DynaPDF 4.0
API Reference Version 4.0.95
December 2, 2024
DynaPDF Manual - Index
- Legal Notices
- Table of Contents
- Data types
- Exception handling
- Custom Library Changes
- DPI Aware .Net applications
- Language bindings
- Compiling DynaPDF on Linux / UNIX
- Compiling DynaPDF on macOS
- Content parsing & editing
- Complex Text Layout
- JSON Parser
- Interactive Forms
- Actions
- Digital Signatures
- PDF/A and PDF/X Compatibility
- Path Painting and Construction
- Color Spaces
- Layers (Optional Content)
- PDF Transparency
- Tables
- Table Functions
- AddColumn
- AddRow
- AddRows
- ClearColumn
- ClearContent
- ClearRow
- CreateTable
- DeleteCol
- DeleteRow
- DeleteRows
- DeleteTable
- DrawTable
- GetFirstRow
- GetFlags
- GetNextHeight
- GetNextRow
- GetNumCols
- GetNumRows
- GetPDFInstance
- GetTableHeight
- GetTableWidth
- HaveMore
- SetBoxProperty
- SetCellAction
- SetCellDashPattern
- SetCellImage
- SetCellImageEx
- SetCellOrientation
- SetCellTable
- SetCellTemplate
- SetCellText
- SetColor
- SetColorEx
- SetColWidth
- SetFlags
- SetFont
- SetFontSelMode
- SetFontSize
- SetGridWidth
- SetPDFInstance
- SetRowHeight
- SetTableWidth
- Function Reference
- Abort (Rendering Engine)
- ActivateAltFontList
- AddActionToObj
- AddAnnotToPage
- AddArticle
- AddBookmark
- AddBookmarkEx
- AddBookmarkEx2
- AddButtonImage
- AddButtonImageEx
- AddButtonImageEx2
- AddContinueText
- AddDeviceNProcessColorants
- AddDeviceNSeparations
- AddDPartNode
- AddFieldToFormAction
- AddFieldToHideAction
- AddFileComment
- AddFontSearchPath
- AddHeaderFooter
- AddImage
- AddInkList
- AddJavaScript
- AddLayerToDisplTree
- AddMaskImage
- AddObjectToLayer
- AddOCGToAppEvent
- AddOutputIntent
- AddOutputIntentEx
- AddPageLabel
- AddRasImage (Rendering Engine)
- AddRenderingIntent (obsolete)
- AddRenderingIntentEx (obsolete)
- AddValToChoiceField
- Append
- ApplyAppEvent
- ApplyPattern
- ApplyShading
- AssociateEmbFile
- AttachFile
- AttachFileEx
- AttachImageBuffer (Rendering Engine)
- AutoTemplate
- BeginClipPath (Obsolete)
- BeginContinueText
- BeginLayer
- BeginPageTemplate
- BeginPattern
- BeginTemplate
- BeginTransparencyGroup
- Bezier_1_2_3
- Bezier_1_3
- Bezier_2_3
- BuildFamilyNameAndStyle
- CalcPagePixelSize (Rendering Engine)
- CalcWidthHeight
- CaretAnnot
- ChangeAnnotName
- ChangeAnnotPos
- ChangeBookmark
- ChangeNamedDest
- ChangeFont
- ChangeFontEx
- ChangeFontSize
- ChangeFontStyle
- ChangeFontStyleEx
- ChangeJavaScript
- ChangeJavaScriptAction
- ChangeJavaScriptName
- ChangeLinkAnnot
- ChangeOCGName
- ChangeSeparationColor
- CheckCollection
- CheckConformance
- CheckFieldNames
- CircleAnnot
- ClearAutoTemplates
- ClearErrorLog
- ClearHostFonts
- ClipPath
- CloseAndSignFile
- CloseAndSignFileEx
- CloseAndSignFileExt
- CloseFile
- CloseFileEx
- CloseImage
- CloseImportFile
- CloseImportFileEx
- ClosePath
- CloseTag
- ComputeBBox
- ConnectPageBreakEvent
- ConvColor
- ConvertColors
- ConvertEMFSpool
- ConvToUnicode
- CopyChoiceValues
- Create3DAnnot
- Create3DBackground
- Create3DGotoViewAction
- Create3DProjection
- Create3DView
- CreateAltFontList
- CreateAnnotAP
- CreateArticleThread
- CreateAxialShading
- CreateBarcodeField
- CreateButton
