DynaPDF Manual - Page 741
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Function Reference
Page 741 of 860
If no external cmaps are available then DynaPDF creates the appearance stream of the field with
the specified font but the field font will be set to Helvetica! Although DynaPDF still creates a
PDF file in this case do not assume that the resulting file is usable!
If you don't want to use external cmaps then don't use another code page than 1252 or
MacRoman with form fields!
DynaPDF checks whether the field font supports all glyphs which are used in the field when the file
is closed. If one or more glyphs are missing, then the font will be replaced if DynaPDF can find a
better match that supports all glyphs.
If the font of several fields must be set to the same font, then store the returned field handle and set
the font with SetFieldFontEx().
This function is implemented in an Ansi and Unicode compatible version. The Unicode version is
preferred since font names are usually stored in Unicode format.
Field fonts and fonts which are used on a page are stored in different arrays. Therefore, a field font
handle that was returned by this function cannot be used with ChangeFont() and a font handle that
was returned by SetFont() cannot be used with SetFieldFontEx().
Return values:
If the function succeeds the return value is the font handle, a value greater zero. If the function fails
the return value is a negative error code.
LBOOL pdfSetFieldFontEx(
const PPDF* IPDF,
UI32 Field,
UI32 Handle,
double FontSize)
The function sets or replaces the font of a field. The function requires a font handle that was
returned by SetFieldFont().
Return values:
If the function succeeds the return value is 1. If the function fails the return value is 0.
Previous topic: SetFieldFont
Next topic: SetFieldFontSize, SetFieldHighlightMode, SetFieldIndex