The MBS Xojo MacCocoa Plugin
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Cocoa classes: AppleRemote, StatusItem, SpeechSynthesizer and SpeechRecognizer, Save/OpenPanel, SpellChecking and Addressbook.
This plugin is included in our plugin archive:
Download the MBS Xojo Plugins |
MBS-Xojo-Plugins250.dmg | | |
All archives contain the same content. |
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MBS MacCocoa Plugin.pdf | 4.2M |
You can order a license here: Order
This plugin requires other plugin installed to build applications:
- MBS Main Plugin
- MBS MacBase Plugin
This plugin part is included if you order a Complete set license.
The Mac Cocoa plugin is so big, that we split it in four parts: MacCocoa, MacBase, MacControls and MacExtras.
The documentation for MBS MacCocoa Plugin:
show all functions and classes in this plugin.
- NSApplication
- NSDrag
- NSControl
- NSCell
- NSText
- NSParagraphStyle
- NSPrint
- NSApplicationDelegate
- NSTabView
- NSPanel
- NSGraphics
- NSSpeech
- NSSpellChecker
- NSStatusItem
- NSWorkspace
- NSURLRequestCertificateFilter
- NSTimer
- NSAppleScript
- ABAddressbook
- IMService
Examples for this plugin:
- /MacCocoa/Addressbook/Add address to person
- /MacCocoa/Addressbook/Add person
- /MacCocoa/Addressbook/Add Vcard to Addressbook
- /MacCocoa/Addressbook/Addressbook Constants
- /MacCocoa/Addressbook/Addressbook Notifications
- /MacCocoa/Addressbook/Addressbook Pick one address
- /MacCocoa/Addressbook/Addressbook Picker
- /MacCocoa/Addressbook/Change my name
- /MacCocoa/Addressbook/Easy search
- /MacCocoa/Addressbook/Edit Distance values
- /MacCocoa/Addressbook/Extract Vcard
- /MacCocoa/Addressbook/Group members
- /MacCocoa/Addressbook/GroupsForAccounts Test
- /MacCocoa/Addressbook/List Addresses
- /MacCocoa/Addressbook/List of People with images
- /MacCocoa/Addressbook/Properties of ABPerson
- /MacCocoa/Addressbook/Search Person
- /MacCocoa/Addressbook/Show my entry
- /MacCocoa/AppleScript/AppleScript Editor Cocoa
- /MacCocoa/AppleScript/DeterminePermissionToAutomateTarget
- /MacCocoa/AppleScript/NSAppleScriptMBS query Mail mailboxes
- /MacCocoa/AppleScript/NSAppleScriptMBS with properties
- /MacCocoa/Apply Quartz Filters to PDF
- /MacCocoa/Background view over titlebar
- /MacCocoa/ClipboardSaver
- /MacCocoa/Core Animation
- /MacCocoa/Custom NSViewControl Drag
- /MacCocoa/Data Detectors
- /MacCocoa/DiscRecording/DataBurn
- /MacCocoa/DiscRecording/DataBurn Image
- /MacCocoa/DiscRecording/DataBurn UDF
- /MacCocoa/DiscRecording/DataBurn with Events
- /MacCocoa/DiscRecording/DataBurn with Events and Notification
- /MacCocoa/DiscRecording/DataBurn with File Events
- /MacCocoa/DiscRecording/DataBurn with links