- CreateCheckBox
- CreateCIEColorSpace
- CreateColItemDate
- CreateColItemNumber
- CreateColItemString
- CreateCollection
- CreateCollectionField
- CreateComboBox
- CreateDeviceNColorSpace
- CreateDPartRoot
- CreateExtGState
- CreateGeospatialMeasure
- CreateGoToAction
- CreateGoToActionEx
- CreateGoToEAction
- CreateGoToRAction
- CreateGoToRActionEx
- CreateGroupField
- CreateHideAction
- CreateICCBasedColorSpace
- CreateICCBasedColorSpaceEx
- CreateImage
- CreateImportDataAction
- CreateIndexedColorSpace
- CreateJSAction
- CreateLaunchAction
- CreateLaunchActionEx
- CreateListBox
- CreateNamedAction
- CreateNamedDest
- CreateNewPDF
- CreateOCG
- CreateOCMD
- CreateRadialShading
- CreateRadioButton
- CreateRasterizer (Rendering Engine)
- CreateRasterizerEx (Rendering Engine)
- CreateRectilinearMeasure
- CreateResetAction
- CreateSeparationCS
- CreateSetOCGStateAction
- CreateSigField
- CreateSigFieldAP
- CreateSoftMask
- CreateStdPattern
- CreateStructureTree
- CreateStructureTreeEx
- CreateSubmitAction
- CreateTextField
- CreateURIAction
- CreateViewport
- CreateXFAStream
- DecryptPDF
- DeleteAcroForm
- DeleteActionFromObj
- DeleteActionFromObjEx
- DeleteAltFontList
- DeleteAnnotation
- DeleteAnnotationFromPage
- DeleteAppEvents
- DeleteBookmark
- DeleteDPartNode
- DeleteEmbeddedFile
- DeleteField
- DeleteFieldEx
- DeleteJavaScripts
- DeleteNamedDest
- DeleteNamedDestByIndex
- DeleteOCGFromAppEvent
- DeleteOCGFromDisplayTree
- DeleteOCUINode
- DeleteOutputIntent
- DeletePage
- DeletePageLabels
- DeletePDF
- DeleteRasterizer (Rendering Engine)
- DeleteSeparationInfo
- DeleteTemplate
- DeleteTemplateEx
- DeleteWatermark
- DeleteXFAForm
- DrawArc
- DrawArcEx
- DrawChord
- DrawCircle
- DrawNGon
- DrawPie
- EditPage
- EditTemplate
- EditTemplate2
- Ellipse
- EnableImageCache (Rendering engine)
- EncryptPDF
- EndContinueText (obsolete)
- EndLayer
- EndPage
- EndPattern
- EndTemplate
- EnumDocFonts
- EnumHostFonts
- EnumHostFontsEx
- ExchangeBookmarks
- ExchangePages
- ExtractText
- FileAttachAnnot
- FileAttachAnnotEx
- FileLink
- FindBookmark
- FindEmbeddedFile
- FindField
- FindLinkAnnot
- FindNextBookmark
- FinishSignature
- FlattenAnnotOrField
- FlattenAnnots
- FlattenForm
- FlushPageContent
- FlushPages
- FlushPagesEx
- FreeImageBuffer
- FreeImageObj
- FreeImageObjEx
- FreePDF
- FreeTextAnnot
- FreeUniBuf
- Get3DAnnotStream
- GetActionCount
- GetActionHandle
- GetActionType
- GetActionTypeEx
- GetActiveFont
- GetAllocBy
- GetAnnot (obsolete)
- GetAnnotBBox
- GetAnnotColor
- GetAnnotCount
- GetAnnotEx
- GetAnnotFlags
- GetAnnotLink
- GetAnnotTextAlign
- GetAnnotType
- GetAscent
- GetBarcodeDict
- GetBBox
- GetBidiMode
- GetBookmark (obsolete)
- GetBookmarkEx
- GetBookmarkCount
- GetBorderStyle
- GetBuffer
- GetCapHeight
- GetCharacterSpacing
- GetCheckBoxChar
- GetCheckBoxCharEx
- GetCheckBoxDefState
- GetCMap
- GetCMapCount
- GetCollectionInfo
- GetColorSpace
- GetColorSpaceCount
- GetColorSpaceObj
- GetColorSpaceObjEx
- GetCompressionFilter
- GetCompressionLevel
- GetContent
- GetDefBitsPerPixel
- GetDescent
- GetDeviceNAttributes
- GetDocInfo
- GetDocInfoCount
- GetDocInfoEx
- GetDocUsesTransparency
- GetDrawDirection
- GetDynaPDFVersion
