Platforms to show: All Mac Windows Linux Cross-Platform
The plugin MBS WinFrameworks Plugin:
- class MFPMediaItemMBS
- method StreamAttribute(index as Integer, UUID as String) as Variant
- method PresentationAttribute(UUID as String) as Variant
- method Constructor
- property StreamSelection(index as Integer) as Boolean
- property Handle as Integer
- property Tag as Variant
- property URL as String
- property NumberOfStreams as Integer
- property HasVideo as Boolean
- property HasVideoSelected as Boolean
- property HasAudio as Boolean
- property HasAudioSelected as Boolean
- property IsProtected as Boolean
- property Duration as Double
- property IsLive as Boolean
- property CanSeek as Boolean
- property CanPause as Boolean
- property HasSlowSeek as Boolean
- property Metadata as Dictionary
- property StartPosition as Double
- property StopPosition as Double
- property AudioChannels as Variant
- property AudioSamplesPerSecond as Variant
- property AudioBitsPerSample as Variant
- property VideoFrameRate as Variant
- class MFPMediaPlayerExceptionMBS
- class MFPMediaPlayerMBS
- method Constructor(URL as String, StartPlayback as Boolean, win as Window)
- method Constructor(URL as String, StartPlayback as Boolean, control as RectControl)
- method Constructor(URL as String, StartPlayback as Boolean, Handle as Integer)
- method Constructor(URL as String = "", StartPlayback as Boolean = false)
- method Play
- method Pause
- method Stop
- method FrameStep
- method RemoveAllEffects
- method Shutdown
- method UpdateVideo
- method ClearMediaItem
- method GetVideoSourceRect(byref Left as Single, byref Top as Single, byref Right as Single, byref Bottom as Single)
- method SetVideoSourceRect(Left as Single, Top as Single, Right as Single, Bottom as Single)
- method RemoveEffect(Handle as Integer)
- method InsertEffect(CLSID as String, isOptional as boolean = false) as Integer
- method CreateMediaItemFromURL(URL as String, Sync as Boolean = true, tag as Variant = nil) as MFPMediaItemMBS
- method Constructor(URL as String, StartPlayback as Boolean, win as DesktopWindow)
- method Constructor(URL as String, StartPlayback as Boolean, control as DesktopControl)
- property Handle as Integer
- property Rate as Single
- property Volume as Single
- property Balance as Single
- property Mute as Boolean
- property State as Integer
- property MediaItem as MFPMediaItemMBS
- property Position as Double
- property Duration as Double
- property SlowestSupportedRateForward as Single
- property FastestSupportedRateForward as Single
- property SlowestSupportedRateReverse as Single
- property FastestSupportedRateReverse as Single
- property NativeVideoWidth as Integer
- property NativeVideoHeight as Integer
- property NativeVideoAspectRateWidth as Integer
- property NativeVideoAspectRateHeight as Integer
- property IdealVideoMinWidth as Integer
- property IdealVideoMinHeight as Integer
- property IdealVideoMaxWidth as Integer
- property IdealVideoMaxHeight as Integer
- property AspectRatioMode as Integer
- property BorderColor as Color
- property VideoWindow as Integer
- property Looping as Boolean
- event Started
- event Paused
- event Stopped
- event PositionSet
- event RateSet(rate as Single)
- event MediaItemCreated(MediaItem as MFPMediaItemMBS, Tag as variant)
- event MediaItemSet
- event FrameStepped
- event MediaItemCleared
- event Error
- event Ended
- class WebView2CookieManagerMBS
- method Constructor
- method Constructor(cookie as WebView2CookieMBS)
- method DeleteAllCookies
- method DeleteCookies(Name as String, URI as string)
- method DeleteCookiesWithDomainAndPath(Name as String, Domain as string, Path as String)
- method DeleteCookie(cookie as WebView2CookieMBS)
- method AddOrUpdateCookie(cookie as WebView2CookieMBS)
- method CreateCookie(Name as String, Value as String, Domain as String, Path as String) as WebView2CookieMBS
- method CopyCookie(Cookie as WebView2CookieMBS) as WebView2CookieMBS
- method GetCookiesSync(URI as String = "") as WebView2CookieMBS()
- method GetCookies(URI as String = "")
- property Handle as Integer
- event GotCookies(ErrorCode as Integer, Cookies() as WebView2CookieMBS)
- class WebView2CookieMBS
- class WebView2ExceptionMBS
- class WebView2PrintSettingsMBS
- method Constructor
- property Orientation as Integer
- property ScaleFactor as Double
- property PageWidth as Double
- property PageHeight as Double
- property MarginTop as Double
- property MarginBottom as Double
- property MarginLeft as Double
- property MarginRight as Double
- property ShouldPrintBackgrounds as Boolean
- property ShouldPrintSelectionOnly as Boolean
- property ShouldPrintHeaderAndFooter as Boolean
- property HeaderTitle as String
- property FooterURI as String
- property PageRanges as String
- property PagesPerSide as Integer
- property Copies as Integer
- property Collation as Integer
- property ColorMode as Integer
- property Duplex as Integer
- property PrinterName as String
- class WebView2WindowFeaturesMBS
- method Constructor
- property HasPosition as Boolean
- property HasSize as Boolean
- property ShouldDisplayMenuBar as Boolean
- property ShouldDisplayStatus as Boolean
- property ShouldDisplayToolbar as Boolean
- property ShouldDisplayScrollBars as Boolean
- property Left as Integer
- property Top as Integer
- property Width as Integer
- property Height as Integer
- class WindowsBluetoothDeviceIdMBS
- class WindowsBluetoothLEAdvertisementMBS
- class WindowsBluetoothLEAdvertisementReceivedEventArgsMBS
- class WindowsBluetoothLEAdvertisementWatcherMBS
- method Constructor
- method Destructor
- method Start
- method Stop
- property Handle as Integer
- property Status as Integer
- property ScanningMode as Integer
- property MinSamplingInterval as Int64
- property MaxOutOfRangeTimeout as Int64
- property MaxSamplingInterval as Int64
- property MinOutOfRangeTimeout as Int64
- shared method Available as Boolean
- event Stopped(Error as Integer)
- event Received(Args as WindowsBluetoothLEAdvertisementReceivedEventArgsMBS)
- class WindowsBluetoothLEAppearanceMBS
- method Constructor(RawValue as UInt16)
- method Constructor(appearanceCategory as UInt16, appearanceSubCategory as UInt16)
- method Destructor
- property Handle as Integer
- property Category as Integer
- property RawValue as Integer
- property SubCategory as Integer
- shared method CategoryUncategorized as Integer
- shared method CategoryPhone as Integer
- shared method CategoryComputer as Integer
- shared method CategoryWatch as Integer
- shared method CategoryClock as Integer
- shared method CategoryDisplay as Integer
- shared method CategoryRemoteControl as Integer
- shared method CategoryEyeGlasses as Integer
- shared method CategoryTag as Integer
- shared method CategoryKeyring as Integer
- shared method CategoryMediaPlayer as Integer
- shared method CategoryBarcodeScanner as Integer
- shared method CategoryThermometer as Integer
- shared method CategoryHeartRate as Integer
- shared method CategoryBloodPressure as Integer
- shared method CategoryHumanInterfaceDevice as Integer
- shared method CategoryGlucoseMeter as Integer
