MBS Plugins @ XDC 2019

Presentation from Xojo Developer Conference 2019 in Miami.

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00:00 Introduction
01:45 LargeNumberMBS and BigNumberMBS classes
02:52 ContinuityCameraMBS
04:20 Map Kit, MapKitViewControlMBS and MKMapViewMBS.
06:50 SceneKit
08:40 JSONMBS class
10:38 MBS Xojo SQL Plugin, InternalCubeSQLLibraryMBS class.
13:52 MBS Xojo ChartDirector Plugin
15:02 TextConverterMBS class
15:46 LibUSB classes in MBS Xojo USB Plugin
16:30 MBS Xojo Bluetooth Plugin
17:10 SSH2SessionMBS and SSH2TunnelMBS class
18:45 MBS Xojo CURL Plugin, CURLSFileInfoMBS, CURLSURLMBS, CURLSSSLBackendMBS and CURLSMimePartMBS class
21:55 Archive classes
22:45 MBS Xojo Encryption Plugin
23:50 MountMBS, UnmountMBS, MountPathMBS functions and NetFSMountMBS class.
24:36 MediaLibrary classes
25:05 MemoryStorageMBS class
25:33 MBS Xojo GraphicsMagick Plugin, GMConvertMBS and GMImageMBS classes.
26:33 MBS Xojo DynaPDF Plugin, DynaPDFRasterizerMBS class.
29:10 MBS Xojo Images Plugin
30:04 ReadFileMBS and WriteFileMBS functions
31:15 NSColorMBS, CanvasGesturesMBS, CWWifiClientMBS, FileListMBS and UNNotificationMBS classes.
33:05 StoreKit classes
34:18 WKWebViewControlMBS, WebUIDelegateMBS and NSURLCacheMBS classes.
36:00 MBS Xojo AVFoundation Plugin, CIDetectorMBS, AVCaptureViewControlMBS and AVPlayerViewControlMBS
37:26 NSTextViewMBS class
37:52 Application.FrontmostMBS, window.ActivateWindowMBS, WindowsSerialPortsMBS and Graphics.DrawRotatedTextMBS.
38:44 WindowsDisplayMBS, WindowsFileInfoMBS and IEClearBrowserSessionMBS
39:28 WindowsGUIResourcesMBS class
39:50 WinSpellCheckingMBS and WinAutoCorrectionMBS properties
40:05 WinShowFontPanelMBS class
40:28 DirectShow classes
41:28 MBS Xojo Linux Plugin, LinuxIconMBS module
42:14 Changes
43:10 ShellMBS class
44:05 One more thing...
44:20 Graphics class integration for DynaPDFMBS class.
48:39 MBS Xojo Conference 2019
49:20 Questions & Answers

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MBSPluginsMiami.mp4 (287M)

MBSPluginsMiami.pdf (7.7M)

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