- GetDynaPDFVersionInt
- GetEmbeddedFile
- GetEmbeddedFileCount
- GetEmbeddedFileNode
- GetEMFPatternDistance
- GetErrLogMessage
- GetErrLogMessageCount
- GetErrorMessage
- GetErrorMode
- GetField (obsolete)
- GetFieldBackColor
- GetFieldBorderColor
- GetFieldBorderStyle
- GetFieldBorderWidth
- GetFieldCalcOrder
- GetFieldChoiceValue
- GetFieldColor
- GetFieldCount
- GetFieldEx
- GetFieldEx2
- GetFieldExpValCount
- GetFieldExpValue
- GetFieldExpValueEx
- GetFieldFlags
- GetFieldGroupType
- GetFieldHighlightMode
- GetFieldIndex
- GetFieldMapName
- GetFieldName
- GetFieldOrientation
- GetFieldTextAlign
- GetFieldTextColor
- GetFieldToolTip
- GetFieldType
- GetFileSpec
- GetFillColor
- GetFont (obsolete)
- GetFontCount
- GetFontEx (obsolete)
- GetFontInfo
- GetFontInfoEx
- GetFontOrigin
- GetFontMetrics
- GetFontSearchOrder
- GetFontSelMode
- GetFontSize
- GetFontWeight
- GetFTextHeight
- GetFTextHeightEx
- GetFullyQualifiedFieldName
- GetGlyphIndex
- GetGlyphOutline
- GetGoToAction
- GetGoToRAction
- GetGStateFlags
- GetHideAction
- GetIconColor
- GetImageBuffer
- GetImageCount
- GetImageCountEx
- GetImageHeight
- GetImageObj
- GetImageObjCount
- GetImageObjEx
- GetImageWidth
- GetImportDataAction
- GetImportFlags
- GetImportFlags2
- GetInBBox
- GetInDocInfo
- GetInDocInfoCount
- GetInDocInfoEx
- GetInEncryptionFlags (obsolete)
- GetInEncryptionInfo
- GetInFieldCount
- GetInIsCollection
- GetInIsEncrypted
- GetInIsSigned
- GetInIsTaggedPDF
- GetInIsTrapped
- GetInIsXFAForm
- GetInkList
- GetInMetadata
- GetInNamedDest (obsolete)
- GetInNamedDestCount (obsolete)
- GetInOrientation
- GetInPageCount
- GetInPDFVersion
- GetInPDFVersionEx
- GetInPrintSettings
- GetInRepairMode
- GetIsFixedPich
- GetIsTaggingEnabled
- GetItalicAngle
- GetJavaScript
- GetJavaScriptAction (obsolete)
- GetJavaScriptAction2 (obsolete)
- GetJavaScriptActionEx
- GetJavaScriptCount
- GetJavaScriptEx
- GetJavaScriptName
- GetJPEGQuality
- GetLanguage
- GetLastTextPosX, GetLastTextPosY
- GetLastTextPosXAbs, GetLastTextPosYAbs
- GetLaunchAction
- GetLayerConfig
- GetLayerConfigCount
- GetLeading
- GetLineCapStyle
- GetLineJoinStyle
- GetLineWidth
- GetLinkHighlightMode
- GetLogMetafileSize
- GetLogMetafileSizeEx
- GetMatrix
- GetMaxFieldLen
- GetMeasureObj
- GetMetaConvFlags
- GetMetadata
- GetMissingGlyphs
- GetMiterLimit
- GetMovieAction
- GetNamedAction
- GetNamedDest
- GetNamedDestCount
- GetNeedAppearance
- GetNumberFormatObj
- GetObjActionCount (obsolete)
- GetObjActions
- GetObjEvent
- GetOCG
- GetOCGContUsage
- GetOCGCount
- GetOCGUsageUserName
- GetOCHandle
- GetOCUINode
- GetOpacity
- GetOrientation
- GetOutputIntent
- GetOutputIntentCount
- GetPageAnnot (obsolete)
- GetPageAnnotEx
- GetPageAnnotCount
- GetPageBBox (Rendering Engine)
- GetPageCoords
- GetPageCount
- GetPageField (obsolete)
- GetPageFieldCount
- GetPageFieldEx
- GetPageHeight
- GetPageLabel
- GetPageLabelCount
- GetPageLayout
- GetPageMode
- GetPageNum
- GetPageObject (Rendering Engine)
- GetPageOrientation (Rendering Engine)
- GetPageText
- GetPageWidth
- GetPDFVersion
- GetPDFVersionEx
- GetPrintSettings
- GetPtDataArray
- GetPtDataObj
- GetRelFileNode
- GetResetAction
- GetResolution