- shared method CategoryRunningWalking as Integer
- shared method CategoryCycling as Integer
- shared method CategoryPulseOximeter as Integer
- shared method CategoryWeightScale as Integer
- shared method CategoryOutdoorSportActivity as Integer
- shared method SubcategoryGeneric as Integer
- shared method SubcategorySportsWatch as Integer
- shared method SubcategoryThermometerEar as Integer
- shared method SubcategoryHeartRateBelt as Integer
- shared method SubcategoryBloodPressureArm as Integer
- shared method SubcategoryBloodPressureWrist as Integer
- shared method SubcategoryKeyboard as Integer
- shared method SubcategoryMouse as Integer
- shared method SubcategoryJoystick as Integer
- shared method SubcategoryGamepad as Integer
- shared method SubcategoryDigitizerTablet as Integer
- shared method SubcategoryCardReader as Integer
- shared method SubcategoryDigitalPen as Integer
- shared method SubcategoryBarcodeScanner as Integer
- shared method SubcategoryRunningWalkingInShoe as Integer
- shared method SubcategoryRunningWalkingOnShoe as Integer
- shared method SubcategoryRunningWalkingOnHip as Integer
- shared method SubcategoryCyclingComputer as Integer
- shared method SubcategoryCyclingSpeedSensor as Integer
- shared method SubcategoryCyclingCadenceSensor as Integer
- shared method SubcategoryCyclingPowerSensor as Integer
- shared method SubcategoryCyclingSpeedCadenceSensor as Integer
- shared method SubcategoryOximeterFingertip as Integer
- shared method SubcategoryOximeterWristWorn as Integer
- shared method SubcategoryLocationDisplay as Integer
- shared method SubcategoryLocationNavigationDisplay as Integer
- shared method SubcategoryLocationPod as Integer
- shared method SubcategoryLocationNavigationPod as Integer
- class WindowsBluetoothLEDeviceMBS
- method GetGattServicesForUuidAsync(serviceUuid as String)
- method GetGattServicesForUuidAsync(serviceUuid as String, BluetoothCacheMode as Integer)
- method GetGattServicesAsync
- method GetGattServicesAsync(BluetoothCacheMode as Integer)
- method Constructor(other as WindowsBluetoothLEDeviceMBS)
- method Constructor
- method Destructor
- method Close
- method RequestAccessAsync
- method GetGattService(serviceUUID as String) as WindowsGattDeviceServiceMBS
- property Handle as Integer
- property BluetoothAddressType as Integer
- property BluetoothAddress as UInt64
- property Name as String
- property BluetoothDeviceId as WindowsBluetoothDeviceIdMBS
- property ConnectionStatus as Integer
- property Appearance as WindowsBluetoothLEAppearanceMBS
- property WasSecureConnectionUsedForPairing as Boolean
- property Pairing as WindowsDeviceInformationPairingMBS
- shared method GetDeviceSelector as String
- shared method GetDeviceSelectorFromAppearance(Appearance as WindowsBluetoothLEAppearanceMBS) as String
- shared method FromId(Id as String) as WindowsBluetoothLEDeviceMBS
- shared method FromBluetoothAddress(bluetoothAddress as UInt64, BluetoothAddressType as Integer) as WindowsBluetoothLEDeviceMBS
- shared method FromBluetoothAddress(bluetoothAddress as UInt64) as WindowsBluetoothLEDeviceMBS
- shared method FromIdAsync(Id as String, delegateHandler as DeviceFromIdAsyncCompletedMBS)
- shared method FromBluetoothAddressAsync(bluetoothAddress as UInt64, BluetoothAddressType as Integer, delegateHandler as DeviceFromBluetoothAddressAsyncCompletedMBS)
- shared method FromBluetoothAddressAsync(bluetoothAddress as UInt64, delegateHandler as DeviceFromBluetoothAddressAsyncCompletedMBS)
- event ConnectionStatusChanged
- event GattServicesChanged
- event NameChanged
- event RequestAccessCompleted(asyncStatus as Integer, DeviceAccessStatus as Integer)
- event GetGattServicesCompleted(asyncStatus as Integer, Result as WindowsGattDeviceServicesResultMBS)
- event PairAsyncCompleted(asyncStatus as Integer, PairingStatus as Integer, ProtectionLevelUsed as Integer)
- event UnpairAsyncCompleted(asyncStatus as Integer, UnpairingStatus as Integer)
- class WindowsBluetoothLEExceptionMBS
- class WindowsBluetoothLEManufacturerDataMBS
- class WindowsDeviceInformationCustomPairingMBS
- method Constructor(other as WindowsDeviceInformationCustomPairingMBS)
- method Constructor
- method Destructor
- method Close
- method PairAsync(DevicePairingKinds as Integer)
- method PairAsync(DevicePairingKinds as Integer, minProtectionLevel as Integer)
- property Handle as Integer
- property Device as WindowsBluetoothLEDeviceMBS
- event PairAsyncCompleted(asyncStatus as Integer, PairingStatus as Integer, ProtectionLevelUsed as Integer)
- event PairingRequested(Args as WindowsDevicePairingRequestedEventArgsMBS)
- class WindowsDeviceInformationMBS
- method Constructor(other as WindowsDeviceInformationMBS)
- method Constructor
- method Destructor
- method Close
- property Handle as Integer
- property Kind as Integer
- property IsEnabled as Boolean
- property IsDefault as Boolean
- property Id as String
- property Name as String
- property Pairing as WindowsDeviceInformationPairingMBS
- property Device as WindowsBluetoothLEDeviceMBS
- class WindowsDeviceInformationPairingMBS
- method Constructor(other as WindowsDeviceInformationPairingMBS)
- method Constructor
- method Destructor
- method Close
- method PairAsync
- method PairAsync(minProtectionLevel as Integer)
- method UnpairAsync
- property Handle as Integer
- property CanPair as Boolean
- property IsPaired as Boolean
- property ProtectionLevel as Integer
- property Device as WindowsBluetoothLEDeviceMBS
- property CustomPairing as WindowsDeviceInformationCustomPairingMBS
- shared method TryRegisterForAllInboundPairingRequests(pairingKindsSupported as Integer) as Boolean
- shared method TryRegisterForAllInboundPairingRequestsWithProtectionLevel(pairingKindsSupported as Integer, minProtectionLevel as Integer) as Boolean
- event PairAsyncCompleted(asyncStatus as Integer, PairingStatus as Integer, ProtectionLevelUsed as Integer)
- event UnpairAsyncCompleted(asyncStatus as Integer, UnpairingStatus as Integer)
- class WindowsDeviceInformationUpdateMBS
- class WindowsDevicePairingRequestedEventArgsMBS
- class WindowsDeviceWatcherMBS
- method Constructor(aqsFilter as String)
- method Constructor(DeviceClass as Integer)
- method Constructor
- method Destructor
- method Start
- method Stop
- property Handle as Integer
- property Status as Integer
- event Added(Device as WindowsDeviceInformationMBS)
- event EnumerationCompleted()
- event Removed(Device as WindowsDeviceInformationUpdateMBS)
- event Stopped()
- event Updated(Device as WindowsDeviceInformationUpdateMBS)
- class WindowsGattCharacteristicMBS
- method WriteClientCharacteristicConfigurationDescriptorAsync(ClientCharacteristicConfigurationDescriptorValue as Integer)
- method WriteClientCharacteristicConfigurationDescriptorWithResultAsync(ClientCharacteristicConfigurationDescriptorValue as Integer)
- method ReadClientCharacteristicConfigurationDescriptorAsync
- method GetDescriptorsForUuidAsync(characteristicUuid as String, BluetoothCacheMode as Integer)
- method GetDescriptorsForUuidAsync(characteristicUuid as String)
- method WriteValueAsync(buffer as MemoryBlock)