- /MacCocoa/DiscRecording/DataBurn with Track Events
- /MacCocoa/DiscRecording/DataBurn with Track Events with ISRC and MCN
- /MacCocoa/Dock Menu/Dock menu with ApplicationDelegate
- /MacCocoa/Dock Menu/Dock menu with submenu with ApplicationDelegate
- /MacCocoa/DockMeter/Dock Meter
- /MacCocoa/Drag Promise Receiver
- /MacCocoa/Drop file to see icon parts
- /MacCocoa/Dynamic FileOpenDialog
- /MacCocoa/EasyStatusItem
- /MacCocoa/Font Family Members
- /MacCocoa/Font PopupMenu in Cocoa
- /MacCocoa/Fonts and Font Families
- /MacCocoa/Fullsize Window Content
- /MacCocoa/Fun with ImageWell and NSImageViewMBS
- /MacCocoa/Fun with TabPanel
- /MacCocoa/Hide Window Buttons
- /MacCocoa/HUDObjects/HUDControls
- /MacCocoa/InstantMessage
- /MacCocoa/KeyValueObserver
- /MacCocoa/LevelIndicator
- /MacCocoa/Lion Persistence
- /MacCocoa/MethodDraw SVG Editor/MethodDraw
- /MacCocoa/Mouse Click & Keyboard Events
- /MacCocoa/MovableByBackground
- /MacCocoa/Notifications/NSDistributedNotificationCenterMBS receiver
- /MacCocoa/Notifications/NSDistributedNotificationCenterMBS sender
- /MacCocoa/Notifications/NSWorkspaceMBS notification receiver
- /MacCocoa/NSAlert Test
- /MacCocoa/NSAnimation test
- /MacCocoa/NSAppleEventHandlerMBS test
- /MacCocoa/NSColor and Colorspaces
- /MacCocoa/NSColorPanel Test
- /MacCocoa/NSCursor Test
- /MacCocoa/NSDirectoryEnumeratorMBS paths on desktop
- /MacCocoa/NSFileManager with authorization
- /MacCocoa/NSFontPanel
- /MacCocoa/NSImage EPS Test/NSImage EPS Test
- /MacCocoa/NSImage/NSImageMBS multithreading
- /MacCocoa/NSImage/Open Image using NSImage
- /MacCocoa/NSImage/Threaded image load
- /MacCocoa/NSLocale test
- /MacCocoa/NSOperation
- /MacCocoa/NSProcessInfo Example
- /MacCocoa/NSSavePanel
- /MacCocoa/NSSavePanelObserver
- /MacCocoa/NSSearchField control with menu
- /MacCocoa/NSStatusItem/Display current IP
- /MacCocoa/NSStatusItem/Display current iTunes Song
- /MacCocoa/NSStatusItem/Logintime in menubar
- /MacCocoa/NSStatusItem/Name in menu bar
- /MacCocoa/NSStatusItem/StatusItem
- /MacCocoa/NSStatusItem/Statusitem Counter
- /MacCocoa/NSStatusItem/StatusItem easy
- /MacCocoa/NSStatusItem/StatusItem with CarbonEvents
- /MacCocoa/NSStatusItem/StatusItem with Image in menu
- /MacCocoa/NSStatusItem/StatusItem with NSView
- /MacCocoa/NSStatusItem/StatusItem with PDF Icon
- /MacCocoa/NSStatusItem/Statusitem with PopOver
- /MacCocoa/NSStatusItem/Statusitem with PopOver using Container
- /MacCocoa/NSStatusItem/Statusitem with slider in menubar
- /MacCocoa/NSStatusItem/Statusitem with textfield in menubar
- /MacCocoa/NSTask/NSTask
- /MacCocoa/NSTask/NSTask live output
- /MacCocoa/NSTask/NSTask traceroute
- /MacCocoa/NSTask/NSTask with Arguments
- /MacCocoa/NSTextFinder and find bar