- GetSaveNewImageFormat
- GetSeparationInfo
- GetSigDict
- GetSpaceWidth
- GetStrokeColor
- GetSubmitAction
- GetSysFontInfo
- GetTabLen
- GetTemplCount
- GetTemplHandle
- GetTemplHeight
- GetTemplWidth
- GetTextBBox
- GetTextDrawMode
- GetTextFieldValue
- GetTextRect
- GetTextRise
- GetTextScaling
- GetTextWidth
- GetTextWidth (Font API)
- GetTextWidthEx
- GetTransparentColor
- GetTrapped
- GetTypoLeading
- GetURIAction
- GetUseExactPwd
- GetUseGlobalImpFiles
- GetUserRights
- GetUserUnit
- GetUseStdFonts
- GetUseSystemFonts
- GetUsesTransparency
- GetUseTransparency
- GetUseVisibleCoords
- GetViewerPreferences
- GetViewport
- GetViewportCount
- GetWMFDefExtent
- GetWMFPixelPerInch
- GetWordSpacing
- GetXFAStream
- GetXFAStreamCount
- HaveDPartRoot
- HaveOpenDoc
- HaveOpenPage
- HighlightAnnot
- ImportBookmarks
- ImportCatalogObjects
- ImportDocInfo
- ImportEncryptionSettings
- ImportOCProperties
- ImportPage
- ImportPageEx
- ImportPDFFile
- InitBarcode2
- InitColorManagement
- InitColorManagementEx
- InitExtGState
- InitHeaderFooter
- InitOCGContUsage
- InitStack
- InkAnnot
- InsertBarcode
- InsertBMPFromBuffer (obsolete)
- InsertBMPFromHandle
- InsertBookmark
- InsertBookmarkEx
- InsertImage (obsolete)
- InsertImageEx
- InsertImageFromBuffer
- InsertMetafile
- InsertMetafileEx
- InsertMetafileExt
- InsertMetafileExtEx
- InsertMetafileFromHandle
- InsertMetafileFromHandleEx
- InsertRawImage
- InsertRawImageEx
- IsBidiText
- IsColorPage
- IsEmptyPage
- IsWrongPwd
- LineAnnot
- LineTo
- LoadCMap
- LoadFont
- LoadFontEx
- LoadFDFData
- LoadFDFDataEx
- LoadHeaderFooterSettings
- LoadLayerConfig
- LockLayer
- MarkTemplateAsWatermark
- MovePage
- MoveTo
- MultiplyMatrix
- NewPDF
- OpenImportBuffer
- OpenImportFile
- OpenOutputFile
- OpenOutputFileEncrypted
- OpenTag
- OpenTagBBox
- OpenTagEx
- Optimize
- PageLink
- PageLink2
- PageLink3
- PageLinkEx
- ParseContent
- PlaceImage
- PlaceSigFieldValidateIcon
- PlaceTemplate
- PlaceTemplateEx
- PlaceTemplByMatrix
- PolygonAnnot
- PolyLineAnnot
- PrintPage
- PrintPDFFile
- ReadImageFormat (obsolete)
- ReadImageFormat2
- ReadImageFormatEx
- ReadImageFormatFromBuffer
- ReadImageResolution
- ReadImageResolutionEx
- Rectangle
- Redraw (Rendering Engine)
- ReEncryptPDF
- RenameSpotColor
- RenderAnnotOrField
- RenderPage (Rendering Engine)
- RenderPageEx (Rendering Engine)
- RenderPageToImage (Rendering Engine)
- RenderPDFFile (obsolete)
- RenderPDFFileEx
- ReplaceFont
- ReOpenImportFile
- ReplaceFontEx
- ReplaceICCProfile
- ReplaceICCProfileEx
- ReplaceImage
- ReplaceImageEx
- ReplacePageText
- ReplacePageTextEx
- ResetAnnotAP
- ResetEncryptionSettings
- ResetLineDashPattern
- ResizeBitmap (Rendering Engine)
- RestoreGraphicState
- RotateCoords
- RoundRect
- RoundRectEx
- SaveGraphicState
- ScaleCoords
- SelfTest
- Set3DAnnotProps
- Set3DAnnotScript
- SetAllocBy
- SetAltFonts
- SetAnnotBorderEffect
- SetAnnotBorderStyle
- SetAnnotBorderWidth
- SetAnnotColor
- SetAnnotFlags
- SetAnnotFlagsEx
- SetAnnotHighlightMode
- SetAnnotIcon
- SetAnnotLineEndStyle
- SetAnnotLineDashPattern
- SetAnnotMigrationState
- SetAnnotOpacity
- SetAnnotOpenState
- SetAnnotOrFieldDate
- SetAnnotQuadPoints
- SetAnnotString
- SetAnnotSubject