- method WriteValueAsync(buffer as MemoryBlock, WriteOption as Integer)
- method WriteValueWithResultAsync(buffer as MemoryBlock)
- method WriteValueWithResultAsync(buffer as MemoryBlock, WriteOption as Integer)
- method ReadValueAsync
- method ReadValueAsync(CacheMode as Integer)
- method GetDescriptorsAsync(BluetoothCacheMode as Integer)
- method GetDescriptorsAsync
- method Descriptors(characteristicUUID as String) as WindowsGattDescriptorMBS()
- method AllDescriptors as WindowsGattDescriptorMBS()
- method Constructor(other as WindowsGattCharacteristicMBS)
- method Constructor
- method Destructor
- property Handle as Integer
- property AttributeHandle as Integer
- property UserDescription as String
- property ProtectionLevel as Integer
- property CharacteristicProperties as Integer
- property UUID as String
- property Service as WindowsGattDeviceServiceMBS
- shared method ConvertShortIdToUuid(ID as UInt16) as String
- shared method BatteryLevel as String
- shared method BloodPressureFeature as String
- shared method BloodPressureMeasurement as String
- shared method BodySensorLocation as String
- shared method CscFeature as String
- shared method CscMeasurement as String
- shared method GlucoseFeature as String
- shared method GlucoseMeasurement as String
- shared method GlucoseMeasurementContext as String
- shared method HeartRateControlPoint as String
- shared method HeartRateMeasurement as String
- shared method IntermediateCuffPressure as String
- shared method IntermediateTemperature as String
- shared method MeasurementInterval as String
- shared method RecordAccessControlPoint as String
- shared method RscFeature as String
- shared method RscMeasurement as String
- shared method SCControlPoint as String
- shared method SensorLocation as String
- shared method TemperatureMeasurement as String
- shared method TemperatureType as String
- shared method AlertCategoryId as String
- shared method AlertCategoryIdBitMask as String
- shared method AlertLevel as String
- shared method AlertNotificationControlPoint as String
- shared method AlertStatus as String
- shared method GapAppearance as String
- shared method BootKeyboardInputReport as String
- shared method BootKeyboardOutputReport as String
- shared method BootMouseInputReport as String
- shared method CurrentTime as String
- shared method CyclingPowerControlPoint as String
- shared method CyclingPowerFeature as String
- shared method CyclingPowerMeasurement as String
- shared method CyclingPowerVector as String
- shared method DateTime as String
- shared method DayDateTime as String
- shared method DayOfWeek as String
- shared method GapDeviceName as String
- shared method DstOffset as String
- shared method ExactTime256 as String
- shared method FirmwareRevisionString as String
- shared method HardwareRevisionString as String
- shared method HidControlPoint as String
- shared method HidInformation as String
- shared method Ieee1107320601RegulatoryCertificationDataList as String
- shared method LnControlPoint as String
- shared method LnFeature as String
- shared method LocalTimeInformation as String
- shared method LocationAndSpeed as String
- shared method ManufacturerNameString as String
- shared method ModelNumberString as String
- shared method Navigation as String
- shared method NewAlert as String
- shared method GapPeripheralPreferredConnectionParameters as String
- shared method GapPeripheralPrivacyFlag as String
- shared method PnpId as String
- shared method PositionQuality as String
- shared method ProtocolMode as String
- shared method GapReconnectionAddress as String
- shared method ReferenceTimeInformation as String
- shared method Report as String
- shared method ReportMap as String
- shared method RingerControlPoint as String
- shared method RingerSetting as String
- shared method ScanIntervalWindow as String
- shared method ScanRefresh as String
- shared method SerialNumberString as String
- shared method GattServiceChanged as String
- shared method SoftwareRevisionString as String
- shared method SupportedNewAlertCategory as String
- shared method SupportUnreadAlertCategory as String
- shared method SystemId as String
- shared method TimeAccuracy as String
- shared method TimeSource as String
- shared method TimeUpdateControlPoint as String
- shared method TimeUpdateState as String
- shared method TimeWithDst as String
- shared method TimeZone as String
- shared method TxPowerLevel as String
- shared method UnreadAlertStatus as String
- event DescriptorsCompleted(asyncStatus as Integer, Result as WindowsGattDescriptorsResultMBS)
- event ReadValueAsyncCompleted(asyncStatus as Integer, Result as WindowsGattReadResultMBS)
- event WriteValueAsyncCompleted(asyncStatus as Integer, Result as Integer)
- event WriteValueWithResultAsyncCompleted(asyncStatus as Integer, Result as WindowsGattWriteResultMBS)
- event ValueChanged(args as WindowsGattValueChangedEventArgsMBS)
- event ReadClientCharacteristicConfigurationDescriptorAsyncCompleted(asyncStatus as Integer, Result as WindowsGattReadClientCharacteristicConfigurationDescriptorResultMBS)
- event WriteClientCharacteristicConfigurationDescriptorAsyncCompleted(asyncStatus as Integer, Status as Integer)
- event WriteClientCharacteristicConfigurationDescriptorWithResultAsyncCompleted(asyncStatus as Integer, Result as WindowsGattWriteResultMBS)
- class WindowsGattCharacteristicsResultMBS
- class WindowsGattDescriptorMBS
- method Constructor(other as WindowsGattDescriptorMBS)
- method Constructor
- method Destructor
- method ReadValueAsync
- method WriteValueAsync(buffer as MemoryBlock)
- method WriteValueWithResultAsync(buffer as MemoryBlock)
- property Handle as Integer
- property AttributeHandle as Integer
- property ProtectionLevel as Integer
- property UUID as String
- shared method ConvertShortIdToUuid(ID as UInt16) as String
- event ReadValueAsyncCompleted(asyncStatus as Integer, Result as WindowsGattReadResultMBS)
- event WriteValueAsyncCompleted(asyncStatus as Integer, Result as Integer)
- event WriteValueWithResultAsyncCompleted(asyncStatus as Integer, Result as WindowsGattWriteResultMBS)
- class WindowsGattDescriptorsResultMBS
- class WindowsGattDeviceServiceMBS
- method GetCharacteristicsForUuidAsync(characteristicUuid as String, BluetoothCacheMode as Integer)
- method GetCharacteristicsForUuidAsync(characteristicUuid as String)
- method GetCharacteristicsAsync(BluetoothCacheMode as Integer)
- method GetCharacteristicsAsync
- method GetAllIncludedServices as WindowsGattDeviceServiceMBS()
- method GetAllCharacteristics as WindowsGattCharacteristicMBS()
- method GetIncludedServicesForUuidAsync(serviceUuid as String)
- method GetIncludedServicesForUuidAsync(serviceUuid as String, BluetoothCacheMode as Integer)
- method GetIncludedServicesAsync
- method GetIncludedServicesAsync(BluetoothCacheMode as Integer)
- method Characteristics(characteristicUUID as String) as WindowsGattDeviceServiceMBS()
- method ParentServices as WindowsGattDeviceServiceMBS()
- method Constructor(other as WindowsGattDeviceServiceMBS)
- method Constructor
- method Destructor
- method Close