- /MacCocoa/NSTimer Test
- /MacCocoa/NSURL Free Disk Space
- /MacCocoa/NSURLConnection test
- /MacCocoa/NSURLConnectionFilter test
- /MacCocoa/NSURLRequestCertificateFilterMBS Test
- /MacCocoa/NSUserDefaults
- /MacCocoa/NSUserDefaultsDidChangeNotification Test
- /MacCocoa/NSView custom focus ring
- /MacCocoa/NSWindow HUD Test
- /MacCocoa/NSWindow HUD with RB window
- /MacCocoa/NSWindow transparent
- /MacCocoa/NSWindowDelegateMBS test
- /MacCocoa/NSWorkSpace DropFile to see icon parts
- /MacCocoa/NSWorkSpace Icon Images
- /MacCocoa/NSWorkSpace Notifications
- /MacCocoa/Popupmenu Icons for Cocoa
- /MacCocoa/Print RTF via NSGraphics
- /MacCocoa/Printing/NSPrintOperation
- /MacCocoa/Printing/Print to PDF
- /MacCocoa/Printing/Printer Selection in Cocoa
- /MacCocoa/Process Activity
- /MacCocoa/readToEndOfFileInBackgroundAndNotify Test
- /MacCocoa/RTF Printing
- /MacCocoa/Save and restore State 2
- /MacCocoa/SelTextBackColor
- /MacCocoa/Service in Cocoa/TestService
- /MacCocoa/SetFrame Animated
- /MacCocoa/SFPasswordAssistantMBS
- /MacCocoa/Shadow Test
- /MacCocoa/Slide Views Animation
- /MacCocoa/Speech/NSSpeechRecognizer
- /MacCocoa/Speech/NSSpeechSynthesizer
- /MacCocoa/Speech/NSSpeechSynthesizer Progress
- /MacCocoa/Spellcheck/NSSpellChecker Grammar
- /MacCocoa/Spellcheck/SpellCheck like TextEdit
- /MacCocoa/Spellcheck/SpellCheck RB
- /MacCocoa/Text in titlebar
- /MacCocoa/Text List
- /MacCocoa/TextHeight calculation
- /MacCocoa/Timer Benchmark
- /MacCocoa/Unified Bars Example
- /MacCocoa/utility window style
- /MacCocoa/View in Titlebar
- /MacCocoa/Window Colorspace
- /MacCocoa/Window titleVisibility
This plugin needs other plugins installed:
Blog Entries
- News from the MBS Xojo Plugins Version 23.4
- MonkeyBread Software Releases the MBS Xojo Plugins in version 22.1
- Data Detectors for Xojo
- Tip fo the day: Print to PDF for WebView
- IconFamilyMBS class deprecated
- Line Wrap for Textarea in Xojo Mac applications
- MBS Xojo / Real Studio plug-ins in version 14.2
- Reducing app size with #if
- Using NSTextViewMBS
- MBS REALbasic plug-in 9.6
- MBS Xojo Plugins 21.1
- XDC Anywhere - MBS Xojo Plugins
- Presentation from Xojo Developer Conference 2019 in Miami.
- MBS Xojo Videos - MBS Xojo Plugin, June 2021 News
Xojo Developer Magazine
- 6.6, page 8: News
- 5.6, pages 31 to 33: Third Party Plugins: Statusitems, Getting an icon in the top right of the Mac OS X menubar by Christian Schmitz
- 22.4, page 9: News
- 22.2, page 9: News
- 20.3, page 10: News
- 17.5, page 9: News
- 17.5, page 10: News
- 17.3, page 11: News
- 15.6, page 9: News
- 12.1, page 9: News
The documentation for MBS MacControls Plugin:
show all functions and classes in this plugin.