- SetBBox
- SetBidiMode
- SetBookmarkDest
- SetBookmarkStyle
- SetBorderStyle
- SetCharacterSpacing
- SetCheckBoxChar
- SetCheckBoxDefState
- SetCheckBoxState
- SetCIDFont
- SetCMapDir
- SetColDefFile
- SetColSortField
- SetColorMask
- SetColors
- SetColorSpace
- SetCompressionFilter
- SetCompressionLevel
- SetContent
- SetDateTimeFormat
- SetDefBitsPerPixel
- SetDocInfo
- SetDocInfoEx
- SetDrawDirection
- SetEMFFrameDPI
- SetEMFPatternDistance
- SetErrorMode
- SetExtColorSpace
- SetExtFillColorSpace
- SetExtGState
- SetExtStrokeColorSpace
- SetFieldBackColor
- SetFieldBBox
- SetFieldBorderColor
- SetFieldBorderStyle
- SetFieldBorderWidth
- SetFieldCalcOrder
- SetFieldColor
- SetFieldExpValue
- SetFieldExpValueEx
- SetFieldFlags
- SetFieldFont
- SetFieldFontEx
- SetFieldFontSize
- SetFieldHighlightMode
- SetFieldIndex
- SetFieldMapName
- SetFieldName
- SetFieldOrientation
- SetFieldTextAlign
- SetFieldTextColor
- SetFieldToolTip
- SetFillColor
- SetFillColorEx
- SetFillColorF
- SetFillColorSpace
- SetFloatPrecision
- SetFont
- SetFontEx
- SetFontOrigin
- SetFontSearchOrder
- SetFontSearchOrderEx
- SetFontSelMode
- SetFontWeight
- SetGStateFlags
- SetIconColor
- SetImportFlags
- SetImportFlags2
- SetItalicAngle
- SetJPEGQuality
- SetLanguage
- SetLeading
- SetLicenseKey
- SetLineAnnotParms
- SetLineAnnotPoints
- SetLineCapStyle
- SetLineDashPattern (obsolete)
- SetLineDashPattern2
- SetLineDashPatternEx (obsolete)
- SetLineJoinStyle
- SetLineWidth
- SetLinkHighlightMode
- SetListFont
- SetMatrix
- SetMaxErrLogMsgCount
- SetMaxFieldLen
- SetMetaConvFlags
- SetMetadata
- SetMinLineWidth2 (Rendering Engine)
- SetMiterLimit
- SetNeedAppearance
- SetNumberFormat
- SetOCGContUsage
- SetOCGState
- SetOnErrorProc
- SetOnPageBreakProc
- SetOpacity
- SetOrientation
- SetOrientationEx
- SetPageBBox
- SetPageCoords
- SetPageFormat
- SetPageHeight
- SetPageLayout
- SetPageMode
- SetPageOrientation
- SetPageWidth
- SetPDFVersion
- SetPrintSettings
- SetProgressProc
- SetRenderingIntent
- SetResolution
- SetSaveNewImageFormat
- SetScreenRes (Rendering Engine)
- SetSeparationInfo
- SetSpaceWidthFactor
- SetStrokeColor
- SetStrokeColorEx
- SetStrokeColorF
- SetStrokeColorSpace
- SetTabLen
- SetTemplBBox
- SetTextDrawMode
- SetTextFieldValue
- SetTextFieldValueEx
- SetTextRect
- SetTextRise
- SetTextScaling
- SetTransparentColor
- SetTrapped
- SetUseExactPwd
- SetUseGlobalImpFiles
- SetUseImageInterpolation
- SetUseImageInterpolationEx
- SetUserUnit
- SetUseStdFonts
- SetUseSwapFile (obsolete)
- SetUseSwapFileEx (obsolete)
- SetUseSystemFonts
- SetUseTransparency
- SetUseVisibleCoords
- SetViewerPreferences
- SetWMFDefExtent
- SetWMFPixelPerInch
- SetWordSpacing
- SetXFAStream
- SkewCoords
- SortFieldsByIndex
- SortFieldsByName
- SquareAnnot
- StampAnnot
- StrokePath
- TestGlyphs
- TestGlyphsEx
- TestPassword
- TextAnnot
- TranslateCoords
- TranslateRawCode (Font API)
- TranslateString (obsolete)
- TranslateString2 (Font API)
- Triangle
- UnLockLayer
- UTF16ToUTF32
- UTF16ToUTF32Ex
- UTF32ToUTF16
- UTF32ToUTF16Ex
- WatermarkAnnot
- WebLink
- WriteAngleText
- WriteFText
- WriteFTextEx
- WriteText
- WriteTextEx
- WriteTextMatrix
- WriteTextMatrixEx