- method OpenAsync(SharingMode as Integer)
- method RequestAccessAsync
- property Handle as Integer
- property AttributeHandle as Integer
- property DeviceId as String
- property Device as WindowsBluetoothLEDeviceMBS
- property Session as WindowsGattSessionMBS
- property UUID as String
- property SharingMode as Integer
- shared method Battery as String
- shared method BloodPressure as String
- shared method CyclingSpeedAndCadence as String
- shared method GenericAccess as String
- shared method GenericAttribute as String
- shared method Glucose as String
- shared method HealthThermometer as String
- shared method HeartRate as String
- shared method RunningSpeedAndCadence as String
- shared method AlertNotification as String
- shared method CurrentTime as String
- shared method CyclingPower as String
- shared method DeviceInformation as String
- shared method HumanInterfaceDevice as String
- shared method ImmediateAlert as String
- shared method LinkLoss as String
- shared method LocationAndNavigation as String
- shared method NextDstChange as String
- shared method PhoneAlertStatus as String
- shared method ReferenceTimeUpdate as String
- shared method ScanParameters as String
- shared method TxPower as String
- shared method GetDeviceSelectorFromShortId(serviceShortId as UInt16) as String
- shared method GetDeviceSelectorFromUuid(serviceUuid as String) as String
- shared method FromId(Id as String) as WindowsGattDeviceServiceMBS
- shared method FromId(Id as String, sharingMode as Integer) as WindowsGattDeviceServiceMBS
- shared method FromIdAsync(Id as String, delegateHandler as ServiceFromIdAsyncCompletedMBS)
- shared method FromIdAsync(Id as String, sharingMode as Integer, delegateHandler as ServiceFromIdAsyncCompletedMBS)
- event RequestAccessCompleted(asyncStatus as Integer, DeviceAccessStatus as Integer)
- event OpenAsyncCompleted(asyncStatus as Integer, OpenStatus as Integer)
- event IncludedServicesCompleted(asyncStatus as Integer, Result as WindowsGattDeviceServicesResultMBS)
- event CharacteristicsCompleted(asyncStatus as Integer, Result as WindowsGattCharacteristicsResultMBS)
- class WindowsGattDeviceServicesResultMBS
- class WindowsGattReadClientCharacteristicConfigurationDescriptorResultMBS
- class WindowsGattReadRequestMBS
- class WindowsGattReadResultMBS
- class WindowsGattSessionMBS
- method Constructor(other as WindowsGattSessionMBS)
- method Constructor
- method Destructor
- method Close
- property Handle as Integer
- property CanMaintainConnection as Boolean
- property DeviceId as WindowsBluetoothDeviceIdMBS
- property SessionStatus as Integer
- property MaxPduSize as Integer
- property MaintainConnection as Boolean
- shared method FromDeviceId(deviceId as WindowsBluetoothDeviceIdMBS) as WindowsGattSessionMBS
- shared method FromDeviceIdAsync(deviceId as WindowsBluetoothDeviceIdMBS, delegateHandler as FromDeviceIdAsyncCompletedMBS)
- event MaxPduSizeChanged
- event SessionStatusChanged
- class WindowsGattValueChangedEventArgsMBS
- class WindowsGattWriteRequestMBS
- class WindowsGattWriteResultMBS
- class WindowsLocationExceptionMBS
- class WindowsLocationManagerMBS
- method Constructor
- method RequestPermissions(win as window)
- method StopEvents
- method StartEvents(RequestedReportInterval as Integer = 0)
- method RequestPermissions(win as DesktopWindow)
- property Handle as Integer
- property DesiredAccuracy as Integer
- property ReportInterval as Integer
- property ReportStatus as Integer
- property Report as WindowsLocationMBS
- event LocationChanged(Report as WindowsLocationMBS)
- event StatusChanged(Status as Integer)
- class WindowsLocationMBS
- class WindowsMLExceptionMBS
- class WindowsOCREngineMBS
- method Constructor
- method Constructor(Language as WindowsOCRLanguageMBS)
- method Destructor
- method RecognizeAsync(ImageFile as FolderItem)
- method RecognizeAsync(Picture as Picture)
- method RecognizeAsync(PictureData as String)
- method RecognizeAsync(PictureData as MemoryBlock)
- method RecognizeSync(ImageFile as FolderItem) as WindowsOCRResultMBS
- method RecognizeSync(Picture as Picture) as WindowsOCRResultMBS
- method RecognizeSync(PictureData as String) as WindowsOCRResultMBS
- method RecognizeSync(PictureData as MemoryBlock) as WindowsOCRResultMBS
- property RecognizerLanguage as WindowsOCRLanguageMBS
- property Handle as Integer
- shared method IsLanguageSupported(Language as WindowsOCRLanguageMBS) as Boolean
- shared method AvailableRecognizerLanguages as WindowsOCRLanguageMBS()
- shared method Available as Boolean
- shared property MaxImageDimension as Integer
- event Stopped(Error as Integer)
- event RecognizeCompleted(ErrorMessage as String, ErrorCode as Integer, Result as WindowsOCRResultMBS)
- class WindowsOCRExceptionMBS
- class WindowsOCRLanguageMBS
- class WindowsOCRLineMBS
- class WindowsOCRResultMBS
- class WindowsOCRWordMBS
- class WindowsPDFDocumentMBS
- method Constructor(other as WindowsPDFDocumentMBS)
- method Constructor
- method Destructor
- method Page(Index as Integer) as WindowsPDFPageMBS
- property Handle as Integer
- property PageCount as Integer
- property IsPasswordProtected as Boolean
- shared method ConvertImage(ImageData as String) as String
- shared method LoadFromFile(File as FolderItem, Password as String = "") as WindowsPDFDocumentMBS
- shared method LoadFromPath(Path as String, Password as String = "") as WindowsPDFDocumentMBS
- shared method LoadFromData(data as String, Password as String = "") as WindowsPDFDocumentMBS
- shared method LoadFromData(data as MemoryBlock, Password as String = "") as WindowsPDFDocumentMBS
- shared method LoadFromFileAsync(File as FolderItem, Handler as WindowsPDFDocumentLoadedMBS, Password as String = "")
- shared method LoadFromPathAsync(Path as String, Handler as WindowsPDFDocumentLoadedMBS, Password as String = "")
- shared method LoadFromDataAsync(data as String, Handler as WindowsPDFDocumentLoadedMBS, Password as String = "")
- shared method LoadFromDataAsync(data as MemoryBlock, Handler as WindowsPDFDocumentLoadedMBS, Password as String = "")
- class WindowsPDFExceptionMBS
- class WindowsPDFPageDimensionsMBS
- class WindowsPDFPageMBS
- method Constructor(other as WindowsPDFPageMBS)
- method Constructor
- method Destructor
- method RenderToStream(Handler as RenderToStreamFinishedMBS, Options as WindowsPDFPageRenderOptionsMBS = nil)
- method RenderToMemory(Handler as RenderToMemoryFinishedMBS, Options as WindowsPDFPageRenderOptionsMBS = nil)
- method RenderToStream(Options as WindowsPDFPageRenderOptionsMBS = nil) as String
- method RenderToMemory(Options as WindowsPDFPageRenderOptionsMBS = nil) as MemoryBlock
- method RenderToPicture(Options as WindowsPDFPageRenderOptionsMBS = nil) as Picture
- property Handle as Integer
- property Rotation as Integer
- property RotationAngle as Integer
- property Index as Integer
- property PreferredZoom as Single
- property Size as WindowsPDFSizeMBS
- property Dimensions as WindowsPDFPageDimensionsMBS
- class WindowsPDFPageRenderOptionsMBS
- method Constructor
- method Destructor
- method setBitmapEncoderJPEG
- method setBitmapEncoderPNG