- NSTokenField
- CustomNSView
- NSScrollView
- NSTableView
- ABAddressbookControls
- NSBox
- NSDatePicker
- NSImageView
- NSButton
- NSToolbar
- DiscRecording
- QuartzFilter
- NSHTTPCookie
- QCView
- CanvasGestures
- NSDragPatch
- NSCollectionView
Examples for this plugin:
- /MacControls/Autohide Scrollbar for TextArea
- /MacControls/Cocoa Controls
- /MacControls/ContainerControl List
- /MacControls/Custom NSView Drag
- /MacControls/Custom NSView Drop
- /MacControls/Custom NSView without CocoaControl
- /MacControls/CustomNSView to capture gestures
- /MacControls/DatePicker
- /MacControls/DatePicker control
- /MacControls/Draw full red on screen
- /MacControls/Gestures/Canvas Gestures
- /MacControls/Gestures/DesktopCanvas Gestures
- /MacControls/HUDPopupMenu
- /MacControls/Label with Color
- /MacControls/Line wrap in TextArea
- /MacControls/Listbox and TableView Demos/ListboxTV drop-in/Flat Only/ListBoxTV Database with DataSource
- /MacControls/Listbox and TableView Demos/ListboxTV drop-in/Flat Only/ListBoxTV Simple Demo with DataSource
- /MacControls/Listbox and TableView Demos/ListboxTV drop-in/Flat Only/ListBoxTV TableView
- /MacControls/Listbox and TableView Demos/ListboxTV drop-in/Flat Only/ListboxTV with ContainerControl Cells
- /MacControls/Listbox and TableView Demos/ListboxTV drop-in/Hierarchical & Flat/ListBoxTV OutlineView
- /MacControls/Listbox and TableView Demos/NSOutlineView/Disk Browser
- /MacControls/Listbox and TableView Demos/NSOutlineView/OutlineControl
- /MacControls/Listbox Row Colors
- /MacControls/NSButton
- /MacControls/NSButton Control Array
- /MacControls/NSButtonControl tests/NSButtonControl1
- /MacControls/NSButtonControl tests/NSButtonControl2
- /MacControls/NSCollectionView Test
- /MacControls/NSPathControl
- /MacControls/NSPathControl control
- /MacControls/NSPrintOperation HTMLViewer
- /MacControls/NSSegmentedControl
- /MacControls/NSSegmentedControl control
- /MacControls/NSSplitView
- /MacControls/NSTextField Focus on KeyDown
- /MacControls/NSTextFinder and find bar
- /MacControls/NSTextView Selection
- /MacControls/NSTextView show invisible characters
- /MacControls/NSTextView Unlimited Tab
- /MacControls/Outline View Test
- /MacControls/PeoplePickerView
- /MacControls/Popover/Popover detachableWindowForPopover example
- /MacControls/Popover/Popover window
- /MacControls/PopupMenu in Cocoa
- /MacControls/Popupmenu Retina Icons
- /MacControls/Quartz Composer Control/QCView
- /MacControls/Quartz Composer Control/QCView Movie
- /MacControls/Quartz Composer Control/QCViewControl
- /MacControls/Search Field/CustomSearchField with menu
- /MacControls/Search Field/NSSearchField control
- /MacControls/Search Field/NSSearchFieldControl test
- /MacControls/Search Field/SearchField with menu
- /MacControls/TableControl
- /MacControls/TabPanel Enable
- /MacControls/TextArea Background Color
- /MacControls/Textarea Transparency
- /MacControls/TextArea with Link
- /MacControls/TextEdit MBS
- /MacControls/TextView advanced
- /MacControls/TextView with FindPanel
- /MacControls/TokenField/NSTokenFieldControl
- /MacControls/TokenField/TokenField with data class
- /MacControls/Toolbar/Toolbar add textfield
- /MacControls/Toolbar/Toolbar buttons/Toolbar buttons
- /MacControls/Toolbar/Toolbar customized
- /MacControls/Toolbar/Toolbar with retina Icons
- /MacControls/Tooltip
- /MacControls/TransparentTextFields
- /MacControls/Use Scrollview with ContainerControl
This plugin needs other plugins installed:
Blog Entries
- MonkeyBread Software Releases the MBS Xojo Plugins in version 24.5
- MonkeyBread Software Releases the MBS Xojo Plugins in version 22.1
- Saying goodbye to AddressBook framework
- Video about MBS Xojo Plugins 21.1
- NSCollectionView for Xojo
- Line Wrap for Textarea in Xojo Mac applications
- Cookies in HTMLViewer
- MonkeyBread Software Releases the MBS Xojo / Real Studio plug-ins in version 15.0
- Lion features for Real Studio
- MBS Plugins 11.1 Release notes
- MBS Xojo Plugins 21.1
- Presentation from Munich conference about MBS Plugins.
- Presentation from London conference about MBS Plugins.
