMBS(driveLetter as string, byref status as integer) as boolean
- WindowsExecuteMBS(ApplicationName as string, CommandLine as string, CurrentDirectory as string, byref PID as integer, Flags as integer = 0, ShowWindow as Integer = -1) as integer
- WindowsGetProcessIntegrityLevelMBS as integer
- WindowsIsApplicationRunAsAdminMBS as boolean
- WindowsIsProcessElevatedMBS as boolean
- WindowsIsUserInAdminGroupMBS as boolean
- WindowsRunAsMBS(Username as string, Domain as string, Password as string, LoginFlags as integer, ApplicationName as string, CommandLine as string, CurrentDirectory as string, byref PID as integer, Flags as integer = -1) as integer
- WindowsShellExecuteAsAdminMBS(ParentWindowHandle as integer, File as string, Parameters as string = "", Directory as string = "", ShowCmd as integer = 5) as integer
- WindowsShellExecuteMBS(ParentWindowHandle as integer, Operation as string, File as string, Parameters as string = "", Directory as string = "", ShowCmd as integer = 5) as integer
- WindowsSystemMetricsMBS(what as integer) as integer
- WinGetSysColorMBS(Index as integer) as Color
- WinOpenFolderAndSelectItemsMBS(folder as folderitem, files() as folderItem, ShowOnDesktop as Boolean = false, EditName as Boolean = false) as integer
- WinSetSysColorMBS(Index as integer, value as Color) as boolean