- method setBitmapEncoderTIFF
- method setBitmapEncoderBMP
- property Handle as Integer
- property SourceRect as WindowsPDFRectMBS
- property IsIgnoringHighContrast as Boolean
- property DestinationWidth as Integer
- property DestinationHeight as Integer
- property BitmapEncoderId as String
- property BackgroundColor as Color
- class WindowsPDFRectMBS
- class WindowsPDFSizeMBS
- class WindowsStoreAppLicenseMBS
- method Constructor
- property Handle as Integer
- property IsTrialOwnedByThisUser as Boolean
- property IsTrial as Boolean
- property IsActive as Boolean
- property SkuStoreId as String
- property TrialUniqueId as String
- property ExtendedJsonData as String
- property TrialTimeRemaining as Double
- property ExpirationDate as Int64
- property AddOnLicenses as Dictionary
- class WindowsStoreContextMBS
- method GetUserCollectionAsync(productKinds() as String, CompletionHandler as GetStoreProductsCompletedMBS)
- method GetAssociatedStoreProductsAsync(productKinds() as String, CompletionHandler as GetStoreProductsCompletedMBS)
- method GetStoreProductsAsync(productKinds() as String, storeIds() as String, CompletionHandler as GetStoreProductsCompletedMBS)
- method Constructor
- method Constructor(Parent as Window)
- method GetAppLicenseAsync(CompletionHandler as GetAppLicenseCompletedMBS)
- method GetAppLicenseSync as WindowsStoreAppLicenseMBS
- method RequestRateAndReviewAppAsync(CompletionHandler as RequestRateAndReviewAppCompletedMBS = nil)
- method RequestPurchaseAsync(CompletionHandler as RequestPurchaseCompletedMBS, StoreID as String, PurchaseProperties as WindowsStorePurchasePropertiesMBS = nil)
- method GetStoreProductForCurrentAppAsync(CompletionHandler as GetStoreProductForCurrentAppCompletedMBS)
- method Constructor(Parent as DesktopWindow)
- property Handle as Integer
- property Parent as Variant
- event OfflineLicensesChanged
- class WindowsStoreExceptionMBS
- class WindowsStoreImageMBS
- class WindowsStoreLicenseMBS
- class WindowsStorePriceMBS
- class WindowsStoreProductMBS
- method Images as WindowsStoreImageMBS()
- method Videos as WindowsStoreVideoMBS()
- method GetIsAnySkuInstalledAsync(CompletionHandler as GetIsAnySkuInstalledAsyncCompletedMBS)
- method Keywords as String()
- method Constructor
- method SKUs as WindowsStoreSKUMBS()
- method RequestPurchaseAsync(CompletionHandler as WindowsStoreContextMBS.RequestPurchaseCompletedMBS, PurchaseProperties as WindowsStorePurchasePropertiesMBS = nil)
- property Handle as Integer
- property IsInUserCollection as Boolean
- property HasDigitalDownload as Boolean
- property ExtendedJsonData as String
- property StoreId as String
- property Language as String
- property InAppOfferToken as String
- property Title as String
- property LinkURI as String
- property Description as String
- property ProductKind as String
- property Price as WindowsStorePriceMBS
- class WindowsStoreProductQueryResultMBS
- class WindowsStoreProductResultMBS
- class WindowsStorePurchasePropertiesMBS
- class WindowsStorePurchaseResultMBS
- class WindowsStoreRateAndReviewResultMBS
- class WindowsStoreSKUMBS
- method GetIsInstalledAsync(CompletionHandler as GetIsInstalledAsyncCompletedMBS)
- method RequestPurchaseAsync(CompletionHandler as WindowsStoreContextMBS.RequestPurchaseCompletedMBS, PurchaseProperties as WindowsStorePurchasePropertiesMBS = nil)
- method BundledSKUs as String()
- method Constructor
- method Images as WindowsStoreImageMBS()
- method Videos as WindowsStoreVideoMBS()
- property Handle as Integer
- property StoreId as String
- property Language as String
- property Title as String
- property Description as String
- property Price as WindowsStorePriceMBS
- property ExtendedJsonData as String
- property IsSubscription as Boolean
- property IsTrial as Boolean
- property IsInUserCollection as Boolean
- property CustomDeveloperData as String
- class WindowsStoreVideoMBS
- class WinFileDialogExceptionMBS
- class WinFileDialogMBS
- method StartVisualGroup(ControlID as Integer, label as String)
- method EndVisualGroup
- method RemoveAllControlItems(ControlID as Integer)
- method RemoveControlItem(ControlID as Integer, ItemID as Integer)
- method AddControlItem(ControlID as Integer, ItemID as Integer, Label as String)
- method AddText(ControlID as Integer, Text as String = "")
- method AddSeparator(ControlID as Integer)
- method AddEditBox(ControlID as Integer, Text as String = "")
- method AddCheckButton(ControlID as Integer, label as String, Checked as boolean = false)
- method AddRadioButtonList(ControlID as Integer)
- method AddComboBox(ControlID as Integer)
- method AddPushButton(ControlID as Integer, Label as String)
- method AddMenu(ControlID as Integer, Label as String)
- method EnableOpenDropDown(ControlID as Integer)
- method Constructor
- method Show as Boolean
- method Show(parent as window) as Boolean
- method Close(cancel as boolean = false)
- method ClearClientData
- method AddPlace(Item as WinShellItemMBS, top as boolean = false)
- method SetFileTypes(FileTypes() as WinFileTypeMBS)
- method Show(parent as DesktopWindow) as Boolean
- property SelectedControlItem(ControlID as Integer) as Integer
- property ControlItemState(ControlID as Integer, ItemID as Integer) as Integer
- property ControlState(ControlID as Integer) as Integer
- property ControlLabel(ControlID as Integer) as String
- property EditBoxText(ControlID as Integer) as String
- property CheckButtonState(ControlID as Integer) as Boolean
- property ControlItemText(ControlID as Integer, ItemID as Integer) as String
- property Handle as Integer
- property Folder as WinShellItemMBS
- property Result as WinShellItemMBS
- property FileTypeIndex as Integer
- property Options as Integer
- property CurrentSelection as WinShellItemMBS
- property FileName as String
- property DefaultFolder as WinShellItemMBS
- property DefaultExtension as String
- property Title as String
- property OkButtonLabel as String
- property FileNameLabel as String
- property ClientGuid as String
- property ProminentControlID as Integer
- property WindowHandle as Integer
- property OptionOverwritePrompt as Boolean
- property OptionStrictFileTypes as Boolean
- property OptionNoChangeDir as Boolean
- property OptionPickFolders as Boolean
- property OptionForceFileSystem as Boolean
- property OptionAllNonStorageItems as Boolean
- property OptionNoValidate as Boolean
- property OptionAllowMultiSelect as Boolean
- property OptionPathMustExist as Boolean
- property OptionFileMustExist as Boolean
- property OptionCreatePrompt as Boolean
- property OptionShareaware as Boolean
- property OptionNoReadOnlyReturn as Boolean
- property OptionNoTestFileCreate as Boolean
- property OptionHideMRUPlaces as Boolean
- property OptionHidePinnedPlaces as Boolean
- property OptionNoDereferenceLinks as Boolean
- property OptionOKButtonNeedsInteraction as Boolean
- property OptionDontAaddToRecent as Boolean
- property OptionForceShowHidden as Boolean
- property OptionDefaultNoMiniMode as Boolean
- property OptionForcePreviewPaneOn as Boolean
- property OptionSupportsStreamableItems as Boolean
- event FileTypeChanged