- Presentation from Xojo Developer Conference 2019 in Miami.
Xojo Developer Magazine
- 7.6, page 8: News
- 6.1, page 47: Finding Work, How to Find Work as a REALbasic Developer
- 23.1, page 10
- 20.3, page 10: News
- 19.6, page 10: News
- 19.5, page 9: News
- 17.5, page 40: What's New in the MBS Plugins, With the Plugins growing every year, here are new capabilities you may have missed by Stefanie Juchmes
- 15.3, page 10: News
- 14.4, pages 27 to 29: NSTabula Rasa, What to do when your new sports car arrives in parts by Ulrich Bogun
- 13.2, page 8: News
The documentation for MBS MacBase Plugin:
show all functions and classes in this plugin.
Examples for this plugin:
- /MacBase/ConvertToSRGB
- /MacBase/Custom NSWindows/NSWindow like AppStore/AppStore NSWindow
- /MacBase/Custom NSWindows/NSWindow with Pattern/Pattern NSWindow
- /MacBase/Menus/Cocoa Menu Modification
- /MacBase/Menus/MacSonomaMenu
- /MacBase/Menus/Menu Test
- /MacBase/Menus/NSMenuPopupEvents
- /MacBase/NSAttributedString document attributes
- /MacBase/NSColor Matching
- /MacBase/NSColorSampler
- /MacBase/NSDictionary Conversion Test
- /MacBase/NSFileHandle async reading
- /MacBase/NSFont fonts
- /MacBase/NSGraphicsMBS draw to view
- /MacBase/NSImage Console
- /MacBase/NSImage Console with Mask
- /MacBase/NSImage GUI
- /MacBase/NSImage GUI with Mask
- /MacBase/NSProcessInfo Notifications
- /MacBase/NSProgressIndicator with filter
- /MacBase/NSScreen
- /MacBase/NSURL async icon loading
- /MacBase/NSURL Volume Details
- /MacBase/NSURLConnection test
- /MacBase/NSURLDownload/NSURLDownload Example
- /MacBase/NSURLDownload/NSURLDownload test
This plugin needs other plugins installed:
Blog Entries
- News from the MBS Xojo Plugins Version 24.1
- More Menubar options in macOS Sonoma
- MonkeyBread Software Releases the MBS Xojo Plugins in version 22.5
- MonkeyBread Software Releases the MBS Xojo Plugins in version 22.0
- MBS Releases the MBS Xojo / Real Studio plug-ins in version 16.4
- Tip of the day: Windows Notifications
- Multithreaded plugin functions can increase speed of Real Studio application
- Important note for Webkit enabled applications in the Mac App Store
- Notes from the last days
- Nearly 2000 new Functions in the 9.6 prerelease of MBS
- Presentation from Munich conference about MBS Plugins.
- Presentation from Xojo Developer Conference 2019 in Miami.
- Apple MapView In Xojo
Xojo Developer Magazine
- 5.6, pages 32 to 33: Third Party Plugins: Statusitems, Getting an icon in the top right of the Mac OS X menubar by Christian Schmitz
- 20.3, page 10: News
- 19.6, page 50: Rotating Christmas Tree, Using the MBS Plugins to create an animated 3D Christmas tree by Stefanie Juchmes
- 19.6, page 10: News
- 19.5, page 9: News
- 18.6, page 73: MapKit Part 7, Implementing Maps in Xojo desktop apps with the MapKitMBS plugin by Markus Winter
- 18.2, pages 24 to 26: On the Scene Again (Part 2), Getting Started with SceneKit by Stefanie Juchmes
- 18.1, pages 35 to 37: On the Scene, Getting Started with SceneKit by Stefanie Juchmes
- 16.5, page 9: News
- 12.4, page 31: Writing OS X Apps for Game Center, Getting started by authenticating the local player with the Game Center Sandbox testing facility by Tom Baumgartner
Content of MacCocoa Plugin, MacBase Plugin and MacControls Plugin.