- event ShareViolation(item as WinShellItemMBS) as Integer
- event Overwrite(item as WinShellItemMBS) as Integer
- event FolderChanging(Folder as WinShellItemMBS) as boolean
- event FileOk as Boolean
- event SelectionChange
- event FolderChanged
- event ItemSelected(ControlID as Integer, ItemID as Integer)
- event ButtonClicked(ControlID as Integer)
- event CheckButtonToggled(ControlID as Integer, Checked as Boolean)
- event ControlActivating(ControlID as Integer)
- class WinFileDialogObserverMBS
- class WinFileOpenDialogMBS
- class WinFileSaveDialogMBS
- class WinFileTypeMBS
- class WinLearningModelBindingMBS
- method Constructor(Session as WinLearningModelSessionMBS)
- method HasKey(key as string) as Boolean
- method Clear
- method SetDefaults
- method BindWithImage(name as string, Path as String)
- method BindWithImage(name as string, file as folderItem)
- method BindWithFloat(name as string, shape() as Integer, values() as Single = nil)
- method BindWithFloat16(name as string, shape() as Integer, values() as Single = nil)
- method BindWithDouble(name as string, shape() as Integer, values() as Double = nil)
- method BindWithInt8(name as string, shape() as Integer, values() as Int8 = nil)
- method BindWithUInt8(name as string, shape() as Integer, values() as UInt8 = nil)
- method BindWithInt16(name as string, shape() as Integer, values() as Int16 = nil)
- method BindWithUInt16(name as string, shape() as Integer, values() as UInt16 = nil)
- method BindWithInt32(name as string, shape() as Integer, values() as Int32 = nil)
- method BindWithUInt32(name as string, shape() as Integer, values() as UInt32 = nil)
- method BindWithInt64(name as string, shape() as Integer, values() as Int64 = nil)
- method BindWithUInt64(name as string, shape() as Integer, values() as UInt64 = nil)
- property Handle as Integer
- property Session as WinLearningModelSessionMBS
- class WinLearningModelEvaluationResultMBS
- method Constructor
- method OutputNames as String()
- method GetTensorFloat(name as string) as Single()
- method GetTensorFloat16(name as string) as Single()
- method GetTensorDouble(name as string) as Double()
- method GetTensorInt8(name as string) as Int8()
- method GetTensorUInt8(name as string) as UInt8()
- method GetTensorInt16(name as string) as Int16()
- method GetTensorUInt16(name as string) as UInt16()
- method GetTensorInt32(name as string) as Int32()
- method GetTensorUInt32(name as string) as UInt32()
- method GetTensorInt64(name as string) as Int64()
- method GetTensorUInt64(name as string) as UInt64()
- method GetTensorBoolean(name as string) as Boolean()
- property Handle as Integer
- property ErrorStatus as Integer
- property Succeeded as Boolean
- property CorrelationId as String
- class WinLearningModelFeatureDescriptorMBS
- class WinLearningModelImageFeatureDescriptorMBS
- class WinLearningModelMapFeatureDescriptorMBS
- class WinLearningModelMBS
- method Constructor
- method InputFeatures as WinLearningModelFeatureDescriptorMBS()
- method OutputFeatures as WinLearningModelFeatureDescriptorMBS()
- property Handle as Integer
- property Author as String
- property Name as String
- property Domain as String
- property Description as String
- property Version as Int64
- property Metadata as Dictionary
- shared method LoadFromFilePath(Path as String) as WinLearningModelMBS
- shared method LoadFromFile(File as FolderItem) as WinLearningModelMBS
- class WinLearningModelSequenceFeatureDescriptorMBS
- class WinLearningModelSessionMBS
- class WinLearningModelTensorFeatureDescriptorMBS
- class WinPhotoAcquireDeviceSelectionDialogMBS
- method Constructor
- method ShowModal(WindowHandle as Integer, DeviceFlags as Integer, byref deviceID as String, byref DeviceType as Integer) as boolean
- method ShowModal(Window as Window, DeviceFlags as Integer, byref deviceID as String, byref DeviceType as Integer) as boolean
- method Destructor
- method ShowModal(Window as DesktopWindow, DeviceFlags as Integer, byref deviceID as String, byref DeviceType as Integer) as boolean
- property Handle as Integer
- property Title as String
- property SubmitButtonText as String
- class WinPhotoAcquireItemMBS
- method Constructor
- method Destructor
- method Delete
- method Thumbnail(width as Integer, Height as Integer) as Picture
- method Data as String
- method SubItem(Index as Integer) as WinPhotoAcquireItemMBS
- property PropertyValue(key as string) as Variant
- property Handle as Integer
- property ItemName as String
- property CanDelete as Boolean
- property SubItemCount as Integer
- shared method PropertyKeyRelativePathname as String
- shared method PropertyKeyFinalFilename as String
- shared method PropertyKeyGroupTag as String
- shared method PropertyKeyTransferResult as String
- shared method PropertyKeyOriginalFilename as String
- shared method PropertyKeyCameraSequenceNumber as String
- shared method PropertyKeyIntermediateFile as String
- shared method PropertyKeySkipImport as String
- shared method PropertyKeyDuplicateDetectionID as String
- class WinPhotoAcquireMBS
- method Acquire(PhotoAcquireSource as WinPhotoAcquireSourceMBS, ShowProgress as Boolean, ParentWindowHandle as Integer, ApplicationName as String, PhotoAcquireProgresCallback as WinPhotoAcquireProgressCallBackMBS)
- method Acquire(PhotoAcquireSource as WinPhotoAcquireSourceMBS, ShowProgress as Boolean, ParentWindow as Window, ApplicationName as String, PhotoAcquireProgresCallback as WinPhotoAcquireProgressCallBackMBS)
- method Results as String()
- method CreatePhotoSource(Device as String) as WinPhotoAcquireSourceMBS
- method Constructor
- method Destructor
- method Acquire(PhotoAcquireSource as WinPhotoAcquireSourceMBS, ShowProgress as Boolean, ParentWindow as DesktopWindow, ApplicationName as String, PhotoAcquireProgresCallback as WinPhotoAcquireProgressCallBackMBS)
- property Handle as Integer
- class WinPhotoAcquireOptionsDialogMBS
- method Constructor
- method Create(WindowHandle as Integer) as Integer
- method Create(Window as Window) as Integer
- method Initialize(RegistryRoot as String = "")
- method ShowModal(WindowHandle as Integer) as Integer
- method ShowModal(Window as Window) as Integer
- method Destroy
- method SaveData
- method Create(Window as DesktopWindow) as Integer
- property Handle as Integer
- class WinPhotoAcquireProgressCallBackMBS
- method Constructor
- method Destructor
- property Handle as Integer
- event Cancelled(byref Cancelled as Boolean)
- event StartEnumeration(Source as WinPhotoAcquireSourceMBS)
- event FoundItem(Item as WinPhotoAcquireItemMBS) as Boolean
- event EndEnumeration(Result as Integer)
- event StartTransfer(Source as WinPhotoAcquireSourceMBS)
- event StartItemTransfer(ItemIndex as Integer, Item as WinPhotoAcquireItemMBS)
- event DirectoryCreated(Directory as String)
- event UpdateTransferPercent(Overall as Boolean, Percent as Integer)
- event EndItemTransfer(ItemIndex as Integer, Item as WinPhotoAcquireItemMBS, Result as Integer)
- event EndTransfer(Result as Integer)
- event StartDelete(Source as WinPhotoAcquireSourceMBS)
- event StartItemDelete(ItemIndex as Integer, Item as WinPhotoAcquireItemMBS)
- event UpdateDeletePercent(Percent as Integer)
- event EndItemDelete(ItemIndex as Integer, Item as WinPhotoAcquireItemMBS, Result as Integer)
- event EndDelete(Result as Integer)
- event EndSession(Result as Integer)
- event GetDeleteAfterAcquire(byref DeleteAfterAcquire as Boolean)
- event ErrorAdvise(Result as Integer, ErrorMessage as String, MessageType as Integer, byref ErrorAdviseResult as Integer)
- event GetUserInput(UserInput as WinUserInputStringMBS, byref Result as Variant, DefaultValue as Variant)
- class WinPhotoAcquireSettingsMBS
- method InitializeFromRegistry(RegistryKey as String)
- method Constructor
- method Destructor
- property Handle as Integer
- property GroupTag as String
- property SequencePaddingWidth as Integer
- property SequenceZeroPadding as Boolean
- property Flags as Integer
- property OutputFilenameTemplate as String
- property AcquisitionTime as Date
- property AcquisitionDateTime as DateTime
- class WinPhotoAcquireSourceMBS
- method InitializeItemList(ForceEnumeration as Boolean, PhotoAcquireProgress as WinPhotoAcquireProgressCallBackMBS, byref ItemCount as Integer)
- method Item(Index as Integer) as WinPhotoAcquireItemMBS
- method Destructor
- method Constructor
- property Handle as Integer
- property FriendlyName as String
- property DeviceId as String
- property ItemCount as Integer
- property PhotoAcquireSettings as WinPhotoAcquireSettingsMBS
- class WinPhotoExceptionMBS
- class WinPhotoProgressActionCallbackMBS
- class WinPhotoProgressDialogMBS
- method Destroy
- method Create(ParentWindowHandle as Integer)
- method Create(ParentWindow as Window)
- method IsCheckboxChecked(Index as Integer = 0) as Boolean
- method Destructor
- method Constructor
- method Create(ParentWindow as DesktopWindow)
- property CheckboxVisible(Index as Integer = 0) as Boolean
- property CheckboxCheck(Index as Integer = 0) as Boolean
- property CheckboxTooltip(Index as Integer = 0) as String
- property CheckboxText(Index as Integer = 0) as String
- property Handle as Integer
- property Caption as String
- property ProgressText as String
- property Title as String
- property WindowHandle as Integer
- property PercentComplete as Integer
- property ActionLinkText as String
- property ActionLinkCallback as WinPhotoProgressActionCallbackMBS
- property ShowsActionLink as Boolean
- property IsCancelled as Boolean
- property Picture as Picture
- class WinShellItemArrayMBS
- class WinShellItemMBS
- method Constructor(path as String)
- method Constructor(item as folderItem)
- method Operator_Compare(other as WinShellItemMBS) as Integer
- method ReadData as String
- method Compare(other as WinShellItemMBS, Mode as Integer = 0) as Integer
- method Thumbnail(preferredSize as Integer) as Picture
- property Handle as Integer
- property Parent as WinShellItemMBS
- property DisplayName as String
- property NativePath as String
- property URLPath as String
- property Item as FolderItem
- class WinSpellCheckerExceptionMBS
- class WinSpellCheckerMBS
- method Destructor
- method Constructor(languageTag as String)
- method Ignore(word as String)
- method Add(word as String)
- method Remove(word as String)
- method AutoCorrect(FromWord as String, ToWord as String)
- method Check(text as String) as WinSpellingErrorMBS()
- method Suggest(word as String) as String()
- method OptionIds as String()
- method OptionValue(optionId as String) as Integer
- method OptionDescription(optionId as String) as WinSpellCheckerOptionDescriptionMBS
- method ComprehensiveCheck(text as String) as WinSpellingErrorMBS()
- property Handle as Integer
- property Id as String
- property LocalizedName as String
- property LanguageTag as String
- shared method RegisterUserDictionary(dictionaryPath as String, languageTag as String)
- shared method UnregisterUserDictionary(dictionaryPath as String, languageTag as String)
- shared method IsSupported(languageTag as String) as Boolean
- shared method SupportedLanguages as String()
- event Changed
- class WinSpellCheckerOptionDescriptionMBS
- class WinSpellingErrorMBS
- class WinUserInputStringMBS
- method Constructor
- method Destructor
- method MRUEntry(Index as Integer) as String
- property Handle as Integer
- property SubmitButtonText as String
- property Prompt as String
- property StringId as String
- property StringType as Integer
- property TooltipText as String
- property Default as String
- property MaxLength as Integer
- property MRUCount as Integer
- control DesktopWebView2ControlMBS
- method AddBrowserExtension(extensionFolderPath as String, tag as Variant = nil)
- method SetVirtualHostNameToFolderMapping(hostName as String, folderPath as String, accessKind as Integer)
- method ClearVirtualHostNameToFolderMapping(hostName as String)
- method CreatePrintSettings as WebView2PrintSettingsMBS
- method Print
- method Copy
- method Cut
- method SelectAll
- method Paste
- method ClearSelection
- method AddWebResourceRequestedFilter(URL as String, resourceType as Integer)
- method RemoveWebResourceRequestedFilter(URL as String, resourceType as Integer)
- method CanGoForward as Boolean
- method CanGoBack as Boolean
- method Reload
- method Stop
- method OpenDevToolsWindow
- method GoBack
- method GoForward
- method LoadURL(URL as String)
- method LoadHTML(HTML as String)
- method AddScriptToExecuteOnDocumentCreated(JavaScript as String, tag as variant = nil)
- method RemoveScriptToExecuteOnDocumentCreated(ID as String
- method ExecuteScript(JavaScript as String, tag as variant = nil)
- method PostWebMessageAsJson(webMessageAsJson as String)
- method PostWebMessageAsString(webMessageAsString as String)
- method CapturePreview(ImageFormat as Integer = 0)
- method ExecuteScriptSync(JavaScript as String, byref ErrorCode as Integer) as String
- method HTMLText as String
- method PlainText as String
- method PrintToPdf(Path as String, PrintSettings as WebView2PrintSettingsMBS = nil)
- property URL as String
- property DocumentTitle as String
- property ContainsFullScreenElement as Boolean
- property DefaultBackgroundColor as Color
- property IsScriptEnabled as Boolean
- property AreDefaultScriptDialogsEnabled as Boolean
- property IsWebMessageEnabled as Boolean
- property IsStatusBarEnabled as Boolean
- property AreDevToolsEnabled as Boolean
- property AreDefaultContextMenusEnabled as Boolean
- property AreHostObjectsAllowed as Boolean
- property IsZoomControlEnabled as Boolean
- property IsBuiltInErrorPageEnabled as Boolean
- property UserAgent as String
- property areBrowserAcceleratorKeysEnabled as Boolean
- property IsPinchZoomEnabled as Boolean
- property IsPasswordAutosaveEnabled as Boolean
- property IsGeneralAutofillEnabled as Boolean
- property IsSwipeNavigationEnabled as Boolean
- property HiddenPdfToolbarItems as Integer
- property IsDocumentPlayingAudio as Boolean
- property IsMuted as Boolean
- property ProcessID as Integer
- property ZoomFactor as Double
- property BrowserVersionString as String
- property CookieManager as WebView2CookieManagerMBS
- property AdditionalBrowserArguments as String
- property Language as String
- property TargetCompatibleBrowserVersion as String
- property AllowSingleSignOnUsingOSPrimaryAccount as Boolean
- property BrowserExecutableFolder as String
- property UserDataFolder as String
- property AreBrowserExtensionsEnabled as Boolean
- shared method AvailableCoreWebView2BrowserVersionString as string
- event MenuBarSelected
- event Configure
- event AddScriptToExecuteOnDocumentCreatedCompleted(JavaScript as String, ErrorCode as Integer, ID as String, Tag as Variant)
- event ExecuteScriptCompleted(JavaScript as String, ErrorCode as Integer, resultObjectAsJson as String, Tag as Variant)
- event NavigationStarting(URL as String, IsUserInitiated as Boolean, IsRedirected as Boolean, NavigationID as UInt64) as Boolean
- event NavigationCompleted(isSuccess as Boolean, ErrorStatus as Integer, NavigationID as UInt64)
- event ContentLoading(isErrorPage as Boolean, NavigationID as UInt64)
- event SourceChanged(isNewDocument as Boolean)
- event DocumentTitleChanged
- event WindowCloseRequested
- event WebMessageReceived(Source as String, webMessageAsJson as String, webMessageAsString as String)
- event HistoryChanged
- event PermissionRequested(URL as String, PermissionKind as Integer, IsUserInitiated as Boolean, byref State as Integer)
- event ProcessFailed(processFailedKind as Integer)
- event Opened
- event ZoomFactorChanged
- event ContainsFullScreenElementChanged
- event FocusReceived
- event FocusLost
- event FrameNavigationStarting(URL as String, IsUserInitiated as Boolean, IsRedirected as Boolean, NavigationID as UInt64) as Boolean
- event FrameNavigationCompleted(isSuccess as Boolean, ErrorStatus as Integer, NavigationID as UInt64)
- event CapturePreviewCompleted(ImageFormat as Integer, ErrorCode as Integer, PictureData as String)
- event NewWindowRequested(URL as String, IsUserInitiated as Boolean, WindowFeatures as WebView2WindowFeaturesMBS, byref NewWindow as Variant) as Boolean
- event PrintCompleted(Path as String, errorCode as Integer, isSuccessful as boolean)
- event AddBrowserExtensionCompleted(extensionFolderPath as String, errorCode as Integer, Tag as Variant)
- event BasicAuthenticationRequested(URL as string, Challenge as String, byref UserName as String, byref Password as String, byref Cancel as boolean)
- control WebView2ControlMBS
- method AddBrowserExtension(extensionFolderPath as String, tag as Variant = nil)
- method SetVirtualHostNameToFolderMapping(hostName as String, folderPath as String, accessKind as Integer)
- method ClearVirtualHostNameToFolderMapping(hostName as String)
- method CreatePrintSettings as WebView2PrintSettingsMBS
- method Print
- method Copy
- method Cut
- method SelectAll
- method Paste
- method ClearSelection
- method AddWebResourceRequestedFilter(URL as String, resourceType as Integer)
- method RemoveWebResourceRequestedFilter(URL as String, resourceType as Integer)
- method CanGoForward as Boolean
- method CanGoBack as Boolean
- method Reload
- method Stop
- method OpenDevToolsWindow
- method GoBack
- method GoForward
- method LoadURL(URL as String)
- method LoadHTML(HTML as String)
- method AddScriptToExecuteOnDocumentCreated(JavaScript as String, tag as variant = nil)
- method RemoveScriptToExecuteOnDocumentCreated(ID as String
- method ExecuteScript(JavaScript as String, tag as variant = nil)
- method PostWebMessageAsJson(webMessageAsJson as String)
- method PostWebMessageAsString(webMessageAsString as String)
- method CapturePreview(ImageFormat as Integer = 0)
- method ExecuteScriptSync(JavaScript as String, byref ErrorCode as Integer) as String
- method HTMLText as String
- method PlainText as String
- method PrintToPdf(Path as String, PrintSettings as WebView2PrintSettingsMBS = nil)
- property URL as String
- property DocumentTitle as String
- property ContainsFullScreenElement as Boolean
- property DefaultBackgroundColor as Color
- property IsScriptEnabled as Boolean
- property AreDefaultScriptDialogsEnabled as Boolean
- property IsWebMessageEnabled as Boolean
- property IsStatusBarEnabled as Boolean
- property AreDevToolsEnabled as Boolean
- property AreDefaultContextMenusEnabled as Boolean
- property AreHostObjectsAllowed as Boolean
- property IsZoomControlEnabled as Boolean
- property IsBuiltInErrorPageEnabled as Boolean
- property UserAgent as String
- property areBrowserAcceleratorKeysEnabled as Boolean
- property IsPinchZoomEnabled as Boolean
- property IsPasswordAutosaveEnabled as Boolean
- property IsGeneralAutofillEnabled as Boolean
- property IsSwipeNavigationEnabled as Boolean
- property HiddenPdfToolbarItems as Integer
- property IsDocumentPlayingAudio as Boolean
- property IsMuted as Boolean
- property ProcessID as Integer
- property ZoomFactor as Double
- property BrowserVersionString as String
- property CookieManager as WebView2CookieManagerMBS
- property AdditionalBrowserArguments as String
- property Language as String
- property TargetCompatibleBrowserVersion as String
- property AllowSingleSignOnUsingOSPrimaryAccount as Boolean
- property BrowserExecutableFolder as String
- property UserDataFolder as String
- property AreBrowserExtensionsEnabled as Boolean
- shared method AvailableCoreWebView2BrowserVersionString as string
- event EnableMenuItems
- event Configure
- event AddScriptToExecuteOnDocumentCreatedCompleted(JavaScript as String, ErrorCode as Integer, ID as String, Tag as Variant)
- event ExecuteScriptCompleted(JavaScript as String, ErrorCode as Integer, resultObjectAsJson as String, Tag as Variant)
- event NavigationStarting(URL as String, IsUserInitiated as Boolean, IsRedirected as Boolean, NavigationID as UInt64) as Boolean
- event NavigationCompleted(isSuccess as Boolean, ErrorStatus as Integer, NavigationID as UInt64)
- event ContentLoading(isErrorPage as Boolean, NavigationID as UInt64)
- event SourceChanged(isNewDocument as Boolean)
- event DocumentTitleChanged
- event WindowCloseRequested
- event WebMessageReceived(Source as String, webMessageAsJson as String, webMessageAsString as String)
- event HistoryChanged
- event PermissionRequested(URL as String, PermissionKind as Integer, IsUserInitiated as Boolean, byref State as Integer)
- event ProcessFailed(processFailedKind as Integer)
- event Opened
- event ZoomFactorChanged
- event ContainsFullScreenElementChanged
- event GotFocus
- event LostFocus
- event FrameNavigationStarting(URL as String, IsUserInitiated as Boolean, IsRedirected as Boolean, NavigationID as UInt64) as Boolean
- event FrameNavigationCompleted(isSuccess as Boolean, ErrorStatus as Integer, NavigationID as UInt64)
- event CapturePreviewCompleted(ImageFormat as Integer, ErrorCode as Integer, PictureData as String)
- event NewWindowRequested(URL as String, IsUserInitiated as Boolean, WindowFeatures as WebView2WindowFeaturesMBS, byref NewWindow as Variant) as Boolean
- event PrintCompleted(Path as String, errorCode as Integer, isSuccessful as boolean)
- event AddBrowserExtensionCompleted(extensionFolderPath as String, errorCode as Integer, Tag as Variant)
- event BasicAuthenticationRequested(URL as string, Challenge as String, byref UserName as String, byref Password as String, byref Cancel as boolean)